1. You have a patient waiting.
Copy !req
2. I'm waiting
for a follow-up.
Copy !req
3. If you're talking
about Mr. Casdin,
Copy !req
4. he has a "deceased"
sticker on his file,
Copy !req
5. as do all the other follow-ups
you have scheduled for today.
Copy !req
6. Whoops.
Copy !req
7. I had colds all winter.
Copy !req
8. Well, I've been
in this room awhile,
Copy !req
9. but it's spring now, right?
Copy !req
10. I feel run-down
Copy !req
11. like maybe something big
is coming on.
Copy !req
12. Run-down.
Come on, give me something.
Copy !req
13. Sore throat?
- No.
Copy !req
14. Runny nose?
- No.
Copy !req
15. I know it sounds weird,
I'm a nurse,
Copy !req
16. but could you run
maybe a CBC or thyroid up—
Copy !req
17. Dr. Cuddy,
I need a consult.
Copy !req
18. Until she stops seizing,
I may as well
Copy !req
19. go back to my office
and get my diagnosis on.
Copy !req
20. She's urinating on herself.
Copy !req
21. She's having a seizure.
If she hadn't peed—
Copy !req
22. It's green.
Copy !req
23. Interesting.
Copy !req
24. 35-year-old woman.
Copy !req
25. Head of nursing
at an old-age home.
Copy !req
26. Neurological symptoms
and "P"?
Copy !req
27. Oh, green pee.
I get it.
Copy !req
28. Nice.
Copy !req
29. "Neuro" is also
written in green.
Copy !req
30. Does that mean she has green
neurological symptoms as well?
Copy !req
31. From now on,
I'm gonna use two colors.
Copy !req
32. Green indicates irony.
Copy !req
33. Pseudomonas infection.
Copy !req
34. She'd have a fever.
Copy !req
35. Why are we taking
this case?
Copy !req
36. Welcome, your lordship.
Copy !req
37. We were just preparing
your morning briefing.
Copy !req
38. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
39. And, yes,
green pee does meet
Copy !req
40. the only diagnostic requirement
you care about—
Copy !req
41. It's interesting.
Copy !req
42. But is it worth
us taking this case?
Copy !req
43. "Us" aren't
taking anything.
Copy !req
44. I'm taking.
You're accepting.
Copy !req
45. Okay, I accept.
Copy !req
46. She has adult-onset epilepsy,
Copy !req
47. and she really likes
those St. Patrick's day beers.
Copy !req
48. Go check out
the house and the office
Copy !req
49. for toxins and infections.
Copy !req
50. Her neuro exam was normal.
Copy !req
51. No subsequent seizures.
Copy !req
52. It's not life-threatening.
It's not important.
Copy !req
53. Luckily neither are you.
Copy !req
54. You okay?
Copy !req
55. I'm fine.
Copy !req
56. You and House this morning,
Copy !req
57. the way you were arguing.
Copy !req
58. Airing disagreements
doesn't qualify as arguing.
Copy !req
59. Come on, man.
Copy !req
60. I'm just trying to help.
We're friends.
Copy !req
61. There are
400 Japanese teenagers
Copy !req
62. you were playing Halo
with last night
Copy !req
63. you're better friends with.
Copy !req
64. Your avatar should ask
their avatars
Copy !req
65. how they're doing.
Copy !req
66. I consider you
a good friend
Copy !req
67. even if we don't hang
that much outside work.
Copy !req
68. I wasn't arguing with him.
Copy !req
69. You kinda were.
Copy !req
70. Fine, I was.
Copy !req
71. And you know what,
I was right.
Copy !req
72. You got conned.
Copy !req
73. Methylthioninium
Copy !req
74. Notable side effect,
green urine.
Copy !req
75. She's a nurse.
She knows the dosage.
Copy !req
76. Knows how to fake a seizure.
Copy !req
77. She pees pea soup and gets
the warm attention of doctors
Copy !req
78. all week long.
Copy !req
79. She's a Munchausen,
and you're her mark.
Copy !req
80. So you're insight
is based on discovering
Copy !req
81. an anti-alzheimer's drug
at an old-age home.
Copy !req
82. No good reason
it'd be sitting in her desk.
Copy !req
83. You ever tried
to pee on yourself in public?
Copy !req
84. It's not easy.
Copy !req
85. Sorry, I rushed
the jewish frat.
Copy !req
86. We peed in private.
Copy !req
87. For good reason.
Copy !req
88. I can spot
a fake seizure.
Copy !req
89. Which means this was real.
Copy !req
90. Which means her problem
is phenol.
Copy !req
91. Carbolic acid?
Copy !req
92. Yeah, maybe she
accidentally inhaled some
Copy !req
93. at a gout treatment facility
circa 1890.
Copy !req
94. It's still in some
antiseptic throat sprays.
Copy !req
95. She's been chugging it
all winter for her colds.
Copy !req
96. Phenol explains the seizure
and the urine.
Copy !req
97. She'd have to drink
five bottles a day.
Copy !req
98. Which is why I'm sure
you won't have trouble
Copy !req
99. discovering evidence of it
when you search her house.
Copy !req
100. Bye.
Copy !req
101. And you can start her on
charcoal hemoperfusion
Copy !req
102. for the phenol poisoning.
Copy !req
103. Seriously?
Copy !req
104. Oh, you were lying
about the throat spray.
Copy !req
105. That does make more sense.
Copy !req
106. So why are you
wasting Taub's time?
Copy !req
107. Because I don't
want him to know that I'm
Copy !req
108. wasting my time disproving
his fake seizure theory.
Copy !req
109. Zip.
Copy !req
110. Chris?
Copy !req
111. Chris Taub, right?
Copy !req
112. Neil Zane.
Copy !req
113. I was two years under you
at Collegiate High, remember?
Copy !req
114. Sure.
Copy !req
115. So you're some
big doctor here now?
Copy !req
116. I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
117. Well, I was speaking
at an Econ course
Copy !req
118. over at the University.
Copy !req
119. I tripped and banged my leg.
Copy !req
120. I have some time.
Copy !req
121. Come with me.
Copy !req
122. Hi.
Tests back?
Copy !req
123. Head CT was negative.
Copy !req
124. What about
a thyroid uptake
Copy !req
125. or abdominal ultrasound?
Copy !req
126. Sure.
Copy !req
127. How 'bout I flash some lights
in front of your face first?
Copy !req
128. You want me to have
another seizure?
Copy !req
129. We're gonna have
to give up the room
Copy !req
130. unless we can
confirm a problem.
Copy !req
131. Okay.
Copy !req
132. Damn it.
Copy !req
133. Oh, God.
Copy !req
134. Please forgive me.
I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
135. What are you
worried about?
Copy !req
136. Maybe a night in jail
for fraud.
Copy !req
137. I have to go tell one
of my employees he was right.
Copy !req
138. I'm not a Munchausen.
Copy !req
139. I'm gonna die
unless you help me.
Copy !req
140. You'll have to come up
with something more original.
Copy !req
141. A cat predicted my death.
Copy !req
142. Cats make terrible doctors.
Copy !req
143. Oh, no, wait,
that's women.
Copy !req
144. You're screwed.
Copy !req
145. How'd you slip?
Copy !req
146. Oh, I've had this dizziness
problem for a while now.
Copy !req
147. You get checked
for labyrinthitis?
Copy !req
148. On antibiotics
for a week.
Copy !req
149. No difference.
Copy !req
150. Lie down a sec.
Copy !req
151. Whoa, whoa, I'm dizzy.
Copy !req
152. That's normal.
Copy !req
153. So what are you teaching?
Copy !req
154. Entrepreneurship.
Copy !req
155. I'm a CEO,
Osttech Industries.
Copy !req
156. We make medical devices.
Copy !req
157. All right,
you can sit up.
Copy !req
158. So did that
tell you anything?
Copy !req
159. Did I—
Copy !req
160. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
161. The—you just cured me.
Copy !req
162. I figured you had
a tiny calcium deposit
Copy !req
163. in your inner ear;
I just shifted it around.
Copy !req
164. I've seen
three doctors for this.
Copy !req
165. I'm buying you dinner.
Copy !req
166. Forget it.
- Come on.
Copy !req
167. I'm also in investor
in a club.
Copy !req
168. We'll make it a night out.
Copy !req
169. No, I'm married,
Copy !req
170. I know some married
people who aren't boring.
Copy !req
171. A few years back,
Copy !req
172. I was one of them.
Copy !req
173. Good luck.
Copy !req
174. If you're gonna
kill me and rape me,
Copy !req
175. please do it in that order.
Copy !req
176. This is the cat, Debbie.
Have you heard of her?
Copy !req
177. Debbie.
Copy !req
178. Sorry but without
a last name—
Copy !req
179. She was in the news.
Copy !req
180. We found her as a kitten.
She lives in the nursing home.
Copy !req
181. She only sleeps next to people
when they're about to die.
Copy !req
182. Ten patients
in the last year.
Copy !req
183. And then yesterday
she did it to me
Copy !req
184. while I was sitting
on my couch.
Copy !req
185. Please, the whole staff,
the doctors even,
Copy !req
186. we all know this is real.
Copy !req
187. Can you come back later?
Copy !req
188. I have some business
I'm conducting
Copy !req
189. with the Prince of Nigeria.
Copy !req
190. Just watch this video.
Copy !req
191. It'll prove
I'm not lying.
Copy !req
192. Dr. House, I'm begging you.
Copy !req
193. Chest.
Copy !req
194. Quick!
Copy !req
195. Before she goes without
attention for eight seconds.
Copy !req
196. House.
Copy !req
197. She's faking.
The cat told me.
Copy !req
198. Listen.
Copy !req
199. Soft breath sounds.
Copy !req
200. Means it's bronchospasm.
Copy !req
201. Can't fake that.
Copy !req
202. When Debbie climbs
on a patient's bed
Copy !req
203. and goes to sleep,
Copy !req
204. we call the loved ones
and tell them to come in.
Copy !req
205. You want to treat her?
Copy !req
206. She's a nutjob.
Copy !req
207. Don't we all have quirks?
Copy !req
208. Aren't those eccentricities
what make us human?
Copy !req
209. It's like Debbie's
here on earth
Copy !req
210. to bring people
to the other side.
Copy !req
211. Also agreed
is the cat does seem—
Copy !req
212. Nutjobs get sick too.
Copy !req
213. So you think
this cat story is nonsense.
Copy !req
214. And you admit she faked
her earlier symptoms.
Copy !req
215. But you still think
she's actually sick now?
Copy !req
216. Well, anything
would sound ridiculous
Copy !req
217. If you said it
in that voice.
Copy !req
218. Confirm she's faking
Copy !req
219. or I'm gonna have
to kick her out.
Copy !req
220. There's that voice again.
Copy !req
221. I'll give you 24 hours.
Copy !req
222. Consecutive?
Copy !req
223. What are you doing?
Copy !req
224. No, Mr. Bond,
I expect you to die.
Copy !req
225. Bronchospasm, go.
Copy !req
226. Bronchitis.
Copy !req
227. No cough, no fever.
Copy !req
228. And Blofeld
didn't smoke a cigar.
Copy !req
229. He might have.
Copy !req
230. Dude had a lair.
Means he was rich.
Copy !req
231. Rich people enjoy
a good stogie.
Copy !req
232. Sometimes send them
as gifts.
Copy !req
233. Hey, Taub, did that sound
like I was awkwardly
Copy !req
234. trying to segue
into making a point?
Copy !req
235. Yes.
Copy !req
236. Emphysema.
Copy !req
237. Lungs were clean
on the CT.
Copy !req
238. Dogs can be trained
to predict diabetic comas,
Copy !req
239. epileptic seizures;
they can smell cancer.
Copy !req
240. It is possible there's
something in this cat.
Copy !req
241. It's more possible
that it was just a coincidence.
Copy !req
242. 10 million nursing homes.
100 million pet cats.
Copy !req
243. One of them was bound
to pick a few winners.
Copy !req
244. Debbie was able to predict
there was something wrong
Copy !req
245. with the patient
before you were.
Copy !req
246. Is that a coincidence too?
Copy !req
247. Maybe the cat
didn't predict anything.
Copy !req
248. Might have caused the deaths.
Copy !req
249. We shoulda listened
to Ted Nugent.
Copy !req
250. Yeah, it could
be cat scratch fever
Copy !req
251. or visceral larva migrans.
Copy !req
252. Maybe he didn't kill
everyone at the nursing home,
Copy !req
253. but it may be killing Morgan.
Copy !req
254. The worms hop from the cat
to the cat lady's lungs.
Copy !req
255. I could buy that.
Copy !req
256. Those cigars were for me.
Copy !req
257. Hey, that reminds me,
why is some fancy CEO
Copy !req
258. sending you a box
of Cuban cigars?
Copy !req
259. Is it related
to your money worries?
Copy !req
260. What money worries?
Copy !req
261. Extrapolating
from the fact
Copy !req
262. that he's been skipping
his morning muffin,
Copy !req
263. I'd say that he lost
almost all his money
Copy !req
264. on the market last year.
Copy !req
265. I'm on a diet.
Copy !req
266. I'm also extrapolating
from the online portfolio
Copy !req
267. you forgot to log off,
but it's mostly the muffins.
Copy !req
268. Scope her for worms
in the lungs.
Copy !req
269. We could help out in there.
Copy !req
270. Yeah, it takes
at least four people
Copy !req
271. to look inside
a crazy woman's lungs
Copy !req
272. for imaginary worms.
Copy !req
273. So you're
in a good mood again.
Copy !req
274. You need another speech
Copy !req
275. about what
a great friend I am?
Copy !req
276. I'm telling my wife
we don't need to downsize,
Copy !req
277. but maybe we do.
Copy !req
278. You really lost
all that money?
Copy !req
279. I don't care about the money.
I just feel bad for Rachel.
Copy !req
280. She married a guy
in one situation
Copy !req
281. and ended up with another;
that's hard on anyone.
Copy !req
282. Thanks.
Copy !req
283. Makes me feel much better
hearing my wife's a gold digger.
Copy !req
284. No, I just meant she married
this master of the universe,
Copy !req
285. successful surgeon,
and now he's basically,
Copy !req
286. you know, a flunky
for this mad scientist...
Copy !req
287. who saves lives,
so that's good.
Copy !req
288. There are no worms
in the lungs.
Copy !req
289. What else
could cause bronchospasm?
Copy !req
290. Severe acid reflux.
Copy !req
291. No esophagitis.
It's not reflux.
Copy !req
292. Why are you pushing
a crash cart?
Copy !req
293. Because patients
sometimes crash.
Copy !req
294. And they haven't yet invented
a crash tractor
Copy !req
295. for me to drive
wildly around the hallways.
Copy !req
296. Why are we in
the coma patients' room?
Copy !req
297. You actually think
the cat is going to predict
Copy !req
298. someone's death?
Copy !req
299. No, I know the cat
the not going to predict
Copy !req
300. anyone's death.
Copy !req
301. Then I will have
scientifically disproved—
Copy !req
302. You didn't keep
this patient despite the cat.
Copy !req
303. You kept this patient
because of the cat.
Copy !req
304. You're scared
there's something to it.
Copy !req
305. If I could prove
Copy !req
306. the non-existence
of an omniscient God
Copy !req
307. who lovingly guides us
to the other side, I would.
Copy !req
308. Cat version's
gonna have to do.
Copy !req
309. Are you scared?
Copy !req
310. Cats brains
are always in alpha mode.
Copy !req
311. The few scientific tests
Copy !req
312. that have seemed to confirm
physic phenomena,
Copy !req
313. that's where it takes place.
Copy !req
314. Please tell me
that you were kidding
Copy !req
315. so I won't have to fire you.
Copy !req
316. I was kidding.
Copy !req
317. We still have
a human patient, right?
Copy !req
318. Airborne allergens possible?
Copy !req
319. Skin test was negative.
- Lungs may be more sensitive.
Copy !req
320. Or House just screwed up.
Copy !req
321. If you misinterpreted
the breath sounds
Copy !req
322. as soft instead of loud,
Copy !req
323. it's laryngospasm instead
of bronchospasm,
Copy !req
324. which you can get
from a simple panic attack,
Copy !req
325. which she was having.
Copy !req
326. I also heard
the lung sounds too, Taub.
Copy !req
327. You saying I screwed up?
Copy !req
328. "Screwed up"
is maybe too harsh, but yes.
Copy !req
329. Don't you want
to check their charts?
Copy !req
330. Of course not.
Copy !req
331. This is a double-blind.
Copy !req
332. I don't want to even
subconsciously signal
Copy !req
333. to Teddy
which one's the sickest.
Copy !req
334. Her name's Debbie.
Copy !req
335. Are those welts
on that guy's arm?
Copy !req
336. Were they here
when we got here?
Copy !req
337. He has a severe cat allergy.
Copy !req
338. That never happened.
Copy !req
339. Look at Debbie.
Copy !req
340. Good news,
Copy !req
341. Mister... Limpert,
Copy !req
342. when you don't die tonight
Copy !req
343. you will finally have done
something good for the world
Copy !req
344. as opposed
to your life as a...
Copy !req
345. fireman.
Copy !req
346. Foreman's airborne allergen
theory makes the most sense.
Copy !req
347. Do a methacholine challenge
on catgirl to check it out.
Copy !req
348. I told you to get rid
of "death cat".
Copy !req
349. Do you see a cat?
Copy !req
350. I see a litter box.
Copy !req
351. This is a disability,
Dr. Cuddy.
Copy !req
352. Can't make it
to the men's room on time.
Copy !req
353. You pee on the mice too?
Copy !req
354. Well, now you see
the mice actually prove
Copy !req
355. that I don't have a cat.
Copy !req
356. Are these—
Copy !req
357. are these the genetically
modified lab mice
Copy !req
358. from oncology?
Copy !req
359. Genetically modified
for tastiness.
Copy !req
360. Get rid of the cat,
Copy !req
361. and get rid
of your patient.
Copy !req
362. My team's doing
a methacholine challenge.
Copy !req
363. Your team just completed
a methacholine challenge,
Copy !req
364. which came up negative.
Copy !req
365. Who told you
about the test?
Copy !req
366. Taub?
Copy !req
367. I'll never say, but yes.
Copy !req
368. Her airways clamped down.
I heard it.
Copy !req
369. We kick her onto the street,
it could happen again.
Copy !req
370. I wish there was a lawsuit cat.
It could warn you.
Copy !req
371. I'm sorry, but if you
won't escort her out,
Copy !req
372. I'll have to get security
to do it.
Copy !req
373. I don't smoke.
Copy !req
374. Fine.
Copy !req
375. If you don't want
the seventh graders
Copy !req
376. to think you're cool.
Copy !req
377. I went through your purse.
Copy !req
378. Horoscopes.
Good luck charms.
Copy !req
379. You went to a good college,
good nursing school.
Copy !req
380. So you weren't always
a superstitious idiot.
Copy !req
381. I'm not a super—
Copy !req
382. How 'bout four years,
Copy !req
383. that sound right?
Copy !req
384. That's when you switched
from a family insurance plan
Copy !req
385. to the one you're on now.
Copy !req
386. I was married.
I got divorced.
Copy !req
387. Two years before that,
Copy !req
388. you got chicken pox shots,
Copy !req
389. which you only get in adulthood
when you have a kid.
Copy !req
390. Or I should say
when you had a kid
Copy !req
391. because no kid
has come to visit you.
Copy !req
392. Which all makes me think
something bad happened.
Copy !req
393. It was my stepson,
Copy !req
394. What happened?
Copy !req
395. He was in school.
Copy !req
396. He was having
his morning snack.
Copy !req
397. And he choked.
Copy !req
398. And the teacher saw it,
Copy !req
399. and they did everything
that they were supposed to.
Copy !req
400. He shouldn't have died.
Copy !req
401. You want to make it
make sense.
Copy !req
402. What's wrong with that?
Copy !req
403. It's meaningless,
is what's wrong.
Copy !req
404. What's wrong is that
it doesn't do a thing
Copy !req
405. to bring your kid back
Copy !req
406. or put you and your ex
together again.
Copy !req
407. Rash on your neck.
Copy !req
408. Probably not enough
for Cuddy.
Copy !req
409. I can't breathe.
Copy !req
410. Hey, doc.
Copy !req
411. Breath sound soft to you,
Copy !req
412. Hooray!
You're officially sick.
Copy !req
413. Churg-Strauss fits best.
Copy !req
414. Here's the plan—
Copy !req
415. Taub, you change
the litter box.
Copy !req
416. This is pathetic.
Copy !req
417. You're still punishing me
for calling you out
Copy !req
418. on the green urine lady?
Copy !req
419. Nope, this is for
ratting me out to Cuddy.
Copy !req
420. I'm not asking you
to apologize,
Copy !req
421. just scoop some poop
out of a box.
Copy !req
422. Just clean it.
Copy !req
423. Let House do it.
Copy !req
424. Yeah, that'll happen.
Copy !req
425. He won't just continue to let
our room smell like cat pee.
Copy !req
426. I'll clean it next time.
Copy !req
427. I'm outta here.
Copy !req
428. Now that you've delivered
that important lesson,
Copy !req
429. I'm gonna go
test the patient.
Copy !req
430. Whoa!
Copy !req
431. What, you think your bag's
gonna die now?
Copy !req
432. Now you're punishing me
Copy !req
433. because you think
I'm superstitious?
Copy !req
434. What do you care?
Copy !req
435. It's not so much
about me caring per se.
Copy !req
436. It's more about me wondering
why you're such
Copy !req
437. a credulous idiot.
Copy !req
438. Thirteen,
start the patient on steroids
Copy !req
439. for the Churg-Strauss.
Copy !req
440. Unless we have something
we need to argue about.
Copy !req
441. This is good stuff.
Copy !req
442. The best.
Copy !req
443. It's made from
the distilled sweat
Copy !req
444. of recently laid-off
hedge fund managers.
Copy !req
445. Aren't you happy
you came out tonight?
Copy !req
446. Yeah.
Copy !req
447. I wasn't actually going to,
Copy !req
448. but not the greatest day
at work.
Copy !req
449. I used to have
an office like this.
Copy !req
450. Used to?
Copy !req
451. When I was
a plastic surgeon.
Copy !req
452. But one day I took stock
of my life and—
Copy !req
453. Screw it.
Copy !req
454. I had an affair with the
daughter of one of my partners.
Copy !req
455. They signed a non-disclosure.
I signed a non-compete.
Copy !req
456. And the funny thing is
Copy !req
457. I wound up
telling my wife anyway.
Copy !req
458. You like your job?
Copy !req
459. Same as you.
Same as everyone.
Copy !req
460. It has its ups and downs.
Copy !req
461. You're lying
to make me feel better.
Copy !req
462. Yeah, it's the best.
Copy !req
463. I'm in charge, you know?
Copy !req
464. I'm a kid with toys.
Copy !req
465. Speaking of which,
Copy !req
466. what do you think
of the prototype?
Copy !req
467. It's amazing.
Copy !req
468. Gotta make it
a half-inch smaller though.
Copy !req
469. You serious?
Copy !req
470. I got small hands,
6.5 gloves, like women surgeons,
Copy !req
471. which are your
fastest-growing market.
Copy !req
472. Meaning the girls
would have to use two hands
Copy !req
473. to hit the switch.
Copy !req
474. Why do I bother paying
the idiots that work for me?
Copy !req
475. Put down
that crap you're drinking,
Copy !req
476. because I am breaking out
the really good stuff.
Copy !req
477. What's wrong?
Copy !req
478. I went to the bathroom.
My urine—
Copy !req
479. Green again?
Copy !req
480. It's brown.
Copy !req
481. I didn't do anything,
Copy !req
482. It is possible
she's still faking.
Copy !req
483. She didn't fake
the for the bronchospasm.
Copy !req
484. You think she's faking
some stuff but not other stuff?
Copy !req
485. Maybe she's "Unchausen".
Copy !req
486. I'm just saying the brown
urine doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
487. What?
Copy !req
488. Nothing.
Copy !req
489. We've ruled out every
possible cause for brown urine.
Copy !req
490. No blood in the urine.
Copy !req
491. Liver and kidneys fine.
Copy !req
492. Brown could be fecal.
A fistula—
Copy !req
493. We checked.
Copy !req
494. How do we know the urine
is still brown?
Copy !req
495. Had to be.
Copy !req
496. Once you've gone brown—
Copy !req
497. If we've ruled out
Copy !req
498. Everything that can make
the urine brown,
Copy !req
499. what if it just looked brown?
Copy !req
500. If the green dye
never left her system,
Copy !req
501. what plus green makes brown?
Copy !req
502. Purple.
Copy !req
503. Strep Bovis infection
from colon cancer.
Copy !req
504. Paraneoplastic syndrome
would explain the bronchospasm.
Copy !req
505. We scoped her when we
checked for the fistula.
Copy !req
506. There's no tumor.
Copy !req
507. Oh, no.
Copy !req
508. I wasn't scared
by the umbrella either.
Copy !req
509. What?
Copy !req
510. Not everything's
about you, Kutner.
Copy !req
511. I realize it's stupid.
Copy !req
512. I just—
I don't know everything.
Copy !req
513. I don't want to invite—
Copy !req
514. Great, 'cause I thought
your superstitiousness
Copy !req
515. had to do with your folks
being killed.
Copy !req
516. But "you're stupid"
works just as well.
Copy !req
517. Why is there
a ladder here?
Copy !req
518. Oops.
Copy !req
519. Forgot that one.
Copy !req
520. Scopes don't work as well
as pillcams.
Copy !req
521. Give her one.
Find the tumor.
Copy !req
522. Come with me,
Tiny Taub.
Copy !req
523. Come on.
Copy !req
524. Sorry I was late again.
Copy !req
525. I've got a long commute
from the poor house.
Copy !req
526. Knew it when I hired you.
Copy !req
527. You'd eventually
miss the money,
Copy !req
528. being the big shot
like your new CEO friend,
Copy !req
529. if that nightclub stamp
on your hand
Copy !req
530. is any indication.
Copy !req
531. Don't worry,
I'm not quitting.
Copy !req
532. I know.
Copy !req
533. Guy who signs a non-compete
Copy !req
534. instead of just telling
his wife that he cheated
Copy !req
535. doesn't have
the guts to quit.
Copy !req
536. Bad example.
I did tell her.
Copy !req
537. From guilt,
not from courage.
Copy !req
538. And bravely running to Cuddy
behind my back.
Copy !req
539. Arriving heroically
to work every day.
Copy !req
540. Cowards make lousy employees.
Copy !req
541. Maybe you're a coward,
maybe you're quitting.
Copy !req
542. Either way, I'm screwed.
Copy !req
543. You will note how
faster pussycat kill, kill
Copy !req
544. has snuggled up
by coma guy over there.
Copy !req
545. And more importantly,
she did yesterday as well.
Copy !req
546. And he's still breathing.
Copy !req
547. We done?
Copy !req
548. Thank you
for showing me this.
Copy !req
549. But maybe she's just confused
in this new environment.
Copy !req
550. In 1844, a preacher
in upstate New York
Copy !req
551. added up some dates
in the bible
Copy !req
552. and predicted Jesus' return.
Copy !req
553. His followers gave away
all their possessions
Copy !req
554. and showed up in a field.
Copy !req
555. Guess who didn't show.
Copy !req
556. So the preacher said
that he miscalculated,
Copy !req
557. and they went right back
the next month
Copy !req
558. but with more followers.
Copy !req
559. Every time he was
irrefutably proved wrong,
Copy !req
560. it redoubled
everyone's belief.
Copy !req
561. I know I sound
just like them.
Copy !req
562. But I also know
you're wrong.
Copy !req
563. Something terrible's
gonna happen to me.
Copy !req
564. You trying to prove
to her she's not dying?
Copy !req
565. That would be dumb,
as she might be dying.
Copy !req
566. This woman lost her kid.
Copy !req
567. Why are you attacking beliefs
Copy !req
568. that give her
a little bit of comfort?
Copy !req
569. I don't care
if her superstitions
Copy !req
570. make her feel better.
Copy !req
571. I just want her
to think more clearly.
Copy !req
572. Oh, maybe that could make
her as happy as you are.
Copy !req
573. Where are we going?
Copy !req
574. Experimenting.
Copy !req
575. Stop it, Dr. Wilson.
It's just not cute anymore.
Copy !req
576. You already experimented
on the coma guy.
Copy !req
577. Haven't you proved your point?
Copy !req
578. Not to the patient.
Copy !req
579. And not to the millions
of idiots who drooled
Copy !req
580. over that news item
about the magic cat.
Copy !req
581. Why are you
so obsessed with this?
Copy !req
582. Can't you just call her an idiot
and leave everyone alone?
Copy !req
583. Hey, look, kids,
therapy cat.
Copy !req
584. You're a liar.
Copy !req
585. Therapy animals are dogs,
not cats.
Copy !req
586. Aren't you feisty?
Copy !req
587. This one's special.
Copy !req
588. If she likes you,
interesting stuff happens.
Copy !req
589. Uh, kids,
playtime's over.
Copy !req
590. You know what,
this is a good thing.
Copy !req
591. Because either you're
starting to doubt yourself,
Copy !req
592. which is healthy, or—
Copy !req
593. I don't believe in
the legend of good-bye kitty.
Copy !req
594. Or you're starting to give
a crap what other people think,
Copy !req
595. which is just another way
of saying you give a crap
Copy !req
596. about other people.
Copy !req
597. I'd love to hear
more of your theory,
Copy !req
598. but I don't give a crap.
Copy !req
599. Also the pillcam's back.
Copy !req
600. Polypoid.
Copy !req
601. Raised edges.
Copy !req
602. Raised edges
are actually necessary,
Copy !req
603. since that's the opening
to the appendix.
Copy !req
604. How many times
are we gonna watch this?
Copy !req
605. There's no tumor.
Copy !req
606. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
607. The death cat
is attacking your legs.
Copy !req
608. You're gonna die.
Copy !req
609. Maybe it has something
to do with that little red dot
Copy !req
610. dancing around down there.
Copy !req
611. Oh, my God, the death laser
is attacking your legs.
Copy !req
612. You're gonna die.
Copy !req
613. We're wasting time
looking for cancer.
Copy !req
614. She's still walking around.
Copy !req
615. She's still pretty healthy.
Copy !req
616. Maybe it's something minor.
Copy !req
617. Maybe we're
not wasting time.
Copy !req
618. We wouldn't have seen
a flat lesion.
Copy !req
619. Skin cancer could have
metastasized to the intestines.
Copy !req
620. Cool.
Copy !req
621. Check for melanomas.
Copy !req
622. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Copy !req
623. Come here.
Copy !req
624. Here, kitty.
Copy !req
625. What?
- It's not cancer.
Copy !req
626. We found spider veins
on her back.
Copy !req
627. They weren't there
when she came in.
Copy !req
628. Spider veins
means Cushing's.
Copy !req
629. Could cause
an abdominal disturbance,
Copy !req
630. brown urine—
Copy !req
631. But the bronchospasm?
Copy !req
632. Cushing's myopathy.
Copy !req
633. It's uncommon but—
Copy !req
634. Wait a second.
Copy !req
635. You didn't wake me up
to tell me a symptom
Copy !req
636. that's not killing her.
Copy !req
637. What else is going on?
Copy !req
638. I think she's dying.
Copy !req
639. I just told you
it's Cushing's.
Copy !req
640. I don't mean
because of the spider veins.
Copy !req
641. Mr. Limpert died.
Copy !req
642. If that's
my high school gym teacher—
Copy !req
643. It's your coma patient.
Copy !req
644. He was stable
for a year and a half,
Copy !req
645. and he just died.
Copy !req
646. The cat was right, House.
Copy !req
647. Here, puss, puss, puss,
puss, puss.
Copy !req
648. Say "puss" one more time.
Copy !req
649. It's the sixth "puss"
that really does it.
Copy !req
650. You're right.
Copy !req
651. Sulking will solve everything.
Copy !req
652. That cat sat on my lap,
and that cat knows something.
Copy !req
653. You believe it now?
Copy !req
654. Yesterday it was
all a coincidence.
Copy !req
655. Yesterday it was
Copy !req
656. until I unintentionally
proved it wasn't.
Copy !req
657. Patient
must have Cushing's.
Copy !req
658. We have to figure out
whether it's—
Copy !req
659. Cat's nose is powerful.
Copy !req
660. It could smell liver
or kidney failure.
Copy !req
661. Exactly, except
if you'd glanced
Copy !req
662. at the nursing home files
I had faxed over this morning,
Copy !req
663. you'd know that most
of the patients'
Copy !req
664. livers and kidneys were fine;
what else?
Copy !req
665. MRIs aren't telling us
if the Cushing's
Copy !req
666. in her adrenals
or her brain.
Copy !req
667. So check her A.C.T.H.
Copy !req
668. A cat's vision is at
the blue end of the spectrum.
Copy !req
669. A.C.T.H. is 11.7.
Copy !req
670. It's too close to tell.
Copy !req
671. We can't treat
the wrong organ
Copy !req
672. 'cause that won't solve
Copy !req
673. She could have a cortisol storm,
could kill her.
Copy !req
674. Well, maybe
as the senior fellow
Copy !req
675. you could have made sure
that my doors were closed,
Copy !req
676. so that I could be
concentrating on the cat
Copy !req
677. instead of looking
for the cat.
Copy !req
678. You all right?
Copy !req
679. Your nose.
Copy !req
680. What'd he say?
Copy !req
681. Sounds like he said,
Copy !req
682. "Do you like
cranberry juice?"
Copy !req
683. Crap.
Copy !req
684. Cheaper than fake blood.
Copy !req
685. And more cran-tastic.
Copy !req
686. Don't ever leave my door
open like that again.
Copy !req
687. You're playing pranks,
and this woman could be dying.
Copy !req
688. So have chase
do a venous sampling
Copy !req
689. in her brain.
Copy !req
690. If he finds something,
it's there.
Copy !req
691. If he finds nothing,
it's the adrenals.
Copy !req
692. I'm not who I used to be.
Copy !req
693. I'm scared.
Copy !req
694. That's not a way to live.
Copy !req
695. I want to come work for you.
Copy !req
696. Jeez, Chris,
you didn't think—
Copy !req
697. I didn't mean to imply
that I could hire you right now.
Copy !req
698. You said you needed
guys like me.
Copy !req
699. I know, but you don't
have an MBA.
Copy !req
700. And I just hired
a Chief Medical Officer.
Copy !req
701. Let me invest in that
laser scalpel start-up.
Copy !req
702. I got money saved.
Not a ton but—
Copy !req
703. We put in
a $2 million minimum
Copy !req
704. for the first round
Copy !req
705. Look, I guess I could take
you on at a smaller number.
Copy !req
706. But you have to understand,
Copy !req
707. it wouldn't be
some quick payoff.
Copy !req
708. I know, I know it's not
gonna change my life overnight.
Copy !req
709. I just need
to start changing it.
Copy !req
710. Okay, then let's start.
Copy !req
711. What exactly
are you hoping to find
Copy !req
712. inside your dead coma guy?
Copy !req
713. Catnip.
Chew toy.
Copy !req
714. I don't know.
That's why I'm looking.
Copy !req
715. Your patient
had cardiac arrest
Copy !req
716. during the venous sampling.
Copy !req
717. We got her back,
but her heart's still tenuous.
Copy !req
718. That tell us anything?
Copy !req
719. She's weak,
possibly dying.
Copy !req
720. So nothing.
What about the A.C.T.H.?
Copy !req
721. Slightly elevated.
Copy !req
722. That confirms the Cushing's
is in the brain—go.
Copy !req
723. Are you sure
that it's Cushing's?
Copy !req
724. You'd expect
central body obesity.
Copy !req
725. She's in good shape.
Copy !req
726. If it had
a normal presentation,
Copy !req
727. there wouldn't be
a cat involved.
Copy !req
728. So it's the brain.
Copy !req
729. That means the next question
is whether to remove
Copy !req
730. the pituitary right now—
Copy !req
731. That's not
a question for me.
Copy !req
732. That's a question
for the patient.
Copy !req
733. You'll present both sides
and let her decide.
Copy !req
734. All right.
Copy !req
735. I've gotta stop
telling you my theories.
Copy !req
736. You always just try
to prove me wrong.
Copy !req
737. You mean the theory
about Cuddy's ass
Copy !req
738. getting bigger
at the full moon?
Copy !req
739. I confirmed that one.
Copy !req
740. Photo's on my blog.
Copy !req
741. Normally, you'd be
up in the patient room
Copy !req
742. hectoring her on what to do.
Copy !req
743. Instead you're
up to your elbows
Copy !req
744. in some irrelevant dead guy
who may or may not be
Copy !req
745. connected to a magic cat
Copy !req
746. because you want to prove
to me that you don't care.
Copy !req
747. Case is over.
Copy !req
748. I'm exploring
a scientific mystery.
Copy !req
749. I put up
with your obsessions.
Copy !req
750. I even encourage them,
for one reason—
Copy !req
751. They save lives.
Copy !req
752. I don't know
what you're doing now.
Copy !req
753. Cushing's
means your body's
Copy !req
754. overproducing a hormone
called cortisol.
Copy !req
755. The recommended
course of action
Copy !req
756. is to suppress it with drugs.
Copy !req
757. And that will cure it?
Copy !req
758. Just treat it.
Copy !req
759. It could come back.
Copy !req
760. The only permanent solution
Copy !req
761. is to cut into your brain
and remove your pituitary gland,
Copy !req
762. but the surgery's dangerous.
Copy !req
763. Your heart stopped on the table
once already.
Copy !req
764. I want the surgery.
Copy !req
765. This thing is gonna kill me
if I don't kill it first.
Copy !req
766. Because of the cat?
Copy !req
767. Do you want to tell me
what an idiot I'm being?
Copy !req
768. No.
Copy !req
769. I really believe
that there are things
Copy !req
770. that science can't understand,
Copy !req
771. that there is a role
for faith and prayer,
Copy !req
772. but it's in the waiting room,
Copy !req
773. not the O.R.
Copy !req
774. There's a reason
I got sick.
Copy !req
775. There's a reason
for all the bad things
Copy !req
776. that have happened to me.
Copy !req
777. I don't know
what that reason is,
Copy !req
778. but I know that
if there isn't one,
Copy !req
779. if there's no greater
purpose in the world,
Copy !req
780. then it's not a world
I want to live in.
Copy !req
781. I'll schedule
an operating room.
Copy !req
782. Early.
Copy !req
783. I'm not staying long.
I'm quitting.
Copy !req
784. You got a new job?
Copy !req
785. No.
Copy !req
786. Well, then you're
not quitting.
Copy !req
787. See you back here tomorrow.
Copy !req
788. You're not accepting
my resignation?
Copy !req
789. Easier this way.
Copy !req
790. It voids the whole thing
where you panic,
Copy !req
791. run back and grovel,
and I punish you
Copy !req
792. and then take you back.
Copy !req
793. Bye.
Copy !req
794. Bring donuts.
Copy !req
795. Everyone loves
those bear claws.
Copy !req
796. Here, puss, puss, puss,
puss, puss.
Copy !req
797. Puss?
Copy !req
798. Mr. Taub.
Copy !req
799. I've been waiting 15 minutes.
Where's Neil?
Copy !req
800. Neil doesn't
work here anymore.
Copy !req
801. He's the CEO.
Copy !req
802. I'm sorry.
I wish I could help you.
Copy !req
803. Sorry.
Copy !req
804. This is crazy.
Copy !req
805. I'm investing
with his company.
Copy !req
806. He doesn't have
a company.
Copy !req
807. He worked here, but he was
a receptionist, a temp.
Copy !req
808. Where is he?
- He's in custody.
Copy !req
809. I really am not supposed
to say anything else.
Copy !req
810. I went to high school
with him.
Copy !req
811. That's what
everyone else thought too.
Copy !req
812. I'm guessing you also
cured his ear problem.
Copy !req
813. Did you give him
the money yet?
Copy !req
814. No.
Copy !req
815. I was right.
Copy !req
816. And more satisfyingly,
you were wrong.
Copy !req
817. It was a coincidence.
Copy !req
818. The cat was
not predicting deaths.
Copy !req
819. It was just trying
to keep warm.
Copy !req
820. Yes, dead people
Copy !req
821. are renowned
for their warm glow.
Copy !req
822. They are
if they're feverish,
Copy !req
823. like three
of the patients were.
Copy !req
824. Or if they're wasting away,
like the other eight.
Copy !req
825. Wasting doesn't—
- Yeah, it does.
Copy !req
826. If it means someone sticks
a heating blanket on you.
Copy !req
827. Congrats.
Copy !req
828. Because of your crazy
obsession with this cat,
Copy !req
829. you've solved
a completely trivial mystery.
Copy !req
830. Completely trivial?
Copy !req
831. My God.
Copy !req
832. It's clearly
only partially trivial.
Copy !req
833. Debbie climbed on Morgan too,
Copy !req
834. which means
she was overheated.
Copy !req
835. So what causes flushing and
mimics every Cushing's symptom
Copy !req
836. except central body obesity?
Copy !req
837. Cancer.
Copy !req
838. A corticotropin-producing
carcinoid tumor
Copy !req
839. of the intestine.
Copy !req
840. But your pillcam
didn't find anything.
Copy !req
841. Means it must be somewhere
the pillcam couldn't go.
Copy !req
842. The appendix.
Copy !req
843. Congratulations,
you probably saved her life.
Copy !req
844. You definitely saved
her needless surgery.
Copy !req
845. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
846. What's the O.R.
extension number?
Copy !req
847. Just curious.
Copy !req
848. Thank you.
Copy !req
849. I wouldn't come here
for thanks.
Copy !req
850. That would be ungracious.
Copy !req
851. It's more about gloating.
Copy !req
852. You were about to cut out
a piece of your brain
Copy !req
853. just to chase
some crazy superstition.
Copy !req
854. But I didn't.
Copy !req
855. You "didn't"
didn't do anything.
Copy !req
856. I stopped it.
Copy !req
857. And what made you do that?
Copy !req
858. Science, logic, reason.
Copy !req
859. Pick any three.
Copy !req
860. A cat chooses
that exact moment
Copy !req
861. to sit on your computer.
Copy !req
862. Maybe that's
science and logic and reason
Copy !req
863. or maybe it's something else.
Copy !req
864. You're an idiot.
Copy !req
865. I looked up the preacher
from New York state.
Copy !req
866. His followers
never faded out.
Copy !req
867. They became
the Seventh-Day Adventists,
Copy !req
868. a major religion.
Copy !req
869. That man changed
the course of history.
Copy !req
870. Because his followers
were as deluded as he was.
Copy !req
871. Maybe he just gave them
something to live for.
Copy !req
872. Feel better.
Copy !req
873. Kutner!
Copy !req
874. Cat pee on my chair?
Copy !req
875. Blood on my face?
Copy !req
876. Fake blood.
Copy !req
877. You pay for the dry cleaning.
Copy !req
878. Why are you still alive?
Copy !req
879. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
880. I guess he was impressed
you stood up to him.
Copy !req
881. And got a cat
to pee on his chair.
Copy !req
882. Yeah.
A cat.
Copy !req
883. See you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
Copy !req