1. Everyone, run!
Copy !req
2. That's...
Copy !req
3. What are you doing, Kyururu? Run, quick!
Copy !req
4. R-Right...
Copy !req
5. Kyururu-chan!
Copy !req
6. Kyururu!
Copy !req
7. Hey, who was that Friend?
Copy !req
8. This way!
Copy !req
9. Quickly, before she comes back!
Copy !req
10. Serval...
Copy !req
11. You're...
Copy !req
12. Hurry! She'll come back
this way at any moment!
Copy !req
13. Serval!
Copy !req
14. You okay?
Copy !req
15. Yeah...
Copy !req
16. Hey, you guys. Looks like
my warning saved your lives.
Copy !req
17. Listen, you! Warn us sooner next time!
Copy !req
18. If the danger's already that close—
Copy !req
19. Oh, It's you, Serval. Thank goodness.
Copy !req
20. Now...
Copy !req
21. It looks like you no longer
need a jungle guide.
Copy !req
22. My work here is done.
Copy !req
23. So long.
Copy !req
24. Huh? No way!
Copy !req
25. This Lucky-san didn't do much work at all.
Copy !req
26. She's back?
Copy !req
27. Something's coming!
Copy !req
28. What is it?
Copy !req
29. Get in!
Copy !req
30. Hurry!
Copy !req
31. Drive, Lucky-san!
Copy !req
32. Roger. We'll return via the shortest route.
Copy !req
33. Are you all okay?
Copy !req
34. Yes.
Copy !req
35. Totally fine!
Copy !req
36. You really saved us,
but this vehicle worries me...
Copy !req
37. I will need some maintenance soon.
Copy !req
38. I'll do it when we get back.
Copy !req
39. Wow! This feels great!
Copy !req
40. Serval, don't fall out.
Copy !req
41. I'll be fine!
Copy !req
42. So what's your name?
Copy !req
43. I'm Kyururu.
Copy !req
44. I'm Serval!
Copy !req
45. I'm Caracal.
Copy !req
46. How about you?
Copy !req
47. They call me... Kaban.
Copy !req
48. Kaban-san, thank you for saving us.
Copy !req
49. You're welcome.
Copy !req
50. I was just out looking
for some things for dinner.
Copy !req
51. Open that bag there.
Copy !req
52. Huh...
Copy !req
53. You can eat these?
Copy !req
54. Just as they are?
Copy !req
55. No, I'll cook them.
Copy !req
56. What were you guys doing back there?
Copy !req
57. Well, I'm looking for my house.
Copy !req
58. Your house?
Copy !req
59. Oh, a house is...
Copy !req
60. The place where you lived, right?
Copy !req
61. Yeah.
Copy !req
62. Are you, by any chance... a human?
Copy !req
63. Huh? Yes... I think I am.
Copy !req
64. Then you're the same as me!
Copy !req
65. What? I am?
Copy !req
66. Yeah! By the way, my house is...
Copy !req
67. There!
Copy !req
68. That's... your house?
Copy !req
69. It looks pretty impressive.
Copy !req
70. Doesn't it?
Copy !req
71. So this is a human den, huh?
Copy !req
72. Did your house look like this, too?
Copy !req
73. No, I don't think it was anything like this.
Copy !req
74. This way!
Copy !req
75. Come on inside my house.
Copy !req
76. Even that girl who was
chasing us can't get in here,
Copy !req
77. so you can relax.
Copy !req
78. What kind of Friend was that?
Copy !req
79. She's a Beast.
Copy !req
80. Beast?
Copy !req
81. What's that?
Copy !req
82. Do you know about how
animals turn into Friends
Copy !req
83. when they're touched by Sandstar?
Copy !req
84. Yeah. That's what happened to us.
Copy !req
85. But not all animals turn into Friends.
Copy !req
86. On rare occasions,
Copy !req
87. some of them turn out like that.
Copy !req
88. The ones that didn't become
Friends are known as "Beasts."
Copy !req
89. Beasts...
Copy !req
90. Unlike Friends, Beasts are very vicious.
Copy !req
91. Did you see her wrists?
Copy !req
92. Yeah. They had something
like chains hanging from them.
Copy !req
93. Long ago, humans tried to control Beasts...
Copy !req
94. But they couldn't.
Copy !req
95. The broken chains are remnants of that time.
Copy !req
96. We made some tea.
Copy !req
97. We baked dessert, as well.
Copy !req
98. Thanks, Professor.
Copy !req
99. Come. We will have tea time.
Copy !req
100. We will.
Copy !req
101. Tea?
Copy !req
102. It smells good.
Copy !req
103. Yeah! Hey, this is...
Copy !req
104. When all the sand falls,
the tea will be ready.
Copy !req
105. What is it?
Copy !req
106. Sand?
Copy !req
107. It's a tool for measuring time.
Copy !req
108. Oh...
Copy !req
109. That's pretty cool.
Copy !req
110. If you like it, you can have it.
Copy !req
111. I'll introduce you.
Copy !req
112. This is the Professor,
Northern White-faced Owl,
Copy !req
113. and her assistant, Eurasian Eagle Owl.
Copy !req
114. Hello. I am Kaban's assistant,
the Professor.
Copy !req
115. Hello. I am Kaban's assistant
the Professor's assistant.
Copy !req
116. They're my research partners.
Copy !req
117. Research?
Copy !req
118. What sort of research do you do?
Copy !req
119. Our research lab is right next door.
Copy !req
120. If you're interested, we would be
willing to let you see it, just this once.
Copy !req
121. That was a bit condescending.
Copy !req
122. I wanna see it!
Copy !req
123. Well, if you insist, I suppose we must.
Copy !req
124. But first,
Copy !req
125. we will have tea.
Copy !req
126. Right, while it's still warm.
Copy !req
127. Drink it.
Copy !req
128. It's good...
Copy !req
129. It tastes great.
Copy !req
130. It's making me feel really good!
Copy !req
131. What is this place?
Copy !req
132. It's amazing!
Copy !req
133. Well, of course it is.
Copy !req
134. It is.
Copy !req
135. What do you research here?
Copy !req
136. This.
Copy !req
137. What is this?
Copy !req
138. It's Sandstar.
Copy !req
139. We're researching the effects it causes.
Copy !req
140. Sandstar turns animals into Friends and Beasts.
Copy !req
141. This does that?
Copy !req
142. It's pretty...
Copy !req
143. And this Ceruleum,
as a result of some stimulus,
Copy !req
144. turns into Ceruleans.
Copy !req
145. Ceruleum?
Copy !req
146. It's basically what Ceruleans originate from.
Copy !req
147. It's very dangerous, so handle it with care.
Copy !req
148. What's that?
Copy !req
149. A map of this area.
Copy !req
150. The places marked with an X
Copy !req
151. are places where powerful Ceruleans
have recently appeared.
Copy !req
152. Why are there so many?
Copy !req
153. That is a lot.
Copy !req
154. The reason...
Copy !req
155. is unknown, even to us.
Copy !req
156. The creation of so many Ceruleans
Copy !req
157. should require an immense
amount of Ceruleum.
Copy !req
158. Ceruleum, like Sandstar,
is generated by volcanoes...
Copy !req
159. But we've checked many volcanoes on land,
Copy !req
160. and none of them appear to be active.
Copy !req
161. It's really a mystery.
Copy !req
162. Where could it be coming from?
Copy !req
163. It is a mystery, indeed.
Copy !req
164. Getting hungry, eh?
Copy !req
165. Then why don't we have dinner?
Copy !req
166. We have the mushrooms I gathered earlier.
Copy !req
167. Let's have the Professor cook them.
Copy !req
168. Today, I shall make a meal
that may be an acquired taste.
Copy !req
169. It burns!
Copy !req
170. What the heck is this stuff?
Copy !req
171. It's an extra-spicy mushroom hotpot.
Copy !req
172. Is this even safe to eat?
Copy !req
173. Of course. You get used to it over time.
Copy !req
174. You won't want to stop eating it.
Copy !req
175. Really? I don't see that happening...
Copy !req
176. No way! Impossible!
Copy !req
177. So you say, but you can't stop eating it.
Copy !req
178. It's got you hook, line, and sinker.
Copy !req
179. Kyururu-chan, what's wrong?
Copy !req
180. I was just thinking.
Copy !req
181. About what?
Copy !req
182. What happens if someone
gets eaten by a Cerulean?
Copy !req
183. When a Friend is eaten,
it reverts to its animal form
Copy !req
184. and loses all memories
of its time as a Friend.
Copy !req
185. And even if it becomes a Friend again later,
Copy !req
186. it doesn't regain its memories from before.
Copy !req
187. Oh... That's kind of sad.
Copy !req
188. Yeah.
Copy !req
189. Dolphin-san!
Copy !req
190. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
191. You should run away quickly.
Copy !req
192. Why?
Copy !req
193. Remember what I said? The sea
hasn't been in good spirits lately.
Copy !req
194. See? Here it comes.
Copy !req
195. That's it! I get it!
Copy !req
196. You get what?
Copy !req
197. Professor!
Copy !req
198. What did you figure out?
Copy !req
199. Where all the Ceruleum is coming from!
Copy !req
200. What?
Copy !req
201. Where is it?
Copy !req
202. I think...
Copy !req
203. It must be coming from the sea.
Copy !req
204. Huh?
Copy !req
205. The sea?
Copy !req
206. Yeah. The Ceruleum is coming from the sea!
Copy !req
207. What?
Copy !req
208. Sadly, there is no chance of that.
Copy !req
209. Why not?
Copy !req
210. Both Sandstar and Ceruleum
come from volcanoes.
Copy !req
211. They don't come from oceans.
They come from mountains.
Copy !req
212. But I heard there are volcanoes
at the bottom of the sea, too.
Copy !req
213. Volcanoes in the sea?
Copy !req
214. Here, look.
Copy !req
215. There are things called
"submarine volcanoes."
Copy !req
216. This... is definitely a volcano!
Copy !req
217. I had no idea there were
volcanoes in the sea.
Copy !req
218. I think it must be coming from here...
Copy !req
219. This "Ceruleum" stuff.
Copy !req
220. Of course!
Copy !req
221. The places where the most Ceruleans
have been spotted recently...
Copy !req
222. Indeed. They are all near the ocean.
Copy !req
223. It makes sense!
Copy !req
224. Perfect sense.
Copy !req
225. Doesn't it?
Copy !req
226. What's this?
Copy !req
227. We must go collect a sample
from the ocean at once.
Copy !req
228. What? Right now?
Copy !req
229. Hurry and get ready.
Copy !req
230. Huh? I'm going, too?
Copy !req
231. Naturally! You came up with
this hypothesis, after all!
Copy !req
232. Since it's your hypothesis,
you must prove it.
Copy !req
233. Then we should tell Kaban-san,
Serval, and Caracal we're leaving...
Copy !req
234. Wha... Hey!
Copy !req
235. This is an area where many Ceruleans
have been appearing recently.
Copy !req
236. The ocean should come into view soon.
Copy !req
237. This is scary...
Copy !req
238. We're almost there. Stay strong.
Copy !req
239. We're doing this to protect the park.
Copy !req
240. A great task now stands before us!
Copy !req
241. Hey! Kyururu-chan!
Copy !req
242. That's weird... Where'd Kyururu-chan go?
Copy !req
243. Serval!
Copy !req
244. No one was over there, either!
Copy !req
245. What's wrong?
Copy !req
246. Kyururu-chan is missing.
Copy !req
247. What?
Copy !req
248. Actually, I can't find the
Professor or Assistant, either.
Copy !req
249. They're missing, too?
Copy !req
250. Where could they have gone?
Copy !req
251. There's a good chance they're all together.
Copy !req
252. I hope they're not doing anything crazy...
Copy !req
253. What's that sound?
Copy !req
254. Let's go see!
Copy !req
255. Yeah!
Copy !req
256. A Cerulean? What's it doing in here?
Copy !req
257. It's huge!
Copy !req
258. And it looks just like that vehicle!
Copy !req
259. You're right. It looks like it
mimicked the bus's shape.
Copy !req
260. You don't think it ate those three, do you?
Copy !req
261. We have to save them!
Copy !req
262. Right! Let's knock it out!
Copy !req
263. Why the bus?
Copy !req
264. We've arrived at the ocean.
Copy !req
265. Look for Sandstar.
Copy !req
266. It's too dark. I can't see anything.
Copy !req
267. We can see perfectly fine.
Copy !req
268. What? You can?
Copy !req
269. I found some.
Copy !req
270. See? It's glowing.
Copy !req
271. Where?
Copy !req
272. A little closer...
Copy !req
273. It's so pretty.
Copy !req
274. H-Hey!
Copy !req
275. You almost dropped me!
Copy !req
276. Something dangerous was approaching!
Copy !req
277. Look at the water.
Copy !req
278. Huh?
Copy !req
279. Wh-What is that?
Copy !req
280. I can't believe it, but it
appeared to be a Cerulean.
Copy !req
281. But can Ceruleans exist in the water?
Copy !req
282. At any rate, I think we should hurry back.
Copy !req
283. Y-Yeah...
Copy !req
284. What do we do? We can't get close!
Copy !req
285. I'll keep it here! Get around behind it!
Copy !req
286. Got it!
Copy !req
287. Hey! Over here! Here!
Copy !req
288. Over here, I said!
Copy !req
289. Over here! No, over here!
Copy !req
290. All right! Time to finish this!
Copy !req
291. Meow!
Copy !req
292. That one was tough.
Copy !req
293. It sure was.
Copy !req
294. Hey! Are you okay?
Copy !req
295. Yeah!
Copy !req
296. Thanks.
Copy !req
297. You're welcome!
Copy !req
298. Now, we should go look for Kyururu and—
Copy !req
299. Hey!
Copy !req
300. Everyone!
Copy !req
301. Kyururu-chan!
Copy !req
302. You're all right!
Copy !req
303. Jeez! Where the heck did you go?
Copy !req
304. To the ocean!
Copy !req
305. Look!
Copy !req
306. What is it?
Copy !req
307. The answer to the question
we had been struggling with.
Copy !req
308. I pray that you find your house.
Copy !req
309. Take caution as you continue your journey.
Copy !req
310. Take this with you. It should come in handy.
Copy !req
311. What is it?
Copy !req
312. It's Lucky Beast.
Copy !req
313. This is Lucky-san?
Copy !req
314. That's right. I will guide you from here.
Copy !req
315. Oh! Thanks a lot!
Copy !req
316. If you encounter any trouble
during your travels,
Copy !req
317. look for a Friend named Margay at
a place called the "live stage."
Copy !req
318. I am certain she will help you.
Copy !req
319. Margay? Got it. Thanks!
Copy !req
320. Well, take care.
Copy !req
321. Thanks for everything.
Copy !req
322. Kyururu-chan, let's go.
Copy !req
323. Yeah.
Copy !req
324. House! House!
Copy !req
325. Wait, Serval!
Copy !req
326. I can't wait to find it!
Copy !req
327. Wait!
Copy !req
328. Hey, tell me something...
Copy !req
329. Was it you?
Copy !req
330. Huh?
Copy !req
331. Serval talked about it all the time.
Copy !req
332. She went on a journey with
a strange Friend, she said.
Copy !req
333. What?
Copy !req
334. Oh, sorry. I guess she didn't say "strange."
Copy !req
335. Yeah, maybe.
Copy !req
336. Caracal, hurry!
Copy !req
337. We're gonna leave you behind!
Copy !req
338. Take care of her, okay?
Copy !req
339. Sorry about that. Let's go!
Copy !req
340. Yeah!
Copy !req
341. Here is the question.
Copy !req
342. Often used in curry—
Copy !req
343. I know. Turmeric.
Copy !req
344. Correct.
Copy !req
345. Now I will ask a question.
Copy !req
346. Cinnamon, cloves—
Copy !req
347. I know. Garam masala.
Copy !req
348. Correct.
Copy !req
349. You're both so fast at this!
Copy !req
350. I answered a little bit faster.
Copy !req
351. No, I was faster.
Copy !req
352. Play nice, now! How about more tea?
Copy !req
353. Yes!
Copy !req
354. Now you're getting along!
Copy !req
355. Next time, episode 7:
Copy !req
356. "Beyond Speed."
Copy !req