1. This is so weird.
Copy !req
2. Why is she here?
Copy !req
3. Emotional support.
Copy !req
4. For who?
Copy !req
5. Surprise!
Copy !req
6. You have an employee who failed
Copy !req
7. to report theft of an asset
worth $7 million dollars.
Copy !req
8. Every company has
a version of Tommy.
Copy !req
9. You cannot function without one.
Copy !req
10. - Kill the well.
- Take a pill.
Copy !req
11. You got yourself a new crew yet?
Copy !req
12. Not yet. I'm looking for one.
Copy !req
13. You just wrestled them.
Copy !req
14. I need to see the crash site.
Copy !req
15. They sent an expert in
causation of liability.
Copy !req
16. They're looking
for someone to blame.
Copy !req
17. They're gonna blame it on you.
Copy !req
18. You got to get this attorney
Copy !req
19. on your side, Tommy.
Copy !req
20. You're the worm.
Copy !req
21. Elvio did a very good job
of describing you.
Copy !req
22. You're Ariana.
Copy !req
23. You ever put your arm
Copy !req
24. around my cousin's widow again,
Copy !req
25. I'll fucking kill you.
Copy !req
26. Honey, if you tell me
you want to try again,
Copy !req
27. I'll try again.
Copy !req
28. All right,
guys, sway those hips out.
Copy !req
29. And open those legs
a little bit.
Copy !req
30. Sink into that bend.
Copy !req
31. Rock it out.
How you feeling, ladies?
Copy !req
32. - Good.
- Feel good.
Copy !req
33. You ready?
Copy !req
34. Now roll it out.
Big circles. Big.
Copy !req
35. Stretch out those hamstrings.
Other way.
Copy !req
36. There you go.
Bring it around town.
Copy !req
37. Again.
Copy !req
38. And we're gonna roll it
to the right, girls.
Copy !req
39. You know what to do.
Copy !req
40. Roll with it. A big one.
Copy !req
41. Faster, together.
Copy !req
42. Roll with it.
Copy !req
43. - Let's warm it up, y'all.
- Yup.
Copy !req
44. Hey, we're at the courthouse, right?
Copy !req
45. No, we're at the attorney's
office across the street.
Copy !req
46. All right, well,
text me the address.
Copy !req
47. Now get lower!
Copy !req
48. How long is your family staying,
Copy !req
49. Only one of 'em is my family,
and I don't know.
Copy !req
50. Okay, well, see,
Copy !req
51. the house is essentially
my office, and they are...
Copy !req
52. How best to put this?
Copy !req
53. Disrupting your workspace.
Copy !req
54. Well put, yes.
Copy !req
55. When they twerk
in the living room
Copy !req
56. in their fucking underwear,
it disrupts my workspace.
Copy !req
57. Okay, I'll talk to 'em.
Copy !req
58. I don't want you
to talk to them, Tommy.
Copy !req
59. I want you
to get them out of the house.
Copy !req
60. This is a liability
cluster bomb.
Copy !req
61. I'm working on it.
Copy !req
62. Work faster.
Copy !req
63. I'll see you at the deposition.
Copy !req
64. - Morning, Neil.
- Nathan.
Copy !req
65. Nate. Either way.
Copy !req
66. Oh.
Copy !req
67. Are you, uh,
enjoying your workout?
Copy !req
68. Just keeping the peach plump,
Copy !req
69. Well, that's nice. Oh.
Copy !req
70. I just...
Copy !req
71. - And again.
- Um...
Copy !req
72. Work that spine.
Copy !req
73. Not-not looking.
I just need to...
Copy !req
74. get my files.
Copy !req
75. - Back to the center.
- Excuse me.
Copy !req
76. - You have a good day, now.
- Arch that back.
Copy !req
77. Yes.
Copy !req
78. Pretty wound up, that one.
Copy !req
79. Old men are so cute
when they're shy.
Copy !req
80. There you go.
Copy !req
81. Why didn't you report
Copy !req
82. the theft of the King Air?
Copy !req
83. I did report it.
Copy !req
84. This is a copy
of a report filed
Copy !req
85. with the FAA.
Copy !req
86. Note the date.
Copy !req
87. Yes, we have this.
Copy !req
88. Why did you not report it
to local authorities?
Copy !req
89. Because local authorities
have no jurisdiction.
Copy !req
90. It's the responsibility
of the FAA
Copy !req
91. to report any theft
to local law enforcement
Copy !req
92. if, in fact, it was a theft.
Copy !req
93. I don't own or manage the plane.
Copy !req
94. I don't control the manifest.
Copy !req
95. And as far as I know,
Copy !req
96. it could've been chartered
or leased out.
Copy !req
97. Objection. Speculation.
Copy !req
98. If you didn't want an answer,
Copy !req
99. you shouldn't have asked
the question, number one.
Copy !req
100. Number two,
this is a deposition.
Copy !req
101. Who was your objection
directed toward?
Copy !req
102. It's directed
toward your client.
Copy !req
103. Which is to say
it's directed toward me.
Copy !req
104. In that case,
objection is overruled.
Copy !req
105. Isn't it fun
being out of law school?
Copy !req
106. Maybe you should go back
Copy !req
107. since you clearly
do not understand
Copy !req
108. how a deposition works.
Copy !req
109. He is testifying under oath
Copy !req
110. to questions you ask.
Copy !req
111. The only person
who can object is me.
Copy !req
112. - I can tell him not to answer—
- You can advise.
Copy !req
113. And his failure
to answer questions
Copy !req
114. will be addressed in court.
Copy !req
115. Which it should be.
Copy !req
116. Instead of wasting
our fucking time in deposition.
Copy !req
117. Can we pause recording?
Copy !req
118. Can counsel speak?
Copy !req
119. By all means.
Copy !req
120. Let's step
into the conference room.
Copy !req
121. - Have a seat.
- I'm fine.
Copy !req
122. Listen, hon, we were playing
the pissed-off litigator
Copy !req
123. while you were still
being bathed by your daddy.
Copy !req
124. My father died
before I was born,
Copy !req
125. defending your right to say
offensive and sexist remarks
Copy !req
126. like the ones
you just uttered here
Copy !req
127. in front of six witnesses,
Copy !req
128. all of whom are attorneys
and three of whom are women.
Copy !req
129. So if this is how
you talk to a woman
Copy !req
130. in front of a court reporter...
Copy !req
131. I wonder what interesting
tales they have to tell
Copy !req
132. about those late-night
discovery sessions.
Copy !req
133. Let's just take the temperature
down a notch.
Copy !req
134. Take the temperature down?
Copy !req
135. We are not the ones
who are seeking depositions.
Copy !req
136. Let me point the facts of
this case out to you, all right?
Copy !req
137. Your driver used a private road,
Copy !req
138. owned and constructed by
my client, without permission.
Copy !req
139. - We had permission.
- I've seen no such documents
Copy !req
140. - submitted by counsel.
- Permission was verbal.
Copy !req
141. - Permission from who?
- Tommy Norris.
Copy !req
142. Would you ask Mr. Norris
to come in here, please?
Copy !req
143. - Listen, let's—
- I'm done speaking to you.
Copy !req
144. May I speak?
Copy !req
145. Feel free.
Copy !req
146. I know
where you're going with this,
Copy !req
147. and you need to understand,
a verbal agreement
Copy !req
148. is legally binding
in the state of Texas.
Copy !req
149. If it can be proven.
Copy !req
150. Did you give permission for TTP
Copy !req
151. to use our cutoff
to Highway 285?
Copy !req
152. When 302 was closed
for night construction,
Copy !req
153. they asked if they could use the
bypass, and I allowed 'em to.
Copy !req
154. Did they ask
for that courtesy to be extended
Copy !req
155. beyond the closure
of the highway?
Copy !req
156. They did not.
Copy !req
157. Were you,
or any M-TEX employees, aware
Copy !req
158. of their continued use
of the road?
Copy !req
159. I wasn't, but I can't speak
for anybody else.
Copy !req
160. Mm-hmm.
You had restricted permission,
Copy !req
161. which had expired.
Copy !req
162. You made no request
to extend it.
Copy !req
163. The plane in question
was reported stolen
Copy !req
164. and was in possession
of the thieves
Copy !req
165. at the time of the accident.
Copy !req
166. But even
if it hadn't been stolen,
Copy !req
167. we could land it in the middle
of the road whenever we want.
Copy !req
168. It's our fucking road.
Copy !req
169. You had no right,
easement, lease,
Copy !req
170. nor permission to use the road.
Copy !req
171. To assert otherwise is false,
Copy !req
172. and the mere insinuation
we were complicit
Copy !req
173. in the theft
of the plane is defamatory
Copy !req
174. and will be treated as such.
Copy !req
175. Not to mention
multiple attempts, on record,
Copy !req
176. of your partner making
a derogatory statement
Copy !req
177. about my gender and stating
that I bathed with my father,
Copy !req
178. falsely insinuating
an incestuous
Copy !req
179. and criminally
sexual relationship
Copy !req
180. with a deceased Army Ranger.
Copy !req
181. Uncle. We get it.
Copy !req
182. Do you?
Copy !req
183. Think they hired me
'cause I'm pretty?
Copy !req
184. I charge $900 an hour,
you asshole,
Copy !req
185. and you're real close
to learning why.
Copy !req
186. So, here's what
you're going to do.
Copy !req
187. You're gonna drop
this bullshit claim.
Copy !req
188. You, your client,
Copy !req
189. and your insurance company
are going to circle up
Copy !req
190. and take your eight-figure
settlement like men,
Copy !req
191. or I will sue this firm,
your client,
Copy !req
192. and your insurance company
for defamation, slander,
Copy !req
193. frivolous
and malicious prosecution,
Copy !req
194. intentional infliction
of emotional distress,
Copy !req
195. mental anguish, and...
Copy !req
196. anything else
I can come up with.
Copy !req
197. And when this is over
in seven years,
Copy !req
198. you will be disbarred
Copy !req
199. and I will hang your law degrees
over my fucking toilet.
Copy !req
200. Ah, shit.
Copy !req
201. I'm sorry. Sorry.
Copy !req
202. Would you draft up
the settlement, please?
Copy !req
203. And make sure
it's withdrawn with prejudice.
Copy !req
204. Oh, no one is leaving but me.
Copy !req
205. Draft the settlement here,
have them sign it here.
Copy !req
206. Don't you want to be here
to negotiate the language?
Copy !req
207. We're not negotiating language.
Copy !req
208. This is a surrender.
Copy !req
209. They sign what you write,
Copy !req
210. and I'll be waiting
at the courthouse
Copy !req
211. with CBS News if they don't.
Copy !req
212. Is that how you play
pissed-off litigator?
Copy !req
213. Didn't think so.
Copy !req
214. You're good to go, Tommy.
Copy !req
215. Rebecca?
Copy !req
216. So, I'm done with my deposition?
Copy !req
217. Everyone's done
with the deposition.
Copy !req
218. You want to go have a drink?
Copy !req
219. A drink?
Copy !req
220. Yeah. Let's go have a drink.
Copy !req
221. To... what? Discuss
the next eight-figure lawsuit
Copy !req
222. we're facing because of you?
Copy !req
223. Not because of me.
Copy !req
224. You stand
in the fall guy position.
Copy !req
225. That makes them about you.
Copy !req
226. Well, that's not what
I want to talk about, anyway.
Copy !req
227. Well, what do you want
to talk about?
Copy !req
228. Shit, I don't know.
Just talk.
Copy !req
229. You know, about you, the
weather. Shit, I don't know.
Copy !req
230. The weather in West Texas? Hot.
Copy !req
231. What else
are we gonna talk about?
Copy !req
232. Um...
Copy !req
233. Well, your dad was
an Army Ranger. Start there.
Copy !req
234. My father is
an investment banker in Chicago.
Copy !req
235. I made that shit up.
Copy !req
236. You know, I didn't
give you enough credit.
Copy !req
237. Nobody does.
Copy !req
238. Look, I'm a fairly
goal-oriented person,
Copy !req
239. in case you didn't notice,
so I need to understand
Copy !req
240. the purpose of this drink.
Copy !req
241. There's no purpose,
I just enjoyed watching you,
Copy !req
242. and I thought
we'd give a little toast
Copy !req
243. to a pretty one-sided
ass-whipping, that's all.
Copy !req
244. Hmm. 60-year-old,
two-pack-a-day smoker
Copy !req
245. who's living in a rent house
in Midland, Texas
Copy !req
246. is not how I've drawn up
my dream man.
Copy !req
247. And if you're thinking something
a little more casual,
Copy !req
248. you're up against a little toy
the size of a lipstick case
Copy !req
249. that doesn't talk back and never
makes me sleep in the wet spot.
Copy !req
250. Well, you lawyers sure do
think shit through, don't you?
Copy !req
251. I barely got past a beer,
which, by the way,
Copy !req
252. I'm gonna have
whether you're with me or not.
Copy !req
253. I'll follow you.
Copy !req
254. Fair enough.
Copy !req
255. This is the worst
spring break ever.
Copy !req
256. We could go get pedicures.
Copy !req
257. You think there's
Asian women in Midland?
Copy !req
258. Good point, baby.
Copy !req
259. Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
260. We could go to the country club.
Copy !req
261. Yeah.
Copy !req
262. That's my girl.
Copy !req
263. Is that what I think it is?
Copy !req
264. It depends on
what you think it is.
Copy !req
265. I think it's a felony.
Copy !req
266. It's what you think it is.
Copy !req
267. Hey, Dan.
Copy !req
268. How's the wife?
Copy !req
269. Is she still going
through her chemo?
Copy !req
270. Piece of shit.
Copy !req
271. What, y'all quit policing
the wildlife around here?
Copy !req
272. What the fuck?
What did I do to you?
Copy !req
273. Don't come over here.
If you're gonna sell your ass,
Copy !req
274. do it over there.
Copy !req
275. - I have an open tab.
- I don't give a shit.
Copy !req
276. Hey, can you just go back
to your seat over there, ma'am?
Copy !req
277. - Appreciate you.
- Fucking asshole.
Copy !req
278. Man, there's nothing I can do,
all right?
Copy !req
279. She put down
a credit card on her tab.
Copy !req
280. As long as she keeps buying
drinks, we can't kick her out.
Copy !req
281. Did you bother
to check her I.D.?
Copy !req
282. Geez, why didn't I think
of that?
Copy !req
283. Yeah, I checked her fucking I.D.
Copy !req
284. This fucking bartender.
Copy !req
285. You're telling me she's 21?
Copy !req
286. What I'm telling you
is that her I.D. says she's 21,
Copy !req
287. just like most of your crew have
valid Social Security numbers.
Copy !req
288. Touché.
Copy !req
289. Do you want another?
Copy !req
290. Yeah, I might as well.
Copy !req
291. Girl's right. You're an asshole.
Copy !req
292. Maybe she doesn't have
any other choice.
Copy !req
293. Are you shitting me?
Copy !req
294. Look around this place.
You see all these waitresses
Copy !req
295. working their asses off
for a third of what she makes?
Copy !req
296. No, she had a choice
and she chose the shortcut,
Copy !req
297. which is always
the longest road.
Copy !req
298. Boomtowns.
Copy !req
299. Hell, we're not any different
than Tombstone
Copy !req
300. or Dodge City or San Francisco.
Copy !req
301. First comes the dreamers,
then the bankers,
Copy !req
302. then the salesmen,
then the sharks,
Copy !req
303. then the desperate,
and then the thieves.
Copy !req
304. What happens in a bust?
Copy !req
305. Well, you want oil to live
above 60 but below 90.
Copy !req
306. And don't get me wrong,
Copy !req
307. we're still printing money
at 90, but...
Copy !req
308. gas gets up over $3.50
a gallon, it starts to pinch.
Copy !req
309. It hits a hundred,
every product in America
Copy !req
310. has to readjust its price.
Copy !req
311. $78 a barrel,
that's about perfect.
Copy !req
312. You know, brings enough profit
to keep exploring,
Copy !req
313. but it don't sting as much
at the pump.
Copy !req
314. Unless, of course,
you're in California.
Copy !req
315. I mean, they tax the shit
out of it out there.
Copy !req
316. It could be $45 a barrel, and
it's still four dollars to pump.
Copy !req
317. I don't know how those
son-bitches do it out there.
Copy !req
318. 2020, a barrel of oil
was worthless.
Copy !req
319. This place became a ghost town.
Copy !req
320. And nobody's immune.
Copy !req
321. Kids have to quit college.
Copy !req
322. Trucks get sold or repo'd.
Copy !req
323. Houses, too.
Copy !req
324. People quit going to the doctor
Copy !req
325. 'cause they lost
their insurance.
Copy !req
326. Yeah, a bust affects
everything in a town like this.
Copy !req
327. Even the lifespan
of the population.
Copy !req
328. The smart ones,
they pay cash for everything
Copy !req
329. and then sock away enough
to ride out the troughs,
Copy !req
330. but there ain't
that many smart ones.
Copy !req
331. This is how you have
a celebration drink?
Copy !req
332. Well, shit, you asked.
Copy !req
333. - Mrs. Norris.
- Oh, I'm Mrs. Russo now.
Copy !req
334. Ah, yes.
Copy !req
335. The club is closed for
a private event this evening.
Copy !req
336. Really?
Copy !req
337. - Yes, ma'am.
- What's the event?
Copy !req
338. The private kind.
Copy !req
339. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
340. Let's go.
Copy !req
341. Where are we going now?
Copy !req
342. Who cares? Not here.
Copy !req
343. When I first went
to work in the oil field,
Copy !req
344. there were three
kinds of people:
Copy !req
345. worms, ginsels and skinheads.
Copy !req
346. So, Monty got in
at $900 an acre
Copy !req
347. - on a 30,000-acre track in 2011.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
348. Started fracking
and drilling horizontals.
Copy !req
349. This whole area was played out.
Copy !req
350. They'd been drilling here
since 1921.
Copy !req
351. Pretty worn.
Copy !req
352. Well, Monty's got a lease
outside Midland
Copy !req
353. in an area they call
the Delaware Subbasin.
Copy !req
354. He sold 10,000 acres in 2019
Copy !req
355. for $70,000 an acre.
Copy !req
356. $700 million dollars
in one transaction.
Copy !req
357. And then, in 2020,
he bought it all back
Copy !req
358. at ten cents on the dollar.
Copy !req
359. Wow.
Copy !req
360. Paid 'em with their own money.
And he grew up with nothing.
Copy !req
361. Raised in a little trailer park
in Pennsylvania.
Copy !req
362. He got a scholarship
to play ball at Tech.
Copy !req
363. He was smart enough
to know football
Copy !req
364. wasn't really a business,
it was more of a dream, so...
Copy !req
365. I thought you said it's dreamers
Copy !req
366. who come to this place.
Copy !req
367. Well, it can be the dream,
Copy !req
368. but you got to have a plan,
you know?
Copy !req
369. Most don't.
Copy !req
370. Monty always had a plan.
Copy !req
371. Matter of fact,
I think he made more money
Copy !req
372. during the busts
than he did the booms.
Copy !req
373. Evening, ladies.
Copy !req
374. - Evening.
- Breakfast or supper?
Copy !req
375. Happy hour.
Copy !req
376. All right, my kind of table.
Copy !req
377. Two Tito's margaritas.
Copy !req
378. Tito's is a vodka.
Copy !req
379. I'm trying to behave.
Copy !req
380. Gotcha.
Copy !req
381. Y'all want some appetizers
for the table?
Copy !req
382. Do you have anything keto?
Copy !req
383. Uh, shrimp cocktail
is pretty keto.
Copy !req
384. Hmm. Little far
from the ocean for seafood.
Copy !req
385. Well, we can fry 'em.
Copy !req
386. Kind of defeats the purpose,
don't you think?
Copy !req
387. You know, they grind up
them shrimp tails
Copy !req
388. and they put 'em
in all those weight-loss pills,
Copy !req
389. so feet for tail,
you ain't gaining a pound.
Copy !req
390. Is that true?
Copy !req
391. Proof is in the pudding, darling.
Copy !req
392. Hmm?
Copy !req
393. We'll do a basket of the shrimp.
Copy !req
394. You got it.
Copy !req
395. You learn something new
every day.
Copy !req
396. That looks like Daddy.
Copy !req
397. That sorry son of a bitch.
Copy !req
398. You want another drink?
Copy !req
399. No, I got to drive,
and so do you.
Copy !req
400. There ain't no alcohol in this.
Copy !req
401. Those are nonalcoholic?
Copy !req
402. Yeah, they're nonalcoholic
if you're an alcoholic.
Copy !req
403. I swear to God,
Barney is a trust-fund kid
Copy !req
404. that bartends for fun,
Copy !req
405. 'cause he damn sure
don't want a tip.
Copy !req
406. No, I divorced whiskey
about nine years ago.
Copy !req
407. Remember us, motherfucker?
Copy !req
408. Matter of fact,
the same week I divorced her.
Copy !req
409. You got a side piece?
Copy !req
410. Daddy, you don't have
another daughter, do you?
Copy !req
411. First off, goddamn, girls.
Copy !req
412. No, honey,
you're my only daughter.
Copy !req
413. And by the way, you have to have
Copy !req
414. a main piece before
you can have a side piece,
Copy !req
415. and I ain't got either one.
Copy !req
416. This is Rebecca "Falcon."
Copy !req
417. She's an attorney
representing the company.
Copy !req
418. Sounds like a fucking
Marvel character.
Copy !req
419. It's pronounced "Fal-coney,"
and it sounds like it's Italian.
Copy !req
420. - Mm-hmm.
- We just got out of court.
Copy !req
421. Well, it looks
like it went well.
Copy !req
422. Why are you here?
Copy !req
423. We wanted a drink.
Copy !req
424. She's on spring break,
Copy !req
425. and she should be drinking.
Come on.
Copy !req
426. This is Aledo's
mother of the year,
Copy !req
427. in case you were wondering.
Copy !req
428. - Thank you.
- Well, y'all enjoy it
Copy !req
429. 'cause we're about to head out.
Copy !req
430. Together?
Copy !req
431. Well...
Copy !req
432. as a matter of coincidence,
Copy !req
433. we will be leaving the café
at the same time,
Copy !req
434. and we're gonna get
in different cars
Copy !req
435. and go to our respective homes.
Copy !req
436. Not that I owe you
a fucking explanation.
Copy !req
437. Well, you don't want
to stay for supper?
Copy !req
438. - No, honey.
- Yeah, Tommy.
Copy !req
439. Stay for supper.
Copy !req
440. Your lawyer and her lips
are welcome to join us.
Copy !req
441. No, I'm sure
she'd rather go home
Copy !req
442. and push her cuticles back
Copy !req
443. with a fucking screwdriver.
Copy !req
444. I'd love to join.
Copy !req
445. Well... suit yourself.
Copy !req
446. We have a table right there.
Copy !req
447. Now, you know
this has the potential
Copy !req
448. of becoming a real scene,
Copy !req
449. - you understand that, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
450. I have a funny feeling
Copy !req
451. I'm gonna learn a lot
about you tonight, Tommy.
Copy !req
452. Let me get this.
Copy !req
453. I already got it.
Copy !req
454. Oh, stop, stop!
Copy !req
455. What's going on?
Copy !req
456. Stop work, fucking stop!
Copy !req
457. The fuck is going on, Antonio?
Copy !req
458. - Kill the rig!
- Oh, shit, he hurt.
Copy !req
459. - Fuck. Fuck, fuck.
- Now go get him, go get him.
Copy !req
460. He coming.
Copy !req
461. Ah, hurry up!
Copy !req
462. Get on the blocks, worm.
Copy !req
463. What?
Copy !req
464. Get on the blocks, worm.
Copy !req
465. Hold on tight.
Copy !req
466. Antonio, we're coming.
Copy !req
467. Shit.
Copy !req
468. You okay?
Copy !req
469. Now I got to unclip him.
Copy !req
470. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
471. Lean back, lean back, lean back!
Copy !req
472. Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Copy !req
473. All right, all right, all right.
Give him to me.
Copy !req
474. - I got him, I got him.
- He's passing out!
Copy !req
475. - Hold on, hold on.
- Take him down slow!
Copy !req
476. All right, let's go down!
Copy !req
477. I got him, I got him.
Copy !req
478. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
479. Fuck!
Copy !req
480. He's out, he's out!
Copy !req
481. I got him, I got him!
Copy !req
482. You got him?
Copy !req
483. What the fuck happened?
Copy !req
484. - Come right here. Come on now.
- Oh, shit, his hand's fucked.
Copy !req
485. - Come on.
- Watch his head.
Copy !req
486. Yeah, watch his head.
Manny, you got him?
Copy !req
487. - Boss, get down here!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
488. Cooper,
get that front door open!
Copy !req
489. I'm coming.
Copy !req
490. I got him.
Copy !req
491. - Go, go, go, go.
- Goddamn it!
Copy !req
492. God... Shit.
Copy !req
493. Keep that door open.
Copy !req
494. Come on, get him in.
Copy !req
495. Push.
Copy !req
496. We'll get him in.
Copy !req
497. You're all right, Tony.
Copy !req
498. - Yeah, pull.
- You're all right, Tony.
Copy !req
499. He's in.
Copy !req
500. - Boss!
- Yeah.
Copy !req
501. You get that rig running!
Copy !req
502. We need this well on line
in the morning!
Copy !req
503. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
504. We're a man down!
Copy !req
505. That sounds
like a problem, Manny.
Copy !req
506. I didn't ask you for a problem.
Copy !req
507. I asked you for a solution.
Find one!
Copy !req
508. Fuck.
Copy !req
509. - Oh, fuck.
- Fuck.
Copy !req
510. You know what
a derrickhand does, right?
Copy !req
511. Yeah, f-feeds the pipe.
Copy !req
512. Put this shit on.
Copy !req
513. Feeds the pipe
into the fingers of the derrick.
Copy !req
514. Just don't jam me the fuck up
down here, you got it?
Copy !req
515. - I got it.
- Okay.
Copy !req
516. My dream was
to see George Strait in concert.
Copy !req
517. That was part of the dream.
Copy !req
518. The other part was
climbing him like a cat
Copy !req
519. and riding that fine
son of a bitch
Copy !req
520. until he had calluses
on his thighs.
Copy !req
521. So, it's my birthday,
Copy !req
522. and we are flying high.
Copy !req
523. Oil's over a hundred a barrel.
Copy !req
524. - Hundred and forty-three.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
525. So Tommy says,
"I'm gonna take you to Cancún.
Copy !req
526. Grandparents are gonna
watch the kids."
Copy !req
527. You were two, I think.
Copy !req
528. Baby, you were just
like a fat, little bug.
Copy !req
529. So we go to the FBO,
Copy !req
530. get on this plane,
and I'm dressed for the beach.
Copy !req
531. Plane takes off,
and not 20 minutes later
Copy !req
532. we're landing.
Copy !req
533. I look out the window,
Copy !req
534. we're in Lubbock.
Copy !req
535. Tommy says, "There's
some issue with the plane.
Copy !req
536. Let's get something to eat."
Copy !req
537. So we go to the Overton Hotel,
Copy !req
538. and he says he's got a room.
Copy !req
539. Now, I think he's being frisky
Copy !req
540. 'cause Tommy's still not above
making a detour for a good poke.
Copy !req
541. Come on, honey,
don't say that...
Copy !req
542. - Dad.
- ... in front of people. God.
Copy !req
543. We go out to this giant suite
Copy !req
544. where there is
a black sequin ball gown
Copy !req
545. laying on the bed.
Copy !req
546. - Mm.
- And he says, "Put it on."
Copy !req
547. I do.
Copy !req
548. He comes out of the other room
Copy !req
549. wearing this tux.
Copy !req
550. And he says to me,
Copy !req
551. "I lied to you, baby.
Copy !req
552. We're not going to Mexico.
Copy !req
553. We're gonna stay
right here in Lubbock,
Copy !req
554. and I'm gonna make one half
of your dream come true."
Copy !req
555. He takes me down to the ballroom
Copy !req
556. where George Strait is
playing a private event.
Copy !req
557. And we two-stepped
that dance floor
Copy !req
558. with George Strait playing
just for us.
Copy !req
559. Three weeks later,
Copy !req
560. the markets crashed
and oil dropped to 30.
Copy !req
561. We lost everything.
Copy !req
562. And I do mean everything.
Copy !req
563. Shit, I just remembered,
I got to go.
Copy !req
564. Can we get a ride back with you?
Copy !req
565. Well, it's gonna be a while yet.
Copy !req
566. I, uh, got to check
on a rig, so...
Copy !req
567. - Oh, I can call an Uber.
- I can give you a ride.
Copy !req
568. Well, I-I'll see you
at the house, hon.
Copy !req
569. All right.
Copy !req
570. He doesn't like to talk
about the bust.
Copy !req
571. No, I guess...
I guess he wouldn't.
Copy !req
572. - Tommy.
- Hey.
Copy !req
573. You just got one floor hand.
Copy !req
574. I had to send one
up the derrick.
Copy !req
575. Derrickhand got smashed.
Copy !req
576. Dale took him to the hospital.
Copy !req
577. Is he gonna be all right?
Copy !req
578. As long as he can jack off
with his left hand,
Copy !req
579. I guess, yeah.
Copy !req
580. Who is that?
Copy !req
581. Not my idea.
Copy !req
582. Manuel.
Copy !req
583. Is it going smooth?
Copy !req
584. Going smooth now.
Copy !req
585. Remarried?
Copy !req
586. What's your husband do?
Copy !req
587. Builds hotels.
Copy !req
588. Can I ask...
Copy !req
589. what you're doing here?
Copy !req
590. We're on spring break.
Copy !req
591. You're not his type.
Copy !req
592. You mean aside from
the 30-year age difference?
Copy !req
593. Tommy needs calamities.
You know, he needs blowouts.
Copy !req
594. He needs to control things
that can't be controlled
Copy !req
595. to feel like a man.
Copy !req
596. Why are you so jealous of me?
Copy !req
597. Honey, I could sleep
with your boyfriend
Copy !req
598. in front of you,
and there's nothing
Copy !req
599. that you could do about it.
Copy !req
600. I mean, why are you
jealous at all?
Copy !req
601. He's not your husband.
Copy !req
602. You have a different husband.
Copy !req
603. Fucking lawyers.
Copy !req
604. Burning the midnight oil, Nate?
Copy !req
605. One down, two to go.
Copy !req
606. Working out settlements
for the Medina family.
Copy !req
607. Did they file suit?
Copy !req
608. Just getting ahead of it.
Copy !req
609. Do the right thing.
Copy !req
610. Well, those are two
different things, Nathan.
Copy !req
611. You still awake, babe?
Copy !req
612. It's-it's crazy
'cause I-I believe you,
Copy !req
613. but then I-I kind of don't,
you know?
Copy !req
614. Okay, what's wrong?
Copy !req
615. She's a quitter.
Copy !req
616. She's a fucking quitter.
Copy !req
617. Market crashes
and she leaves you.
Copy !req
618. Finds the richest man
who will have her.
Copy !req
619. Well, honey,
there's more to it than that.
Copy !req
620. No, there isn't.
Copy !req
621. It's hard to describe what
it means to lose everything.
Copy !req
622. Your house and your car.
Copy !req
623. We had to sell
all of her jewelry.
Copy !req
624. And I was no picnic.
Copy !req
625. I hid in a bottle and didn't
come out till she left me.
Copy !req
626. She was just trying to do
the best thing
Copy !req
627. for you and your brother.
Copy !req
628. And it's not worth
one tear out of you, hon.
Copy !req
629. Okay.
Copy !req
630. And it doesn't matter because...
Copy !req
631. even if there
hadn't been a bust,
Copy !req
632. we would've still ended.
Copy !req
633. We're just oil and water.
You know what I mean?
Copy !req
634. You get some sleep, honey.
Copy !req
635. I'll never quit you.
Copy !req
636. No matter what the market does.
Copy !req
637. I know you won't, baby girl.
Copy !req
638. Every damn woman in my life.
Copy !req
639. All right, let me have it.
Copy !req
640. We were great together,
weren't we?
Copy !req
641. Honey...
Copy !req
642. We had a terrible marriage,
Copy !req
643. interrupted
by brief moments of joy.
Copy !req
644. I mean, remember,
you were pretty miserable
Copy !req
645. during the booms, don't forget.
Copy !req
646. You were always gone.
Copy !req
647. And I'll always be gone.
That's the job, hon.
Copy !req
648. I mean, we had great sex
Copy !req
649. and I made you laugh,
that was it.
Copy !req
650. I've lived the alternative.
Copy !req
651. I'll take great sex
and a laugh any day.
Copy !req
652. What else is there?
Copy !req
653. Look, I don't have a side piece
Copy !req
654. and I'm not looking
to be one myself.
Copy !req
655. I'm gonna leave him.
Copy !req
656. That's a pretty nice house
he's got.
Copy !req
657. It's a five-minute walk
to the fucking kitchen.
Copy !req
658. Big, nice jet.
Copy !req
659. The jet is nice, but...
Copy !req
660. successful relationships
require a sacrifice.
Copy !req
661. It's gonna be hard
to give up that Bentley.
Copy !req
662. The Bentley's in my name, baby.
Copy !req
663. This ain't my first rodeo.
Copy !req
664. Say yes.
Copy !req
665. It's a huge mistake.
Copy !req
666. Say yes.
Copy !req
667. I got three roommates.
Copy !req
668. Say yes.
Copy !req
669. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
670. That's the plan, baby.
Copy !req
671. That's a lot of homework.
Copy !req
672. What are you doing?
Copy !req
673. Working. What the fuck?
Copy !req
674. Nate, that's your
last cup of coffee.
Copy !req
675. Honey, please put
some clothes on.
Copy !req
676. Somebody's gonna have
a heart attack.
Copy !req
677. Well, I need
to go shopping, then.
Copy !req
678. The only clothes I have
were to seduce my boyfriend.
Copy !req
679. Don't have that problem anymore.
Copy !req
680. You certainly do not.
Copy !req
681. - Busy kitchen.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
682. I'm going to my room.
Copy !req
683. Discretion's the better part
of valor, Nate.
Copy !req
684. Oh, God.
Copy !req
685. What?
Copy !req
686. All right, we're gonna have
a little fucked-up family hug?
Copy !req
687. Are we moving here for good?
Copy !req
688. Moving here for good, honey.
Copy !req
689. Wow.
Copy !req
690. Wow, you must've really
pulled out the special sauce.
Copy !req
691. Daddy told me just last night
how bad y'all are together.
Copy !req
692. Really?
Copy !req
693. Well, she was taking that
out of context.
Copy !req
694. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
695. Anyway, I got a big day,
Copy !req
696. so I'm gonna get out of here.
Copy !req
697. Bye, honey.
Copy !req
698. - Hey.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
699. Ow. Goddamn.
Copy !req
700. See you later.
Copy !req
701. Ah, yeah.
Copy !req
702. I must be
out of my fucking mind.
Copy !req
703. - Dale.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
704. - What's it read?
- Well, we just got it going.
Copy !req
705. And, uh...
Copy !req
706. Oh. Here we go.
Copy !req
707. - We got a fucking gusher, boys.
- Yeah, we do.
Copy !req
708. Hey, how'd it go?
Copy !req
709. She's running.
Copy !req
710. Good.
Copy !req
711. Can you give me some numbers?
Copy !req
712. She'll pump over 250 a day.
We're in a good pocket.
Copy !req
713. Well, I don't like gambling,
but it paid off this time.
Copy !req
714. - Good work.
- Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
715. How'd he do?
Copy !req
716. Stepped up
when we needed him most.
Copy !req
717. Stepped up big-time.
Copy !req
718. That boy worked the derrick
Copy !req
719. like he'd been doing it
all winter.
Copy !req
720. All right.
Copy !req
721. Well...
Copy !req
722. I want you to come
see your mama.
Copy !req
723. She's still here?
Copy !req
724. She's gonna stick around
a while.
Copy !req
725. We're gonna give it
another shot.
Copy !req
726. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
727. 'Cause that's how
fucking stupid I am.
Copy !req
728. Yeah.
Copy !req
729. Cooper.
Copy !req
730. Yeah, who's this?
Copy !req
731. Ariana.
Copy !req
732. How are you?
Copy !req
733. Um... been better.
Copy !req
734. Uh, is there anything I can do?
Copy !req
735. Hello?
Copy !req
736. I need to see you.
Copy !req
737. Can you do that for me?
Copy !req
738. Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.
Copy !req