1. I'm feeling lucky, and getting
Copy !req
2. a little target practice in
might do me a world of good!
Copy !req
3. Got him!
Copy !req
4. That was too close.
Copy !req
5. If I hadn't returned
to my normal size,
Copy !req
6. I'd be dead right now.
Copy !req
7. Luckily time was on my side.
Copy !req
8. Your wimp ass shrinking
down to nothing again
Copy !req
9. was the best thing
to ever happen to me!
Copy !req
10. Damn.
The bastard's still breathing.
Copy !req
11. Damn it!
Copy !req
12. Could that chatty dickhead
have pulled a one-two punch
Copy !req
13. and weakened my stand's power
when he shrunk my body?
Copy !req
14. He's on the move again!
Copy !req
15. Come back, li'l bomber!
Copy !req
16. I want him
to taste some major pain,
Copy !req
17. but, for now, I gotta hide.
Copy !req
18. He's a loose cannon.
Copy !req
19. If he finds me,
Copy !req
20. he'll do whatever it takes
to make me squeal
Copy !req
21. about the location
of the boss's daughter.
Copy !req
22. It's so far.
Copy !req
23. Why's the sidewalk
so damn big?
Copy !req
24. Move it!
You're in my way, puddy-tat!
Copy !req
25. Shit, this sucks.
Copy !req
26. What have we here?
Copy !req
27. It's been a fun ride, chuckles.
Copy !req
28. You're a slippery one,
to say the least.
Copy !req
29. Once tiny feet breaks skin,
Copy !req
30. you're doomed to live out
a life in a small, small world.
Copy !req
31. Now let's have a little chat.
Copy !req
32. Bucciarati and crew,
Copy !req
33. where are they hiding
the boss's daughter?
Copy !req
34. Out with it!
Copy !req
35. Kill me, stronzo!
Copy !req
36. You might as well
get it over with already.
Copy !req
37. Just end it, 'cause I actually
value the lives of my friends.
Copy !req
38. I would never screw them over
like that! Got it?
Copy !req
39. Narancia Ghirga,
born a Leo in 1984.
Copy !req
40. At the age of ten...
Copy !req
41. Mrs. Narancia.
Copy !req
42. Here, mamma, beside you.
Copy !req
43. Mamma.
Copy !req
44. Hey, papタ,
Copy !req
45. mamma had
an eye sickness, right?
Copy !req
46. Piece of shit.
Copy !req
47. This dismal morning
was the beginning
Copy !req
48. of what would become
Narancia's new life.
Copy !req
49. Scusa. Could you
explain something to me?
Copy !req
50. - Baker: Huh?
- Narancia: I was wondering,
Copy !req
51. how many minutes do you think
it would take me to walk here?
Copy !req
52. Narancia had
rebelled against his father.
Copy !req
53. He began to fraternize
with the wrong crowd,
Copy !req
54. refusing to come home
Copy !req
55. and surviving
on whatever he stole that day.
Copy !req
56. Wow, it really worked!
Copy !req
57. I couldn't have done it
without your info, big bro.
Copy !req
58. I guess,
but shouldn't you be in school?
Copy !req
59. You come from
a decent family, right?
Copy !req
60. Like I care about them.
Copy !req
61. Only one thing matters in
this world, your true friends!
Copy !req
62. Yeah!
Copy !req
63. You know, you should
dye your hair blond like mine.
Copy !req
64. You would look so damn cool.
Copy !req
65. Huh? I will!
Copy !req
66. - Boy 2: Oh, shit, you did it!
- Narancia: Like the new look?
Copy !req
67. Boy 3: Wow, what a tool!
Copy !req
68. Have you guys
seen big bro?
Copy !req
69. Boy 4: Come to think of it,
it's been a few days.
Copy !req
70. Huh.
Copy !req
71. Then,
the very next day...
Copy !req
72. Damn you, stupid dicks!
Copy !req
73. Get your
grubby hands on the wall!
Copy !req
74. Stronzetto, your thieving ass
is going to juvie!
Copy !req
75. I didn't
steal anything. I wasn't—
Copy !req
76. Save your breath, kid.
Copy !req
77. A witness saw the whole thing.
Copy !req
78. Wha...
Copy !req
79. That's him!
Copy !req
80. That's the blond terror
who robbed me!
Copy !req
81. What? You're wrong!
Copy !req
82. He's lying!
He beat me senseless
Copy !req
83. and took all my money!
Copy !req
84. You better
come clean, old bag!
Copy !req
85. I'm innocent, and you know it!
Copy !req
86. I've had enough
of your damn lies.
Copy !req
87. - Just confess already!
Copy !req
88. Hey,
I know we need answers,
Copy !req
89. but you have
to let the boy go.
Copy !req
90. Didn't you see that?
Copy !req
91. He was about to attack her...
Copy !req
92. A robber.
Copy !req
93. She called me a "blond terror."
Copy !req
94. Could it be him?
Copy !req
95. No way. He'd never!
Copy !req
96. Don't even think that! Damn it.
Copy !req
97. Narancia
was released one year later,
Copy !req
98. but in extremely poor health.
Copy !req
99. The officer had injured his eye,
Copy !req
100. and the infection that resulted
was unrelenting.
Copy !req
101. When he returned home,
Copy !req
102. his friends were
unusually standoffish.
Copy !req
103. - Boy: That guy's messed up.
Copy !req
104. Boy 2: Disgusting.
Copy !req
105. Boy 3: His mom died
from that eye disease.
Copy !req
106. How do they know?
Copy !req
107. That was a secret
between big bro and me.
Copy !req
108. Wow, so they
let you out already?
Copy !req
109. You and that infected eye should
keep your distance from now on.
Copy !req
110. It's true.
Copy !req
111. Big bro did it.
Copy !req
112. He was caught, so he blamed me.
Copy !req
113. But the rumors
Copy !req
114. surrounding
that horrible eye disease
Copy !req
115. scared no one
more than Narancia himself.
Copy !req
116. This is my destiny.
Copy !req
117. This disease,
it's gonna kill me.
Copy !req
118. I'm gonna die just like mamma.
Copy !req
119. He had no home,
no shoulder to cry on,
Copy !req
120. and no hope to hold on to.
Copy !req
121. He was 15 and awaiting
his inevitable death.
Copy !req
122. How sad. He's just a kid.
Copy !req
123. Woman 2: Yes, but we
should keep our distance.
Copy !req
124. The young man led
Narancia into a local trattoria
Copy !req
125. and had a word for his friend
and the maitre d'.
Copy !req
126. Hey, this kid needs
a plate of spaghetti pronto!
Copy !req
127. You can handle it, right?
Copy !req
128. His friend asked
not a single question,
Copy !req
129. and his face showed
no sign of annoyance.
Copy !req
130. He simply placed the plate of
food he had ordered for himself
Copy !req
131. in front of the disheveled boy.
Copy !req
132. He then made sure the boy
Copy !req
133. received
proper medical treatment.
Copy !req
134. Three weeks later...
Copy !req
135. Why do this for me?
Copy !req
136. Why go to so much trouble?
Copy !req
137. I've no pretext.
Copy !req
138. You're welcome at my home,
Copy !req
139. though the choice lies with you.
Copy !req
140. I strongly suggest you
go back home to your parents.
Copy !req
141. You need to go to school.
Got it?
Copy !req
142. Hey, uh,
are you by chance a mafioso?
Copy !req
143. I don't want to go
back to that life.
Copy !req
144. I want to work with you
and become a mafioso!
Copy !req
145. This isn't
some game we're playing,
Copy !req
146. you eager shithead!
Copy !req
147. You ever spew that kind
of asinine crap again,
Copy !req
148. I'll give you
the beating of your life!
Copy !req
149. Narancia took his words to heart
Copy !req
150. and returned home
to resume his studies at school.
Copy !req
151. But he learned his lesson
Copy !req
152. and would never
trust his father again.
Copy !req
153. I wonder why that guy
Copy !req
154. got so serious with me
all of a sudden?
Copy !req
155. It's not like I have
anything to work toward.
Copy !req
156. But his anger
had no resentment or hatred.
Copy !req
157. Nothing about it came across
like it was meant to insult.
Copy !req
158. It was nothing
like the way my dad
Copy !req
159. and those cops treated me.
Copy !req
160. Thinking back on it,
Copy !req
161. it's like his words
filled me with courage.
Copy !req
162. I have to be a warrior.
Copy !req
163. That's the only way to join up
with someone like him!
Copy !req
164. Six months later,
Narancia made up his mind
Copy !req
165. and met with the capo polpo
without bucciarati's knowledge.
Copy !req
166. He passed the test
and became a mafioso.
Copy !req
167. Narancia,
if there ever was a time
Copy !req
168. to unburden yourself,
that time would be now,
Copy !req
169. so tell me where the girl is.
Copy !req
170. That girl you want
to abduct isn't a mafioso
Copy !req
171. or anything close!
She's just a freakin' kid!
Copy !req
172. Bucciarati knows
how to respect a command,
Copy !req
173. but not when it comes
to foul shit like this!
Copy !req
174. It's called human decency!
Copy !req
175. We gave our word
we would protect her,
Copy !req
176. and that's exactly
what we're gonna do!
Copy !req
177. Please.
Copy !req
178. You should just give up
on the chivalry bullshit.
Copy !req
179. Why do I
put up with this?
Copy !req
180. I'm not the least bit interested
Copy !req
181. in that heroic crap
about friendship,
Copy !req
182. loyalty, and saving some girl.
Copy !req
183. At the moment, all I care about
Copy !req
184. is taking down
the good ol' boss
Copy !req
185. and enjoying a drug route
worth hundreds of billions.
Copy !req
186. You bastard.
Copy !req
187. We're talking
hundreds of billions!
Copy !req
188. You really
don't think a few heads
Copy !req
189. aren't gonna roll
along the way?
Copy !req
190. That loot
is ours for the taking!
Copy !req
191. We're not turning back now.
Copy !req
192. And, if she's
the boss's blood daughter,
Copy !req
193. then you better bet your ass
she's a stand user!
Copy !req
194. Of course, the boss wants
to keep that all under wraps!
Copy !req
195. We could just unmask him.
Copy !req
196. Her power is-
Copy !req
197. Our biggest clue
to his identity!
Copy !req
198. She's the key
to taking him down permanently!
Copy !req
199. What? You think
that girl is a stand user?
Copy !req
200. Maybe you've heard.
Copy !req
201. Did you know South America
Copy !req
202. is home
to the Southern black widow?
Copy !req
203. Its venom is
particularly lethal to humans.
Copy !req
204. This one, on the other hand,
is nonvenomous.
Copy !req
205. I caught it in the sewer while I
was dodging your bullets.
Copy !req
206. He's completely harmless.
Copy !req
207. Though I shouldn't say harmless,
Copy !req
208. since even
the most benign spiders
Copy !req
209. deliver a bit of toxin
with their nibble.
Copy !req
210. - Narancia: Oh, shit...
- Formaggio: When it comes
Copy !req
211. to paralyzing and devouring
tiny pests like you,
Copy !req
212. it works like a charm!
Copy !req
213. Li'l bomber!
Copy !req
214. What in the—
Copy !req
215. didn't you hear a thing I said?
Copy !req
216. Your stand
has got nothing on mine!
Copy !req
217. This bottle will be
your private arena,
Copy !req
218. Narancia!
Copy !req
219. Hey,
let me outta here, you ass!
Copy !req
220. Look.
All its eyes are right on you!
Copy !req
221. Each off those eight peepers
Copy !req
222. is watching
your every teeny-weeny move.
Copy !req
223. Bastard! I said let me out!
Copy !req
224. - Narancia: Damn it!
Copy !req
225. Oh, yeah,
don't assume that its bite
Copy !req
226. will send you to a swift
and peaceful oblivion.
Copy !req
227. Its venom will first
paralyze your muscles,
Copy !req
228. rendering your body immobile.
Copy !req
229. But it's what happens
after the paralysis
Copy !req
230. that's really terrifying.
Copy !req
231. It'll grab you
and inject both a venom
Copy !req
232. and a digestive enzyme
deep into your body.
Copy !req
233. The deadly cocktail of enzymes
will then slowly, but surely
Copy !req
234. liquefy your insides
into a pulpy, viscous slime.
Copy !req
235. Then slurpity slurp.
Copy !req
236. Keep in mind
you'll be fully conscious,
Copy !req
237. meaning you'll be able to speak
as it's lunching on your flesh.
Copy !req
238. But word to the wise, friend.
Copy !req
239. I strongly urge you
to spill the beans now.
Copy !req
240. Just tell me where you're
hiding that damn girl.
Copy !req
241. I mean, I really prefer
not to have to watch a kid
Copy !req
242. become the liquid lunch
of some giant spider.
Copy !req
243. It's so fast!
Copy !req
244. Take this!
Copy !req
245. A glass shard?
Copy !req
246. Where the hell'd
he get that thing?
Copy !req
247. Its webbing!
Copy !req
248. But when did it...
Copy !req
249. There's the bite.
Copy !req
250. How 'bout it?
Copy !req
251. Enjoying the convulsions
and paralysis yet?
Copy !req
252. Just hurry up, and come clean.
Copy !req
253. This is your last chance
to save your hide.
Copy !req
254. Do you think
I'd ever cave to you?
Copy !req
255. Eight eyes
is pumping you
Copy !req
256. full of digestive enzymes
as we speak.
Copy !req
257. Now your organs will melt—
Copy !req
258. huh? What's that?
Copy !req
259. This paper, you dropped it
Copy !req
260. when you took out
that glass shard,
Copy !req
261. and, all of a sudden, kid,
Copy !req
262. I'm getting real glad
I decided to pick it up.
Copy !req
263. To think, everything I need
Copy !req
264. might be right here
on this tiny piece of paper.
Copy !req
265. This here
is a driving map of the city,
Copy !req
266. and not only that,
Copy !req
267. the damn thing's
covered in pencil markings!
Copy !req
268. Someone was trying
not to get lost!
Copy !req
269. Could you be any dumber?
Copy !req
270. I just have to follow
your little path
Copy !req
271. back to where you started from!
Copy !req
272. So this is
where you're keeping the girl!
Copy !req
273. You came from a vineyard
20 kilometers to the southeast!
Copy !req
274. Grazie Mille, Narancia!
Copy !req
275. Have fun being eaten alive.
Copy !req
276. See you when itsy-bitsy spider
here shits you!
Copy !req
277. Idiota!
Copy !req
278. Meters
to the southeast,
Copy !req
279. I'll find the boss's daughter
ripe for the picking!
Copy !req
280. I did it! Feel free
to keep your trap shut.
Copy !req
281. My li'l bomber's ability...
Copy !req
282. Huh?
Detects and follows
Copy !req
283. traces of carbon dioxide.
Copy !req
284. See, it's a colorless gas,
Copy !req
285. and living organisms aren't
the only things that emit it.
Copy !req
286. The combustion of matter
also gives off the stuff.
Copy !req
287. Huh?
Copy !req
288. Hey,
I just remembered.
Copy !req
289. When I was chasing you earlier
with li'l bomber,
Copy !req
290. I also happened
to nail that car.
Copy !req
291. Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure
Copy !req
292. I turned that gas tank
into Swiss cheese.
Copy !req
293. I can't tell exactly
where those bullet holes are
Copy !req
294. - from here...
- Formaggio: Huh?
Copy !req
295. But,
even so, looking back,
Copy !req
296. I remember thinking
those bullet holes
Copy !req
297. were blazing
when my radar picked them up,
Copy !req
298. and the carbon dioxide made 'em
easy pickings for li'l bomber,
Copy !req
299. so I fired away.
Copy !req
300. You see, I wasn't
actually shooting
Copy !req
301. at the spider back there.
Copy !req
302. Those bullet holes
were super tiny,
Copy !req
303. so it took a little while
for things to get cooking.
Copy !req
304. I was worried for a bit, but...
Copy !req
305. What?
Copy !req
306. What shitty luck.
Copy !req
307. All of that stuff I bought
is getting torched.
Copy !req
308. What ever will I do?
Copy !req
309. - Narancia: And, man,
Copy !req
310. it sure feels great
to not have to worry
Copy !req
311. about giant-sized
spider bites anymore.
Copy !req
312. How dare you?
I'm gonna butcher
Copy !req
313. your entire gang of stronzo
for that, cazzone!
Copy !req
314. I'm gonna find your hideout!
Copy !req
315. You think your little vineyard
is safe? Think again!
Copy !req
316. I hope you've prepared yourself,
Copy !req
317. Tiny feet!
Copy !req
318. What?
Copy !req
319. Who the hell puts a fire out
Copy !req
320. with blood
from their cut wrist?
Copy !req
321. Shit! Shit!
Copy !req
322. What's my move?
I can't let him get away now!
Copy !req
323. I'll just have to find him
with li'l bomber.
Copy !req
324. Well, so much for that idea.
Copy !req
325. - The radar can't find him.
Copy !req
326. The flames are in the way.
Copy !req
327. - Narancia: Show your face...
- Formaggio: My lucky break.
Copy !req
328. Poor, dumb Narancia.
Because you set the car on fire,
Copy !req
329. the flames are giving off
too much carbon dioxide,
Copy !req
330. so you can't use your radar
to pin me down.
Copy !req
331. At this point, I guess
it's safe to say that I win.
Copy !req
332. I know where to find
the boss's daughter.
Copy !req
333. Now all I have to do is ditch
this shit hole and tell my team.
Copy !req
334. Then we're gonna blow you
and your teammates to hell!
Copy !req
335. Assassinations
are what we do best.
Copy !req
336. - It's our specialty!
- Narancia: Say what?
Copy !req
337. I'll make sure
we're square real soon.
Copy !req
338. You won't ever
have to see me again!
Copy !req
339. I win!
Copy !req
340. Since it's so hard
Copy !req
341. to pinpoint
your nasty-ass breath,
Copy !req
342. you know, 'cause of the roaring
fires blazing around us,
Copy !req
343. I think I'll just have
to feed those flames more.
Copy !req
344. Once I light up this street,
Copy !req
345. baby's wittle assassin's
gonna be crispier
Copy !req
346. than the crust
of a pizza margherita!
Copy !req
347. I'll be damned if you
get away from me, formaggio!
Copy !req
348. You are deranged,
even by psycho standards.
Copy !req
349. You actually
set the damn street on fire!
Copy !req
350. Are you insane?
Copy !req
351. Well, are you? Huh?
Copy !req
352. Finally showed yourself.
Copy !req
353. Now I don't have to burn down
the whole city.
Copy !req
354. The reason
that I asked if you were insane
Copy !req
355. was 'cause of your actions.
Copy !req
356. They're telling me to kill you
Copy !req
357. and strike your ass down
where you stand!
Copy !req
358. Your little fire-fest
Copy !req
359. gave me the cover I needed
to get closer.
Copy !req
360. In case you've forgotten,
at this distance,
Copy !req
361. my stand is a hell
of a lot faster than yours!
Copy !req
362. Maybe.
Copy !req
363. Bring it, Narancia.
Copy !req
364. Tiny feet!
Copy !req
365. It really blows, huh?
Copy !req
366. It looks like
your little shopping excursion
Copy !req
367. wasn't as cut and dried as you
thought it'd be, eh, Narancia?
Copy !req
368. Well, things are going to get
a lot worse from here on out
Copy !req
369. for all you coglioni.
Copy !req
370. "Go shopping," they tell me.
Copy !req
371. The mission's a failure.
I lost everything,
Copy !req
372. all the money, all the merch.
Copy !req
373. All that's left
is a bunch of ashes.
Copy !req
374. Run it by me again,
Copy !req
375. It all burned up. I told you.
Copy !req
376. No, not that!
The part about the enemy
Copy !req
377. knowing where we've been hiding.
Copy !req
378. But I took care of him
right after—
Copy !req
379. You really think
it's that simple?
Copy !req
380. Bucciarati,
we all need to get
Copy !req
381. the hell out of here now.
Copy !req
382. How many times
did I warn you?
Copy !req
383. You can be such an idiot!
Copy !req
384. We should
be commending him.
Copy !req
385. I mean, he took out
one of our enemies, after all.
Copy !req
386. Honestly, guys,
Copy !req
387. what else could he have
really done in that situation?
Copy !req
388. And now that the hitman team has
figured out what we're up to,
Copy !req
389. a sensible boss
would tell his team
Copy !req
390. how to get out
of this awful mess.
Copy !req
391. Giorno.
Copy !req
392. I think
we should all stay right here,
Copy !req
393. at least until we hear
from the boss again.
Copy !req
394. Listen
to the prodigy preach.
Copy !req
395. Didn't realize
you were our advisor.
Copy !req
396. What if
we don't hear from him?
Copy !req
397. Then, all of us here would be
nothing but sitting ducks.
Copy !req
398. Wild guesses won't help us, kid.
Copy !req
399. Bucciarati!
Copy !req
400. I think we just got
a message from the boss.
Copy !req
401. The boss always
sends his directives
Copy !req
402. to capos this way,
Copy !req
403. but this is the very first one
sent to bucciarati.
Copy !req
404. I'll review the directive.
Copy !req
405. "Proceed to pompei.
Copy !req
406. "I have hidden a key somewhere
near the 'cave canem' mosaic."
Copy !req
407. Investigate, ragazzi!
Copy !req
408. "this hidden key
operates the vehicle
Copy !req
409. that will allow you safe passage
as you deliver my daughter."
Copy !req
410. What kind of vehicle
would allow us to do that?
Copy !req
411. It's a helicopter!
Copy !req
412. Think about it for a second.
It's so obvious.
Copy !req
413. With a helicopter,
Copy !req
414. we can go anywhere
without being followed.
Copy !req
415. Pompei is about
15 kilometers away from here.
Copy !req
416. We could get there in an hour,
Copy !req
417. plenty of time to find the key.
Copy !req
418. Okay! Fugo, abbacchio, giorno,
Copy !req
419. you three will travel to pompei
to secure that key.
Copy !req
420. Mista, Narancia, and I
will remain here
Copy !req
421. and protect Trish
from the hitman team.
Copy !req
422. Retrieve the key.
Radio back when it's clear.
Copy !req
423. That's when the rest of us
will meet you with Trish.
Copy !req
424. From there, we'll be on our way.
Copy !req
425. Godspeed.
Copy !req