1. There's an Irish poem
about lighthouses
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2. from the mid-1800s
that I think of now and then.
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3. I can't remember the name
of the poet or poem,
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4. but it goes,
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5. "Very bright, guiding light.
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6. This is why
I'm happy tonight."
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7. Surrounded by four Great Lakes,
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8. Michigan has more lighthouses
than any other state,
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9. and I am happy as the sailor
in the poem about that.
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10. Though the last U.S. lighthouse was automated in 1998,
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11. I've always dreamt
of being a keeper,
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12. especially during
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13. the Golden Age
of American lighthouses
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14. that lasted from 1853 to 1928.
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15. What other profession comes with the tower and nearby water
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16. to look at and daydream?
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17. Sometimes I'll imagine
that it's June or July of 1865
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18. and I'm returning
from the Civil War,
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19. a bugle player
in Michigan's 1st Regiment.
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20. And on my way home
to the family dairy farm,
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21. I spot a beautiful red-brick
structure along the lake.
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22. Now that I've got a taste
of the wider world —
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23. at least through
Northern Virginia and back —
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24. I don't think
I'll ever be quite content
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25. on the dairy farm again.
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26. Um, hello.
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27. I was wondering
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28. if I could talk
to the lighthouse keeper.
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29. What for?
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30. To see if he might need
an assistant.
Copy !req
31. I don't.
Copy !req
32. Hello.
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33. My name is Joe Pera.
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34. And I'm sorry to dwell
on old times.
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35. With the power out tonight,
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36. it's tempting
to romanticize them,
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37. but I should know better,
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38. especially 'cause
I am always making fun
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39. of British palace guards
and their big bearskin hats.
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40. It's ridiculous, unethical —
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41. it makes everyone in their
country seem like fools.
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42. Anyhow, not only does Michigan
have the most lighthouses,
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43. our state had the most
female keepers, as well.
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44. It was one of the first
federal jobs held by women.
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45. I was reading the book
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46. "Ladies of the Lights"
by Patricia Majher
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47. and actually realized
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48. that my friend/co-worker/
romantic partner Sarah
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49. has a lot in common
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50. with some
of those early keepers,
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51. like her, uh,
knack for anticipating
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52. and dealing with risk,
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53. resilience,
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54. and the ability
to stay up late.
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55. Her own lights are on tonight
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56. thanks to the generators
she converted to biodiesel.
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57. I asked her if she
needed anything,
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58. but she said she was alright.
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59. I guess I shouldn't worry
about my nana, either.
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60. She's in bed with
a fully charged iPad.
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61. Hm.
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62. Hm.
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63. Should we see if my neighbors,
the Melskys,
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64. know anything
about lighthouses?
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65. Okay.
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66. Perfect blows.
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67. Watch the house, Gus.
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68. Not realizing how much work
was involved,
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69. Einstein once suggested
giving light house jobs
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70. to young scientists
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71. so they could use the time
to mull over science problems.
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72. In reality, though,
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73. the abundance of time and space
got to some keepers.
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74. The Stannard Rock Light,
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75. 47 miles off the coast
of Marquette,
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76. was even referred to
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77. as the loneliest place
in North America.
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78. Some keepers even went mad
from the iso— Whoa!
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79. - It's Frankenstein!
- Aaah!
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80. It's Frankenstein!I'm not Frankenstein, guys,
I swear.
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81. What the hell's going on?
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82. - Dad, isn't this Frankenstein?
- Is this Frankenstein?
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83. I'm not Frankenstein.
it's Joe, Mike.
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84. It's your neighbor.
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85. It's Frankenstein!
Kick his ass!
Copy !req
86. - Aah!
- It's Frankenstein!
Copy !req
87. He's not Frankenstein.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
88. We thought
he was Frankenstein.
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89. Not you — your father.
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90. Oh, I'm sorry.
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91. As their father, I will teach
them how to protect themselves
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92. because what's the law?
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93. - Stand your ground!
- Stand your ground!
- Stand your ground!
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94. Do I need to explain to you
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95. why we shouldn't let our kids
attack our neighbors?
Copy !req
96. Thought
it was Frankenstein.
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97. Why do you always have
to make me the bad guy, Mike?
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98. Sorry Joe. Here. You can
have Mike's ice cream bar.
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99. Kelsey, Josh...
Here, Daddy.
Copy !req
100. go inside
and get ready for bed.
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101. Just — Just go inside.
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102. It's okay.
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103. Eat it.
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104. Damn it!
Copy !req
105. Do you know that the lighthouse
keeper on Poverty Island
Copy !req
106. used to lock his kid
in a coal bin...
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107. when he misbehaved?
Copy !req
108. Not appropriate.
Copy !req
109. Sorry.
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110. Why aren't you with Sarah?
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111. I'm still thinking.
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112. About what?
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113. Well, to me,
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114. as long as there's
no major structural damage,
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115. a power outage
or a big snowstorm
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116. is an opportunity to pause,
play euchre,
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117. and see what your neighbors
are up to after 9:00 p.m.
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118. Mm.
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119. But to Sarah,
an event like this
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120. is a reminder that
our system has cracks
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121. that could expand
into a break
Copy !req
122. if this were, say,
an attack on the power grid
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123. or a Carrington Event.
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124. What's that?
Copy !req
125. A solar storm
Copy !req
126. that could wipe out
technology as we know it.
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127. It's on Sarah's mind,
and it seems irrational,
Copy !req
128. until I learned that,
as a kid,
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129. she witnessed
her brother get trampled
Copy !req
130. in a Black Friday
shopping rush.
Copy !req
131. I know.
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132. And it's made me consider,
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133. what do I have to offer Sarah
in a critical moment?
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134. I'm still not sure.
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135. And if I show up tonight
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136. I'm afraid
it'll indicate not much.
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137. Probably said too much,
Copy !req
138. but can I ask you,
Copy !req
139. what does Mike offer you
in difficult times?
Copy !req
140. I don't know, Joe.
Copy !req
141. I better go see
what's going on inside.
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142. What — What are the odds
of a Carrington event happening?
Copy !req
143. NASA says 12%
in the next decade...
Copy !req
144. so likely
within our lifetimes.
Copy !req
145. Shit.
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146. Night, Sue.
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147. Night.
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148. What can you do?
Copy !req
149. I am proficient at milking cows,
and at a colonel's order,
Copy !req
150. I can signal a cavalry charge
with my horn.
Copy !req
151. There you are.
Copy !req
152. I was wondering
when you'd come over.
Copy !req
153. I can help you
reach things.
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154. I can tend the garden.
Copy !req
155. The different hours we keep
are a good thing.
Copy !req
156. And when they overlap,
I can offer companionship.
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157. and entertainment.
Copy !req
158. You know, you don't need
an excuse to come over.
Copy !req
159. Oh.
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160. If anything ever happens,
I hope you will.
Copy !req
161. Being together — that — that's
the point of a relationship.
Copy !req
162. Uh, right.
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163. Whether it's a power outage
or a family situation
Copy !req
164. or a nuclear attack
or a biological weapon.
Copy !req
165. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
166. Or an amphibious invasion
from Ontario by the British
Copy !req
167. or a horde of French Catholics
moving into town.
Copy !req
168. What's wrong
with French Catholics?
Copy !req
169. They're not to be trusted.
Copy !req
170. They take their orders
from the Pope.
Copy !req
171. Oh, I see.
Copy !req
172. You know, this is the safest
place in the territory.
Copy !req
173. We have the higher ground.
Copy !req
174. If they gather
around our door,
Copy !req
175. we can hurl diseased,
dead animals down on them.
Copy !req
176. You're making me
a little bit nervous,
Copy !req
177. but I suppose,
if anything were to happen,
Copy !req
178. I have something
to sustain me.
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179. What's that?
Copy !req
180. Irish poetry.
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181. Can I take them off now?
Copy !req
182. I think they're starting
to get fat.
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183. Mm. One more hour.
Copy !req
184. They will fall off
on their own.
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