1. When will you be home?
It's family dinner night.
Copy !req
2. I'm workin',
and I'll get there when I can.
Copy !req
3. I've been looking all over
for you.
Copy !req
4. You owe me a lot of money.
Copy !req
5. - Yeah.
- We got a problem
Copy !req
6. we're gonna have
to talk about in person.
Copy !req
7. I'll come see you tomorrow.
Copy !req
8. Three widows,
Copy !req
9. eight dependents,
250 per household.
Copy !req
10. - Do they have attorneys?
- Not to my knowledge.
Copy !req
11. We're gonna make this deal
before they get them.
Copy !req
12. I told you to stay
the fuck away.
Copy !req
13. Now you're playing husband?
Copy !req
14. Stop it, Manuel, stop it!
Copy !req
15. That's the second time
you've pointed a gun at me.
Copy !req
16. Third time's gonna be the last.
Copy !req
17. My whole family together
Copy !req
18. for the first time
in ten years.
Copy !req
19. I'm just so fucking happy.
Copy !req
20. Up late, huh?
Copy !req
21. I got to go to Fort Worth.
Copy !req
22. Can I ride with you?
Copy !req
23. I need to sit down with Victor.
Copy !req
24. We gotta take a little detour.
Copy !req
25. Hey.
Copy !req
26. We're here.
Copy !req
27. What time's your meeting?
Copy !req
28. Now.
Copy !req
29. I'm gonna head to Victor's.
Copy !req
30. Have the talk.
Copy !req
31. Oh, it's ten minutes
for an Uber.
Copy !req
32. Can you leave the truck on
so I don't melt?
Copy !req
33. Well, why don't you
just take the truck?
Copy !req
34. Then you won't melt
and you won't need an Uber.
Copy !req
35. Well, how am I gonna
get my car back
Copy !req
36. if I drive
your truck there, hmm?
Copy !req
37. You don't need
to bring your car home today.
Copy !req
38. I ain't leaving
without my Bentley.
Copy !req
39. Mmm-mm. I don't care if I have
to suck his dick for the keys,
Copy !req
40. you're just gonna have
to man up and move past it.
Copy !req
41. All right. Well, buy
a toothbrush on the way home.
Copy !req
42. Love you.
Copy !req
43. Tommy?
Copy !req
44. How are you?
Copy !req
45. The world is my oyster, Cami.
What can I tell you?
Copy !req
46. Oh, I remember that oyster.
Copy !req
47. Yeah,
our first divorce was so fun,
Copy !req
48. we thought we'd try it again.
Copy !req
49. She can come in the house.
Copy !req
50. No, she's got to go
break up with her husband.
Copy !req
51. Life is much more interesting
Copy !req
52. when you two are together.
Come in.
Copy !req
53. - There you are.
- How are you?
Copy !req
54. He's almost done.
Copy !req
55. Can I get you
something to drink?
Copy !req
56. It's after 5:00.
Copy !req
57. Just some coffee,
if you have any, or...
Copy !req
58. I can sure make some.
Copy !req
59. - Go on in.
- Okay. All right.
Copy !req
60. I mean, I guess...
Copy !req
61. I'm gonna say,
outside of three weeks?
Copy !req
62. Somewhere in there.
Copy !req
63. Okay.
Copy !req
64. How are you?
Copy !req
65. - It's been a week.
- Yeah, I bet.
Copy !req
66. Fill me in on this
accident this morning?
Copy !req
67. He was standing on something he
shouldn't have been standing on.
Copy !req
68. He's probably done it
a thousand times. I have.
Copy !req
69. Am I exposed?
Copy !req
70. That's a lawyer question.
Copy !req
71. At this point, you're as much
a lawyer as anybody else.
Copy !req
72. Well, the pipes came in
in a mixed bundle,
Copy !req
73. which is not what we ordered.
Copy !req
74. He knew better
than to be standing up there.
Copy !req
75. Negligence is his.
Copy !req
76. But it don't make the pill
Copy !req
77. his wife's got to swallow
any easier.
Copy !req
78. We'll take care of the family.
Copy !req
79. Come on, sit.
Copy !req
80. Hey, you guys spill that
Copy !req
81. on the carpet,
your mother's gonna kill you.
Copy !req
82. Save some for me.
Copy !req
83. Girls on break?
Copy !req
84. Yeah.
Copy !req
85. Convincing her to go to TCU
Copy !req
86. is one of my
greatest accomplishments.
Copy !req
87. They want to drink margaritas,
mess around with the boys,
Copy !req
88. they can do it by the pool.
Copy !req
89. They want to go to the bars,
my driver takes them,
Copy !req
90. - picks them up.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
91. You're coming to that point
pretty soon, you got a plan?
Copy !req
92. Yeah, I'm gonna cement rebar
into a cinder block
Copy !req
93. and chain her to it
till she's 30.
Copy !req
94. She'll chew
right through that shit.
Copy !req
95. Her mother might.
Copy !req
96. We get this
lease thing worked out?
Copy !req
97. Yeah.
Copy !req
98. I understand TTP
Copy !req
99. is seeing things our way?
Copy !req
100. This little lawyer's
a pit bull, I tell you.
Copy !req
101. So I hear. How about
Copy !req
102. the well thing,
that working out?
Copy !req
103. Offering bereavement payments
to the families.
Copy !req
104. - How much?
- Got to go
Copy !req
105. north of 250 per, I think,
Copy !req
106. to make it stick. Thank you.
Copy !req
107. Thank you, sweetheart.
Copy !req
108. Staying for dinner?
Copy !req
109. I wish I could,
Copy !req
110. but I think I...
I should get going.
Copy !req
111. It's good to see you.
Copy !req
112. You, too.
Copy !req
113. So,
Copy !req
114. you called the meeting...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
115. - The Hermosa Field lease?
- Yeah?
Copy !req
116. That land
is a distribution route
Copy !req
117. for drugs headed north.
Copy !req
118. Yeah, they stole our plane.
Copy !req
119. Well, they want compensation
Copy !req
120. for the product they lost.
Copy !req
121. Get in line.
Copy !req
122. They made threats
and the crew is spooked.
Copy !req
123. They don't want
to work the field.
Copy !req
124. Well, that's not an option.
Copy !req
125. You got any senators
in your rolodex?
Copy !req
126. Maybe the army wants
to come down here
Copy !req
127. and play war games
for a few weeks?
Copy !req
128. Who all is drilling
up in that field?
Copy !req
129. Everybody. BP and Marathon
and Chevron, everybody.
Copy !req
130. - Let me make a few calls.
- Can you make them fast?
Copy !req
131. 'Cause we're supposed to
Copy !req
132. start clearing pads next week.
Copy !req
133. You ever done this before?
Copy !req
134. More than I can count.
Copy !req
135. Really? You've faced
widows and orphans
Copy !req
136. and tried
to assign a monetary value
Copy !req
137. to their loved ones' lives
more times than you can count?
Copy !req
138. Under these circumstances,
Copy !req
139. no, I've never done this before.
Copy !req
140. Let's leave all the lawyer
Copy !req
141. out here on the porch,
know what I mean?
Copy !req
142. No.
Copy !req
143. I mean, kind of.
Copy !req
144. What this means,
Copy !req
145. this section here,
Copy !req
146. is that accepting these funds
does not nullify
Copy !req
147. any insurance policy
your husbands may have had,
Copy !req
148. and they each had term policies
through the company
Copy !req
149. with death benefits of $25,000.
Copy !req
150. What are we
supposed to do with $25,000?
Copy !req
151. It is a nominal amount
to cover funeral expenses.
Copy !req
152. It's standard through
your medical insurance.
Copy !req
153. What about
our medical insurance?
Copy !req
154. Your policy will COBRA,
Copy !req
155. which means that you will remain
on the policy for 18 months.
Copy !req
156. Then, you can extend the policy
at your own expense.
Copy !req
157. This is called
a bereavement offer.
Copy !req
158. It means
Copy !req
159. we recognize the challenges
Copy !req
160. your families face,
Copy !req
161. and want to help
you overcome those challenges.
Copy !req
162. What's the catch?
Copy !req
163. No catch.
Copy !req
164. What do you want from us?
Copy !req
165. Nothing.
Copy !req
166. Just your signature
at the bottom
Copy !req
167. that you received them.
Copy !req
168. Um...
Copy !req
169. What does indem—
"indemnify" mean?
Copy !req
170. That refers to liability
Copy !req
171. and waving assertions
of culpability.
Copy !req
172. What's an assertion?
And what's "culpability"?
Copy !req
173. Those are legal terms.
Copy !req
174. It just means you can't
decide in ten years
Copy !req
175. that the accident was our fault.
Copy !req
176. What if it was your fault?
Copy !req
177. It wasn't our fault.
Copy !req
178. It wasn't your husband's fault.
Copy !req
179. It wasn't anyone's fault.
Copy !req
180. But what if it was?
Copy !req
181. Then you'd have to prove it.
Copy !req
182. You'd have to hand
that check back,
Copy !req
183. go hire a lawyer—
one better than our lawyers—
Copy !req
184. and prove it was our fault.
Copy !req
185. While we try to prove
it was yours.
Copy !req
186. What she means is,
Copy !req
187. none of us wants to fight.
Copy !req
188. This is a tragedy,
and we would rather
Copy !req
189. openly offer money
to help you through it
Copy !req
190. than fight about blame.
Copy !req
191. But if you're not to blame,
why would you offer us anything?
Copy !req
192. Because it's cheaper
than proving it.
Copy !req
193. Excuse me.
Copy !req
194. Sheriff's department.
Copy !req
195. Uh... Sorry, I must have
dialed the wrong—
Copy !req
196. Are you calling
for Cooper Norris?
Copy !req
197. Um...
Copy !req
198. - Yes.
- Are you a friend?
Copy !req
199. I think so.
Copy !req
200. Did something happen to him?
Copy !req
201. - What's your name?
- Ariana.
Copy !req
202. How do you know him, Ariana?
Copy !req
203. Uh, he worked
on my husband's crew.
Copy !req
204. Did somebody hurt him?
Copy !req
205. Someone hurt him really bad.
Copy !req
206. They beat him.
Copy !req
207. You know anybody
would want to do that?
Copy !req
208. Uh... Where was this?
Copy !req
209. In his trailer at a man camp.
Copy !req
210. I know someone.
Copy !req
211. - Who would that be?
- Manuel Lopez.
Copy !req
212. He threatened Cooper
at my house.
Copy !req
213. Threatened him how?
Copy !req
214. With a gun.
Copy !req
215. Threatened to kill him.
Copy !req
216. Why would he do that?
Copy !req
217. Because, um... Because jealousy.
Copy !req
218. How badly is he hurt?
Copy !req
219. Well, that depends
on how the night goes.
Copy !req
220. Manuel's threat may come true.
Copy !req
221. What's your last name, ma'am?
Copy !req
222. - What hospital is he in?
- Ma'am, I'm gonna need
Copy !req
223. your last name.
Copy !req
224. I'm gonna need
a statement from you.
Copy !req
225. You want a statement?
Copy !req
226. You come to the hospital
and get it.
Copy !req
227. Which hospital?
Copy !req
228. Midland General.
Copy !req
229. Wait, just...
Copy !req
230. Everything okay?
Copy !req
231. I don't think so.
Copy !req
232. Who are you?
Copy !req
233. I'm an associate with Brown,
Copy !req
234. Mayer, and Hammond, Mrs. Ramsey.
Copy !req
235. Please, come in.
Copy !req
236. So, I can come in my own
fucking house now?
Copy !req
237. - Thank you.
- Mrs. Ramsey?
Copy !req
238. I'm Nelson Means
with Brown, Mayer
Copy !req
239. - and Hammond...
- I know, Nelson
Copy !req
240. and what-the-fuck,
and hamster.
Copy !req
241. - Where's Victor?
- Victor has asked us
Copy !req
242. to assist in the dissolution
of the marriage.
Copy !req
243. Would you like to have a seat?
Copy !req
244. I'd like to speak to him.
Copy !req
245. Victor would prefer
the prenup to be fully executed
Copy !req
246. prior to any contact.
Copy !req
247. - Would he?
- Yes, he would.
Copy !req
248. I'd like you to focus
on this clause here,
Copy !req
249. paragraph nine.
Copy !req
250. This is the infidelity clause
of the agreement,
Copy !req
251. which states
should you engage in adultery,
Copy !req
252. the settlement portion of the
agreement will be nullified.
Copy !req
253. Who did I commit adultery with?
Copy !req
254. Is it your statement
that you did not engage
Copy !req
255. in sexual relations
with a Mr. Thomas Norris?
Copy !req
256. Oh. That's not adultery.
He's my ex-husband.
Copy !req
257. That is the very definition
of adultery.
Copy !req
258. Based on your efforts
to travel to him,
Copy !req
259. the affair was premeditated.
Copy !req
260. - What do you mean by that?
- I mean, you were
Copy !req
261. thinking about it
before you did it.
Copy !req
262. That's a crime now?
Copy !req
263. I mean, I've thought
about fucking Tommy
Copy !req
264. while I was fucking Victor.
Copy !req
265. None of this is criminal.
Copy !req
266. But pursuant to the agreement,
Copy !req
267. all community property reverts
to Mr. Ramsey.
Copy !req
268. Define "community property."
Copy !req
269. This residence,
the house in Aspen,
Copy !req
270. the ranch outside of Morgan,
the residence in Cabo,
Copy !req
271. all liquid investments,
Copy !req
272. all cash in the joint accounts
Copy !req
273. and all access
to joint credit cards
Copy !req
274. and automobiles.
Copy !req
275. - Which automobiles?
- The Range Rovers,
Copy !req
276. there's an Audi A8,
a Lincoln Navigator...
Copy !req
277. Just get to the fucking Bentley.
Copy !req
278. The Bentley was a gift.
Copy !req
279. All gifts are
your separate property.
Copy !req
280. Hey, well, now we're
getting somewhere.
Copy !req
281. Define "gifts."
Copy !req
282. Any jewelry,
Copy !req
283. clothing, accessories
Copy !req
284. such as handbags, luggage.
Copy !req
285. You have a personal
banking account
Copy !req
286. with just over $300,000—
Copy !req
287. those funds he will
concede to you.
Copy !req
288. We have calculated child support
payments for Ainsley
Copy !req
289. through her 18th birthday.
Copy !req
290. He's also written a letter.
Copy !req
291. He asks you deliver it
to Ainsley.
Copy !req
292. Anything else?
Copy !req
293. Signature here, please.
Copy !req
294. Keys to my fucking car.
Copy !req
295. Keys are in the vehicle.
Copy !req
296. I'd like to get my things.
Copy !req
297. Your clothing has been shipped
Copy !req
298. to Mr. Norris's residence
in Midland.
Copy !req
299. The rest has been packed
inside the vehicle.
Copy !req
300. Madison will show you
to the garage.
Copy !req
301. I know where the garage is.
Copy !req
302. Fuck are you looking at?
Copy !req
303. You the one who left him?
Copy !req
304. I hope it's true love,
Copy !req
305. You're a little long
in the tooth
Copy !req
306. to come crawling back and try
to kick me out of his bed.
Copy !req
307. I'd just pull you out
by your fucking hair.
Copy !req
308. That could be fun.
Copy !req
309. How many years is it?
Copy !req
310. Almost nine.
Copy !req
311. And not one drink.
Copy !req
312. Not one whiskey.
Copy !req
313. Miss it?
Copy !req
314. I'm too scared of it to miss it.
Copy !req
315. So, how worried are you
about these green initiatives?
Copy !req
316. You're not buying
into that shit now, are you?
Copy !req
317. Well, don't matter
what I buy into,
Copy !req
318. it matters
what the lawmakers buy into.
Copy !req
319. Do you know who the two
biggest financial backers
Copy !req
320. of green initiatives are?
Copy !req
321. Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Copy !req
322. Why is that?
Copy !req
323. We reduce our output, we're
more reliant on their output.
Copy !req
324. And once that happens,
there's a huge demand
Copy !req
325. for output from us,
and then we're right back
Copy !req
326. in the middle of an oil boom.
Copy !req
327. Or the administration changes
Copy !req
328. and the oil boom comes
two years later.
Copy !req
329. It's manipulating supply
to increase demand
Copy !req
330. and they have been doing it
since they've been
Copy !req
331. harvesting sorghum
from the fields
Copy !req
332. in the Nile River Valley.
Copy !req
333. Why is Nathan calling my phone?
Copy !req
334. I don't know.
Copy !req
335. Shit, I left my phone
in the truck.
Copy !req
336. Hey, do you want me or Tommy?
Copy !req
337. Hey, Nate. Sorry,
I left my phone in the truck.
Copy !req
338. How'd it go?
Copy !req
339. Listen, I got news
and it's not good.
Copy !req
340. Well, shit, Nate, it wasn't
a difficult presentation, what—
Copy !req
341. Cooper was attacked last night.
Copy !req
342. He's in surgery at General.
Copy !req
343. I sent Ainsley over there so
we've got someone on the ground.
Copy !req
344. In surgery for what?
Copy !req
345. Don't know. Call the sheriff.
He's expecting you.
Copy !req
346. Yeah. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
347. Monty, I've got to go.
Copy !req
348. Problem?
Copy !req
349. Always.
Copy !req
350. Call Sheriff Joeberg.
Copy !req
351. Fuck. Honey, I need
Copy !req
352. five minutes, okay?
Copy !req
353. Just start heading to Odessa.
Copy !req
354. I feel like a whore.
Copy !req
355. Honey, please.
Copy !req
356. A fucking whore.
Copy !req
357. And I got to meet
Copy !req
358. my whore replacement
on the way out.
Copy !req
359. Little bitch was so young,
she had those little dimples
Copy !req
360. above her ass cheeks.
Copy !req
361. - Honey, honey—
- Ass dimples.
Copy !req
362. There's an emergency, okay?
Copy !req
363. I'm gonna have to call you back.
Copy !req
364. Fucking cherry
on the cake of my day.
Copy !req
365. - Tommy?
- Walk me through it.
Copy !req
366. Found him unconscious
in his trailer.
Copy !req
367. Took a real good beating.
Copy !req
368. EMS said he
had a collapsed lung.
Copy !req
369. They're worried
about the shots to his head.
Copy !req
370. He was still out when
they got him on the chopper.
Copy !req
371. They Care-Flighted him out?
Copy !req
372. It was bad, Tommy.
Copy !req
373. I ain't gonna lie.
Copy !req
374. You got any suspects?
Copy !req
375. You know a Manuel Lopez?
Copy !req
376. Yeah, he works on Cooper's crew.
Copy !req
377. Threatened him with
a pistol earlier in the day.
Copy !req
378. Over what?
Copy !req
379. A girl, what else?
Copy !req
380. I know you like
to handle this in-house,
Copy !req
381. but this one's on the radar.
Copy !req
382. Yeah, well,
we'll both handle it, all right?
Copy !req
383. Just leave me
something to arrest.
Copy !req
384. Oh, don't mind me.
Copy !req
385. I'm just schlepping
my whore ass back to Midland
Copy !req
386. to make a new life with the man
of my dreams who hangs up on me
Copy !req
387. when I needed
some fucking compassion.
Copy !req
388. Honey?
Copy !req
389. Cooper's in the hospital.
Copy !req
390. He's in surgery.
Copy !req
391. I don't know for what
and I don't know for how long.
Copy !req
392. But I'll let you know
when I know.
Copy !req
393. I'm heading
to the hospital right now
Copy !req
394. and you need to do
the same, honey, okay?
Copy !req
395. You understand?
Copy !req
396. Okay, I'm headed that way now.
Copy !req
397. I love you, honey.
Copy !req
398. I'll call you if I hear
anything else.
Copy !req
399. Cooper Norris?
Copy !req
400. He's in recovery.
Copy !req
401. His right lung collapsed,
Copy !req
402. so we inserted a chest tube
Copy !req
403. between the ribs,
in order to drain the air
Copy !req
404. and allow the lung to expand.
Copy !req
405. We'll need to leave that in
for several days.
Copy !req
406. There's some brain swelling.
Copy !req
407. It's something we'll monitor.
Copy !req
408. Okay.
Copy !req
409. Thank you.
Copy !req
410. Tommy?
Copy !req
411. Yeah, he's out.
Copy !req
412. Who are you?
Copy !req
413. Who are you?
Copy !req
414. Uh, I'm-I'm his sister.
Copy !req
415. Mm.
Copy !req
416. Your turn.
Copy !req
417. I'm harder to explain.
Copy !req
418. You just explained it.
Copy !req
419. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
420. Norris?
Copy !req
421. We've taken him to his room.
Copy !req
422. I can show you the way.
Copy !req
423. Hey.
Copy !req
424. What do you know?
Copy !req
425. Well, Dale says
he's out of surgery.
Copy !req
426. Punctured a lung, got
a concussion, some broken ribs
Copy !req
427. and a pile of bruises.
Copy !req
428. Car wreck?
Copy !req
429. A fight.
Copy !req
430. Did you say "a fight"?
Copy !req
431. Yeah, a fight.
Copy !req
432. Bunch of guys jumped him
in his trailer.
Copy !req
433. This is why I didn't want him
working out here, Tommy.
Copy !req
434. I mean, it's all felons
and thugs and—
Copy !req
435. I don't wanting him
working out here, either,
Copy !req
436. but if he's gonna work out here,
he's gonna work with me.
Copy !req
437. It's the only way
we can protect him.
Copy !req
438. Well, you're doing
a bang-up job of that.
Copy !req
439. Second week here, second week
in the fucking hospital.
Copy !req
440. Trust me, honey,
I'll handle this, okay?
Copy !req
441. And if you want
to talk him out of working
Copy !req
442. at the patch, be my guest.
Copy !req
443. How far out are you?
Copy !req
444. 30 minutes. How about you?
Copy !req
445. I'm in the parking lot.
Copy !req
446. In the parking lot?
Copy !req
447. Did you fly?
Copy !req
448. Bet your ass I did.
Copy !req
449. Well, why aren't you in
the hospital with our son, then?
Copy !req
450. 'Cause if the kid
lost a fucking leg,
Copy !req
451. I want to know before I see it.
Copy !req
452. I need to be
strong for him, Tommy.
Copy !req
453. He doesn't need to see his
mother freaking the fuck out.
Copy !req
454. Oh, yeah, that'd shock
the shit right out of him.
Copy !req
455. I'm waiting for you,
so hurry the fuck up.
Copy !req
456. Okay, I'm on my way.
Copy !req
457. Call Theodore Ramone.
Copy !req
458. This is where all
your dreams about to die, Dad.
Copy !req
459. No, this is where I put
my foot all in your ass.
Copy !req
460. - Whatever.
- Ain't no way Tampa Bay
Copy !req
461. is gonna stop Zeke
on the five yard line.
Copy !req
462. Look, look.
Copy !req
463. Just like... that!
Copy !req
464. Sup, Tommy?
Copy !req
465. Nothin' much,
just driving to the hospital
Copy !req
466. to see my beat-to-shit son.
Copy !req
467. Do what?
Copy !req
468. Yeah, and guess who did it?
Copy !req
469. Who?
Copy !req
470. Manuel and Antonio,
for starters.
Copy !req
471. My Manuel?
Copy !req
472. What the fuck are
your fucking boys doing
Copy !req
473. putting my son
in the goddamn hospital?
Copy !req
474. Do you not run
a tighter crew than that?
Copy !req
475. I'll have this handled
before dawn.
Copy !req
476. No, you've had
your chance to handle it.
Copy !req
477. You find me five thumpers that
Copy !req
478. don't play in their side
of the sand box,
Copy !req
479. and keep your goddamn phone on.
Copy !req
480. How you feeling, slugger?
Copy !req
481. Been better.
Copy !req
482. Yeah, them damn ribs
is the worst.
Copy !req
483. You know,
Copy !req
484. try like hell
not to laugh and try
Copy !req
485. like ever-loving hell
not to sneeze.
Copy !req
486. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
487. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
488. Well, I was waiting
for five hours
Copy !req
489. to see if you lived
through surgery.
Copy !req
490. Sorry to disappoint.
Copy !req
491. We're gonna wait outside, amigo.
Copy !req
492. Okay?
Copy !req
493. You need anything? Hmm?
Copy !req
494. Want a pack of cigarettes?
Copy !req
495. You said, "Don't laugh."
Copy !req
496. Sorry. My fault.
Copy !req
497. Broke my own rule.
Copy !req
498. We'll be right outside, bud, okay?
Copy !req
499. Maybe give 'em some space.
Copy !req
500. To think, I missed
my first patch party for you.
Copy !req
501. I'm sure there'll be plenty
of chlamydia at the next one.
Copy !req
502. Not your fault.
Copy !req
503. I'm sorry anyway.
Copy !req
504. You don't deserve this.
Copy !req
505. "Deserve"
doesn't factor into it.
Copy !req
506. He didn't do this for Elvio.
Copy !req
507. He did this for himself.
Copy !req
508. About time.
Copy !req
509. Drive here in reverse?
Copy !req
510. I'm sorry, honey.
Copy !req
511. Shit, I don't have
a fucking Batmobile like you do.
Copy !req
512. Hey, honey.
Copy !req
513. - Hi.
- Is he asleep?
Copy !req
514. He's talking
with his girlfriend.
Copy !req
515. Who's his girlfriend?
Copy !req
516. Well, I-I don't know.
Copy !req
517. Shouldn't eat that shit, Dale.
Copy !req
518. They sell it in a hospital,
Copy !req
519. How bad can it be?
Copy !req
520. Your boy's either real tough
or real lucky, Tommy.
Copy !req
521. You been in with him yet?
Copy !req
522. He's talking
with his girlfriend.
Copy !req
523. Figured I'd give him that
after all he's been through.
Copy !req
524. Who is this fucking girlfriend?
Copy !req
525. He's sleeping.
Copy !req
526. Yeah, I can see that.
Copy !req
527. How you holding up, honey?
Copy !req
528. How's your boy?
Copy !req
529. He's good.
Copy !req
530. How are you?
Copy !req
531. Well, you know.
Copy !req
532. No, I-I don't know,
but I can imagine.
Copy !req
533. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
534. Look at my little angel.
What the fuck?
Copy !req
535. - I know. Wh...
- Look at him, Tommy!
Copy !req
536. What happened
to "don't freak him out"?
Copy !req
537. You better find
the fuckers that did this.
Copy !req
538. Mom?
Copy !req
539. - I'm here, baby.
- We know that, honey.
Copy !req
540. The whole hospital knows.
Copy !req
541. I know you got a Xanax on you,
Copy !req
542. so go out in the hallway
and take it.
Copy !req
543. And wait till it kicks in
'fore you come back, okay?
Copy !req
544. How 'bout that?
Copy !req
545. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
546. I'm gonna...
Copy !req
547. I'm gonna be right outside,
baby, okay?
Copy !req
548. - Okay.
- 'Kay.
Copy !req
549. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
550. Sorry about that. She-she gets
worked up over the kids.
Copy !req
551. I'm Mexican.
No explanation needed.
Copy !req
552. I need a minute alone
with Cooper.
Copy !req
553. Yeah, I should get back
to my son.
Copy !req
554. Call me if you need anything.
Copy !req
555. I'll be back tomorrow.
Copy !req
556. Thank you.
Copy !req
557. Nothing's going on.
Copy !req
558. Her husband just died.
Copy !req
559. I'm trying...
Copy !req
560. She called and asked for help,
and I gave it.
Copy !req
561. She's not my concern. You are.
Copy !req
562. And at the moment,
Copy !req
563. the fuckers that put you in this
hospital are my main concern.
Copy !req
564. If my father steps in...
Copy !req
565. This is not your dad talking.
Copy !req
566. This is the general manager
of an oil company talking.
Copy !req
567. And when my employees
break into another employee's
Copy !req
568. company-provided housing
Copy !req
569. and beat the dog shit out of him
to the point where a surgeon
Copy !req
570. has to re-inflate his lung,
I step in.
Copy !req
571. Manuel and Antonio.
Copy !req
572. Who else?
Copy !req
573. You can tell me, or I'll beat it
out of the first two.
Copy !req
574. I don't know their names.
Copy !req
575. Maintenance crew
for the buffalo field.
Copy !req
576. That's all you had to say.
Copy !req
577. You're gonna have to move slow
with this girl.
Copy !req
578. She's hurting in a way
that you can't understand,
Copy !req
579. and she's trying to find
somewhere to put it.
Copy !req
580. It's not like that.
Copy !req
581. How many other widows
do you think
Copy !req
582. are sitting in this hospital
tonight with their helpers?
Copy !req
583. This ain't the first time you
took a beating over this girl.
Copy !req
584. This is the kind of beating
you get
Copy !req
585. when the first one didn't take.
Copy !req
586. Yeah?
Copy !req
587. He just got to his trailer.
Copy !req
588. Alone?
Copy !req
589. - With his roommate.
- All right,
Copy !req
590. I want you
to turn those cameras off
Copy !req
591. and don't cut 'em back on
till I tell you, all right?
Copy !req
592. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
593. Can we talk to him now?
Copy !req
594. No need.
Copy !req
595. Meet me at the man camp.
Give me a ten minute head start.
Copy !req
596. I'm really relaxed now.
Can I go see him?
Copy !req
597. He's all yours.
Copy !req
598. You got plans tonight?
Copy !req
599. Soon as you give 'em to me.
Copy !req
600. Let's go.
Copy !req
601. Hey, don't let her drive.
Copy !req
602. Mm.
Copy !req
603. You want something?
Copy !req
604. Don't leave home without it.
Copy !req
605. We might not even get to use it.
Copy !req
606. You should just
cut that fucking thing off.
Copy !req
607. Ain't your hand
that got smashed.
Copy !req
608. - You got a bitch coming over?
- Not till I get paid.
Copy !req
609. Fuck. It's the boss.
Copy !req
610. Don't answer.
Make like we're asleep.
Copy !req
611. I can fucking hear you.
Copy !req
612. What's up?
Copy !req
613. This seem familiar, motherfucker?
Copy !req
614. Hey, man...
Copy !req
615. You get on your fucking phone
and call your friends.
Copy !req
616. You know, the ones
that you called that put
Copy !req
617. my fucking son in the hospital.
Copy !req
618. No?
Copy !req
619. He don't want to call
his friends, Boss.
Copy !req
620. Me and my boys will
take him in the back.
Copy !req
621. Okay, I'd appreciate that.
Copy !req
622. Oh, we'll convince you.
Copy !req
623. - Come on.
- No. No, fuck.
Copy !req
624. Let's talk.
Copy !req
625. No!
Copy !req
626. Nobody said "get up," Manny.
Copy !req
627. Have a seat, Manuel.
Copy !req
628. Here's how this is gonna go.
Copy !req
629. Needless to say, you're fired.
Copy !req
630. By noon tomorrow,
you'll be on a "no hire" list
Copy !req
631. for every fucking oil company
in the Permian Basin.
Copy !req
632. Sheriff's gonna be here
in about five minutes,
Copy !req
633. and he's gonna toss
this fucking place.
Copy !req
634. And I'm just guessing he'll add
Copy !req
635. felon in possession
of a firearm,
Copy !req
636. possession of
a controlled substance,
Copy !req
637. and maybe possession of
a controlled substance
Copy !req
638. with intent to distribute.
Copy !req
639. And any goddamn one of those
violates your parole.
Copy !req
640. And then you add
Copy !req
641. on top of that shit,
Copy !req
642. aggravated assault charge
and kidnapping,
Copy !req
643. 'cause when you
shut the door on him,
Copy !req
644. that's kidnapping.
Copy !req
645. I ain't a goddamn mathematician,
Copy !req
646. but that's, like, 30 years.
Copy !req
647. That's what I do
Copy !req
648. to people who hurt my family.
Copy !req
649. You fucked
with the wrong hillbilly.
Copy !req
650. I'm gonna take 30 years
of your life away from you.
Copy !req
651. And if you ever come back
to this place,
Copy !req
652. I'm gonna take the rest of it.
Copy !req
653. Have you met the sheriff?
Copy !req
654. Stand up
and turn around.
Copy !req
655. They're having a confession
in the back room.
Copy !req
656. Tommy.
Copy !req
657. Did he have anything to say?
Copy !req
658. He gave up the names.
Copy !req
659. Even wrote 'em down for you.
Copy !req
660. You think he'd repeat 'em to me?
Copy !req
661. Sure he would if you asked.
Copy !req
662. Would you confirm the names
of the other assailants?
Copy !req
663. You-you gonna take me with you?
Copy !req
664. Well, that depends.
Copy !req
665. You gonna say something
give me a reason?
Copy !req
666. I'll give you a reason.
Copy !req
667. You boys give us a minute?
Copy !req
668. Haven't done anything
like that since...
Copy !req
669. 2016.
Copy !req
670. Place is getting wild again.
Copy !req
671. I got to get my boy out of here
before somebody kills him.
Copy !req
672. Nah, we run the killers off.
Copy !req
673. There's something about that
boy, just draws trouble to him
Copy !req
674. like bugs to a light.
Copy !req
675. He ain't mean enough
for this place, Dale.
Copy !req
676. He just ain't mean enough.
Copy !req