1. Maidakai Village
Southern Planeptune
Copy !req
2. Going on trips is fun!
Copy !req
3. March! March!
Copy !req
4. People of Eden, please stop!
If you keep coming...
Copy !req
5. I'll shoot!
Copy !req
6. It's that bad goddess!
Copy !req
7. Peashy...
Copy !req
8. I hate bad goddesses,
Copy !req
9. but Papa said a
little playing is okay!
Copy !req
10. So let's play!
Copy !req
11. A meaningless string of characters
Copy !req
12. Tell me, compiler
Copy !req
13. A binary tree in disarray
Copy !req
14. Yeah, I can't get anything
across with just 0s and 1s...
Copy !req
15. Ping→link! You and we connect
Copy !req
16. Hit check! If we're
doing this, now's the time
Copy !req
17. Happyful×∞
Copy !req
18. Cure ☆ pure dimension tripper!
Copy !req
19. Kick down the dimensional
door and come over
Copy !req
20. To this sparkling ☆ sparkling world
Copy !req
21. We're the strongest party,
with 100x the bonds
Copy !req
22. "You're one of us, too!"
Copy !req
23. Noire!
Copy !req
24. Is it true that Eden invaded Planeptune?
Copy !req
25. Yes.
Copy !req
26. Evidently Nepgear's fighting
them on her own right now.
Copy !req
27. I'll go too!
Copy !req
28. Uni, look at this.
Copy !req
29. Release them! Release them!
Copy !req
30. Free the
adults-only content!
Copy !req
31. Freedom of
Copy !req
32. Freedom of
Copy !req
33. - We want to see more explicit stuff!
- Free the adults-only content!
Copy !req
34. Free the
adults-only content!
Copy !req
35. - Down with age restrictions!
- Release them! Release them!
Copy !req
36. Free the adults-only...
Copy !req
37. Riots by extremists making
the same demand as Eden
Copy !req
38. are breaking out simultaneously in
Lastation, Leanbox, and even Lowee.
Copy !req
39. In other words, we can't afford
to worry about Planeptune right now.
Copy !req
40. It's definitely an
Eden diversionary tactic,
Copy !req
41. but we still have to take care of it first.
Copy !req
42. But what about Planeptune?
What about Nepgear?
Copy !req
43. Our first priority is to
protect our own country.
Copy !req
44. Because we're goddesses.
Copy !req
45. Release them! Release them!
Copy !req
46. Good, good, that's the spirit!
Copy !req
47. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
48. It only took a moment for the
whole world to turn upside-down...
Copy !req
49. Now, now, don't talk like
you had nothing to do with it.
Copy !req
50. You're the commander-in-chief
of our army, you know.
Copy !req
51. "Our army"? You're just
manipulating the troops and the rioters
Copy !req
52. into doing what we say!
Copy !req
53. Just what is that black mist?
Copy !req
54. Like I keep telling you,
I don't know.
Copy !req
55. Everything comes from the client,
and we're forbidden to pry.
Copy !req
56. I'm afraid. It looks like
the world will just go crazy...
Copy !req
57. Hmm, who knows?
Copy !req
58. I won't let anyone get any
further... not even you, Peashy!
Copy !req
59. Okay! Let's play here, then!
Copy !req
60. That CPU seems to be the "great
presence" we've been looking for!
Copy !req
61. I was afraid of that.
Copy !req
62. Then Peashy knew IF and
me before we met because...
Copy !req
63. She knows the two of you
in the other dimension, I assume.
Copy !req
64. This is complicated!
Copy !req
65. The thing is, right now a portion
of our world is unraveling really fast!
Copy !req
66. Does this mean that's the place
Peashy was supposed to be ruling?
Copy !req
67. I believe so!
Copy !req
68. So we need Plutia to bring her back here
as soon as possible, even if by force!
Copy !req
69. I don't like forcing people...
Copy !req
70. Plutia! If we leave her there,
our country will be in trouble too!
Copy !req
71. I know, but...
Copy !req
72. Hello?
Copy !req
73. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
74. Get a grip, Neptune!
Copy !req
75. N-Noire?
Copy !req
76. Jeez, you're still home!
Copy !req
77. How about you get out there
and protect your people?
Copy !req
78. But, but...
Copy !req
79. But it's P-ko.
Copy !req
80. For crying out loud,
you're a CPU!
Copy !req
81. So think about your country,
not your own feelings!
Copy !req
82. You mean, take down P-ko?
Copy !req
83. I would.
Copy !req
84. That's all I wanted to say. Bye.
Copy !req
85. Was I too harsh?
No, I know she'll...
Copy !req
86. Maybe Noire could do that, but...
Copy !req
87. If you can't do it,
I think that's okay.
Copy !req
88. Let's stay here forever,
lying around playing games and stuff.
Copy !req
89. Even I can't play
games at a time like this...
Copy !req
90. Why not? If you won't fight it's
the same thing, isn't it?
Copy !req
91. No. Games are for having fun,
not for escaping reality!
Copy !req
92. Escaping?
Copy !req
93. I...
Copy !req
94. This is fun!
Copy !req
95. She really isn't
taking any damage!
Copy !req
96. Here I go!
Copy !req
97. Why? At this rate I'll never...
Copy !req
98. Sis...!
Copy !req
99. Sorry I'm late, Nepgear.
Copy !req
100. It's okay.
Copy !req
101. But Sis...
Copy !req
102. Come on, let's play more!
Copy !req
103. - Nepgear, you take care of
the soldiers and the monsters.
Copy !req
104. - Helloooo! Hey, are you listening?
- Nepgear, you take care of
the soldiers and the monsters.
Copy !req
105. - Helloooo! Hey, are you listening?
- What?
Copy !req
106. They'll breach the barricade soon.
Copy !req
107. But...
Copy !req
108. Go!
Copy !req
109. Okay, got it.
Copy !req
110. P-ko! This time I'll play with you!
Copy !req
111. My own way.
Copy !req
112. Bring it on, P-ko!
Copy !req
113. Here comes a big one!
Copy !req
114. Bam!
Copy !req
115. Pow!
Copy !req
116. Huh?
Copy !req
117. It's over already?
Copy !req
118. Neptuna's not that easy to beat.
Copy !req
119. And you know it, P-ko!
Copy !req
120. Neptuna...?
Copy !req
121. I don't know you!
Copy !req
122. Nuh-uh, I know
you remember. Because...
Copy !req
123. I'm your Neptuna, P-ko!
Copy !req
124. I don't know you!
Copy !req
125. You do too!
Copy !req
126. Do not!
Copy !req
127. Do too!
Copy !req
128. Do not, do not!
Copy !req
129. You're weak! This is boring!
Copy !req
130. I won't play with you anymore!
Copy !req
131. The one who calls people "weak"
is the real weak one, you know!
Copy !req
132. The one who calls people "dummy"
is the real dummy, you know!
Copy !req
133. I hate you.
Copy !req
134. I hate you!
I hate you! I hate you!
Copy !req
135. I hate you! I hate you!
I hate you!
Copy !req
136. I really hate you!
Copy !req
137. Eden hardly has any believers yet,
Copy !req
138. but I sensed a ton of
Share energy in Yellow Heart...
Copy !req
139. Something's up.
Copy !req
140. Noire!
Copy !req
141. Plutia? Why are you here?
Copy !req
142. Neppy wouldn't play
a game with me.
Copy !req
143. What?
Copy !req
144. What about you?
Should you be here?
Copy !req
145. It's fine. I've got
a talented little sister.
Copy !req
146. If you still want to fight,
you'd better be ready!
Copy !req
147. Oh, I see.
Copy !req
148. Goddesses!
Copy !req
149. Shhh!
Copy !req
150. We've been spotted!
Copy !req
151. Looks like I'll have
to charge in head-on!
Copy !req
152. I thought everyone on the
island got turned into soldiers,
Copy !req
153. but I see you hung in there.
Copy !req
154. P-Please spare me!
Copy !req
155. Hmmm, what to do...
Wiggle wiggle!
Copy !req
156. Ahaha, that tickles!
Copy !req
157. I just knew you'd come!
Copy !req
158. Accept my torrent of love,
my darling Noire!
Copy !req
159. I hate you!
Copy !req
160. I hate you!
Copy !req
161. I hate you!
Copy !req
162. I hate you!
Copy !req
163. Got you, P-ko.
Copy !req
164. Lemme go!
Copy !req
165. Lemme go!
Copy !req
166. Lemme go, lemme go, lemme go!
Copy !req
167. I won't let you go!
Copy !req
168. Never again!
Copy !req
169. That's my Noire!
But you see, my love is unlimited!
Copy !req
170. Yes! So good!
Copy !req
171. Little Rei, stop playing around
and find the other goddess!
Copy !req
172. Oh, I'm right here.
Copy !req
173. Oh, dear. How...?
Copy !req
174. My friend just happened to know.
Copy !req
175. I kept my virginity
in exchange for the info!
Copy !req
176. You're not really my type,
but I need to punish you, hmm?
Copy !req
177. Ah, if I'm being punished,
I'd rather have Noire do it.
Copy !req
178. Dear me.
Copy !req
179. Speak of the devil!
Copy !req
180. There's nothing my
sword can't cut through!
Copy !req
181. Eep.
Copy !req
182. Not bad. Okay, I'll join in...
Copy !req
183. and whip you hard!
Copy !req
184. What is this? Share energy's
coming from this machine!
Copy !req
185. You're so violent.
Copy !req
186. You didn't have to break it; I'd have
shown it to you if you'd just asked.
Copy !req
187. Is this the secret to
Yellow Heart's strength?
Copy !req
188. I'm afraid I signed
a confidentiality agreement.
Copy !req
189. So, what will happen to Peashy
and Eden if we break this, I wonder?
Copy !req
190. Since he won't tell us,
we'll just have to try it and see.
Copy !req
191. Fighting Viper!
Copy !req
192. Lace Ribbon Dance!
Copy !req
193. Oh, dear!
Copy !req
194. Lemme go!
Copy !req
195. Lemme go!
Copy !req
196. Nope, nothing doing!
Copy !req
197. No!
Copy !req
198. Remember!
Copy !req
199. Remember, P-ko!
Copy !req
200. I don't know, I don't know,
I don't know, I don't know!
Copy !req
201. I dunno anything!
Copy !req
202. Freedom of
Copy !req
203. Freedom of
Copy !req
204. Freedom of
Copy !req
205. Freedom of
Copy !req
206. - Huh?
- What happened?
Copy !req
207. What is this?
Copy !req
208. Where are we?
Copy !req
209. No! Lemme go!
Copy !req
210. P-ko...
Copy !req
211. P-ko!
Copy !req
212. I hate you, I hate you,
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!
Copy !req
213. I hate you!
Copy !req
214. - Well, I like you.
- I hate you, I hate you!
Copy !req
215. - I love you, P-ko. I love ya to bits and bits!
- I hate you, I hate you,
I hate you, I hate you!
Copy !req
216. I hate you... I hate you...
Copy !req
217. That's okay. It's okay if you hate me.
As long as you're here...
Copy !req
218. I hate you...
Copy !req
219. And so the new nation of
Eden's short history came to an end.
Copy !req
220. The riots in the other nations
subsided without many casualties,
Copy !req
221. and everything went back
to normal... or it should have.
Copy !req
222. But Peashy's memories were still...
Copy !req
223. Nep... tune...?
Copy !req
224. Take care, everybody.
Copy !req
225. To think this is goodbye...
I'll miss you.
Copy !req
226. Somehow it feels like
we've been friends forever.
Copy !req
227. I won't forget you two.
Copy !req
228. Me either!
Copy !req
229. Oh, Neppy Jr.!
Copy !req
230. Here!
Copy !req
231. Huh? Is this me?
Copy !req
232. Thank you!
Copy !req
233. Take good care of it!
Copy !req
234. Take care, Peashy.
Copy !req
235. Even if you don't remember us...
Copy !req
236. We'll always be friends!
Copy !req
237. Yeah.
Copy !req
238. I hope the us in Peashy's
dimension make friends with her again.
Copy !req
239. It'll be fine. I mean,
it's us we're talking about.
Copy !req
240. All right, everyone, I hate
to say goodbye, but it's time...
Copy !req
241. We only have a limited
time to open the gate!
Copy !req
242. Oh, wait! Neptune is still...
Copy !req
243. It's time. Opening the gate!
Copy !req
244. Hey!
Copy !req
245. Neptune! You're late!
Copy !req
246. Sorry!
Copy !req
247. Plutie, thanks so much for coming.
I just know we'll meet again!
Copy !req
248. Yep, definitely.
Copy !req
249. P-ko, you take this!
Copy !req
250. Nep's
Copy !req
251. Neptune, what's this?
Copy !req
252. It's the tastiest thing in the world!
Copy !req
253. E-Excuse me! Please enter the gate!
Copy !req
254. Okay!
Copy !req
255. See you later, everybody!
Copy !req
256. Peashy.
Copy !req
257. Neptuna?
Copy !req
258. We have no idea
why we meet each other
Copy !req
259. We never know
when we'll meet each other
Copy !req
260. Where were you,
where have you lived your life?
Copy !req
261. Two stories playing
out under distant skies
Copy !req
262. You're the vertical thread
Copy !req
263. I'm the horizontal thread
Copy !req
264. Maybe the cloth we weave
can warm someone up someday
Copy !req
265. The day I was uncertain about
my reason to live left some fraying
Copy !req
266. The day I fell down chasing my
dream left some fraying
Copy !req
267. I've trembled in the wind, anxious about
what a thread like me could become
Copy !req
268. You're the vertical thread
Copy !req
269. I'm the horizontal thread
Copy !req
270. When we get to meet the threads
we need to in life, we call that happiness
Copy !req
271. We call that happiness
Copy !req
272. "Neptuna"Peashy"
Copy !req
273. "Neptuna"
Copy !req
274. P-ko.
Copy !req
275. Neptuna Peashy
Copy !req
276. I won't forget you two.
Copy !req
277. Me either!
Copy !req
278. Oh, Neppy Jr.!
Copy !req
279. Here!
Copy !req
280. Huh? It's sort of different from the other...
Copy !req
281. Take good care of it.
Copy !req
282. NEXT #11
The Emissary of Old
Copy !req
283. Y-Yes!
Copy !req