1. What's the saying?
Copy !req
2. Mad dogs and Englishmen?
Copy !req
3. All for a good cause, my dear.
Copy !req
4. What's this?
Copy !req
5. Let me see.
Copy !req
6. It appears to be older than
the Proconsul africanus.
Copy !req
7. This could be the greatest discovery
Copy !req
8. in the history of mankind.
Copy !req
9. Aah!
Copy !req
10. Humans!
Copy !req
11. What was that?
Copy !req
12. So there I was, cornered.
Copy !req
13. Solomon Grundy thought
he had the drop on me,
Copy !req
14. but he didn't, and you know why?
Copy !req
15. Because I'm the Flash...
Copy !req
16. The fastest man alive.
Copy !req
17. You told us.
Copy !req
18. Did I?
Copy !req
19. Anyway, so when Grundy
tries to grab me, I...
Copy !req
20. Aah!
Copy !req
21. Would you excuse me?
Copy !req
22. Are you ok, man?
Copy !req
23. He's a madman!
Copy !req
24. Ran me right off the road!
Copy !req
25. Someone's got to stop him.
Copy !req
26. Right.
Copy !req
27. Later, ladies.
Copy !req
28. And you didn't want to give him
our phone number.
Copy !req
29. Oops.
Copy !req
30. Sorry.
Copy !req
31. Whoa!
Copy !req
32. Ok, pull over.
Copy !req
33. Hey!
Copy !req
34. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
35. Lose something?
Copy !req
36. I was handling it.
Copy !req
37. So I see.
Copy !req
38. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
39. Responding to a police call.
Copy !req
40. Someone hijacked a load of
radioactive isotopes.
Copy !req
41. No wonder these guys
were in such a hurry.
Copy !req
42. Ohh.
Copy !req
43. Where am I?
Copy !req
44. You hijacked a truck and
drove it off a bridge.
Copy !req
45. Any of this ringing a bell? What?
Copy !req
46. Let's see some I.D.
Copy !req
47. Professor Arthur Chin and Dr. Mark Stevens.
Copy !req
48. Both work at the
River Bluffs research center
Copy !req
49. where the isotopes were stolen.
Copy !req
50. And I feel guilty when I take
paper clips from the Watchtower.
Copy !req
51. Let's see if we can get to
the bottom of this.
Copy !req
52. I'm sorry.
I can't explain their behavior.
Copy !req
53. They're both highly respected
experts in their fields.
Copy !req
54. They certainly don't fit
the profile of armed robbers.
Copy !req
55. To be fair,
they've been under enormous pressure
Copy !req
56. to finish their current project.
Copy !req
57. It's possible they simply
snapped under the strain.
Copy !req
58. I wish I could help you,
Copy !req
59. but frankly,
the whole thing just seems so...
Copy !req
60. Preposterous.
Copy !req
61. What are they working on?
Copy !req
62. That's classified information.
Copy !req
63. Want one?
Copy !req
64. Hey!
Copy !req
65. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
Copy !req
66. Would you hurry up?
Copy !req
67. We're supposed to be conducting an investigation.
Copy !req
68. Can I help it if I have
Copy !req
69. a hyperaccelerated metabolism?
Copy !req
70. Besides, it's just a little snack.
Copy !req
71. Now what?
Copy !req
72. Get out of my way!
Copy !req
73. There's a gorilla on the loose.
Copy !req
74. Aah!
Copy !req
75. Whoa! Move!
Copy !req
76. I'm on it.
Copy !req
77. Wait! I'll go...
With you.
Copy !req
78. Not without paying for that.
Copy !req
79. There he goes!
Copy !req
80. Cool.
Copy !req
81. Whoa!
Copy !req
82. All right, watch him. Watch him now.
Copy !req
83. Fire!
Copy !req
84. Hey!
Copy !req
85. Stop him.
Copy !req
86. My insurance doesn't cover a second driver.
Copy !req
87. Now there's something
you don't see every day.
Copy !req
88. Huh?
Copy !req
89. Having fun, mojo?
Copy !req
90. Easy, boy.
Copy !req
91. We'll have you back behind monkey bars
Copy !req
92. before you know it.
Copy !req
93. Get your stinking paws off me,
you filthy human.
Copy !req
94. Say what?
Copy !req
95. Aah!
Copy !req
96. Aah!
Copy !req
97. Huh?
Copy !req
98. Ahh.
Copy !req
99. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
100. Aah!
Copy !req
101. Aah!
Copy !req
102. Aah!
Copy !req
103. Hey, wake up.
Copy !req
104. Huh?
Copy !req
105. Come on. You're in my spot.
Copy !req
106. Where am I?
Copy !req
107. You Justice League hotshots
Copy !req
108. think you can do whatever you want.
Copy !req
109. Not in my city.
Copy !req
110. But...
Copy !req
111. Let's go, red.
Copy !req
112. You've got a lot of explaining to do.
Copy !req
113. Sit.
Copy !req
114. Hey, easy.
Copy !req
115. What did I do?
Copy !req
116. This is a surveillance tape
Copy !req
117. from the police impound.
Copy !req
118. See that stuff?
Copy !req
119. The isotopes from the robbery
Copy !req
120. you and Green Lantern broke up?
Copy !req
121. Watch.
Copy !req
122. I don't understand.
Copy !req
123. Too quick for you?
Copy !req
124. Let's try the freeze frame.
Copy !req
125. Recognize anybody?
Copy !req
126. Let's go over it again.
Copy !req
127. There's nothing to go over.
I'm innocent.
Copy !req
128. So that's not you on the tape?
Copy !req
129. No.
Copy !req
130. I mean, yes.
Copy !req
131. I mean, I don't remember.
Copy !req
132. Where did you stash the isotopes?
Copy !req
133. Just tell us your side.
Copy !req
134. I'm sure the D.A. Will understand.
Copy !req
135. After all, you're a hero.
Copy !req
136. Was a hero.
Copy !req
137. Forget his statement,
Copy !req
138. we've got the tape.
Copy !req
139. He's right.
Copy !req
140. If you want to help yourself out,
Copy !req
141. you got to do it now.
Copy !req
142. I can't think.
Copy !req
143. I'm tired and hungry.
Copy !req
144. Maybe some coffee will help you.
Copy !req
145. How do you take it?
Copy !req
146. Cream and 37 sugars.
Copy !req
147. Really.
Copy !req
148. Green Lantern: Put it in a paper cup.
He'll be taking it to go.
Copy !req
149. You actually posted bail for this lowlife?
Copy !req
150. If he were really guilty,
Copy !req
151. do you think you could
have held him here
Copy !req
152. with a pair of handcuffs?
Copy !req
153. Thanks for sticking up for me in there.
Copy !req
154. Ow!
Copy !req
155. What were you thinking?
Copy !req
156. I wasn't thinking anything.
Copy !req
157. Obviously.
Copy !req
158. Look, if I wanted the third degree,
Copy !req
159. I could have stayed in there.
Copy !req
160. Like I told 'em, I don't remember.
Copy !req
161. All right.
Copy !req
162. Then let's start with the last thing
you do remember.
Copy !req
163. Let's see. After I caught the gorilla,
Copy !req
164. it told me that...
Copy !req
165. The gorilla talked to you?
Copy !req
166. Yeah. Right after I stopped his car.
Copy !req
167. I'm supposed to believe this?
Copy !req
168. Hey, we've both got a Martian's phone
number on our speed dial.
Copy !req
169. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt, here.
Copy !req
170. Let's check it out.
Copy !req
171. Together this time.
Copy !req
172. Looks like he's still at large.
Copy !req
173. Wait. I've got something.
Copy !req
174. Was that really necessary?
Copy !req
175. Ok, so he can talk.
Copy !req
176. Who are you?
Copy !req
177. My name is Solovar.
Copy !req
178. I'm chief of security for Gorilla City.
Copy !req
179. Gorilla City?
Copy !req
180. You've gotta be kidding.
Copy !req
181. I assure you this is no laughing matter.
Copy !req
182. Go on.
Copy !req
183. Safely hidden from humanity,
Copy !req
184. we apes have lived in peace
for thousands of years...
Copy !req
185. until the black day when a
power-mad genius named Grodd
Copy !req
186. tried to conquer our city
Copy !req
187. with advanced mind control technology.
Copy !req
188. We were able to thwart his evil plot...
Copy !req
189. but we couldn't prevent his escape.
Copy !req
190. It wasn't until later that we discovered
Copy !req
191. he had also stolen our city's security plans.
Copy !req
192. Grodd has sworn terrible revenge
Copy !req
193. on all who reside in Gorilla City.
Copy !req
194. So that's why you're here?
Copy !req
195. Yes.
Copy !req
196. To stop him from carrying out his threats.
Copy !req
197. If it's true he has a mind control device,
Copy !req
198. that could explain the isotope thefts
Copy !req
199. and your memory loss.
Copy !req
200. He needs those isotopes to power his devices.
Copy !req
201. So where is he?
Copy !req
202. My investigation showed
Copy !req
203. that Grodd had been carrying on
Copy !req
204. an e-mail correspondence
with a local scientist,
Copy !req
205. Dr. Sarah Corwin.
Copy !req
206. I knew there was something
weird about that lady.
Copy !req
207. We better call the others.
Copy !req
208. Why?
Copy !req
209. You think we can't handle
one dumb old gorilla?
Copy !req
210. No offense. It'll be a piece of cake.
Copy !req
211. Wait. First you must...
Copy !req
212. He's very fast.
Copy !req
213. Yeah. What were you gonna say?
Copy !req
214. These headbands will protect us
Copy !req
215. from Grodd's ray.
Copy !req
216. We'd better catch the kid
Copy !req
217. before he gets into anymore trouble.
Copy !req
218. Don't move.
Copy !req
219. Ahem.
Copy !req
220. How...
Copy !req
221. You blinked. Where's Grodd?
Copy !req
222. I don't know what you mean.
Copy !req
223. Don't play cute with me, doc.
Copy !req
224. Grodd, your little monkey pen pal.
Copy !req
225. Aah! Uhh!
Copy !req
226. That's for the banana.
Copy !req
227. I hate bananas.
Copy !req
228. Foolish humans.
Copy !req
229. They're so easily deceived.
Copy !req
230. Aren't they, Doctor?
Copy !req
231. Don't move, Grodd.
Copy !req
232. Solovar, you're a fool to come here.
Copy !req
233. You can't control us
while we're wearing these.
Copy !req
234. Actually, I wasn't thinking
of controlling you.
Copy !req
235. Destroy them.
Copy !req
236. Aah!
Copy !req
237. Should have seen that coming.
Copy !req
238. Flash, snap out of it.
Copy !req
239. Come, my dear.
Copy !req
240. Hold still.
Copy !req
241. Uhh!
Copy !req
242. Are you all right?
Copy !req
243. Yes, I...
Copy !req
244. Look out!
Copy !req
245. I hate to do this.
Copy !req
246. Unh!
Copy !req
247. Unh!
Copy !req
248. Sorry, kid.
Copy !req
249. Had no choice.
Copy !req
250. The system is operational.
Copy !req
251. Then we'll take our leave.
Copy !req
252. Not this time.
Copy !req
253. My apologies for the hasty exit,
Copy !req
254. but I have a city to destroy.
Copy !req
255. No!
Copy !req
256. Aah!
Copy !req
257. Aah!
Copy !req