1. No.
Copy !req
2. Man seeking woman.
All new, wednesdays at 10:30.
Copy !req
3. On fxx.
Copy !req
4. Fxx presents it's always
sunny in Philadelphia.
Copy !req
5. Okay, gather round,
everybody, gather round.
Copy !req
6. Gather round, please.
Copy !req
7. Yeah, i-i have
a, uh, a presentation.
Copy !req
8. Now, because of everyone's
a.D.D., I know I'm gonna
Copy !req
9. lose your attention in
about three minutes,
Copy !req
10. and, uh, frank's
gonna fall asleep.
No way.
Copy !req
11. I slept 26 hours last night.
Copy !req
12. You still seem very sleepy.
Can I start my presentation?
Copy !req
13. Where's the easel?
No, no, I'm not using an
easel... don't interrupt.
Copy !req
14. And I don't want the easel.
What are you gonna point with?
Copy !req
15. Don't want whatever the
hell you're gonna say.
Copy !req
16. 'Cause it's all gonna be old
and outdated, all right?
Copy !req
17. Let me start my presentation,
which is actually about that.
Copy !req
18. It's about innovation.
Copy !req
19. Not taking questions.
Copy !req
20. Let me do my thing, okay?
Stop interrupting.
Copy !req
21. Okay, so, um, as we all know,
um, tomorrow is St. paddy's day,
Copy !req
22. traditionally our
most profitable day.
Copy !req
23. However, recently, profits
have been declining.
Copy !req
24. Every year.
And we need to change.
Copy !req
25. We need innovation.
Copy !req
26. We need to move paddy's
from the past and into...
Copy !req
27. The future,
a mobile paddy wagon.
Copy !req
28. Now, these days, people like
to have things on demand.
Copy !req
29. So instead of having
to go to a bar,
Copy !req
30. we will bring the bar to you.
Copy !req
31. Ooh, is that, like, a car
service type of thing?
Copy !req
32. Where we pick people up and
take 'em around from bar to bar
Copy !req
33. and Jack up the prices?
Copy !req
34. That's actually
a really good idea.
Uh, no.
Copy !req
35. The paddy's wagon is the bar.
Copy !req
36. No, Dennis.
Copy !req
37. If we want to make money,
Copy !req
38. we need to honor ancient
Irish traditions,
Copy !req
39. like serving an irresponsible
amount of booze to people
Copy !req
40. who are genetically predisposed
to having alcohol problems.
Copy !req
41. Right.
You see,
Copy !req
42. St. Patrick started
that tradition,
Copy !req
43. and that's why we
celebrate him today.
Copy !req
44. Yeah... no, that's
not what he did.
Copy !req
45. No, he-he played
the flute for some kids,
Copy !req
46. and then he lured them
into a cave somewhere,
Copy !req
47. and he diddled them.
Copy !req
48. You got him mixed up
with the pied Piper.
Copy !req
49. St. Patrick didn't
play the flute.
Copy !req
50. He drove the kids
out of Ireland.
Copy !req
51. And then he molested 'em.
Copy !req
52. No, no, if-if St. Patrick
molested kids,
Copy !req
53. he would be regarded
as a scoundrel.
No, no, no.
Copy !req
54. I feel like, in the olden days
of the catholic church,
Copy !req
55. pedophiles were
regarded as heroes.
Copy !req
56. All right, all right,
look, g-guys, uh,
Copy !req
57. St. Patrick didn't do
any of that shit, okay?
Copy !req
58. He drove the snakes
out of Ireland.
Copy !req
59. Uh, i-i don't know
about all this.
Copy !req
60. I kind of want to just do
the traditional thing
Copy !req
61. of, like, sticking
around the bar
Copy !req
62. and-and trying to catch
the leprechaun.
No, no!
Copy !req
63. No, we don't want to do
the leprechaun thing again.
Copy !req
64. Stop, stop, guys...
I'm gonna catch one.
Copy !req
65. I'm, like, this close.
You're not gonna catch him
Copy !req
66. because he doesn't exist.
Guys, please, just, plea...
Copy !req
67. Dude, you know what...
I don't even know
Copy !req
68. if I've set up
my glue traps for him yet.
Copy !req
69. Charlie, enough
with the leprechaun!
Copy !req
70. I mean, can you believe him?
Okay, wait.
Copy !req
71. Who cares?
Look, I'm trying to...
You know what,
Copy !req
72. actually... I might
want to get myself a flute.
Copy !req
73. I was thinking the same thing.
We've been talking... you were?
Copy !req
74. Yeah, because i-i feel like
it's a really fun...
Copy !req
75. I know we're
kind of old, but...
You're gonna go get a flute?
Copy !req
76. Go get a flute, yeah.
Go get... go get a flute!
Copy !req
77. Everybody go get a flute!
Copy !req
78. In the sixth grade,
i feel like it's kind of simple.
Copy !req
79. Frank, look...
Copy !req
80. All right, let me
explain it to you, at least.
Copy !req
81. No, he's gone.
Copy !req
82. Okay.
Copy !req
83. So, frank... here's the plan.
Copy !req
84. We're gonna fill the wagon
with hip, attractive clientele.
Copy !req
85. We're gonna use my streamlined
system to process drink orders.
Copy !req
86. We're gonna take photographs
with a retro filter
Copy !req
87. for the web site.
Copy !req
88. And that will entice
future end users
Copy !req
89. to comment
and spread brand awareness
Copy !req
90. over various
social media platforms.
Copy !req
91. That seems insanely complicated.
Copy !req
92. Why don't we just take cash?
Copy !req
93. No, no, no, no. What I'm talking
about's way simpler than cash.
Copy !req
94. It's-it's streamlined.
Copy !req
95. I'm lost.
It's... I'm trying
to explain it to you
Copy !req
96. and I feel like
you're not even listening.
Copy !req
97. Top o' the morning,
you filthy lads.
Copy !req
98. I'm fixing to have a whale of
a time in this here mobile pub.
Copy !req
99. I'm so sorry... what is this?
Copy !req
100. Crazy paddy, you big, dumb arse.
Copy !req
101. Yeah. Why?
Copy !req
102. 'Cause it's fun.
Copy !req
103. I thought that's the thing
about St. Patrick's day...
Copy !req
104. People want clownery and-and
they want to embrace
Copy !req
105. the Irish stereotypes.
No, no, no.
This isn't innovative.
Copy !req
106. It's outdated and it's gonna
offend people.
Copy !req
107. Well, I brought my piece in case
anybody gets out of line.
Oh, I...
Copy !req
108. Okay, frank, frank,
look... no guns.
Copy !req
109. Let go.
No guns, no costumes.
Copy !req
110. Okay, trust me, i got this.
Copy !req
111. Frank, you're gonna drive.
Copy !req
112. Okay, Dee, you're
gonna serve drinks. In the back.
Copy !req
113. As a human being.
A real one.
Copy !req
114. Mm.
Copy !req
115. I'm gonna provide...
Copy !req
116. The experience.
Copy !req
117. Ooh.
Copy !req
118. Okay, yeah.
Yeah, right?
Copy !req
119. Yeah, i
like this.
Copy !req
120. I... see, I told you.
I know what I'm doing.
Copy !req
121. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
122. Frank, you're driving.
Copy !req
123. Okay. Here we go.
Copy !req
124. Ho! Check it out, Mac,
got some cool stuff.
Copy !req
125. I got some green paint
and I found a snake.
Copy !req
126. Great. Why?
Copy !req
127. You know, the snakes, 'cause,
like, we... I don't remember
Copy !req
128. where we landed on St. paddy,
but I remember snakes
Copy !req
129. were involved. And the green
paint's for the, uh, beer.
Copy !req
130. Okay, love the snake.
Great catch there.
Copy !req
131. But why not just use food
coloring for the beer?
Copy !req
132. Uh, 'cause beer's not a food.
Copy !req
133. When was the last time
you ate a beer?
Copy !req
134. When was the last time
you drank paint?
Copy !req
135. Have you been drinking paint?
Copy !req
136. No.
Copy !req
137. Let me see your tongue.
Copy !req
138. Oh, my god, dude!
Copy !req
139. Oh, that shit's
just disgusting!
It's not bad.
Copy !req
140. You... you can't drink paint.
I know. I hear you,
i hear you.
Copy !req
141. You say that, but I don't think
that you're gonna stop.
Copy !req
142. Yeah, I get it, though, man.
It's, uh... right.
Copy !req
143. I-i feel like you're saying you
get it, but you don't get it.
Copy !req
144. It's cool.
It's not cool.
Copy !req
145. It is what it is.
Oh, my god,
Copy !req
146. this is so frustrating!
Copy !req
147. I'm gonna go down
to the basement
Copy !req
148. and I'm gonna check
out my glue traps
Copy !req
149. and see if I, you know,
got a leprechaun in there.
Wait, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
150. What... we said
no leprechaun this year.
Copy !req
151. You're not chasing leprechauns.
Copy !req
152. I know, and I kind of forgot
where we landed on that.
Copy !req
153. I got these great cookie sheets,
they're filled with glue, so...
Copy !req
154. But i-i hear you,
i hear you.
Copy !req
155. It's a frustrating thing.
It's like the guy doesn't
Copy !req
156. listen to us, man, when we're
trying to get through to him.
Copy !req
157. It's a bummer.
Copy !req
158. No, not you.
Keep moving, let's go,
Copy !req
159. come on.
You kidding me?
Copy !req
160. Oh, oh, h-hey-hey,
there, fellas.
Copy !req
161. What's going on?
Where you going? You know what?
Copy !req
162. Don't answer that.
Because I already know.
Copy !req
163. You're going for a ride
in the paddy's wagon.
Copy !req
164. Oh, cool. Is this,
like, a car service thing?
Copy !req
165. Hey, can you take us
to center city?
Copy !req
166. No, it's not a goddamn car
service. Why does everyone...
Copy !req
167. You get in that
wagon right now or I'm gonna
Copy !req
168. sock you a good one
right in the kisser!
Copy !req
169. Yeah, you dumb bi...
Copy !req
170. What the hell
are you doing?
Uh, just innovating.
Copy !req
171. I took the paddy's wig
and I cut it
Copy !req
172. into an awesome beard.
Great new character.
Copy !req
173. Hilarious.
You've just created another
Copy !req
174. offensive Irish stereotype, Dee.
Copy !req
175. The fighting Irish...
I-it's true.
Copy !req
176. I mean, that's
what Irish people do.
That is not what...
Copy !req
177. They get drunk,
they fight people.
Copy !req
178. All right, I'm trying to give
these guys... look, guys,
Copy !req
179. don't pay attention to her.
Copy !req
180. I-i want to give you
an authentic, um, uh,
Copy !req
181. once-in-a-lifetime
experience here.
Copy !req
182. Oh. Oh, wait, so is
this, like, a bang bus?
Copy !req
183. No, no, no, no, no.
It's not a bang bus, okay?
Copy !req
184. Look... just get in the wagon,
Copy !req
185. I'll give you a ride
to center city.
Copy !req
186. Get in.
Copy !req
187. Gentlemen,
Copy !req
188. let me walk you through how
our simple business works.
Copy !req
189. God, take it easy, frank!
Copy !req
190. Don't tell me
how to drive, you bitch.
Copy !req
191. Let... let's keep it light for
the customers, all right, frank?
Copy !req
192. As I was saying, fellas,
uh, what you're gonna
Copy !req
193. need to do is you,
uh, you're gonna
Copy !req
194. take a picture of this qr code,
Copy !req
195. you're gonna download the app,
Copy !req
196. log in using Facebook,
and you're gonna watch
Copy !req
197. a-a brief, 30-second
Copy !req
198. And then once we receive
your online order,
Copy !req
199. you will promptly
be served a beer.
Copy !req
200. Can't I just pay you cash?
That's what I... yeah.
Copy !req
201. Well, no, cash is the way
Copy !req
202. that antiquated
companies do business.
Copy !req
203. Yeah, I just want a beer.
I don't really
Copy !req
204. want you to have
all my personal information.
Copy !req
205. "A beer.
Just want a beer.
Copy !req
206. Don't want you
to have my..."
Copy !req
207. Yeah.
Copy !req
208. Look, man, um, if i
just gave you a beer
Copy !req
209. and you just gave me cash,
Copy !req
210. then you wouldn't
be able to experience
Copy !req
211. everything that we've
got to offer here, okay?
Copy !req
212. Look, I'll show you. This...
Let me just pull up my...
Copy !req
213. I got a little presentation
here that I put together.
Copy !req
214. But, uh, can't get the goddamn
thing to... to go online.
Copy !req
215. I don't have a signal here.
Goddamn it. You know what?
Copy !req
216. Dee, uh, why don't you just
give 'em a couple free beers?
Copy !req
217. We'll-we'll call
'em "freemiums."
Copy !req
218. Don't know if you're
familiar with that term.
Copy !req
219. This is like all foam.
Dee, you goddamn bitch!
Copy !req
220. Hey! Oh, this thing's
bouncing around
Copy !req
221. like a pinball.
Don't blame me.
Copy !req
222. Keep it light,
you bitch!
Copy !req
223. All right.
Yeah, this is weird.
Copy !req
224. Can we just get out here?
Copy !req
225. Hey, it's locked.
Can you guys let us out?
Copy !req
226. Yeah, call the cops.
Why would you call the cops?
We're just hanging out, man!
Copy !req
227. All right, stop, stop, stop.
Copy !req
228. All right, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh. Push "end." End.
Copy !req
229. Give the phones
to the girl.
Copy !req
230. Let's go, guys. I don't want
to have to do this shit.
Copy !req
231. Frank, we got to
pivot the business.
Copy !req
232. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
233. Come on, get the hell out.
Everybody out.
Copy !req
234. Out, out, out, out,
out, out, out, out.
Copy !req
235. All right.
Copy !req
236. Don't worry. We're gonna mail
your phones back to you, but
Copy !req
237. we're gonna need your addresses,
so fork over your I.D.S.
Copy !req
238. Let's go.
Come on.
And their money.
Copy !req
239. We can't have 'em
cabbing it back to the city
Copy !req
240. and going straight to the cops.
Copy !req
241. Goddamn it.
That's a good point.
Copy !req
242. Okay, you know what?
Dee, collect their wallets.
Copy !req
243. Don't worry, guys.
We're not thieves.
Copy !req
244. You'll get your
wallets back, too.
Copy !req
245. Yeah.
Don't be babies.
All right, uh,
Copy !req
246. come on, come on, guys,
let's go, let's go.
Copy !req
247. Let's go.
Shut the doors.
Copy !req
248. Did we just kidnap
and rob those guys?
Copy !req
249. We just drove the
snakes out of Philly,
Copy !req
250. the way St. Patrick did.
Copy !req
251. Oh!
Copy !req
252. So, what you're saying is,
Copy !req
253. technically, we gave those guys
Copy !req
254. a very authentic
St. paddy's day experience.
Copy !req
255. Oh.
Copy !req
256. Nice.
In a way.
Copy !req
257. Oh. All right.
Copy !req
258. That's good.
That's good.
Copy !req
259. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Here.
Copy !req
260. Jesus Christ, where's Charlie?
Copy !req
261. Hey, Mac, somebody
stole my damn wallet.
Copy !req
262. Beat it! Beat it, Mauricio!
I need to talk to Mac.
Copy !req
263. Charlie, where have
you been, dude?
Copy !req
264. I can't run the bar by myself
and do security.
Copy !req
265. People are getting
their wallets stolen.
Copy !req
266. Okay, uh, look, just come
Copy !req
267. to the basement with me,
like, really quick.
Copy !req
268. Goddamn it! All right.
Copy !req
269. Attention, everybody.
Copy !req
270. Irish honor system.
Copy !req
271. Please serve yourselves.
Copy !req
272. Put the money in the bucket.
Thank you.
Copy !req
273. Uh, I don't think the Irish
honor system's a thing, man.
Copy !req
274. Oh, it's a thing.
Copy !req
275. It's an ancient Irish tradition.
Copy !req
276. Know your history, bro.
Copy !req
277. What could possibly
be so important?
Copy !req
278. Charlie...
Copy !req
279. What the hell am I looking at?
Copy !req
280. I caught him.
Copy !req
281. I caught that son of a bitch.
Copy !req
282. Dude, I think you've
kidnapped a little person.
Copy !req
283. Huh?
Copy !req
284. Nah... nah, nah.
First of all,
Copy !req
285. I've captured
a leprechaun, okay?
Copy !req
286. You wouldn't say,
"i kidnapped bigfoot," right?
Copy !req
287. You'd say,
"i captured bigfoot."
Copy !req
288. Well, that may be true,
but leprechauns aren't real.
Copy !req
289. So what we're dealing with here
Copy !req
290. is a little person
in a glue trap.
Copy !req
291. Yeah, I thought about that,
ruled it out, okay?
Copy !req
292. 'Cause the basement door
was locked, so unless
Copy !req
293. he's a being
who's unrestrained by the laws
Copy !req
294. of the physical world,
he's not getting down here, man.
Copy !req
295. Dude, if he is a human being,
Copy !req
296. he is going to sue
the shit out of us.
Copy !req
297. If he's a leprechaun,
he's got a pot of gold.
Copy !req
298. Yeah...
Copy !req
299. Well, yeah, that's...
Copy !req
300. Well, let's not rule
one out over the other.
Copy !req
301. I mean, it's very weird
Copy !req
302. that he's down here, right?
Copy !req
303. Okay. Let's ask him.
Copy !req
304. Uh, sir, I'm gonna ask
you a direct question.
Copy !req
305. Are you now or have you
ever been a leprechaun?
Copy !req
306. No, I'm not
a goddamn leprechaun!
Copy !req
307. Please...
It was pretty
Copy !req
308. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
309. If he's a leprechaun, that's
what he has to say, right?
Copy !req
310. Sir, why are you dressed
like a leprechaun?
Copy !req
311. 'Cause it's St. paddy's day,
you idiots!
Copy !req
312. This guy's good.
He's good.
Copy !req
313. Nasty little son of a bitch,
isn't he? You think?
Copy !req
314. There's, like,
a real bite to him.
Copy !req
315. I know. You know what
i think we should do?
Copy !req
316. We just rough him
up a little bit.
Copy !req
317. You know, just get the truth
out of him, just a little bit.
Copy !req
318. It's a great idea.
Copy !req
319. We don't want
to bruise him up.
Copy !req
320. You know, so, I just
wish we had, like,
a hose or something.
Copy !req
321. Yeah.
You know, we could blast
the truth out of him.
Copy !req
322. Right?
That'd be good...
Copy !req
323. Oh, shit.
There's a hose right here.
Copy !req
324. I... I don't ever remember
a hose being down here, do you?
Copy !req
325. No. I don't know.
Copy !req
326. Do you realize
what just happened?
Copy !req
327. You made a wish, which
the leprechaun clearly granted.
Copy !req
328. You know, everyone knows,
you capture a leprechaun,
Copy !req
329. you get three wishes, right?
Copy !req
330. So we got to think
very carefully what
our next two are here.
Copy !req
331. I wish I could
live forever?
What are you doing?
Copy !req
332. I wish you don't.
How about that?
No, no! Why did you do that?
Copy !req
333. Why did you do that?
Why didn't you say,
Copy !req
334. "i wish I could live forever"?
Copy !req
335. And live forever with you?
Copy !req
336. Look, I'm not a leprechaun!
Copy !req
337. Just let me out of here,
you dickheads!
Copy !req
338. Ah. Wish there was a way
Copy !req
339. we could just know
for sure, you know.
Copy !req
340. Charlie?
Copy !req
341. Get the snake.
Copy !req
342. You know what the problem was,
Copy !req
343. That last group of belligerent
hooligans just didn't understand
Copy !req
344. how to experience
our business properly,
Copy !req
345. but I think this new group
is gonna get it.
Copy !req
346. Plus, they're physically weaker,
Copy !req
347. in case anything goes wrong.
Copy !req
348. What's happening?
Copy !req
349. I'll tell ya what's happenin'.
Copy !req
350. One day you're young and pretty,
Copy !req
351. and the next, the years
of drinking and abuse
Copy !req
352. have robbed you of your youth.
Copy !req
353. Abuse? Did these
guys hurt you?
Copy !req
354. No!
Copy !req
355. Me husband did this to me.
Copy !req
356. Arr!
Copy !req
357. Dee...
Copy !req
358. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
359. What are you...?
What, are you a pirate?
Copy !req
360. I can't tell if you're
doing a thing now,
Copy !req
361. or if this is just
who you've become.
Copy !req
362. I'm giving them
Copy !req
363. an authentic Irish experience,
Copy !req
364. like you were begging for
Copy !req
365. You're giving them a
completely inauthentic,
Copy !req
366. frightening experience,
and you're scaring them.
Copy !req
367. Okay, listen, ladies,
nobody's gonna get hurt.
Copy !req
368. Will you just let us out,
Copy !req
369. Well, no.
Copy !req
370. No, I'm not gonna let you out.
Copy !req
371. I need you to
experience everything
Copy !req
372. i-i have to offer,
okay, so you're...
Copy !req
373. Rahr!
So, experience... Dee!
Copy !req
374. Shut up!
Copy !req
375. All right, look, we're gonna
have a good time here, okay?
Copy !req
376. You're experiencing some
free beers right now
Copy !req
377. because I can't get the
goddamn Internet to work.
Copy !req
378. That's a problem for me.
Do you guys know how to use
Copy !req
379. tablet computers?
You're young.
Copy !req
380. I just want to connect the
goddamn thing to the Internet.
Copy !req
381. They told me it'd be easy.
It's not, though.
Copy !req
382. Okay. Well, I'll
tell you what.
Copy !req
383. I'll let you out after I take
a couple photographs of you.
Copy !req
384. How's that sound? Yeah?
Take some photographs
Copy !req
385. for my... for my web site?
So, look happy.
Copy !req
386. Look like you're having fun.
No need to cover those up.
Copy !req
387. My customers like those.
They're like me.
Copy !req
388. They're gonna want to see that.
Copy !req
389. Yeah, okay, so smiling,
smiling, and...
Copy !req
390. You're not convincing me.
Copy !req
391. Goddamn!
Copy !req
392. This is not
supposed to be scary.
Copy !req
393. This is supposed to be an
authentic, fun time for you.
Copy !req
394. (Camera shutter clicking,
women crying)
Yeah, all right, well,
Copy !req
395. I need to buy it, okay?
Copy !req
396. I'm...
Please let us out.
Copy !req
397. I don't want to be on
your weird web site.
Copy !req
398. Well, if you don't comply
with me, then you're
gonna end up
Copy !req
399. on the weird one, okay?
So, smile.
Copy !req
400. Ugh! All right.
Copy !req
401. You know what?
This isn't gonna work.
Copy !req
402. All right, come on, come on.
Copy !req
403. Let's go. Come on.
Copy !req
404. All right, out you go, ladies.
Out you go.
Copy !req
405. I know you didn't
threaten to call the cops,
Copy !req
406. but you would have...
I'm certain of it...
Copy !req
407. So I'm gonna need
your wallets and your phones.
Copy !req
408. Give 'em to the girl.
Copy !req
409. Oh, yeah, I'm probably gonna
pop on your Twitter accounts,
Copy !req
410. just so you know. Write us some,
uh, enthusiastic reviews,
Copy !req
411. which you would have done,
as well,
Copy !req
412. had you experienced
our business properly,
Copy !req
413. but you decided to be...
Copy !req
414. All right, well...
Copy !req
415. Talk, bitch!
I'm blasting you! Come on!
Talk! Come on, leprechaun!
Copy !req
416. Come on, leprechaun,
admit it!
Where's the gold?
Copy !req
417. Aw, what's the point, dude?
There's no water pressure.
Copy !req
418. I feel like I'm
giving him a baby bath.
Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
419. Snake's not working either, man.
Copy !req
420. Well, that's
because the snake is dead.
Copy !req
421. Because you put it in a plastic
bag and it couldn't breathe.
Copy !req
422. All right, doesn't matter.
He probably killed it
Copy !req
423. with his leprechaun
magic, anyway.
Copy !req
424. I'm not a leprechaun,
you goddamn assholes!
Copy !req
425. Yeah, yeah, guy.
How are we gonna get
his pot of gold
Copy !req
426. if he won't even admit to us
that he's a leprechaun?
Copy !req
427. I mean, if this guy would
just admit he was a leprechaun,
Copy !req
428. we could be done
with this whole mess.
Well, yeah.
Copy !req
429. Of course.
Okay, fine, you got me.
Copy !req
430. I'm a leprechaun.
I admit it.
Copy !req
431. What?
Copy !req
432. God... I am a... I'm a...
Copy !req
433. Damn... a... I'm a leprechaun.
Copy !req
434. Yeah, right, but you
don't have the accent,
Copy !req
435. And that's throwing
me off, right?
It's throwing me off.
Copy !req
436. I live in a faraway land,
Copy !req
437. and I was transported here
by a giant magical rainbow.
Copy !req
438. And you never got me
lucky charms.
Copy !req
439. Oh!
That's it! That's it!
Copy !req
440. You were right! Dude!
You caught a leprechaun!
I told you, man! I knew it!
Copy !req
441. Hey, can you let me go now?
Copy !req
442. No, you can't go. You know...
No. No.
Copy !req
443. We need your pot of gold.
Where is it?
Copy !req
444. It's at the bottom
of the rainbow.
Copy !req
445. Hmm.
Must be some sort
of leprechaun riddle,
Copy !req
446. 'cause there's no
rainbows out today.
Copy !req
447. No, dude... I don't think
this guy's talking in metaphors.
Copy !req
448. I think he means
exactly what he's saying.
Copy !req
449. Dude, he's talking
about that gay bar
Copy !req
450. down on locust street...
The rainbow.
Copy !req
451. You know which one
I'm talking about, right?
Copy !req
452. Right. I'm gonna go
check it out, alone.
Copy !req
453. Why?
Copy !req
454. Well, because you'll be here.
Copy !req
455. And if, uh, the gang comes back,
Copy !req
456. they'll also be here,
and I'll be there, alone.
Copy !req
457. Right.
Copy !req
458. But you'll be here.
Copy !req
459. Great.
Copy !req
460. All right, you go do that,
okay. Yeah.
Copy !req
461. And, uh, remember, you're there
to look for a pot of gold.
Copy !req
462. Okay. Alone.
Copy !req
463. Yeah. You'll be there, alone.
Copy !req
464. Okay!
Got it.
Copy !req
465. All right, well, that
just leaves you and me, and, uh,
Copy !req
466. we both know there's no pot
of gold at that gay bar.
Copy !req
467. So the question is...
Copy !req
468. What to do with the little liar.
Copy !req
469. We haven't made
a goddamn penny today.
Copy !req
470. We actually lost money,
Copy !req
471. with all the gas we burned
going back and forth.
Copy !req
472. Yeah, well, it's not my fault.
The business model's flawless.
Copy !req
473. If you knew how to drive
and you knew how to serve
Copy !req
474. a goddamn beer, we wouldn't
be in this mess.
Copy !req
475. Hmm.
Copy !req
476. All right.
Copy !req
477. Okay, everybody out.
Get out. Let's go. Come on.
Copy !req
478. Go, go, go, go, go. You guys
are in the wrong demographic.
Copy !req
479. Where have you taken us?
Copy !req
480. Right. Yeah, I guess, uh,
Copy !req
481. we got so used to our routine of
picking people up and dropping
Copy !req
482. 'em off outside of town
that we never even tried
Copy !req
483. to sell you people beer,
did we?
They're too old, anyway.
Copy !req
484. Who's gonna watch
'em on a web site?
That's true.
Copy !req
485. Yeah, you guys are
a little too old for our, uh...
Copy !req
486. So...
Wallets and phones.
You know the drill.
Copy !req
487. I don't know why we don't
just do the car service thing.
Copy !req
488. People seem to be really needing
rides all over the town.
Copy !req
489. No, you know,
that idea may work.
You think so?
Copy !req
490. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Copy !req
491. Oh. B-but before we
pivot to that one,
Copy !req
492. um, Deandra,
you mind, uh, jumpin' out
Copy !req
493. to see about the gas cap?
I think I left it off.
Copy !req
494. Yeah.
Copy !req
495. Oh! Hey!
Copy !req
496. Oh, goddamn!
Copy !req
497. Goddamn it...!
Copy !req
498. What you did there, frank,
that was... very funny.
Yeah. That bitch
Copy !req
499. was dragging us down.
Copy !req
500. She was
driving me crazy, man.
Copy !req
501. Oh... shit.
Copy !req
502. She didn't put the gas cap on.
Copy !req
503. Oh, is it open for real?
Copy !req
504. Oh, shit. Yeah, let me
grab that real quick.
Copy !req
505. I got it.
Copy !req
506. No, no, no, no, n...
Aw, goddamn!
Copy !req
507. I can't believe uber
Jacks up their prices
just because it's a holiday.
Copy !req
508. That's unbelie... it's a scam.
Copy !req
509. We should have been doing
that the entire time.
Copy !req
510. Are you kidding me?
That was my whole idea.
Copy !req
511. Dee, stop trying to take
credit for everything. Wait,
Copy !req
512. what is going on in here?
Weren't Mac and Charlie
Copy !req
513. taking care of the bar?
Yeah, they were.
Copy !req
514. Why is the bar empty?
It ain't empty.
Copy !req
515. What are you doing back here,
you piece of shit?
Copy !req
516. It's a long story.
The business hit a wall,
Copy !req
517. went up in smoke,
and then went under.
Copy !req
518. Why are you speaking
in metaphors?
Copy !req
519. It ain't a metaphor.
I fell asleep,
Copy !req
520. crashed into a wall,
the engine burst into flames,
Copy !req
521. and I had to drive it
into a river.
Copy !req
522. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
523. well, you may be a man.
Copy !req
524. You may be a leprechaun.
Copy !req
525. But only one thing's for sure:
Copy !req
526. You're in the wrong basement.
Copy !req
527. Goddamn it! No!
Copy !req
528. I'm gonna see if
you bleed green.
No! No! No, no, no!
Copy !req
529. Whoa, whoa, whoa, Charlie,
Charlie, what the hell is...
Whoa, whoa. Hey!
Copy !req
530. What are you doing?
Copy !req
531. What does it look
like I'm doing?
Copy !req
532. It looks like you've tied
a little person to a chair
Copy !req
533. and you're gonna torture him.
Copy !req
534. No, I've tied
a leprechaun to a chair,
Copy !req
535. and, uh, yeah,
i was gonna cut him to pieces.
Copy !req
536. Charlie...
Copy !req
537. You been drinking
straight paint?
Copy !req
538. Yeah.
Copy !req
539. Charlie, he's
not a leprechaun!
Copy !req
540. Do not hurt him!
I repeat:
Copy !req
541. He is not a leprechaun!
Oh, hey.
Copy !req
542. What is this?
Why are you covered in glitter?
Copy !req
543. I would love to answer
all of your questions,
Copy !req
544. but there is no time.
Copy !req
545. You see, I went to the rainbow
to look for a pot of gold.
Copy !req
546. The gay bar?
Copy !req
547. Again, no questions.
Copy !req
548. And when I got back,
Copy !req
549. I found this bag...
Full of wallets,
Copy !req
550. hidden where we keep the towels.
Copy !req
551. Why did you need towels?
Copy !req
552. Not answering questions, okay?
Copy !req
553. Because apparently this son
of a bitch is a pickpocket.
Copy !req
554. That's why he's been
lurking around paddy's.
Copy !req
555. Oh! Well, that makes a lot
of sense, 'cause he kept saying,
Copy !req
556. like, "I'm a pickpocket. I'm
a pickpocket. Stop hurting me.
Copy !req
557. I'm not a leprechaun." And
i just thought that was, like,
Copy !req
558. a metaphor for, you know,
"i-i am a leprechaun."
Copy !req
559. This little son of a bitch
has been picking pockets
Copy !req
560. at our bar
every St. paddy's day
Copy !req
561. for years.
Well, we got a whole bag
Copy !req
562. full of wallets and phones, too.
Copy !req
563. You did? That's good. Because
the bar did not do so great.
Copy !req
564. Turns out the Irish honor
system, that's not a thing.
Copy !req
565. Yeah, we were gonna
actually return the wallets
Copy !req
566. that we got, but, uh, yeah.
Copy !req
567. Since no one seems to be...
Copy !req
568. Being honorable, uh,
maybe we keep our wallets
Copy !req
569. and those and, you know, yeah.
Copy !req
570. Chalk it up as a win. Yeah.
Oh, the luck of the Irish.
Copy !req
571. Let's not make it
a tradition, though.
Copy !req
572. Sure.
Yeah, probably better
not to.
Copy !req
573. All right, well, what do we do
with this piece of shit?
Copy !req
574. Oh, shit, that leprechaun
just flew up a rainbow!
Copy !req
575. Stop drinking paint, Charlie.
Copy !req
576. Huh.
Copy !req
577. Brown.
Copy !req
578. Captioned by
media access group at wgbh
Copy !req
579. Man seeking woman.
All new, wednesdays at 10:30.
Copy !req
580. On fxx.
Copy !req
581. It's a kitty cat.
Copy !req
582. Baskets. All new,
Thursdays at 10:00.
Copy !req
583. Only on fx.
Copy !req
584. An fx original series.
Copy !req
585. The people v. O.J. Simpson.
Copy !req
586. All new,
Tuesdays at 10:00 on fx.
Copy !req
587. This spring...
Copy !req
588. How awesome is it
to be back doing
what we're best at?
Copy !req
589. Archer!
Copy !req
590. - Aaah!
- Mmm.
Copy !req
591. Why the hell are you naked?
Copy !req
592. It's after labor day.
Copy !req
593. Mr. Archer? Mr. Archer.
Copy !req
594. Boop. Sorry.
Had to take that.
Copy !req
595. Archer.
Copy !req
596. Why does a divorce lawyer
have grenades?
Copy !req
597. 'Cause they're
terrible people.
Copy !req
598. The all new season
starts Thursday, march 31.
Copy !req
599. Only on fx.
Copy !req