1. - It's way too fast.
- It felt good.
Copy !req
2. - If we could clear
the stage quickly, please.
Copy !req
3. - Maury, it's too fast.
Copy !req
4. - It's exactly the same.
- Then slow it down.
Copy !req
5. - Everything
all right, Jeremy?
Copy !req
6. - Sure.
Ready whenever you are.
Copy !req
7. - From the allegro, please.
Copy !req
8. - What's his problem?
Copy !req
9. - His back's not 100%.
Copy !req
10. - He can't talk
to the conductor like that.
Copy !req
11. - No, he can't.
Copy !req
12. She could.
Copy !req
13. - You okay with the lift?
Copy !req
14. - I'll be fine unless
you mess up the timing.
Copy !req
15. - My timing is perfect.
Copy !req
16. - It was last night.
Copy !req
17. - Moment of truth.
Copy !req
18. - Aah.
Copy !req
19. - Damn it.
Copy !req
20. - Penelope, are you all right?
Copy !req
21. - She—she can't breathe!
Copy !req
22. Call a doctor!
Copy !req
23. - Are you gonna ignore me
all day again?
Copy !req
24. I help you.
Copy !req
25. - You tried to kill Chase.
Copy !req
26. - Doing what you wanted,
that's all, boss.
Copy !req
27. - I exist.
- No, you don't.
Copy !req
28. I acknowledge
my subconscious exists.
Copy !req
29. Now go away.
Copy !req
30. Saying it is one thing.
Copy !req
31. Living it is another.
Copy !req
32. You're not rational...
Copy !req
33. not completely.
Copy !req
34. - Put the phone
on the receiver,
Copy !req
35. send the hookers home,
and get dressed.
Copy !req
36. We've got a case.
- I'm taking a personal day.
Copy !req
37. - 21-year-old star
Copy !req
38. at the New York Ballet
collapsed on stage.
Copy !req
39. - I love ballet.
Copy !req
40. But as someone
may have mentioned,
Copy !req
41. I'm taking a personal day.
Copy !req
42. - Cuddy said get your ass in
or you're fired.
Copy !req
43. - She's not gonna fire me.
Copy !req
44. - She's not gonna fire you...
Copy !req
45. if you don't go to work?
- Okay.
Copy !req
46. - How long do you figure
till I just disappear?
Copy !req
47. - Hold on.
Copy !req
48. - No tumors or punctures
in the lungs,
Copy !req
49. no bruising,
no sign of trauma, no STDs.
Copy !req
50. - And supplemental oxygen's
only gotten
Copy !req
51. her saturation level to 60.
Copy !req
52. Lungs keep collapsing
despite a chest tube.
Copy !req
53. - E.R. ruled out the obvious.
Copy !req
54. White count and temp
were normal, so no pneumonia.
Copy !req
55. - Coffee's burnt.
Copy !req
56. Thirteen's wearing
cherry-flavored lip gloss.
Copy !req
57. Foreman's staring at you.
Copy !req
58. Any of that helpful?
Copy !req
59. - House?
Copy !req
60. - STD?
Copy !req
61. - We just said the tests were
negative. You think we should—
Copy !req
62. - No.
Copy !req
63. - She's a dancer.
What about dehydration?
Copy !req
64. - What about
a pulmonary contusion?
Copy !req
65. C.T. showed no inflammation
on the lungs.
Copy !req
66. - What about dehydration?
Copy !req
67. - B.U.N. and Creatinine
Copy !req
68. are elevated but within range.
Copy !req
69. - Hey, I'm just the irrational
part of your brain,
Copy !req
70. but elevated means high, right?
Copy !req
71. Dehydration
could hide an infection.
Copy !req
72. - Dehydration
could hide an infection.
Copy !req
73. Go treat her
for the obvious—
Copy !req
74. I.V. fluids and antibiotics
for the pneumonia.
Copy !req
75. - We're like Magic and Kareem.
Copy !req
76. - Mr. Pietramala,
Copy !req
77. you have kidney cancer.
- Wow.
Copy !req
78. Is that a bad one?
Copy !req
79. I mean, they're all bad, but—
Copy !req
80. - The door was closed
Copy !req
81. for a reason.
Copy !req
82. - Well, now it's open
for a reason.
Copy !req
83. We need to talk.
Copy !req
84. - H-he just told me
Copy !req
85. I have kidney cancer.
Copy !req
86. - Then you'll obviously need
a moment to process.
Copy !req
87. - House.
Copy !req
88. - I'm hallucinating.
Copy !req
89. - I'm...
Copy !req
90. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
91. - I need you to sit in
on my differentials,
Copy !req
92. double-check everything I do.
Copy !req
93. - You can't treat
patients if—
Copy !req
94. - It's got to be sleep apnea.
Copy !req
95. I get a good night's sleep,
and I still feel exhausted.
Copy !req
96. Lack of delta sleep
can lead to hallucinations.
Copy !req
97. - Do you have
any other neurological symptoms?
Copy !req
98. - I don't think so.
Copy !req
99. - Aphasia?
- No.
Copy !req
100. - Memory loss?
- No.
Copy !req
101. - Irritability?
- Yeah, that one!
Copy !req
102. - Don't deflect.
He cares about you.
Copy !req
103. You care about him.
- You shouldn't be practicing.
Copy !req
104. At least—
- Tell him—
Copy !req
105. - Enough!
Copy !req
106. Don't give me the look.
I told you I was hallucinating.
Copy !req
107. - Who were you talking to?
Copy !req
108. - Someone
who's not actually here.
Copy !req
109. Beyond that seems irrelevant.
Copy !req
110. - Your mind made a choice.
It means something.
Copy !req
111. - You know
he's just gonna keep asking.
Copy !req
112. - Kutner.
Copy !req
113. - Good choice.
He feels bad.
Copy !req
114. - You gonna help me or not?
Copy !req
115. - Yeah.
Copy !req
116. - I could eat from this place
seven days a week.
Copy !req
117. - We practically do.
Copy !req
118. - You can order
tomorrow night.
Copy !req
119. Do you want some wine?
Copy !req
120. - No, thanks.
Copy !req
121. I have my husband's sperm.
Copy !req
122. - Your dead husband's?
Copy !req
123. - We froze it
when he got diagnosed.
Copy !req
124. - And you kept it?
Copy !req
125. All this time?
Copy !req
126. - I used to think
if I didn't find anyone, then—
Copy !req
127. - You found someone.
Copy !req
128. - I know,
Copy !req
129. But...
Copy !req
130. - What if it goes wrong?
Copy !req
131. What if I turn out to be
Copy !req
132. a-a radical anarchist
with a secret family
Copy !req
133. and that I-I age backwards?
Copy !req
134. - Nobody plans
on getting divorced.
Copy !req
135. I didn't plan
on my husband dying.
Copy !req
136. But he did.
Copy !req
137. - So you—you're saying
you want a prenup...
Copy !req
138. in liquid form.
Copy !req
139. - What if it's not
sleep apnea?
Copy !req
140. Trauma from
your motorcycle accident?
Copy !req
141. Vicodin abuse?
Copy !req
142. You need to be admitted.
Copy !req
143. - I know you're wrong
about sleep apnea,
Copy !req
144. which means you know
you're wrong about sleep apnea.
Copy !req
145. You're scared.
Tell him you're scared.
Copy !req
146. - I can't sleep with you here.
Copy !req
147. - Did it work?
Copy !req
148. - Do you see someone
standing beside me?
Copy !req
149. - No.
Copy !req
150. - Then, no.
Copy !req
151. - So what's next on your list
of things it's not?
Copy !req
152. - Patient's not responding
to the antibiotics.
Copy !req
153. Still can't breathe.
Copy !req
154. - So run a test
to confirm it's pneumonia.
Copy !req
155. - We can't do a bronc
Copy !req
156. because her lungs
are still collapsed.
Copy !req
157. - Transtracheal aspiration.
Copy !req
158. - That's basically
Copy !req
159. - It is pretty radical.
Copy !req
160. - It's a great idea.
Copy !req
161. - Regular radical,
Copy !req
162. me radical,
Copy !req
163. or me out of my mind radical?
Copy !req
164. - Somewhere
between regular and you.
Copy !req
165. - So what's the problem?
Copy !req
166. - Everything okay?
Copy !req
167. - No.
Copy !req
168. Our patient can't breathe.
Copy !req
169. Either do the test
or come up with a better one.
Copy !req
170. So we're down to infection,
Copy !req
171. trauma, M.S., schizophrenia,
Copy !req
172. or pills.
Copy !req
173. - Schizophrenia
usually manifests younger.
Copy !req
174. - That's why
it's further down the list.
Copy !req
175. I can confirm an infection
with a simple blood test.
Copy !req
176. - An infection
can be treated...
Copy !req
177. cured.
Copy !req
178. Means you still got a job.
Copy !req
179. Means you still got a life.
Copy !req
180. It doesn't make it
a better idea, just a nicer one.
Copy !req
181. This the rational you talking?
Copy !req
182. - Can't do this on my own.
Copy !req
183. - When we inject the water,
Copy !req
184. it's gonna feel
like you're drowning.
Copy !req
185. But it'll be over
in a few seconds.
Copy !req
186. - Then it'll be better?
Copy !req
187. - A little.
Copy !req
188. - Hold her shoulders down
a little.
Copy !req
189. Ready?
Copy !req
190. - You're doing great.
Copy !req
191. Here comes the liquid.
Copy !req
192. - Taub.
Copy !req
193. - I slipped.
Copy !req
194. Oh, no.
- What?
Copy !req
195. - Her skin came off.
Copy !req
196. - Her skin is sloughing off
Copy !req
197. faster than we can replace it
with the artificial skin.
Copy !req
198. - Could be autoimmune.
Copy !req
199. - A.N.A. was negative.
Copy !req
200. - Focus on the lungs.
Copy !req
201. - You want us
to ignore the fact
Copy !req
202. that she's lost 80%
of her skin?
Copy !req
203. - We know
it's not lung cancer.
Copy !req
204. Could be a liver tumor,
eats through to the lungs.
Copy !req
205. Get an ultrasound of her liver.
Copy !req
206. If you find masses,
get a biopsy.
Copy !req
207. - We can't just ignore
the skin.
Copy !req
208. It's obviously
the most significant
Copy !req
209. and dangerous symptom
right now.
Copy !req
210. - I don't think
it is a symptom.
Copy !req
211. I think we caused it.
Copy !req
212. - By doing what?
Copy !req
213. - I prescribed antibiotics.
Copy !req
214. - Toxic epidermal necrolysis—
Copy !req
215. that's a one-in-a-million
Copy !req
216. - Yeah, well,
maybe this is the one.
Copy !req
217. Get swabs
of her old skin to confirm.
Copy !req
218. Where the hell were you?
Copy !req
219. - I do have a practice.
Copy !req
220. - Ballerina
has toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Copy !req
221. - Are you sure?
Copy !req
222. - About to be.
Copy !req
223. - You didn't do anything wrong.
You prescribed antibiotics.
Copy !req
224. Any other doctor would've done
the exact same thing.
Copy !req
225. - Any other doctor?
Copy !req
226. Words can hurt, you know.
Copy !req
227. I have no reason
to feel guilty.
Copy !req
228. It doesn't make any sense...
Copy !req
229. unless there's something wrong
in the limbic area of my brain.
Copy !req
230. - Guilt as a symptom?
Copy !req
231. - It's consistent with M.S.
Copy !req
232. And since the blood tests
were negative,
Copy !req
233. I have to apologize.
Copy !req
234. If I feel better,
then you're right.
Copy !req
235. I was feeling an emotion.
Copy !req
236. If I feel nothing...
Copy !req
237. it means
my limbic brain is shot.
Copy !req
238. - I'm Dr. House.
Copy !req
239. Anyone explain
to you your status?
Copy !req
240. They found a mass
in my liver—cancer.
Copy !req
241. - They said they think
they can treat it
Copy !req
242. and that the skin
is starting to take.
Copy !req
243. - I'll be able to dance again.
Copy !req
244. - She's half dead,
Copy !req
245. and she's wondering
if she'll ever plie again?
Copy !req
246. Healthy priorities.
Copy !req
247. Let the mocking begin.
Copy !req
248. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
249. I...
Copy !req
250. treated you for an infection
Copy !req
251. before confirming
that you had one.
Copy !req
252. That's why you lost your skin.
Copy !req
253. I know you're in pain.
I know that I caused it.
Copy !req
254. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
255. - Very nice.
Copy !req
256. - Thank you?
Copy !req
257. - Nothing.
Copy !req
258. - Maybe you didn't mean it.
Copy !req
259. - I meant it.
Copy !req
260. - Did you do a liver biopsy
to confirm—
Copy !req
261. - Couldn't. The artificial skin
was too thin.
Copy !req
262. She'd bleed out.
Copy !req
263. Why were you talking
to the patient?
Copy !req
264. - I think skinless women
are hot.
Copy !req
265. Do a transjugular liver biopsy.
Copy !req
266. If she bleeds,
at least it stays in her veins.
Copy !req
267. - Did you just check
with Wilson again?
Copy !req
268. - No.
Copy !req
269. I felt nothing.
It's M.S.
Copy !req
270. - Apologies aren't supposed
to make you feel better.
Copy !req
271. They're supposed to make
the other person feel better.
Copy !req
272. - In order
to make you feel better.
Copy !req
273. - Fine. You want to do
an L.P. to confirm,
Copy !req
274. or is guilt enough
to start filling prescriptions?
Copy !req
275. - Last mass about a centimeter
to your right.
Copy !req
276. Problem?
Copy !req
277. - Short burst of flutter.
Copy !req
278. We're almost done.
Copy !req
279. - Entering
the right hepatic vein.
Copy !req
280. Cameron kept
her dead husband's sperm.
Copy !req
281. - She doesn't like yours?
Copy !req
282. - She likes his better.
Copy !req
283. Or at least she...
Copy !req
284. wants to hang on to it
in case mine is...
Copy !req
285. unfaithful or something.
Copy !req
286. - Wow.
Copy !req
287. - Advancing two centimeters.
Copy !req
288. - You got to let her do it.
Copy !req
289. If you don't,
Copy !req
290. you'll be stuck
with her forever.
Copy !req
291. - I want to be stuck
with her forever.
Copy !req
292. - She married a dying guy.
She has issues.
Copy !req
293. You...
Copy !req
294. cannot leave her...
Copy !req
295. ever, for any reason,
Copy !req
296. 'cause then you're not just
the guy who left her,
Copy !req
297. you're the guy
who killed her kids.
Copy !req
298. That's not a good rhythm.
Copy !req
299. Get out.
Copy !req
300. - Narrow complex tachycardia—
she's gonna crash.
Copy !req
301. - The biopsy was negative for cancer
Copy !req
302. but the procedure
sent her heart into a-fib.
Copy !req
303. - We don't know
it was the biopsy
Copy !req
304. that caused the heart problem.
Copy !req
305. Maybe the heart
caused the lungs to collapse.
Copy !req
306. - Why is Wilson here?
Copy !req
307. - You were looking for cancer.
Thought it'd be helpful if—
Copy !req
308. - We didn't find cancer.
Copy !req
309. - Yes, which you reported
to me five seconds ago.
Copy !req
310. Thought I'd let him finish
his hors d'oeuvre
Copy !req
311. before getting the bouncer
to take care of him.
Copy !req
312. - Until we can regulate
the heart,
Copy !req
313. we can't get
any meaningful pictures.
Copy !req
314. So we can't tell—
Copy !req
315. - Metoprolol
can correct irregular heart—
Copy !req
316. - Tried it.
Didn't work.
Copy !req
317. Is Cuddy making him oversee—
Copy !req
318. - No.
Copy !req
319. - Heart's too irregular
for MRI.
Copy !req
320. Other scans would—
Copy !req
321. - Then you're making him
oversee your choices.
Copy !req
322. You don't trust yourself.
Copy !req
323. Why?
Copy !req
324. - Wilson, get out.
Copy !req
325. - Are you sure?
Copy !req
326. - Do I need your approval
to throw you out?
Copy !req
327. - You happy now?
Copy !req
328. - There's only one time her
heart's gonna be perfectly still
Copy !req
329. for our pictures,
and that's when she's dead.
Copy !req
330. - If it's not M.S.,
Copy !req
331. severe mental illness
Copy !req
332. and vicodin
are all that's left.
Copy !req
333. Mental illness means...
Copy !req
334. you can no longer
practice medicine.
Copy !req
335. Vicodin means detox,
Copy !req
336. which means pain
Copy !req
337. for the rest of your life,
Copy !req
338. which means you can no longer
practice medicine.
Copy !req
339. - Are you saying
we should kill her?
Copy !req
340. - No.
Copy !req
341. - If we stopped her heart,
Copy !req
342. we could get our pictures
and then restart it.
Copy !req
343. - What if we can't restart it?
Copy !req
344. - Then she stays dead.
Copy !req
345. - We restart hearts
all the time.
Copy !req
346. - It'll take four minutes
for us to MRI
Copy !req
347. her entire heart.
Copy !req
348. - And we only have
three minutes
Copy !req
349. until there's brain damage.
Copy !req
350. You sure about this?
Copy !req
351. - Yeah.
Copy !req
352. We're gonna stop her heart
so I can MRI it.
Copy !req
353. I think it was her idea.
Copy !req
354. Pneumonia was her idea, and it
almost killed the patient.
Copy !req
355. - Her?
Copy !req
356. - Oops.
Copy !req
357. - Kutner was secretly a woman.
Copy !req
358. That's why he killed himself.
Copy !req
359. It's Amber.
Copy !req
360. - Your subconscious
Copy !req
361. picked my dead girlfriend?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
362. The irrational part of my brain
Copy !req
363. works like the rational part
of yours.
Copy !req
364. How about that?
- It... raises questions.
Copy !req
365. - It answers questions.
- Who cares?
Copy !req
366. I've got competing ideas.
They can't both be right.
Copy !req
367. - Everybody gets competing
ideas. Everybody has doubts.
Copy !req
368. - So is it regular radical,
me radical,
Copy !req
369. or me out of my mind radical?
Copy !req
370. - It's on the upper end
of you radical.
Copy !req
371. Do you have any alternative?
Copy !req
372. - Nothing that anyone
in my head has come up with.
Copy !req
373. - Then you're
as safe as you can be.
Copy !req
374. - Great.
Copy !req
375. You get the L.P. results back?
Copy !req
376. Yeah.
Copy !req
377. It's a big shock.
You don't have M.S.
Copy !req
378. But while I had
your blood sample,
Copy !req
379. I checked vicodin levels—
Copy !req
380. way too high.
Copy !req
381. - I need the pills.
Copy !req
382. - Not an argument.
He knows that's not an argument.
Copy !req
383. - It could still be
Copy !req
384. - House...
Copy !req
385. if you're on anti-psych meds,
Copy !req
386. you're not gonna
be able to practice.
Copy !req
387. - I know.
Copy !req
388. - You'd prefer
electroshock therapy to rehab?
Copy !req
389. - I'd prefer something
that could actually work.
Copy !req
390. - You're rationalizing.
Copy !req
391. - No kidding.
Copy !req
392. - I know that you're afraid
of the pain, but electroshock—
Copy !req
393. - Don't give me
the cancer voice,
Copy !req
394. that overly earnest tone.
Copy !req
395. - Heart attack, stroke,
Copy !req
396. seizure, death, or worse.
Copy !req
397. - Worse?
Double death?
Copy !req
398. - You live, but you damage
the only thing you care about—
Copy !req
399. your rational mind.
Copy !req
400. I'll make some calls.
Copy !req
401. - I'll actually be dead?
Copy !req
402. - Just your heart,
just for a little while.
Copy !req
403. - Hopefully.
Copy !req
404. - I had an idea.
Copy !req
405. - Stop having ideas.
Copy !req
406. - Insulin shock.
Copy !req
407. - Yes.
Copy !req
408. That's marginally
less dangerous than E.C.T.
Copy !req
409. puts you in a coma.
Could cause—
Copy !req
410. - Could work.
Copy !req
411. - If you had psychosis,
which you don't.
Copy !req
412. - I've had no diarrhea,
no sweating, no vomiting,
Copy !req
413. none of the symptoms
of vicodin overdose.
Copy !req
414. - Yeah, except
the "I see dead people" thing.
Copy !req
415. - I've been popping pills
for years.
Copy !req
416. I've only been seeing things
for days.
Copy !req
417. Something changed.
Copy !req
418. - Vicodin addiction
is still more likely.
Copy !req
419. - So we're no longer dealing
in absolutes.
Copy !req
420. - House, I'll be up
in five minutes.
Copy !req
421. Then we can talk
about how you'd rather be
Copy !req
422. in a coma than in rehab.
Copy !req
423. - Actually, if you could be
up here in two,
Copy !req
424. that'd be really helpful.
Copy !req
425. - Why?
Copy !req
426. - 'Cause I'm about
to put myself
Copy !req
427. into insulin shock.
Copy !req
428. - Left atrium is fine.
Copy !req
429. - Left coronary artery
also fine.
Copy !req
430. We're almost at three minutes.
- Keep going.
Copy !req
431. - Chordae tendineae clear.
Copy !req
432. - Right atrium is fine.
- I got to start her back up.
Copy !req
433. - We have some time.
- We're over.
Copy !req
434. - Right coronary artery
is fine.
Copy !req
435. - The three-minute threshold
is a guideline.
Copy !req
436. - She might have less.
We have to stop.
Copy !req
437. - What's that by the aorta?
Copy !req
438. - I don't see anything.
- I'm restarting her heart.
Copy !req
439. - That's a shadow.
Two centimeters—
Copy !req
440. - You're only scared
Copy !req
441. because you know
this is gonna work.
Copy !req
442. - We're over three minutes.
Copy !req
443. - I need glucose in here!
Copy !req
444. You could've died.
Copy !req
445. - It worked.
Copy !req
446. Where are my pants?
Copy !req
447. - Are you sure?
Copy !req
448. - She's been everywhere
I've been for days.
Copy !req
449. She's not here, ergo...
Copy !req
450. - This was not
the next rational step.
Copy !req
451. - Now who's being biased?
Copy !req
452. You wanted me to detox
as much as I wanted—
Copy !req
453. I forgot how to do my zipper.
Copy !req
454. - Any other
neurological deficits?
Copy !req
455. - You don't seem to annoy me
as much as usual.
Copy !req
456. Not sure that's a deficit.
Copy !req
457. and...
Copy !req
458. I'm all better.
Copy !req
459. - Is she really gone?
- Absolutely.
Copy !req
460. I can feel myself repressing
all kinds of icky things.
Copy !req
461. I check out, don't I?
Copy !req
462. Damn.
Copy !req
463. - He didn't see anything.
Copy !req
464. He saw an artifact
on the monitor.
Copy !req
465. - It was a shadow
on her heart.
Copy !req
466. - She'd already been
technically dead
Copy !req
467. for three minutes.
Copy !req
468. I thought keeping her alive
took precedence
Copy !req
469. over prolonging the photo op.
Copy !req
470. - Any brain damage?
Copy !req
471. - No, all tests indicat—
Copy !req
472. - Obviously you had more time.
Copy !req
473. Best of luck.
Copy !req
474. - I assume we can't kill her
again and take more pictures.
Copy !req
475. - Uh, you'll want to check
with Wilson?
Copy !req
476. - Good one.
Copy !req
477. - It's something, a lesion.
Copy !req
478. - Tumor, scar tissue.
Copy !req
479. - Could be an abscess,
Copy !req
480. Explains why it's invisible
in the blood.
Copy !req
481. It's doing its damage
behind closed doors,
Copy !req
482. sealed off.
Copy !req
483. - See, the problem
with speculation
Copy !req
484. is you make a spec out of "u"
and some guy named "lation,"
Copy !req
485. which really
doesn't affect me at all.
Copy !req
486. - We have to guess.
It's all we've got.
Copy !req
487. We can't do a biopsy.
Copy !req
488. Last time we went
into her heart,
Copy !req
489. she had a major cardiac event.
Copy !req
490. - Which just leaves...
Copy !req
491. - What are you looking for?
Copy !req
492. - I don't know yet.
Copy !req
493. - The picture doesn't change.
Copy !req
494. She lies there in pain.
Copy !req
495. He sits there worried.
Copy !req
496. - Nothing changes.
Copy !req
497. I just had an epiphany...
Copy !req
498. all by myself.
Copy !req
499. Popped into my head
out of nothing.
Copy !req
500. - Care to share?
Copy !req
501. - He's too devoted.
Copy !req
502. - Too devoted?
Copy !req
503. You think he feels guilty?
Copy !req
504. - Right, I'm being cynical.
Copy !req
505. People can care because they
care, not because they cheated,
Copy !req
506. theoretically true.
Copy !req
507. But gonorrhea fits better.
Copy !req
508. - No. No STDs.
We tested her.
Copy !req
509. - You tested her blood.
Copy !req
510. - That is the test.
Copy !req
511. - That's not
where her problem is.
Copy !req
512. Gonorrhea disseminated
to her heart,
Copy !req
513. got walled off in an abscess.
Copy !req
514. It'd be invisible.
Copy !req
515. - And...
Copy !req
516. would look like a shadow.
Copy !req
517. - No need to test her again,
Copy !req
518. but we can check
Prince Charming.
Copy !req
519. Once you confirm,
Copy !req
520. cut the abscess
out of her heart.
Copy !req
521. - Here are your onion rings,
extra well-done.
Copy !req
522. - Thank you, Molly.
Copy !req
523. And another beer
when you get a chance.
Copy !req
524. I'm celebrating.
Copy !req
525. - Alone?
Copy !req
526. - Thank goodness.
Copy !req
527. Don't tell me.
I was right.
Copy !req
528. - Yep.
Boyfriend has gonorrhea.
Copy !req
529. - And everyone's a winner.
- He's not too happy about it.
Copy !req
530. He insists he's never cheated
and must've gotten it from her.
Copy !req
531. - Don't think so.
Copy !req
532. - Timing would fit.
Copy !req
533. He's got no symptoms,
and she's dying.
Copy !req
534. - Lying would fit too.
Copy !req
535. - He's not hanging out
in her room anymore.
Copy !req
536. What does it matter?
You were right.
Copy !req
537. We're prepping her for surgery.
Copy !req
538. - I saw guilt in him.
Copy !req
539. If he's not actually guilty...
Copy !req
540. then I wasn't right.
Copy !req
541. I was lucky.
Copy !req
542. - House,
Copy !req
543. you made a brilliant deduction
about her heart.
Copy !req
544. - And if I was just lucky...
Copy !req
545. - Wilson...
Copy !req
546. come get me.
Copy !req
547. - I know a nice facility
outside Philly.
Copy !req
548. I went to undergrad
with one of the directors.
Copy !req
549. - Thanks.
Copy !req
550. How many shirts do I need?
Copy !req
551. - They said three.
Copy !req
552. They have laundry.
Copy !req
553. - Like living with mom again—
Copy !req
554. delightful.
Copy !req
555. - It's probably Foreman.
Copy !req
556. - He's unavailable.
Copy !req
557. - Tell her the infection's
made her septic.
Copy !req
558. We can't remove the abscess
until we get her B.P. up.
Copy !req
559. And it's not responding
to fluids. It's not—
Copy !req
560. He's off the case.
Copy !req
561. - Patient okay?
Copy !req
562. - Yeah.
Copy !req
563. - He's lying.
Copy !req
564. - Why don't I feel scared?
Copy !req
565. - I'd say you're unaware
of what you're feeling
Copy !req
566. at this moment.
Copy !req
567. - I feel like crap.
Copy !req
568. My life is falling apart,
but I don't feel scared...
Copy !req
569. not of the rehab anyway.
Copy !req
570. - We've always been able
to find a way to cheat.
Copy !req
571. - It won't work.
Copy !req
572. - You want it
to work this time.
Copy !req
573. - Do we?
Copy !req
574. - House...
Copy !req
575. it's your only option.
Copy !req
576. - What do I do
if my only option won't work?
Copy !req
577. - You don't give up.
Copy !req
578. - Hmm.
Copy !req
579. It's either that
or electroshock every six hours.
Copy !req
580. Good night, Wilson.
Copy !req
581. - What if we put her
on a heart-lung machine?
Copy !req
582. - She's septic.
Copy !req
583. We don't need
a heart-lung machine.
Copy !req
584. We need a "blood vessel
holder together" machine.
Copy !req
585. - We could try
high-dose dopamine.
Copy !req
586. It's a vasoconstrictor.
Copy !req
587. It'll close the blood vessels
so she won't bleed out.
Copy !req
588. - Her heart can't take
that much dopamine.
Copy !req
589. It'll explode.
Copy !req
590. - And if we don't use
the dopamine,
Copy !req
591. it'll implode.
Copy !req
592. - Is House really done?
Copy !req
593. - It sounded that way.
Copy !req
594. - Dopamine it is.
Copy !req
595. - It's late, and I'm tired.
Copy !req
596. Can we get to the talking part
of this conversation?
Copy !req
597. I quit.
Copy !req
598. - Great.
Copy !req
599. My nanny
is off the clock at 7:30,
Copy !req
600. so...
Copy !req
601. your week off,
Copy !req
602. bigger desk...
Copy !req
603. tighter nurses uniforms,
Copy !req
604. or whatever other stupid thing
you're about to demand
Copy !req
605. is gonna have to wait until—
Copy !req
606. - You can go suckle
the little bastard child
Copy !req
607. who makes you feel good
about yourself.
Copy !req
608. - Screw you.
Copy !req
609. - Don't do this.
Copy !req
610. - I'm hallucinating.
Copy !req
611. - From the vicodin?
Copy !req
612. - Ruled out everything else.
Copy !req
613. - We can, uh...
Copy !req
614. admit you through the E.R.
under a pseudonym.
Copy !req
615. No one has to...
- I'll cheat...
Copy !req
616. Scam,
Copy !req
617. find some way to keep using.
Copy !req
618. - These people
know what they're doing.
Copy !req
619. - These people don't know me.
Copy !req
620. You do.
- She's not your keeper.
Copy !req
621. She has no responsibility
for you.
Copy !req
622. - I need you.
Copy !req
623. - Let me call my babysitter.
Copy !req
624. - Blood pressure's 90 over 60.
- We know.
Copy !req
625. - I'm just saying.
Copy !req
626. It's still 90 over 60.
It's holding.
Copy !req
627. - Abscess is intact.
Copy !req
628. Doesn't look like any of the
surrounding tissue is affected.
Copy !req
629. She's gonna be fine.
Copy !req
630. - Doctor.
Copy !req
631. - We've got a problem.
Copy !req
632. - Lie down.
I'll get you some tea.
Copy !req
633. Yeah...
Copy !req
634. then I'll be better.
Copy !req
635. - Do you really think
she hasn't searched this place
Copy !req
636. for your secret stash?
Copy !req
637. - I already did this room...
Copy !req
638. and the bathroom
and your bedroom.
Copy !req
639. Where should I look,
in the kitchen?
Copy !req
640. Coffee cup in—
in the top shelf.
Copy !req
641. - That was a test.
Copy !req
642. I already did the kitchen.
Copy !req
643. - Nicely played—
Copy !req
644. She'll think you've come clean,
given her everything.
Copy !req
645. There's more.
Copy !req
646. - Don't!
You're hurting already.
Copy !req
647. It'll only get worse.
Copy !req
648. - House, you should tell me
where it is now,
Copy !req
649. because you won't have the will
to tell me in two hours.
Copy !req
650. My shoes in the closet.
Copy !req
651. - It's like I don't even know
who you are anymore.
Copy !req
652. Aah!
Copy !req
653. - It's okay.
Copy !req
654. Hold my hand.
Copy !req
655. - Am I okay?
Copy !req
656. - We were able to
successfully remove the abscess
Copy !req
657. from your heart.
Copy !req
658. But the dopamine
caused the blood vessels
Copy !req
659. in your hands and feet
Copy !req
660. to clamp shut.
Copy !req
661. We need to amputate,
or the gangrene will spread.
Copy !req
662. You'll die.
Copy !req
663. My feet?
Copy !req
664. - And your hands.
Copy !req
665. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
666. - No.
I'm a dancer.
Copy !req
667. - The tissue can't be saved.
Copy !req
668. - No.
Copy !req
669. - We know what House would do.
Copy !req
670. - House would have never woken
her up to ask for consent.
Copy !req
671. If you can't live with the
answer, don't ask the question.
Copy !req
672. - You're saying we should
accept her decision?
Copy !req
673. - Bold idea, I know.
Copy !req
674. - Maybe we can get
the boyfriend
Copy !req
675. to convince her to do it.
Copy !req
676. - Yeah, boyfriends
get everything they want.
Copy !req
677. - Forget it.
Copy !req
678. The boyfriend doesn't want
to talk to her anymore.
Copy !req
679. - Where are you going?
- Home. The case is over.
Copy !req
680. - No, it's not.
Copy !req
681. Not until we come up
with something that might work.
Copy !req
682. It's a shame
that she might die
Copy !req
683. because House has some
personal crap to work through.
Copy !req
684. - Technically, if she dies,
Copy !req
685. it's because House has some
personal crap to work through,
Copy !req
686. and we weren't smart enough
to get the answer without him.
Copy !req
687. False alarm.
Copy !req
688. - Drink this.
Copy !req
689. - That's your advice—
drink this?
Copy !req
690. It's Ginger.
Copy !req
691. It'll ease the nausea.
Copy !req
692. - You know
what would calm the nausea?
Copy !req
693. Vicodin...
Copy !req
694. marijuana...
Copy !req
695. a coma.
Copy !req
696. - Oh, don't pretend
you didn't see it.
Copy !req
697. I saw it,
which means you saw it.
Copy !req
698. Send her away.
Copy !req
699. - Too bitter.
Copy !req
700. I already had enough bitter.
Copy !req
701. - I'll add some Honey.
Copy !req
702. - You're pathetic.
Copy !req
703. If you want the pill,
just send her home.
Copy !req
704. But you can't,
Copy !req
705. because that would be
admitting defeat to her.
Copy !req
706. Now, this is interesting.
Copy !req
707. If you take the pill,
you don't deserve her.
Copy !req
708. If you secretly
take the pill,
Copy !req
709. you don't deserve anyone.
Copy !req
710. - No!
Copy !req
711. - Aah!
Copy !req
712. No!
Copy !req
713. No!
Copy !req
714. - This isn't gonna work.
Copy !req
715. - It might work.
That's all we're going for.
Copy !req
716. Vasodilators can—
Copy !req
717. - Big jump from reopening
to reanimating.
Copy !req
718. I'm out of the ulnar.
Copy !req
719. I'm not seeing any clearing.
This won't work.
Copy !req
720. - This probably won't work.
Copy !req
721. - Radial artery's
really tight.
Copy !req
722. - Don't go too fast.
Copy !req
723. If it clots,
she loses the hand.
Copy !req
724. - If it clots, she's dead.
Copy !req
725. - I can't believe it.
Copy !req
726. - What?
Copy !req
727. - It might be working.
Copy !req
728. - Can you stop?
Copy !req
729. The breathing.
Copy !req
730. - Air goes in,
air goes out.
Copy !req
731. - Then use your nose.
Copy !req
732. - You're supposed to feel
like crap.
Copy !req
733. You're doing great.
Copy !req
734. - And after?
Copy !req
735. - You come back to work.
Copy !req
736. - What if I can't?
Copy !req
737. - Opioid dependency can make
Copy !req
738. you think you have more pain
than you really have.
Copy !req
739. You're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
740. - You're telling me what I want
to hear with no evidence.
Copy !req
741. - I'm telling you
what I believe to be the truth.
Copy !req
742. - With no evidence.
Copy !req
743. - You're hardly
the most unbiased observer.
Copy !req
744. - Neither are you.
Copy !req
745. I'm your hospital's
biggest asset.
Copy !req
746. - Is that
why you think I'm here?
Copy !req
747. - It's why you're here.
Copy !req
748. It's why you're lying
to me about—
Copy !req
749. - I haven't lied to you
in 20 years.
Copy !req
750. - Sure you have.
Copy !req
751. Which means
that you just said that
Copy !req
752. because you want to tell me
what you lied to me about
Copy !req
753. 20 years ago.
Copy !req
754. You're an ass.
Copy !req
755. - Am I wrong?
Copy !req
756. - I wasn't
in your endocrinology class.
Copy !req
757. - You sat next to me.
I cheated off you on—
Copy !req
758. - I audited
your endocrinology class.
Copy !req
759. - Why would you—
Copy !req
760. - Because I thought
you were an interesting lunatic
Copy !req
761. even then.
Copy !req
762. - I'm not here
protecting hospital property.
Copy !req
763. - We're alone.
Copy !req
764. - We've been alone all night.
Copy !req
765. - No, I mean Amber.
Copy !req
766. She's gone.
Copy !req
767. - Where's Jeremy?
Copy !req
768. - He left.
Copy !req
769. You okay?
Copy !req
770. - The surgery worked.
Copy !req
771. - Congratulations.
Copy !req
772. - I can't do it.
Copy !req
773. - You have doubts.
Copy !req
774. - You don't?
Copy !req
775. - No.
Copy !req
776. - Well, that's...
Copy !req
777. naive.
Copy !req
778. I-I want to spend
Copy !req
779. the rest of my life with you.
Copy !req
780. I love you.
Copy !req
781. That's how I feel right now,
Copy !req
782. but...
Copy !req
783. I don't...
Copy !req
784. know.
Copy !req
785. - I'll wait until you do.
Copy !req
786. - I ca—I can't know.
Copy !req
787. No—no one knows.
Copy !req
788. - I do.
Copy !req
789. - I'll see you in later?
Copy !req
790. I have some papers
to push for you.
Copy !req
791. - Thank you.
Copy !req
792. - You want to kiss me,
don't you?
Copy !req
793. - I always want
to kiss you.
Copy !req