1. Oh, for God's sake,
what was that?
Copy !req
2. Wherever you are,
whatever you've done,
Copy !req
3. don't think I won't find you.
Copy !req
4. We're so glad Francis decided
to come down for a visit.
Copy !req
5. It's been so long
since we've seen him.
Copy !req
6. And you tagging along
is an added bonus.
Copy !req
7. Well, making you happy
makes me happy.
Copy !req
8. You know, I don't
think that nursery
Copy !req
9. would ever get done
without Francis' help.
Copy !req
10. Hal has this thing
about heights.
Copy !req
11. I can't reach it.
Copy !req
12. Dad, you have to come up
another rung.
Copy !req
13. My ears are popping!
Copy !req
14. So my doctor said
I only have to wear
Copy !req
15. these special shoes
for two more years.
Copy !req
16. Then I'm down to
nights and weekends.
Copy !req
17. Great Scott!
You got a letter
Copy !req
18. from Martindale Academy!
Copy !req
19. What's Martindale Academy?
Copy !req
20. It's the greatest,
Copy !req
21. most advanced private
school in existence.
Copy !req
22. Do you know how many
millions they've spent
Copy !req
23. to make sure you've
never heard about it?
Copy !req
24. It says I've been accepted.
Copy !req
25. I didn't even apply.
Copy !req
26. No one applies. They find you.
Copy !req
27. This is
Copy !req
28. Malcolm, you're going
to the show.
Copy !req
29. You're set for life!
Copy !req
30. Wait, what am I thinking?
Copy !req
31. You can't go.
You're too poor.
Copy !req
32. You're like the
poorest guy I know.
Copy !req
33. Oh, I'm such a jerk!
Copy !req
34. Here I am, describing
this nirvana
Copy !req
35. you'll never be
able to experience.
Copy !req
36. Holding out this hope
of power and success
Copy !req
37. to a guy in
a three-dollar shirt.
Copy !req
38. I mean, look at this hovel!
Copy !req
39. Lloyd, you have to stop talking.
Copy !req
40. It's okay to cry, Malcolm.
Copy !req
41. Tears are free.
Copy !req
42. Okay, everybody.
Copy !req
43. Just got back
from the doctor
Copy !req
44. and everything's fine,
Copy !req
45. but baby's a little bit
bigger than expected.
Copy !req
46. So, instead of having
the baby in two weeks
Copy !req
47. like we thought, we're going
Copy !req
48. to induce labor
on Thursday.
Copy !req
49. Thursday?
Copy !req
50. This Thursday?
Copy !req
51. You can't do that!
Copy !req
52. Oh, what difference
does it make?
Copy !req
53. It's just six days sooner
that our lives are over.
Copy !req
54. Hal.
Copy !req
55. And... our new,
more fulfilling lives begin.
Copy !req
56. This stinks.
Copy !req
57. I know this is being
Copy !req
58. sprung on you very suddenly,
Copy !req
59. and you all have a right
to be a little upset.
Copy !req
60. A little? Don't push it.
Copy !req
61. Hal, you know what?
I've got an idea.
Copy !req
62. Why don't you
take the boys
Copy !req
63. out tomorrow and
do something fun?
Copy !req
64. I could use the time
alone anyway
Copy !req
65. to straighten up the house
before the baby comes.
Copy !req
66. I can help
you clean.
Copy !req
67. Well, that'll take
a little longer,
Copy !req
68. but I guess I could
use the company.
Copy !req
69. Hey, there's a car show
Copy !req
70. at the convention center.
Copy !req
71. Yeah, let's spend the whole day
Copy !req
72. looking at cool things
that we'll never get to own.
Copy !req
73. Oh, come on, Malcolm, if we only
looked at stuff we could afford,
Copy !req
74. all we'd ever
see is crap.
Copy !req
75. Don't be a party pooper.
Copy !req
76. It'll be great.
Copy !req
77. "Festival of Brides"?
Copy !req
78. That's the lamest
name for a car show
I've ever heard.
Copy !req
79. No, the car show
was here last week.
Copy !req
80. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
81. No. I just dropped 15 bucks
on parking.
Copy !req
82. We're going in.
Copy !req
83. I know it's your fifth child,
Copy !req
84. but still, you must be
a little excited.
Copy !req
85. Well, sure, every
child is exciting.
Copy !req
86. Not that you want to rush
into something like that.
Copy !req
87. Oh!
Copy !req
88. Wow.
Copy !req
89. You okay?
Copy !req
90. The baby just started
kicking like crazy.
Copy !req
91. It's almost
like something
was upsetting...
Copy !req
92. Mom!
Copy !req
93. Are you going to open the door
Copy !req
94. or should I lie down
in the grass and feed the worms?
Copy !req
95. Oh, great.
Copy !req
96. Who opened the gates of hell?
Copy !req
97. Mom? This is a surprise.
Copy !req
98. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
99. I'm moving in.
Copy !req
100. What do you mean
you're moving in?
Copy !req
101. You are family, you
will take care of me.
Copy !req
102. This is ridiculous.
Copy !req
103. You have a condo.
Copy !req
104. It's nicer than this house.
Copy !req
105. It burned down.
Copy !req
106. Mother, you
can't just...
Copy !req
107. How did your house burn down?
Copy !req
108. It was the villagers,
wasn't it?
Copy !req
109. It's a mystery.
Copy !req
110. Why don't you go stay
at Susan's?
Copy !req
111. She has four extra bedrooms
and a satellite dish.
Copy !req
112. Your sister should stick
her head in a can of beans!
Copy !req
113. What?
Copy !req
114. She's always been your favorite.
Copy !req
115. She's the only one you called
when Dad died.
Copy !req
116. She isn't my favorite anymore!
Copy !req
117. She called me bitter!
Copy !req
118. Then she hung up on me.
Copy !req
119. On me!
Copy !req
120. Or maybe I hung up on her.
Copy !req
121. Who remembers?
Copy !req
122. Either way,
she should rot in hell.
Copy !req
123. Mother, we can't afford
to put you up here.
Copy !req
124. You can afford a maid.
Copy !req
125. I'm not the maid, Ida.
Copy !req
126. My name is Piama.
Copy !req
127. I'm married to Francis.
Copy !req
128. Tell the help
not to talk to me.
Copy !req
129. I know I haven't
been everywhere,
Copy !req
130. but I'm pretty sure
Copy !req
131. this is the most
boring place on Earth.
Copy !req
132. What are you talking about,
Copy !req
133. Do you know
what kind of craftsmanship
Copy !req
134. goes into these lace veils? Huh?
Copy !req
135. So, uh, Dad, I
was wondering,
Copy !req
136. do you have any kind
of savings put away?
Copy !req
137. Ooh, I'll have to tell
your mother that one.
Copy !req
138. No, I'm serious.
Copy !req
139. What if something came up?
Copy !req
140. Like a big, unexpected expense?
Copy !req
141. Are you prepared
for something like that?
Copy !req
142. Don't worry
about that stuff, son.
Copy !req
143. Things have a way
of taking care of themselves.
Copy !req
144. But...
Come on.
Copy !req
145. You boys are young.
You're at a bridal expo.
Copy !req
146. You should be having
the time of your lives.
Copy !req
147. Dewey?
Copy !req
148. Dewey?
Copy !req
149. What are those wires for?
Copy !req
150. You see that big spotlight
up there?
Copy !req
151. I'm in charge
of that puppy.
Copy !req
152. You like it?
Copy !req
153. I really do.
Copy !req
154. I'd like to tell you
a little story.
Copy !req
155. Are you going to let her
Copy !req
156. get away with this?
Copy !req
157. You are, aren't you?
Copy !req
158. She's my mother.
Copy !req
159. You know the way I am
around her.
Copy !req
160. Okay, if that's what you want.
Copy !req
161. That woman being one of
Copy !req
162. the first people
your new baby sees
Copy !req
163. when it comes
into this world.
Copy !req
164. Smiling down at it,
Copy !req
165. cradling it in her arms.
Copy !req
166. You're right.
She's got to go.
Copy !req
167. Mom.
Copy !req
168. There's something important
that I have to tell you.
Copy !req
169. What is it?
Copy !req
170. You are a horrible mother!
Copy !req
171. You've always been
a horrible mother!
Copy !req
172. My whole childhood
Copy !req
173. you'd bully me and ignore me
Copy !req
174. and trivialize
my feelings
Copy !req
175. and do nothing
but heap praise
Copy !req
176. on my sister until I felt like
I was worthless in comparison!
Copy !req
177. Well, now she's worthless.
Copy !req
178. I've got a right
to change my mind.
Copy !req
179. But just because your sister
disgusts me more than you do
Copy !req
180. doesn't give you the right
to talk to me like this!
Copy !req
181. I will talk to you any damn way
I want, you hateful old woman!
Copy !req
182. You are leaving!
Copy !req
183. Wow! I don't know how
Copy !req
184. I finally summoned the
strength to do that,
Copy !req
185. but it feels great!
Copy !req
186. Now I'm not asking you,
I'm telling you!
Copy !req
187. Get out of my house!
Copy !req
188. No.
Copy !req
189. What?
Copy !req
190. You heard me.
I said "no."
Copy !req
191. What do you mean, "no"?
Copy !req
192. You don't have any choice.
Copy !req
193. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
194. Pick me up and throw me out?
Copy !req
195. Are you going to toss an old
woman out into the street?
Copy !req
196. In front of your neighbors?
Copy !req
197. Sounds good to me.
Copy !req
198. Whoa!
You brought this
on yourself,
Copy !req
199. you old monster.
Copy !req
200. You have no idea
how good this makes me...
Copy !req
201. Attention, ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
202. It's your "clucky" day.
Copy !req
203. Chicken dance lessons are being
given every ten minutes
Copy !req
204. at the Fielding Dance Academy
Copy !req
205. Excuse me.
Copy !req
206. Can I talk to you
for a second?
Copy !req
207. Hey, can you get me a piece
with a flower?
Copy !req
208. I'm talking
to an actual customer right now.
Copy !req
209. I'm a customer.
Copy !req
210. Yeah?
Are you getting married?
Copy !req
211. Why, does somebody like me?
Copy !req
212. Hey, what are you,
about five-seven? Yeah.
Copy !req
213. Perfect. I own a tux shop.
Copy !req
214. One of my models
didn't show up.
Copy !req
215. I'll give you 20 bucks
if you walk around
Copy !req
216. the floor in a tux
and pass out my card.Buzz off.
Copy !req
217. 20 bucks?
He'll do it.
Copy !req
218. Need anybody in my size?
Copy !req
219. It's very simple.
Copy !req
220. You just walk up to somebody,
get down on one knee,
Copy !req
221. hand them one of my cards
and say,
Copy !req
222. "I propose that you get your
tuxedo from Wojodubakowski's."
Copy !req
223. No problem.
Copy !req
224. I think the accordion is
really underrated.
Copy !req
225. Yes! Yes, it is!
Copy !req
226. What are you doing today
at 3:16?
Copy !req
227. Hey, sir, how
about some cake?
Copy !req
228. Sure.
Copy !req
229. Can I have a piece
with the flower?
Copy !req
230. No. You get one with a flower
and a little lemon bee on it.
Copy !req
231. Mom, wake up.
Copy !req
232. Take the children.
Copy !req
233. Just let me live.
Copy !req
234. Remember, I didn't want
to do this.
Copy !req
235. Do what?
Copy !req
236. That's the police. You see
what you've driven me to?
Copy !req
237. I've actually
called the police
on my own mother.
Copy !req
238. They're here
to cart you away.
Copy !req
239. How could you do this to me?
Copy !req
240. After everything I've done
for you?
Copy !req
241. We're family, for God's sake!
Copy !req
242. Good. You're here.
Copy !req
243. That's them.
Get 'em out of here.
Copy !req
244. What?
Copy !req
245. They've been
stealing from me.
Copy !req
246. I want them out
of my house.
Copy !req
247. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
248. No, this is my house!
Copy !req
249. Folks, let's just slow down.
Copy !req
250. I have the deed. It's in
the safety deposit box
Copy !req
251. at the Valley Federal Bank.
Copy !req
252. Number 24866.
You can check.
Copy !req
253. No! I have the deed!
Copy !req
254. It's, uh, yeah, uh...
Copy !req
255. It's in a shoe box.
Copy !req
256. It's under-under my bed...
Copy !req
257. Well, I don't know where it is,
but this is my house!
Copy !req
258. You devious,
ungrateful girl!
Copy !req
259. She's done
nothing but lie
Copy !req
260. since the day
I took her in.
Copy !req
261. And her big boyfriend
Copy !req
262. thinks he's
so tough.
Copy !req
263. How tough is it
to hit an old woman.
Copy !req
264. You... dirty old...!
Copy !req
265. This is what she does.
Copy !req
266. You have to stop her.
Copy !req
267. You have to stop her!
Copy !req
268. As I was saying,
she is a very clever woman,
Copy !req
269. and if you knew her as I do,
Copy !req
270. you too would be suspicious
of her story.
Copy !req
271. And on Monday,
when the bank opens,
Copy !req
272. whoever actually has the deed
can go get it.
Copy !req
273. Then you apply
for a court order
Copy !req
274. and the whole thing
should be straightened out
Copy !req
275. in six to eight months.
Copy !req
276. You can get
up now, sir.
Copy !req
277. And if you hurt
a single hair
Copy !req
278. on that old lady's
head, I'll be back.
Copy !req
279. Off duty.
Copy !req
280. Pass the rolls.
Copy !req
281. You think that bothers me?
Copy !req
282. Guess why your soup
tasted different
Copy !req
283. when you came back
from bathroom.
Copy !req
284. Ugh.
Copy !req
285. There has to
be some way to
get rid of her.
Copy !req
286. Well, we know
she doesn't burn.
Copy !req
287. Let's just face it.
We're stuck with her.
Copy !req
288. You can't give up.
Copy !req
289. You can
totally do this.
Copy !req
290. I'm sorry.
I just don't know what to do.
Copy !req
291. She's too powerful.
Copy !req
292. Every monster
has its weakness.
Copy !req
293. Frankenstein has fire.
Copy !req
294. Dracula, the cross.
Copy !req
295. There has to be something
that Grandma's afraid of.
Copy !req
296. So, what would you like me
to do for you?
Copy !req
297. Well, it's, uh...
Copy !req
298. It's kind of hard
to say,
Copy !req
299. Abe, um...
Copy !req
300. It-it has to do
with my mother.
Copy !req
301. Oh, I know about mothers.
Every time
Copy !req
302. mine comes over
to Sunday dinner,
Copy !req
303. she always brings that pecan pie
Copy !req
304. with real whipped cream.
Copy !req
305. And she knows
that's my one weakness.
Copy !req
306. Our grandma's kind of like that.
Copy !req
307. Except she's a wrinkled sack
of hatred
Copy !req
308. kept alive only by the will
to destroy.
Copy !req
309. We just want her
out of the house,
Copy !req
310. and she refuses to leave.
Copy !req
311. And I have this idea.
Copy !req
312. You see,
Copy !req
313. she's a horrible bigot.
Copy !req
314. I mean, she's
Copy !req
315. terrified of...
Copy !req
316. black people.
Copy !req
317. Oh.
Copy !req
318. What do you want me to...?
Copy !req
319. Oh. Oh-oh, I see.
Copy !req
320. B-Because I'm...
Copy !req
321. Well, you want me to...
Copy !req
322. Well, I-I suppose I...
Copy !req
323. Really?
Copy !req
324. I'd do it, but I'm
not dark enough.
Copy !req
325. I just annoy her.
Copy !req
326. And then Isaid,
Copy !req
327. "Orange you glad
I didn't say 'banana'?"
Copy !req
328. Hey.
Copy !req
329. I found these
in the trash.
Copy !req
330. Can we discuss this later?
Copy !req
331. I'm with friends.
Copy !req
332. Give me the tux.
Copy !req
333. What?
Copy !req
334. Thank you.
Copy !req
335. I like this tux.
It's mine.
Copy !req
336. It's not yours. Now give it
back, or I'll call security.
Copy !req
337. Hey, I'm over there!
Copy !req
338. Hey... you...
Copy !req
339. Hey!
Copy !req
340. Tell me which
one you like.
Copy !req
341. And be honest.
Copy !req
342. Dad, I just want to know.
Copy !req
343. Do you have any kind
of financial plan at all?
Copy !req
344. Any plan
about anything?
Copy !req
345. Malcolm, I'm telling
you for the last time,
Copy !req
346. stop worrying
about money.
Copy !req
347. Hey, I do your taxes.
I know what you and Mom make.
Copy !req
348. I know how much you're spending,
Copy !req
349. and I have a pretty good idea
what it costs to have a baby.
Copy !req
350. You guys are going to
be at least 70 bucks
Copy !req
351. in the hole
every month.
Copy !req
352. By the time the baby
starts school,
Copy !req
353. you're going to be $18,000
in debt,
Copy !req
354. and that's where
they'll cut you off.
Copy !req
355. You're going to be bankrupt
and ruined.
Copy !req
356. Something will come up.
Copy !req
357. You can't keep saying that.
Copy !req
358. Fine. I'm a failure
as a father.
Copy !req
359. I'm a terrible provider.
Copy !req
360. Is that what you want to hear?
Copy !req
361. No.
Copy !req
362. But I have a way to fix it.
Copy !req
363. What's this?
Copy !req
364. It's from the Martindale
Copy !req
365. It's this amazing prep school...
Copy !req
366. but it's in London.
Copy !req
367. They're offering me
a complete scholarship.
Copy !req
368. Tuition, housing,
Copy !req
369. everything.
Copy !req
370. If I'm not home...
Copy !req
371. you just might make it.
Copy !req
372. I'm totally willing to do it.
Copy !req
373. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
374. You don't get to leave.
Copy !req
375. But you... Malcolm, you're our only hope.
Copy !req
376. Hold this. Sure.
Copy !req
377. Now let me explain
something to you.
Copy !req
378. Whenever your mother or I say
Copy !req
379. "Something will come up"
or "Things will work out,"
Copy !req
380. that is our code for "Malcolm
will think of something."
Copy !req
381. But... We need you.
Copy !req
382. The family is only a family
Copy !req
383. as long as we all
stick together.
Copy !req
384. Where's Dewey?
Copy !req
385. Ladies and gentlemen,
if you'll please
Copy !req
386. turn your attention
to the man with the balloon,
Copy !req
387. and listen to the following
Copy !req
388. heart-wrenching story.
Copy !req
389. Hello. My name is Dewey.
Copy !req
390. And the man with the balloon
is my father, Hal.
Copy !req
391. Dewey?
Copy !req
392. Where are you?
Copy !req
393. See,
Copy !req
394. I'm the youngest
of four kids,
Copy !req
395. and I always get
the short end
of everything.
Copy !req
396. I've never had a hot shower
or a bed to myself.
Copy !req
397. I'm the third person
to wear this underwear.
Copy !req
398. And yet, I've
never complained.
Copy !req
399. Dewey, what is this about?
Copy !req
400. Even when my parents decided
to have another baby.
Copy !req
401. I was happy to share
Copy !req
402. what little I have.
Copy !req
403. And then they told me
they're inducing labor.
Copy !req
404. And they picked a really
interesting day to do it.
Copy !req
405. Do you remember what day
you picked, Dad?
Copy !req
406. Dewey!
Copy !req
407. What day did you pick, Dad?
Copy !req
408. It's Thursday.
Copy !req
409. Just come down from...
wherever you are.
Copy !req
410. Of all the days
you could have picked,
Copy !req
411. you chose
this Thursday.
Copy !req
412. Anything interesting
about Thursday, Dad?
Copy !req
413. Will you stop this?
Copy !req
414. Anything at all
you can think of
Copy !req
415. that might be happening
this Thursday?
Copy !req
416. Okay, Dewey, what is
the big deal about Thursday?
Copy !req
417. It's my birthday.
Copy !req
418. It is not your...
Copy !req
419. Oh, God!
Copy !req
420. Well, ladies
and gentleman...
Copy !req
421. that's the story
of the little boy
Copy !req
422. who lost his birthday.
Copy !req
423. If you have any thoughts
or comments,
Copy !req
424. my dad would love to hear them.
Copy !req
425. This would be a good time
Copy !req
426. for one of those ideas
we were talking about.
Copy !req
427. I've got nothing.
Copy !req
428. Thank you so much
for coming over.
Copy !req
429. I know this is
a little weird.
Copy !req
430. Actually, I'm kind of excited.
Copy !req
431. This is kind of like
Copy !req
432. when I did Spoon River Anthology
in college.
Copy !req
433. Do we have
to hear that story again?
Copy !req
434. We sold out both shows.
Copy !req
435. Four pillows on one bed.
Copy !req
436. This is why
you can't feed your children.
Copy !req
437. Oh, hi, Mom.
Copy !req
438. I'd like you to meet
some of our friends.
Copy !req
439. This is Brian
and this is Abe.
Copy !req
440. Nice to meet you, ma'am.
Copy !req
441. If you'll
Copy !req
442. excuse me.
Copy !req
443. I need to use...
Copy !req
444. your toilet.
Copy !req
445. I've been telling Abe
Copy !req
446. all about you.
Copy !req
447. Welcome...
Copy !req
448. to da... hood... yo, yo.
Copy !req
449. Gettin' all jiggly with it.
Copy !req
450. Representin'.
Copy !req
451. Uh... uh...
Copy !req
452. Can't touch this.
Copy !req
453. Abe?
Copy !req
454. Chill.
Copy !req
455. Hello.
Copy !req
456. Everybody decent?
Copy !req
457. I used my spare key
to get in.
Copy !req
458. I hope you don't mind.
Copy !req
459. That's why you have it.
Copy !req
460. So you can come over
Copy !req
461. anytime you want.
Copy !req
462. Mom, these are our neighbors.
Copy !req
463. Steve lives next door.
Copy !req
464. Malik is on the other side.
Copy !req
465. And Trey lives
across the street.
Copy !req
466. Why, Lois, you make it sound
Copy !req
467. like you're...
Copy !req
468. Allow me.
Copy !req
469. Well, hello.
Copy !req
470. And who is this fine lady?
Copy !req
471. So what you doing
Copy !req
472. later on?
Copy !req
473. 'Cause I like that wagon
Copy !req
474. you draggin'.
Copy !req
475. Mom, where are you going?
Copy !req
476. I can't believe
you live like this.
Copy !req
477. I would rather sleep
in a bus station
Copy !req
478. or a Dumpster.
Copy !req
479. Well, there's
Copy !req
480. nothing I can do
to change your mind,
Copy !req
481. but I'm heartbroken.
Copy !req
482. You only just
got here. I...
Copy !req
483. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
484. Nothing.
Copy !req
485. Everything is perfectly fine.
Copy !req
486. Francis,
Copy !req
487. you have to listen
very carefully.
Copy !req
488. God, I'm having a contraction.
Copy !req
489. I'm going into labor. What?
Copy !req
490. I have to get
to the hospital,
Copy !req
491. and you have got to get your
grandmother out of here now.
Copy !req
492. Come on, Ida.
Let me help you.
Copy !req
493. Don't you have
rain dance to do?
Copy !req
494. Bye, Mom.
Copy !req
495. Great to see you.
Copy !req
496. Have a safe trip.
Copy !req
497. Don't forget to call us
whenever you get to...
Copy !req
498. wherever...
Copy !req
499. Maybe I'll stay
few more minutes.
Copy !req
500. Well, Dewey,
I hope you're happy.
Copy !req
501. I thought I would be,
but not thismuch.
Copy !req
502. Let's find Reese
and get out of here.
Copy !req
503. Why is my cell
phone off?
Copy !req
504. 68 messages?
Copy !req
505. The contraction started
Copy !req
506. at 3:27.
Copy !req
507. Oh, this one can tell time.
Copy !req
508. Hello.
Copy !req
509. Oh, hello, Hal.
Copy !req
510. Oh, no, I'm fine.
Copy !req
511. Now, honey,
Copy !req
512. I don't want you
to get too excited,
Copy !req
513. but I think you should
come home now,
Copy !req
514. because, I'm... well, I'm...
Copy !req
515. I'm having the baby.
Copy !req
516. What?
Copy !req
517. O... kay.
Copy !req
518. Well, just... stay calm, too.
Copy !req
519. Yeah, getting worked up
will only accelerate things.
Copy !req
520. Just relax.
Copy !req
521. Do your breathing.
Copy !req
522. Where the hell
is Reese? What's wrong?
Copy !req
523. Your mom is having the baby now.
Copy !req
524. See? Was that so hard?
Copy !req
525. Now, Hal, I don't want you
to panic.
Copy !req
526. You drive safely.
Copy !req
527. There's no reason to rush.
Copy !req
528. Rush? Come on.
You know me
better than that.
Copy !req
529. Find your brother!
Copy !req
530. So, I'm just going
to make myself some tea
Copy !req
531. and relax until you get here.
Copy !req
532. Good idea.
Copy !req
533. You know, chamomile
always relaxes me.
Copy !req
534. Reese! Damn it,
Reese, where are you?
Copy !req
535. I'm thinking
of taking Sixth Street home.
Copy !req
536. You want me to stop
and pick up some ice cream?
Copy !req
537. Reese! Where are you?
Copy !req
538. Over here.
Copy !req
539. I'm inside
the giant violin case.
Copy !req
540. Damn it!
Get him out of there.
Copy !req
541. So, is that a yes
on the ice cream?
Copy !req
542. No, I'm fine.
Copy !req
543. Just come on home... carefully.
Copy !req
544. Oh. Sure thing.
Copy !req
545. Honey, can you hold on a second?
Copy !req
546. Ow!
Copy !req
547. Hey, what are you doing?
Copy !req
548. Boys, run!
Copy !req
549. The boys send their love, too.
Copy !req
550. Hey! Hey, you
come back here!
Copy !req
551. Your kid ran off
with my $600 tuxedo!
Copy !req
552. So, we're just pulling out
of the garage right now.
Copy !req
553. Got it on the oldies station.
Copy !req
554. They're doing
a Beatles "A" to "Z."
Copy !req
555. Can you think of a Beatles song
that starts with "Z"?
Copy !req
556. 'Cause, frankly, I can't.
Copy !req
557. Hal...
Copy !req
558. You sound funny.
Is everything okay?
Copy !req
559. Yeah, just turning onto Maple.
Copy !req
560. Hey, the gas station
by the church
Copy !req
561. stopped selling diesel.
Copy !req
562. Ow!
Copy !req
563. Shotgun!
Copy !req
564. Wow, honey, you wouldn't believe
the huge pothole
Copy !req
565. we just went over.
Copy !req
566. Let's go, Dad!
Copy !req
567. Oh! I can't find the keys!
Copy !req
568. Keys?
Copy !req
569. Where the hell
are the keys?
Copy !req
570. I got 'em.
Copy !req
571. Now let's go!
Copy !req
572. Hal?
Copy !req
573. Honey, can I call you back?
Copy !req