1. I'm not leaving here without you.
Copy !req
2. And I'm never leaving.
Copy !req
3. Can we just talk about this
Copy !req
4. before we, uh...?
Well, that sucked.
Copy !req
5. - You're alive?
- This is progress.
Copy !req
6. You care about me.
Copy !req
7. I feel like you're halfway
to joining the cause.
Copy !req
8. I was promised, this world
Copy !req
9. offered worthy opponents.
Copy !req
10. Somebody appears to be
Copy !req
11. stealing the Declaration of Independence.
Copy !req
12. I'd rather quit
than work with a sanctimonious
Copy !req
13. prick like you.
Copy !req
14. It's not buried under a mountain,
Copy !req
15. but it's ours.
Copy !req
16. Nolan wasn't a travel writer.
Copy !req
17. Kid Omni-Man is here.
Copy !req
18. Oh, geez.
Copy !req
19. - What's this?
- A fresh start.
Copy !req
20. - I beat the bad guys.
- You killed them!
Copy !req
21. I can't believe I'm late
to our first date.
Copy !req
22. Got you.
Copy !req
23. You wanted to come, Rex.
Copy !req
24. Yeah, but I'd forgotten
how boring this is.
Copy !req
25. Come on, let's go get a drink.
Copy !req
26. We need groceries.
Copy !req
27. No one's gonna cook for us anymore.
Copy !req
28. What did you guys do before?
Back on Teen Team?
Copy !req
29. Hmm... Well...
Copy !req
30. Eve still lived at home,
Copy !req
31. Kate kept to herself. Mm...
Copy !req
32. I stole Robot's credit card number
Copy !req
33. and I lived off delivery pizza,
Copy !req
34. ramen noodles, and black coffee.
Copy !req
35. I almost got scurvy once.
Copy !req
36. I wouldn't be quite so proud of that.
Copy !req
37. Eh, rock and roll star,
Copy !req
38. rock and roll lifestyle, you know.
Copy !req
39. Oh, what about you?
Copy !req
40. Oh, my parents had me
on an engineered diet
Copy !req
41. since before I could eat solid food.
Copy !req
42. Weird that a girl who could shrink
Copy !req
43. had to watch her weight.
Copy !req
44. So, you're actually gonna
make us dinner tonight?
Copy !req
45. I'm gonna try.
Copy !req
46. Is this a zucchini or a cucumber?
Copy !req
47. Uh, I didn't even get that far.
Copy !req
48. So, wait, you know how to cook?
Copy !req
49. No, but that's what the Internet's for.
Copy !req
50. Come on, I bet Robot's
credit card still works.
Copy !req
51. You don't have to eat it.
Copy !req
52. And you don't have to make it.
Copy !req
53. I want to make dinner, Rex.
Copy !req
54. I want to buy groceries,
prepare a meal, and then eat it.
Copy !req
55. You can either help or you can...
Copy !req
56. I don't know, go do something else.
Copy !req
57. Rex.
Copy !req
58. Ha!
Copy !req
59. Parmesan cheese. I like cheese.
Copy !req
60. How about I'm in charge of that, okay?
Copy !req
61. You want to be in charge of cheese?
Copy !req
62. Hell, I'll take butter, too.
Copy !req
63. Ooh, and milk.
Copy !req
64. All the cow-type stuff.
Copy !req
65. You mean dairy?
Copy !req
66. Ah, whatever you want to call it,
I got it covered.
Copy !req
67. Huh?
Copy !req
68. Someone just signed up for an ass-kicking.
Copy !req
69. Come on, Rae.
Copy !req
70. Fuck.
Copy !req
71. Fascinating.
Copy !req
72. I'm glad you're impressed.
Copy !req
73. So, it just blew up when you grabbed it?
Copy !req
74. It was spying on me at my house.
Copy !req
75. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
76. So, someone knows who you
really are and where you live?
Copy !req
77. It's worse than that.
They know about my family, too.
Copy !req
78. Hey, Rudy.
Copy !req
79. Wouldn't this go faster
with your undivided attention?
Copy !req
80. This is about analysis, not attention.
Copy !req
81. And it is not the only
pressing issue on my plate.
Copy !req
82. Don't do that.
Copy !req
83. It's creepy.
Copy !req
84. Whoa. What happened to you two?
Copy !req
85. Don't ask.
Copy !req
86. By the way, we're ordering
pizza for dinner.
Copy !req
87. Are we, like, too weird sometimes?
Copy !req
88. Should we just be more normal?
Copy !req
89. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
90. I'm sorry, Mark.
Copy !req
91. This is too damaged
to ascertain who built it
Copy !req
92. or who was controlling it.
Copy !req
93. I believe that was by design.
Copy !req
94. You can't tell me anything about it?
Copy !req
95. It's of Earth origin,
Copy !req
96. and it's extremely sophisticated.
Copy !req
97. That's all.
Copy !req
98. You should be careful.
Copy !req
99. Sorry.
Copy !req
100. Whoever made this
has significant resources
Copy !req
101. at their disposal.
Copy !req
102. Significant resources, huh?
Copy !req
103. Hmm.
Copy !req
104. Shit, I know that look.
Copy !req
105. Tell me you're not about to do
what I think you're about to do.
Copy !req
106. What are you doing here, Mark?
Copy !req
107. Other than costing taxpayers
millions of dollars
Copy !req
108. and assaulting a government institution.
Copy !req
109. You know that's a felony, right?
Copy !req
110. Might even be treason.
Copy !req
111. You know exactly why I'm here.
Copy !req
112. Do me a favor and pretend I don't.
Copy !req
113. You're spying on us again.
Copy !req
114. Whatever that thing is, it's not ours.
Copy !req
115. Don't lie to me, Cecil.
Copy !req
116. If we wanted to spy on you,
Copy !req
117. you'd never know it.
Copy !req
118. Maybe think about that the next time
Copy !req
119. you decide to punch your way
into the Pentagon.
Copy !req
120. Oh, don't let us keep you.
Copy !req
121. This. This is not over.
Copy !req
122. Well, that was a terrifying way
to start my morning.
Copy !req
123. Jesus, look at this mess.
Copy !req
124. What do we do if Mark decides
he doesn't believe us?
Copy !req
125. We hope to hell that doesn't happen.
Copy !req
126. Besides, it's the truth.
Copy !req
127. - But we are spying on the Graysons.
- Yeah,
Copy !req
128. but not with this, Donald.
Copy !req
129. And I'd really like to know who is.
Copy !req
130. I'll get the lab boys on it.
Copy !req
131. Ah, shit.
Copy !req
132. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
133. Hi, stranger. I thought you forgot
Copy !req
134. about our second first date.
Copy !req
135. I was busy committing treason.
Copy !req
136. I'll tell you about it later.
Copy !req
137. You know...
Copy !req
138. I thought this would be weird.
Copy !req
139. Not just a date but like a date date.
Copy !req
140. But the weird thing is—
Copy !req
141. That it isn't weird?
Copy !req
142. Yes.
Copy !req
143. Exactly.
Copy !req
144. Oh. Uh...
Copy !req
145. Did I misread that?
Copy !req
146. No, no, you didn't, but...
Copy !req
147. Please tell me that's not a glowing portal
Copy !req
148. opening up next to our table.
Copy !req
149. You have no idea
how much I wish I could say that.
Copy !req
150. It worked.
Copy !req
151. We found him.
Copy !req
152. I told you all that research
would pay off.
Copy !req
153. Seriously? You guys again?
Copy !req
154. Invincible, you have to come
with us right now.
Copy !req
155. - It's life and death.
- There's no time to explain.
Copy !req
156. Nice one.
Copy !req
157. You know these jokers?
Copy !req
158. They stole the Declaration of Independence
Copy !req
159. when I was busy saving Rex.
Copy !req
160. Ah, you remember us. That's great.
Copy !req
161. I'm not sure it is.
Copy !req
162. I'm Drop Kick and that's Fightmaster.
Copy !req
163. Despite our awesome names,
we're not looking for trouble.
Copy !req
164. We need your help.
Copy !req
165. What? No.
Copy !req
166. You guys should be in prison.
Copy !req
167. We had a good reason
to steal the Declaration.
Copy !req
168. Millions of lives were at stake,
Copy !req
169. and they still are.
Copy !req
170. We're from the future.
Copy !req
171. You have ten seconds to explain.
Copy !req
172. We need you to help us overthrow our king.
Copy !req
173. When we saw you before,
Copy !req
174. we realized all the stories were true.
Copy !req
175. You're the only one strong enough.
Copy !req
176. What are you even talking about?
Copy !req
177. Also, if it's a time machine,
Copy !req
178. can't you come back later? Or earlier?
Copy !req
179. We only have
enough power for this last trip.
Copy !req
180. You have no idea how many people
died to make it happen.
Copy !req
181. Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not
going to the future with you,
Copy !req
182. if that's even where you're from.
Copy !req
183. You're lucky we're on a date,
Copy !req
184. or I'd be taking you both to prison.
Copy !req
185. Maybe you're not the hero
we thought you were.
Copy !req
186. Guess not.
Copy !req
187. I really thought that line would work.
Copy !req
188. God, you're an idiot.
Copy !req
189. Are you sure about this?
Copy !req
190. Yeah. I'm not ruining our date
just because...
Copy !req
191. Mark!
Copy !req
192. Where the hell did you take me?
Copy !req
193. We told you, the future.
Copy !req
194. Take me back now.
Copy !req
195. But you're already here.
We'll prove we're the good guys.
Copy !req
196. And if you help us,
Copy !req
197. we'll give you back
the Declaration of Independence.
Copy !req
198. You two better really need me.
Copy !req
199. Wow. You just have that on all the time?
Copy !req
200. Hey, you're already on thin ice, buddy.
Copy !req
201. Where can I stash my clothes?
Copy !req
202. Hey.
Copy !req
203. Uh... was that me?
Copy !req
204. Why'd I look so miserable?
Copy !req
205. With time travel, it's best not
to ask those kind of questions.
Copy !req
206. Whoa. What happened here?
Copy !req
207. War. Centuries of it.
Copy !req
208. Us versus him,
Copy !req
209. and we lost.
Copy !req
210. - Huh?
- Huh?
Copy !req
211. They think we're the king's spies.
Copy !req
212. They can't break curfew.
Copy !req
213. In the middle of the day?
Copy !req
214. All day. Every day.
Copy !req
215. You're allowed to go out to your work camp
Copy !req
216. or attend a public execution.
Copy !req
217. If it's a family member,
but that's about it.
Copy !req
218. Wait. Start at the beginning.
Copy !req
219. Centuries ago,
Copy !req
220. the planet was on the brink of collapse.
Copy !req
221. Then one man was made ruler of Earth.
Copy !req
222. And he ruled well
for a while.
Copy !req
223. The legends say his brain
worked better back then.
Copy !req
224. Then something changed.
Copy !req
225. We don't know what happened exactly.
Copy !req
226. It was before our time.
Copy !req
227. But slowly he went mad.
Copy !req
228. It began with new laws.
Copy !req
229. Mandatory work camps.
Copy !req
230. Prison for dissenters.
Copy !req
231. Then it got much worse.
Copy !req
232. Senseless wars for no reason.
Copy !req
233. Automatic factories
churning out his Royal Guards.
Copy !req
234. Entire nations punished
and forced to survive
Copy !req
235. without power or technology.
Copy !req
236. When he
personally took ten cities
Copy !req
237. off the map for resisting...
Copy !req
238. that's when the rebellion was born.
Copy !req
239. We tried to stop him, but...
Copy !req
240. he was too strong.
Copy !req
241. We even built a time machine.
Copy !req
242. I built a time machine.
Copy !req
243. So we could look
for solutions in the past.
Copy !req
244. There was a legend that ink
from the Declaration of Independence
Copy !req
245. could make a poison to kill him.
Copy !req
246. But that didn't work either.
Copy !req
247. Then we saw you.
Copy !req
248. And we realized
you could be the one to save us.
Copy !req
249. So, your king is super strong,
Copy !req
250. almost impossible to kill,
Copy !req
251. and has ruled for hundreds of years?
Copy !req
252. Yes.
Copy !req
253. Is he a Viltrumite?
Copy !req
254. We don't know what that is.
Copy !req
255. Hmm. Okay.
Copy !req
256. How can I help?
Copy !req
257. Thank you.
Copy !req
258. - Our next step should be to—
- Make some noise!
Copy !req
259. Whoa!
Copy !req
260. Careful!
Copy !req
261. That ought to get some attention.
Copy !req
262. Halt, citizens!
Copy !req
263. You are in violation of the king's curfew
Copy !req
264. and subject to immediate imprisonment
and/or execution.
Copy !req
265. These are normal robots, right?
Copy !req
266. They're not, like, sentient or something?
Copy !req
267. Uh, no.
Copy !req
268. They're the Royal Guard.
There's millions of them.
Copy !req
269. They enforce the king's madness
on the people.
Copy !req
270. - Okay.
- But before you...
Copy !req
271. Man, they're not tough,
Copy !req
272. but if there's millions,
this is gonna take a while.
Copy !req
273. No, n-n-no, we don't need you
to fight them.
Copy !req
274. We actually want to be captured.
Copy !req
275. It's the fastest way to see the king.
Copy !req
276. Oh. Well, you should've said that.
Copy !req
277. Also, what's the king's name?
Copy !req
278. You are in violation
of the king's curfew
Copy !req
279. and subject to immediate imprisonment
and/or execution.
Copy !req
280. Yeah, we know.
Copy !req
281. Invincible.
We've been waiting for you.
Copy !req
282. Whoa.
Copy !req
283. Yeah,
until you know how it was built.
Copy !req
284. He didn't use robots.
Copy !req
285. The king took our mother
when we were eight.
Copy !req
286. We never saw her again.
Copy !req
287. We grew up in the work camps.
Copy !req
288. That's why we joined the rebellion
Copy !req
289. and why we risked everything
to bring you here.
Copy !req
290. You will see the king now.
Copy !req
291. What's gonna happen to them?
Copy !req
292. Execution.
Copy !req
293. Yeah, I don't think so.
Copy !req
294. No! Stop the king.
Copy !req
295. We can take care of ourselves.
Copy !req
296. - But...
- Please. Just go.
Copy !req
297. Okay, asshole.
Whoever you are, it's over.
Copy !req
298. Hmm.
Copy !req
299. Immortal?
Copy !req
300. Only one man alive knows me by that name.
Copy !req
301. Is it really you?
Copy !req
302. You're the king of Earth?
Copy !req
303. Mark Grayson.
Copy !req
304. You finally came.
Copy !req
305. Thank God.
Copy !req
306. It's been so many years
since you left with your family.
Copy !req
307. I wasn't sure I'd recognize you.
Copy !req
308. Uh, I am not the same Mark you know.
Copy !req
309. I'm from... I guess, the past.
Copy !req
310. You look thin. Weak.
Copy !req
311. Have you been sick again? I...
Copy !req
312. - I thought they found a cure for—
- This isn't about me.
Copy !req
313. What are you doing?
Copy !req
314. Are you hurting people?
Copy !req
315. You left me no choice.
Copy !req
316. It was the only way to bring you back.
Copy !req
317. I didn't want to do it,
but I had to force your hand.
Copy !req
318. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
319. I'm not a Viltrumite!
Copy !req
320. You shouldn't have left me in charge.
Copy !req
321. You're the emperor.
Copy !req
322. You should have known
it was too much for me,
Copy !req
323. especially after so long.
Copy !req
324. I... left you to rule?
Copy !req
325. Don't act like you don't remember!
Copy !req
326. All of this is your fault!
Copy !req
327. I didn't want the responsibility.
Copy !req
328. I was tired, ready to move on.
Copy !req
329. I told you that.
Copy !req
330. But you said...
Copy !req
331. you said I was the only one you trusted.
Copy !req
332. Immortal, I know you.
Copy !req
333. Work camps, killing innocent people, wars?
Copy !req
334. That, that's not who you are.
Copy !req
335. The man you remember is dead,
Copy !req
336. but I didn't receive that privilege.
Copy !req
337. Is this about Kate?
Copy !req
338. Did she... die?
Copy !req
339. Kate?
Copy !req
340. I don't know that name.
Copy !req
341. - I-Is that the red-haired woman you—
- No, not Eve.
Copy !req
342. Kate. You just got engaged.
Copy !req
343. In-in the past, I mean.
Copy !req
344. I've had hundreds of wives.
Copy !req
345. I-I've outlived everyone
I've ever loved.
Copy !req
346. Do you know what that does to a man?
Copy !req
347. Century after century after century?
Copy !req
348. - No, but—
- Of course you don't.
Copy !req
349. You were the lucky one.
Copy !req
350. The gifted one.
Copy !req
351. Your family could endure.
Copy !req
352. You, you need to repay
the debt you owe me.
Copy !req
353. Whether you want to or not.
Copy !req
354. That's why I set all this in motion.
Copy !req
355. What... what do you want me to do?
Copy !req
356. End my torment.
Copy !req
357. I-I can't.
Copy !req
358. I'm sorry, Immortal,
Copy !req
359. but I can't stay here
and I'm not cut out to run the planet.
Copy !req
360. That's not what I meant.
Copy !req
361. I can't believe they thought
two guards would be enough for us.
Copy !req
362. Whoa!
Copy !req
363. Famous last words.
Copy !req
364. Kill me.
Copy !req
365. What?
Copy !req
366. I'm a mere husk of who I was.
Copy !req
367. Be merciful. End my suffering
and the suffering of this planet.
Copy !req
368. No. Just quit.
Copy !req
369. A king cannot quit.
Copy !req
370. He must fall forever.
Copy !req
371. Kill me,
and the power will return to the people.
Copy !req
372. It's the only way
for humanity to rise again.
Copy !req
373. This is what I want, Mark.
Copy !req
374. Look, maybe the me that you know
would kill you,
Copy !req
375. but I don't do that.
Copy !req
376. You left me here.
Copy !req
377. You made me into this monster.
Copy !req
378. How many more must die
because of your mistakes?
Copy !req
379. You will kill me
whether you want to or not.
Copy !req
380. Or you and so many more will die.
Copy !req
381. Just throw yourself into the sun or something.
Copy !req
382. Suicide is a coward's escape!
Copy !req
383. Stop!
Copy !req
384. We don't have to do this.
Copy !req
385. Let me help you.
Copy !req
386. I've fallen for your lies before.
Copy !req
387. They're always the same,
full of false hope.
Copy !req
388. But some things can only end in death.
Copy !req
389. We were friends once.
Copy !req
390. - Do this for me.
- I-I can't.
Copy !req
391. Please.
Copy !req
392. It's working.
Copy !req
393. Shut up.
Copy !req
394. I'll prove to you who I've become.
Copy !req
395. Wait. No!
Copy !req
396. Stop. Stop doing this.
Copy !req
397. There's only one way to stop me.
Copy !req
398. One way to end this forever.
Copy !req
399. One way to save them and everyone else!
Copy !req
400. What kind of man lets others die...
because he won't act?
Copy !req
401. This is the only way!
Copy !req
402. - Please!
- Enough!
Copy !req
403. Uh...
Copy !req
404. I didn't know it was gonna be
like that, but...
Copy !req
405. Thank you.
Copy !req
406. That must have been hard.
Copy !req
407. Don't thank me.
Copy !req
408. Please don't thank me for that.
Copy !req
409. It's what he wanted.
Copy !req
410. So?
Copy !req
411. That's not a reason t-to...
to kill someone.
Copy !req
412. He hurt a lot of people.
Copy !req
413. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
414. But he saved a lot of people, too.
Copy !req
415. That's not enough.
Copy !req
416. He's dead, okay?
Copy !req
417. Just shut up.
Copy !req
418. You got to keep all his parts separated,
Copy !req
419. or he'll just come back.
Copy !req
420. Whoa.
Copy !req
421. The king is dead.
His reign is over.
Copy !req
422. Authority is now transferred
to the people.
Copy !req
423. Well, at least he did that before he died.
Copy !req
424. Look, I know you're not happy,
but you saved our world.
Copy !req
425. - Thank you.
- Just take me home.
Copy !req
426. Ah. It's been a long time coming.
Copy !req
427. There's just one more thing
you need to do.
Copy !req
428. What?
Copy !req
429. Where can I stash my clothes?
Copy !req
430. Hey.
Copy !req
431. Got 'em? Okay.
Copy !req
432. Hold on.
Copy !req
433. How did you...?
Copy !req
434. Oh. It really was time travel.
Copy !req
435. Did they actually need your help?
Copy !req
436. Yeah.
Copy !req
437. I just...
Copy !req
438. Eve, am I a good person?
Copy !req
439. Of course you are.
Copy !req
440. What-what happened there?
Copy !req
441. I saw the Immortal.
Copy !req
442. It was awful.
Copy !req
443. He'd lived too long.
Copy !req
444. He killed people.
Copy !req
445. Enslaved the entire planet.
Copy !req
446. And I had to...
Copy !req
447. I had to stop him.
Copy !req
448. Forever.
Copy !req
449. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
450. He wanted to die.
Copy !req
451. And it was all my fault.
Copy !req
452. I left him in charge of the world.
Copy !req
453. I messed everything up, Eve.
Copy !req
454. Do you remember how we said
the future version of me wasn't me?
Copy !req
455. Yeah.
Copy !req
456. Well, the future version of you
isn't you either.
Copy !req
457. Whatever that was, it wasn't our future.
Copy !req
458. Not anymore at least.
Copy !req
459. I still killed him.
Copy !req
460. Yeah.
Copy !req
461. But it sounds like he was ready to go.
Copy !req
462. I know that doesn't solve this,
Copy !req
463. but we will get through it together.
Copy !req
464. And if you ever turn
into a giant world-conquering dick,
Copy !req
465. I will kick your ass
until you're back in line. Okay?
Copy !req
466. Okay.
Copy !req
467. If you promise to do the same for me.
Copy !req
468. You'd never do something like...
Copy !req
469. Deal.
Copy !req
470. We should get out of here.
Copy !req
471. I ruined another first date.
Copy !req
472. No, I said we should get out of here.
Copy !req
473. I didn't say the date was over.
Copy !req
474. Is that what I think it is?
Copy !req
475. Yeah.
Copy !req
476. We'll need to stop in New York.
Copy !req
477. I think you mean Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
478. What?
Copy !req
479. This is dumb.
Copy !req
480. And way too soon.
Copy !req
481. But...
Copy !req
482. I love you.
Copy !req
483. Well, I don't know if it's dumb or not,
Copy !req
484. but...
Copy !req
485. I love you, too.
Copy !req
486. Hmm?
Copy !req
487. And so, dear audience,
Copy !req
488. we once again turn our attention elsewhere
Copy !req
489. to give young Mark Grayson
and Samantha Eve Wilkins
Copy !req
490. the privacy they deserve.
Copy !req
491. At this very moment, light years away,
Copy !req
492. Allen the Alien sits
in a Viltrumite prison cell.
Copy !req
493. These shackles cannot hold him.
Copy !req
494. These walls cannot hold him.
Copy !req
495. This prison cannot hold him.
Copy !req
496. For Allen the Alien has grown
very strong indeed.
Copy !req
497. But still he waits.
Copy !req
498. Because Allen the Alien
Copy !req
499. has a plan.
Copy !req
500. Goodbye, my friend.
Copy !req
501. Finally.
Copy !req
502. But first, a brief recap
Copy !req
503. for those of you
with short attention spans.
Copy !req
504. Forced into a battle against Anissa,
a Viltrumite
Copy !req
505. with a fearsome reputation,
Allen let himself
Copy !req
506. be taken prisoner in hopes
of discovering if Nolan Grayson,
Copy !req
507. aka Omni-Man, aka Mark's dad,
Copy !req
508. aka possible
Viltrumite ally number three...
Copy !req
509. was still alive.
Copy !req
510. Allen's plan worked.
Copy !req
511. Nolan was alive.
Copy !req
512. But he was also sentenced to death
Copy !req
513. once fully healed,
as per cruel Viltrumite tradition.
Copy !req
514. Using his implanted communication device,
Copy !req
515. Allen told Nolan how he visited Mark
Copy !req
516. to enlist his help in the war
between the Coalition of Planets
Copy !req
517. and the Viltrum Empire.
Copy !req
518. Allen begged Nolan to join their cause,
Copy !req
519. but Nolan refused,
Copy !req
520. convinced that his execution was justified
Copy !req
521. for his betrayal
of both Viltrum and Earth.
Copy !req
522. Still Allen persisted.
Copy !req
523. It wasn't too late
for Nolan to fix his mistakes,
Copy !req
524. or at least help others
in their struggle against the Empire.
Copy !req
525. But Nolan's answer was always the same.
Copy !req
526. No.
Copy !req
527. But then, just as Allen
Copy !req
528. was about to give up,
Copy !req
529. Nolan said something that gave him
Copy !req
530. an inkling all hope was not yet lost.
Copy !req
531. I think...
Copy !req
532. I miss my wife.
Copy !req
533. Allen's discussions with Nolan
Copy !req
534. were interrupted periodically
by his captors' attempts to execute him.
Copy !req
535. Huh?
Copy !req
536. After that, his executions were...
Copy !req
537. put on hold.
Copy !req
538. These guys are
really bad at their jobs.
Copy !req
539. You need to leave.
Copy !req
540. We have been over this
a million times.
Copy !req
541. I'm not going without you.
Copy !req
542. This is different now.
Copy !req
543. Soon my executioners will arrive.
Copy !req
544. They aren't like these others.
Copy !req
545. They're Viltrumites.
Copy !req
546. They will kill you.
Copy !req
547. They'll kill you, too,
so here's an idea.
Copy !req
548. Let's break out of here
before that happens.
Copy !req
549. No.
Copy !req
550. Come on, man.
Copy !req
551. With you on our side, we can win this war.
Copy !req
552. I'm not on your side.
Copy !req
553. I'm not on anyone's side.
Copy !req
554. I disgraced my people.
Copy !req
555. - I betrayed my family.
- Oh, my God, this again.
Copy !req
556. - I abandoned my sons.
- I cannot take this anymore.
Copy !req
557. - I... why did they not use a bigger laser?
- I committed crimes
Copy !req
558. against everyone
and everything I hold dear.
Copy !req
559. So make it right.
Copy !req
560. Forget your people, unbetray your family,
Copy !req
561. and help me, Mark,
and whatever that other kid's name is
Copy !req
562. stop the Empire.
Copy !req
563. No.
Copy !req
564. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
565. Then I guess we will both
just die together.
Copy !req
566. I guess we will.
Copy !req
567. They had reached an impasse.
Copy !req
568. And Allen and Nolan waited
for their death to arrive
Copy !req
569. from the darkness of space.
Copy !req
570. Nolan.
Copy !req
571. I thought
you'd forgotten about me.
Copy !req
572. We never forget our duty.
Copy !req
573. It's a shame
we can't say the same for you.
Copy !req
574. Are you prepared?
Copy !req
575. Goodbye, my friend.
Copy !req
576. And with that, dear audience,
Copy !req
577. we rejoin Allen the Alien
Copy !req
578. as he risks everything
to save a former enemy
Copy !req
579. and brand-new friend
Copy !req
580. who doesn't wish to be saved.
Copy !req
581. It's not your time to die yet, pal.
Copy !req
582. You abandoned
your mission to subjugate Earth.
Copy !req
583. But that is only one of your many crimes.
Copy !req
584. Desertion.
Copy !req
585. Unapproved breeding
Copy !req
586. with an inferior species.
Copy !req
587. Murder.
Copy !req
588. Treason.
Copy !req
589. Do you have anything to say
Copy !req
590. in your defense?
Copy !req
591. Let the ritual continue.
Copy !req
592. May you die with more dignity
Copy !req
593. than you lived.
Copy !req
594. Crap. I thought I'd have more time.
Copy !req
595. Oh, hey, guys.
Copy !req
596. No hard feelings, right?
Copy !req
597. Ow! Fuck! Ow! Shit! Fuck! Stop!
Copy !req
598. Fuck!
Copy !req
599. Ow! Gah... Ah!
Copy !req
600. Why should I have all the fun?
Copy !req
601. Yes! That's right!
Copy !req
602. Get it out! We can do this!
Copy !req
603. Go, go! I believe in you! Go!
Copy !req
604. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
605. Oh-ho. Now we're talking.
Copy !req
606. Hi. Um, hello. It's Allen.
Copy !req
607. Uh, I don't know who's in there,
Copy !req
608. but there is a party going on outside.
Copy !req
609. Do you want to bring the punch?
Copy !req
610. Who possesses the courage
Copy !req
611. to dare free Battle Beast?
Copy !req
612. That, uh, that would be me.
Copy !req
613. Um... sir.
Copy !req
614. Sir Beast.
Copy !req
615. This party you speak of,
Copy !req
616. will there be opponents
worthy of my strength?
Copy !req
617. Uh, yes.
Copy !req
618. I-I mean, ab-absolutely. Yes.
Copy !req
619. Hmm.
Copy !req
620. Viltrumites?
Copy !req
621. Oh, man, yes. We definitely got them.
Copy !req
622. How many?
Copy !req
623. This is getting very specific.
Copy !req
624. Th-There's like three,
Copy !req
625. but one's a pal,
Copy !req
626. so hands off him.
Copy !req
627. But the other two,
Copy !req
628. they're fair game.
Copy !req
629. "Fair game."
Copy !req
630. This term pleases me.
Copy !req
631. Hold on, Nolan. We're coming.
Copy !req
632. What? No. Leave me be, alien.
Copy !req
633. We all know
the stories of the great Nolan.
Copy !req
634. The wars, the triumphs,
Copy !req
635. the civilizations you conquered.
Copy !req
636. What sickness could have changed you so?
Copy !req
637. Maybe it was in him all along.
Copy !req
638. We should investigate his lineage
Copy !req
639. in case the rot goes deeper.
Copy !req
640. Yes! Check it out!
Copy !req
641. Was your betrayal worth death?
Copy !req
642. Answer me!
Copy !req
643. Yes.
Copy !req
644. And I'm sad you'll never understand.
Copy !req
645. Come on. He's this way.
Copy !req
646. You promised me Viltrumites.
Copy !req
647. These creatures offer me
no challenge whatsoever.
Copy !req
648. Yes, I know. Almost there.
Copy !req
649. I could have sworn this
was the execution room.
Copy !req
650. Deceiver!
Copy !req
651. You have no honor.
Copy !req
652. You promised me a glorious battle,
Copy !req
653. yet the only worthy opponent I see here
Copy !req
654. is you.
Copy !req
655. Whoa. Hey.
Copy !req
656. Uh, hello? Let's just...
Copy !req
657. Uh, how about we just calm down?
Copy !req
658. Okay. So it is now obvious to me
Copy !req
659. that was a dumb thing to say
Copy !req
660. and you don't really do calm,
Copy !req
661. so I apologize.
Copy !req
662. Hey, Nolan.
Copy !req
663. Any idea where you are? Nolan?
Copy !req
664. Wait!
Copy !req
665. Choose your last words.
Copy !req
666. Huh?
Copy !req
667. Sorry we're late.
Copy !req
668. Oh, man. You look terrible.
Copy !req
669. Did you guys do this?
Copy !req
670. That's not very nice.
Copy !req
671. I told you to go.
Copy !req
672. You should have listened to him.
Copy !req
673. Viltrumites.
Copy !req
674. At long last,
Copy !req
675. my thirst for battle can be satiated.
Copy !req
676. Forgive him, he's a fan.
Copy !req
677. He's been really wanting to meet you guys.
Copy !req
678. Long have I waited
Copy !req
679. for such a worthy challenge.
Copy !req
680. I will savor this.
Copy !req
681. And if this conflict
brings about the end of my life,
Copy !req
682. I will savor it all the more.
Copy !req
683. I'll kill you for that.
Copy !req
684. Is that a promise?
Copy !req
685. Hold on, man.
Copy !req
686. We'll get you free in a sec.
Copy !req
687. I said go.
Copy !req
688. I hear you, but I'm gonna do this anyway.
Copy !req
689. Huh, so you're the special Unopan.
Copy !req
690. I mean, I don't like to brag.
Copy !req
691. Ouch.
Copy !req
692. You're not so special.
Copy !req
693. Stop. No.
Copy !req
694. Ugh. Sorry I ruined
your execution, Nolan.
Copy !req
695. Looks like I'm going first.
Copy !req
696. Get away from him!
Copy !req
697. Good to see you, man.
Copy !req
698. Did you get a haircut?
Copy !req
699. Did you trim your mustache?
Copy !req
700. - Did you style your mustache?
- Get up.
Copy !req
701. You disgrace yourself again!
Copy !req
702. I knew you had it in you.
Copy !req
703. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
704. I hate these guys.
Copy !req
705. Do you think Battle Beast
can survive in space?
Copy !req
706. Probably, right?
Copy !req
707. What?
Copy !req
708. Yes! I want to high-five you
or something because we won,
Copy !req
709. but that was super gross,
Copy !req
710. so it kind of feels inappropriate.
Copy !req
711. You, uh, you see that other Viltrumite
Copy !req
712. or, uh, or our furry friend anywhere?
Copy !req
713. Not since you took
the fight outside.
Copy !req
714. Maybe he bailed,
Copy !req
715. but then, uh, what happened
to that Viltrumite?
Copy !req
716. More!
Copy !req
717. I need more!
Copy !req
718. I mean, must be
around here somewhere.
Copy !req
719. For someone who almost died,
Copy !req
720. you recovered very quickly.
Copy !req
721. Yes, I did.
All thanks to you, buddy.
Copy !req
722. Getting in there, saving my life.
Copy !req
723. Way to go, man.
Copy !req
724. Okay, maybe I let him work me over
Copy !req
725. a little more than I had to.
Copy !req
726. He could have killed you.
Copy !req
727. Oh, I know.
Copy !req
728. But, uh, you needed the motivation.
Copy !req
729. Look,
Copy !req
730. I still wish you would join our cause,
Copy !req
731. but if you don't want
to betray your people,
Copy !req
732. even though they are
psychopathic murderers,
Copy !req
733. I get it.
Copy !req
734. I just didn't want to watch you die.
Copy !req
735. Why?
Copy !req
736. We did time together
in the big house.
Copy !req
737. That makes us friends now.
Copy !req
738. No Viltrumite
Copy !req
739. would do such a thing for another.
Copy !req
740. I mean, you would.
Copy !req
741. For Debbie and Mark
Copy !req
742. and that purple kid you told me about.
Copy !req
743. And for me, apparently.
Copy !req
744. Just now. 'Cause you did.
Copy !req
745. Anyway, we all need to skedaddle
Copy !req
746. before Planet Punch sends reinforcements.
Copy !req
747. Maybe we can hotwire that,
uh, that-that fine-looking
Copy !req
748. hunk of metal over there.
Copy !req
749. No one's coming.
Copy !req
750. What?
Copy !req
751. We don't need to worry.
Copy !req
752. No reinforcements are coming.
Copy !req
753. I mean, there was definitely time
Copy !req
754. for the prison to make a distress call
back to Viltrum HQ.
Copy !req
755. They'll know what happened,
Copy !req
756. but they won't come.
Copy !req
757. They can't.
Copy !req
758. Okay, I'm gonna need
a little more to go on
Copy !req
759. than an incomplete thought
and a mysterious look.
Copy !req
760. There are fewer than
50 pure-blooded Viltrumites
Copy !req
761. left in the universe.
Copy !req
762. This is the Empire's
most closely guarded secret.
Copy !req
763. It's also why we can beat them.
Copy !req
764. With their story now told,
Copy !req
765. and Nolan and Allen finally free
Copy !req
766. and ready to join the war against Viltrum,
Copy !req
767. we turn our attention back
to the Grayson household,
Copy !req
768. where Mark and Eve are, uh,
Copy !req
769. ha-happily enjoying each other's company.
Copy !req
770. Mark? Are you home?
Copy !req
771. Mark?
Copy !req
772. Hey, Mom.
Copy !req
773. What's up?
Copy !req
774. Uh, I-I thought
I heard something.
Copy !req
775. Why is your door locked?
Copy !req
776. I... uh... I-I'm not dressed.
Copy !req
777. Hmm?
Copy !req
778. Okay, well, have a good night.
Copy !req
779. Good night.
Copy !req
780. - Is she gone?
- What was that?
Copy !req
781. Nothing, Mom.
Copy !req
782. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
783. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
784. We got to get our own place.
Copy !req
785. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req