1. Okay, I think I fixed the leak.
Copy !req
2. Let me just reattach this here.
Copy !req
3. Try it now.
Copy !req
4. Now there's hot water
coming out of both taps.
Copy !req
5. What?
Copy !req
6. Is that really so bad?
Copy !req
7. You always complain
there's not enough hot water.
Copy !req
8. It wouldn't kill you
to hire a professional
Copy !req
9. every once in a while.
Copy !req
10. It costs $70 just
to get them in the house.
Copy !req
11. Look, I know my work
isn't perfect,
Copy !req
12. but I am saving us
a ton of money,
Copy !req
13. and at least
the job gets done.
Copy !req
14. Now, if you'll excuse me,
there's someone at the door.
Copy !req
15. The tension is palpable
here at the 8,215th
Copy !req
16. Daily Shaving Olympics.
Copy !req
17. Hal has lost crucial seconds
in his lathering,
Copy !req
18. but he hopes to make it up
with his blade work.
Copy !req
19. This is for the gold.
Copy !req
20. Hal, boys, breakfast!
Copy !req
21. Bacon Day!
Copy !req
22. Dewey, don't be scared,
Copy !req
23. but there's a big spider
next to you.
Copy !req
24. Yeah, Dad. There's always
a spider on Bacon Day.
Copy !req
25. You know, I'm not
feeling that good.
Copy !req
26. I could give Dad
some of mine,
Copy !req
27. but that's not really
in the true spirit of Bacon Day.
Copy !req
28. Mom, my stomach hurts.
Copy !req
29. So does mine.
Copy !req
30. I'm not kidding,
it's really sore.
Copy !req
31. Ow! It hurts!
Copy !req
32. Shut up, Reese.
Copy !req
33. Mom...
I see spots!
Copy !req
34. Mommy!
Copy !req
35. All right, that's enough.
Copy !req
36. I don't care what test
you didn't study for
Copy !req
37. or what assignment
you didn't do,
Copy !req
38. you're going to school.
Copy !req
39. You know, now that
you mention it...
Copy !req
40. Everybody's going.
Copy !req
41. Sir, what are you doing?
Copy !req
42. Why are you taking
away our TV?
Copy !req
43. It's for your
own good, cadet.
Copy !req
44. But that is the only thing
that makes this place bearable.
Copy !req
45. Television rots
the mind, cadet.
Copy !req
46. How can you focus
on your studies
Copy !req
47. and improve
your character
Copy !req
48. if your brain is full of
your Morks and your Mindys?
Copy !req
49. Now you'll have time for
more worthwhile endeavors.
Copy !req
50. Write a letter. I'm sure
your parole officers
Copy !req
51. will appreciate
the personal touch.
Copy !req
52. Okay, that is ridiculous.
Copy !req
53. I mean, we should do something.
Copy !req
54. He's right.
Copy !req
55. Spangler doesn't get
to make arbitrary decisions
Copy !req
56. about our lives.
Copy !req
57. He can't tell us
where to go and what to do.
Copy !req
58. Oh, wait... he can.
Copy !req
59. Face it, Francis,
Copy !req
60. we're like prisoners
but without the rights.
Copy !req
61. Okay, so we're helpless.
Copy !req
62. But even helpless people
have options.
Copy !req
63. History is full of supposedly
powerless people
Copy !req
64. who found a way to stand up
to their oppressors.
Copy !req
65. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
66. Civil disobedience.
Copy !req
67. You know, like a hunger strike.
Copy !req
68. We could do that.
Copy !req
69. I mean, he doesn't want a bunch
of starving kids on his hands.
Copy !req
70. That would totally work.
Copy !req
71. I don't know.
Copy !req
72. Isn't that
a bit drastic?
Copy !req
73. Can't we wait till
after lunch?
Copy !req
74. What are we having?
Shepherd's pie.
Copy !req
75. The strike starts now!
Copy !req
76. Malcolm, why are you
walking like that?
Copy !req
77. My side still hurts.
Copy !req
78. But it's the weekend.
Copy !req
79. Okay, everybody get in the car.
Copy !req
80. We're going to the hospital.
Copy !req
81. Mom, why does that man
have a lightbulb stuck...
Copy !req
82. Dewey, get away from there.
Copy !req
83. Dad, you okay?
Copy !req
84. I'm fine, son.
Copy !req
85. Just not a big fan
of hospitals.
Copy !req
86. Oh, they can dress it up
with plants and pictures,
Copy !req
87. but let's face it, this
place is a slaughterhouse.
Copy !req
88. Hal...
Copy !req
89. Okay, we've run some tests.
Copy !req
90. His white count is 12.2,
Copy !req
91. and with these acute
abdominal pains,
Copy !req
92. I'm pretty sure we're
looking at appendicitis.
Copy !req
93. We'll hold him
Copy !req
94. for observation tonight,
Copy !req
95. and then tomorrow
he'll probably need surgery.
Copy !req
96. I'm having surgery?
Copy !req
97. There's nothing
to worry about, son.
Copy !req
98. You'll barely even have
a scar.
Copy !req
99. If you can just sign
these release forms,
Copy !req
100. we'll check him in.
Copy !req
101. They're going
to cut you open?
Copy !req
102. Like a trout.
Copy !req
103. Don't worry,
you won't feel a thing;
Copy !req
104. you'll be unconscious.
Copy !req
105. Not necessarily.
Copy !req
106. I saw this thing on TV
where this guy woke up
Copy !req
107. in the middle
of his operation
Copy !req
108. and could feel everything
they were doing,
Copy !req
109. but he was paralyzed
and couldn't even scream.
Copy !req
110. Reese, for the love of God,
stop talking.
Copy !req
111. Mom...
Honey, don't worry about it.
Copy !req
112. You're going to have
your own TV,
Copy !req
113. you're going to have
people to wait on you;
Copy !req
114. it's going to be
a lot better
Copy !req
115. than being at home.
Copy !req
116. Why do I have to stay
in the kids' ward?
Copy !req
117. I'm sorry, honey,
but you're six months too young
Copy !req
118. to have an adult room.
Copy !req
119. I hear if you're
really good,
Copy !req
120. they'll put apple juice
in your sippy cup.
Copy !req
121. Dad, do you want to
wait out in the car?
Copy !req
122. No. I'm okay.
Copy !req
123. I'm fine.
Copy !req
124. I'm on a beach.
Copy !req
125. There's the surf,
there's sand,
Copy !req
126. there's... needles.
Copy !req
127. There's the horrible choking
stench of hospital antiseptic.
Copy !req
128. Hal!
Copy !req
129. Coming.
Copy !req
130. I think I better take
your father home.
Copy !req
131. You'll be okay.
Copy !req
132. Hey, feel better, sport.
Copy !req
133. Reese, give
your brother a hug.
Copy !req
134. Aw, Mom.
Copy !req
135. Do it!
Copy !req
136. If you tell anyone
I hugged you,
Copy !req
137. I'll put you
right back in here.
Copy !req
138. Bye.
Copy !req
139. Why did she make him hug me?
Copy !req
140. Wait.
Why did she make him hug me?
Copy !req
141. Wow, it's sure quiet
without Malcolm here.
Copy !req
142. Poor little guy.
Copy !req
143. There's an extra pork chop.
Copy !req
144. Go ahead. I'm stuffed.
Copy !req
145. Me, too.
Copy !req
146. So am I.
Copy !req
147. I was just hoping someone
would fight me for it.
Copy !req
148. Hey, can we play
"March and Conquer"?
Copy !req
149. That game's no fun.
Copy !req
150. Malcolm always creams us
in, like, five minutes.
Copy !req
151. Yeah, can we?
Copy !req
152. I... don't know.
Copy !req
153. Please?
Copy !req
154. We need at least three people
or we can't play.
Copy !req
155. Oh, all right.
Copy !req
156. Okay, Lois,
Copy !req
157. let's see how well
you defend the Black Sea
Copy !req
158. without Bosporus
and the Dardanelles.
Copy !req
159. Yeah, yeah, just wait.
Copy !req
160. Wow, it's been an hour
and I'm still in the game.
Copy !req
161. I usually tip the board
over way before now.
Copy !req
162. Guess what?
Copy !req
163. We look just like
the family on the box.
Copy !req
164. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
165. Can I be the little girl?
Copy !req
166. Not on my watch, son.
Copy !req
167. You want to play
"Go Fish"?
Copy !req
168. No. I didn't want to
play five minutes ago.
Copy !req
169. I didn't want to play
an hour ago.
Copy !req
170. I don't want to play!
Copy !req
171. You got any fives?
Copy !req
172. And this is our
inflamed appendix.
Copy !req
173. The patient arrived today
Copy !req
174. of abdominal pain
in the right lower quadrant.
Copy !req
175. Ow!
Copy !req
176. We're going to have
to start him on an I.V.
Copy !req
177. Cathryn?
Copy !req
178. Oh, God.
Copy !req
179. Not me again.
Copy !req
180. Please!
Copy !req
181. It'll be fine
this time, Cathryn.
Copy !req
182. Accidents happen.
Copy !req
183. Can maybe someone else...
Helmut will hold him still.
Copy !req
184. If you feel pain,
Copy !req
185. you can bite down on his hand
just as hard as you want.
Copy !req
186. Helmut won't mind.
Copy !req
187. How long has it been
since we ate?
Copy !req
188. 33 hours, 12 minutes.
Copy !req
189. Oh, man, they're serving
dinner right now.
Copy !req
190. Ten-hut!
Copy !req
191. I found myself eating
the last several meals alone.
Copy !req
192. Are we dieting?
Copy !req
193. Don't tell me
it's prom season already.
Copy !req
194. We're on a hunger strike, sir.
Copy !req
195. We're not eating until
you return the television.
Copy !req
196. Ah... passive resistance.
Copy !req
197. The last resort
of slackers and sissies.
Copy !req
198. What about Gandhi?
Copy !req
199. Sissy.
Copy !req
200. We're making a stand here, sir.
Copy !req
201. We will not back down
until we get justice.
Copy !req
202. Now let me see
if I've got this straight.
Copy !req
203. I get to continue to eat,
but you don't.
Copy !req
204. Ooh, I feel
the pressure already.
Copy !req
205. Ow, make it stop.
Copy !req
206. Go, Mom! Nice!
Copy !req
207. Go, Mom!
Copy !req
208. Okay, you can do this
the easy way
Copy !req
209. and surrender with dignity,
Copy !req
210. or I can destroy you.
Copy !req
211. You forget,
I still have Antarctica,
Copy !req
212. gateway to New Zealand.
Copy !req
213. You got nothing.
Copy !req
214. Any roll
other than three,
Copy !req
215. and the world is mine.
Copy !req
216. Three, three, three.
Copy !req
217. Three.
Copy !req
218. Yeah!
Copy !req
219. Oh, sorry, honey,
you tried really hard.
Copy !req
220. And for a while there, I thought
you might actually be...
Copy !req
221. Rematch.
Copy !req
222. All right.
Copy !req
223. Hal, it's after
Copy !req
224. Set up the board.
Copy !req
225. I'll do it.
Copy !req
226. Here he is.
Copy !req
227. What?
Copy !req
228. You just keep quiet.
You're in good hands.
Copy !req
229. This is to keep
your head still
Copy !req
230. so Mr. Laser
can do his job.
Copy !req
231. Huh?
Copy !req
232. Psst.
Copy !req
233. Shh.
Copy !req
234. Oh, I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
They made me use a bedpan
Copy !req
235. even though I could walk.
Copy !req
236. They turned off the lights at
6:30 so I couldn't even read.
Copy !req
237. And last night, some man
put a metal cage on my head.
Copy !req
238. They were going to operate
on my brain.
Copy !req
239. Bedpan.
Copy !req
240. Sweetie, I'm sure
Copy !req
241. it was just a bad dream.
Copy !req
242. Besides, I'm feeling
a lot better now.
Copy !req
243. I don't even think
I need surgery.
Copy !req
244. It's okay. Surgery makes
everybody a little scared.
Copy !req
245. Trust me, this is going
to be over before you know it.
Copy !req
246. Between
the stench of disease
Copy !req
247. and all those waffles,
I don't feel very well.
Copy !req
248. What waffles?
Copy !req
249. Oh, man, you missed it.
Copy !req
250. We went to Pancake Pete's.
Copy !req
251. We never go out to breakfast.
Copy !req
252. Well, we stayed up late
playing March and Conquer,
Copy !req
253. and your mother was
too tired to cook.
Copy !req
254. You guys played
March and Conquer without me?
Copy !req
255. Oh, Malcolm, you didn't
miss anything last night.
Copy !req
256. These guys
are a bunch of pushovers.
Copy !req
257. Pushovers? I held
Kamchatka for three hours.
Copy !req
258. Look, we're going to take
the boys home,
Copy !req
259. and then your dad and I
will be back
Copy !req
260. in time for your operation,
Copy !req
261. Dewey, you're
wearing my shirt.
Copy !req
262. Am I?
Copy !req
263. I'm so hungry.
Copy !req
264. I think
we proved our point.
Copy !req
265. Guys, this hunger strike will
only work if we stick together.
Copy !req
266. Now, we can do this.
Copy !req
267. Our stomachs have shrunk.
Copy !req
268. The hardest part is over.
Copy !req
269. Good morning, cadets.
Copy !req
270. I must say, it is inspiring
Copy !req
271. to see young men
with the courage
Copy !req
272. to stand up for
the things they believe in.
Copy !req
273. Two whole days.
Copy !req
274. What an impressive show
of civil disobedience.
Copy !req
275. That's the kind of
intestinal fortitude
Copy !req
276. that can only be properly
honored by an omelet bar.
Copy !req
277. Tempting us with food
isn't going to work, sir.
Copy !req
278. Of course not.
Copy !req
279. These delicious eggs
Copy !req
280. and choice of scrumptious
fillings are for me.
Copy !req
281. Now, here's my dilemma.
Copy !req
282. What shall I put
in my omelet?
Copy !req
283. Black forest ham?
Copy !req
284. Imported cheese?
Copy !req
285. Porcini mushrooms?
Copy !req
286. Porcini?
Copy !req
287. Oh, what the heck!
Copy !req
288. Give me the works.
Copy !req
289. Mmm.
Copy !req
290. There's our
fallen comrade.
Copy !req
291. I love Room 124.
Copy !req
292. When's the...
Copy !req
293. appendix...
Copy !req
294. coming out?
Copy !req
295. Tonight, but— I don't know—
I'm feeling better.
Copy !req
296. Maybe I don't need
the operation.
Copy !req
297. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
298. Of course
you need the operation!
Copy !req
299. But what if...
Don't you understand?
Copy !req
300. You're sitting on a gold mine.
Copy !req
301. Ride the guilt train, baby,
as far as it'll take you.
Copy !req
302. My adenoids got
me this watch.
Copy !req
303. My strangulated testicle
got me a week at Disneyland.
Copy !req
304. I'm one... procedure...
Copy !req
305. from a...
Copy !req
306. Range Rover.
Copy !req
307. Well, we got two hours
till we have to
Copy !req
308. go back to the hospital.
Copy !req
309. You want to order in
or eat leftovers?
Copy !req
310. Well, I'd say "you decide,"
Copy !req
311. but then I'd be a
pushover, wouldn't I?
Copy !req
312. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
313. March and Conquer.
Copy !req
314. You called me a pushover.
Copy !req
315. Don't deny it.
Copy !req
316. Come on, honey, I trounced you.
Copy !req
317. Just because you got
all the good dice rolls
Copy !req
318. and you weren't saddled
with Brazil to protect.
Copy !req
319. A-And I wouldn't
call it "trounced."
Copy !req
320. What would you say?
Copy !req
321. Demolished?
Copy !req
322. Creamed?
Copy !req
323. Annihilated?
Copy !req
324. Get the board.
Copy !req
325. How are you, Tiger?
Copy !req
326. I want you to note
the bedside manner.
Copy !req
327. Dr. Harrison,
I'm glad you're here.
Copy !req
328. I wanted to talk to you.
Copy !req
329. I feeling a lot better now,
Copy !req
330. and my temperature's been down
for six hours,
Copy !req
331. and I'm thinking
that maybe my first blood test
Copy !req
332. wasn't accurate.
Copy !req
333. Now, this is what we call
a hysterical patient.
Copy !req
334. I'm not hysterical.
Copy !req
335. I just think it'd be smart
to run another blood test
Copy !req
336. before you commit
to cutting me open.
Copy !req
337. Why, that's a terrific idea.
Copy !req
338. Really terrific.
Copy !req
339. We'll see you later.
Copy !req
340. What's wrong with you people?
Copy !req
341. Labs make mistakes!
Copy !req
342. Listen to me!
Copy !req
343. I declare war
on that blue country!
Copy !req
344. Reese, why
are you attacking me?
Copy !req
345. Your dad's wide open.
Copy !req
346. What are you
saying, Lois,
Copy !req
347. that the boys and I have formed
a secret alliance against you?
Copy !req
348. Hal, that's my foot
you're tapping Morse code onto.
Copy !req
349. I can't take this anymore.
Copy !req
350. If I don't eat soon,
I'm going to pass out.
Copy !req
351. This isn't worth it.
Copy !req
352. I agree with Finley.
Copy !req
353. Who are you?
Copy !req
354. Your roommate.
Copy !req
355. Oh. Yeah.
Copy !req
356. Hey, after the luau,
you want to go parasailing?
Copy !req
357. What?
Copy !req
358. Snap out of it.
Copy !req
359. You're talking crazy.
Copy !req
360. Why would we have a luau
Copy !req
361. when we're trapped in
a disabled submarine?
Copy !req
362. Wait.
Copy !req
363. I hear tapping.
Copy !req
364. Come on, guys,
we're doing good.
Copy !req
365. I think we're on
the right track here.
Copy !req
366. If we keep this up,
Copy !req
367. Uh...
Copy !req
368. Spangler?
Copy !req
369. Yes. Spangler.
Copy !req
370. Commandant Spangler
will have no choice
Copy !req
371. but to meet our demands.
Copy !req
372. Francis?
Copy !req
373. It's time we talked.
Copy !req
374. Will you gentlemen
excuse us, please?
Copy !req
375. Take your time.
Copy !req
376. Yes! Madagascar is mine!
Copy !req
377. Let me see those dice.
Copy !req
378. Are you accusing me
of cheating?
Copy !req
379. Don't be ridiculous.
Copy !req
380. That's the pizza
delivery man.
Copy !req
381. Why don't you get it?
Copy !req
382. So my artillery can
mysteriously disappear
Copy !req
383. like it did when I went
to get a glass of water.
Copy !req
384. Or when I went to the bathroom
Copy !req
385. and your tanks just materialized
on my border.
Copy !req
386. I'm not getting it.
Copy !req
387. Come in!
Copy !req
388. It's locked!
Copy !req
389. Try the window!
Copy !req
390. What?
Copy !req
391. Haven't you ever delivered
pizza before?
Copy !req
392. Come in through the window!
Copy !req
393. It's locked, too!
Copy !req
394. Okay, thanks anyway!
Copy !req
395. Here. Take this.
Copy !req
396. What's this for?
Copy !req
397. Sedatives.
Copy !req
398. Your surgery has
been moved up.
Copy !req
399. What do you mean, moved up?
Copy !req
400. My parents aren't even here.
Copy !req
401. I'm sure they've
been notified.
Copy !req
402. Look, I'm not taking these
Copy !req
403. until after I get
another blood test.
Copy !req
404. Take the pills.
Copy !req
405. No! I'm not going to!
Copy !req
406. You can't force...
Copy !req
407. I know you are frightened,
Copy !req
408. and that is normal
for a little boy.
Copy !req
409. But now you must let
the grown-ups handle things.
Copy !req
410. All you have to do is relax
and let the pills take effect.
Copy !req
411. That's a good boy.
Copy !req
412. It's your move, Reese.
Copy !req
413. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
414. I don't know!
Copy !req
415. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
416. Reese, if you attack me,
you're grounded.
Copy !req
417. If you don't attack
her, you're grounded!
Copy !req
418. Stop it!
Copy !req
419. I don't want
to play anymore!
Copy !req
420. I hate this game.
Copy !req
421. It's never been this horrible,
Copy !req
422. even when Malcolm
was kicking our butts.
Copy !req
423. He's right.
Copy !req
424. Look what we've become.
Copy !req
425. Without Malcolm
humiliating us,
Copy !req
426. our worst competitive
instincts took over.
Copy !req
427. I'm ashamed for all of us.
Copy !req
428. So, you're quitting?
Copy !req
429. Let it go, Lois.
Copy !req
430. Ah, you're right.
Copy !req
431. Reese, do the honors.
Copy !req
432. Good. Now, who
wants to go outside
Copy !req
433. and watch me burn
the evil game?
Copy !req
434. I have to admit, cadet,
Copy !req
435. I thought you boys would
have surrendered by now,
Copy !req
436. but instead,
you have shown
Copy !req
437. strength of will, teamwork,
Copy !req
438. and a willingness to sacrifice.
Copy !req
439. Well done.
Copy !req
440. With what?
Copy !req
441. The strike.
Copy !req
442. Right, right, the strike.
Copy !req
443. Well, that's good, 'cause...
Copy !req
444. we weren't going to do...
Copy !req
445. the thing...
until we got back...
Copy !req
446. Well, you know.
Copy !req
447. Yes, I believe I do.
Copy !req
448. Shall we discuss terms?
Copy !req
449. We did it.
Copy !req
450. The strike's over.
Copy !req
451. We won!
Copy !req
452. We got his magic hat!
Copy !req
453. What about
the television?
Copy !req
454. Huh?
Copy !req
455. Here's your
blood test, man.
Copy !req
456. Thanks. Here's my urine.
Copy !req
457. Good luck on the drug test,
Copy !req
458. but I really think
you should get some help.
Copy !req
459. I knew it!
Copy !req
460. Oh, good— Helmut.
Copy !req
461. I've been looking all over
for you.
Copy !req
462. I have great news.
Copy !req
463. You see, I just had
another blood test,
Copy !req
464. and it shows that I really
don't need surgery, because...
Copy !req
465. If the blood count
goes down to normal,
Copy !req
466. that means
it isn't appendicitis.
Copy !req
467. It was probably
just a transient infection
Copy !req
468. or maybe even a cold sore.
Copy !req
469. Yes, little boy.
Copy !req
470. I need...
to talk to Dr. Harrison.
Copy !req
471. Count backwards from a hundred.
Copy !req
472. Hi there, sport.
Copy !req
473. We'll have that
appendix out in no time.
Copy !req
474. Okay, scalpel.
Copy !req
475. Huh? Hold on a second.
Copy !req
476. "Do not operate.
Copy !req
477. 'H' and 'H': 16 and 47,
Copy !req
478. These are blood
test results.
Copy !req
479. "White count: 8.4"?
Copy !req
480. Is that right?
Copy !req
481. "I will sue your ass
for malpract..."
Copy !req
482. Uh, maybe we should
run another blood test.
Copy !req
483. Spangler was right.
Copy !req
484. Who needs television?
Copy !req
485. This is nice.
Copy !req
486. Get some fresh air,
some exercise.
Copy !req
487. Nice drive.
Copy !req
488. Thanks.
Copy !req
489. I think this
hat is magic.
Copy !req
490. Right, Francis?
Copy !req
491. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
492. Oh, remember
to replace your divots.
Copy !req
493. There's nothing
like two days at the hospital
Copy !req
494. to make you appreciate
your own home.
Copy !req
495. Give me that!
Copy !req
496. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
497. Look at Malcolm's
hospital bill.
Copy !req
498. I'd hate to think
what it'd cost
Copy !req
499. if he'd actually
had the operation.
Copy !req
500. There goes
our summer vacation.
Copy !req
501. So we have to pay even
though he was faking?
Copy !req
502. I wasn't faking.
Copy !req
503. I'm the one who figured out
they were wrong, remember?
Copy !req
504. Well, if you're
such a genius,
Copy !req
505. why didn't you
figure it out sooner?
Copy !req
506. Well, son, you want
to answer that for us all?
Copy !req
507. Nothing like ten seconds at home
Copy !req
508. to make you appreciate
the hospital.
Copy !req