1. I need to go to the bathroom.
Copy !req
2. Tengo que ir al baño.
Copy !req
3. Listen, I got to piss, okay?
Copy !req
4. You want me
to piss my fucking pants?
Copy !req
5. I'm about to piss
my fucking pants, all right?
Copy !req
6. Fuck me.
Copy !req
7. You say you own this land.
Copy !req
8. We have the rights.
Copy !req
9. No.
Copy !req
10. We own this land.
Copy !req
11. You own the surface,
Copy !req
12. which you purchased
from Daniel Piersall,
Copy !req
13. and Daniel Piersall's father
Copy !req
14. sold the mineral rights in 1993
Copy !req
15. to the Permian Basin Trust,
Copy !req
16. who subcontracted the rights
to Meridian Oil,
Copy !req
17. which was
bought by Conoco Phillips,
Copy !req
18. and sold to M-TEX Oil,
Copy !req
19. who only recently
discovered the rights.
Copy !req
20. We don't want your oil here.
Copy !req
21. Well, wish in one hand,
shit in the other,
Copy !req
22. see which one fills up first.
Copy !req
23. Maybe I slice you from your
huevos to your throat
Copy !req
24. and hang you from a bridge.
Copy !req
25. Huh?
Copy !req
26. See if oil companies come then.
Copy !req
27. Well, first they'll hire
Halliburton to build files
Copy !req
28. on you fucking assholes
Copy !req
29. that the FBI
only dreams about having.
Copy !req
30. Then they'll send
30 Tier 1 operators
Copy !req
31. from Triple Canopy, and they'll
bust you like a fucking piñata.
Copy !req
32. And if any of you dipshits
do make it back to Mexico,
Copy !req
33. they'll blow your fucking
house up with a drone.
Copy !req
34. With your family in it.
Copy !req
35. It costs six million
to put in a new well.
Copy !req
36. They're putting in 800
right fucking here.
Copy !req
37. That's 4.8 billion in pumpjacks.
Copy !req
38. They'll put in another billion
Copy !req
39. on water
and housing and trucking.
Copy !req
40. At $78 a barrel,
that's 6.4 million a day.
Copy !req
41. For the next 50 fucking years.
Copy !req
42. So, yeah,
the oil company's coming.
Copy !req
43. So, they send you
to tell us fuck off?
Copy !req
44. They sent me
to negotiate a surface lease.
Copy !req
45. And we'll build you
a nice all-weather road
Copy !req
46. that leads to our oil wells
and to the highway.
Copy !req
47. And a few others,
if you need them.
Copy !req
48. He's gonna build us a road.
Copy !req
49. Hey, here's the deal,
Copy !req
50. and it's the only deal:
Copy !req
51. You don't fuck with our product,
we don't fuck with yours.
Copy !req
52. Because if you do,
we'll put in a DEA substation
Copy !req
53. right across the fucking street.
Copy !req
54. We got a deal?
Copy !req
55. We got a deal.
Copy !req
56. Surface lease agreement's
in there.
Copy !req
57. Signature pages are marked.
Copy !req
58. Now, we'll need an address
for the surface lease payment
Copy !req
59. and the damage reimbursements.
Copy !req
60. Damage?
Copy !req
61. Yeah.
Copy !req
62. We'll pay you
for the damage to the land
Copy !req
63. we built your roads on
and the pads for our pumpjacks.
Copy !req
64. You pay me?
Copy !req
65. Yeah, we pay you.
Copy !req
66. Mm, strange business.
Copy !req
67. Same as yours.
Copy !req
68. No, I don't think so.
Copy !req
69. You sell a product
Copy !req
70. that your customers
are dependent on.
Copy !req
71. Yes.
Copy !req
72. It's the same.
Copy !req
73. Ours is just bigger.
Copy !req
74. Vámonos.
Copy !req
75. Oil and Gas Industry makes
Copy !req
76. $3 billion dollars a day
in pure profit.
Copy !req
77. Generates over $4.3 trillion
dollars a year in revenue.
Copy !req
78. It is the seventh largest
industry in the world,
Copy !req
79. ranked ahead of food production,
Copy !req
80. automobile production,
coal mining,
Copy !req
81. and at 1.4 trillion,
the pharmaceutical industry
Copy !req
82. doesn't even crack the top ten.
Copy !req
83. The industries listed
ahead of oil and gas
Copy !req
84. are completely dependent on
Copy !req
85. oil and gas.
Copy !req
86. The more they grow,
Copy !req
87. the more we grow.
Copy !req
88. That's the scale.
Copy !req
89. That's the size of this thing.
Copy !req
90. And it's only getting bigger.
Copy !req
91. This fucking job.
Copy !req
92. But before
any of that money is made,
Copy !req
93. you gotta get the lease.
Copy !req
94. You gotta secure the rights
and lock up the surface.
Copy !req
95. Then babysit the owners,
babysit the crews.
Copy !req
96. Then manage the police
and the press
Copy !req
97. when the babies
refuse to be sat.
Copy !req
98. That's my job.
Copy !req
99. Secure the lease,
then manage the people.
Copy !req
100. First part's pretty simple.
Copy !req
101. It's the second part
that can get you killed.
Copy !req
102. What the—
Copy !req
103. Come on.
Copy !req
104. You baby Norris?
Copy !req
105. - Cooper.
- Nah.
Copy !req
106. I think baby's better.
Copy !req
107. Get in.
Copy !req
108. Three black coffees?
Copy !req
109. Oh, you got another one
in there.
Copy !req
110. You want something, sugar?
Copy !req
111. Uh...
Copy !req
112. I can have that effect.
Copy !req
113. Do you like black coffee,
Copy !req
114. or a little bit of milk
in there?
Copy !req
115. I'll take, uh...
Copy !req
116. Yeah, actually some milk.
Can I have a latte?
Copy !req
117. - What the fuck?
- A what?
Copy !req
118. You just order
a fucking latte? What?
Copy !req
119. - An aristocrat.
- What?
Copy !req
120. Don't normally make lattes
till the bankers wake up.
Copy !req
121. We don't have time to wait
for a fucking latte.
Copy !req
122. Why the fuck do you need
a latte, bro?
Copy !req
123. - I— I just ordered—
- He's asking her to make
Copy !req
124. - the most complicated shit, man.
- We got to get to work.
Copy !req
125. - Sorry.
- "Sorry."
Copy !req
126. You want to ask for
a continental breakfast?
Copy !req
127. - I—
- What the fuck is your problem?
Copy !req
128. - Oh, here we go.
- Here it comes.
Copy !req
129. The white kid ordered a latte!
Copy !req
130. Great job, man. First day.
Copy !req
131. That'll be 27, sweetie.
Copy !req
132. Unreal.
Copy !req
133. This is for you, darling.
Copy !req
134. Hey, if you're gonna
work the patch
Copy !req
135. you got to learn
how to drink it black,
Copy !req
136. 'cause everything we do
is on the fucking go.
Copy !req
137. I just don't like
the way it tastes.
Copy !req
138. Ain't about the taste, son,
it's about the fuel.
Copy !req
139. Six hours from now
when you need a jolt,
Copy !req
140. you can't drink
that curdled milk.
Copy !req
141. Be throwing up
all over my truck.
Copy !req
142. You don't want
to throw up in his truck.
Copy !req
143. In fact, give me that.
Copy !req
144. Yeah, give that shit—
Copy !req
145. Your father said to
make you into a roughneck.
Copy !req
146. May as well start now.
Copy !req
147. All right, Monday,
let's see what you got.
Copy !req
148. How was the night?
Copy !req
149. H.R.-- they stopped to ask
for gang affiliations.
Copy !req
150. So now I got this drilling crew
that's half Bloods,
Copy !req
151. half Crips, who decided
to have a gunfight
Copy !req
152. in the fucking man camp
last night.
Copy !req
153. You can't wear straw.
It ain't Easter yet.
Copy !req
154. It's gonna be 95 today.
Copy !req
155. I'd say that's Easter enough,
wouldn't you?
Copy !req
156. Goddamn it, Dale.
Copy !req
157. How many times am I gonna
have to tell you
Copy !req
158. to pour the beans
in a fucking bowl?
Copy !req
159. You burn up a microwave a week
Copy !req
160. putting them fucking cans
in there.
Copy !req
161. - Tastes different in a bowl.
- No, they don't.
Copy !req
162. They taste exactly
the fucking same.
Copy !req
163. Mm-mm, taste different.
Copy !req
164. Well, shit,
I guess cowboy culture
Copy !req
165. is out the fucking window
with you two, huh?
Copy !req
166. You see a cowboy in this room,
you point him out.
Copy !req
167. When's your hitch done?
Copy !req
168. - Today. Mm.
- Thank God.
Copy !req
169. - Be at the courthouse by 11:00.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
170. Not 11:30, 11:00.
Copy !req
171. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
172. Hello?
Copy !req
173. What?
Copy !req
174. - What?
- How-how far?
Copy !req
175. Just send me a pin.
Copy !req
176. I'm on the way. All right.
Copy !req
177. On your way where?
Copy !req
178. You're gonna have
to depose me tomorrow.
Copy !req
179. It has to be today, Tommy.
Copy !req
180. These sons of bitches
are so far up my ass,
Copy !req
181. they're staring at the back
of my tonsils.
Copy !req
182. Well, it's gonna have
to be tomorrow,
Copy !req
183. 'cause I think I found
our plane.
Copy !req
184. You guys lost a plane?
Copy !req
185. How the fuck you lose a plane?
Copy !req
186. prices are up
with the national average,
Copy !req
187. reaching $3.86.
Copy !req
188. News of maintenance
work at both Valero and Tesoro
Copy !req
189. refineries scheduled for May
has sparked fears of
Copy !req
190. a summer gasoline shortage.
Copy !req
191. Yeah, ask 'em why they're
doing maintenance in May, Kate.
Copy !req
192. OPEC meets next week to discuss
an increase in production.
Copy !req
193. No, they're not.
Copy !req
194. They're gonna cut production, honey.
Copy !req
195. They're gonna take oil
to a hundred.
Copy !req
196. Who the hell is your
shitty source, anyway?
Copy !req
197. Although some insiders fear
a cut in production...
Copy !req
198. Well, look at the brain on Kate.
Copy !req
199. You keep listening
to your insiders.
Copy !req
200. You may figure this game out.
Copy !req
201. What in the fucking hell?
Copy !req
202. Call Nate.
Copy !req
203. Is it our plane?
Copy !req
204. Yeah, it looks like it.
Copy !req
205. - Where is it?
- In about a thousand pieces
Copy !req
206. out here on the road we built
by the Pyote field.
Copy !req
207. - Hey, let me call you back.
- Should I call Fort Worth?
Copy !req
208. Yeah, somebody should.
Copy !req
209. Quite a mess.
Copy !req
210. You ain't seen the mess yet.
Copy !req
211. Can I leave my truck here?
Copy !req
212. It's your road.
Copy !req
213. FAA says you reported
this plane stolen.
Copy !req
214. Yeah, six weeks ago.
Copy !req
215. And you didn't feel like
you needed to report that to me?
Copy !req
216. Well, if you were
the fucking airplane police,
Copy !req
217. I would have, Walt,
but since you're not,
Copy !req
218. I called the airplane police.
Copy !req
219. It's their job to call you,
not mine.
Copy !req
220. Well, they didn't.
Copy !req
221. Well, I don't know
what to tell you.
Copy !req
222. That's the federal government
for you.
Copy !req
223. What's all this?
Copy !req
224. One of 75 reasons
you should have called me
Copy !req
225. the second
that plane went missing.
Copy !req
226. - Cocaine?
- Maybe.
Copy !req
227. Maybe heroin.
Copy !req
228. Where's the pilot?
Copy !req
229. Cooking in the cockpit.
Copy !req
230. I got DEA and FAA
sending HAZMAT crews
Copy !req
231. down here to pull him out.
Copy !req
232. Stay upwind of that shit.
Copy !req
233. It'll kill you
quicker than a bullet.
Copy !req
234. That's a TTP truck.
Copy !req
235. Yep.
Copy !req
236. What the fuck's
it doing on our road?
Copy !req
237. He's probably gonna ask you
the same thing about that plane.
Copy !req
238. Did you report it stolen
to your insurance company?
Copy !req
239. You know how this shit works.
Copy !req
240. Trucks and excavators
and all kinds of shit
Copy !req
241. go missing every day.
Copy !req
242. And then a couple months later,
they find their way back.
Copy !req
243. If I reported everything
that was stolen around here,
Copy !req
244. the whole fucking Permian Basin
would be a crime scene.
Copy !req
245. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
246. I got 4,200 barrels of oil
Copy !req
247. I got to move
out of here every day.
Copy !req
248. Not on this road.
Copy !req
249. Not for a while.
Copy !req
250. I'm gonna need some love
on this deal, Walt.
Copy !req
251. What kind of love?
Copy !req
252. The kind that backdates
a police report.
Copy !req
253. For God sakes, Tommy.
Copy !req
254. The FAA was aware.
Copy !req
255. They dropped the ball.
Copy !req
256. Just use the date
that I gave them,
Copy !req
257. and match it, that's all.
Copy !req
258. You know how many eyes
are gonna be on this thing?
Copy !req
259. The kind with a "G"
on their license plate.
Copy !req
260. I ain't backdating nothing.
Copy !req
261. Okay, in today's report,
Copy !req
262. just note that FAA
was notified last month.
Copy !req
263. Can you do that?
Copy !req
264. It's the fucking truth, Walt.
Copy !req
265. I'll put it in my report.
Copy !req
266. All right, in all caps, please.
Copy !req
267. Hey, I'm gonna need
a road crew out here.
Copy !req
268. I'm gonna drop you a pin.
Copy !req
269. Need a half a mile detour
around an incident site.
Copy !req
270. Hey, Walt, can we build a road
Copy !req
271. around on that side over there,
Copy !req
272. so we can elbow
around this shit?
Copy !req
273. - Over there?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
274. Over there where the dead body
and the drugs are? No.
Copy !req
275. Okay, well, how about
that side over there?
Copy !req
276. Is there any dead bodies
and dope over there?
Copy !req
277. Haven't looked over there yet.
Copy !req
278. Well, how about
we fucking go look then?
Copy !req
279. Shit.
Copy !req
280. Well, I don't see
any dead drug dealers over here.
Copy !req
281. Not any dead guys here,
not any dope—
Copy !req
282. Fuck.
Copy !req
283. Walt?
Copy !req
284. There's a dead son of a bitch
over here.
Copy !req
285. - Yo!
- Sir?
Copy !req
286. - Come tape it off.
- Hey, I'm back.
Copy !req
287. Listen, we're gonna need
enough caliche for about a mile
Copy !req
288. to get us around
this fucking mess.
Copy !req
289. So I want you to start right now
and don't stop till you're done.
Copy !req
290. Run 'em all night.
Copy !req
291. All right.
Copy !req
292. I wouldn't want to have
your job this week.
Copy !req
293. Shit, you wouldn't want
to have my job any week, Walt.
Copy !req
294. Call Monty Miller.
Copy !req
295. Great.
Copy !req
296. Well, it looks like it's gonna
be Monday all day today.
Copy !req
297. Actually, it won't be Monday
once today, Tommy.
Copy !req
298. It's Friday.
Copy !req
299. It can't be Friday.
I just got here yesterday.
Copy !req
300. March first, you switched
to a Friday through Tuesday.
Copy !req
301. If you would look at me,
you would see the calendar.
Copy !req
302. If you looked at me,
we'd still be married.
Copy !req
303. Well, I'm going down the highway
at 80 miles an hour.
Copy !req
304. If I looked at you,
I'd probably die.
Copy !req
305. That was a pretty big truck,
wasn't it?
Copy !req
306. Okay, it's Friday.
Copy !req
307. You have Ainsley.
Copy !req
308. - Ainsley?
- Yeah, it's your weekend.
Copy !req
309. You just told me my weekend
is Wednesday and Thursday.
Copy !req
310. Yours is, but the rest
of the world
Copy !req
311. takes Saturday and Sunday off.
Copy !req
312. That world includes
me and your daughter.
Copy !req
313. Victor and I are going to Cabo
Copy !req
314. and I can't leave Ainsley
alone in this house.
Copy !req
315. Honey,
she's 17 fucking years old.
Copy !req
316. Have you seen her new boyfriend?
Copy !req
317. Goddamn it. Hold on,
I'm pulling over.
Copy !req
318. Look at this kid.
Copy !req
319. I mean, she could get pregnant
from the fucking photograph.
Copy !req
320. Okay, I see your point.
Copy !req
321. Do you trust her driving to you?
Copy !req
322. To Odessa?
Copy !req
323. - Yeah.
- Are you shittin' me?
Copy !req
324. Have her go to Meacham.
Copy !req
325. I'll put her on the flight
with the engineers.
Copy !req
326. Okay...
Copy !req
327. You changed your hair color.
Copy !req
328. Yeah, the redhead experiment
is over.
Copy !req
329. Well, I always preferred
your natural color,
Copy !req
330. to tell you the truth.
Copy !req
331. Baby, you've never seen
my natural color.
Copy !req
332. So what time are you
and Vernon going to—
Copy !req
333. - Victor.
- Victor.
Copy !req
334. Uh, what time are y'all
leaving for Cabo?
Copy !req
335. Not till tonight.
Copy !req
336. Well, how come you'd be
dressed that way
Copy !req
337. at 8:00 in the morning, then?
Copy !req
338. You think this is dressed up?
Copy !req
339. Uh, yeah, I do. And so do you.
Copy !req
340. Do you like it?
Copy !req
341. Yes, I do like it.
Copy !req
342. You see, one of life's
great pleasures
Copy !req
343. is showing you
what you're missing.
Copy !req
344. You don't have to show me
to know, honey.
Copy !req
345. I already know.
Copy !req
346. How's our baby?
Copy !req
347. Uh, it's his first day.
Copy !req
348. First days ain't easy.
Copy !req
349. Another Norris in the oil patch.
Copy !req
350. What a waste.
Copy !req
351. Wasn't my idea.
Copy !req
352. Apple don't fall far, does it?
Copy !req
353. Well, you're half of the tree,
in case you forgot, darlin'.
Copy !req
354. Anyway, just get her
at the airport there
Copy !req
355. by 3:00, all right?
Copy !req
356. Or fuckin' hang up on me,
either way.
Copy !req
357. The way I got started in this,
Copy !req
358. I was working in West Texas
as a petroleum engineer
Copy !req
359. and I decided that it was time
Copy !req
360. to have a little adventure
in life.
Copy !req
361. And I answered this one
particular advertisement
Copy !req
362. to go to work
for a company in Libya
Copy !req
363. as a field petroleum engineer.
Copy !req
364. My Arabic friends
used to laugh at me
Copy !req
365. because I would speak Arabic
with a Texas accent.
Copy !req
366. And it was hard for them
to understand my Arabic,
Copy !req
367. even though I was
speaking the true words.
Copy !req
368. Things were going along
pretty well until 1967.
Copy !req
369. There was the Arab/Israeli War.
Copy !req
370. And we could certainly see
that the Arab view
Copy !req
371. of us expatriates
was beginning to dim.
Copy !req
372. I will tell you what.
Copy !req
373. I am about done
with looking north of I-20.
Copy !req
374. I sunk three wells last week.
I didn't even hit water.
Copy !req
375. It's because there ain't
any water north of I-20.
Copy !req
376. More than there is south of it.
Copy !req
377. - What county?
- Stonewall.
Copy !req
378. Shit, they been sucking that oil
for a hundred years.
Copy !req
379. Frack the ones
that are going dry
Copy !req
380. and get the hell out.
Copy !req
381. Besides, what are you
gonna do with three wells?
Copy !req
382. That's where my minerals are.
Copy !req
383. Should've bought the basin
after Covid hit.
Copy !req
384. No, I don't play that big.
Copy !req
385. We were buying 100 sections
for five cents on the dollar.
Copy !req
386. That ain't big, that's smart.
Copy !req
387. There ain't no new oil to be
found in that rocky red dirt.
Copy !req
388. Shit. This ain't gonna be good.
Copy !req
389. Give me a second, boys.
Copy !req
390. Yeah, go ahead, Mon.
Copy !req
391. Hey, let me get somewhere quiet.
Copy !req
392. All right, how bad?
Copy !req
393. That's a tricky one to answer.
Copy !req
394. Is it something you and Nate
can handle?
Copy !req
395. Well, they're gonna hit you
from three directions.
Copy !req
396. The insurance company,
victims' families and TTP.
Copy !req
397. All right, well,
I'll handle TTP.
Copy !req
398. Who's the best litigation firm
in Midland?
Copy !req
399. Well, they won't file here,
they'll file in Houston.
Copy !req
400. First one to hire
Shepherd-Hastings wins.
Copy !req
401. Who do you like over there?
Copy !req
402. Clay Chandler is an assassin.
You want me to call him?
Copy !req
403. No, I'll call him, you just keep
this shit out of the news.
Copy !req
404. This is the patch, Monty.
Copy !req
405. An airplane full of drugs
Copy !req
406. being run over by an oil tanker
ain't news,
Copy !req
407. that's just another Monday.
Copy !req
408. Yeah, well,
it ain't Monday, Tommy.
Copy !req
409. It's Monday to me.
Copy !req
410. What's he supposed
to be checking?
Copy !req
411. Tucker valve.
Copy !req
412. What the fuck is a Tucker valve?
Copy !req
413. First day on the job.
Copy !req
414. Motherfucker, I can't have
Tommy Norris's son
Copy !req
415. dying on my pad—
get him down from there.
Copy !req
416. All right, I'll do it right now.
Copy !req
417. You got to go
right up at the top!
Copy !req
418. Like that?
Copy !req
419. I don't see it!
Copy !req
420. You got to go higher!
Copy !req
421. Higher!
Copy !req
422. I don't see any valve!
Copy !req
423. I remember when you
did this shit to me.
Copy !req
424. Almost shit my pants.
Copy !req
425. You did shit your pants.
Copy !req
426. Higher!
Copy !req
427. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
428. - I don't see the valve!
- No? You don't see the gauge?
Copy !req
429. No! No gauge!
Copy !req
430. Oh, you know what?
Never mind, it's down here.
Copy !req
431. Oh, what the fuck.
Copy !req
432. So I can come down?
Copy !req
433. What, are you gonna
stay up there all day?
Copy !req
434. Gets your ass down here!
Copy !req
435. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
436. Whoa!
Copy !req
437. - Oh, shit.
- Nah—
Copy !req
438. This kid is gonna fuckin' die.
Hey, kid!
Copy !req
439. Take your time!
Copy !req
440. Go, go, go, go, go.
Copy !req
441. Shit.
Copy !req
442. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
443. - He's stuck.
- He's gonna be fine.
Copy !req
444. Hey.
Copy !req
445. Why you so scared, man?
Copy !req
446. You got a harness on.
Copy !req
447. You're wired, all right?
Copy !req
448. Yeah.
Copy !req
449. - You good?
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
450. Look at me.
Copy !req
451. Get your feet set first.
Copy !req
452. Come on.
Copy !req
453. Then one hand, then the other.
Copy !req
454. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
455. Three points of contact.
Copy !req
456. - Three points of contact.
- Yeah, yeah, at all times.
Copy !req
457. - Okay, okay.
- Okay?
Copy !req
458. Let's head down.
Copy !req
459. - Okay.
- Ain't got all day.
Copy !req
460. Sh-Shit.
Copy !req
461. You're good, man. Almost there.
Copy !req
462. You good or what? what happened?
Copy !req
463. Holy shit, bro.
All right, let's go.
Copy !req
464. You dumb-ass. Come on.
Copy !req
465. Let me see that hand.
Copy !req
466. Okay, rinse it.
Copy !req
467. There's a first-aid kit
in the field office.
Copy !req
468. Wrap it.
Copy !req
469. So the gauge was down here
the whole time?
Copy !req
470. Wait a minute, were you guys
fuckin' with me?
Copy !req
471. Yes. First day, man.
Gonna happen.
Copy !req
472. - Yeah.
- Hey, come on.
Copy !req
473. Go on!
Copy !req
474. Welcome to the patch.
Copy !req
475. You did good, son.
Copy !req
476. You did good.
Copy !req
477. Your day about to start
or just end?
Copy !req
478. I'm in the middle of mine.
Copy !req
479. All right, which you want?
Breakfast, supper?
Copy !req
480. How come you ain't got
a lunch menu?
Copy !req
481. Because there ain't no such
thing as lunch in the patch.
Copy !req
482. Truer words, Ellie.
Copy !req
483. - Dinner.
- All right.
Copy !req
484. And can you drink beer
in the middle?
Copy !req
485. I don't see why not.
It's Friday for somebody.
Copy !req
486. All right, I'll bring you
a pitcher.
Copy !req
487. Thanks.
Copy !req
488. Want to order a pitcher?
Copy !req
489. Ah, already did.
Copy !req
490. If Ultra's okay with you.
Copy !req
491. Oh, a Michelob man, huh?
Copy !req
492. Yeah, well, two million
team ropers can't be wrong.
Copy !req
493. We got to get paid
on this fire deal, Tommy.
Copy !req
494. You burned up 8,000 acres.
Copy !req
495. We're sitting on
a $300,000 loss.
Copy !req
496. I didn't burn up anything.
The fire burned it.
Copy !req
497. Started by a faulty switch
in your pump jack.
Copy !req
498. And spread by
50-mile-an-hour winds.
Copy !req
499. It's got "act of God"
written all over it.
Copy !req
500. If it hadn't been for that wind,
Copy !req
501. that thing don't spread
past 50 meters.
Copy !req
502. Listen, M-TEX has been
a good partner.
Copy !req
503. That's why we didn't join
that class action.
Copy !req
504. But we suffered real damages
and we need to be reimbursed.
Copy !req
505. Boys, boys, boys.
We eatin' or just arguin'?
Copy !req
506. - Just arguing now, honey.
- All right.
Copy !req
507. Listen, if we pay
for surface damages,
Copy !req
508. we're admitting fault.
Copy !req
509. - You are at fault.
- Well, so are you.
Copy !req
510. It started on
your client's land.
Copy !req
511. And they got a fire crew
over there.
Copy !req
512. They didn't stop it,
they didn't even try.
Copy !req
513. We'll sign an NDA.
Copy !req
514. 'Cause that's worth
the paper it's printed on?
Copy !req
515. Listen, we will not let you
drill another well
Copy !req
516. until this is handled.
Copy !req
517. Okay, how about this:
Copy !req
518. I pay you $300,000,
but it's for a solar lease.
Copy !req
519. Our client doesn't want solar
on the ranch.
Copy !req
520. We don't sell solar panels,
we're a fucking oil company.
Copy !req
521. But I can justify payment
on solar rights or wind.
Copy !req
522. What time period
you talking about?
Copy !req
523. I don't give a shit.
Make it six months.
Copy !req
524. I just don't want
to have to pay you damages.
Copy !req
525. I think I can make that fly.
Copy !req
526. I don't see why you couldn't.
Copy !req
527. That's easier than selling pussy
at a men's prison.
Copy !req
528. I find that offensive, sir.
Copy !req
529. To who, the pussy
or the prisoners?
Copy !req
530. I find it difficult
Copy !req
531. to do business
with people who offend me.
Copy !req
532. Well, you see,
we're not in business together.
Copy !req
533. We lease your mineral rights,
and in exchange for that,
Copy !req
534. we pay you $2 and a half
million dollars a year.
Copy !req
535. And maintain your roads
and dig your stock tanks.
Copy !req
536. So, don't delude yourself
into thinking you're a rancher.
Copy !req
537. You're an oilman who spends
the money we give you on cattle.
Copy !req
538. If it hadn't been for us,
Copy !req
539. your family would have lost
that ranch in the '50s.
Copy !req
540. So, you just say "Thank you,"
take the $300,000 for the grass,
Copy !req
541. and then I keep sending you
$200,000 checks every month.
Copy !req
542. But don't you dare pretend
that I offend you.
Copy !req
543. You smile and say,
"I'll take it."
Copy !req
544. Very good offer.
Copy !req
545. I recommend you take it.
Copy !req
546. I'll take it,
but I ain't smiling.
Copy !req
547. I guess not.
Copy !req
548. It takes a check
to make you do that, don't it?
Copy !req
549. I can't wait for the day
Copy !req
550. when you and everyone like you
leaves this place.
Copy !req
551. You might want
to think that through.
Copy !req
552. 'Cause if I'm gone,
that means the oil's gone,
Copy !req
553. and if the oil's gone,
that means the money's gone,
Copy !req
554. and that means you're gone.
Copy !req
555. We'll write it up,
get it to you next week.
Copy !req
556. Now are we eating?
Copy !req
557. I guess I'm eating alone now.
Copy !req
558. Oh, baby. What can I get you?
Copy !req
559. Daddy!
Copy !req
560. - Baby.
- Hi!
Copy !req
561. You get prettier
every day, little angel.
Copy !req
562. You didn't drink them out
of those little Tito's bottles,
Copy !req
563. - did you?
- Daddy, of course not.
Copy !req
564. Your engineers did that.
Copy !req
565. Well, they have the practice.
Copy !req
566. I want you to meet my boyfriend.
Copy !req
567. Your mother didn't say anything
about the boyfriend coming.
Copy !req
568. 'Cause you know Mommy.
The less she knows the better.
Copy !req
569. She's such a helicopter parent.
Copy !req
570. - I don't know what that means.
- Just hovering
Copy !req
571. and hovering and hovering, always.
Copy !req
572. Daddy, meet Dakota.
Copy !req
573. Mr. Norris.
Copy !req
574. - Pleasure, sir.
- Yeah, good to meet you.
Copy !req
575. Dakota? What's your last name?
Copy !req
576. Loving, sir.
Copy !req
577. "Dakota Loving."
Copy !req
578. You can't make that shit up.
Copy !req
579. Let's go.
Copy !req
580. So windy.
Copy !req
581. So, what would you kids
like to do tonight?
Copy !req
582. Well, do you have a car
we could borrow?
Copy !req
583. No, I don't.
Copy !req
584. What about this one?
Copy !req
585. This one's mine.
Copy !req
586. Okay.
Copy !req
587. We could watch the spring game.
Copy !req
588. Yeah, Dakota's
a football fanatic.
Copy !req
589. Well, not a,
not a fanatic, honey.
Copy !req
590. A phenom.
Copy !req
591. Oh, sorry, baby. Phenom.
Copy !req
592. He's a phenom.
Copy !req
593. You know, he made ESPN's top 50.
Copy !req
594. - Is that so?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
595. Did you pick a school yet?
Copy !req
596. Uh, Alabama.
Copy !req
597. Little far from Tech, isn't it?
Copy !req
598. Well, I applied to Alabama
Copy !req
599. as soon as Dakota
accepted their offer.
Copy !req
600. It's just a tough school
to get into.
Copy !req
601. Uh, but I, you know,
I talked to Coach Saban,
Copy !req
602. told him how much
I wanted her there.
Copy !req
603. I play better
when she's watching me.
Copy !req
604. You know
Coach Saban retired, right?
Copy !req
605. What?
Copy !req
606. - Uh... no. No.
- Did he retire?
Copy !req
607. That's rumors.
Copy !req
608. You know, maybe we should
go to this game.
Copy !req
609. - Did you talk to him?
- Yeah, yeah. He—
Copy !req
610. Yeah, let's go to the game.
Copy !req
611. Go! Go! Go! Go!
Copy !req
612. Hike!
Copy !req
613. That son of a bitch
is a celebrity.
Copy !req
614. If I don't get into Alabama,
Copy !req
615. I'm gonna die, Daddy.
Copy !req
616. I swear to God, I'm gonna die.
Copy !req
617. You're not gonna die.
Copy !req
618. I'll die.
Copy !req
619. Are you two having sex?
Copy !req
620. Daddy.
Copy !req
621. - Well, I had to ask.
- Of course.
Copy !req
622. And that's what I get
for asking.
Copy !req
623. Are you being careful?
Copy !req
624. We have a rule
and we stick to it.
Copy !req
625. I'm gonna regret
asking you this,
Copy !req
626. but what is this rule?
Copy !req
627. As long as he never comes in me,
Copy !req
628. he can come anywhere on me.
Copy !req
629. I'm gonna go get a Dr. Pepper.
You want anything?
Copy !req
630. No.
Copy !req
631. Thanks for being so cool, Daddy.
Copy !req
632. I could never tell Mama
these kind of things.
Copy !req
633. - Can I get a Dr. Pepper?
- Yes.
Copy !req
634. You got any bourbon back there?
Copy !req
635. Sir?
Copy !req
636. Never mind.
Copy !req
637. - Rough day?
- You could say that.
Copy !req
638. I got some pot gummies
if you want. No charge.
Copy !req
639. Oh, that's real sweet
of you, honey,
Copy !req
640. but I think
I'm gonna pass on that.
Copy !req
641. How much do I owe you?
Copy !req
642. That'll be four, please.
Copy !req
643. Four?
Copy !req
644. There you go.
And keep that for yourself.
Copy !req
645. Appreciate it.
Copy !req
646. Hello.
Copy !req
647. He survived.
Copy !req
648. How'd he do?
Copy !req
649. Green, real green.
Copy !req
650. but don't say no, and he tries.
Copy !req
651. I mean, that's something.
Copy !req
652. Waste of a college degree,
if you ask me.
Copy !req
653. Well, nobody's asking you.
Nobody's asking me, either.
Copy !req
654. Like father like son,
if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
655. No one knows better.
Copy !req
656. I got a truckload
of "father like son."
Copy !req
657. That's why I put him with you,
Copy !req
658. to keep him out of trouble.
Copy !req
659. - I'll do my best.
- All right.
Copy !req
660. I'll talk to you later.
Copy !req
661. Are you shitting me?
This pretty son of a bitch
Copy !req
662. with his giant hand
on my daughter's ass?
Copy !req
663. - What did you just say?
- What?
Copy !req
664. Are you talking about my ass?
Copy !req
665. No, I'm talking about that guy
grabbing my daughter's ass
Copy !req
666. in front of the whole world.
Copy !req
667. Oh, my gosh,
that's Dakota Loving.
Copy !req
668. You've got to be shitting me.
Copy !req
669. Cooper.
Copy !req
670. Cooper.
Copy !req
671. This is your pod.
Copy !req
672. Hey, uh, what you got
going on for supper?
Copy !req
673. I-I don't know.
Copy !req
674. You got food in there?
Copy !req
675. I'll probably just drive
back to town.
Copy !req
676. Close the door.
Copy !req
677. Thank you.
Copy !req
678. Say "gracias."
Copy !req
679. Gracias.
Copy !req
680. You need to learn Spanish
Copy !req
681. 'cause I'm not speaking
English all fucking day.
Copy !req
682. - Okay.
- All right?
Copy !req
683. This is "cerveza."
Copy !req
684. Yes. Cerveza. I know cerveza.
Copy !req
685. All right, all right. Parrilla.
Copy !req
686. - Parrilla.
- Yeah, and that's carne.
Copy !req
687. - Carne.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
688. And when-when
you're drinking a beer,
Copy !req
689. you say,
"Estoy tomando una cerveza."
Copy !req
690. "Estoy t-tomando una cerveza"?
Copy !req
691. And when you're eating a taco,
you say,
Copy !req
692. "Estoy comiendo un taco
lleno de verga."
Copy !req
693. - "Estoy..."
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
694. - Don't say that.
- No...
Copy !req
695. Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
696. You just say,
"Estoy comiendo un taco."
Copy !req
697. - Estoy comiendo un taco.
- Okay, you got it.
Copy !req
698. And you know, if I ask you
something in English,
Copy !req
699. just ask me
how to say it in Spanish
Copy !req
700. and you'll be bilingual
in a month.
Copy !req
701. - Okay.
- All right.
Copy !req
702. Get that.
Copy !req
703. Well, I mean,
she just wants to talk to you.
Copy !req
704. She's your daughter.
Copy !req
705. Hola, chiquita.
Copy !req
706. Hello.
Copy !req
707. That was my daughter.
Copy !req
708. My wife told her no
about something,
Copy !req
709. and she knows that I have
no pull with the boss, so...
Copy !req
710. So, Elvio, he's your son?
Copy !req
711. Hermanito.
Copy !req
712. Uh, it—
uh, he's my little brother.
Copy !req
713. Okay. So, your whole family
works the patch?
Copy !req
714. Everybody's whole family
works the patch.
Copy !req
715. Hey.
Copy !req
716. My uncle was in prison
for ten years.
Copy !req
717. Really?
Copy !req
718. Dude, the o— the only way
for a felon to make six figures
Copy !req
719. is to steal it
or work the patch.
Copy !req
720. I tried to steal it, and
I ended up right where he was.
Copy !req
721. You know what, though?
Copy !req
722. It's better
you work for it real hard.
Copy !req
723. You know? That way,
nobody can take it away.
Copy !req
724. I can see that.
Copy !req
725. Like, Elvio, he's smart,
you know? Real smart.
Copy !req
726. He skipped prison
and went straight to the patch.
Copy !req
727. Owns his home.
Copy !req
728. Got his truck paid off.
Wife don't work.
Copy !req
729. I mean, how many 24-year-olds
can say that?
Copy !req
730. - Not very many.
- Not very many.
Copy !req
731. Oh, yeah, the meat's ready.
Copy !req
732. Okay, I got to go, baby.
Copy !req
733. That means, "Let's go eat."
Copy !req
734. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
735. Hey, bring my beer.
Copy !req
736. Dig in, man.
Copy !req
737. How do you say that in Spanish?
Copy !req
738. Not really, but, uh,
Copy !req
739. that'll work.
Copy !req
740. Oh, man, that's good.
Copy !req
741. - Good, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
742. Holy shit, that's hot.
Copy !req
743. You got a way to go, son.
Copy !req
744. That's not even
the hot one, bro.
Copy !req
745. How is that
not the hot one?
Copy !req
746. It's not that bad, bro.
What'd you give him?
Copy !req
747. Dos tacos de verga.
Copy !req
748. You okay, son?
Copy !req
749. - Yeah.
- Don't fucking die here.
Copy !req
750. Holy shit.
Copy !req
751. Man, drink some beer, bro.
You good?
Copy !req
752. All right, I'm turning in.
Copy !req
753. - Good night, Daddy.
- No, no. You're coming with me.
Copy !req
754. - What?
- That's right.
Copy !req
755. We're gonna have
an old-fashioned sleep-in,
Copy !req
756. like we used to
when you were nine.
Copy !req
757. I'm not sleeping in the same bed
as my father.
Copy !req
758. You sleep in the bed.
I'll sleep on the floor.
Copy !req
759. The part of the floor that's
directly in front of the door.
Copy !req
760. Uh, where's my room, Mr. Norris?
Copy !req
761. Oh, we put you
in the junior suite,
Copy !req
762. which is this
fucking couch here.
Copy !req
763. Sweet dreams. Come on, baby.
Copy !req
764. You're not
preventing anything, Daddy.
Copy !req
765. Just postponing it.
Copy !req
766. You're just forcing the tension
to rise even further.
Copy !req
767. You know, there is no telling
what I'll let him do to me
Copy !req
768. when he finally has me alone.
Copy !req
769. You know, every now and then,
you say things
Copy !req
770. that harken back the other side
of your gene pool.
Copy !req
771. - Are you insulting Mama?
- Yeah, I am.
Copy !req
772. You don't think
we're gonna last, do you?
Copy !req
773. Did that sweatshirt
come with pants?
Copy !req
774. Like as a set?
Copy !req
775. I think that's just
for nursing homes.
Copy !req
776. I love him.
Copy !req
777. Honey, every romantic
Copy !req
778. you'll ever have
will be a failure,
Copy !req
779. except the last one.
Copy !req
780. Do you think this is
the last relationship
Copy !req
781. you're ever gonna have?
Copy !req
782. I want it to be.
Copy !req
783. Well, hell, we want
all of them to be.
Copy !req
784. Do you think it will be?
Copy !req
785. He can have anyone.
Copy !req
786. - Well, shit, you can, too.
- Daddy.
Copy !req
787. By your logic, I should just
break up with him now
Copy !req
788. and spare myself the suffering
Copy !req
789. and just wait for the last one.
Copy !req
790. It don't work that way.
Copy !req
791. You got to love your way
through the failures.
Copy !req
792. You never know if you're in
the last one till you're in it.
Copy !req
793. Did you think Mama
was the last one?
Copy !req
794. Shit, no.
Copy !req
795. Hell, honey, I was shocked
your mom and I lasted six weeks.
Copy !req
796. Well, why did it last so long?
Copy !req
797. Same as you.
Copy !req
798. I mean, as wrong as we were
for each other,
Copy !req
799. I-I loved her.
Copy !req
800. Couldn't keep
my damn hands off of her.
Copy !req
801. Shit, I still love her.
Copy !req
802. If she lost the power of speech,
I'd marry her again tomorrow.
Copy !req
803. I've never slept with him.
Copy !req
804. We've had sex just about
everywhere you can do it.
Copy !req
805. Honey...
Copy !req
806. I've never slept with him.
Copy !req
807. Like, I've...
Copy !req
808. Like, I've never fallen asleep
in his arms or...
Copy !req
809. like, woken up in them.
Copy !req
810. Daddy, if I promise
not to have sex,
Copy !req
811. can I just sleep with him
on the couch?
Copy !req
812. Please?
Copy !req
813. Just sleep?
Copy !req
814. - You promise?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
815. I do. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
816. That couch is a rental.
Copy !req
817. Okay. Got it.
Copy !req
818. Lord, where'd my nuts go?
Copy !req
819. How'd you pull this off?
Copy !req
820. - I made a promise.
- Mm, yeah? What's the promise.
Copy !req
821. Well, I can sleep with you,
but we can't have sex.
Copy !req
822. Can you make that promise?
Copy !req
823. Uh...
Copy !req
824. I'd rather not.
Copy !req
825. Well, I know baby,
but can you make it?
Copy !req
826. Mm.
Copy !req
827. Can we, can we dry hump?
Copy !req
828. You can hold me.
Copy !req
829. Okay, well,
let's talk about this.
Copy !req
830. I mean, you promised no sex.
Copy !req
831. Well, that...
that leaves out a lot.
Copy !req
832. Yeah?
Copy !req
833. What happened?
Copy !req
834. Guess he's not the last one.
Copy !req
835. He don't know what he's missing.
Copy !req
836. Come on, babe.
Copy !req
837. Come on, babe, lay down.
Copy !req
838. Come here, honey. Come here.
Copy !req
839. How come you're always right?
Copy !req
840. 'Cause I spent all my life
being wrong.
Copy !req
841. I never forgot the lessons.
Copy !req
842. Thank you.
Copy !req
843. Honey.
Copy !req
844. Fuck Alabama.
Copy !req
845. Yeah. Fuck 'em.
Copy !req
846. Hey, the 18's too small.
Go to 24.
Copy !req
847. Cooper, go get
the 24-inch pipe wrench.
Copy !req
848. Which one is that?
Copy !req
849. The one that says "24."
Copy !req
850. Go!
Copy !req
851. The one the size
of your arm. You'll see it.
Copy !req
852. You got it?
Copy !req
853. - I'm looking.
- Hurry up!
Copy !req
854. - He's bringing the 24.
- I got this.
Copy !req
855. - What is he doing?
- Okay, here we go.
Copy !req
856. I got it.
Copy !req
857. He's bringing the 24.
Copy !req
858. Okay, that's what
it should've been.
Copy !req
859. Oh, yeah. Here we come.
Copy !req
860. Whoa!
Copy !req