1. D-YFI@AniDB
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3. In every age,
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4. in every place,
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5. the deeds of men
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6. remain the same.
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7. Space Era 798...
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8. Imperial Year 489,
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9. Julian Minci is heading for
the capital planet, Heineseen...
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10. in order to accept a commission
as a military attache to Phezzan.
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11. It's been 4 years since
I was 12 years old...
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12. and I became Admiral Yang's
dependent under the War Orphan's act.
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13. I'm learning to live on
my own after a long time.
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14. Now, when it's too late, I realize
I don't know how to spend my time.
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15. I'm not saying that's why...
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16. but I'm going to do something
I've been meaning to do.
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17. Admiral Yang really
wanted to be a historian.
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18. Other people call him
"the magician" or "miracle worker."
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19. But the Admiral himself says he just applies
a lot of what he learned from history.
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20. I think that's
just modesty...
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21. but before
I go to Phezzan...
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22. and come into contact with another set
of values like the Admiral told me to do...
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23. I think I'll try looking back anew at
the history of humanity until now.
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24. In 2801 AD...
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25. mankind declared the establishment of
the United Stars Galaxy (USG) on Theoria...
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26. the 2nd planet of
the Aldebaran System.
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27. That year was declared
Space Era (SE) year one.
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28. Thus began an insatiable expansion...
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29. towards the innermost depths and
frontier regions of the galactic system.
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30. Since the previous century had
been an age of wars and disorder...
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31. the fact that it followed an era in which the
development of the human race stagnated...
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32. the energy that gushed forth could,
in contrast, be called explosive.
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33. This was called the
Golden Age of Humanity...
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34. filled with a spirit of freshness
and eagerness to progress.
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35. But the era was not
without problems.
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36. Space pirates were born of the war
between the Terran and Sirian Empires.
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37. They couldn't be called a
threat in the military sense...
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38. but to the USG,
they were a serious problem.
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39. To the inhabitants of the frontier, it
wasn't simply a problem of safe passage...
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40. when they realized the number of guards
necessary to guarantee their safety...
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41. they lost the will to
develop the frontier.
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42. The concerned USG decided to
enlarge the space army in SE 106...
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43. and embarked in earnest
to eradicate the space pirates.
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44. Due to the actions of
Admirals Michel Cuffren,
Christopher Wood, and others...
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45. they had nearly achieved
that objective in two years.
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46. But they didn't succeed in
wiping out these criminals.
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47. Because of that, as a means of allopathic
treatment, the huge space army remained.
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48. There were many who felt that the
creation of that large space army...
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49. would lead to a repeat
of the same failure as Earth...
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50. which had exhausted itself
on military adventures.
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51. The people of that time also
distrusted the control of the military.
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52. For two hundred years after that, an era
of peace and development continued.
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53. However, while that peace continued, the
shadow of stagnation fell over the human race.
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54. It seemed to be that exhaustion and
fatigue defeated hope and ambition...
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55. negative supplanted the positive,
pessimism supplanted optimism...
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56. and conservatism took the
place of progressiveness.
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57. In reality, discoveries and inventions in
science and technology came to a halt...
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58. and the expansion of humanity's
territory also topped out.
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59. Furthermore, the democratic republic form
of governing lost the ability to renew itself.
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60. As people began showing interest in
only their own needs and desires...
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61. it was changing
to mob rule.
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62. Any age is the same.
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63. As society lost its ability to act, social life
and culture trod the road to decadence.
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64. People lost sight of
their fundamental values.
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65. Regardless of
age or gender...
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66. those addicted to drugs, alcohol, sexual
promiscuity, and mysticism multiplied.
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67. When they sought stimulation by speed or
violence, accidents and crimes escalated.
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68. The arrest rate fell
in inverse proportion.
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69. The tendency to take life lightly
and mock morality deepened.
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70. One of the reasons
for these problems...
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71. was that the influence of religion fell
dramatically after the unification on Earth.
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72. Even during the apocalyptic
time of the 13-day war...
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73. and subsequent 90-year war,
no savior appeared.
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74. No god descended to Earth.
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75. All realized that no
divine being would save them.
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76. In the golden
age of the USG...
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77. those who were prepared relied only
on their own strength and resources.
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78. But as society shifted to a stagnant
period, it was filled with hopelessness.
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79. Of course there were many people
who worried about this state of affairs.
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80. And those who were
concerned weren't mistaken...
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81. in recognizing that the illness of
society needed a drastic treatment.
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82. But they were mistaken in
their choice of the remedy.
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83. Rather than a long-term cure to restore
their society's self-purification and renewal...
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84. they chose a strong medicine
that gave quick relief...
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85. but was accompanied by
undesirable side effects.
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86. That "strong medicine" turned
out to be a dictatorship.
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87. In Space Era 288...
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88. a cadet who'd graduated at the head of his
class from Space Army Officer's School...
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89. Rudolf von Goldenbaum...
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90. displayed a shrewdness that was called
"the second coming of Admiral Wood."
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91. He wiped out the
"Main Street Space Pirates..."
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92. in the Betelgeuse sector.
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93. He was criticized for his ruthlessness, but
the voices of praise were clearly louder.
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94. Suffocating in the circumstances
of a stagnant age...
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95. the citizens of the USG turned with
cheers to the new, young hero, rich in zeal.
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96. In Space Era 296...
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97. Rudolf, who had become an Admiral at
age 28, retired and went into politics.
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98. He won a seat in Parliament, and gathered
young politicians based on his popularity.
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99. He came to wield influence in Parliament as
the leader of the "National Reform Alliance."
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100. Strong government!
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101. Strong leaders!
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102. Order and vitality in society!
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103. In election after election, the National Reform
Alliance rapidly extended its influence.
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104. Rudolf succeeded in building
a firm political base.
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105. By referendum,
he became Prime Minister...
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106. and he was elected
President by Parliament.
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107. By unwritten law, it was prohibited
to hold these two posts concurrently.
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108. But Rudolf took advantage of the fact
that no Constitutional articles forbade it.
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109. And when these two posts,
whose separate power were limited...
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110. were combined in
one individual...
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111. no other man alive could
oppose his political power.
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112. At length, Rudolf became an absolute
dictator who didn't allow freedom of speech...
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113. and came to call himself
"President for Life."
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114. Then, in SE 310, he announced the
founding of the Galactic Empire...
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115. proclaiming himself the holy, inviolable
Emperor of the Galactic Empire.
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116. The former USG was changed
to the Galactic Empire.
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117. The Space Era dates
were abolished...
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118. and the year was made
anew into Imperial Year One.
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119. Rudolf's rise could be called the
most conspicuous example in history...
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120. of people preferring to take orders
obediently, with the lack of responsibility...
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121. over independent thought and the
responsibility which accompanies it.
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122. Because when Rudolf became Emperor,
the number of people who cried "Bravo!"...
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123. was clearly greater than the
people who expressed misgivings.
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124. It was the citizens who wanted
Rudolf to become Emperor.
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125. In response to that, with extremely powerful
leadership ability and steadfast resolution...
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126. he enforced discipline
among public officials...
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127. increased efficiency, and
drove out corrupt officials.
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128. Unhealthy lifestyles and
pleasures were prohibited.
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129. By vigorous judicial activity, crime and
juvenile delinquency decreased radically.
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130. By any means necessary...
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131. the evil practices, which had hung
over human society, were swept away.
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132. But his plans
didn't stop there.
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133. In Imperial Year 9, the infamous "Inferior
Genes Exclusion Law" was announced.
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134. The law of the Universe
is the law of the jungle.
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135. It's survival of the fittest!
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136. Human society can be no exception!
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137. A society where inferior people have
increased beyond a certain level...
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138. loses its vitality
and grows weak!
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139. I ardently wish for the
prosperity of the human race!
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140. Accordingly, it is my holy duty as
the superintendent of humanity...
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141. to exclude those elements which
weaken the seed of humanity!
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142. Rudolf not only abolished the social
policy of welfare for the weak, but also...
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143. he regarded the handicapped and
the poor as abnormal and inferior.
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144. He took the radical measure
of forced sterilization...
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145. and required the euthanasia
of the mentally ill.
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146. When this bill
was announced...
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147. even those citizens who'd been
worshipping Rudolf thus far blanched.
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148. There weren't that many people who
could claim to be superior humans.
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149. Representing that
popular opinion...
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150. were the remaining republican politicians
of Parliament who criticized the Emperor.
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151. Because of that, Rudolf instantly
dissolved Parliament permanently.
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152. Furthermore...
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153. he established a Social Discipline Support
Office in the Department of the Interior...
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154. which set out to prosecute
political criminals.
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155. Rudolf's confidante, Secretary of the Interior
Ernst Falstrong, held that post concurrently...
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156. and carried out arrests, confinements,
imprisonment and punishment.
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157. However, this was not by law,
but according to his individual judgment.
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158. Proof wasn't necessary
for prosecution.
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159. That was an age of a dark,
terrorist government.
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160. None of the political and ideological criminals
arrested were formally sentenced to death.
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161. However, some were
executed without a trial...
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162. and some disappeared after
being sent to barren exile planets.
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163. Some turned into the living dead after being
forced to take drugs or undergo lobotomies...
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164. and some died of illness in jail,
while some killed themselves.
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165. The sum total of these actually
amounted to four billion.
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166. However, since the total population of the Empire was approximately 300 billion...
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167. this amounted to no more than 1.3%...
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168. they could quibble that "for the sake of the
peace and welfare of the majority of society..."
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169. "we have eradicated a handful
of dangerous elements."
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170. Of course, this majority
included countless people...
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171. who trembled in fear at the
fate of four billion people...
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172. but swallowed their dissatisfied
voices into oppressive silence.
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173. While suppressing all opposition...
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174. Rudolf selected "superior human
resources," obtained their backing...
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175. and created a new class of aristocrats
to support his Imperial House.
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176. But because all the people Rudolf
had chosen as nobles were white...
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177. and all with Germanic names...
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178. there were none who pointed
out Rudolf's personal failing.
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179. Falstrong also received the title
of Count due to his effectiveness.
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180. But, en route home, he was assassinated
by a republican terrorist's bomb.
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181. Rudolf consoled his
meritorious subject's spirit...
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182. by executing 20,000 people
as conspirators in that attack.
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183. In Imperial Year 42, Emperor Rudolf
the Great's life ended in its 83rd year.
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184. But he didn't die
completely satisfied.
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185. The four children he'd had with his
Empress Elizabeth were all girls.
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186. He could not leave
a male child as his heir.
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187. His favorite mistress in
his last years, Magdalena...
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188. had borne him a son, but it's
said that he was a congenital idiot.
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189. There was no record in the official
Imperial archives about this fact.
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190. But considering the fact
that not just Magdalena...
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191. but even the doctors and
nurses connected with the birth...
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192. were all sentenced
to death afterwards...
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193. pretty much confirms
that this rumor must be true.
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194. This was a crushing blow to Rudolf, who proclaimed the "Inferior Genes Exclusion Law."
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195. He had hoped for the development
of a superior human race.
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196. After Rudolf's death...
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197. Sigismund I, son of his eldest
daughter, became the 2nd Emperor.
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198. Aided by his father,
Prince Joachim von Neue Stauffen...
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199. this 25-year-old Emperor
came to rule the galaxy.
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200. At this opportunity...
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201. a succession of democratic rebellions
broke out everywhere in Imperial territory.
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202. But Rudolf had spent
forty years building up...
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203. a strong trinity of nobles,
military and bureaucrats.
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204. And Prince Joachim von
Neue Stauffen, who led them...
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205. showed a calm, self-possessed leadership
ability, and crushed the rebel influences.
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206. More than 500 million people who'd
participated in the uprisings were executed.
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207. More than ten billion of
their families and associates...
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208. were deprived of their citizenship
and reduced to serfdom.
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209. Due to this...
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210. the Empire seemed to have established
a solid system within the nation.
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211. In Imperial Year 164...
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212. there was a young man who'd
been forced to hard labor...
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213. on the 7th planet
of the Altair system...
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214. for being a member of a rebel's
family, named Ahle Heinessen.
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215. Seeing children playing with ice
boats on the water, he had an idea.
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216. There was an inexhaustible supply
of natural dry ice on the planet...
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217. to make material to build a spaceship.
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218. By hollowing out a space
122 kilometers in length...
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219. they extracted vast
amounts of ice from inside.
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220. The caverns provided room
for both engines and people.
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221. The 400,000 men and
women who boarded this ship...
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222. succeeded in escaping and hid
underground on a nameless planet...
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223. where the Empire's supervising
eyes didn't reach.
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224. As soon as they'd constructed
80 interstellar spaceships...
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225. they left Imperial territory and headed
towards an unexplored space zone.
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226. The journey wasn't easy.
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227. All along it were space zones
where navigation was impossible.
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228. After they discovered the
present day Iserlohn Corridor...
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229. and while they had yet to
succeed in passing through it...
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230. they lost their leader,
Heinessen, in an accident.
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231. By the time his best friend, Nguyen Kim Hoa,
who succeeded him, grew blind with age...
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232. at long last they discovered a stable
fixed star with a habitable planet.
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233. Eventually, in Imperial Year 218...
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234. or year 527 of the revived
Space Era calendar...
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235. they announced the founding
of the Free Planets Alliance.
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236. Its first citizens numbered
approximately 160,000.
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237. Their journey, later called
"the 10,000 light year march..."
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238. had required half a century and more
than half of their numbers in sacrifices.
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239. During the next century, as the
population of the Alliance increased...
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240. they promoted replenishment
of national resources.
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241. The golden age of the USG
seemed to have reappeared.
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242. Then, in Space Era 640,
Imperial Year 331...
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243. the Empire and Alliance
made their first contact.
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244. It was in the form of an encounter
between their respective warships.
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245. The Empire had reached the age
of its 20th Emperor, Friedrich III.
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246. A subjugation force
was hastily organized.
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247. Grand Duke Herbert led the huge
fleet, but was soundly defeated.
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248. The combination of Alliance Fleet
Supreme Commander Lin Pao...
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249. and Chief of Staff Yusuf Topparol,
made the most of bloodletting.
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250. In the Dagon star zone,
they succeeded in producing...
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251. a large-scale siege and annihilation
operation of unparalleled dimensions.
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252. When this defeat was
revealed in the Empire...
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253. foreign elements within the Empire
all tried to flee to the Alliance.
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254. The Alliance, which accepted those refugees,
consequently achieved voluminous expansion.
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255. But those refugees changed the
national composition of the Alliance.
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256. The exiles who headed to the
Alliance weren't all republicans.
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257. They included common criminals...
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258. nobles and members of the Imperial family
defeated in power struggles within the Palace.
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259. There were times of great battles
between the Empire and Alliance.
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260. At times, there were
periods of false peace.
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261. Phezzan could be called
a product of that.
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262. With a huge, dangerous space zone lying
between the Empire and the Alliance...
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263. there are only two Corridors
where passage is possible.
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264. Iserlohn Corridor, which includes
the Dagon star zone...
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265. and also the
Phezzan Corridor.
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266. But Phezzan became an independent zone
that carried out diplomacy and trade.
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267. Phezzan is officially under
the sovereignty of the Empire...
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268. and its Landesherr is a
subject of the Emperor.
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269. But the nation's domestic policies
are completely independent.
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270. The man who later became
the first Landesherr...
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271. Leopold Lape, a merchant
born on Earth...
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272. made independence a reality by lobbying for
its independence with almost unnatural zeal.
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273. Phezzan, itself, is no
more than one planet.
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274. But due to its monopoly of trade
between the Empire and the Alliance...
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275. it has accumulated
vast amounts of wealth.
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276. Its influence on both nations, especially
financial influence, was also great.
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277. Each nation's power ratios are:
Empire 5 : Alliance 4 : Phezzan 1.
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278. Their population ratios are:
25 billion, versus 13 billion, versus 2 billion.
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279. This ship will enter orbit around the
capital planet, Heinessen, momentarily.
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280. The boarding of the shuttle for
debarking passengers begins at 18:00.
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281. I repeat...
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282. This ship will enter orbit around the
capital planet, Heinessen, momentarily.
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283. The boarding of the shuttle for
debarking passengers begins at 18:00.
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284. The capital planet Heinessen.
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285. The planet with the name of the
nation's founder, Ahle Heinessen...
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286. 270 years have passed since the
founding of the Free Planets Alliance.
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287. The ideals of its founders
have already been lost.
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288. With its government agents
fishing for privileges...
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289. and its populace only seeking value
in profits, it was becoming mob rule.
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290. Meanwhile, in the Empire...
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291. under Reinhard von Lohengramm's
powerful leadership...
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292. government reforms were
being carried out.
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293. Would the Alliance, which had lost its
ideals, lose even its reason for being?
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294. There was nobody
who could answer.
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295. Preview of Next Episode
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296. The Imperial Fleet's invasion of
Alliance territory was announced.
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297. It was a daring, monumental plan that exceeded the expectations of Phezzan...
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298. who thought they had written the script.
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299. But Yang Wenli alone had anticipated it.
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300. Next episode of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, episode 41, "The Operation Name is Ragnarok."
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301. Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Episode 41
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302. The Operation Name is Ragnarok
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303. Another page to the history of the Galaxy.
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