1. So this is the Waterfront Area.
Copy !req
2. There's so much water.
Copy !req
3. Many aquatic animals live
in the Waterfront Area.
Copy !req
4. There are also many plants and geographic
features that match the waterside.
Copy !req
5. Is that where they're holding the concert?
Copy !req
6. Must be. I see lots of Friends.
Copy !req
7. Wow!
Copy !req
8. It's so impressive.
Copy !req
9. What's that, what's that?
What's that thing do?
Copy !req
10. Maybe it's the stage that the
professor and the assistant made?
Copy !req
11. What a big crowd of Friends.
Copy !req
12. Yup, PPP is super popular.
Copy !req
13. Is that another Lucky-san?
Copy !req
14. Yup. There are lots of them.
Copy !req
15. Boss, I'm taking two, okay?
Copy !req
16. You hardly ever see more than one
Boss in the same place, though.
Copy !req
17. Oh, really?
Copy !req
18. Today is an exception because of
the large gathering of Friends.
Copy !req
19. But we can't see the concert with this crowd.
Copy !req
20. It would be hard to keep
jumping the whole time.
Copy !req
21. That's it. You're almost there!
Copy !req
22. Nice job!
Copy !req
23. Kaban-chan, you've gotten
pretty good at climbing trees.
Copy !req
24. What a great view! Let's watch from here.
Copy !req
25. We have box seats.
Copy !req
26. You startled me!
Copy !req
27. Who are you two?
When did you get there?
Copy !req
28. You startled us, too.
Copy !req
29. Are you here to see PPP, too?
Copy !req
30. That's right. I couldn't miss their first event.
Copy !req
31. To think I could watch the third
generation from their debut...
Copy !req
32. I was lucky to be born in this era.
Copy !req
33. If you got here early,
couldn't you have gotten a closer spot?
Copy !req
34. Seeing the whole audience
enriches the experience.
Copy !req
35. You just don't get it.
Copy !req
36. What happens next?
Copy !req
37. Today, there's the official unveiling of the new group,
and an announcement of their concert next week.
Copy !req
38. Every generation of the penguin
idol unit is hugely popular.
Copy !req
39. But of course they are.
Girls that cute, singing and dancing...
Copy !req
40. It wouldn't make any sense
if they weren't popular.
Copy !req
41. In fact, the concert tickets
sold out instantly.
Copy !req
42. Wow, really? We got lucky, then.
Copy !req
43. Yeah, lucky us.
Copy !req
44. Th-That's the one
Copy !req
45. that includes the concert, handshakes,
and sitting in on a rehearsal...
Copy !req
46. A PPP platinum ticket?
Copy !req
47. Where did you get that?
Copy !req
48. From the professor and her assistant.
Copy !req
49. It sounds like it's starting.
Copy !req
50. PPP!
Copy !req
51. Kept you waiting?
I'm the Royal Penguin, Princess!
Copy !req
52. R-Rockhopper Penguin,
that's me! Rocker for short!
Copy !req
53. Gen, you're up!
Copy !req
54. I'm the Gentoo Penguin, Gen! Yes!
Copy !req
55. Hululu!
Copy !req
56. Tell them what kind of penguin you are!
Copy !req
57. Humboldt Penguin.
Copy !req
58. I'm the Emperor Penguin... Emperor.
Copy !req
59. And together, we five are...
Copy !req
60. PPP!
Copy !req
61. I got stage fright. That sucked!
Copy !req
62. I wish we had been able to say
our lines at a better rhythm.
Copy !req
63. It's totally different when we're
in front of an audience.
Copy !req
64. I couldn't say my part like in rehearsal.
Copy !req
65. That was sloppy!
Copy !req
66. All of those Friends came to see us.
Copy !req
67. Being an idol means being fun!
Copy !req
68. Come on, follow Emperor's lead.
Copy !req
69. She's passed out.
Copy !req
70. Hey, listen.
Copy !req
71. That round rock thing...
Copy !req
72. It looked like an egg, didn't it? So cute.
Copy !req
73. Still, we've come a long way.
Copy !req
74. It wasn't perfect, but we were in front
of an audience for the first time.
Copy !req
75. Yeah. It's been about a year since that day...
Copy !req
76. Did any of us think we'd get to be part
of the legendary penguin idol group?
Copy !req
77. Singing and dancing turned out
to be tons of fun, though.
Copy !req
78. I love dancing with you all.
Copy !req
79. We still have a long way to go!
Copy !req
80. The first and second generations
were famous across the whole park.
Copy !req
81. We'll practice like mad up until the concert,
and then we'll become legends, too.
Copy !req
82. Yeah!
Copy !req
83. No, no! We're not up to par at all!
Copy !req
84. Gen, you get lost at the "crying and laughing" line.
Memorize all the choreography!
Copy !req
85. Got it.
Copy !req
86. Hululu, you're too slow.
You have to pick up the pace.
Copy !req
87. Rocker, you're rushing too much.
Watch the rest of us more.
Copy !req
88. Got it.
Copy !req
89. And most of all, you're all too stiff.
Copy !req
90. An idol shouldn't look pained.
Copy !req
91. Thinking about getting it perfect
only makes you more awkward.
Copy !req
92. Dance more in the moment!
Copy !req
93. This is fun and all,
but being an idol is rough.
Copy !req
94. The dancing alone is hard enough.
Copy !req
95. On top of that, we have
to be cute and showy...
Copy !req
96. The first generation Emperor's
dancing was so awe-inspiring.
Copy !req
97. Can I really fill her shoes?
Copy !req
98. Not to mention... me as the leader?
Copy !req
99. Wouldn't you make a better leader, Princess?
Copy !req
100. You should be strong and
confident, like a leader.
Copy !req
101. I'll back you up with appealing visuals.
Copy !req
102. Trust me!
Copy !req
103. You're incredible.
Copy !req
104. You know the choreography perfectly,
and you dance with so much energy.
Copy !req
105. You have a very beautiful voice, too.
Copy !req
106. All right! Let's run through it again!
Copy !req
107. 'Scuse me!
Copy !req
108. Yes?
Copy !req
109. Is this where we get to do the
special PPP rehearsal sit-in?
Copy !req
110. A friend of the professor?
Copy !req
111. Come in. We owe the professor for
everything she did to set up this concert.
Copy !req
112. Yay!
Copy !req
113. Nice to meet you. I'm Serval!
Copy !req
114. I'm Princess.
Copy !req
115. Welcome, and enjoy the rehearsal.
Copy !req
116. Who's that? More VIP guests?
Copy !req
117. Margay, come on in!
Copy !req
118. G-Give me a minute... I'm so nervous
about talking to them in person...
Copy !req
119. Huh? Something smells good...
Copy !req
120. A-dor-a-ble...
Copy !req
121. Margay-san!
Copy !req
122. They're the only species of Antarctic
penguins to breed in the winter,
Copy !req
123. so their bodies need to be
big enough to endure hunger.
Copy !req
124. They warm their eggs for long periods
of time without leaving to feed,
Copy !req
125. so they need to be big enough to survive
for a long time without eating.
Copy !req
126. It's mating season now, and a new
pair was just recently formed.
Copy !req
127. As they were courting, some
distance away from the others,
Copy !req
128. another penguin came charging
in from fairly far away
Copy !req
129. and interrupted by hurling itself at them.
Copy !req
130. I was a bit startled by that.
Copy !req
131. No, no! We're getting out of sync again!
Copy !req
132. This part is the climax.
We have to be perfectly matched.
Copy !req
133. I think we've improved a little.
Copy !req
134. But it's nerve-wracking
in front of an audience.
Copy !req
135. Right, because everyone expects the
same quality as the last generation.
Copy !req
136. Don't talk like that. You're only
gonna psych yourself out.
Copy !req
137. She's right. Please don't stiffen
up over your own words.
Copy !req
138. Anybody have a Japari bun?
Copy !req
139. Oh, good grief. She's a far cry from nervous...
Copy !req
140. This is how they interact off-stage...
Copy !req
141. They seem close!
Copy !req
142. And their dancing and singing is fantastic.
Copy !req
143. How'd we do?
Copy !req
144. You were really great.
Copy !req
145. Yes!
Copy !req
146. That was the best.
Copy !req
147. The best!
Copy !req
148. Rocker-san's natural pep!
That's the Rockhopper position!
Copy !req
149. A true "Let's rock!"
Copy !req
150. Gen-san's orthodox idol vibe!
Copy !req
151. She's overflowing with
good sense for the team!
Copy !req
152. I can't get enough of her
"I'll do my best!" aura!
Copy !req
153. Emperor-san's "Am I a good
enough leader?" aura!
Copy !req
154. The difference in flavor from the original
tickles the heart of the devoted fan!
Copy !req
155. "Hululu..."-san's airheadedness is essential
idol material! She soothes the soul!
Copy !req
156. And most of all, the pillar
of the group, Princess-san!
Copy !req
157. In order to bring idols back to the park,
Copy !req
158. "Work your way up from zero! Have passion!
Copy !req
159. Practice makes perfect!" A fat-boned...
Copy !req
160. I mean, truly a penguin
with high bone density's...
Copy !req
161. Uh.
Copy !req
162. Who are you? And our voices...
How can you...
Copy !req
163. I love my idols!
Copy !req
164. Wow!
Copy !req
165. The margay imitates the calls of
other animals to draw them closer.
Copy !req
166. That's incredible. I couldn't
tell the difference.
Copy !req
167. You know about our predecessors?
Copy !req
168. I've done a lot of research on them,
including at the library.
Copy !req
169. Each generation is so cool
and cute. I can't get enough.
Copy !req
170. Am I a proper Gen?
Copy !req
171. Don't worry! The way you're
so hardworking really resonates.
Copy !req
172. What was the first generation Rocker like?
Copy !req
173. Not much different from you.
You've got it down great.
Copy !req
174. Awesome!
Copy !req
175. How do I match up?
Copy !req
176. What about me?
Copy !req
177. Okay, okay! Back to rehearsal!
Copy !req
178. The big day's just around the corner.
Copy !req
179. Let's keep improving!
Copy !req
180. Yeah!
Copy !req
181. I'm getting excited!
Copy !req
182. The audience is packed.
Copy !req
183. Let's get fired up!
Copy !req
184. Make sure the timing of
the first bars is clean.
Copy !req
185. For the chorus, make sure
you watch your neighbors.
Copy !req
186. Got it.
Copy !req
187. All right. We've got today in the bag!
Copy !req
188. Go...
Copy !req
189. Now?
Copy !req
190. We've got nothing on her.
Copy !req
191. This is great. They have more volume
together than when it was only four girls.
Copy !req
192. This "Princess-san at the center!"
feeling is very idol-like!
Copy !req
193. Four?
Copy !req
194. It used to be a group of four?
Copy !req
195. That's right. PPP's first generation had
four girls, the second generation had three,
Copy !req
196. and the third generation has five.
Copy !req
197. Then they've powered up!
Copy !req
198. Huh? It wasn't five members
in every generation?
Copy !req
199. That's what I thought it was...
Copy !req
200. Right, Princess?
Copy !req
201. It's time for the show.
Let's hurry and get ready.
Copy !req
202. What's wrong? Do you feel sick?
Copy !req
203. You've got us worried here. Talk to us.
Copy !req
204. Just drop it, okay?
Now go over the choreography.
Copy !req
205. Wh-What gives?
Copy !req
206. Gen, you should be using this
time to go over the lyrics!
Copy !req
207. Come on, Hululu, stop eating.
Copy !req
208. We can't put on a satisfactory event like this.
Copy !req
209. Princess-san, are you okay?
You're acting strange.
Copy !req
210. Calm down.
Copy !req
211. Wait, are you self-conscious about
not being in the other generations?
Copy !req
212. I can sing and dance circles around you.
Copy !req
213. Princess-san...
Copy !req
214. Do whatever you want!
Copy !req
215. What's her problem?
Copy !req
216. I'm sorry, I...
Copy !req
217. Margay-san, you didn't do anything wrong.
Copy !req
218. What do we do? We need to get
out there or the audience will...
Copy !req
219. Let's go after her.
Copy !req
220. Leave her. She told us to
do whatever we want.
Copy !req
221. There she is!
Copy !req
222. She's right where Margay-san
said she would be.
Copy !req
223. Princess!
Copy !req
224. Let's hurry back, okay?
Everyone's waiting.
Copy !req
225. Come on, let's go! I'm sure
the audience will wait for you.
Copy !req
226. I'm sorry to put you in this position
when you're our guests.
Copy !req
227. No, it's okay. What's the matter?
Copy !req
228. I give up.
Copy !req
229. I have stage fright.
Copy !req
230. What happened?
That's not like you.
Copy !req
231. No, I've always felt this way.
Copy !req
232. There's never been a Royal Penguin
in the group before.
Copy !req
233. How's the audience going to react to that?
Copy !req
234. It scares me. That's why
I dragged the others into this.
Copy !req
235. But that's why you practiced so hard, isn't it?
Copy !req
236. Margay-san told us about it.
Copy !req
237. Since the group formed, you've pushed
yourself twice as hard as the others.
Copy !req
238. You pulled them this far.
Copy !req
239. Come on, let's go!
Everyone's waiting for you!
Copy !req
240. Let me go!
Copy !req
241. I was so mean to the others.
Copy !req
242. I can't face them!
Copy !req
243. They can pull this off without me.
Copy !req
244. They're all real idols!
Copy !req
245. I bet they'd be really happy to hear that!
Tell them face-to-face, okay?
Copy !req
246. Wow, what a big audience.
Copy !req
247. So many.
Copy !req
248. So here we go, huh?
Copy !req
249. Let's talk about how we got here.
Copy !req
250. She's the one who found all of us, right?
Copy !req
251. She sure startled me.
Copy !req
252. I was eating.
Copy !req
253. Completely out of nowhere,
she said to me, "Be our leader!"
Copy !req
254. That girl is so abrupt, and bossy, too.
Copy !req
255. See? They're fine.
Copy !req
256. I knew it. They stuck with me
even though they didn't want to.
Copy !req
257. But you know, once we gave it a try,
Copy !req
258. the dancing and singing
turned out to be tons of fun.
Copy !req
259. So did dancing for other people!
Copy !req
260. It's all thanks to Princess.
Copy !req
261. Margay told us that she pleaded
with the professor again and again
Copy !req
262. so we could have an event like this...
Copy !req
263. And that she'd research the choreography
and songs until late into the night,
Copy !req
264. and practiced extra so she
could teach them to us.
Copy !req
265. We can't start without Princess.
Copy !req
266. If we're going to surpass our predecessors,
we need a new member.
Copy !req
267. You're watching, aren't you?
Let's get this show on the road!
Copy !req
268. I can't watch this anymore. It's too clumsy.
Copy !req
269. Without me...
Copy !req
270. Princess-san!
Copy !req
271. That's your cue!
Copy !req
272. You're hopeless!
Copy !req
273. Honestly! Emperor moves too stiffly.
Copy !req
274. Gen's no good under pressure.
Copy !req
275. Rocker rushes too much, and who
knows what goes on in Hululu's head?
Copy !req
276. But...
Copy !req
277. But...
Copy !req
278. They've got a good vibe!
Copy !req
279. Time for our first song!
Copy !req
280. "Sky Dreamer"!
Copy !req
281. But, man, you could've
shown up a little sooner!
Copy !req
282. It was for dramatic effect!
They loved it, didn't they?
Copy !req
283. It really is best when it's the five of us.
Copy !req
284. This number is what makes us unique.
Copy !req
285. Huh? Weren't there always five penguin idols?
Copy !req
286. Now you ask?
Copy !req
287. Huh?
Copy !req
288. Hululu-san, you weren't listening earlier?
Copy !req
289. That's so like you.
Copy !req
290. Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
291. It really is.
Copy !req
292. Now, time for the next song:
"Welcome to Japari Park"!
Copy !req
293. Whew. That was a lot of dancing.
Copy !req
294. I was so nervous.
Copy !req
295. We got a good reaction.
Copy !req
296. Good job out there!
Copy !req
297. You were incredible!
Copy !req
298. You were! With your tails
bobbing back and forth, and...
Copy !req
299. Ahem! I want to thank you all, too.
Copy !req
300. Now, Margay!
Copy !req
301. Y-Yes?
Copy !req
302. Be our manager! Actually, you already are!
Copy !req
303. I'd love to!
Copy !req
304. I wanna have our next concert near the ocean.
Copy !req
305. In that case, we should incorporate
swimming into the performance.
Copy !req
306. Ocean?
Copy !req
307. You didn't know? The whole park's
surrounded by an ocean.
Copy !req
308. Really?
Copy !req
309. Really?
Copy !req
310. Hey, you should know that.
Copy !req
311. So, you're looking for humans?
Copy !req
312. What kind of animal is that?
Copy !req
313. If I'm not mistaken,
they were last seen at the harbor.
Copy !req
314. Huh? Really?
Copy !req
315. But that was a long time ago.
I doubt they're still there.
Copy !req
316. Why are you searching for humans?
Copy !req
317. I was told that I'm a human myself,
so I'm looking for the Area where they lived.
Copy !req
318. You can't remember your territory? How awful.
Copy !req
319. No, I have a clue now. I'll go to the harbor!
Copy !req
320. Good luck. I'm sure you'll find something.
Copy !req
321. Yeah!
Copy !req
322. That reminds me... Emperor-san,
Copy !req
323. did you say you've walked
200 kilometers to your colony?
Copy !req
324. That's right. I'd fast for 100 days, too.
Copy !req
325. It was a hard life, if I say so myself...
Copy !req
326. But you like that kind of thing.
Copy !req
327. They call that "masochism."
Copy !req
328. Why are you only knowledgeable
about things like that?
Copy !req
329. Pass! Kick it, kick it!
Copy !req
330. What?
Copy !req
331. I don't understand, but leave this to m—
Copy !req
332. I gotcha covered!
Copy !req
333. Goal!
Copy !req
334. Hey, wait, that's against the rules.
Copy !req
335. Long story short, she's a hat thief!
Copy !req
336. I can't see it.
Copy !req
337. Yeah, she's not that kind of girl.
Copy !req
338. Such an evil act cannot be forgiven.
The park is in grave danger!
Copy !req
339. Sounds like a mix-up...
Copy !req
340. Oh, it probably is.
Copy !req
341. Not you, too!
Copy !req
342. PPP Preview!
Copy !req
343. This week, we're learning
about the Ezo red fox.
Copy !req
344. I guess they pretend to sleep
to hunt their prey.
Copy !req
345. So in PPP, who would be tastiest?
Copy !req
346. I know.
Copy !req
347. It's Hululu.
Copy !req
348. What?
Copy !req
349. Is she? Really?
Copy !req
350. Next time: "Snowy Mountains Area."
Copy !req
351. papa pipu pepe popappo
Copy !req
352. papa pipu pepe popappo
Copy !req
353. papa pipu pepe popappo
Copy !req
354. papa pipu pepe popappo
Copy !req
355. papa PePaPu
Copy !req
356. papa PePaPu
Copy !req
357. papa PePaPu
Copy !req
358. papa PePaPu
Copy !req
359. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
360. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
361. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
362. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
363. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
364. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
365. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
366. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
367. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
368. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
369. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
370. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
371. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
372. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
373. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
374. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
375. dakara
Copy !req
376. dakara
Copy !req
377. dakara
Copy !req
378. dakara
Copy !req
379. And that's why...
Copy !req
380. And that's why...
Copy !req
381. And that's why...
Copy !req
382. And that's why...
Copy !req
383. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
384. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
385. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
386. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
387. Drip drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
388. Drip drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
389. Drip drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
390. Drip drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
391. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
392. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
393. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
394. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
395. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
396. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
397. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
398. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
399. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
400. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
401. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
402. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
403. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
404. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
405. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
406. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
407. naitari warattari
Copy !req
408. naitari warattari
Copy !req
409. naitari warattari
Copy !req
410. naitari warattari
Copy !req
411. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
412. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
413. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
414. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
415. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
416. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
417. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
418. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
419. pepapu
Copy !req
420. pepapu
Copy !req
421. pepapu
Copy !req
422. pepapu
Copy !req
423. PPP!
Copy !req
424. PPP!
Copy !req
425. PPP!
Copy !req
426. PPP!
Copy !req
427. oshikura manjuu
Copy !req
428. oshikura manjuu
Copy !req
429. oshikura manjuu
Copy !req
430. oshikura manjuu
Copy !req
431. Push and shove?
Copy !req
432. Push and shove?
Copy !req
433. Push and shove?
Copy !req
434. Push and shove?
Copy !req
435. oshiai heshiai
Copy !req
436. oshiai heshiai
Copy !req
437. oshiai heshiai
Copy !req
438. oshiai heshiai
Copy !req
439. Push and love.
Copy !req
440. Push and love.
Copy !req
441. Push and love.
Copy !req
442. Push and love.
Copy !req
443. kibishii kankyou
Copy !req
444. kibishii kankyou
Copy !req
445. kibishii kankyou
Copy !req
446. kibishii kankyou
Copy !req
447. Harsh environment?
Copy !req
448. Harsh environment?
Copy !req
449. Harsh environment?
Copy !req
450. Harsh environment?
Copy !req
451. zenzen hecchara dai
Copy !req
452. zenzen hecchara dai
Copy !req
453. zenzen hecchara dai
Copy !req
454. zenzen hecchara dai
Copy !req
455. I'm totally fine!
Copy !req
456. I'm totally fine!
Copy !req
457. I'm totally fine!
Copy !req
458. I'm totally fine!
Copy !req
459. chotto socchi tsumenasai
Copy !req
460. chotto socchi tsumenasai
Copy !req
461. chotto socchi tsumenasai
Copy !req
462. chotto socchi tsumenasai
Copy !req
463. Hey, crowd in there.
Copy !req
464. Hey, crowd in there.
Copy !req
465. Hey, crowd in there.
Copy !req
466. Hey, crowd in there.
Copy !req
467. omae ga acchi ike yo!
Copy !req
468. omae ga acchi ike yo!
Copy !req
469. omae ga acchi ike yo!
Copy !req
470. omae ga acchi ike yo!
Copy !req
471. You go away!
Copy !req
472. You go away!
Copy !req
473. You go away!
Copy !req
474. You go away!
Copy !req
475. gyu gyu gyu gyu
Copy !req
476. gyu gyu gyu gyu
Copy !req
477. gyu gyu gyu gyu
Copy !req
478. gyu gyu gyu gyu
Copy !req
479. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
Copy !req
480. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
Copy !req
481. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
Copy !req
482. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
Copy !req
483. howa, attakai!
Copy !req
484. howa, attakai!
Copy !req
485. howa, attakai!
Copy !req
486. howa, attakai!
Copy !req
487. Wow, how warm!
Copy !req
488. Wow, how warm!
Copy !req
489. Wow, how warm!
Copy !req
490. Wow, how warm!
Copy !req
491. massara na daichi ni ashiato o nokose
Copy !req
492. massara na daichi ni ashiato o nokose
Copy !req
493. massara na daichi ni ashiato o nokose
Copy !req
494. massara na daichi ni ashiato o nokose
Copy !req
495. I'll leave my tracks in a brand new land
Copy !req
496. I'll leave my tracks in a brand new land
Copy !req
497. I'll leave my tracks in a brand new land
Copy !req
498. I'll leave my tracks in a brand new land
Copy !req
499. negai o tsuyoku daite
Copy !req
500. negai o tsuyoku daite
Copy !req
501. negai o tsuyoku daite
Copy !req
502. negai o tsuyoku daite
Copy !req
503. And hold my dreams tight.
Copy !req
504. And hold my dreams tight.
Copy !req
505. And hold my dreams tight.
Copy !req
506. And hold my dreams tight.
Copy !req
507. tabidatsu toki wa ima!
Copy !req
508. tabidatsu toki wa ima!
Copy !req
509. tabidatsu toki wa ima!
Copy !req
510. tabidatsu toki wa ima!
Copy !req
511. The time to take off is now!
Copy !req
512. The time to take off is now!
Copy !req
513. The time to take off is now!
Copy !req
514. The time to take off is now!
Copy !req
515. koe ga kareyou tomo
Copy !req
516. koe ga kareyou tomo
Copy !req
517. koe ga kareyou tomo
Copy !req
518. koe ga kareyou tomo
Copy !req
519. Even if my voice goes hoarse,
Copy !req
520. Even if my voice goes hoarse,
Copy !req
521. Even if my voice goes hoarse,
Copy !req
522. Even if my voice goes hoarse,
Copy !req
523. ai o utai tsuzukeyou
Copy !req
524. ai o utai tsuzukeyou
Copy !req
525. ai o utai tsuzukeyou
Copy !req
526. ai o utai tsuzukeyou
Copy !req
527. I'll keep on singing.
Copy !req
528. I'll keep on singing.
Copy !req
529. I'll keep on singing.
Copy !req
530. I'll keep on singing.
Copy !req
531. soshite
Copy !req
532. soshite
Copy !req
533. soshite
Copy !req
534. soshite
Copy !req
535. And so I'll...
Copy !req
536. And so I'll...
Copy !req
537. And so I'll...
Copy !req
538. And so I'll...
Copy !req
539. PYUN PYUN sekai o tabishite
Copy !req
540. PYUN PYUN sekai o tabishite
Copy !req
541. PYUN PYUN sekai o tabishite
Copy !req
542. PYUN PYUN sekai o tabishite
Copy !req
543. Zoom, zoom, travel the world!
Copy !req
544. Zoom, zoom, travel the world!
Copy !req
545. Zoom, zoom, travel the world!
Copy !req
546. Zoom, zoom, travel the world!
Copy !req
547. PIKA PIKA hikari kagayaite
Copy !req
548. PIKA PIKA hikari kagayaite
Copy !req
549. PIKA PIKA hikari kagayaite
Copy !req
550. PIKA PIKA hikari kagayaite
Copy !req
551. Twinkle, twinkle, shine my light!
Copy !req
552. Twinkle, twinkle, shine my light!
Copy !req
553. Twinkle, twinkle, shine my light!
Copy !req
554. Twinkle, twinkle, shine my light!
Copy !req
555. doko made mo kimi to yuku no da!
Copy !req
556. doko made mo kimi to yuku no da!
Copy !req
557. doko made mo kimi to yuku no da!
Copy !req
558. doko made mo kimi to yuku no da!
Copy !req
559. I'll go to the ends of the earth with you!
Copy !req
560. I'll go to the ends of the earth with you!
Copy !req
561. I'll go to the ends of the earth with you!
Copy !req
562. I'll go to the ends of the earth with you!
Copy !req
563. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
564. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
565. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
566. sora wa tobenai kedo
Copy !req
567. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
568. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
569. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
570. I can't fly through the sky,
Copy !req
571. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
572. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
573. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
574. yume no tsubasa ga aru
Copy !req
575. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
576. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
577. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
578. but I have dreams to be my wings!
Copy !req
579. dakara
Copy !req
580. dakara
Copy !req
581. dakara
Copy !req
582. dakara
Copy !req
583. And that's why...
Copy !req
584. And that's why...
Copy !req
585. And that's why...
Copy !req
586. And that's why...
Copy !req
587. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
588. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
589. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
590. POTA POTA asemizu naga shite
Copy !req
591. Drip, drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
592. Drip, drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
593. Drip, drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
594. Drip, drip, I'll work up a sweat!
Copy !req
595. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
596. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
597. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
598. PAKU PAKU ookiku sodatte
Copy !req
599. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
600. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
601. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
602. Gobble gobble, I'll grow up big!
Copy !req
603. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
604. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
605. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
606. itsuka oozora o seisu no da!
Copy !req
607. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
608. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
609. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
610. And one day, I'll rule those skies!
Copy !req
611. naitari warattari
Copy !req
612. naitari warattari
Copy !req
613. naitari warattari
Copy !req
614. naitari warattari
Copy !req
615. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
616. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
617. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
618. Crying, laughing,
Copy !req
619. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
620. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
621. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
622. Pop People Party!
Copy !req
623. pepapu
Copy !req
624. pepapu
Copy !req
625. pepapu
Copy !req
626. pepapu
Copy !req
627. PPP!
Copy !req
628. PPP!
Copy !req
629. PPP!
Copy !req
630. PPP!
Copy !req
631. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
632. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
633. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
634. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
635. welcome to youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
636. welcome to youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
637. welcome to youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
638. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
639. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
640. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
641. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
642. kyou mo dottanbattan oosawagi
Copy !req
643. kyou mo dottanbattan oosawagi
Copy !req
644. kyou mo dottanbattan oosawagi
Copy !req
645. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
646. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
647. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
648. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
649. uu! gao!
Copy !req
650. uu! gao!
Copy !req
651. uu! gao!
Copy !req
652. If we laugh out loud, we're gonna be Friends
Copy !req
653. If we laugh out loud, we're gonna be Friends
Copy !req
654. If we laugh out loud, we're gonna be Friends
Copy !req
655. If we laugh out loud, we're gonna be Friends
Copy !req
656. takaraka ni warai waraeba Friends
Copy !req
657. takaraka ni warai waraeba Friends
Copy !req
658. takaraka ni warai waraeba Friends
Copy !req
659. Even if we scream and fight, we'll always be pals
Copy !req
660. Even if we scream and fight, we'll always be pals
Copy !req
661. Even if we scream and fight, we'll always be pals
Copy !req
662. Even if we scream and fight, we'll always be pals
Copy !req
663. kenka shite succha ka meccha kashite mo nakayoshi
Copy !req
664. kenka shite succha ka meccha kashite mo nakayoshi
Copy !req
665. kenka shite succha ka meccha kashite mo nakayoshi
Copy !req
666. The animals are out and everyone is welcome
Copy !req
667. The animals are out and everyone is welcome
Copy !req
668. The animals are out and everyone is welcome
Copy !req
669. The animals are out and everyone is welcome
Copy !req
670. kemono wa ite mo nokemono wa inai
Copy !req
671. kemono wa ite mo nokemono wa inai
Copy !req
672. kemono wa ite mo nokemono wa inai
Copy !req
673. You'll find your true love here
Copy !req
674. You'll find your true love here
Copy !req
675. You'll find your true love here
Copy !req
676. You'll find your true love here
Copy !req
677. hontou no ai wa koko ni aru
Copy !req
678. hontou no ai wa koko ni aru
Copy !req
679. hontou no ai wa koko ni aru
Copy !req
680. Come on, take my hand, it's time for adventures
Copy !req
681. Come on, take my hand, it's time for adventures
Copy !req
682. Come on, take my hand, it's time for adventures
Copy !req
683. Come on, take my hand, it's time for adventures
Copy !req
684. hora kimi mo te o tsunai de daibouken
Copy !req
685. hora kimi mo te o tsunai de daibouken
Copy !req
686. hora kimi mo te o tsunai de daibouken
Copy !req
687. One, two, three
Copy !req
688. One, two, three
Copy !req
689. One, two, three
Copy !req
690. One, two, three
Copy !req
691. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
692. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
693. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
694. Welcome to, welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
695. welcome to youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
696. welcome to youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
697. welcome to youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
698. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
699. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
700. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
701. It's another day of noisy fun
Copy !req
702. kyou mo dottanbattan oosawagi
Copy !req
703. kyou mo dottanbattan oosawagi
Copy !req
704. kyou mo dottanbattan oosawagi
Copy !req
705. We all look unique, and that's part of the fun
Copy !req
706. We all look unique, and that's part of the fun
Copy !req
707. We all look unique, and that's part of the fun
Copy !req
708. We all look unique, and that's part of the fun
Copy !req
709. sugata katachi mo juunin to iro dakara hikareau no
Copy !req
710. sugata katachi mo juunin to iro dakara hikareau no
Copy !req
711. sugata katachi mo juunin to iro dakara hikareau no
Copy !req
712. Let's hold hands under the sunset
Copy !req
713. Let's hold hands under the sunset
Copy !req
714. Let's hold hands under the sunset
Copy !req
715. Let's hold hands under the sunset
Copy !req
716. yuugure sora ni yubi o sotto kasane tara
Copy !req
717. yuugure sora ni yubi o sotto kasane tara
Copy !req
718. yuugure sora ni yubi o sotto kasane tara
Copy !req
719. It's so nice to meet you
Copy !req
720. It's so nice to meet you
Copy !req
721. It's so nice to meet you
Copy !req
722. It's so nice to meet you
Copy !req
723. hajimemashite
Copy !req
724. hajimemashite
Copy !req
725. hajimemashite
Copy !req
726. I'd love to know more about you
Copy !req
727. I'd love to know more about you
Copy !req
728. I'd love to know more about you
Copy !req
729. I'd love to know more about you
Copy !req
730. kimi o motto shiritai na
Copy !req
731. kimi o motto shiritai na
Copy !req
732. kimi o motto shiritai na
Copy !req
733. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
734. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
735. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
736. Roar! Grr!
Copy !req
737. uu! gao!
Copy !req
738. uu! gao!
Copy !req
739. uu! gao!
Copy !req
740. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
741. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
742. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
743. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
744. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
745. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
746. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
747. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
748. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
749. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
750. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
751. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
752. All our friends are here
Copy !req
753. All our friends are here
Copy !req
754. All our friends are here
Copy !req
755. All our friends are here
Copy !req
756. atsumare tomodachi
Copy !req
757. atsumare tomodachi
Copy !req
758. atsumare tomodachi
Copy !req
759. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
760. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
761. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
762. La la la la, la la la la
Copy !req
763. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
764. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
765. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
766. Oh, welcome to the Japari Park!
Copy !req
767. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
768. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
769. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
770. La la la la, la la la la la la
Copy !req
771. Let's set off on our splendid journey
Copy !req
772. Let's set off on our splendid journey
Copy !req
773. Let's set off on our splendid journey
Copy !req
774. Let's set off on our splendid journey
Copy !req
775. suteki na tabidachi
Copy !req
776. suteki na tabidachi
Copy !req
777. suteki na tabidachi
Copy !req
778. Welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
779. Welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
780. Welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
781. Welcome to Japari Park!
Copy !req
782. youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
783. youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req
784. youkoso Japari Park!
Copy !req