1. Very nice. I can see the
picture forming in my mind.
Copy !req
2. I know, right?
Copy !req
3. Can we have them do our music?
Copy !req
4. I'll ask!
Copy !req
5. Who exactly is this?
Copy !req
6. I only know them from online, but...
Copy !req
7. That's stylish.
Copy !req
8. They've been releasing tracks through
music sites for a while now,
Copy !req
9. and have worked on indie
anime and movies before.
Copy !req
10. Mizusaki, is that tan going to be a problem?
Copy !req
11. It could've been,
Copy !req
12. but I haven't been doing any
modeling jobs lately, so no sweat!
Copy !req
13. Any offers?
Copy !req
14. Not sure. Haven't been really
keeping up with them.
Copy !req
15. Three of a kind!
Copy !req
16. Mizusaki, could you accept the
occasional modeling job from now on?
Copy !req
17. And watch the tan lines.
Copy !req
18. What's this all about, Kanamori?
Copy !req
19. What do you think the eizouken's
number one selling point is?
Copy !req
20. Refined and carefully-crafted animation!
Copy !req
21. It's Mizusaki's fame.
Copy !req
22. Of course, she will be animating
until her hands fall off, too.
Copy !req
23. They'll fall off?
Copy !req
24. But the stardom of the model Tsubame Mizusaki
Copy !req
25. dimming would be like having
one of our wings clipped.
Copy !req
26. Incidentally, here's a promotional
plan that Mr. Kashima
Copy !req
27. from the dandan noodle shop just sent over.
Copy !req
28. Voice actor auditions?
Copy !req
29. And I'm the judge?
Copy !req
30. Once the idea was proposed
to the chamber of commerce,
Copy !req
31. they enthusiastically agreed, thinking it'd
be good advertising for the town.
Copy !req
32. I don't wanna—
Copy !req
33. You could have the starring role.
Copy !req
34. Except I know you'd rather not.
Copy !req
35. Which is why I'm asking for your
help with this instead.
Copy !req
36. Well, I'll take it over being in the cast.
Copy !req
37. I'll let them know, then.
Copy !req
38. And if we're going to secure
music and have auditions,
Copy !req
39. it'd help to know what the
story was going to be.
Copy !req
40. A party!
Copy !req
41. After hearing that music, I was
inspired to make our finale into a dance scene!
Copy !req
42. It's a party! That seems fun! I love it!
Copy !req
43. If we're going to be animating to music,
Copy !req
44. we'll need to get an early demo
of the music for the dance scene!
Copy !req
45. Why exactly are they partying?
Copy !req
46. Maybe it's a...
Copy !req
47. Celebration for a hard-won victory!
Copy !req
48. "Inspired."Maybe."
Copy !req
49. It feels like you're just
submitting scenes you thought up
Copy !req
50. with no thought to the overall picture.
Copy !req
51. I don't care what the actual story is,
but it's about time you—
Copy !req
52. It's lively in here, as usual.
Copy !req
53. Having a little party, Kanamoney?
Copy !req
54. Kanamoney!
Copy !req
55. Quiet, you!
Copy !req
56. Did you think of another excuse to fine us?
Copy !req
57. It's not about that.
Copy !req
58. You've always got your mind on cash, huh?
Copy !req
59. It's not money that I like,
it's productive activities.
Copy !req
60. And the money?
Copy !req
61. The money helps quantify that productivity.
Copy !req
62. Well, there's a little problem with that...
Copy !req
63. Turns out, the school isn't thrilled
about you making money on the outside.
Copy !req
64. Keep
Copy !req
65. Your
Copy !req
66. Hands
Copy !req
67. Off
Copy !req
68. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
Copy !req
69. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
Copy !req
70. Wh-What's wrong, Kanamori?
Copy !req
71. Are we in trouble?
Copy !req
72. There's so damn much I can poke holes
in here, I can't bring myself to start.
Copy !req
73. That's bad. Because the
two of us can't exactly...
Copy !req
74. Extracurricular activities are
considered a full-fledged part of education.
Copy !req
75. The government curriculum details
as much, along with the rules involved.
Copy !req
76. We're fully willing to consider
any directions you have,
Copy !req
77. if they actually serve a purpose.
Copy !req
78. Well, it's not very educational to use
club activities to earn money, is it?
Copy !req
79. Isn't the culture festival a means of
Copy !req
80. securing profits from
outside of the school, too?
Copy !req
81. That's... a special exception.
Copy !req
82. Look, here... "Athletic,
cultural, or technical pursuits
Copy !req
83. in order to exercise intellectual curiosity,
Copy !req
84. cultivate a sense of responsibility,
and develop teamwork."
Copy !req
85. That's what it says!
Copy !req
86. We all saw your film. It was incredible!
Copy !req
87. Especially for high school students.
Copy !req
88. So we think what you're doing is wonderful.
Copy !req
89. But you can't try and profit off of it.
Copy !req
90. That makes it something else
than education. Don't you see?
Copy !req
91. You've been avoiding explaining why,
exactly, turning a profit isn't educational.
Copy !req
92. I have not!
Copy !req
93. It's just that, working diligently
with your friends on something
Copy !req
94. can provide things money can't buy!
Copy !req
95. I'm starting to wonder if the
government curriculum guidelines
Copy !req
96. say something about only
fools becoming teachers.
Copy !req
97. How could you say that? They're all
great people! I mean, they're teachers!
Copy !req
98. I think you might have what it
takes to be a teacher, president.
Copy !req
99. Y-You think?
Copy !req
100. Let's get to the real issue.
Copy !req
101. The bottom line is, a lot of people outside
the school, including parents,
Copy !req
102. aren't comfortable with students
getting involved with money.
Copy !req
103. And schools don't cope well with pressure.
Copy !req
104. Which means they don't feel like
the risk your little operation
Copy !req
105. might incur is worth the trouble.
Copy !req
106. There are a lot of political
considerations for a school.
Copy !req
107. To say nothing about the legal—
Copy !req
108. What's the point of an educational institution
Copy !req
109. if it won't stand up for its students?
Copy !req
110. People who don't understand business
Copy !req
111. will fall behind those who do,
and be worse off for it.
Copy !req
112. Spewing out superficial pleasantries
about "dreams" and "hard work,"
Copy !req
113. while turning away from anything
that might cause a headache.
Copy !req
114. Is that your idea of teaching?
Copy !req
115. We just can't have you doing whatever you want.
Copy !req
116. The school has to consider its
relationship with the town, too.
Copy !req
117. What would you be using this money for, anyway?
Copy !req
118. For all your talk about how this is
some high-minded business exercise,
Copy !req
119. aren't you just using the school's
name to benefit yourself?
Copy !req
120. Indeed, I am.
Copy !req
121. I'll use anything that helps.
Call it a "means to survive."
Copy !req
122. You're all still students.
Copy !req
123. Aren't there things your club
could only be doing while you're still here?
Copy !req
124. We all want you to cherish
the time you have.
Copy !req
125. There's no need to rush into adulthood.
Copy !req
126. Because once you've grown up, you'll have to—
Copy !req
127. Too optimistic.
Copy !req
128. "The effort itself was the reward."
Copy !req
129. It's an extracurricular cliche,
Copy !req
130. and people who indulge in it learn
the hard truth when they're adults.
Copy !req
131. Besides, we didn't ask the chamber
of commerce to fund the production,
Copy !req
132. we proposed a joint operation with them.
Copy !req
133. And they decided to accept.
Copy !req
134. I think we're done here.
Copy !req
135. The point is, you're free
to participate in the event,
Copy !req
136. but you can't accept any money earned at it.
Copy !req
137. Understood?
Copy !req
138. How are things proceeding, Asakusa?
Copy !req
139. Bit by bit.
Copy !req
140. Ideally, we'd be able to include a lot
references to the real Shibahama...
Copy !req
141. Very impressive.
Copy !req
142. You see, Kanamoney, once you're
directing your third production,
Copy !req
143. you start to understand what the people want.
Copy !req
144. And where are we with the story, Director?
Copy !req
145. Got it right here!
Copy !req
146. An enemy prisoner of war comes
to understand human kindness,
Copy !req
147. changes sides, and fights
alongside humanity!
Copy !req
148. Can I stop you for a second?
Copy !req
149. What does the enemy look like?
And who are they?
Copy !req
150. They're in UFOs, so they've
gotta be aliens, right?
Copy !req
151. P-Probably?
Copy !req
152. The enemy fortress appears
out of Lake Shibahama,
Copy !req
153. and has the same kind of design
as the human towers. Why is that?
Copy !req
154. Actually, why were the UFOs attacking again?
Copy !req
155. Are they invading the Earth?
Copy !req
156. Figure it out!
Copy !req
157. Your directions dictate what
the entire staff is doing!
Copy !req
158. You can fret your weird head off,
but the clock is ticking!
Copy !req
159. If the storyboards take too long, that puts
Copy !req
160. extra pressure on every
other step in the process!
Copy !req
161. Understand?
Copy !req
162. I understand!
Copy !req
163. Asakusa melted her way into hiding!
Copy !req
164. That sounds exciting!
Copy !req
165. Let's go to the Sound Club!
Copy !req
166. Open sesame!
Copy !req
167. It felt like we were lost in space.
Copy !req
168. She's asleep.
Copy !req
169. A kappa?
Copy !req
170. No. Human.
Copy !req
171. You sounded like you were
firing a beam in your sleep.
Copy !req
172. Like you'd see in a space battle.
Copy !req
173. There's no sound in a vacuum, y'know.
Copy !req
174. Wheel, dough.
Copy !req
175. Well, duh.
Copy !req
176. Wait, is it Saturday?
Copy !req
177. Is today t-tomorrow?
Copy !req
178. Today is tomorrow.
Copy !req
179. Oh, crap!
Copy !req
180. Tomorrow from yesterday, which was Thursday.
Copy !req
181. It's still Friday.
Copy !req
182. Oh, man... so it's not tomorrow yet.
Copy !req
183. Did you seriously think a whole day
passed while you were asleep?
Copy !req
184. Well, I've never napped before.
Copy !req
185. Wait, that was a lifetime first?
Copy !req
186. Were you doing something on Saturday?
Copy !req
187. Good morning, comrades!
Copy !req
188. Morning!
Copy !req
189. You're sure you want to come along?
Copy !req
190. Why exactly are we meeting up on bikes?
Copy !req
191. Because we're going sound hunting!
Copy !req
192. Let's hunt some sounds!
Copy !req
193. Work on the storyboards!
Copy !req
194. And figure out who the bad guys are!
Copy !req
195. Why are you tagging along on a sound hunt?
That's the audio director's job!
Copy !req
196. The general director's job is
to keep an eye on everything!
Copy !req
197. Talk big after you finish
your own damn job.
Copy !req
198. I would've been fine on
my own, but she insisted.
Copy !req
199. I mean...
Copy !req
200. You clearly don't mean anything.
Copy !req
201. But...
Copy !req
202. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Copy !req
203. Still...
Copy !req
204. No, not still! Moving!
Copy !req
205. I-I'm just looking for
ideas for the storyboards!
Copy !req
206. It's a hunt of my own.
Copy !req
207. What hunt?
Copy !req
208. Scenario hunting!
Copy !req
209. I wanted one last idea to put a
bow on the setup for the project.
Copy !req
210. I don't mind the company,
as long as you help out.
Copy !req
211. Sounds good!
Copy !req
212. Why am I here?
Copy !req
213. Let'sa go!
Copy !req
214. This had better be productive.
Copy !req
215. This is the place.
Copy !req
216. Looks like the remains of a generator...
Copy !req
217. With English brick bonding.
Copy !req
218. I can see the school!
Copy !req
219. I've been curious about
this place for a long time.
Copy !req
220. And this has something to do
with the Shibahama-UFO Battle?
Copy !req
221. Probably!
Copy !req
222. No roof, huh?
Copy !req
223. The idea is the water comes down and
turns a wheel, which generates power.
Copy !req
224. That's cool!
Copy !req
225. Hey, it's the clock tower
that we're always looking at!
Copy !req
226. Interesting to catch a glimpse up close.
Copy !req
227. This is one of the things I'm here for.
Copy !req
228. It's kinda like a tourist spot...
Copy !req
229. Oh, wow! It's a pendulum!
Copy !req
230. I wonder what this place was?
Copy !req
231. Looks to me an awful lot like an alien
base disguised as a clock tower.
Copy !req
232. It's so big! And you can
see the back of the clock!
Copy !req
233. I'd wager the owners or some
politician thought they'd
Copy !req
234. fix the place up and turn it
into a tourist destination.
Copy !req
235. This building just gave me an idea!
Copy !req
236. It was once a luxurious home to wealthy tenants!
Copy !req
237. And inside the clock, high atop it,
a massive treasure is hidden!
Copy !req
238. Thus...
Copy !req
239. An alliance of thieves has targeted it!
Copy !req
240. They face...
Copy !req
241. The bodyguard hired by the building's owners.
Copy !req
242. So a security guard, basically.
Copy !req
243. The last scene is a duel atop the
grass field that grows on the roof...
Copy !req
244. Stop. Hold it right there.
Copy !req
245. This is one huge clock!
Copy !req
246. How about that concept? It'd make
for a great 15-minute short!
Copy !req
247. Stop talking about other projects.
Focus on finishing the one you're working on.
Copy !req
248. What now?
Copy !req
249. There are Ks!
Copy !req
250. K? What?
Copy !req
251. You take the "K" from "kinetic
energy" and call it a "K-cannon!"
Copy !req
252. It's a DEW the Imperial Army
was cooking up in secret...
Copy !req
253. A Directed-Energy Weapon!
Copy !req
254. Those are urban legends, right?
Copy !req
255. But then, it turns out, they're real!
Copy !req
256. And maybe this is the forgotten
laboratory where it was worked on!
Copy !req
257. Gonna stop you right there again.
Copy !req
258. Get back on topic with our current project.
Copy !req
259. I feel a guiding hand here...
Copy !req
260. This time, we're working something
we were destined to make!
Copy !req
261. Essentially...
Copy !req
262. In our club room, on the
other side of the coast,
Copy !req
263. the subject for an exposure
test was being stored.
Copy !req
264. Something was fired from this side...
Copy !req
265. Which lit something in the eizouken club room
Copy !req
266. that kicked those fans we have
into gear, to awaken something!
Copy !req
267. Asakusa's gone crazy!
Copy !req
268. I just figured out the
connection to my storyboards!
Copy !req
269. A mecha to fight those UFOs was
developed right where we stand!
Copy !req
270. Basically, this was the base
for the Shibahama military!
Copy !req
271. That sounds good to me.
Copy !req
272. See, Kanamori? This bit of sound
hunting paid fine dividends!
Copy !req
273. Crap, my target!
Copy !req
274. Everybody, gimme a hand!
Copy !req
275. Kanamori, get the fluffy thing from my bag.
Copy !req
276. Asakusa, set up the tripod!
Copy !req
277. Roger Wilco!
Copy !req
278. Is this it?
Copy !req
279. Mizusaki, your jacket's kinda noisy.
Copy !req
280. Really?
Copy !req
281. Almost time. Nobody move a muscle.
Copy !req
282. Good work, everyone. That went smoothly.
Copy !req
283. That was nerve-wracking!
Copy !req
284. I finally got it!
Copy !req
285. I'm surprised you didn't have it already.
Copy !req
286. There's an old one in the club's collection,
Copy !req
287. but the sound has degraded with time.
Copy !req
288. But even though everything else is
in ruins, this bell still rings out.
Copy !req
289. It's probably just been forgotten about.
Copy !req
290. It continues to ring for some reason?
Copy !req
291. That's magnificent!
Copy !req
292. All right,
Copy !req
293. the bell that continues to chime for
some reason has given me a new idea!
Copy !req
294. That's enough out of you!
Copy !req
295. I wanna go next!
Copy !req
296. Hey, eizouken.
Copy !req
297. The class president!
Copy !req
298. Uh, no. I'm actually the secretary.
Copy !req
299. So, did you figure out what to
do about that stuff from before?
Copy !req
300. The copyrights of works belong
to their individual creators.
Copy !req
301. We'll enter Comet A as the film club,
Copy !req
302. and then any sales and collection of
cash will be done on an individual basis.
Copy !req
303. Couldn't you just enter a contest?
Copy !req
304. A contest would be good for our reputation,
Copy !req
305. but it'd take too long to pay dividends.
Copy !req
306. An event like this gets us instant
recognition, an influx of income,
Copy !req
307. and market research, all in one.
Copy !req
308. The eizouken's agenda is production
and research, isn't it?
Copy !req
309. Management is a type of research, too.
Copy !req
310. The baseball club does that kind of thing.
Copy !req
311. They keep records of their sales,
organize the data, and then report on it.
Copy !req
312. It's only natural that popularity
Copy !req
313. would be the standard by which
club activities are measured.
Copy !req
314. You could manage all that inside
the school's jurisdiction.
Copy !req
315. It wouldn't be anything more
than a simulation, then.
Copy !req
316. Well, it's not exactly a model for society.
Copy !req
317. Schools are a world unto themselves.
Copy !req
318. Step too far outside of that world,
and you won't be protected anymore.
Copy !req
319. What're you getting at?
Copy !req
320. Behold!
Copy !req
321. We're moving beyond simple rotation!
Copy !req
322. Fans, drills...
Copy !req
323. propeller skirts, ducted fans, and chainsaws!
Copy !req
324. It's time we reconsider all
of these spinning machines!
Copy !req
325. What is this thing?
Copy !req
326. Her job.
Copy !req
327. This?
Copy !req
328. This motion is more like a gear.
Copy !req
329. Like in a clock?
Copy !req
330. What is this? Wavy grass?
Copy !req
331. No, it's wavy sound.
Copy !req
332. You layer it like this, the
same way you would an image.
Copy !req
333. I can hear it.
Copy !req
334. You knock it around, layer it,
clip it up, and reattach it...
Copy !req
335. What kind of tool is it supposed to be?
Copy !req
336. I'll think that up.
Copy !req
337. I've got it!
Copy !req
338. This equipment is said to be able
to transmit wishes and gratitude
Copy !req
339. from the surface world to the underwater one!
Copy !req
340. And the water responds in kind by
granting the surface world its blessing.
Copy !req
341. This device is what enables
that mutual exchange!
Copy !req
342. The tradition behind it is eventually forgotten,
Copy !req
343. but the technology itself evolves
into becoming the basis for
Copy !req
344. clockwork machinery, and is passed on.
Copy !req
345. And the bells?
Copy !req
346. Festival rites.
Copy !req
347. They purify people of their evil,
Copy !req
348. and call upon the water for a bountiful harvest.
Copy !req
349. The chime!
Copy !req
350. I'm curious...
Copy !req
351. Does this have anything to
do with our current project?
Copy !req
352. Did you figure out how to connect this to it?
Copy !req
353. You're really gonna need
to decide on the villains,
Copy !req
354. or I won't be able to make
much progress with the sounds.
Copy !req
355. What about the climax? Have you figured
out the identity of the bad guys?
Copy !req
356. Not yet...
Copy !req
357. And what are they after? I thought you
were gonna put a bow on the concept?
Copy !req
358. I forgot that they're in their own world, too.
Copy !req