1. Hmm?
Copy !req
2. Look alive, you menace.
Copy !req
3. Are you finally here
to let me out, Chief?
Copy !req
4. What? No.
Copy !req
5. You've been here,
like, 45 minutes.
You have visitors.
Copy !req
6. All of your mommies are here.
Copy !req
7. Hello, officers.
Copy !req
8. - We are all moms.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
9. What have you done
with our beautiful son?
Copy !req
10. Let us see our boy.
Copy !req
11. Moms!
Copy !req
12. Five moms?
Copy !req
13. Hmm, that seems like
suspiciously too many.
Copy !req
14. Uh, it's actually
very common for cats
to have a bunch of moms.
Copy !req
15. Oh, Top Cat is so lucky.
He gets so many mom hugs.
Copy !req
16. I wish I had five moms.
Copy !req
17. Yeah, I just have two.
Copy !req
18. Boy, oh, boy,
am I glad to see you guys.
Copy !req
19. Stellar disguises, by the way.
Copy !req
20. Spooky made 'em.
Ooh, nice.
Copy !req
21. Those tailoring classes
are really paying off, girlfriend.
Copy !req
22. What happened, TC,
are you okay?
Copy !req
23. This place is a nightmare.
It's like a prison in here.
Copy !req
24. - Homemade baklava?
- I'm good.
Copy !req
25. They are monsters.
Copy !req
26. I've been left
a shell of a man.
Copy !req
27. Okay, but, like, how did you
land yourself in the clink?
Copy !req
28. Oh, it's pretty embarrassing.
I came up with a great scheme.
Copy !req
29. So, we plant poison ivy
all over town.
Copy !req
30. And people would touch it
and get all itchy.
Copy !req
31. Oh, no, I'm itchy.
Copy !req
32. And then,
all we'd have to do
Copy !req
33. is get our hands
on a bunch of itch cream,
Copy !req
34. which we could sell
to the rash-covered public.
Copy !req
35. Take my money now.
Copy !req
36. But I done goofed.
Copy !req
37. I wanted to get
a jump on the plan,
Copy !req
38. so while you guys were giving
Benny his flea bath...
Copy !req
39. I started to plant
the poison ivy,
Copy !req
40. but I totally forgot that
Jellystone is built
on a giant pile of manure,
Copy !req
41. and it spread a lot faster
than I thought it would.
Copy !req
42. Oh, wow. I sure would hate
if this itch n' plant would
get in mein scubin' suitin'.
Copy !req
43. Next, I was supposed
to meet my contact
Copy !req
44. who works at
the itch cream factory
that owes me a favor.
Copy !req
45. Ay, yo, Top Cat.
Copy !req
46. I have that itch cream
you asked for.
Copy !req
47. Now, come on,
Copy !req
48. just please don't
post those photos.
Copy !req
49. Huh? Who's there?
Copy !req
50. Don't post
those photos!
Copy !req
51. But when I arrived
at the drop off point,
Copy !req
52. my contact was nowhere
to be seen.
Copy !req
53. And that's when the Feds
got the drop on me.
Copy !req
54. Arrested.
Copy !req
55. So now I'm here doing time
for first-degree itchery.
Copy !req
56. Now, all you guys have
to do is get your hands
on some itch cream
Copy !req
57. and sell it
to the rash-covered public.
Copy !req
58. Uh, but, TC, how are we gonna
pull off this scam
Copy !req
59. while you're in jail?
Copy !req
60. Yeah. We've never done
a scheme without you.
Copy !req
61. You're our leader!
Copy !req
62. Hmm. Well, I guess
someone worthy
Copy !req
63. will have to take up my mantle
Copy !req
64. and lead the group
till I get out of here.
Copy !req
65. It's the only way.
Copy !req
66. Whoa!
Copy !req
67. All right,
visiting hours are over.
Copy !req
68. It's time for Top Cat's
bi-hourly rehabilitory massage.
Copy !req
69. Hmm, progressive.
Copy !req
70. We're gonna relax
the crime out of you.
Copy !req
71. Goodbye, son.
Your mommies
will see you later.
Copy !req
72. I believe in you, my many moms.
Copy !req
73. I love hamburgers,
Copy !req
74. I love hotdogs.
Copy !req
75. I love—
Copy !req
76. All right, who's puttin'
on this hat?
Copy !req
77. Why don't we go alphabetically?
Copy !req
78. Starting with Fancy.
Copy !req
79. No, I'm too scared.
Copy !req
80. Here, Spooky, you can do it.
Copy !req
81. Okay, Top Spooky,
what's the plan
for getting that cream?
Copy !req
82. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stop. No weapons.
Copy !req
83. Oh, sweet beans,
where did you even get
all these?
Copy !req
84. Shh.
Copy !req
85. Ugh, this is tougher
than I thought.
Copy !req
86. I don't know, guys,
is this anything?
Copy !req
87. - Not really.
- Ugh, that's all I got.
Copy !req
88. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
89. Yeah, your Top Cat!
Copy !req
90. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
91. You got it, buddy,
you're Top Cat!
Copy !req
92. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
93. And that's my good mustard.
Copy !req
94. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
95. Okay. Uh, do you have
a scheme for us or what?
Copy !req
96. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
97. Yeah, whatever.
Copy !req
98. And what does this have to do
Copy !req
99. with getting our hands
on itch cream?
Copy !req
100. I'm Top Cat. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
101. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
102. He's in too deep.
Chop him, Spooky.
Copy !req
103. I'm Top Cat. I'm Top Cat.
I'm Top Cat. I'm Top Cat.
Copy !req
104. I'm Top Cat. Top Cat...
Copy !req
105. Clearly, none of us are worthy.
Only the hat is worthy.
Copy !req
106. We have to let the hat decide.
Copy !req
107. - Whoa.
- Of course.
Copy !req
108. Show us the way, hat. K'Cha!
Copy !req
109. Hat! Hat!
Hat! Hat!
Copy !req
110. We'll itch the clouds,
itch you and itch me,
Copy !req
111. when you itch with me in my—
Copy !req
112. Oh, no, I can't see!
Copy !req
113. The sequel to TC.
Copy !req
114. New TC.
Copy !req
115. It even has his gorgeous
muscular legs.
Copy !req
116. It's like he's really here.
Copy !req
117. So, what should we do, New TC?
Copy !req
118. - Horse.
- Oh, of course.
Copy !req
119. Why didn't I think
of this sooner?
Copy !req
120. We can train ourselves
as prize-winning racehorses.
Copy !req
121. Ugh, it was so obvious.
Copy !req
122. Oh, you're a genius, New TC.
Copy !req
123. Fancy, prepare
your acting skills.
Copy !req
124. This is the role of a lifetime.
My body is ready.
Copy !req
125. Become...
Copy !req
126. a horse!
Copy !req
127. Horse!
Copy !req
128. - Nice job. You did it.
- Aw.
Copy !req
129. I can turn into a horse, too.
It's super easy.
Copy !req
130. Aw.
Copy !req
131. Now, let's go
get some anti-itch cream.
Copy !req
132. Ooh.
Copy !req
133. As horses, we can compete
in the Jellystone Derby.
Copy !req
134. Whee!
Copy !req
135. Then, when we win,
we'll be the most
popular horses around.
Copy !req
136. So popular
Copy !req
137. that everybody will give us
all their carrots.
Copy !req
138. Here you go, pretty horse.
Copy !req
139. Eventually,
they'll give us
all the carrots in town.
Copy !req
140. With no more carrots,
they won't have a way
Copy !req
141. to get the recommended
daily value of Beta-carotene,
Copy !req
142. which will cause everyone's
eyesight to deteriorate.
Copy !req
143. Ugh, I can't see with
or without my classes.
Copy !req
144. Hadji, is that you?
Copy !req
145. Then Mayor Huck
will be unable to see.
Copy !req
146. Stamp. Stamp. Stamp.
Copy !req
147. We can slip him
a bill that he'll blindly sign.
Copy !req
148. Stamp.
Copy !req
149. Appointing us all
the comptrollers
Copy !req
150. of the department
of ointments and creams.
Copy !req
151. And now we control
Copy !req
152. all of the itch cream
in the city.
Copy !req
153. Wow. I can't believe
all that stuff
just really happened.
Copy !req
154. I know, right? It's crazy.
Copy !req
155. You're a true visionary,
New TC.
Copy !req
156. Now all we have to do
is sell all this itch cream
Copy !req
157. to all the itchy people
in town.
Copy !req
158. Ah, jeez,
the ivy really took off
Copy !req
159. while we were horsin' around.
Copy !req
160. Where did everybody go?
Copy !req
161. This calls for some
governmental supervision.
Copy !req
162. There! Everyone's gathered
in the center of town
Copy !req
163. to try to get away
from the poison ivy.
Copy !req
164. Ah!
Copy !req
165. I'm so itchy.
Copy !req
166. Oh, nein. It happened.
Copy !req
167. Das ivy is in mein
scubin' suitin'.
Copy !req
168. I'd pay any amount of money
not to be itchy anymore.
Copy !req
169. Me empty 401K,
in case someone
with itch cream come along.
Copy !req
170. Guys, we're gonna have
to get through all that ivy
Copy !req
171. if we wanna sell
this itch cream.
Copy !req
172. All right, gang, suit up.
Copy !req
173. Attack.
Copy !req
174. Out of my way.
Copy !req
175. Get 'em, New TC.
Copy !req
176. Uh, don't worry, Benny.
Copy !req
177. I'm hacking the poison ivy.
Copy !req
178. Nice.
Copy !req
179. Oh.
Copy !req
180. Huh?
Copy !req
181. Ooh.
Copy !req
182. Bust open those wallets,
Copy !req
183. 'cause we're here
to sell you some itch cream.
Copy !req
184. We put all our money
in one giant pile
Copy !req
185. in case some noble saviors
came to sell us itch cream.
Copy !req
186. Please, give us
the itch n' creamin'! Give it!
Copy !req
187. We'll pay any price.
Copy !req
188. Uh, guys? Minor problem.
Copy !req
189. We used up
all the itch cream
on ourselves.
Copy !req
190. Bonk 'em with big sticks.
Copy !req
191. Uh, skedaddle.
Copy !req
192. So, that's what happened.
Copy !req
193. Well, we used up
all the itch cream fighting
through the poison ivy.
Copy !req
194. Oh, we failed you, TC.
Copy !req
195. Oh, that's okay.
Copy !req
196. You actually pulled off
this plan exactly
as I envisioned.
Copy !req
197. Huh?
- But we dropped the ball, TC.
Copy !req
198. We weren't able
to sell a single tube.
Copy !req
199. Selling itch cream
was never really my plan.
Copy !req
200. The plan was actually
to give each of you guys
Copy !req
201. the chance to wear my hat
and take turns being a leader.
Copy !req
202. Oh.
Copy !req
203. The real cream
Copy !req
204. was the confidence
we earned along the way.
Copy !req
205. And to show you guys
that the only cat worthy
of wearing my hat...
Copy !req
206. is me!
Copy !req
207. And the plan
wasn't a total loss.
Copy !req
208. We were able to offer up
some of New TC's services
as a backscratcher.
Copy !req
209. Oh, der back n' scratchin'
feels so good!
Copy !req
210. Nobody could ever
truly fill your shoes, TC.
Copy !req
211. Oh, yeah, you're irreplaceable.
Copy !req
212. That's for true.
Copy !req
213. Well, except maybe this once.
Copy !req
214. Bye, mommies!
Copy !req
215. Goodbye, officers.
Copy !req
216. Uh, homemade baklava?
Copy !req