1. Three, two...
Copy !req
2. Okay.
Copy !req
3. - Next, on iCarly...
Copy !req
4. - We want to show you guys
Copy !req
5. an awesome new product for sale.
Copy !req
6. - You've all seen
Copy !req
7. that stupid commercial
Copy !req
8. for that crazy blanket
Copy !req
9. with the sleeves, right?
Copy !req
10. - Well, we found something
Copy !req
11. even crazier and stupider.
Copy !req
12. - And we don't mean Freddie.
Copy !req
13. Right up there. Look.
Copy !req
14. How many
Copy !req
15. times has this happened to you?
Copy !req
16. You're just sitting
Copy !req
17. on your couch,
Copy !req
18. trying to polish
Copy !req
19. your bowling ball,
Copy !req
20. but your blanket
Copy !req
21. keeps flying off your body.
Copy !req
22. - My blanket keeps flying
Copy !req
23. off my body.
Copy !req
24. Well, forget blankets,
Copy !req
25. 'cause now there's...
Copy !req
26. The sack.
Copy !req
27. The sack?
Copy !req
28. With the sack,
Copy !req
29. you'll stay warm and cozy
Copy !req
30. while doing all the fun things
Copy !req
31. you enjoy, like making dinner.
Copy !req
32. Surfing the web.
Copy !req
33. Showering.
Copy !req
34. Even enjoying
Copy !req
35. hot bowls of chowder.
Copy !req
36. Made of a super-soft, thick,
Copy !req
37. luxurious fabric of some sort,
Copy !req
38. the sack comes in rash red,
Copy !req
39. mucus green,
Copy !req
40. pus yellow or blue.
Copy !req
41. Order now,
Copy !req
42. and you'll also get
Copy !req
43. this photo of a 1996 penny.
Copy !req
44. - Hey, nice sacks.
Copy !req
45. We know.
Copy !req
46. Order now!
Copy !req
47. - All right, now,
Copy !req
48. lately at iCarly,
Copy !req
49. we've been thinkin' about...
Copy !req
50. - See, kids don't eat
Copy !req
51. enough vegetables these days.
Copy !req
52. - So we're gonna set
Copy !req
53. a good example.
Copy !req
54. - Watch this.
Copy !req
55. - Ow.
Copy !req
56. What's wrong?
Copy !req
57. I don't know.
Copy !req
58. - Oh, my God, you lost a tooth.
Copy !req
59. - See what you get
Copy !req
60. for eatin' vegetables?
Copy !req
61. In five,
Copy !req
62. four, three, two...
Copy !req
63. - Ow, ow. Ah...
Copy !req
64. - Stop that.
Copy !req
65. - Come on, I'm hungry.
Copy !req
66. - But you just had a tooth
Copy !req
67. fall out.
Copy !req
68. - You can't be eating corn
Copy !req
69. on the cob.
Copy !req
70. - Ah, what's the big shizz?
Copy !req
71. It's normal for teeth
Copy !req
72. to fall out.
Copy !req
73. - Yeah, when you're five.
Copy !req
74. - Or ninety.
Copy !req
75. - How long has it been
Copy !req
76. since you went to a dentist?
Copy !req
77. - I don't know, two...
Copy !req
78. Twelve years.
Copy !req
79. - What?
Copy !req
80. - Years?
Copy !req
81. You're supposed to go
Copy !req
82. every six months.
Copy !req
83. - Yeah, I'll add that to my list
Copy !req
84. of things that'll never happen.
Copy !req
85. Ow.
Copy !req
86. - Hey, you guys,
Copy !req
87. which one of these shirts
Copy !req
88. do you think
Copy !req
89. I should wear tomorrow?
Copy !req
90. - To where?
Copy !req
91. - Prison.
Copy !req
92. - Prison?
Copy !req
93. - Oh, my God,
Copy !req
94. what did you download?
Copy !req
95. - Nothing. Yeah, nothing.
Copy !req
96. That's not
Copy !req
97. why I'm going to prison.
Copy !req
98. - Then why?
Copy !req
99. - To teach art.
Copy !req
100. I volunteered for this program
Copy !req
101. where people help prisoners
Copy !req
102. learn valuable skills
Copy !req
103. so when they get out,
Copy !req
104. they won't have to go back
Copy !req
105. to a life of crime.
Copy !req
106. - Sure, why would a dude rob
Copy !req
107. a bank when he can build a robot
Copy !req
108. out of soda bottles?
Copy !req
109. - Hey, is she eating my corn?
Copy !req
110. That was the last piece of corn.
Copy !req
111. - No, she's not.
Copy !req
112. But she is going
Copy !req
113. to see a dentist.
Copy !req
114. - Hey, what's on this corn,
Copy !req
115. barbecue sauce?
Copy !req
116. - Sam's blood.
Copy !req
117. All right, Sam,
Copy !req
118. just sit here and let me
Copy !req
119. adjust this for you.
Copy !req
120. - Whoa,
Copy !req
121. what are you doin', lady?
Copy !req
122. - She's just gonna have you
Copy !req
123. lie down.
Copy !req
124. - Oh.
Copy !req
125. Well, I do like lyin' down.
Copy !req
126. - And I'll just put this
Copy !req
127. around your neck.
Copy !req
128. - What, are we having ribs?
Copy !req
129. No.
Copy !req
130. See, when the dentist starts
Copy !req
131. drilling into your teeth—
Copy !req
132. - Drilling my teeth?
Copy !req
133. - No. No. It's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
134. - I don't want to do this.
Copy !req
135. I don't want to do this.
Copy !req
136. - Help me!
Copy !req
137. - Hey, hey, girls,
Copy !req
138. girls, girls.
Copy !req
139. - Hi, doctor Wheeler.
Copy !req
140. This is my friend Sam.
Copy !req
141. She's a little nervous.
Copy !req
142. - I'm way nervous.
Copy !req
143. - She hasn't been
Copy !req
144. to a dentist since—
Copy !req
145. she hasn't been to a dentist.
Copy !req
146. - Sam, there's nothing
Copy !req
147. to be nervous about.
Copy !req
148. - There better not be.
Copy !req
149. - Why don't you go sit
Copy !req
150. in the waiting room,
Copy !req
151. and I'll get Sam's teeth
Copy !req
152. all fixed up.
Copy !req
153. - Okay. Stay blonde.
Copy !req
154. - Stay brown.
Copy !req
155. - What are you—?
Copy !req
156. - No! No!
Copy !req
157. - Help us!
Copy !req
158. - Thank you, officers.
Copy !req
159. I'll take it from here.
Copy !req
160. - You sure
Copy !req
161. you don't want us to stay?
Copy !req
162. - Nah, if I'm gonna teach these
Copy !req
163. guys about art,
Copy !req
164. I need to show them
Copy !req
165. that I trust them.
Copy !req
166. - Whatever you say.
Copy !req
167. If you need us, just yell.
Copy !req
168. - No worries.
Copy !req
169. Hello, gentlemen.
Copy !req
170. My name is Spencer,
Copy !req
171. and I'm gonna be
Copy !req
172. teaching you guys
Copy !req
173. about sculpting.
Copy !req
174. Ah!
Copy !req
175. - Help me! Help me!
Copy !req
176. - Sorry.
Copy !req
177. We should've warned you
Copy !req
178. about that guy.
Copy !req
179. He's always trying
Copy !req
180. to kill somebody.
Copy !req
181. - Yeah, that would've been
Copy !req
182. good to know.
Copy !req
183. - Yeah.
Copy !req
184. - As I was saying,
Copy !req
185. I'm gonna teach you guys
Copy !req
186. about sculpting,
Copy !req
187. which, of course, is art.
Copy !req
188. Now, I think of art as a
Copy !req
189. physical expression of emotion.
Copy !req
190. So, let's start by talking about
Copy !req
191. the emotions you guys
Copy !req
192. are feeling right now.
Copy !req
193. - Stabbing.
Copy !req
194. - Stabbing isn't really
Copy !req
195. an emotion.
Copy !req
196. It's more of an activity
Copy !req
197. that I hope you don't do to me.
Copy !req
198. See, an emotion
Copy !req
199. is more of a feeling.
Copy !req
200. - Well, maybe, I feel stabby.
Copy !req
201. - So, sculpting—
Copy !req
202. why don't we come up
Copy !req
203. with an idea for a sculpture
Copy !req
204. we can all build together?
Copy !req
205. - A knife.
Copy !req
206. - No.
Copy !req
207. Let's think of something big
Copy !req
208. and not deadly.
Copy !req
209. - How about
Copy !req
210. a big pair of pants?
Copy !req
211. - Okay, we all seem excited
Copy !req
212. about that, so great, sure.
Copy !req
213. Let's sculpt
Copy !req
214. a big pair of pants.
Copy !req
215. - Hey, he wants to apologize
Copy !req
216. for trying to kill you.
Copy !req
217. - All right.
Copy !req
218. - Listen, I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
219. Aah!
Copy !req
220. - Apology accepted!
Copy !req
221. - Ooh, her teeth look good.
Copy !req
222. - Yep.
Copy !req
223. I replaced the missing tooth
Copy !req
224. and filled three other cavities.
Copy !req
225. - You hear that, Sam?
Copy !req
226. - You're blurry,
Copy !req
227. pretty blurry girl.
Copy !req
228. Why is she giggly?
Copy !req
229. - We had to give her
Copy !req
230. some nitrous oxide
Copy !req
231. to calm her down.
Copy !req
232. - Nitrous?
Copy !req
233. - Laughing gas.
Copy !req
234. She'll be a little loopy
Copy !req
235. for awhile.
Copy !req
236. Now come on,
Copy !req
237. let's go check her X-rays.
Copy !req
238. - How ya doin'?
Copy !req
239. - Okay.
Copy !req
240. But we need to get out of here.
Copy !req
241. I gotta go to the dentist.
Copy !req
242. - We're at the dentist.
Copy !req
243. - Whoa.
Copy !req
244. That was fast.
Copy !req
245. Oh, man, it's gone.
Copy !req
246. - What's gone?
Copy !req
247. - My thumb.
Copy !req
248. It was there a second ago.
Copy !req
249. - Here.
Copy !req
250. See? Your thumb came back.
Copy !req
251. - Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
252. What's so funny?
Copy !req
253. - You.
Copy !req
254. You're acting all loopy
Copy !req
255. from the gas
Copy !req
256. the dentist gave you.
Copy !req
257. - Oh.
Copy !req
258. Hey.
Copy !req
259. - What?
Copy !req
260. - Come here. Come here.
Copy !req
261. What is it?
Copy !req
262. - I wanna tell you a secret.
Copy !req
263. - Okay.
Copy !req
264. - Come here.
Copy !req
265. - I'm already here.
Copy !req
266. What's the secret?
Copy !req
267. - I like fried chicken.
Copy !req
268. - It's not a secret
Copy !req
269. that you like fried chicken.
Copy !req
270. - I know.
Copy !req
271. I got scared to tell you
Copy !req
272. my real secret.
Copy !req
273. - Just tell me.
Copy !req
274. - Okay. Come here.
Copy !req
275. - I already come here-d.
Copy !req
276. - You know that kid, Freddie?
Copy !req
277. - Yes, I know Freddie.
Copy !req
278. - We kissed.
Copy !req
279. - What?
Copy !req
280. - Me and Freddie kissed.
Copy !req
281. You know...
Copy !req
282. - You and Freddie
Copy !req
283. really kissed?
Copy !req
284. - Shhhh!
Copy !req
285. Don't tell Carly.
Copy !req
286. - Thanks for taking me to the
Copy !req
287. dentist.
Copy !req
288. - I can't understand you
Copy !req
289. with all that cotton
Copy !req
290. in your mouth.
Copy !req
291. - Thanks for taking me
Copy !req
292. to the dentist.
Copy !req
293. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
294. - Hey, the dentist said
Copy !req
295. you can't eat for three hours.
Copy !req
296. - It's okay,
Copy !req
297. it'll be our little secret.
Copy !req
298. - Yeah,
Copy !req
299. not our only little secret.
Copy !req
300. - What do you mean?
Copy !req
301. - Uh, do you not remember
Copy !req
302. what you told me at the dentist?
Copy !req
303. Nah, it's all a blur—
Copy !req
304. just like third
Copy !req
305. through ninth grade.
Copy !req
306. - Hey, I'm home from prison.
Copy !req
307. - Hi.
Copy !req
308. - All right,
Copy !req
309. you people have no food.
Copy !req
310. I'm gonna make a run
Copy !req
311. to Pink Bunny.
Copy !req
312. You guys want yogurt?
Copy !req
313. - No thanks.
Copy !req
314. - So, how was teaching
Copy !req
315. sculpting to prisoners?
Copy !req
316. - Well, it started off
Copy !req
317. pretty interesting
Copy !req
318. when one of my students tried
Copy !req
319. to kill me with his bare hands.
Copy !req
320. - Oh, that sounds fun.
Copy !req
321. - Fun? what's fun about
Copy !req
322. a psychotic—
Copy !req
323. - Sam and Freddie kissed.
Copy !req
324. - Ah!
Copy !req
325. What did you just say?
Copy !req
326. - The dentist gave Sam
Copy !req
327. this loopy gas, and she was all:
Copy !req
328. "Me and Freddie kissed."
Copy !req
329. - No way. Give me the deets.
Copy !req
330. - I don't have any deets.
Copy !req
331. 'Cause after she told me,
Copy !req
332. she whispered:
Copy !req
333. "Shhh. Don't tell Carly."
Copy !req
334. - Why would she tell you
Copy !req
335. not to tell yourself?
Copy !req
336. - I don't know.
Copy !req
337. It was the gas talkin'.
Copy !req
338. She doesn't even remember
Copy !req
339. she told me.
Copy !req
340. So now, I know
Copy !req
341. this insane secret
Copy !req
342. that I'm not supposed to know
Copy !req
343. and she doesn't even know
Copy !req
344. that I know and why wouldn't
Copy !req
345. she want me to know?
Copy !req
346. - Hey, calm down.
Copy !req
347. - Never tell a girl
Copy !req
348. to calm down.
Copy !req
349. Guys always tell girls
Copy !req
350. to calm down and it never works.
Copy !req
351. It just gets us all whipped up.
Copy !req
352. You see me all whipped up now?
Copy !req
353. it's 'cause you told me
Copy !req
354. to calm down.
Copy !req
355. - You know, most guys
Copy !req
356. have to get married
Copy !req
357. to suffer this kind of abuse.
Copy !req
358. - Can you believe
Copy !req
359. Sam and Freddie kissed,
Copy !req
360. and they didn't tell me?
Copy !req
361. - Maybe they didn't.
Copy !req
362. - But why would Sam lie?
Copy !req
363. - I'm not sayin' she lied.
Copy !req
364. When you're on that wacky gas,
Copy !req
365. sometimes you don't know
Copy !req
366. what you're saying.
Copy !req
367. - Well, Sam did think
Copy !req
368. her thumb was missing.
Copy !req
369. - Was it?
Copy !req
370. - No.
Copy !req
371. - So, then Sam and Freddie
Copy !req
372. probably didn't kiss.
Copy !req
373. - Yeah.
Copy !req
374. Yeah.
Copy !req
375. - There's no way
Copy !req
376. Sam wouldn't tell me
Copy !req
377. if that really happened.
Copy !req
378. And there's no way
Copy !req
379. that would happen.
Copy !req
380. - All right then.
Copy !req
381. Now, you wanna hear
Copy !req
382. about my day in prison?
Copy !req
383. - No, I'm good.
Copy !req
384. - Freddie.
Copy !req
385. - Freddie.
Copy !req
386. - Freddie.
Copy !req
387. - Ah!
Copy !req
388. - Why so jumpy?
Copy !req
389. - 'Cause you blasted me
Copy !req
390. in the head
Copy !req
391. with pressurized air.
Copy !req
392. - I was here,
Copy !req
393. I know what happened.
Copy !req
394. - So, how'd Sam do
Copy !req
395. at the dentist?
Copy !req
396. - Like you'd expect.
Copy !req
397. - She bit him?
Copy !req
398. - Four times.
Copy !req
399. He may lose part of his finger.
Copy !req
400. But then,
Copy !req
401. the dentist gave her
Copy !req
402. some of that wacky gas.
Copy !req
403. - Nitrous oxide?
Copy !req
404. - Mm-hmm. And then...
Copy !req
405. - What?
Copy !req
406. - Oh, she started saying
Copy !req
407. some pretty weird stuff.
Copy !req
408. - Weird how?
Copy !req
409. - Like, she thought
Copy !req
410. her thumb was missing.
Copy !req
411. - Was it?
Copy !req
412. - No.
Copy !req
413. And... then...
Copy !req
414. She said that you two kissed.
Copy !req
415. - So she really thought
Copy !req
416. her thumb was missing?
Copy !req
417. That's so crazy.
Copy !req
418. - And she said you two kissed.
Copy !req
419. - I'm comin', mom.
Copy !req
420. - Your mom didn't call you.
Copy !req
421. - I heard the whistle.
Copy !req
422. - Is what Sam said true?
Copy !req
423. - No.
Copy !req
424. I'm sure she has both
Copy !req
425. her thumbs.
Copy !req
426. - Did you and Sam kiss?
Copy !req
427. Tell me!
Copy !req
428. No!
Copy !req
429. - Whoa.
Copy !req
430. When did you get so strong?
Copy !req
431. - Same time the voice
Copy !req
432. got lower.
Copy !req
433. - Did you and Sam kiss?
Copy !req
434. - Okay. Yes, it's true.
Copy !req
435. Sam and I kissed.
Copy !req
436. - Oh, my God.
Copy !req
437. - I was bummed about
Copy !req
438. never kissing anyone.
Copy !req
439. And I was out on the balcony,
Copy !req
440. and Sam came out,
Copy !req
441. and she said she'd never kissed
Copy !req
442. anyone either,
Copy !req
443. and then we ended up kissing.
Copy !req
444. - Oh, my God.
Copy !req
445. - It was just one time.
Copy !req
446. Except for that other time,
Copy !req
447. but that might have been
Copy !req
448. Sam's twin sister.
Copy !req
449. I'm still fuzzy
Copy !req
450. on the whole Melanie thing.
Copy !req
451. - You guys are my best friends.
Copy !req
452. How come neither one of you
Copy !req
453. told me?
Copy !req
454. - We promised each other
Copy !req
455. we'd never speak of it again.
Copy !req
456. Oh, man, I've been speaking
Copy !req
457. of it again.
Copy !req
458. - I'm calling Sam right now.
Copy !req
459. - No, if you tell Sam
Copy !req
460. I told you,
Copy !req
461. she'll kick me in places
Copy !req
462. that should never be kicked.
Copy !req
463. - I have to talk to her
Copy !req
464. about this.
Copy !req
465. - Then you got to get her
Copy !req
466. to tell you it happened.
Copy !req
467. - Just let me call.
Copy !req
468. - No, you cannot—
Copy !req
469. She's going to destroy me.
Copy !req
470. - Okay.
Copy !req
471. All right,
Copy !req
472. I'd say this sculpture
Copy !req
473. is just about finished.
Copy !req
474. Yeah.
Copy !req
475. - Yeah.
Copy !req
476. - A seven-foot tall
Copy !req
477. pair of pants.
Copy !req
478. - Yeah. Really nice.
Copy !req
479. - I wanna stab 'em.
Copy !req
480. - You know, I just wanna say
Copy !req
481. I'm really proud of you guys
Copy !req
482. 'cause instead of stealing
Copy !req
483. or beating or stabbing,
Copy !req
484. you worked as a team
Copy !req
485. and built this large
Copy !req
486. pair of pants together.
Copy !req
487. - Well, we owe it all
Copy !req
488. to you, Spence.
Copy !req
489. - To Spencer.
Copy !req
490. - To Spencer.
Copy !req
491. - Thank you. Cheers.
Copy !req
492. This punch is really good.
Copy !req
493. You made this yourself?
Copy !req
494. - Mm-hmm. In my own toilet.
Copy !req
495. - Now, if you'll excuse me,
Copy !req
496. I'm gonna go disinfect my mouth.
Copy !req
497. - Quick.
Copy !req
498. Help us get in the pants.
Copy !req
499. Yo, what up, kiddo?
Copy !req
500. - Just stuff.
Copy !req
501. Hey, check out the sculpture
Copy !req
502. my prisoners made with me.
Copy !req
503. - Nice.
Copy !req
504. But why'd you bring it home?
Copy !req
505. Well,
Copy !req
506. I was gonna leave it with them,
Copy !req
507. but they really wanted me
Copy !req
508. to have it.
Copy !req
509. I think they really liked me.
Copy !req
510. - How come you're all sweaty?
Copy !req
511. 'Cause I had to lug
Copy !req
512. this thing all the way up here.
Copy !req
513. Weird, it's a lot heavier
Copy !req
514. than I thought it would be.
Copy !req
515. I'm gonna go to the Armenian
Copy !req
516. bakery across the street.
Copy !req
517. - Why?
Copy !req
518. - For some lama-june.
Copy !req
519. Wanna come?
Copy !req
520. - What's lama-june?
Copy !req
521. - Some kinda food.
Copy !req
522. - I'll pass.
Copy !req
523. - Bye. Hi.
Copy !req
524. - Hey.
Copy !req
525. See you.
Copy !req
526. - Whatever.
Copy !req
527. All right, I'm here.
Copy !req
528. Where's the bacon-flavored
Copy !req
529. ice cream?
Copy !req
530. - There is no bacon-flavored
Copy !req
531. ice cream.
Copy !req
532. - But your text said—
Copy !req
533. - I made it up.
Copy !req
534. But I brought my big spoon.
Copy !req
535. How can you—
Copy !req
536. what up with the gigantic pants?
Copy !req
537. - Listen.
Copy !req
538. - Okay.
Copy !req
539. - We're best friends, right?
Copy !req
540. - Of course.
Copy !req
541. - And best friends
Copy !req
542. don't keep secrets
Copy !req
543. from each other, do they?
Copy !req
544. - Why, what'd you do? Is it bad?
Copy !req
545. Did you finally do
Copy !req
546. something bad?
Copy !req
547. Holy crab, I love this.
Copy !req
548. - I didn't do anything bad.
Copy !req
549. - Then why are you keeping it
Copy !req
550. a secret?
Copy !req
551. - I'm not the one
Copy !req
552. keeping secrets.
Copy !req
553. - All right, you can have
Copy !req
554. your 20 bucks back.
Copy !req
555. - What 20 bucks?
Copy !req
556. - That I took
Copy !req
557. out of your purse.
Copy !req
558. - You took... you...
Copy !req
559. Sam!
Copy !req
560. - Well, at least
Copy !req
561. it's not a secret anymore.
Copy !req
562. - That wasn't the secret
Copy !req
563. I was talking about.
Copy !req
564. - So I can keep the 20?
Copy !req
565. - No.
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566. Why didn't you tell me
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567. that you and Freddie kissed?
Copy !req
568. - I—
Copy !req
569. - Hey, can I run upstairs
Copy !req
570. for a second and install these—
Copy !req
571. - You spoke of it.
Copy !req
572. Leave me alone, Sam.
Copy !req
573. No.
Copy !req
574. Let me go. Let me—
Copy !req
575. - You swore you'd never tell
Copy !req
576. anyone we kissed.
Copy !req
577. - I didn't!
Copy !req
578. - You told me!
Copy !req
579. - I never told you anything—
Copy !req
580. Yeah, you did!
Copy !req
581. When you were all hopped up
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582. on wacky gas.
Copy !req
583. - Oh.
Copy !req
584. - You know,
Copy !req
585. I tell you guys everything,
Copy !req
586. so it really makes me feel,
Copy !req
587. like, betrayed
Copy !req
588. that my two best friends
Copy !req
589. made out and then didn't even—
Copy !req
590. - No, we didn't make out.
Copy !req
591. - It wasn't like that.
Copy !req
592. - We just did it to do it,
Copy !req
593. you know?
Copy !req
594. - Well, I just think
Copy !req
595. that best friends
Copy !req
596. should be open with each other.
Copy !req
597. I just wish that one of you
Copy !req
598. would've told me
Copy !req
599. so I didn't have to find out
Copy !req
600. by...
Copy !req
601. Hello.
Copy !req
602. - Hiya.
Copy !req
603. - Hey.
Copy !req
604. - You're prisoners?
Copy !req
605. - Used to be.
Copy !req
606. - And you guys
Copy !req
607. were inside the pants?
Copy !req
608. - Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
609. - Well, you do realize
Copy !req
610. we have to call the police.
Copy !req
611. - Yeah, I guess.
Copy !req
612. But before you do that,
Copy !req
613. you guys got any duct tape?
Copy !req
614. - Why did you tell them
Copy !req
615. where the duct tape was?
Copy !req
616. - I don't know.
Copy !req
617. I was trying to be helpful.
Copy !req
618. - Yeah, you helped 'em,
Copy !req
619. all right.
Copy !req
620. - Well, it's Freddie's fault.
Copy !req
621. When you see prisoners escaping,
Copy !req
622. you don't announce
Copy !req
623. that you're gonna call the cops.
Copy !req
624. "Well, you do realize
Copy !req
625. we have to call the police".
Copy !req
626. - Man, this duct tape
Copy !req
627. is really strong.
Copy !req
628. - I hate being restricted.
Copy !req
629. - Don't worry.
Copy !req
630. Soon we'll all be free
Copy !req
631. and then I'll turn my back
Copy !req
632. and you guys can resume
Copy !req
633. kissing behind it.
Copy !req
634. - We promised no more secrets.
Copy !req
635. - Never again.
Copy !req
636. - From now on, we all tell
Copy !req
637. each other everything.
Copy !req
638. - All right?
Copy !req
639. - You'll tell me everything?
Copy !req
640. - Yeah.
Copy !req
641. - Swear.
Copy !req
642. - How long was it?
Copy !req
643. - What?
Copy !req
644. - How long did you guys kiss?
Copy !req
645. - I don't know.
Copy !req
646. - Like seven seconds?
Copy !req
647. - Seven, eight?
Copy !req
648. - Oh.
Copy !req
649. And was it fun?
Copy !req
650. - Fun?
Copy !req
651. Yeah.
Copy !req
652. I mean, did you guys,
Copy !req
653. you know, like it?
Copy !req
654. - Carly, where's my banjo?
Copy !req
655. - Over there by your robot but—
Copy !req
656. Yeah. Whew.
Copy !req
657. - Why do you need your banjo
Copy !req
658. all of a sudden?
Copy !req
659. - 'Cause I was just
Copy !req
660. across the street
Copy !req
661. at that Armenian bakery,
Copy !req
662. and I met this girl there
Copy !req
663. buyin' some lama-june,
Copy !req
664. so I start chattin' her up,
Copy !req
665. turns out she loves banjo music.
Copy !req
666. She's gonna freak.
Copy !req
667. - Okay.
Copy !req
668. We've got to get out of this.
Copy !req
669. On three?
Copy !req
670. - One...
Copy !req
671. - Two...
Copy !req
672. - Three!
Copy !req
673. Well, that didn't work.
Copy !req
674. - Sam!
Copy !req
675. - Just let me eat the chicken.
Copy !req
676. - No. You need to go
Copy !req
677. to iCarly.com.
Copy !req
678. - After I eat the chicken?
Copy !req
679. - No, you should be
Copy !req
680. - Why, is there an awesome
Copy !req
681. new video on iCarly.com?
Copy !req
682. - Yeah.
Copy !req
683. - Is there a new blog on
Copy !req
684. iCarly.com?
Copy !req
685. - Yeah, and pics
Copy !req
686. and other cool stuff.
Copy !req
687. - All at iCarly.com?
Copy !req
688. - All at iCarly.com.
Copy !req
689. - Come on,
Copy !req
690. Let's eat the chicken.
Copy !req
691. - No.
Copy !req
692. - Bummer.
Copy !req
693. Mmm!
Copy !req