1. No, we never had
kings in this country.
Copy !req
2. No, I don't
think we ever had kings.
Copy !req
3. That was the whole point of this
country is that we didn't want a king.
Copy !req
4. We didn't want the king.
Copy !req
5. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
6. Guys, guys, guys.
Copy !req
7. Oh.
Copy !req
8. Are you okay?
Copy !req
9. Oh!
Copy !req
10. Oh!
Copy !req
11. I think you broke your nose.
Copy !req
12. I'm screwed. I'm screwed. Ah!
Copy !req
13. Oh, strange man, titty bar.
Copy !req
14. A great investment opportunity.
Copy !req
15. Beauty pageant.
Copy !req
16. Are you getting it?
Copy !req
17. Yeah, yeah, I think I got this.
Copy !req
18. You met a strange man at a titty
bar who offered you a great
Copy !req
19. opportunity to invest
in a beauty pageant?
Copy !req
20. Everything looked very legit.
Copy !req
21. It was all in place.
Copy !req
22. He had all the connections.
Copy !req
23. He wanted somebody
to front the money.
Copy !req
24. Me. Okay, fine.
Copy !req
25. I've always wanted to
do a beauty pageant.
Copy !req
26. Stop. Why?
Copy !req
27. Because you make a lot of cash,
and you ogle some broads.
Copy !req
28. Yeah, I don't question
that aspect of it.
Copy !req
29. Yeah, that seems right
up your alley, bro.
Copy !req
30. Oh, this jerk gets pinched
for coming on to one of the
Copy !req
31. contestants, and now it
looks like a whole scam.
Copy !req
32. And if I don't legitimize this
thing, everybody's gonna think
Copy !req
33. I'm just like him.
Copy !req
34. Why don't you just
drop the whole thing?
Copy !req
35. I can't, Charlie.
Copy !req
36. It's already going.
Copy !req
37. It's in motion.
Copy !req
38. I mean, it's really a mess.
Copy !req
39. Any second now, there's gonna be broads
walking through that door in swimsuits.
Copy !req
40. Awesome.
Copy !req
41. That's a good thing.
Copy !req
42. Come on, girls.
Copy !req
43. That's the problem.
Copy !req
44. A kids' pageant.
Copy !req
45. I didn't know...
Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
46. I didn't know it was
a kids' pageant.
Copy !req
47. The guy didn't make that clear.
Copy !req
48. Now I'm lumped in
with a diddler.
Copy !req
49. What am I gonna do?
Copy !req
50. This is a mess.
Copy !req
51. Well, I don't know
what the big deal is.
Copy !req
52. You know, I did pageants all
the time when I was little.
Copy !req
53. The big deal?
Copy !req
54. The big deal is that mothers
force their kids into this so
Copy !req
55. that they can dress them up like dolls
and parade them around like sex objects.
Copy !req
56. It's creepy.
Copy !req
57. My mother didn't
force me into it.
Copy !req
58. I entered them myself.
Copy !req
59. Yeah, that's true.
Copy !req
60. Actually, when Dee used to enter
pageants when we were kids, Mom
Copy !req
61. used to tell her not to waste her time,
because she isn't pretty enough.
Copy !req
62. Mm-hmm, she would say that, and
then I would jam it right in
Copy !req
63. her face when I'd win them.
Copy !req
64. How would you win pageants?
Copy !req
65. Did you have a different face?
Copy !req
66. No, she was a dog
back then, too.
Copy !req
67. It's just that
she worked at it.
Copy !req
68. She used to go to tanning, and you
know, she practiced with her makeup.
Copy !req
69. I'll give you that— you did
a lot of that practicing.
Copy !req
70. Thanks, Frank.
Copy !req
71. Yeah, yeah, you guys got to change
your thinking about child pageants.
Copy !req
72. I mean, child pageants— that's
American tradition right there.
Copy !req
73. Child pageantry.
Copy !req
74. Think about it.
Copy !req
75. In other countries, okay, women that
can't show their ankles, right?
Copy !req
76. They got to be in those big,
black tarps or whatever.
Copy !req
77. Mm.
Copy !req
78. In America, we can show toddlers
in tiny bikinis, we can
Copy !req
79. make them tan, because
that's our right.
Copy !req
80. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
81. As Americans, okay.
Copy !req
82. Child pageantry is an essential
part of the American fabric.
Copy !req
83. You know what?
Copy !req
84. We should dress up our little kids
just to show other people that we can.
Copy !req
85. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
86. Yeah, yeah, I never thought
about it that way.
Copy !req
87. This is about
freedom, isn't it?
Copy !req
88. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
89. We can do whatever we
want with our kids.
Copy !req
90. Yeah.
Copy !req
91. And that's what
America is all about.
Copy !req
92. You know what you
just did, Charlie?
Copy !req
93. You just loaded up that train
with coal, and now it's ready to
Copy !req
94. tear down the tracks.
Copy !req
95. That was inspiring as hell.
Copy !req
96. Yes.
Copy !req
97. Let's throw ourselves a pageant!
Copy !req
98. Let's do a child pageant.
Copy !req
99. U.S.A.
Copy !req
100. U.S.A., U.S.A.,
U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.!
Copy !req
101. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
102. Thank you. Thank you. Good.
Copy !req
103. Thank... Calm down, everybody.
Copy !req
104. Calm down. Calm down.
Copy !req
105. Thanks for coming to
Frank's Little Beauties.
Copy !req
106. I want to thank you all
for participating.
Copy !req
107. I know some of you may have
heard about that other guy.
Copy !req
108. I am not gonna
diddle your kids.
Copy !req
109. I'm not like that.
Copy !req
110. That's not my thing.
Copy !req
111. I met that guy in a titty bar.
Copy !req
112. It's like a... That's enough.
That's enough.
Copy !req
113. Hi there. Dee Reynolds,
former pageant winner.
Copy !req
114. I know how these things work, so,
uh, your kids are in good hands.
Copy !req
115. Go ahead and talk
amongst yourselves.
Copy !req
116. Frank, will you...?
Copy !req
117. Frank, your nose is bleeding
all over the place.
Copy !req
118. Do I look suspicious?
Copy !req
119. You look grotesque.
Copy !req
120. Magic's in the air.
Copy !req
121. Yeah.
Copy !req
122. We shouldn't be looking at
this pageant as a problem.
Copy !req
123. We should be looking at this as
an opportunity to do something
Copy !req
124. we've never done before.
Copy !req
125. This is right in our wheelhouse.
Copy !req
126. I'm having a blast putting this...
Hey, I'm thinking maybe we could
Copy !req
127. actually be in this thing?
Copy !req
128. I'm glad you said it, because I'm
desperate to be in this thing.
Copy !req
129. Oh!
Copy !req
130. I didn't realize it was
even a conversation.
Copy !req
131. I always assumed we would
be heavily involved.
Copy !req
132. This is bad.
Copy !req
133. We got to definitely write a song
about how we do not diddle kids.
Copy !req
134. There is no quicker way for
people to think that you are
Copy !req
135. diddling kids than by
writing a song about it.
Copy !req
136. You got to write a song.
Copy !req
137. It's just like... Ooh.
Copy !req
138. Something like that.
Copy !req
139. Don't write a song about that.
Copy !req
140. No.
Copy !req
141. I'm cloudy. I got a headache.
Copy !req
142. Uh, excuse me.
Copy !req
143. Who's in charge here?
Copy !req
144. Well, usually that's whoever
yells the loudest, but I am the
Copy !req
145. only one here right now,
so I am in charge.
Copy !req
146. Oh, hi.
Copy !req
147. Uh, my name is Walter Harris.
Copy !req
148. Hi.
Copy !req
149. I'm with the Family Association
for the Protection of Children.
Copy !req
150. No! Ooh, ooh.
Copy !req
151. Okay.
Copy !req
152. Uh, you know, I... I'm-I'm pretty much...
I'm in charge of this... the
Copy !req
153. chairs and... setting up...
the chairs.
Copy !req
154. Mm.
Copy !req
155. But there's a guy.
Copy !req
156. Uh, uh, there's a fat guy.
Copy !req
157. Well, his face is busted to bits, and he...
he's in charge.
Copy !req
158. He's-He's the guy that
you want to talk to.
Copy !req
159. He might be this way, so I'll go...
I'm gonna go back here and look for him.
Copy !req
160. Uh, you check it out
around the corner.
Copy !req
161. Real jacked up face and fat.
Copy !req
162. So, how's everyone doing today?
Copy !req
163. Is everyone feeling safe?
Copy !req
164. The F.A.P.C., huh?
Copy !req
165. That's what he said.
Copy !req
166. They're siccing the
dogs after us.
Copy !req
167. We're screwed.
Copy !req
168. Hey, we're fine, Frank.
Copy !req
169. We got nothing to hide.
Copy !req
170. Yeah, you know what?
Copy !req
171. To be honest with you, I'm
glad he's gonna observe us.
Copy !req
172. I mean, somebody should be
looking out for these kids.
Copy !req
173. Yeah, those mothers just left
their kids here in a bar with
Copy !req
174. complete strangers in a pageant
that's under investigation.
Copy !req
175. They're terrible parents.
Copy !req
176. Yeah.
Copy !req
177. This is a mess!
Copy !req
178. Frank, why don't you go lay
down and put some ice on your
Copy !req
179. face, 'cause you look terrible?
Copy !req
180. Yeah, Jesus, Frank, fix
your face, for God sake.
Copy !req
181. Yeah.
Copy !req
182. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
183. Relax. Go, go.
Copy !req
184. We'll take care of
everything in here.
Copy !req
185. Everything's gonna
be fine, Frank.
Copy !req
186. Yeah, we got it. We got it.
Copy !req
187. It's all gonna be fine.
Copy !req
188. Now you pinned the whole
thing on him, right?
Copy !req
189. Oh, yeah, of course I did.
Copy !req
190. Hey, good thinking.
Copy !req
191. Good. Good, good, good, good.
Copy !req
192. Okay, ladies, chins up,
hands down, step forward.
Copy !req
193. One, two, three, one, two.
Copy !req
194. Fan, turn. Hit it! Stick it!
Copy !req
195. Let me see it!
Copy !req
196. Pose!
Copy !req
197. Come on, hit the line.
Copy !req
198. Get in line. What is this?
Copy !req
199. Guys, we got to put on a show!
Copy !req
200. I thought you were
Copy !req
201. That's what I'm looking for,
and I don't see professionals.
Copy !req
202. I see amateurs, I see trash, little
pieces of trash on my stage.
Copy !req
203. You guys are dummies.
Copy !req
204. It's not even hard.
Copy !req
205. You are dumb.
Copy !req
206. It's not hard.
Copy !req
207. Samantha's mean.
Copy !req
208. Samantha gets to be mean
because Samantha is a star, okay?
Copy !req
209. Maybe one day you'll be a star,
but right now you're not.
Copy !req
210. You're junk.
Copy !req
211. I have to go to the bathroom.
Copy !req
212. You belong in the bathroom.
Copy !req
213. Go!
Copy !req
214. Let's take a five,
let's take a break.
Copy !req
215. I'm so upset.
Copy !req
216. Are you okay?
Copy !req
217. You're doing great.
Copy !req
218. We'll be dressed very stylishly
for the performance.
Copy !req
219. It's going to be a great
performance, Walter, very classy.
Copy !req
220. I look forward to seeing it.
Copy !req
221. Just make sure that the
children are featured.
Copy !req
222. That is who this is about.
Copy !req
223. Yeah.
Copy !req
224. Yeah... it's about the kids.
Copy !req
225. Absolutely, all about
the kids, yeah.
Copy !req
226. Absolutely, yeah, no, totally.
Copy !req
227. Hey, Walter, you want
to come sit with us?
Copy !req
228. Yeah, come sit sith...
You lost him.
Copy !req
229. Hello, everybody.
Copy !req
230. He's all business,
that guy, you know?
Copy !req
231. He is all over us, man.
Copy !req
232. We got to put on a good
show, you guys, we got to.
Copy !req
233. Hello.
Copy !req
234. That was some pretty impressive
work out there, Samantha.
Copy !req
235. Excuse me, I'm eating my lunch.
Copy !req
236. Well, don't get sassy with me.
Copy !req
237. I'm trying to pay
you a compliment.
Copy !req
238. You know, I see a lot
of myself in you.
Copy !req
239. You're not like me.
Copy !req
240. You're ugly.
Copy !req
241. You don't— that's not
something you say.
Copy !req
242. You're mean.
Copy !req
243. You're the meanest
girl in the world.
Copy !req
244. Okay, you know what?
Copy !req
245. You better thank your lucky
stars I'm not in this
Copy !req
246. competition because I would
eat you for breakfast.
Copy !req
247. You're driving me nuts.
Copy !req
248. I don't like your hair.
Copy !req
249. It's dumb.
Copy !req
250. Your hair looks like it's dead.
Copy !req
251. All right, that's it.
Copy !req
252. You listen to me.
Copy !req
253. All hair is technically dead,
you stupid idiot smarty-pants
Copy !req
254. stupid, stupid idiot.
Copy !req
255. You better watch
yourself, Samantha.
Copy !req
256. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
257. Because I am coming for you.
Copy !req
258. Knock, knock.
Copy !req
259. Who's there?
Copy !req
260. Terrible breath.
Copy !req
261. Wheezing.
Copy !req
262. Dude, you're wheezing now.
Copy !req
263. Slow down.
Copy !req
264. Breathe and eat separately.
Copy !req
265. This is what America is about,
okay, being able to eat
Copy !req
266. at any rate you want to eat.
Copy !req
267. Shut, shut up.
Copy !req
268. Stop making all of these
things about America.
Copy !req
269. You're fat not because of America...
Can we just change the conversation?
Copy !req
270. Can we just focus
on something else?
Copy !req
271. Did you guys see the
boy that's here?
Copy !req
272. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
273. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
274. I mean, what's that all about?
Copy !req
275. I imagine Dad probably
skipped town.
Copy !req
276. Mom always wanted a daughter, so
she sticks her little boy in the
Copy !req
277. pageant, right, so she can play
out her little fantasies about
Copy !req
278. having a little girl.
Copy !req
279. That kid does not want
to be here, you know.
Copy !req
280. A kid like this needs guidance.
Copy !req
281. He needs real men showing him what it's...
Would you like to see my dance?
Copy !req
282. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
283. Yeah.
Copy !req
284. Sure.
Copy !req
285. I don't think this boy is being
pushed into this at all.
Copy !req
286. This is a boy who genuinely
loves pageantry.
Copy !req
287. Yeah.
Copy !req
288. You know what?
Copy !req
289. I bet he's never
won one of these.
Copy !req
290. We should help him win.
Copy !req
291. Totally.
Copy !req
292. For once let's let the
boys in America win.
Copy !req
293. Well, maybe we could make a
few adjustments to the song,
Copy !req
294. maybe update it a little bit.
Copy !req
295. Yes, the song needs an update.
Copy !req
296. All these old patriotic
songs need updates.
Copy !req
297. Yeah, they're like
200 years old.
Copy !req
298. That's why nobody wants
to listen to 'em.
Copy !req
299. Hey, all right, hey.
Copy !req
300. All right, man.
Copy !req
301. Good job, Benjamin.
Copy !req
302. Hey, Justine.
Copy !req
303. Hey.
Copy !req
304. Hey, can we talk for
just a quick sec?
Copy !req
305. Yeah, I really need to do my homework, but...
Ah, I know, but I'm the adult
Copy !req
306. and I said we were gonna talk,
so that's what's gonna happen.
Copy !req
307. Listen, I bet you wish you could
win this pageant, don't you?
Copy !req
308. My mom says I'm not
pretty enough.
Copy !req
309. Your mom doesn't know dick.
Copy !req
310. She's a dumb, fat cow, and your
sister— she is a stupid little
Copy !req
311. shit-mouthed bitch, isn't she?
Copy !req
312. You just said a
lot of bad words.
Copy !req
313. Here's what's gonna happen, Justine,
you are going to win this pageant.
Copy !req
314. You are gonna win this pageant!
Copy !req
315. And I am going to be the one
who pushes you to do it.
Copy !req
316. What do you think about that?
Copy !req
317. Are you excited?
Copy !req
318. Are you excited about that?
Copy !req
319. Yeah, I don't really
care about any of that.
Copy !req
320. I know, but it's not what you care
about, it's what I care about.
Copy !req
321. Okay.
Copy !req
322. Okay, ready?
Copy !req
323. Oh, we got a lot of work to do.
Copy !req
324. Screw this homework, right?
Copy !req
325. Come on.
Copy !req
326. So great to see you.
Copy !req
327. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Copy !req
328. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
329. Thank you very...
Guys, Walter's here.
Copy !req
330. He looks very pleased.
Copy !req
331. Good, good, he should.
Copy !req
332. I mean, this is like...
Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
333. Okay, good.
Copy !req
334. I'm here.
Copy !req
335. Oh.
Copy !req
336. What on earth did you
do to your face?
Copy !req
337. I had it done at a funeral home.
Copy !req
338. Why, why, why?
Copy !req
339. Where in the hell am I going to go— to
the goddamn makeup counter at Macy's?
Copy !req
340. You go to a funeral home
to get gruesome repairs.
Copy !req
341. Look.
Copy !req
342. You look like you're
at your own wake.
Copy !req
343. Frank, Frank, I need some water.
Copy !req
344. My mouth is dry.
Copy !req
345. Your mouth is dry.
Copy !req
346. Go into the toilet and run
your mouth under the sink.
Copy !req
347. Okay.
Copy !req
348. Yeah, can I, could I, can I?
Copy !req
349. I have a... Who's that?
Copy !req
350. He's the mortician.
Copy !req
351. I invited him.
Copy !req
352. Oh, you brought the mortician.
Copy !req
353. Okay, well, that's not going to
seem strange to anybody at all.
Copy !req
354. I figure he's a cretin.
Copy !req
355. Why would I have a cretin like that
near me if I have something to hide?
Copy !req
356. Hmm... Associating with a man like
that's not going to make you
Copy !req
357. look any better.
Copy !req
358. Hey, hey, hey,
you're on in five.
Copy !req
359. Oh, whoa.
Copy !req
360. Artemis, what are
you doing here?
Copy !req
361. She's working the
soundboard, okay, relax.
Copy !req
362. Is that a good idea?
Copy !req
363. Does she know how to
work a soundboard?
Copy !req
364. Who else are we going to get?
Copy !req
365. We don't have a very
deep bench, dude.
Copy !req
366. Okay.
Copy !req
367. I'm gonna go get high
before the show.
Copy !req
368. Okay.
Copy !req
369. Seems like a bad idea.
Copy !req
370. Well, don't get high.
Copy !req
371. It's making us look bad.
Copy !req
372. I'm sweating like a pig.
Copy !req
373. I got to get my makeup redone.
Copy !req
374. Okay, showtime, showtime.
Copy !req
375. All right, let's
get ready, guys.
Copy !req
376. Showtime, showtime, showtime.
Copy !req
377. Whoa... Showtime.
Copy !req
378. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
Copy !req
379. ("America the Beautiful"
Copy !req
380. playing)
Copy !req
381. Give me a beat.
Copy !req
382. Is that it, Artemis?
Copy !req
383. Very nice performance.
Copy !req
384. Very nice and
clean performance.
Copy !req
385. Welcome.
Copy !req
386. Welcome to our
legitimate show of kids.
Copy !req
387. Uh, very, very, very nice.
Copy !req
388. Which one of these talented, uh,
entertainers, who I am not
Copy !req
389. attracted to at all,
will be the winner?
Copy !req
390. I'm not attracted to any
of them, none of them.
Copy !req
391. And that's the way it is.
Copy !req
392. Anyway, everybody put your hands
together and clap for the kids.
Copy !req
393. Clap, clap.
Copy !req
394. And you wave good-bye.
Copy !req
395. Wave. Wave good-bye.
Copy !req
396. Go to your dressing room.
Copy !req
397. We're gonna start the show.
Copy !req
398. Go on.
Copy !req
399. Bye, Frank.
Copy !req
400. Okay, just don't touch...
Go to there. Go on in there.
Copy !req
401. Their dressing room...
Bye, Frank.
Copy !req
402. over there on that
side of the stage.
Copy !req
403. I am going to my dressing room.
Copy !req
404. We wil wbe right back.
Copy !req
405. I'm over here.
Copy !req
406. Oh, my hair hurts.
Copy !req
407. I know. I know, mine, too.
Copy !req
408. We look good.
Copy !req
409. Okay, finish up that coffee.
Copy !req
410. Ugh! I don't like it.
Copy !req
411. You do, too, like it.
Copy !req
412. Look, it doesn't matter
whether you like it or not.
Copy !req
413. You need to be
high energy, okay?
Copy !req
414. Do you want to win
this thing or not?
Copy !req
415. I don't care.
Copy !req
416. Yes, you do care, all right?
Copy !req
417. Pop your teeth in.
Copy !req
418. Pop your teeth in right now.
Copy !req
419. Really?
Copy !req
420. Let's see 'em.
Copy !req
421. You look fantastic.
Copy !req
422. Let's go show those
stupid moms, huh?
Copy !req
423. Mm.
Copy !req
424. Come on.
Copy !req
425. Moms stink.
Copy !req
426. P-ew!
Copy !req
427. Yeah!
Copy !req
428. Me and you should go ♪ Into a secret
world Where no one tells us What to do.
Copy !req
429. Moms are stupid.
Copy !req
430. Doy!
Copy !req
431. Boo!
Copy !req
432. People of earth, prepare for
the future of patriotism.
Copy !req
433. Hey!
Copy !req
434. Mr. Gorbachev, tear
down this wall.
Copy !req
435. The only thing we have to fear is...
fear itself.
Copy !req
436. Hey, hey, what is this?
Copy !req
437. What are you people
doing to my son?
Copy !req
438. Go back to your seat.
Copy !req
439. All right, who's in charge here?
Copy !req
440. Sir, uh, go back to your seat.
Copy !req
441. Well, someone should have
worn a shirt, right?
Copy !req
442. Probably the kid.
Copy !req
443. The kid definitely.
Copy !req
444. Yeah.
Copy !req
445. It felt uncomfortable.
Copy !req
446. But at a rave, I feel like
that would have been awesome.
Copy !req
447. I know, but the
kids make it weird.
Copy !req
448. It did get a little weird.
Copy !req
449. I can't figure this...
tie out here.
Copy !req
450. I got a question about
you morticians.
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451. You bang the dead bodies?
Copy !req
452. Mm... no.
Copy !req
453. Imagine stuff like
that goes on all time.
Copy !req
454. I mean, I don't give a shit.
Copy !req
455. If I was dead, you could bang
me all you want. Who cares?
Copy !req
456. Dead body's like a
piece of trash.
Copy !req
457. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want...
Turn his mic down.
Copy !req
458. I'm trying. I don't know...
I don't know how.
Copy !req
459. You don't know how?
Copy !req
460. I don't know which one it is.
Copy !req
461. Fill me up with cream.
Copy !req
462. Turn me...
What's going on, you idiot?
Copy !req
463. Make a stew out of my ass.
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464. What's the big deal?
Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little
Copy !req
465. pieces, throw me in the river.
Copy !req
466. Who gives a shit?
Copy !req
467. You're dead, you're dead.
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468. Ooh, shit.
Copy !req
469. Is my mic on?
Copy !req
470. Oh, God.
Copy !req
471. Oh!
Copy !req
472. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Copy !req
473. That was a mistake.
Copy !req
474. The janitor got a hold of the P.A. system.
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475. Puerto Rican guy.
Copy !req
476. You know, kids are great.
Copy !req
477. I love the kids.
Copy !req
478. Not in a sexual way.
Copy !req
479. No, I was married 20 years, and
she was a bitch, but she was
Copy !req
480. old, and I never had a problem
getting it up with her.
Copy !req
481. What is this?
Copy !req
482. Get the girls!
Copy !req
483. Well, well, well, wait. What.
Copy !req
484. All right, all right, miss, could you,
um, give me a little music, please?
Copy !req
485. Play something nice.
Copy !req
486. Play something.
Copy !req
487. Play him out of here.
Copy !req
488. Play some music,
play some music.
Copy !req
489. Yeah, okay, okay.
Copy !req
490. I don't this.
Copy !req
491. I do not know this one.
Copy !req
492. Come on, give me something like...
Copy !req
493. Walter, come up and help me
and, uh, uh, help the people.
Copy !req
494. Let's just leave.
Copy !req
495. Yeah, let's go.
Copy !req
496. Yeah, let's go, 'cause this is a bad...
Yeah, let's go.
Copy !req
497. I just want you to be
having a great time.
Copy !req
498. Police. Oh, no.
Copy !req
499. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Copy !req
500. Whoa. Oh, that's it.
Copy !req
501. I'm done. I'm going away.
Copy !req
502. Get your hands off me, pigs.
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503. Why are you taking Walter?
Copy !req
504. Man's a diddler.
Copy !req
505. Sick son of a bitch goes around
all these kids pageants,
Copy !req
506. pretends he's an inspector.
Copy !req
507. We've been looking
for him for a while.
Copy !req
508. I'm just glad we finally
got him off the street.
Copy !req
509. You got your man.
Copy !req
510. So, there's another unrelated
diddler in the mix?
Copy !req
511. Well, I mean, these things are
just magnets for those people.
Copy !req
512. It's like throwing a picnic at
the beach and getting pissed
Copy !req
513. when the seagulls show up.
Copy !req
514. Yeah, you have to expect it.
Copy !req
515. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Copy !req
516. Yeah, totally.
Copy !req
517. I tell you, children's ' beauty
pageants are an American
Copy !req
518. tradition, but not a proud one.
Copy !req
519. Nope.
Copy !req
520. I'm gonna go.
Copy !req
521. Me, too. Yeah.
Copy !req
522. Let's go, let's go, because it
still doesn't... Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
523. Who won?
Copy !req
524. Uh, um, Samantha.
Copy !req
525. She's the prettiest, right?
Copy !req
526. Yeah.
Copy !req
527. Come on.
Copy !req
528. Yeah.
Copy !req
529. Yay, I'm the winner!
Copy !req