1. He's got a good pulse.
Copy !req
2. Maintain head stabilization
and flip him over.
Copy !req
3. My count, guys.
Ready. Go.
Copy !req
4. Sir, we're paramedics.
Copy !req
5. The mailman saw you
having a seizure.
Copy !req
6. We had to break down
your door.
Copy !req
7. Do you know
what your name is?
Copy !req
8. On my count.
One, two, three. Up.
Copy !req
9. We're taking you
to the hospital.
Copy !req
10. No, I can't—
Copy !req
11. No. No, I can't...
Copy !req
12. Hey.
Copy !req
13. Hey, buddy.
- Buddy, we're trying to help.
Copy !req
14. Sir!
Copy !req
15. Stay out of my house!
Copy !req
16. You just had a seizure.
You could have a stroke.
Copy !req
17. A bleed in your brain.
Copy !req
18. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
19. 35-year-old male—
crushing headache
Copy !req
20. and three seizures
in the last two days.
Copy !req
21. So it's a bleed, clot, tumor,
Copy !req
22. metabolic, or infection.
Copy !req
23. Stick him in a CT.
- Can't.
Copy !req
24. I'm assuming
Copy !req
25. he has a giant head.
Copy !req
26. Severe agoraphobe.
Copy !req
27. The world scares
the hell out of him.
Copy !req
28. So we can only test him
Copy !req
29. with whatever we can take to him.
- Fun.
Copy !req
30. Agoraphobia a symptom?
Copy !req
31. Only of being shot.
Copy !req
32. He and his girlfriend
were mugged seven years ago.
Copy !req
33. That's when it started.
Copy !req
34. Anybody can hate humanity
after getting shot.
Copy !req
35. Takes a big man
to hate it beforehand.
Copy !req
36. How'd you get this case
if he didn't come to the ER?
Copy !req
37. I talked to him through his door
when he had flu last year.
Copy !req
38. I run the community
outreach program now.
Copy !req
39. See? Perfectly reasonable
Copy !req
40. She's definitely not here
trying to work her way back
Copy !req
41. on the team and steal your job
or anything.
Copy !req
42. It's a legitimate question.
Copy !req
43. He agreed to meet
with us.
Copy !req
44. But even if I can get
inside his house,
Copy !req
45. his brain is a black box.
Copy !req
46. We can pick this up
in a minute.
Copy !req
47. What's this?
Copy !req
48. Take-out menus.
Copy !req
49. But I'm hoping you'll come up
with a better answer
Copy !req
50. when everyone asks
what we're talking about.
Copy !req
51. Last night—
Copy !req
52. Forget it.
Copy !req
53. I know this is awkward,
but we need to talk.
Copy !req
54. There's a reason
Copy !req
55. that we've evolved
a feeling of awkwardness.
Copy !req
56. It tells us not
to talk about things.
Copy !req
57. I was emotional
because of the adoption
Copy !req
58. falling through.
Copy !req
59. And you actually let
your human side
Copy !req
60. show for a moment.
Copy !req
61. That is why we kissed.
Copy !req
62. I just want to say thank you
for not... taking advantage.
Copy !req
63. You're welcome.
Copy !req
64. Any time you want
to stop kissing,
Copy !req
65. I'm there for you.
Copy !req
66. Portable equipment
can't distinguish a bleed
Copy !req
67. or a tumor.
Copy !req
68. Can't see vasculitis.
Copy !req
69. What did Cuddy want?
Copy !req
70. I kinda hit that
last night,
Copy !req
71. so now she's all
on my jock.
Copy !req
72. Wow. She looks pretty good
for someone on roofies.
Copy !req
73. The only equipment we have
is a sonogram
Copy !req
74. and a portable x-ray.
Copy !req
75. What part of olivine,
pyroxene, and amphibole
Copy !req
76. don't you understand?
Copy !req
77. Pyroxene.
Copy !req
78. Pyro means "fire"...
Copy !req
79. They're indicator minerals.
Copy !req
80. You can't see diamonds
Copy !req
81. so you look
for the indicator minerals.
Copy !req
82. I assume the diamond
Copy !req
83. is the tumor or bleed
or whatever it is.
Copy !req
84. We provoke a seizure.
Copy !req
85. The indicator is the increased
electrical activity
Copy !req
86. focused around
the abnormality.
Copy !req
87. We do an EEG,
see the focus,
Copy !req
88. see where the problem is,
Copy !req
89. which tells us
what the problem is.
Copy !req
90. The formster and the camster.
Copy !req
91. Kickin' it old school.
Copy !req
92. Thank god she's not trying
to steal your job.
Copy !req
93. Go do it.
And search the home for toxins.
Copy !req
94. I agreed to talk,
not let you in.
Copy !req
95. You could be very sick.
Copy !req
96. We need access.
Copy !req
97. I'm just not ready.
Copy !req
98. Why does he have
two locked doors?
Copy !req
99. He must use this room
as an airlock.
Copy !req
100. Deliveries in.
Garbage out.
Copy !req
101. He never
has to go outside.
Copy !req
102. Just tell us when you are.
We're not going away.
Copy !req
103. Seriously?
Copy !req
104. You want her to admit
Copy !req
105. that all he has to do
is ignore us for a few minutes
Copy !req
106. and we'll take off?
- He was shot.
Copy !req
107. Girlfriend killed.
Copy !req
108. He probably has post traumatic
stress disorder.
Copy !req
109. He doesn't believe
a just universe.
Copy !req
110. He doesn't trust anyone.
Copy !req
111. Give him some honesty.
Copy !req
112. I shouldn't have implied
we'd wait forever.
Copy !req
113. We've got a whole hospital
full of patients.
Copy !req
114. We can give you
a few minutes.
Copy !req
115. but eventually,
if you don't let us in,
Copy !req
116. we're gonna have to leave.
Copy !req
117. Just one person comes in.
Copy !req
118. No.
Copy !req
119. We've got to search
the whole house for toxins.
Copy !req
120. How about I examine you
in one room
Copy !req
121. and my colleagues
Copy !req
122. will do the search?
Copy !req
123. I'm gonna try
to provoke a seizure.
Copy !req
124. I need you
to look straight ahead, okay?
Copy !req
125. You all right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
126. Uh, I just, um,
Copy !req
127. I haven't been in a room
with anyone for a while.
Copy !req
128. Um, can you just give me
a second?
Copy !req
129. Sure.
Copy !req
130. You're the, uh,
Copy !req
131. uh, person I talked to
through the door last year,
Copy !req
132. right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
133. You were, uh, you were nice...
Copy !req
134. and smart.
Copy !req
135. Kind of made me expect
someone older.
Copy !req
136. I'm not that young.
Copy !req
137. Must've been scary
being shot.
Copy !req
138. Don't do that.
Copy !req
139. Okay?
Copy !req
140. You d—you don't know me.
Copy !req
141. I've got everything
I want here.
Copy !req
142. I-I-make a lot of money
writing tech manuals.
Copy !req
143. I get stuff delivered.
I work out.
Copy !req
144. I see anything I want
over the web.
Copy !req
145. Um, I'm—I'm happy here.
Copy !req
146. You don't seem
very happy.
Copy !req
147. Well, right now I'm not.
Copy !req
148. Go away.
Copy !req
149. Did you speak
to Cuddy last night?
Copy !req
150. She's fine.
Copy !req
151. Why would it take anyone
more than a few hours
Copy !req
152. to get over
misplacing a baby?
Copy !req
153. You spoke to her?
Copy !req
154. Kinda hit that.
Copy !req
155. So she's all on my jock.
Copy !req
156. Whoa.
Copy !req
157. Wha—what?
Copy !req
158. Huh.
Copy !req
159. Everyone else
thought I was kidding.
Copy !req
160. You hit?
Copy !req
161. Like making out
Copy !req
162. or full-on sex or—
Copy !req
163. Got a chart laid out
with all the bases.
Copy !req
164. I'll take you through it.
Copy !req
165. Wh—what are you
gonna do?
Copy !req
166. What can I do?
Copy !req
167. I'm going to ignore her
for the rest of my life.
Copy !req
168. This mosquito bite
kept me awake.
Copy !req
169. Don't care
about the bug bite.
Copy !req
170. She's your boss.
Copy !req
171. So now I have two reasons
to ignore her.
Copy !req
172. It was just a kiss.
Copy !req
173. There's a reason.
Copy !req
174. Yes. Those large things
in her bra.
Copy !req
175. You were hiding it from me
Copy !req
176. means it meant something
to you.
Copy !req
177. Yeah, I fiendishly
concealed it
Copy !req
178. within the phrase
"I hit that."
Copy !req
179. Stop scratching.
You'll draw blood.
Copy !req
180. Finally you said
something useful.
Copy !req
181. If I actually break
the skin,
Copy !req
182. it'll let
the poison out.
Copy !req
183. If you...
Copy !req
184. dated Cuddy...
Copy !req
185. there would—
Copy !req
186. Sorry. I get better reception
when you're not here.
Copy !req
187. What do you got?
Copy !req
188. His place is totally clean.
Copy !req
189. No animals.
No hidden drugs or alcohol.
Copy !req
190. No lead in the paint.
Copy !req
191. And since
you're not breathing hard,
Copy !req
192. I assume you're not holding
Cameron aloft in triumph.
Copy !req
193. Which means no seizures.
Copy !req
194. Hey. Speaking
of breathing hard,
Copy !req
195. Cameron, you engaged
to Chase yet?
Copy !req
196. Sorry, we should have clarified.
Copy !req
197. we're calling
about the patient,
Copy !req
198. not Dr. Cameron's
love life.
Copy !req
199. We aren't engaged.
Copy !req
200. Moves things along
much faster
Copy !req
201. to just give him
the answers.
Copy !req
202. Seizures can also
be induced through—
Copy !req
203. After six years?
Copy !req
204. A year and a half.
Copy !req
205. Through sleep
deprivation or—
Copy !req
206. sleep deprivation
would take too long.
Copy !req
207. You living together?
Copy !req
208. We spend most nights
Copy !req
209. There's a bunch of drugs
Copy !req
210. that can lower a seizure
Copy !req
211. And cloud the diagnosis
with side effects.
Copy !req
212. His place or yours?
Copy !req
213. His usually.
Copy !req
214. Interesting.
Copy !req
215. You would've said
Copy !req
216. no matter
what the answer.
Copy !req
217. And no matter
what the answer,
Copy !req
218. it would've been
Copy !req
219. No engagement.
Commitment issues.
Copy !req
220. His place, control issues.
Copy !req
221. Not sure whose,
but interesting.
Copy !req
222. Yeah, moves much faster
this way.
Copy !req
223. Where was the patient
when he had his first seizure?
Copy !req
224. In his entry hallway
Copy !req
225. getting his mail.
Copy !req
226. Getting close to the outdoors
spooked him,
Copy !req
227. raised his BP.
Copy !req
228. Use that fear.
Copy !req
229. Bring him outside.
Copy !req
230. He punched out a fireman.
Copy !req
231. We're doctors,
not bouncers.
Copy !req
232. Okay. So bring the outside
to him.
Copy !req
233. Floor is genuine wood.
Copy !req
234. Why are they here?
Copy !req
235. They overheard me announce
the half price bank foreclosure
Copy !req
236. in the ER waiting room.
Copy !req
237. Where's everybody?
Copy !req
238. Cameron's
with the patient.
Copy !req
239. Uh, everybody else
went home.
Copy !req
240. Because they don't need
to be here.
Copy !req
241. Neither do you.
And yet you are.
Copy !req
242. This way.
Copy !req
243. Molding's original?
Copy !req
244. Original? They were here
before the house.
Copy !req
245. The shut-in's
also original.
Copy !req
246. Come on.
Don't be shy.
Copy !req
247. House, get them
out of here.
Copy !req
248. Easy for you to say.
Copy !req
249. You're not gonna be making
some serious capital gains.
Copy !req
250. This is cruel.
Copy !req
251. And leaving him undiagnosed
Copy !req
252. is what, altruistic?
Copy !req
253. Procedure worked.
He's seizing.
Copy !req
254. What do you see?
Copy !req
255. Normal theta.
Normal delta.
Copy !req
256. This isn't a seizure.
Copy !req
257. It's something.
Copy !req
258. Mr. Nozick,
are you okay?
Copy !req
259. Stomach's killing me.
Copy !req
260. See? It's something.
Copy !req
261. Partial small bowel obstruction.
Copy !req
262. Blockage explains
the pain.
Copy !req
263. What explains
the blockage plus seizures?
Copy !req
264. Atrial fibrillation
throwing emboli.
Copy !req
265. Crohn's causing an abscess.
Copy !req
266. Could be
a million things.
Copy !req
267. There's no way to know
Copy !req
268. unless we get him in
for an MRI on his head
Copy !req
269. or exploratory surgery
so we can biopsy his bowels,
Copy !req
270. which he won't let us do.
Copy !req
271. Wouldn't.
Copy !req
272. Pain changes things.
Copy !req
273. House.
Copy !req
274. He told you to stay
out of here.
Copy !req
275. He can Chase me out
once he's done
Copy !req
276. doubling up in agony.
Copy !req
277. Whatever your
big problem is,
Copy !req
278. it's caused a complication
we call "colon FOS."
Copy !req
279. "FO," full of.
Copy !req
280. Since we're in mixed company,
"S" is stool.
Copy !req
281. Nothing's coming out
Copy !req
282. so the pain's
gonna get worse and worse.
Copy !req
283. We need to stick
a pooper scooper in you.
Copy !req
284. We also need to take a look
at your bowel.
Copy !req
285. I made my wishes clear.
Copy !req
286. Uh-huh. And if the crazy fairy
were here,
Copy !req
287. she could grant them.
Copy !req
288. I'm not insane.
Copy !req
289. I-I feel pain
when I go outside.
Copy !req
290. So it—it's rational
to avoid that pain.
Copy !req
291. Except now you're
feeling pain inside.
Copy !req
292. Not as bad.
Nowhere near.
Copy !req
293. We can give him drugs
for the blockage.
Copy !req
294. And if it doesn't work?
Copy !req
295. That blockage will rupture
your intestines,
Copy !req
296. spew sewage throughout
your body.
Copy !req
297. Whatever you're scared of
out there,
Copy !req
298. aren't you more scared
of death?
Copy !req
299. You obviously
can't stand people.
Copy !req
300. But for me, it's worse.
All right?
Copy !req
301. I'd rather die in here
than live out there.
Copy !req
302. If you don't mind
floppy hair
Copy !req
303. and an annoying
Copy !req
304. I know a surgeon
who will operate in your home.
Copy !req
305. Thank you.
Copy !req
306. With the risk of infection,
Copy !req
307. Chase won't actually—
Copy !req
308. He's not gonna do surgery
in some crazy dude's house.
Copy !req
309. You just said—
what I said was that
Copy !req
310. Chase would put him under
at the house,
Copy !req
311. we'd take him
to the hospital,
Copy !req
312. open him up,
do our thing,
Copy !req
313. then slip him back
into his room
Copy !req
314. for the post-op
Copy !req
315. without him ever finding out
that we tricked him.
Copy !req
316. Some of that was implied.
Copy !req
317. It's unethical.
Copy !req
318. He'll be asleep.
Copy !req
319. He gets to make
his own calls
Copy !req
320. even if he's asleep.
Copy !req
321. Why are you siding
with him?
Copy !req
322. Oh, yeah, you're that girl
who likes broken people
Copy !req
323. because her husband died.
Copy !req
324. And since Chase isn't
all that broken—
Copy !req
325. Hey, why don't we operate
on his infarcted leg
Copy !req
326. while we're at it?
Copy !req
327. Who cares if he said no.
Copy !req
328. I was risking my life
to avoid becoming a cripple.
Copy !req
329. He's doing it to avoid
sunlight and fresh air.
Copy !req
330. We've got to make it
look good.
Copy !req
331. I know I'm a pain
in the ass.
Copy !req
332. I know it would have been easy
just to walk away, but...
Copy !req
333. you're a good person.
Copy !req
334. Count down from 10.
Copy !req
335. 10, 9,
Copy !req
336. 8...
Copy !req
337. Let's go!
Copy !req
338. How you doin'?
- Better.
Copy !req
339. Great.
Copy !req
340. Everything else good?
Copy !req
341. Uh, everything involving me
kissing House is good.
Copy !req
342. Oh, god, you dragged it
out of me.
Copy !req
343. You're a genius.
Copy !req
344. It's no big deal.
Copy !req
345. He's a friend.
Copy !req
346. And I leaned on him.
Copy !req
347. It's funny.
Copy !req
348. I've leaned on friends
in the past.
Copy !req
349. Never leaned so far my tongue
fell into their mouths.
Copy !req
350. I don't think of House
that way.
Copy !req
351. I never have.
Copy !req
352. Why not?
Copy !req
353. You know exactly
how it would go.
Copy !req
354. It'd start off exciting.
Copy !req
355. We'd get caught up
in the novelty and the hostility
Copy !req
356. and the
forbidden forbidden-nessness.
Copy !req
357. And then we'd realize
Copy !req
358. that the flirty hostility
is just hostility
Copy !req
359. and his inability
to open up
Copy !req
360. is no longer exciting,
it's just frustrating.
Copy !req
361. And—and then it's
the inevitable blowup
Copy !req
362. and the recriminations
Copy !req
363. and we don't talk
for two months.
Copy !req
364. Yeah.
Copy !req
365. Well, it certainly proves
Copy !req
366. you've never thought
about House that way.
Copy !req
367. I get your point.
Copy !req
368. I will be more careful
with my tongue in the future.
Copy !req
369. That's not my point.
Copy !req
370. Maybe novelty and hostility
and forbidden-ness
Copy !req
371. doesn't have to end bad.
Copy !req
372. Gotta go.
Copy !req
373. What time you done?
Copy !req
374. We could try
that new sushi place
Copy !req
375. next to my house.
Copy !req
376. Why don't we stay
at my house tonight?
Copy !req
377. We always stay
at mine.
Copy !req
378. That's what I mean.
We—we used to split it.
Copy !req
379. What happened?
I don't know.
Copy !req
380. Closer to work.
- By five minutes.
Copy !req
381. And my house doesn't look
like it was decorated
Copy !req
382. by a drunk rugby player.
Copy !req
383. Well, we can discuss it.
- I hadn't really—
Copy !req
384. Why does it have
to be a discussion?
Copy !req
385. Can't you just
stay over?
Copy !req
386. You do know
Copy !req
387. they page me when that much
surgical equipment
Copy !req
388. is signed out.
Copy !req
389. He didn't consent.
Copy !req
390. He consented
to the surgery.
Copy !req
391. You think he's gonna
sue over where?
Copy !req
392. He won't even know where.
He'll wake up in his house.
Copy !req
393. He won't know a thing
about what happened.
Copy !req
394. Until he catches
a post-surgical infection
Copy !req
395. in his dirty apartment
and finds out we tricked him
Copy !req
396. and winds up owning
the hospital.
Copy !req
397. Why aren't you arguing
with her?
Copy !req
398. Because she's right.
Copy !req
399. I don't care where he gets
the post-op,
Copy !req
400. Just that he gets it.
Copy !req
401. Keep him here.
Copy !req
402. House.
Copy !req
403. You okay?
Copy !req
404. Yes.
We don't need to talk.
Copy !req
405. Your hand.
Copy !req
406. Huh. That's weird.
Copy !req
407. I usually don't get
the stigmata until Easter.
Copy !req
408. Please tell Dr. Chase
the patient's ready for him now.
Copy !req
409. Stewart, wake up.
Copy !req
410. It's Dr. Cameron.
Copy !req
411. If you can hear me, blink.
Copy !req
412. We were concerned
for your safety
Copy !req
413. so we brought you
to the hospital.
Copy !req
414. No, it's okay.
Copy !req
415. Why—why?
Copy !req
416. No, it's okay.
- Why...
Copy !req
417. I just wanted
to keep you informed.
Copy !req
418. I didn't want you
to have a bad shock
Copy !req
419. while you were recovering
from surgery.
Copy !req
420. Gotta get outta of here.
Copy !req
421. It's okay, Stewart.
Calm down.
Copy !req
422. Calm down. Stewart.
Copy !req
423. Stewart,
I'm gonna sedate you.
Copy !req
424. I'm gonna sedate you.
Copy !req
425. No!
Copy !req
426. Calm down.
Copy !req
427. Ah!
- I need some help in here!
Copy !req
428. Damn it!
Somebody get in here!
Copy !req
429. What did you do?
Copy !req
430. Well done.
Copy !req
431. Your patient
called his lawyer,
Copy !req
432. threatened to sue us.
Copy !req
433. He's now heading home
Copy !req
434. completely undiagnosed.
Copy !req
435. He'll soon be
on his way back.
Copy !req
436. He's sick.
Copy !req
437. He'll crash.
He'll lose consciousness.
Copy !req
438. I'll declare an emergency,
bring him back in.
Copy !req
439. Not anymore you won't.
Copy !req
440. His lawyer now holds
his health care proxy.
Copy !req
441. The next time we have
an emergency,
Copy !req
442. Larry Ruseckas, Esquire,
will be calling the shots.
Copy !req
443. I made the right call.
Copy !req
444. If he'd flipped out
after major surgery,
Copy !req
445. it would've been worse.
Copy !req
446. The benefit of being boss
is that I don't have to argue.
Copy !req
447. You're all off the case.
Copy !req
448. What's going on between
you and Cuddy?
Copy !req
449. Bad lovin' gone bad.
Copy !req
450. Seriously. Why didn't
you argue with her?
Copy !req
451. She just threw us
off the case.
Copy !req
452. Because ignoring her
is a lot easier.
Copy !req
453. Convince the patient
to let us back in again.
Copy !req
454. See if you can clear
his blockage with lactulose.
Copy !req
455. If this thing kills him
before we can diagnose,
Copy !req
456. it won't be fun anymore.
Copy !req
457. Okay.
Copy !req
458. You gonna keep
working on this?
Copy !req
459. Yeah. I brought in
the case.
Copy !req
460. There is no case.
He's gone.
Copy !req
461. You've been tossed.
This is totally nuts.
Copy !req
462. He's incredibly sick.
We don't know—
Copy !req
463. Forget about the patient.
What is going on with you?
Copy !req
464. This is why we left
House's team
Copy !req
465. to avoid this constant flood
of pure craziness.
Copy !req
466. That's why I left House.
You got fired.
Copy !req
467. I'm sorry.
I know I let you down.
Copy !req
468. But you know who else
I let down,
Copy !req
469. pretty much everyone
who's important to me.
Copy !req
470. My boss, my old boss,
Copy !req
471. my boyfriend.
Copy !req
472. I did that for you.
Copy !req
473. I'm not gonna
let you down again.
Copy !req
474. It's like the red badge
of idiocy.
Copy !req
475. If the confederacy
had mosquitoes,
Copy !req
476. we'd all have southern accents
and I'd be paying Foreman less.
Copy !req
477. She kicked you
off the case.
Copy !req
478. This is what happens
when you don't address it.
Copy !req
479. She acts weird,
things get different.
Copy !req
480. You understand that different
implies difference.
Copy !req
481. She's tossed me
a million times before.
Copy !req
482. No, she always
chastises you.
Copy !req
483. And you'd always come running
to me to complain.
Copy !req
484. So you're acting
different too.
Copy !req
485. You're scared.
Copy !req
486. You are scared
to get involved.
Copy !req
487. How is that "scared"?
Copy !req
488. It's rational.
Copy !req
489. Emotionally mature people
Copy !req
490. who work together
should not date.
Copy !req
491. Guaranteed breakup.
Guaranteed ugliness.
Copy !req
492. Any relationship
that doesn't end in a breakup
Copy !req
493. ends in death.
Copy !req
494. Everything falls apart
in the end.
Copy !req
495. That's your worldview.
Copy !req
496. The corollary,
which you keep forgetting,
Copy !req
497. is that you have to grab
any chance for happiness.
Copy !req
498. Why does this matter
so much to you?
Copy !req
499. Cuddy and I are fine.
Copy !req
500. The only person
getting worked up here is you.
Copy !req
501. I don't want you
to be fine.
Copy !req
502. I want you to be happy.
Copy !req
503. I think if you dated her—
Copy !req
504. Are you familiar
with the adverb "vicariously"?
Copy !req
505. If I wanted to ask her out—
Copy !req
506. You did ask her out.
Copy !req
507. Last year.
Whatever happened there?
Copy !req
508. I don't know.
I wasn't interested.
Copy !req
509. Wrong. You were interested.
Copy !req
510. But Amber grabbed
your genitals first.
Copy !req
511. But now you're single,
and that makes you miserable
Copy !req
512. because you think it's too soon
for another relationship.
Copy !req
513. So you're gonna
make me miserable.
Copy !req
514. Please, get a girlfriend,
or a life, or something.
Copy !req
515. For me.
Copy !req
516. Better or worse?
Copy !req
517. Worse. Drugs aren't working.
Copy !req
518. I think we should do
the surgery in his house
Copy !req
519. like we planned.
Copy !req
520. Well, then one of us
wasn't paying attention
Copy !req
521. because I thought that surgery
thing was just a trick.
Copy !req
522. We prepared the room.
We Hung the drapes.
Copy !req
523. It's probably ten times
as sterile
Copy !req
524. as any mobile
operating theater
Copy !req
525. you'd find in a battlefield.
Copy !req
526. We still need Trapper John.
Copy !req
527. Chase doesn't want
anywhere near this surgery.
Copy !req
528. Maybe you could talk
to him.
Copy !req
529. I can't understand
a word he says. Taub.
Copy !req
530. Doing anything later?
Copy !req
531. Blood in the field.
Copy !req
532. Not where I'm looking.
Copy !req
533. How am I supposed
to know where you're looking?
Copy !req
534. Here's a hint.
It's the bloody part.
Copy !req
535. The whole thing's
Copy !req
536. It's a guy with a hole
in his body.
Copy !req
537. It's like you've never
done this before.
Copy !req
538. Use the suction.
I will.
Copy !req
539. And in fact I've
never done this before
Copy !req
540. because I went to med school,
not nurse school.
Copy !req
541. Hey, wanna see if your client's
actually made of money?
Copy !req
542. Cutting out last piece
of bowel.
Copy !req
543. Suture.
Copy !req
544. Mucosa's pink.
Copy !req
545. Flattened villi.
Copy !req
546. Intestinal atrophy.
Copy !req
547. It's Whipple's Disease.
Copy !req
548. Explains the seizure
and the stomach pain.
Copy !req
549. Little bleeder here.
Copy !req
550. Cautery.
Copy !req
551. Hey, wait.
The gas—
Copy !req
552. That always happens
during surgery.
Copy !req
553. Just the gas buildup
in the blockage.
Copy !req
554. Nothing to sue about.
Copy !req
555. Treat him for the burns.
Copy !req
556. Put him on antibiotics
for the Whipple's.
Copy !req
557. He'll be fine.
Copy !req
558. Hey. That's nice
of you.
Copy !req
559. Hi.
Copy !req
560. He doing good?
Copy !req
561. Uh, burns are healing fine.
He's stable otherwise.
Copy !req
562. Good.
Copy !req
563. So, uh, I could stay
at your place tonight
Copy !req
564. if you'd like.
- I can't.
Copy !req
565. Well, you're not gonna
Copy !req
566. sleep here again.
Copy !req
567. You might have noticed
the lack of nurses.
Copy !req
568. Because you're not
on the case.
Copy !req
569. You can't really use that
as an excuse...
Copy !req
570. Dr. Cameron!
Copy !req
571. Wait here.
Copy !req
572. Your stomach?
Copy !req
573. My legs are numb.
Copy !req
574. I can't feel them at all.
Copy !req
575. New symptom.
Peripheral neuropathy.
Copy !req
576. Got worse on antibiotics.
It's not Whipple's.
Copy !req
577. Porphyria.
Copy !req
578. Liver's fine.
Copy !req
579. Amyloidosis.
Copy !req
580. We would've seen it
on the intestines.
Copy !req
581. What did we see
on the intestines?
Copy !req
582. Pink mucosa,
flattened villi.
Copy !req
583. It's not Whipple's,
it's gotta be Celiac.
Copy !req
584. Wheat allergy means
he's not absorbing nutrients.
Copy !req
585. Explains the seizures,
stomach, and now the nerves.
Copy !req
586. We should run
a blood test for Celiac.
Copy !req
587. Not fast enough.
Not accurate enough.
Copy !req
588. Force-feed him wheat
Copy !req
589. then do an endoscopy
as it hits his duodenum.
Copy !req
590. See if there's an allergic
Copy !req
591. His test just exploded.
Copy !req
592. It might be a tad painful
to make him eat.
Copy !req
593. That's House's point.
Copy !req
594. There's nothing diagnostic
about it.
Copy !req
595. He's trying to put
the patient in pain,
Copy !req
596. force him to come in.
Copy !req
597. It is a valid test.
Copy !req
598. So is the blood test,
which is painless.
Copy !req
599. Foreman, listen to
that little voice in your head
Copy !req
600. that's coming
from the telephone.
Copy !req
601. Force-feed him.
Copy !req
602. Don't. You know House.
Copy !req
603. You know I'm right.
Copy !req
604. We'll do both tests.
Copy !req
605. I'm not here to play
Copy !req
606. Okay.
Copy !req
607. House basically...
Copy !req
608. well, he accused me
Copy !req
609. of being interested
in you.
Copy !req
610. Oh, he's just trying
to change the subject.
Copy !req
611. I know.
Copy !req
612. But I do have...
Copy !req
613. I've always...
Copy !req
614. had...
Copy !req
615. some feelings for you.
Copy !req
616. Are you saying
you want to date me?
Copy !req
617. No. I-I—it wouldn't
be fair to House
Copy !req
618. and it's too soon
after Amber.
Copy !req
619. But you thought
you should just say it.
Copy !req
620. Yeah.
Copy !req
621. I thought you should know.
Copy !req
622. Let's have dinner
tomorrow night.
Copy !req
623. Okay.
Copy !req
624. Or maybe it would be better
if we just...
Copy !req
625. had sex.
Copy !req
626. Pardon me?
Copy !req
627. In front of House's office.
Copy !req
628. I mean, I don't want
to take any chances.
Copy !req
629. I assume the point of this
is to make him jealous
Copy !req
630. and make him realize
that he does want
Copy !req
631. a relationship with me?
Copy !req
632. Yes.
Copy !req
633. You think it'll work?
Copy !req
634. You're an idiot.
Copy !req
635. Trust me.
Copy !req
636. Everybody will be happier
Copy !req
637. if House and I
aren't dating.
Copy !req
638. You sure this is
the best test?
Copy !req
639. No. But you've kind
of tied our hands.
Copy !req
640. Soon as this hits
your intestines,
Copy !req
641. I'll look at it
through an endoscope.
Copy !req
642. Stewart, I know you don't want
to talk about this, but...
Copy !req
643. people who get shot
often get PTSD.
Copy !req
644. It's nothing
to be ashamed of.
Copy !req
645. It's very treatable
with drugs and therapy.
Copy !req
646. It's not PTSD.
Copy !req
647. My girlfriend was with me
when I got shot
Copy !req
648. and she died.
Copy !req
649. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
650. But that's what I mean.
Copy !req
651. I lost someone myself.
Copy !req
652. I know it's traumatic.
Copy !req
653. No, what—what—what I'm trying
to say is that...
Copy !req
654. I was like this
before the shooting.
Copy !req
655. Since I was a kid.
Copy !req
656. Everything was
Copy !req
657. hard for me.
Copy !req
658. I—I didn't go out
that much.
Copy !req
659. And—and when I did...
Copy !req
660. I had panic attacks.
Copy !req
661. Like physical pain.
Copy !req
662. No, it was, like, worse.
Copy !req
663. It was like I was dying.
Copy !req
664. Then I met Angela.
Copy !req
665. She was the only reason
Copy !req
666. that I ever wanted
to go out.
Copy !req
667. But then she died.
Copy !req
668. and...
Copy !req
669. Blood test
will be done soon.
Copy !req
670. I'm guessing
that's a new technique.
Copy !req
671. Hey, you remember
that idea that Cameron had
Copy !req
672. about trying
to torture the patient
Copy !req
673. into admitting himself?
Copy !req
674. Pretty sure
it was your idea.
Copy !req
675. You want me to slow down
the test?
Copy !req
676. Wow. Everyone's got all these
great ideas today.
Copy !req
677. So you're thinking
patient won't leave
Copy !req
678. because leaving causes pain,
Copy !req
679. so we gotta make staying
more painful.
Copy !req
680. That actually makes sense.
Copy !req
681. You'll increase his pain,
Copy !req
682. but not enough
to make a difference.
Copy !req
683. He's on morphine.
- He's on morphine now.
Copy !req
684. Pretty soon he'll be
on less-phine.
Copy !req
685. 'cause when you restock,
Copy !req
686. you'll actually be giving
Cameron IV bags of saline.
Copy !req
687. And why do you think
I'll be doing this?
Copy !req
688. Same reason you DDI
the surgery.
Copy !req
689. That was because
it was an emergency.
Copy !req
690. No.
Copy !req
691. It was because your marriage
is falling apart.
Copy !req
692. When you confess adultery,
Copy !req
693. things tend to go bad.
Copy !req
694. When one part of your life
does a Titanic,
Copy !req
695. you make a life raft
out of whatever's left,
Copy !req
696. which makes your job
more significant,
Copy !req
697. which is why you did
the surgery,
Copy !req
698. why you pulled
an all-nighter,
Copy !req
699. and why you'll do this.
Copy !req
700. She's having me sleep
on the Couch.
Copy !req
701. Just for a few nights.
Copy !req
702. I'm not doing this
to save my job.
Copy !req
703. I'm doing this to save
his life.
Copy !req
704. Right.
Copy !req
705. That's what we'll tell
Copy !req
706. Huh.
Copy !req
707. Bzzz.
Copy !req
708. Have you considered
Copy !req
709. that it's not my place
Copy !req
710. you really want to be walking
into right now?
Copy !req
711. Ric Ocasek would kill me
if I—
Copy !req
712. Oh, you mean Cuddy.
Copy !req
713. Yeah, she's a little nuts.
Copy !req
714. But she's beautiful,
smart, funny,
Copy !req
715. and most important,
she can stand you.
Copy !req
716. Yeah. I came here to have
you lecture me on Cuddy,
Copy !req
717. not because there's
a killer mosquito
Copy !req
718. chasing me around
my apartment.
Copy !req
719. House,
there is no mosquito.
Copy !req
720. This is all about Cuddy.
Copy !req
721. Ah, she's bugging me.
Copy !req
722. Poetic.
Copy !req
723. Have you seen this bug?
Copy !req
724. Have you seen this bite?
Copy !req
725. No. What I've seen
Copy !req
726. is a suppurating wound
that you've scratched
Copy !req
727. and mutilated
into a gangrenous state.
Copy !req
728. Delusional parasitosis.
Copy !req
729. I am not imagining things.
Copy !req
730. House, you're
a drug addict.
Copy !req
731. You're always
imagining things.
Copy !req
732. You got bitten
the night you kissed her.
Copy !req
733. Your itching always gets worse
when you think about her.
Copy !req
734. You need to address this.
Copy !req
735. She's my boss.
Copy !req
736. No, you're not afraid
of authority.
Copy !req
737. You're afraid she actually
is right for you.
Copy !req
738. You're afraid
to take a chance
Copy !req
739. because it's too big
a chance.
Copy !req
740. If it doesn't work
with her,
Copy !req
741. then maybe there's
no one out there.
Copy !req
742. I am not rationalizing.
Copy !req
743. I'm better off alone.
Copy !req
744. Also, you seen her ass
Copy !req
745. You're not staying here.
Copy !req
746. Oh, come on.
- No.
Copy !req
747. You can go home.
Copy !req
748. Or you're going
to Cuddy's,
Copy !req
749. gonna ring her doorbell,
Copy !req
750. and you're gonna ask her
out on a date
Copy !req
751. like regular people do.
Copy !req
752. At 3:00 in the morning?
Copy !req
753. When do regular
people sleep?
Copy !req
754. Buh-bye.
Copy !req
755. Is he in enough pain
to come in yet?
Copy !req
756. No. Antibody tests back?
Copy !req
757. Inconclusive.
Copy !req
758. Then why are you here?
Copy !req
759. I missed you.
Copy !req
760. Endoscopy?
- Inconclusive.
Copy !req
761. Well, then do it again.
Copy !req
762. I know it sucks,
Copy !req
763. but I need to test
your stomach again.
Copy !req
764. It's really hurting.
Copy !req
765. I know. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
766. Try to get you
on your back
Copy !req
767. and have you open
your mouth.
Copy !req
768. I can't...
Copy !req
769. Oh. Oh, whoa.
He's out.
Copy !req
770. Anything?
Copy !req
771. No pulse.
Copy !req
772. Start CPR.
- Get the paddles.
Copy !req
773. Get the paddles!
Copy !req
774. Who are you calling?
Copy !req
775. Pizza. You like anchovies?
Copy !req
776. I'm calling the lawyer.
Copy !req
777. Genuine emergency.
Copy !req
778. He'll okay admission.
Copy !req
779. He's dying.
Copy !req
780. Exactly.
Copy !req
781. Hi. Sorry to wake you.
Copy !req
782. Your introvert
is having a heart attack.
Copy !req
783. If we don't restart
his heart...
Copy !req
784. He can survive 15 minutes
on oxygen and CPR.
Copy !req
785. We can get him
to the hospital in five.
Copy !req
786. Lawyer says yes.
Copy !req
787. Continue CPR.
2123 Holden green.
Copy !req
788. Patient with P.E.A.
- Clear.
Copy !req
789. Wait!
Copy !req
790. I got a pulse.
Copy !req
791. Cancel the ambulance.
Copy !req
792. He's stable enough
to stay here.
Copy !req
793. His heart's back to sinus rhythm,
Copy !req
794. but it's bradycardic.
Copy !req
795. Taub's putting in
a temporary pacemaker.
Copy !req
796. It'll keep his heart
beating for now.
Copy !req
797. Hey, Cameron,
Copy !req
798. how would you like
your old job back?
Copy !req
799. I'm asking 'cause it's
the only way I can fire you.
Copy !req
800. Sorry. In ER, we like
to actually resuscitate
Copy !req
801. dying people,
Copy !req
802. Not just let them
flop around.
Copy !req
803. Could be Lymphoma.
Copy !req
804. We'd have seen it
on the abdomen.
Copy !req
805. It has to be a poison.
Copy !req
806. Organophosphates.
Copy !req
807. We checked
the place over and over.
Copy !req
808. It's completely clean.
Copy !req
809. There are rose petals
in the front entry.
Copy !req
810. Unless he's eating
a bouquet a day,
Copy !req
811. he couldn't—
Copy !req
812. How clean?
- Very.
Copy !req
813. He probably has
a little OCD.
Copy !req
814. How often do you wash
your tub?
Copy !req
815. Every couple days.
Copy !req
816. Bleach and ammonia?
Copy !req
817. Yeah.
Copy !req
818. You know how kids
play toy soldiers
Copy !req
819. in the bath?
Copy !req
820. He likes to re-enact
the Battle of Cypress.
Copy !req
821. Three times a week
with real gas.
Copy !req
822. Ammonia and bleach
makes chlorine gas.
Copy !req
823. Highly fat soluble.
Copy !req
824. He lost weight
after the stomach pain.
Copy !req
825. Explains why his symptoms
kept getting worse.
Copy !req
826. Put him on parenteral steroids
and sodium bicarbonate.
Copy !req
827. Even if you're right,
Copy !req
828. that external pacemaker's
gonna fail eventually.
Copy !req
829. And I don't have the skills
to put in a permanent one.
Copy !req
830. Well, maybe the poison hasn't
completely shot his heart.
Copy !req
831. And you won't have
to feel guilty
Copy !req
832. for the rest of your life.
Copy !req
833. How am I gonna place
the leads in the exact spot
Copy !req
834. on the right ventricle
without fluoroscopy?
Copy !req
835. The force?
Copy !req
836. Taub put in
the temporary one.
Copy !req
837. You can do that playing
pin the tail on the donkey.
Copy !req
838. Permanent pacemakers
need precision.
Copy !req
839. So we can use
the portable X-ray.
Copy !req
840. It's not real time.
- Sonogram.
Copy !req
841. And what happens
when I put him into V-tach
Copy !req
842. because the sonogram
isn't precise enough?
Copy !req
843. He's dying.
Copy !req
844. Exactly why I don't
want to be the one
Copy !req
845. to kill him.
Copy !req
846. Thanks.
Copy !req
847. You knew I'd have
to say no.
Copy !req
848. But you came anyway.
Copy !req
849. You just wanted a reason
to be angry at me.
Copy !req
850. If there's something wrong
between us, then—
Copy !req
851. Forget it.
Copy !req
852. You know why
we spend nights
Copy !req
853. at my house?
Copy !req
854. Because when we spend them
at yours...
Copy !req
855. I could tell
you didn't want me there.
Copy !req
856. Why would I keep
inviting you over
Copy !req
857. if I didn't
want you there?
Copy !req
858. You always kicked me out
every morning.
Copy !req
859. You never offered me
a drawer.
Copy !req
860. You never cleared out
your closet for me.
Copy !req
861. I was just a visitor.
Copy !req
862. How long have you felt
like this?
Copy !req
863. From the start.
Copy !req
864. I know it's hard for you
because you lost your husband,
Copy !req
865. but...
Copy !req
866. I can't keep chasing you
Copy !req
867. I just tried your house.
Where are you?
Copy !req
868. Clubbing. Good or bad?
Copy !req
869. Bad. Vitals are dropping.
Copy !req
870. The abdominal pain
keeps getting worse.
Copy !req
871. Means we were too late
with the treatment.
Copy !req
872. Tell the lawyer
he's off the clock.
Copy !req
873. We're done.
- You're giving up?
Copy !req
874. Call Taub. Tell him to pick up
some morphine.
Copy !req
875. There's no need
for the patient to be in pain.
Copy !req
876. He's on morphine.
Copy !req
877. No. He's on saline.
Copy !req
878. I figured you put him
on saline
Copy !req
879. so I switched him back
to morphine.
Copy !req
880. I love you.
Copy !req
881. When you reach puberty,
give me—
Copy !req
882. His abdominal pain.
That was on morphine?
Copy !req
883. Yes.
Copy !req
884. Is there something
that causes abdominal pain
Copy !req
885. that doesn't respond
to morphine?
Copy !req
886. I was right.
He is being poisoned.
Copy !req
887. What's this density
on his hip?
Copy !req
888. Just bone.
Copy !req
889. Think less boney.
Copy !req
890. You think he's got
lead poisoning?
Copy !req
891. Explains the constipation,
Copy !req
892. the nerves, seizures.
Copy !req
893. Hold him down.
Copy !req
894. You're not gonna feel
a thing...
Copy !req
895. except excruciating pain.
Copy !req
896. The mugger
used hollow points.
Copy !req
897. They exploded
and left fragments.
Copy !req
898. Your doctors missed a couple
Copy !req
899. hiding behind your hip bone.
Copy !req
900. It's no biggie.
Copy !req
901. Except years later,
they started to dissolve,
Copy !req
902. and then, biggie,
you started to dissolve.
Copy !req
903. I'll start him on chelation.
Copy !req
904. The agoraphobia,
could it—
Copy !req
905. No. Lead wouldn't have started
to disintegrate
Copy !req
906. till years after.
Copy !req
907. But it could have
exacerbated the fear.
Copy !req
908. I don't need to change.
Copy !req
909. I know you think that.
Copy !req
910. But your life
could be better.
Copy !req
911. You—you—you'd
have choices.
Copy !req
912. He's lying.
Copy !req
913. About what?
Copy !req
914. About everything.
Copy !req
915. About his life.
Copy !req
916. He doesn't even think
Copy !req
917. he's happy here.
Copy !req
918. He's miserable.
Copy !req
919. I've got everything
I need.
Copy !req
920. Yeah?
Copy !req
921. Well, then why did Taub
find rose petals
Copy !req
922. in your entry hallway?
Copy !req
923. Struck me
as a little weird.
Copy !req
924. Thought it might be
medically relevant.
Copy !req
925. But it actually just told me
that you were pathetic.
Copy !req
926. The day you crashed
in your entryway...
Copy !req
927. was your girlfriend's
Copy !req
928. You weren't there
for the mail.
Copy !req
929. You were trying to go
lay flowers on her grave.
Copy !req
930. Yeah, he's got PTSD.
Copy !req
931. Yeah, he's agoraphobic.
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932. He's also a coward.
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933. You want to change
your life, do something.
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934. Don't believe your own
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935. Don't lock yourself up,
pretend you're happy.
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936. Hi.
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937. Hi.
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938. You were right.
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939. About my husband.
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940. It affected me.
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941. It still affects me.
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942. If you're saying
you'll never be able to—
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943. I cleaned out
a drawer for you.
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944. Like a
big one.
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