1. - It was really of your mom
Copy !req
2. to give me a ride home from
Copy !req
3. school.
Copy !req
4. - Nah, she likes me
Copy !req
5. hanging out with you
Copy !req
6. 'cause she thinks
Copy !req
7. it'll keep me out of jail.
Copy !req
8. - Hey, why did it take you guys
Copy !req
9. so long to get home from school?
Copy !req
10. - 'Cause my mom had
Copy !req
11. to stop at SaveRite
Copy !req
12. to pick up her ointment.
Copy !req
13. Any more questions?
Copy !req
14. - I'm home.
Copy !req
15. - Bonjour.
Copy !req
16. - Hi, hey, yo, can't
Copy !req
17. talk, super busy.
Copy !req
18. - Okay, what is up with you?
Copy !req
19. - There's an art gallery
Copy !req
20. downtown that wants to showcase
Copy !req
21. new works by great
Copy !req
22. unknown artists.
Copy !req
23. - Awesome, you're
Copy !req
24. a great artist.
Copy !req
25. - And you're definitely unknown.
Copy !req
26. - Thank you.
Copy !req
27. - How do you get your
Copy !req
28. stuff in the gallery?
Copy !req
29. - They have to think
Copy !req
30. it's really good,
Copy !req
31. which is why I gotta finish
Copy !req
32. my latest three sculptures
Copy !req
33. that I call...
Copy !req
34. Yippee-Yi Yo-Yo,
Copy !req
35. The Elephant Cycle,
Copy !req
36. and my Christmas tree of noses,
Copy !req
37. which I call Merry Sniffmas.
Copy !req
38. Now, I gotta finish these!
Copy !req
39. I can't talk!
Copy !req
40. Do you realize this gallery is
Copy !req
41. the place where Harry Joyner
Copy !req
42. first showcased his artwork
Copy !req
43. almost 20 years ago?
Copy !req
44. - Who's Harry Joyner?
Copy !req
45. - Harry Joyner's Spencer's
Copy !req
46. favorite pop artist.
Copy !req
47. - Of all time!
Copy !req
48. - Sure, I'll have a snack.
Copy !req
49. - I didn't offer you a snack.
Copy !req
50. - Well, let's pretend you did.
Copy !req
51. - Okay, where's my green yo-yo?
Copy !req
52. I just had my green yo-yo!
Copy !req
53. - It's in your hand?
Copy !req
54. - It's in my hand!
Copy !req
55. - Man, I've never seen
Copy !req
56. Spencer so freaked out.
Copy !req
57. - I know, I wish we
Copy !req
58. could calm him down.
Copy !req
59. - Where's my hot glue gun?
Copy !req
60. I can't work with cold glue!
Copy !req
61. - He seriously thinks
Copy !req
62. that gallery
Copy !req
63. won't like his sculptures?
Copy !req
64. - All creative people
Copy !req
65. worry their stuff's lame.
Copy !req
66. That's an artist thing.
Copy !req
67. - Hey, what if we get
Copy !req
68. Harry Joyner to come here?
Copy !req
69. Do you know how much
Copy !req
70. it would mean to Spencer
Copy !req
71. if his idol
Copy !req
72. complimented his art?
Copy !req
73. - Well, yeah, but isn't that
Copy !req
74. Joyner dude, like, famous?
Copy !req
75. - How are you gonna get him?
Copy !req
76. - He lives in Seattle.
Copy !req
77. I could send him an email.
Copy !req
78. Worth a shot.
Copy !req
79. - Okay, I am missing a nose.
Copy !req
80. I had another nose just
Copy !req
81. like these two noses,
Copy !req
82. and now I can't find it.
Copy !req
83. - Email that dude fast.
Copy !req
84. - Like, soon.
Copy !req
85. - Or now.
Copy !req
86. In five,
Copy !req
87. four, three, two...
Copy !req
88. - Look at Lewbert.
Copy !req
89. - Worst doorman ever.
Copy !req
90. - I know.
Copy !req
91. Who eats half a cheeseburger,
Copy !req
92. then falls asleep?
Copy !req
93. - Someone who just lost the
Copy !req
94. other half of his cheeseburger.
Copy !req
95. - Sam, gross.
Copy !req
96. It's not my fault.
Copy !req
97. Waiting around for people
Copy !req
98. makes me crave meat.
Copy !req
99. - Do you even know what
Copy !req
100. Harry Joyner looks like?
Copy !req
101. - Yeah, you know, he looks like
Copy !req
102. a man, with a face and hair.
Copy !req
103. - Yeah, I have an uncle
Copy !req
104. that looks a lot like that.
Copy !req
105. - So what did you say
Copy !req
106. in your email
Copy !req
107. to get Joyner to come here?
Copy !req
108. - It wasn't what I said.
Copy !req
109. It was the pictures I attached
Copy !req
110. of Spencer's sculptures.
Copy !req
111. - Joyner liked 'em?
Copy !req
112. - I guess.
Copy !req
113. He said he wanted to
Copy !req
114. come see them in person.
Copy !req
115. - That is so cool.
Copy !req
116. - You know what else is cool?
Copy !req
117. - What?
Copy !req
118. - Not you.
Copy !req
119. - See! I told ya!
Copy !req
120. Any time a chance comes
Copy !req
121. along for you to insult me,
Copy !req
122. you just gotta jump on it.
Copy !req
123. - You should be nicer to him.
Copy !req
124. - Ha! She couldn't be
Copy !req
125. nicer to me if she tried,
Copy !req
126. 'cause she has no self-control.
Copy !req
127. - I have oodles of self-control.
Copy !req
128. I self-control
Copy !req
129. myself all the time.
Copy !req
130. - Good, then prove it.
Copy !req
131. Don't insult Freddie
Copy !req
132. for a whole week.
Copy !req
133. - No problem.
Copy !req
134. - And what if she does?
Copy !req
135. - Okay, for every insult,
Copy !req
136. you owe Freddie 5 bucks.
Copy !req
137. - Fine.
Copy !req
138. - Good, I'm gonna be rich.
Copy !req
139. - No, 'cause I'm not gonna
Copy !req
140. say one mean word to you.
Copy !req
141. - Really?
Copy !req
142. You want to kiss me?
Copy !req
143. - Kiss you?
Copy !req
144. Dude, I'd rather...
Copy !req
145. not do that at this time, but
Copy !req
146. I appreciate your kind offer.
Copy !req
147. - Impressive.
Copy !req
148. - Good girl.
Copy !req
149. - Pardon me, is
Copy !req
150. one of you Carly?
Copy !req
151. - Harry Joyner?
Copy !req
152. - In the flesh.
Copy !req
153. - Hi! Thanks so much
Copy !req
154. for coming here.
Copy !req
155. - Well, I was intrigued by the
Copy !req
156. photographs you emailed me,
Copy !req
157. so I'd like to see your
Copy !req
158. brother's sculptures
Copy !req
159. with my own eyes.
Copy !req
160. - My god, you have no idea
Copy !req
161. how blown away he's gonna be
Copy !req
162. when he sees you.
Copy !req
163. You're his hero.
Copy !req
164. - Oh.
Copy !req
165. - Come on, let's go upstairs.
Copy !req
166. - My mom is my hero.
Copy !req
167. - This is gonna be a long week.
Copy !req
168. Hey.
Copy !req
169. Hey!
Copy !req
170. Man, I hate this yo-yo.
Copy !req
171. The glue won't stick
Copy !req
172. to the plastic surface.
Copy !req
173. - Why don't you try an
Copy !req
174. adhesive bonding gel?
Copy !req
175. - That's a good idea.
Copy !req
176. How did you—
Copy !req
177. Mr. Joy— Mr. Joy-
Copy !req
178. - Joyner.
Copy !req
179. - Joyner.
Copy !req
180. - Call me Harry.
Copy !req
181. - Okay.
Copy !req
182. Harry? Wow!
Copy !req
183. - Your little sister
Copy !req
184. sent me an email
Copy !req
185. and attached some photos
Copy !req
186. of your sculptures.
Copy !req
187. - You!
Copy !req
188. - Me!
Copy !req
189. Her!
Copy !req
190. - And since I'm working
Copy !req
191. on a new project nearby,
Copy !req
192. I thought I'd pop over and
Copy !req
193. see your work in person.
Copy !req
194. - Well, thanks for popping!
Copy !req
195. What kind of project
Copy !req
196. are you working on?
Copy !req
197. - It's a fantastic one.
Copy !req
198. You see, since I've
Copy !req
199. already made sculptures
Copy !req
200. out of every material
Copy !req
201. known to man,
Copy !req
202. I figured I'd make
Copy !req
203. a sculpture out of man himself.
Copy !req
204. - Like a human sculpture?
Copy !req
205. - Precisely, a human sculpture,
Copy !req
206. which I shall photograph
Copy !req
207. and quite likely frame.
Copy !req
208. But let's talk about
Copy !req
209. your creations.
Copy !req
210. - Well, here-here they are.
Copy !req
211. These are the sculptures
Copy !req
212. I've been working on.
Copy !req
213. - I see.
Copy !req
214. I see.
Copy !req
215. Structure...
Copy !req
216. Interesting, yes.
Copy !req
217. Interesting.
Copy !req
218. I see what you're trying to do.
Copy !req
219. Eh...
Copy !req
220. Alright.
Copy !req
221. - Well?
Copy !req
222. - I don't love them.
Copy !req
223. - Oh.
Copy !req
224. - But you like them, right?
Copy !req
225. - Honestly, I-I don't.
Copy !req
226. I mean, look, these pieces
Copy !req
227. are cute and amusing,
Copy !req
228. but they're amateurish at best.
Copy !req
229. Not to say that
Copy !req
230. they're bad, just...
Copy !req
231. not good.
Copy !req
232. - Alright, then.
Copy !req
233. I've got a rather
Copy !req
234. packed schedule,
Copy !req
235. so I should— I should run.
Copy !req
236. Pleasure to meet you, Spencer.
Copy !req
237. Children.
Copy !req
238. - Spencer...
Copy !req
239. - I gotta...
Copy !req
240. I gotta go, uh, lay down.
Copy !req
241. - Spencer, it's been four hours.
Copy !req
242. I think you need to get
Copy !req
243. off the kitchen table.
Copy !req
244. - Why?
Copy !req
245. Is Santa Claus here to tell me
Copy !req
246. I'm ugly and have no friends?
Copy !req
247. - Spencer, get up.
Copy !req
248. Come on, you need to
Copy !req
249. get off the table.
Copy !req
250. - I'm comfy right here.
Copy !req
251. Ow.
Copy !req
252. - You weren't supposed
Copy !req
253. to fall on the floor.
Copy !req
254. Well, you know...
Copy !req
255. gravity.
Copy !req
256. - So Harry Joyner
Copy !req
257. didn't like your art.
Copy !req
258. He's one person.
Copy !req
259. - Yeah, my number-one
Copy !req
260. idol in the art world
Copy !req
261. and he thinks my sculptures
Copy !req
262. are amateurish and not good.
Copy !req
263. This may be the worst thing
Copy !req
264. that's ever happened in my life.
Copy !req
265. It's like a giant rain cloud
Copy !req
266. has opened up above me and—
Copy !req
267. - Spencer!
Copy !req
268. - No!
Copy !req
269. - Spencer!
Copy !req
270. - No!
Copy !req
271. Spencer, open the door.
Copy !req
272. I want to be alone!
Copy !req
273. - Hey.
Copy !req
274. You want to the Galaxy Wars
Copy !req
275. Convention with me this weekend?
Copy !req
276. I'm dressing up as Nug Nug
Copy !req
277. from the planet Zorcon.
Copy !req
278. - I'm not gonna
Copy !req
279. insult you, Freddie.
Copy !req
280. You're not getting
Copy !req
281. 5 bucks out of me.
Copy !req
282. When I grow up,
Copy !req
283. I wonder what kind of girl
Copy !req
284. will want to marry me.
Copy !req
285. After I take a shower, my mom
Copy !req
286. makes me sign a piece of paper
Copy !req
287. promising that I
Copy !req
288. shampooed twice.
Copy !req
289. - Should I call an ambulance?
Copy !req
290. - Make him stop setting
Copy !req
291. me up to insult him.
Copy !req
292. It's killing me!
Copy !req
293. - You're the one who—
Copy !req
294. - You guys, not now.
Copy !req
295. Spencer's really upset.
Copy !req
296. - Why? Who cares what
Copy !req
297. Harry Joyner thinks?
Copy !req
298. - Spencer does, a lot!
Copy !req
299. I've never seen
Copy !req
300. him this depressed.
Copy !req
301. - This is so dumb.
Copy !req
302. Spencer's sculptures
Copy !req
303. are the best.
Copy !req
304. - I know, but we've all told him
Copy !req
305. that and he won't believe us.
Copy !req
306. - Maybe he needs to hear
Copy !req
307. it from a few more people.
Copy !req
308. - Going live in five,
Copy !req
309. four, three, two...
Copy !req
310. - Hello, people of
Copy !req
311. Earth who own computers.
Copy !req
312. - Congratulations, you've
Copy !req
313. signed on to icarly.com.
Copy !req
314. - So sit back, take
Copy !req
315. off your socks,
Copy !req
316. and enjoy this fine webcast.
Copy !req
317. - I'm Carly!
Copy !req
318. - I'm Sam!
Copy !req
319. - That's not right.
Copy !req
320. - I'm Carly.
Copy !req
321. - I'm Sam.
Copy !req
322. We were
Copy !req
323. momentarily confused.
Copy !req
324. - But no worries.
Copy !req
325. - 'Cause tonight, we got
Copy !req
326. a very special episode
Copy !req
327. of iCarly for ya.
Copy !req
328. - We're gonna take
Copy !req
329. you on a trip—
Copy !req
330. —to a virtual art show—
Copy !req
331. —right here in
Copy !req
332. the iCarly studio.
Copy !req
333. - So you people can see some
Copy !req
334. awesomely cool sculptures.
Copy !req
335. Leave us your comments
Copy !req
336. right here at icarly.com.
Copy !req
337. - Now, you can't have a real art
Copy !req
338. exhibit without music, right?
Copy !req
339. - So say hello to Sam's cousin—
Copy !req
340. —the one who's not in jail—
Copy !req
341. —our friend—
Copy !req
342. —Greg Patello!
Copy !req
343. - Yeah!
Copy !req
344. - Hey, Carly.
Copy !req
345. Hi, Sam.
Copy !req
346. - Hey, dude.
Copy !req
347. - Hi, Greg.
Copy !req
348. Why don't you
Copy !req
349. crank up that flute
Copy !req
350. and get this art exhibit
Copy !req
351. started?
Copy !req
352. - Yeah, baby!
Copy !req
353. - Here we go.
Copy !req
354. - How was that?
Copy !req
355. - Boring.
Copy !req
356. - Now show them how
Copy !req
357. we do it iCarly style.
Copy !req
358. - Hurry, Greg!
Copy !req
359. - [plays upbeat music
Copy !req
360. while beatboxing]
Copy !req
361. - He's playing the flute—
Copy !req
362. —and beatboxing—
Copy !req
363. —at the same time—
Copy !req
364. —all by himself.
Copy !req
365. - My cousin has got talent.
Copy !req
366. - Yeah, baby.
Copy !req
367. - Yeah!
Copy !req
368. Whoo!
Copy !req
369. - Now, we call this
Copy !req
370. next sculpture—
Copy !req
371. - Splatter Man.
Copy !req
372. Wow!
Copy !req
373. - Now, here's an
Copy !req
374. enjoyable sculpture—
Copy !req
375. —which we like to call—
Copy !req
376. Yippee-Yi Yo-Yo!
Copy !req
377. - Now look at this
Copy !req
378. next sculpture.
Copy !req
379. - It's a Christmas tree—
Copy !req
380. —of noses—
Copy !req
381. —appropriately named—
Copy !req
382. Merry Sniffmas!
Copy !req
383. - Baby squirrel made out
Copy !req
384. of video camera parts.
Copy !req
385. - Okay!
Copy !req
386. - Look at this next sculpture.
Copy !req
387. - It's a robot—
Copy !req
388. —made out of soda bottles.
Copy !req
389. - His eyes light up red—
Copy !req
390. —angry or not.
Copy !req
391. - Now, this sculpture
Copy !req
392. is called—
Copy !req
393. —The Bottle Bot.
Copy !req
394. - Not to be confused
Copy !req
395. with Bubble Butt,
Copy !req
396. which is what I call our
Copy !req
397. teacher,
Copy !req
398. the horrible Ms. Briggs.
Copy !req
399. - Why did you say that live on
Copy !req
400. the web? She already hates you.
Copy !req
401. - Which means I have
Copy !req
402. nothing to lose!
Copy !req
403. - Okay, now be sure to
Copy !req
404. leave us your comments—
Copy !req
405. —about all the sculptures
Copy !req
406. we've shown you tonight—
Copy !req
407. —and send us pics of your own
Copy !req
408. artwork right here to iCarly—
Copy !req
409. —dot com.
Copy !req
410. Not dot net.
Copy !req
411. - Dot net is for losers.
Copy !req
412. Bye!
Copy !req
413. - See ya!
Copy !req
414. - You guys showed my artwork
Copy !req
415. on your web show tonight?
Copy !req
416. - Yeah, we did.
Copy !req
417. - And those comments are
Copy !req
418. from some of our viewers.
Copy !req
419. - Yeah, just a few thousand.
Copy !req
420. - They loved your sculptures.
Copy !req
421. - Almost every comment we
Copy !req
422. got said they're awesome.
Copy !req
423. - Except for one from Sam's
Copy !req
424. cousin in jail, who wrote,
Copy !req
425. "Who cares about art?
Copy !req
426. Get me out of this rat hole!"
Copy !req
427. - The point is, our viewers
Copy !req
428. went nuts over your stuff.
Copy !req
429. - Look at all those comments.
Copy !req
430. - Are any of these
Copy !req
431. comments from Harry Joyner?
Copy !req
432. - Would you forget Harry Joyner?
Copy !req
433. - I can't!
Copy !req
434. He's the guy who inspired
Copy !req
435. me to become an artist.
Copy !req
436. - Read these,
Copy !req
437. the thousands of people
Copy !req
438. saying they love
Copy !req
439. your sculptures.
Copy !req
440. - Then give them
Copy !req
441. to those people,
Copy !req
442. 'cause I got myself a new job.
Copy !req
443. - Like, a real job?
Copy !req
444. - You can't have a real job!
Copy !req
445. You're Spencer!
Copy !req
446. - You're an artist.
Copy !req
447. - Nope.
Copy !req
448. Starting tomorrow,
Copy !req
449. I'm a dental assistant.
Copy !req
450. Spencer, open the door.
Copy !req
451. - Freddie, you didn't sign
Copy !req
452. the shampoo agreement.
Copy !req
453. How do I know if
Copy !req
454. you double pooed?
Copy !req
455. - You thought I was kidding.
Copy !req
456. - Come on, Carly,
Copy !req
457. that's not true.
Copy !req
458. - It is true.
Copy !req
459. I've ruined Spencer's life.
Copy !req
460. If I'd never emailed
Copy !req
461. that dumb Harry Joyner,
Copy !req
462. none of this would've
Copy !req
463. ever happened.
Copy !req
464. I'm upset.
Copy !req
465. - Aww, I think
Copy !req
466. someone needs a hug.
Copy !req
467. - Thanks.
Copy !req
468. Uh, Freddie?
Copy !req
469. Freddie, we can un-hug now.
Copy !req
470. - Please let this last.
Copy !req
471. - Hey, I'm home.
Copy !req
472. - Hey!
Copy !req
473. - Hi, kids.
Copy !req
474. - Oh, hey, Mrs. Benson.
Copy !req
475. - Mom, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
476. - Yeah, what's up?
Copy !req
477. - I'm getting ready
Copy !req
478. to go to work,
Copy !req
479. so Mrs. Benson's
Copy !req
480. gonna stay with you.
Copy !req
481. - Here!
Copy !req
482. - I can't leave you alone.
Copy !req
483. - Yeah, you can.
Copy !req
484. Sure you can.
Copy !req
485. Why can't ya?
Copy !req
486. She's gonna stay here!
Copy !req
487. - I brought soy crisps!
Copy !req
488. - Okay, wait, it's after 4:00.
Copy !req
489. Who goes to work in a
Copy !req
490. dental office after 4:00?
Copy !req
491. - This dentist works afternoons
Copy !req
492. and nights for people
Copy !req
493. that can't get away
Copy !req
494. during the day.
Copy !req
495. - Well, you need to quit
Copy !req
496. dentistry
Copy !req
497. and go back to being an artist.
Copy !req
498. - Carly, I'm a
Copy !req
499. dental assistant now.
Copy !req
500. - Whatever, I'm still way
Copy !req
501. too old to have a babysitter.
Copy !req
502. - Oh, now, don't think
Copy !req
503. of me as your babysitter.
Copy !req
504. Think of me more as your
Copy !req
505. gal pal who "hangs" with you
Copy !req
506. during afternoons and evening.
Copy !req
507. - So is this gonna
Copy !req
508. be a regular thing!
Copy !req
509. Not that I don't love your mom.
Copy !req
510. She's awesome.
Copy !req
511. Is this gonna be
Copy !req
512. a regular thing!
Copy !req
513. - For now, yeah.
Copy !req
514. See you later.
Copy !req
515. - But what if— but where are—
Copy !req
516. - I don't know how Freddie
Copy !req
517. lives with his mom.
Copy !req
518. She wouldn't let me
Copy !req
519. eat anything fun.
Copy !req
520. She blocked all the
Copy !req
521. good TV channels.
Copy !req
522. And she made me eat
Copy !req
523. lasagna with a spoon.
Copy !req
524. - Why a spoon?
Copy !req
525. - She says forks are dangerous,
Copy !req
526. that I could stab my tongue.
Copy !req
527. - Yeah, that's not
Copy !req
528. cool, so not cool.
Copy !req
529. Nope, nope, nope.
Copy !req
530. - What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
531. Why are you so jittery?
Copy !req
532. - Because I'm freaking out, man.
Copy !req
533. I'm freaking out!
Copy !req
534. - Why?
Copy !req
535. - I haven't insulted
Copy !req
536. Freddie in days— days!
Copy !req
537. I can't take it.
Copy !req
538. I cannot take it and the
Copy !req
539. week's only half over.
Copy !req
540. - So insult him once just
Copy !req
541. to calm yourself down.
Copy !req
542. - I can't afford the 5 bucks.
Copy !req
543. I spent all my
Copy !req
544. allowance on beef jerky.
Copy !req
545. I can't handle not
Copy !req
546. insulting that boy!
Copy !req
547. - Don't you think my problem
Copy !req
548. with Spencer's
Copy !req
549. a little more
Copy !req
550. important than this?
Copy !req
551. - Yeah, sorry.
Copy !req
552. - It's all that stupid
Copy !req
553. Harry Joyner's fault.
Copy !req
554. I'd like to stab his
Copy !req
555. tongue with a fork!
Copy !req
556. Why did he have to be
Copy !req
557. so mean to Spencer?
Copy !req
558. - You should go talk to him.
Copy !req
559. - Who, Joyner?
Copy !req
560. - Yeah, he's still
Copy !req
561. in town, right?
Copy !req
562. Isn't he doing some
Copy !req
563. big human art sculpture
Copy !req
564. at the Henshaw Warehouse?
Copy !req
565. - Yeah.
Copy !req
566. - Hey, Carly.
Copy !req
567. Hi, Sam.
Copy !req
568. What do you think of
Copy !req
569. my Nug Nug costume?
Copy !req
570. I'm wearing this to the
Copy !req
571. Galaxy Wars Convention.
Copy !req
572. Any comments, Sam?
Copy !req
573. - Move.
Copy !req
574. Have fun at the
Copy !req
575. convention, Nub Nub.
Copy !req
576. - It's Nug Nug.
Copy !req
577. - Whatever!
Copy !req
578. - Alright, let's get
Copy !req
579. this done, people.
Copy !req
580. You there, put your
Copy !req
581. finger in his ear.
Copy !req
582. - Yes, Sir!
Copy !req
583. - Perfect.
Copy !req
584. You, put your left shoe
Copy !req
585. on your right hand.
Copy !req
586. - Hey, Harry, can
Copy !req
587. we talk to you?
Copy !req
588. - What? No.
Copy !req
589. I have to pose all these people
Copy !req
590. and take a photograph
Copy !req
591. before I lose the light.
Copy !req
592. Cheese cube!
Copy !req
593. Mm, I love cubes of cheese.
Copy !req
594. - We just need a second.
Copy !req
595. - Fine, what do you want?
Copy !req
596. Will someone please put
Copy !req
597. a brassiere on the clown?
Copy !req
598. - On it!
Copy !req
599. - Harry?
Copy !req
600. - What?
Copy !req
601. - Ever since you told my brother
Copy !req
602. you didn't like his sculptures,
Copy !req
603. he's been really upset.
Copy !req
604. - You ruined his confidence.
Copy !req
605. - Will someone please
Copy !req
606. rub that man's face
Copy !req
607. on that brick wall over there?
Copy !req
608. - Yes, Sir!
Copy !req
609. - Thank you!
Copy !req
610. - How would you feel if your
Copy !req
611. hero told you your work stunk?
Copy !req
612. - I am my own hero.
Copy !req
613. - Look, even if you
Copy !req
614. think he's terrible,
Copy !req
615. would you please
Copy !req
616. come talk to him?
Copy !req
617. Say something to
Copy !req
618. make him feel better.
Copy !req
619. - I got somebody.
Copy !req
620. - Good, put the
Copy !req
621. freak over there.
Copy !req
622. Sorry, short on time.
Copy !req
623. Alright, let's get
Copy !req
624. this show on the road!
Copy !req
625. - Well, maybe Spencer will
Copy !req
626. be a great dental assistant.
Copy !req
627. - No, he won't.
Copy !req
628. Harry Joyner or no Harry Joyner,
Copy !req
629. Spencer's quitting that job
Copy !req
630. and coming home right now.
Copy !req
631. - Is this on right?
Copy !req
632. - I don't know!
Copy !req
633. - Wow, it's true!
Copy !req
634. They told us in dental school if
Copy !req
635. you push a person's tongue back,
Copy !req
636. you trigger the spit gland.
Copy !req
637. See?
Copy !req
638. - Spencer!
Copy !req
639. - Hi, what are you doing—
Copy !req
640. - We need to talk.
Copy !req
641. - Hey, you can't be in here.
Copy !req
642. I'm working with a patient.
Copy !req
643. - Yeah, seriously,
Copy !req
644. Carly, you gotta go.
Copy !req
645. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, Carly?
Copy !req
646. As in iCarly?
Copy !req
647. Ah ah?
Copy !req
648. - This is your little
Copy !req
649. sister with the web show.
Copy !req
650. - Yeah, that's me.
Copy !req
651. - My kid loves iCarly!
Copy !req
652. - Really?
Copy !req
653. - Sure.
Copy !req
654. You stay as long as you want.
Copy !req
655. - Fun job?
Copy !req
656. - Why are you here?
Copy !req
657. - To bring you home so you
Copy !req
658. can be an artist again.
Copy !req
659. - I can't put my heart into
Copy !req
660. something I'm no good at.
Copy !req
661. And I really like being
Copy !req
662. a dental assistant.
Copy !req
663. It's fun.
Copy !req
664. - You need to go home.
Copy !req
665. - Good, take me there.
Copy !req
666. - I don't get off work until...
Copy !req
667. - Hello, Spencer.
Copy !req
668. - Hi, Harry. How come—
Copy !req
669. - Hey, you can't be in here.
Copy !req
670. I'm working...
Copy !req
671. Wait.
Copy !req
672. Harry Joyner the artist?
Copy !req
673. - Ah ah?
Copy !req
674. - Indeed.
Copy !req
675. - Wow, I love your work.
Copy !req
676. Thank you.
Copy !req
677. - You stay as long as you want.
Copy !req
678. - Ah, ah-ha.
Copy !req
679. - I'll assume that
Copy !req
680. was a compliment.
Copy !req
681. Thank you.
Copy !req
682. - So why are you here?
Copy !req
683. - Carly came by my
Copy !req
684. photoshoot today.
Copy !req
685. She told me you'd decided
Copy !req
686. to quit being an artist.
Copy !req
687. - Yeah, I have.
Copy !req
688. It's okay.
Copy !req
689. It's not your fault
Copy !req
690. my art's terrible.
Copy !req
691. - Your art's not terrible.
Copy !req
692. It's good.
Copy !req
693. Great, actually.
Copy !req
694. - But I thought—
Copy !req
695. - Then why did you say
Copy !req
696. you didn't like it?
Copy !req
697. - Truthfully?
Copy !req
698. When I saw your work,
Copy !req
699. I was jealous.
Copy !req
700. - Jealous? Of me?
Copy !req
701. - Your sculptures are better
Copy !req
702. than anything I've done
Copy !req
703. in a long time.
Copy !req
704. - Now do you believe
Copy !req
705. you're talented?
Copy !req
706. - Spencer, do the world a favor.
Copy !req
707. Be an artist.
Copy !req
708. - Okay.
Copy !req
709. - Hey, uh, if you're as good
Copy !req
710. as he says that you are,
Copy !req
711. how about you building me
Copy !req
712. a sculpture
Copy !req
713. for my waiting room over there?
Copy !req
714. I'll pay you a thousand bucks.
Copy !req
715. - Done!
Copy !req
716. - Um, would you like a little
Copy !req
717. help with that project?
Copy !req
718. - Wait...
Copy !req
719. you're saying you
Copy !req
720. wanna work with me?
Copy !req
721. On a sculpture?
Copy !req
722. - Only if you don't faint
Copy !req
723. every time I talk to you.
Copy !req
724. - Do you think I
Copy !req
725. have too much here?
Copy !req
726. - Don't ask me.
Copy !req
727. Just use as much as
Copy !req
728. you think you need.
Copy !req
729. - I want your opinion.
Copy !req
730. - You don't need my opinion.
Copy !req
731. - I crave your opinion.
Copy !req
732. - I crave a hamburger.
Copy !req
733. - I'll make you a hamburger
Copy !req
734. as soon as we're done.
Copy !req
735. - Alright.
Copy !req
736. - I'm home.
Copy !req
737. - We're here.
Copy !req
738. - Hi, guys.
Copy !req
739. - Hello.
Copy !req
740. - Wow, you got home
Copy !req
741. from school fast.
Copy !req
742. - Sam's mom gave us
Copy !req
743. a ride again.
Copy !req
744. - That was nice of her.
Copy !req
745. - Nah, she just likes
Copy !req
746. dumping me here.
Copy !req
747. - Freddie with you guys?
Copy !req
748. No.
Copy !req
749. But since Carly's home,
Copy !req
750. he'll probably be here in—
Copy !req
751. - What's up?
Copy !req
752. —zero seconds.
Copy !req
753. - I would've been
Copy !req
754. here sooner, but, uh,
Copy !req
755. I was helping my
Copy !req
756. mom knit a sweater.
Copy !req
757. Any comment?
Copy !req
758. - Please let me insult
Copy !req
759. you once for free.
Copy !req
760. - Nope.
Copy !req
761. 5 bucks an insult.
Copy !req
762. - Then I think it's very sweet
Copy !req
763. you were helping
Copy !req
764. your mommy knit.
Copy !req
765. - Impressive.
Copy !req
766. - You're just lucky I'm broke.
Copy !req
767. - The sculpture's
Copy !req
768. looking awesome.
Copy !req
769. - That dentist dude's
Copy !req
770. really gonna pay you
Copy !req
771. 1,000 bucks for that?
Copy !req
772. - Paid in advance!
Copy !req
773. - Cash.
Copy !req
774. - Sweet.
Copy !req
775. - Since you guys helped
Copy !req
776. me get my art career back,
Copy !req
777. 40 for you, 40 for you,
Copy !req
778. and 41 for my little sister.
Copy !req
779. - Aw, I'm special.
Copy !req
780. - And now that I
Copy !req
781. have 40 bucks...
Copy !req
782. you're a nerd.
Copy !req
783. - Thank you.
Copy !req
784. - Your breath smells
Copy !req
785. like dead feet.
Copy !req
786. No girl will ever want you.
Copy !req
787. - Noted.
Copy !req
788. - I don't like your pants.
Copy !req
789. - Fair enough.
Copy !req
790. - If you were a country,
Copy !req
791. you'd be El Salva-dork.
Copy !req
792. Did I make
Copy !req
793. fun of your butt yet?
Copy !req
794. No.
Copy !req
795. - It's oddly shaped.
Copy !req
796. So is your head.
Copy !req
797. - Awesome.
Copy !req
798. - Remember my cousin Greg?
Copy !req
799. - The dude who plays
Copy !req
800. the flute and beatboxes?
Copy !req
801. - You can see him play more
Copy !req
802. great stuff at icarly.com.
Copy !req
803. - So go check it
Copy !req
804. out at icarly.com.
Copy !req
805. - You gotta go to icarly.com.
Copy !req
806. - You must go to icarly.com.
Copy !req
807. You must go to icarly.com.
Copy !req
808. You must go to icarly.com.
Copy !req
809. Please... go to icarly.com.
Copy !req
810. Mmm.
Copy !req