1. - I know
what you're thinking.
Copy !req
2. What type of maniac wakes up
at dawn to punch boulders?
Copy !req
3. - I'll tell you who.
Copy !req
4. My good pal,
Knuckles the echidna.
Copy !req
5. It all began on
the Mushroom Planet,
Copy !req
6. where old Knucks got
tricked into helping
Copy !req
7. the very evil
and very filthy
Copy !req
8. Doctor Mustache escape.
Copy !req
9. He came to Earth in
search of a magic emerald
Copy !req
10. and picked a fight with moi,
Copy !req
11. which went very badly
for him, by the way.
Copy !req
12. Hey, wait a minute!
This is the wrong footage!
Copy !req
13. Why are we showing this?
Copy !req
14. and teamed up to defeat
Robotnik's giant robot
Copy !req
15. and recovered
the Master Emerald,
Copy !req
16. hence saving the universe.
Copy !req
17. Hooray!
And you're welcome.
Copy !req
18. And then, Knuckles, Tails,
and I became friends
Copy !req
19. and roommates!
Copy !req
20. Now, with all the hero stuff
out of the way,
Copy !req
21. Knuckles' only mission
is to relax and enjoy Earth,
Copy !req
22. which might be harder
than it sounds.
Copy !req
23. - Ha! A new record!
Copy !req
24. House Wachowski
is under attack.
Copy !req
25. - Huh?
Copy !req
26. - Pitiful.
Copy !req
27. Huh?
Copy !req
28. Ha!
Copy !req
29. - Ah!
Copy !req
30. - Whoa! What's going on?
- What kinda job is this,
Mrs. Wachowski?
Copy !req
31. - Get it off me!
Copy !req
32. Did you call us up
Copy !req
33. to fix your house
so you could hunt us for sport?
Copy !req
34. No, no, no, no, no!
I could see why it
might look like that,
Copy !req
35. but one of our kids
gets a little...
Copy !req
36. Your kid did this?
Copy !req
37. He's a... really big kid.
Copy !req
38. With a huge imagination!
Thinks he's a warrior.
Copy !req
39. Always training, questing.
Copy !req
40. As well as stalking,
Copy !req
41. and occasionally terrorizing.
Copy !req
42. You know how kids
are at that age.
Copy !req
43. You'll be hearing
from our lawyers.
Copy !req
44. I am so sorry.
Copy !req
45. - Let's pack up.
Copy !req
46. What?
Copy !req
47. Victory is mine!
Copy !req
48. And never has
it tasted so sweet.
Copy !req
49. Mm! One day, I hope to visit
Copy !req
50. this Cool Ranch of Doritos
Copy !req
51. and bask in
all of its splendor!
Copy !req
52. - Chip?
Copy !req
53. - I'm good.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
54. Oh, boy. Poor guys.
Copy !req
55. That's the fourth crew
this month.
Copy !req
56. But, I have to say,
Copy !req
57. Knuckles is
in incredible shape.
Copy !req
58. Do you think he's more cardio
or weight focused?
Copy !req
59. It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
60. He looks fantastic.
Copy !req
61. Do you think the house
is ever gonna get fixed?
Copy !req
62. The living room is getting
pretty cold at night
Copy !req
63. with that giant hole
in the wall.
Copy !req
64. Boys.
Copy !req
65. We need to talk about
our little red barbarian friend.
Copy !req
66. I could use some backup.
Copy !req
67. Knuckles is just having
a little trouble
Copy !req
68. adjusting to his new home.
It wasn't easy for me
Copy !req
69. to understand this planet
at first, either.
Copy !req
70. When did you start
getting so wise?
Copy !req
71. I read a lot
of cereal boxes.
Copy !req
72. Also, I had a family
that was patient enough
Copy !req
73. to let me figure things out,
Copy !req
74. so we have to do
the same with Knuckles.
Copy !req
75. Let me talk to him
when the time is right.
Copy !req
76. Alright, Sonic.
Copy !req
77. But, in the meantime,
do you mind asking him
Copy !req
78. - to get our dog off the roof?
Copy !req
79. Concentrate, Wolf.
Copy !req
80. An attack can come from
anywhere at any time.
Copy !req
81. - You must have steely focus.
Copy !req
82. - Steelier.
Copy !req
83. Steelier... Steelier...
Copy !req
84. - Steelier!
Copy !req
85. You know what?
Copy !req
86. I think now is a good time
for that talk.
Copy !req
87. Yeah, I think so, too.
Copy !req
88. Come on, Ozzy!
Copy !req
89. - Good boy!
Copy !req
90. Hey, big guy.
Mind if I join ya?
Copy !req
91. Man, this place
is beautiful, huh?
Copy !req
92. - No.
- What? Really?
Copy !req
93. You don't think Green Hills
is a beautiful place to live?
Copy !req
94. - No.
- Not even a little?
Copy !req
95. - No.
- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
96. Really look around
Copy !req
97. and tell me you don't
think this is—
Copy !req
98. - No.
- Okay, fine!
Copy !req
99. We'll circle back
to this later.
Copy !req
100. It's time we had a talk.
Copy !req
101. You know,
hedgehog to echidna.
Copy !req
102. Listen, moving to a new world
was tough for me at first, too.
Copy !req
103. But trust me.
This planet is special.
Copy !req
104. It's your home now.
Copy !req
105. An Echidna warrior
has no home.
Copy !req
106. I only remain on Earth
because I made a vow to you
Copy !req
107. and the fox.
One I intend to keep.
Copy !req
108. Hey, I respect that.
But we won.
Copy !req
109. Robotnik's gone, and there's
no new battle to fight.
Copy !req
110. No new quests
to embark on.
Copy !req
111. Which means,
for the first time,
Copy !req
112. you can take a break
from being a warrior.
Copy !req
113. And Earth is the perfect place
to do that.
Copy !req
114. So, relax.
Get comfortable.
Copy !req
115. - Make yourself at home here.
- Hm...
Copy !req
116. Perhaps you are right, hedgehog.
Copy !req
117. Allow me to meditate
on your words of wisdom.
Copy !req
118. Perfect.
Copy !req
119. My work here is done.
I'm gonna do...
Copy !req
120. fun things.
Copy !req
121. Hm...
Copy !req
122. Yes.
Copy !req
123. I shall make myself at home.
Copy !req
124. Right.
Copy !req
125. Boys! Breakfast is ready!
Copy !req
126. Good morning,
Pretzel Woman.
Copy !req
127. Morning, Knuckles.
Copy !req
128. Is that an Iron Throne
at our breakfast table?
Copy !req
129. Good morning!
Copy !req
130. - What is that?
Copy !req
131. It is merely the seat
that designates my role
Copy !req
132. as family champion.
If you wish to claim it,
Copy !req
133. you must simply defeat me
Copy !req
134. in a ritual battle
of trial by combat.
Copy !req
135. What do you mean,
"trial by combat"?
Copy !req
136. Come, fox.
I will show you.
Copy !req
137. I heeded the hedgehog's advice
Copy !req
138. - and made myself at home!
Copy !req
139. Wow! Love what you've done
with the place, Knucks.
Copy !req
140. It's very, um, Conan chic.
Copy !req
141. Nope!
This is not happening.
Copy !req
142. We are not turning
our living room
Copy !req
143. into some kind of
gladiator fighting pit.
Copy !req
144. Warrior fighting pit.
Copy !req
145. - Whatever! And wh-what
is Ozzy doing here?
Copy !req
146. Ozzy has bravely volunteered
for the first match
Copy !req
147. by challenging
his greatest enemy.
Copy !req
148. Enemy? What enemy?
Copy !req
149. Is that our mailman?
Copy !req
150. Please!
Copy !req
151. I just wanna go home.
Copy !req
152. I am so sorry.
Copy !req
153. That's it!
Get down right now.
Copy !req
154. You are grounded!
Copy !req
155. I have no idea
what that means.
Copy !req
156. Well, I definitely do.
Copy !req
157. It means
no battling enemies.
Copy !req
158. No leaving
your room on quests.
Copy !req
159. And most of all,
no warrior-ing.
Copy !req
160. How dare you.
Copy !req
161. In the name of
Great Chief Pachacamac,
Copy !req
162. - I swear you will
regret the day you—
- Excuse me?
Copy !req
163. - You will regret...
- Uh!
Copy !req
164. - the day you...
- Uh!
Copy !req
165. Knuckles, word of advice.
Copy !req
166. Do not mess with Maddie
Copy !req
167. when she's this mad.
Copy !req
168. Very well, Pretzel Woman.
Copy !req
169. I will accept my grounding...
with honor.
Copy !req
170. Great. I'm gonna
be late for work.
Copy !req
171. Uh, Maddie?
Copy !req
172. We may have another issue.
Copy !req
173. It looks like Knuckles built
part of his throne out of...
Copy !req
174. our car.
Copy !req
175. Our car...
Copy !req
176. Oh, gosh. Okay, um,
Copy !req
177. Tom is out of town...
Copy !req
178. - Maybe Wade will pick me up.
Copy !req
179. Okay.
Copy !req
180. Hey, this is Wade!
Copy !req
181. I can't answer
the phone right now.
Copy !req
182. I'm training for
the biggest tournament
of my adult life.
Copy !req
183. Wish me luck!
After the beep. Beep!
Copy !req
184. Alright, Wade.
Copy !req
185. You got this.
Copy !req
186. You will bowl a strike
right now
Copy !req
187. because you are
an excellent bowler.
Copy !req
188. But, more importantly,
you are a good person.
Copy !req
189. You help old ladies
cross the street.
Copy !req
190. You leave positive reviews
at restaurants,
Copy !req
191. even when the service
is just meh.
Copy !req
192. You are pretty,
yet you are approachable.
Copy !req
193. But, most of all,
Copy !req
194. you are an excellent...
Copy !req
195. - You're gonna choke, loser!
Copy !req
196. Susie, I have begged you
a thousand times,
Copy !req
197. please do not insult me
in the middle of my backswing.
Copy !req
198. Maybe I wouldn't insult you
Copy !req
199. if you weren't such
a freaking loser!
Copy !req
200. Well, maybe I wouldn't be
such a freaking loser
Copy !req
201. if you weren't insulting me!
Copy !req
202. Wade, get it together.
Copy !req
203. The Renegades need you.
Copy !req
204. Roll one strike, and we win.
Copy !req
205. But don't do it for me.
Copy !req
206. - Do it for you.
- [♪ soft inspiring
music playing]
Copy !req
207. Wade, this is what
the Swahili tribesmen call
Copy !req
208. - "kufafanua wakati."
Copy !req
209. "The defining moment."
Copy !req
210. The moment when you rise up
Copy !req
211. like the flaming phoenix
and scream,
Copy !req
212. "I am Wade Whipple, and I am
an unstoppable warrior."
Copy !req
213. I am Wade Whipple and
I am an unstoppable warrior.
Copy !req
214. Annihilate this little girl,
Copy !req
215. Crush her spirit.
Copy !req
216. Humiliate her so badly,
Copy !req
217. her parents won't even
look at her again.
Copy !req
218. Doesn't this seem like
we're going a bit far?
Copy !req
219. Not far enough.
You can do this, Wade.
Copy !req
220. And by do this, I mean
crush that tiny girl's skull.
Copy !req
221. Hey, you can't talk
to her like that.
Copy !req
222. Just who do
you think you are?
Copy !req
223. Oh, I'm so happy you asked.
Copy !req
224. I'm an acclaimed writer
of historical fiction.
Copy !req
225. - I'm a man who knows his way
around a vegetable garden.
Copy !req
226. But at my core, I'm someone
who uses his keen instincts
Copy !req
227. to hunt the world's
most dangerous animal.
Copy !req
228. Man.
Copy !req
229. Jack Sinclair, bounty hunter.
At your service.
Copy !req
230. I'm sorry about my friend.
H-He's like that with everybody.
Copy !req
231. Are we gonna bowl or what?
Copy !req
232. Squash her like a bug.
Copy !req
233. Okay, Wade...
Copy !req
234. - We won!
- We won!
Copy !req
235. No...
Wait, wait. Let's wait.
Copy !req
236. Let's wait
before we celebrate.
Copy !req
237. We don't know
if the pin's gonna drop yet!
Copy !req
238. Go down!
It can still go down!
Copy !req
239. - Come on! Come on!
Copy !req
240. No!
Copy !req
241. I'm sorry, Jack.
I failed you.
Copy !req
242. - No.
Copy !req
243. You didn't fail me, Wade.
Copy !req
244. You failed the Renegades.
Copy !req
245. I know, and I will up my game
by the Tournament of Champions.
Copy !req
246. - When we get to Reno,
I will be a—
- A warrior?
Copy !req
247. Yeah, a warrior.
Copy !req
248. I don't think so, Wade.
Copy !req
249. Warriors don't get mentally
and emotionally decimated
Copy !req
250. - by young children.
- To be fair,
Copy !req
251. she has the soul of a very
old... witch of some kind.
Copy !req
252. To win in Reno, my team needs
the strongest of warriors,
Copy !req
253. and you, Wade Whipple,
are not a warrior.
Copy !req
254. - You're off the team.
- Oh, no, no. Come on, Jack.
Copy !req
255. Please, I will work harder!
Copy !req
256. Besides, who are you gonna
replace me with in time
for the tournament?
Copy !req
257. Little Susie.
Copy !req
258. - What?
- She's a fearless,
Copy !req
259. stone-cold killer
on the lanes.
Copy !req
260. She's 5 years old!
Copy !req
261. Her hands aren't
even big enough!
Copy !req
262. She puts one hand in
one hole!
Copy !req
263. Plus, her parents are loaded and
they're renting a stretch Hummer
Copy !req
264. - so we can ride
to the tourney in style.
- Hi.
Copy !req
265. That sounds
very fun and cool.
Copy !req
266. Yeah. It will be.
Copy !req
267. Maybe I could go
as an alternate.
Copy !req
268. I'm afraid there's no room
in the car for you, pal.
Copy !req
269. - No room in a stretch Hummer?
- That's right.
Copy !req
270. Now, if you don't mind,
Copy !req
271. I'm gonna need to collect
your bowling shirt.
Copy !req
272. My job is to make sure things
like this don't happen actually
Copy !req
273. 'cause that is theft,
Copy !req
274. but you can have it back.
I'll give it to you.
Copy !req
275. Hm, she wears it well.
Fits her like a glove.
Copy !req
276. You take care now, Wade.
Copy !req
277. And if you ever need
a bounty hunting,
Copy !req
278. - call me.
Copy !req
279. Such a cool jacket.
Copy !req
280. I lied to you about
the stretch hummer.
Copy !req
281. We just don't want you there.
Copy !req
282. You're the worst friend ever,
Jack Sinclair!
Copy !req
283. - Hey, buddy. How's it goin'?
Copy !req
284. Leave me be, hedgehog.
I took your advice.
Copy !req
285. And now, I lay banished
on the floor of shame,
Copy !req
286. with nothing to do
but plot my revenge.
Copy !req
287. - Against you.
- Whoa-ho-ho-ho!
Copy !req
288. Lighten up, big guy.
Being grounded isn't that bad.
Copy !req
289. I lived in a cave
for seven years.
Copy !req
290. You can survive
a few days in an attic.
Copy !req
291. Look at all these great
options you have. Like...
Copy !req
292. - comic books!
Copy !req
293. - Music!
- [♪ "Belly Dancer" by
Imanbek & BYOR playing]
Copy !req
294. Video games!
They have come a long way
since the '90s.
Copy !req
295. - Ah! Where have you sent me?
Copy !req
296. And viral dance videos!
Copy !req
297. - See what I mean?
Copy !req
298. Use this time to relax.
Copy !req
299. You'll be out there warrior-ing
before you know it.
Copy !req
300. Okay, good talk.
Copy !req
301. The hedgehog
could not possibly understand.
Copy !req
302. - O wise Echidna Elders.
Copy !req
303. I seek your guidance
in my hour of need.
Copy !req
304. Please, send me a sign.
Copy !req
305. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
306. The Mets lost again?
Copy !req
307. - Ah! Assassin!
Copy !req
308. Relax, Knuckles.
It's me.
Copy !req
309. - Chief Pachacamac?
Copy !req
310. It's good to see you,
my boy.
Copy !req
311. Now, put down
the rubber chicken
Copy !req
312. and give your old chief a—
Copy !req
313. Oh, right.
Copy !req
314. I'm a ghost...
Copy !req
315. Thank goodness you're here.
Copy !req
316. I have completed my quest
and found the Master Emerald.
Copy !req
317. But with my work complete,
what becomes of me?
Copy !req
318. Knuckles!
Your quest is not complete.
Copy !req
319. It's only begun!
Copy !req
320. You are the last
of the Echidnas!
Copy !req
321. And so,
the legacy of our people
Copy !req
322. is in your hands.
Copy !req
323. Guide me, O Great Chief.
Copy !req
324. I want you to train
an apprentice
Copy !req
325. in the ways of the Echidna!
Copy !req
326. Teach him our customs.
Copy !req
327. Show him our traditions.
Copy !req
328. And soon, our tribe
will grow once again.
Copy !req
329. But where will I find
such a student?
Copy !req
330. Right here.
Copy !req
331. Wade Whipple?
Copy !req
332. I know this man.
He's no great warrior.
Copy !req
333. Neither were you
when we first met.
Copy !req
334. He may not look like much,
but he's special.
Copy !req
335. - In here.
Copy !req
336. He seeks to compete in
a Tournament of Champions
Copy !req
337. in a mystical place called...
Copy !req
338. Reno, Nevada.
Copy !req
339. Tournament of Champions.
Copy !req
340. There is much glory
to be found in such a contest!
Copy !req
341. Train him as a warrior!
Copy !req
342. The fate of the Echidna
Copy !req
343. is in your—
Copy !req
344. - Oh!
Copy !req
345. Stupid widow.
Copy !req
346. - How does this ghost stuff
even work?
Copy !req
347. - Ah! There we go.
Copy !req
348. Our fate is in your hands!
Copy !req
349. I won't let you down.
Copy !req
350. Alright, you baby-man.
Copy !req
351. - It's time to get ripped!
- [♪ "The Warrior"
by Scandal playing]
Copy !req
352. No, I'm not! I'm weak!
Copy !req
353. Oh, I'm gonna die today.
Copy !req
354. Oh, help me. Help! Help!
Copy !req
355. Wade Whipple,
this is no time for lying down.
Copy !req
356. I come to you
with an urgent need.
Copy !req
357. How did you get in here?
Copy !req
358. A true warrior can
conquer any stronghold.
Copy !req
359. Not even the strongest barrier
can contain his might.
Copy !req
360. Came in through
the open window, huh?
Copy !req
361. Yes. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
362. You seek to compete
in the upcoming
Tournament of Champions
Copy !req
363. in Reno, Nevada.
Copy !req
364. I will take you there.
Copy !req
365. This tournament is my destiny.
Copy !req
366. Yeah. It was mine, too.
Copy !req
367. Until I lost my spot
on the team.
Copy !req
368. How?
Copy !req
369. You were bested by a sworn enemy
in trial by combat?
Copy !req
370. I was brutally trash-talked by
an 8-year-old girl named Susie.
Copy !req
371. So, yes. Yeah. The same—
The same thing.
Copy !req
372. And you do not wish
to reclaim your honor?
Copy !req
373. No, I-I do. I wish to reclaim
my honor bad. It's just...
Copy !req
374. Jack Sinclair was right.
Copy !req
375. Not strong. I'm not tough.
Copy !req
376. I'm not a warrior.
Copy !req
377. But I am.
Copy !req
378. I can train you
in ways of the Echidna.
Copy !req
379. Teach you every form
of lethal combat.
Copy !req
380. Show you the secrets
to all my strength.
Copy !req
381. Then, I could use that
to challenge Susie
Copy !req
382. in a trial by bowling combat
Copy !req
383. and earn my spot
back on the team.
Copy !req
384. Yes. If you take me
on this quest to Reno,
Copy !req
385. I will make you
a true warrior!
Copy !req
386. - As the great Echidna
Chief Pachacamac did for me.
- Pachacamac.
Copy !req
387. I think my sister went
to sleepaway camp there.
Copy !req
388. Our destiny awaits,
Wade Whipple.
Copy !req
389. Do we have an alliance?
Copy !req
390. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
391. Didn't I hear
you were grounded?
Copy !req
392. There's no way you're allowed
to leave home, right?
Copy !req
393. One cannot ground
an Echidna warrior...
Copy !req
394. For an Echidna warrior
has no home.
Copy !req
395. Alright, that checks out!
Copy !req
396. Let's do this!
Destiny awaits!
Copy !req
397. Let's go get 'em.
Copy !req
398. - Alright!
Copy !req
399. The warrior training road trip
is officially official.
Copy !req
400. Knucks.
Can I call you Knucks?
Copy !req
401. - No.
- How about Knucky?
Copy !req
402. - No. No.
- Knuckington Bear?
Copy !req
403. - Sir Knucksalot?
- No.
Copy !req
404. Knuck, knuck.
Copy !req
405. - Knuck, knuck.
You gotta say, "Who's there?"
- Who's there?
Copy !req
406. Knuckolas Cage.
Copy !req
407. Please stop.
Copy !req
408. So, tell me a little
about yourself.
Copy !req
409. You know, I-I know
that you're an alien
Copy !req
410. and that you're super powerful
Copy !req
411. and that you've recently
saved the world,
Copy !req
412. et cetera, et cetera.
Copy !req
413. But let's dig a little deeper,
you know? You have any hobbies?
Copy !req
414. Honor.
Copy !req
415. Honor is really more of
a principle than a hobby.
Copy !req
416. - Victory.
- Hm...
Copy !req
417. Maybe I should
restate the question.
Copy !req
418. What do you
like to do for fun?
Copy !req
419. - Vengeance.
- Gettin' a little dark.
Copy !req
420. I was thinking
more like reading
Copy !req
421. o-or yoga o-or music.
Copy !req
422. Yes. The hedgehog spoke
of this Earth music.
Copy !req
423. Tell me, what is it?
Copy !req
424. Oh, I— I can't
just tell you what it is.
Copy !req
425. I have to... I have to—
Copy !req
426. I'll put on one of
my classic Wade mixes.
Copy !req
427. Everyone at the station
loves these.
Copy !req
428. I send out a link
every Monday.
Copy !req
429. ♪ Yes you can, can I kick it?
Copy !req
430. Ha! Kicked!
Copy !req
431. Not a music guy.
Copy !req
432. Well, well, well.
Looks like we've got a runner.
Copy !req
433. Agent Willoughby.
We got a problem.
Copy !req
434. - It's a code red.
Copy !req
435. Knuckles has left
the Green Hills Zone.
Copy !req
436. We have to inform
Commander Walters.
Copy !req
437. Don't worry, Agent Fairley.
Copy !req
438. I've been aware since
the second he left town,
Copy !req
439. and I'm in complete control
of the situation.
Copy !req
440. - Uh...
Copy !req
441. Ma'am, you just took our
SAT surveillance offline.
Copy !req
442. - There's no way anyone in HQ
can track Knuckles now e...
Copy !req
443. except you.
Copy !req
444. With that device.
Copy !req
445. Uh, what's going on?
Copy !req
446. Thank you for your work,
Agent Fairley.
Copy !req
447. You are dismissed.
Copy !req
448. I hear the Mushroom Planet
is beautiful this time of year,
Copy !req
449. my friend! Enjoy!
Copy !req
450. You're pretty proud
of yourself for someone
Copy !req
451. who just kicked an unsuspecting
man in the chest.
Copy !req
452. - Yeah, I am.
Copy !req
453. Right, come on.
We've got work to do.
Copy !req
454. - What is it?
Copy !req
455. You're disturbing my work.
Copy !req
456. We have
a unique opportunity.
Copy !req
457. Wanted you to be
the first to know.
Copy !req
458. One of the aliens...
Copy !req
459. has left Green Hills.
Copy !req
460. He's in the wild.
Copy !req
461. Which one?
Copy !req
462. - Knuckles.
- Ah...
Copy !req
463. The muscle.
Copy !req
464. His powers
are exceptional.
Copy !req
465. But, without
his little friends,
Copy !req
466. he's vulnerable.
Copy !req
467. I've been scouring the world
for these quills.
Copy !req
468. They're the key to
everything I'm building.
Copy !req
469. You can build an evil
petting zoo for all I care.
Copy !req
470. As long as you
meet our price,
Copy !req
471. we'll bring you
the echidna in 24 hours.
Copy !req
472. Careful, Agent Willoughby.
Copy !req
473. You'll need more
than arrogance.
Copy !req
474. I'm sending you something
to even the odds.
Copy !req
475. - Something very special.
Copy !req
476. Because anyone who goes
against Knuckles...
Copy !req
477. - ... better be ready
Copy !req
478. for the fight
of their lives.
Copy !req
479. Grapes was an interesting
choice for, uh,
Copy !req
480. someone who doesn't use
their individual fingers.
Copy !req
481. Hey, when does
the training sesh start?
Copy !req
482. You know,
is there some kind of
Copy !req
483. official warrior
training manual
Copy !req
484. or a pamphlet of some kind?
Copy !req
485. Maybe some literature
I could get a look at?
Copy !req
486. That was the great
Pachacamac once said,
Copy !req
487. "You cannot train for battle
Copy !req
488. without first knowing
your battleground."
Copy !req
489. Hm... You wanna
see my battleground.
Copy !req
490. Get ready to have
your mind blown.
Copy !req
491. - Knuckolas Cage.
Copy !req
492. - This is my battleground.
Copy !req
493. This is not
a place of battle.
Copy !req
494. It is a playground
for adult idiots.
Copy !req
495. What's up?
Copy !req
496. Okay, granted, the quests
you're usually on
Copy !req
497. might be a little more...
high stakes.
Copy !req
498. But trust me.
Many a battle
Copy !req
499. has been won and lost
between these very lanes.
Copy !req
500. Plus, bowling is
a beautiful game.
Copy !req
501. - Come on, I'll show you.
- [♪ "Non, je ne regrette rien"
by Edith Piaf playing]
Copy !req
502. - Ha!
Copy !req
503. You smashed those pins
with no mercy.
Copy !req
504. I'm beginning to understand
your interest in this game.
Copy !req
505. Yeah. You know,
Copy !req
506. there's another reason
I love bowling so much.
Copy !req
507. It's kind of a big reason.
Copy !req
508. My dad.
Copy !req
509. See, my dad taught me
everything I know about bowling.
Copy !req
510. Taught me how to get
the perfect spin on my shot.
Copy !req
511. Taught me how to nail
a 7-10 split.
Copy !req
512. Taught me which Buffalo wings
would give me indigestion
Copy !req
513. and fill me with regret
in the morning.
Copy !req
514. He was the best bowler ever.
Copy !req
515. What happened to him?
Copy !req
516. TJ Maxx.
Copy !req
517. Is that the warrior
who slayed him?
Copy !req
518. A fearsome name indeed.
Copy !req
519. It's a discount
department store.
Copy !req
520. One moment, we were in
the men's department
Copy !req
521. looking for warm-ups.
Copy !req
522. Next moment,
he was gone.
Copy !req
523. He abandoned me.
Copy !req
524. He abandoned my family.
Copy !req
525. But, sometimes,
Copy !req
526. when I'm between those lanes,
it's like we're together again.
Copy !req
527. Just playing my favorite game
with my dad.
Copy !req
528. So bowling is the thing
Copy !req
529. that makes you feel
at home in this world?
Copy !req
530. Yeah. I guess it is.
Copy !req
531. Oh, awesome!
We got here just in time!
Copy !req
532. Come on!
Copy !req
533. Amazing.
Copy !req
534. It glows with the power
of a falling galacti-star.
Copy !req
535. Actually, I think
it's glowing with the power
Copy !req
536. from the laundromat
next door.
Copy !req
537. Grasp it.
Copy !req
538. Feel its power course
through your ginormous hands.
Copy !req
539. Take aim at your pins and...
Copy !req
540. What?
Copy !req
541. We gotta get you
to Reno, man! Wow!
Copy !req
542. Jack Sinclair's gonna flip
when he sees this. Yes.
Copy !req
543. It is nothing
an apprentice like you
Copy !req
544. cannot achieve in due time.
Copy !req
545. You think I could do that?
Copy !req
546. Thanks for believing in me,
Copy !req
547. You know, most people think
I'm just kind of a joke.
Copy !req
548. I do not make jokes,
Wade Whipple.
Copy !req
549. I make warriors.
Copy !req
550. What devilry is this?
Copy !req
551. Sorry,
this lane is reserved.
Copy !req
552. - What's up, Knucks?
Copy !req
553. Okay, so this is because
Knuckles is grounded, right?
Copy !req
554. - Who's the idiot?
- Does it matter?
Copy !req
555. - Get down!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
556. I get it! Rules are rules!
If he's grounded,
Copy !req
557. don't let me get in the way
of disciplining him!
Copy !req
558. Don't try anything, echidna.
You're coming with us.
Copy !req
559. - You think you can
take my power?
Copy !req
560. - Do I look like
I need your power?
Copy !req
561. What are you talking about?
Of course, we need his power.
Copy !req
562. It's the whole reason
we're here, to get his power
Copy !req
563. - and sell it for lots
and lots of money.
- I know that!
Copy !req
564. I was just trying to have a cool
catchphrase moment until you—
Copy !req
565. Look alive!
Copy !req
566. Knuckles!
Copy !req
567. Ha! It worked!
Copy !req
568. Yeah! I thought
you'd be tougher, Knucks!
Copy !req
569. - Whoa!
Copy !req
570. Wade! Do something!
Copy !req
571. I told you this
was a battlefield!
Copy !req
572. - Ah!
Copy !req
573. Fools! You thought
you could kidnap me?
Copy !req
574. - I am an Echidna— Whoa!
Copy !req
575. Right, let's go.
We got him.
Copy !req
576. Cool. But, to be clear,
you didn't save me.
Copy !req
577. I sacrificed myself,
which created a distraction
Copy !req
578. which resulted in
a diversion, which...
Copy !req
579. Alright,
let's call it a team effort.
Copy !req
580. Oh, no.
Copy !req
581. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
582. They have Knuckles,
and it's all my fault.
Copy !req
583. I have to do something.
I have to help him. I...
Copy !req
584. have an incredibly
dumb idea.
Copy !req