1. D-YFI@AniDB
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3. Black Lancers Flagship - Konigs Tiger
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4. On April 27th of Space Calendar 800,
New Imperial Calendar 2...
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5. following the extremely disrespectful
response from Dusty Attenborough...
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6. one more letter was delivered
from someone else to Bittenfeld.
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7. It was from Merkatz...
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8. . proposing to surrender to Kaiser Reinhard
and betray the opposition from within.
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9. I need to confer
with Fahrenheit.
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10. Open the communication channel.
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11. Fahrenheit Fleet Flagship - Ahsgrimm
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12. It's not worth debating.
It's undoubtedly a trap.
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13. Though Admiral Merkatz is
an enemy to our camp...
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14. he is not someone
who would change his ways.
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15. I know it's a trap, even
without your instruction.
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16. What I'm concerned about is
what the trap is aiming to do.
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17. I see.
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18. Then I presume you have your own
answer to that question, don't you?
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19. I would like to
hear it first.
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20. They must be planning to catch us off guard,
and execute a swift counterattack.
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21. Umm, yes.
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22. That's the only
conclusion I can come to.
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23. But...
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24. But...?
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25. I wonder if someone as astute as Yang Wenli
or Merkatz would employ such shallow tricks.
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26. Then can it be the
"trick of relaxation" ?
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27. "Trick of relaxation" ?
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28. You mean that they'd first send Merkatz to
surrender as a decoy to make us relax...
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29. and then attack us
while we're off-guard?
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30. But to use such a ruthless scheme that
would sacrifice Merkatz from the beginning...
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31. I don't think
Yang would do so.
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32. You may be right, considering
Yang's personality alone.
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33. But if Merkatz himself had asked
for it, it would be a different story.
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34. He has probably been
looking for a place to die.
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35. He just might accept
a task like that.
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36. I see.
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37. We should assume that things might
get dangerous after their next transmission.
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38. I understand the situation.
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39. I will put my fleet on alert and watch
for movement by the opposition.
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40. That weasel.
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41. We cannot initiate our move
until after the Kaiser arrives.
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42. He must be hoping that the
enemy will strike first.
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43. This time around, I'm the one
who has to call for restraint.
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44. It doesn't suit my personality,
but it can't be helped.
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45. Both Bittenfeld and Fahrenheit
normally are better at offense.
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46. Because these two took
the stance of anticipating...
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47. and then reacting to
their opponent's movements...
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48. their usual aggressiveness
had to be neutralized.
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49. On the other hand, on the
other end of the Iserlohn Corridor...
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50. the Mecklinger Fleet had no way
of knowing their current situation...
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51. due to considerable
interference from the Fortress.
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52. Thus, in accordance with Kaiser Reinhard's
orders, which were relayed from Phezzan...
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53. Mecklinger Fleet Flagship - Kvasir
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54. they were encroaching into
the Iserlohn Corridor as planned.
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55. The purpose of this was to check Yang's
participation into the battle from behind...
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56. and depending on
the situation...
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57. open fire and slow down the battle
until the main Imperial fleet arrives.
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58. An enemy fleet is swiftly
approaching from directly ahead.
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59. The number is...
over 20,000 ships!
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60. Over 20,000 ships?
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61. All ships, retreat.
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62. We cannot engage in battle.
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63. Admiral, certainly our fleet of 15,900
ships has a size disadvantage...
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64. Admiral Strauss
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65. but to retreat without
even fighting would be...
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66. We've underestimated the size of the
Alliance fleet stationed in Iserlohn Fortress.
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67. If they're capable of putting a fleet
of over 20,000 ships into this area...
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68. it means that the opposition's total
number would be over 50,000 ships.
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69. If we allow their
penetration here...
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70. the Reich mainland does not have any
sizable mobile forces to stop them.
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71. Thus, if the enemy wishes to, it can
strike the Reich capital, Odin, directly.
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72. We cannot afford to risk that.
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73. Currently, the most important thing we can do
is retreat and guard the exit of the Corridor.
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74. I understand.
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75. All ships, retreat!
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76. We will head to the exit of the Corridor
and position our forces there!
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77. In other words, the militaristic advantage
that the Reich has is as fragile as that.
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78. Admiral Merkatz's Flagship - Hyperion
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79. Admiral Fischer's Flagship - Shiva
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80. In reality, the fleet that had
launched from Iserlohn Fortress...
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81. Admiral Attenborough's Flagship - Masasoite
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82. was essentially the
entirety of the Yang Fleet.
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83. Yang Fleet Supreme Flagship - Ulysses
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84. The Imperial Fleet is retreating!
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85. Good.
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86. Leave only the reconnaissance
ships and we'll also retreat.
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87. We'll proceed to
our next plan.
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88. The biggest weakness
of the Imperial fleet...
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89. was precisely the fact that
its entire fleet was so large.
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90. Due to its large size...
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91. the extended lines of communication
made coordination among units difficult.
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92. Yang took full
advantage of this.
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93. He first sent the message to Bittenfeld
to put them into a passive defense...
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94. and to minimize the possibility
of their entrance into the Corridor.
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95. Then he checked the movement of Mecklinger's fleet to his rear with the entirety of his fleet...
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96. in order to confront the
opposition to his front.
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97. On April 29th, still unaware of the
withdrawal of the Mecklinger Fleet...
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98. Bittenfeld received a second
message from Merkatz.
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99. It seems Admiral Merkatz has escaped
from the Fortress and is on his way.
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100. Just as I thought. Tell him
we'll welcome him as a guest.
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101. Are you sure it's okay?
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102. Fahrenheit has agreed to it.
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103. I mean, shouldn't we report it to the
Kaiser and ask for instructions?
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104. Rear Admiral Eugen
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105. We don't have
enough time for that.
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106. The enemy is making
a move right now.
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107. Besides, we'll lose our chance to pincer-attack
the enemy with Mecklinger's fleet.
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108. The enemy thinks we're
letting our guard down.
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109. There must be an enemy ambuscade
right behind the decoy Merkatz Fleet.
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110. We'll make the first
move and intercept them!
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111. The enemy ships
are approaching!
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112. Don't move yet.
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113. Pretend not to notice them until
the opposition gets closer.
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114. We've located the enemy fleet.
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115. The number is
approximately 5,000.
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116. Just as I thought.
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117. The first move will win it!
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118. Go!
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119. All right.
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120. All ships, pretend to be
surprised and run away, okay?
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121. Don't rush!
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122. As long as we maintain our distance and don't get inside the enemy's effective range we'll be safe!
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123. When your enemy is
the Black Lancers...
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124. the pretense of running away
becomes a life-or-death act.
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125. The enemy fleet is
running away in defeat!
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126. Running away in defeat?
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127. Don't you think they're
a cute little bunch?
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128. What do you think, Staff Officer?
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129. Admiral Grobner
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130. They seem to be luring
us inside the Corridor...
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131. while trying to maintain their distance
outside our effective range.
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132. I agree.
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133. How about if we slow
down our pursuit?
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134. That should clarify the
enemy's intention, I think.
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135. The enemy fleet
is slowing down!
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136. That Bittenfeld, it seems
he's gotten a little bit wiser.
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137. Stop retreating!
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138. Move forward and dangle the bait
in front of their noses one more time.
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139. Just as I thought.
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140. What a smartass!
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141. At the right time, slow
down our pursuit again.
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142. Pardon?
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143. But this time, we'll charge forward
right when they make a turn...
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144. and without giving them time
to run away, we'll envelop them.
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145. The opposition is
slowing down again.
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146. Why doesn't he just
follow us already?
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147. How unlike him.
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148. It seems the enemy hasn't gotten
a big enough whiff of the bait.
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149. Let them smell it again.
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150. They fell for it!
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151. All ships, charge!
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152. No!
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153. All ships, turn!
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154. Retreat right away!
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155. Don't let them get away!
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156. Make them pay for
belittling the Black Lancers!
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157. That Bittenfeld,
what a scoundrel.
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158. This is what he
intended to do all along.
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159. He should be asking for
the Kaiser's instructions.
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160. Commander Sanders
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161. What should our fleet do?
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162. When friendly forces are
exchanging fire right in front of us...
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163. I don't think we can
just be spectators.
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164. Our fleet will also
enter the Corridor.
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165. Take a spindle
formation and charge in.
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166. Yes, sir.
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167. I suppose it
should be fine.
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168. As long as Bittenfeld takes the responsibility
for opening fire without permission.
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169. In any case, dispatch a communication
shuttle and report the opening of the battle.
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170. 29 April - 10:45
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171. The Imperial Force has the unparalleled
Kaiser and many distinguished admirals.
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172. The Iserlohn Corridor is too
narrow for all of them.
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173. Our chance lies
in that narrowness.
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174. Let's take full
advantage of it.
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175. 11:30
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176. We've let the guests in.
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177. Good work.
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178. Repay your debt in some tangible
form somewhere down the road, please.
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179. The enemy has broken through the yellow
zone, and is encroaching upon the red zone!
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180. 0.4 light seconds till they enter
our main cannons' effective range!
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181. Prepare to fire.
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182. The opposition has entered
our effective range.
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183. Fire!
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184. Don't flinch!
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185. Counterattack!
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186. Utilizing the full
space of the Corridor...
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187. move in from the right flank
of the Black Lancers ahead of us...
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188. into the left flank
of the enemy fleet!
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189. All right.
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190. Open up our deployment and
move into a concave formation.
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191. Concave formation.
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192. What're you doing?
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193. As it is, we're falling
into the enemy's scheme.
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194. Open up our
formation horizontally.
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195. If we cluster together,
we'll all be annihilated!
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196. We can't!
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197. The Corridor is too
narrow for us to open up.
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198. Don't bother
with euphemisms!
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199. Why don't you just say straight out that
the Fahrenheit Fleet is getting in our way?
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200. Fahrenheit should've stayed
behind as the second line.
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201. Because he forced his way in, our movements
are restricted inside this narrow corridor!
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202. You're right, but the enemy
fleet numbers over 20,000 ships.
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203. Our fleet alone is 15,000 ships.
We'd be at a disadvantage size-wise.
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204. Those wild boars of
the Black Lancers...
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205. They should just
dig their own graves.
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206. Don't get us involved!
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207. Watch your words.
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208. Yes, I apologize.
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209. But, Admiral, at this rate, our two fleets will
be destroyed, as we're unable to move about.
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210. Vice Admiral Buxtehude
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211. Why don't we leave the Black Lancers in
charge of this location and retreat for now?
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212. I think so, too, but retreating from the
enemy will be an extremely difficult task.
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213. Fleet Commander!
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214. This appears to have been a trap to
lure us inside the Corridor all along!
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215. In order to avoid the Kaiser's wrath, I would
think it would be prudent to withdraw...
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216. accepting the certain amount
of loss that it might entail.
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217. Bittenfeld already knew
what Eugen was suggesting.
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218. But there was the concern that
if they retreat in this formation...
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219. they might suffer a half-envelopment
pursuit from the Yang Fleet.
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220. Rather, they might be better off
attempting a forceful, frontal penetration...
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221. All ships, fire three times!
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222. Afterwards, advance at full speed!
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223. Matching up with the enemy advancement,
the center area should retreat.
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224. The left and right
flanks should advance.
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225. Now!
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226. Retreat!
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227. T... this is...!
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228. Don't flinch!
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229. Move forward!
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230. If we forcefully get into close combat,
there's a chance for victory!
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231. If we get into a melee and if the
battle gets out of Yang's control...
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232. the Yang Fleet will be nothing but a
patchwork made of pathetic soldiers!
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233. Remember the Battle
of Vermilion last year!
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234. You of the Imperial Fleets
became all but space dust...
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235. in the aftermath of the total,
complete, undisputed defeat!
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236. We forgave you out
of sheer mercy...
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237. but you forgot your gratitude
and launched another invasion!
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238. Your Kaiser may be handsome
but he's a true scoundrel!
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239. Bastards, I won't forgive them!
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240. All ships, take down the enemy ships, even
if you have to die upon each other's sword!
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241. Admiral, that's impossible!
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242. How is it impossible?
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243. They're 20,000 ships.
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244. Combined with the Fahrenheit
Fleet, we're 30,000 ships.
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245. If each ship takes
out one enemy ship...
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246. we'll annihilate them all and
still be left with 10,000 ships!
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247. Sieg Kaiser!
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248. Die Kaiser!
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249. It Commander Soun Soul
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250. That fool, Bittenfeld...
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251. Does he think he'll be all right as
long as he charges forward?
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252. No, if we get into a war of attrition,
we'll be at a disadvantage.
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253. Admiral, even as we take out the enemy
fleet, our losses are markedly excessive.
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254. At this rate, our fleet
alone will be depleted.
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255. At this point, I wonder if we
should retreat for the time being.
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256. It will be a disgrace for the Black Lancers
to withdraw from the enemy front!
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257. But, Admiral, if we let our fleet...
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258. that the Kaiser bestowed upon us,
disappear from the face of this universe...
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259. after attacking without permission,
we will not be able to face the Kaiser.
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260. We have no
choice it seems...
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261. They've finally retreated...
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262. The enemy, the Fahrenheit
Fleet, is charging in!
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263. No tactics are necessary
for such a large force.
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264. There is only offense!
Just move forward and attack!
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265. It seems the situation might turn out to
be the one I was most worried about...
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266. What happened?
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267. Don't slacken our attack!
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268. The reaction of the left side of the
enemy fleet is getting slower.
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269. That was the fleet that acted as
the decoy in the beginning, but...
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270. Then they must be at
the height of fatigue.
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271. Concentrate the
attack on that side.
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272. Now!
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273. Charge past the left
wing of the enemy...
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274. and swing starboard to penetrate
into Yang's main fleet!
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275. No!
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276. We've split up the enemy.
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277. It's coming from portside!
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278. Don't panic.
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279. Our fleet will turn portside
and let them through to the right.
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280. If we get our right wing to
the left side of the opposition...
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281. we'll be able to envelop them
inside the centroid formation again.
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282. How is the reorganization of
the fleet formation proceeding?
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283. It's almost finished.
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284. Good. Then we'll
charge in again.
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285. Admiral!
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286. The enemy has been in continuous
combat and must be fatigued.
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287. Here, it's important for us to attack
again and not let them recuperate.
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288. Besides, Fahrenheit
seems to be in trouble.
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289. We can't leave him isolated.
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290. Just as I thought.
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291. The morale of the
opposition is floundering.
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292. We should converge with the Fahrenheit
Fleet and aim to reorganize our fleets.
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293. All right, keep this course
and cluster together...
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294. With this, we have
the size advantage.
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295. This is...!
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296. What happened?
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297. Before we knew, we've been
surrounded by the enemy.
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298. What?
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299. What's the meaning of this?
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300. How can we have the size
advantage and still be surrounded?
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301. The enemy is utilizing the
Corridor's dangerous space-zones...
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302. to make up for
their size disadvantage.
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303. If we move about without caution,
we'll get into the shock-wave dimensions!
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304. Dammit!
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305. How sneaky of them...!
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306. Undo the cluster formation!
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307. It was their aim
to get us to converge!
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308. The enemy's right wing
fleet is in front of us!
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309. Strike past them!
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310. Prepare to launch
combat aircraft.
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311. Dry Gin, Liquor, Sherry, Absinthe, all squadrons, are you ready to launch?
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312. Okay!
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313. What happened?
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314. Are you scared, Karin?
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315. No, Commander,
I'm not scared.
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316. It's good that you're
cutting an attitude.
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317. Even if the clothes are too large in the
beginning, they'll fill out as you grow.
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318. The same goes for courage.
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319. Yes, Commander.
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320. This is what Life Counselor
Poplan lectured irresponsibly.
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321. In the end, it's
someone else's life.
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322. Karin, if you can execute about 62.4%
of what I taught you, you'll survive.
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323. The secret of not getting killed by the
enemy is to underestimate life's difficulties.
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324. All right, go!
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325. Katerose von Kreuzer,
pull yourself together!
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326. If you show your pathetic self,
that guy will laugh at you!
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327. "That guy" ?
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328. Who am I talking about?
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329. To...
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330. underestimate...
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331. life's difficulties...!
Copy !req
332. Combat aircraft have been
launched from the right wing fleet.
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333. The enemy has begun close combat
with small combat aircraft.
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334. This tactic...
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335. It's Admiral Merkatz.
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336. Goodbye.
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337. I doubt we'll ever meet again.
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338. Good.
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339. This is what
I've looked for.
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340. We'll concentrate our attack on one point
and forcefully penetrate the enemy line!
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341. That Fahrenheit, he's good.
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342. But...
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343. The Fahrenheit Fleet is taking
down the enemy line.
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344. It seems they're
creating an escape route.
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345. We will also penetrate through the enemy
line and proceed to the exit of the Corridor.
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346. What?
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347. There's a pinpoint attack from the
opposition at the exit of the Corridor...
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348. It's become a crossfire point.
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349. But if we don't get through there,
we can't get out of the Corridor.
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350. How villainous...!
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351. Our fleet is split
up in many places!
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352. Still, we have no choice but
to attempt a forceful escape!
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353. This ship will remain at the rear-most end
to support the withdrawal of our fleet.
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354. Yes, sir!
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355. Yang Wenli's cunning
is to be feared.
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356. Even though I knew of it,
I still fell for it.
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357. The vein of my luck in battles
must have been depleted...
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358. 23:15
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359. I was born to a poor aristocrat's family
like that of His Majesty, Kaiser Reinhard...
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360. and joined the force
just to earn bread.
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361. Many times I encountered
incompetent superiors and leaders...
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362. But in the end, since I was able to
serve the incomparable Kaiser...
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363. I must say I had
a rather fortunate life.
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364. If the order were reversed, it would
have been unbearable even to watch.
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365. What're you doing here?
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366. Why don't you
evacuate right away?
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367. Admiral...
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368. Go now!
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369. If Adelbert von Fahrenheit takes a child's
life with him when he dies in battle...
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370. when I get to Valhalla,
my chair will be a smaller one.
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371. Then please give me
a keepsake of yours!
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372. I will take it to His Majesty,
no matter the cost!
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373. All right.
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374. I will give
you a keepsake.
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375. It's your life.
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376. Live and go
meet the Kaiser.
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377. Don't die...
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378. 23:25
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379. Because of the gallant battle that Fahrenheit
put up, literally at the cost of his life...
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380. the Imperial forces narrowly escaped
the danger of complete destruction.
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381. Tomiyama Kei
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382. Furukawa Toshio
Mitsuishi Kotono
Ono Kenichi
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383. Naya Goro
Yara Yuusaku
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384. Preview of Next Episode
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385. Although the Imperial Force
lost the initial battle...
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386. it begins its reentry into the
Corridor upon the arrival of the main fleet.
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387. With overwhelming force.
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388. Reinhard von Lohengramm
and Yang Wenli.
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389. Two distinguished
admirals of the era.
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390. The time for the decisive
battle has finally arrived.
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391. Next episode of Legend
of the Galactic Heroes...
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392. Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Episode 80
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393. The Battle of the Corridor
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394. Another page to the
history of the galaxy.
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