1. Damn it, Zach.
Copy !req
2. This is the last time I'm
turning around.
Copy !req
3. The next time
you forget something,
Copy !req
4. you're gonna be
on your own.
Copy !req
5. I can't play
without a stick.
Copy !req
6. Then I guess
you won't play.
Copy !req
7. I don't care.
Copy !req
8. I suck anyway.
Copy !req
9. Don't say that.
Copy !req
10. I'm the worst guy
on the whole team.
Copy !req
11. No, you're not.
Copy !req
12. Then who's worse?
Copy !req
13. Don't worry about anyone else.
Just do your best.
Copy !req
14. See?
You can't name anyone.
Copy !req
15. Zach, stop it.
Copy !req
16. Then name someone.
Copy !req
17. You can't, can you?
Copy !req
18. Donny...
Copy !req
19. Mark...
Copy !req
20. Navid.
Copy !req
21. You really think I'm better
than those guys?
Copy !req
22. Yes.
Copy !req
23. Hurry up and get your stick.
Copy !req
24. Zach, get back
in the car.
Copy !req
25. I need an ambulance
at 860 Oakwood Avenue!
Copy !req
26. Why is dad's car on?
Copy !req
27. Get back
in the car, Zach!
Copy !req
28. Come on.
Come on!
Copy !req
29. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
30. Don't do this
to me, Jeff!
Copy !req
31. Don't do this!
Copy !req
32. Oh.
Copy !req
33. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
34. I just...
Copy !req
35. I couldn't take
the pain anymore.
Copy !req
36. Either I need
a new watch,
Copy !req
37. or Mowgli is cutting
into your beauty sleep.
Copy !req
38. I was up all night
looking at finance reports,
Copy !req
39. and Rachel
Copy !req
40. is doing great.
Copy !req
41. Thanks for asking.
- Proving that you're
Copy !req
42. a better foster mom
than a homeless drug addict.
Copy !req
43. Departmental budgets
are due this week.
Copy !req
44. I'm gonna need
an extension.
Copy !req
45. Got some time
next decade.
Copy !req
46. Cameron
already turned yours in.
Copy !req
47. That's nice of her.
Two questions—
Copy !req
48. Why did she?
Copy !req
49. And why are you
telling me?
Copy !req
50. Same answer—
now you owe her a favor.
Copy !req
51. I'm gonna need an extension.
- I got some time—
Copy !req
52. House, I've got
a D.Y.F.S. home visit on Friday.
Copy !req
53. And I've got
a w-h-o-r-e visit on—
Copy !req
54. Mama's busy.
Copy !req
55. You two are gonna have to go
play outside for a while.
Copy !req
56. 32-year-old male
with chronic pain all over.
Copy !req
57. This is the favor?
Copy !req
58. I was expecting
Copy !req
59. involving whipped cream
and tongue depressors.
Copy !req
60. He's seen seven different
specialists over three years.
Copy !req
61. No diagnosis
and no relief.
Copy !req
62. Oh, I am fascinated already.
It's like I'm treating myself.
Copy !req
63. He gets cured,
Copy !req
64. and I get to learn
a valuable lesson
Copy !req
65. about the milk
of human kindness.
Copy !req
66. If I thought you learned
lessons, I never would've quit.
Copy !req
67. So you're wasting
a favor because?
Copy !req
68. I think
you can help this guy.
Copy !req
69. Drug-seeking patients—
Copy !req
70. don't attempt suicide
Copy !req
71. with medicine cabinets
full of narcotics.
Copy !req
72. Sounds like
Copy !req
73. Sounds like
you don't work for House.
Copy !req
74. A diagnosis
Copy !req
75. that provides neither
an explanation nor a cure
Copy !req
76. is by definition
not a diagnosis.
Copy !req
77. The American College
of Rheumatology
Copy !req
78. would disagree.
Copy !req
79. There are specific
diagnostic criteria.
Copy !req
80. Which this guy
doesn't meet.
Copy !req
81. Putting pressure on his pain
helps, doesn't make it worse.
Copy !req
82. He's got abdominal pain,
severe headaches,
Copy !req
83. Muscle cramps
that come and go.
Copy !req
84. And he tried
to off himself.
Copy !req
85. He's obviously
mentally ill.
Copy !req
86. Pain's probably
Copy !req
87. It is not a sign of mental
illness to want to be pain-free.
Copy !req
88. It is if your solution
is sucking on a tailpipe.
Copy !req
89. Sane people
don't attempt suicide.
Copy !req
90. Not ever?
Copy !req
91. So if you were being burnt
at the stake
Copy !req
92. and someone
handed you a gun...
Copy !req
93. I'd shoot the guys
with the torches.
Copy !req
94. Not one doctor this guy has
seen in the past three years
Copy !req
95. has been able to find
a single thing wrong with him.
Copy !req
96. What does that tell you?
Copy !req
97. It means they're idiots.
Copy !req
98. It means
we got to start
Copy !req
99. from the beginning.
Copy !req
100. We'll do a pain profile to rule
out psychosomatic pain,
Copy !req
101. search the home.
Copy !req
102. Go home.
Get a refill...
Copy !req
103. and a doughnut.
Copy !req
104. I'll help with the home.
Copy !req
105. "Choose a statement
in each group
Copy !req
106. "that best describes
how you've been feeling lately,
Copy !req
107. including today."
Copy !req
108. I'm not depressed.
Copy !req
109. I know what I did was stupid.
Copy !req
110. "I usually sleep well.
Copy !req
111. "I have some trouble with sleep.
Copy !req
112. I have a lot of trouble with sleep."
Copy !req
113. I have a lot of trouble.
Copy !req
114. It's up and down.
Copy !req
115. Between the pain
and the meds,
Copy !req
116. his sleep pattern's
pretty erratic.
Copy !req
117. "He's a calm person.
Copy !req
118. "He's more nervous
than most people.
Copy !req
119. He's so nervous,
he's miserable."
Copy !req
120. He's definitely calm.
Copy !req
121. Sometimes calmer
the worse the pain gets.
Copy !req
122. I think talking,
interacting with other people
Copy !req
123. actually makes it worse.
Copy !req
124. Interesting.
Copy !req
125. Why?
Does that mean something?
Copy !req
126. No, it's just
Copy !req
127. we've seen that
in other... patients.
Copy !req
128. "He can do chores
around the house.
Copy !req
129. With help, he can do chores.
He can no longer do chores."
Copy !req
130. He helps all the time.
He's really strong.
Copy !req
131. He used to play hockey.
Copy !req
132. And he was really good too.
Copy !req
133. "I believe there's hope.
Copy !req
134. "Hoping for things to get better
is a struggle for me.
Copy !req
135. Most of the time,
I feel completely hopeless."
Copy !req
136. He still laughs...
Copy !req
137. all the time.
Copy !req
138. He was always optimistic.
He still is.
Copy !req
139. It's just...
it's harder now.
Copy !req
140. I guess...
Copy !req
141. I pray for strength
more than hope.
Copy !req
142. There's nothing in there but
a pharmacy's worth of pain meds.
Copy !req
143. This guy makes House
look like a Christian Scientist.
Copy !req
144. He's also more compliant
than House.
Copy !req
145. Kept all the inserts,
Copy !req
146. had daily pill dispensers to
make sure he didn't mix them up.
Copy !req
147. I guess if you're gonna go out
in a car,
Copy !req
148. this ain't a bad one
to choose.
Copy !req
149. If I ever did it,
Copy !req
150. definitely wouldn't be
like that.
Copy !req
151. Don't worry.
I'm not making any plans.
Copy !req
152. I certainly
wouldn't know.
Copy !req
153. Ever since we kissed,
you've been avoiding me.
Copy !req
154. No, I haven't.
Copy !req
155. Just been busy.
Copy !req
156. Metal polish
Copy !req
157. could cause nerve damage
if he inhaled enough of it.
Copy !req
158. Judging by the shine
on that car,
Copy !req
159. he used a fair amount.
Copy !req
160. Judging by the fact that he owns
a body shop and one of these,
Copy !req
161. I'd say he knew
not to inhale.
Copy !req
162. Busy tonight?
We can get some dinner.
Copy !req
163. I don't think so.
Copy !req
164. So making out, okay.
Meals, too intimate?
Copy !req
165. I don't want to kiss you
again either.
Copy !req
166. Why?
Because we work together?
Copy !req
167. No.
Copy !req
168. Because I like you.
Copy !req
169. That makes a lot of sense.
Copy !req
170. What doesn't make sense
Copy !req
171. Is me getting involved
with anyone.
Copy !req
172. I thought
you'd gotten past that.
Copy !req
173. That's why you agreed
to the drug trial.
Copy !req
174. You can't give up
on life because—
Copy !req
175. I'm not giving up
on life.
Copy !req
176. I'm just giving up on you.
Copy !req
177. I finally feel
Copy !req
178. like I have a grip
on things.
Copy !req
179. I can handle this.
Copy !req
180. What I can't handle is dragging
anyone else down with me.
Copy !req
181. Does this look
like quail to you?
Copy !req
182. You think
he's had food poisoning
Copy !req
183. every day
for the last three years?
Copy !req
184. Wild quail can be toxic,
Copy !req
185. Cause rhabdomyolysis,
Copy !req
186. Which would explain his pain,
Copy !req
187. As well as the elevated
C.K. levels.
Copy !req
188. So would the carbon monoxide
he sucked out of his car.
Copy !req
189. It's not
a toxic reaction.
Copy !req
190. It's a psychosomatic
Copy !req
191. The pain profile
Copy !req
192. showed an excessive concern
about his physical health,
Copy !req
193. Difficulty sleeping,
getting out of bed.
Copy !req
194. He's not in pain
because he's depressed.
Copy !req
195. He's depressed
Copy !req
196. because he's in pain.
Copy !req
197. Not according
to the pain profile you ordered.
Copy !req
198. It's not a diet issue.
Copy !req
199. We should start him
on antidepressants
Copy !req
200. for his sake,
as well as his family's.
Copy !req
201. We're not diagnosing
his family.
Copy !req
202. We're not diagnosing
you either.
Copy !req
203. It's rhabdo.
Copy !req
204. Push I.V. fluids,
Copy !req
205. check his urine,
do a muscle biopsy.
Copy !req
206. What muscle?
He says it hurts all over.
Copy !req
207. Then she'll biopsy
all over.
Copy !req
208. Where are you going?
Copy !req
209. If Cuddy can come in late,
I can leave early.
Copy !req
210. If you need anything
while I'm gone,
Copy !req
211. just ask Cameron to do it.
Copy !req
212. So if he just
stops eating quail,
Copy !req
213. the pain
will go away?
Copy !req
214. If we're right,
it's definitely treatable.
Copy !req
215. My arm!
It's starting to—
Copy !req
216. He needs more medicine.
B.P. is down.
Copy !req
217. We need to get him
in trendelenburg position.
Copy !req
218. Jeff, can you hear me?
- He's arresting.
Copy !req
219. We need a crash cart in here!
Copy !req
220. He's not answering
his cell either.
Copy !req
221. V.Q. scan
Copy !req
222. showed a pulmonary embolism.
Copy !req
223. Means the pain's
not psychosomatic.
Copy !req
224. It also means
Copy !req
225. it's not rhabdomyolysis.
- Up till now,
Copy !req
226. his heart and lungs were the
only places he didn't have pain.
Copy !req
227. Means it's getting worse.
Copy !req
228. Got to let the phone ring
Copy !req
229. more than four times
when you're calling a cripple.
Copy !req
230. Chronic pain
and pulmonary embolism, go.
Copy !req
231. How'd you know he had—
- You called after midnight.
Copy !req
232. It's got to be
a heart problem.
Copy !req
233. But heart only
would be consistent
Copy !req
234. with rhabdo,
which means Thirteen and Foreman
Copy !req
235. would be singing
in the rain,
Copy !req
236. which means
it has to be lungs as well.
Copy !req
237. Hypercoagulable state
could cause pain and a P.E.
Copy !req
238. So you think the blood clot was
caused by a clotting problem.
Copy !req
239. That's helpful.
Copy !req
240. What if it's a cancer syndrome,
like Trousseau's?
Copy !req
241. Explains blood clots,
Copy !req
242. multifocal pain,
lack of obvious physical signs.
Copy !req
243. And why he's gone three years
without anyone seeing it.
Copy !req
244. Check his chest, abdomen,
Copy !req
245. and pelvis for tumors.
Copy !req
246. Why did he think
Copy !req
247. only you two
would be singing in the rain?
Copy !req
248. Bone windows are normal.
Copy !req
249. Checking for cancerous masses
in the lungs.
Copy !req
250. So, uh, who do you know
who committed suicide?
Copy !req
251. Hemingway, Goebbels,
Copy !req
252. Romeo and Juliet.
Your mom?
Copy !req
253. Dad?
Copy !req
254. Saying I wouldn't do it
under any circumstances
Copy !req
255. means my whole family
was suicidal?
Copy !req
256. No, but categorically insisting
there are no circumstances
Copy !req
257. means you've got baggage—
Copy !req
258. personal betrayal,
Copy !req
259. Just because you grew up
in a Charles Dickens novel...
Copy !req
260. Well, it's people like me
who don't do it.
Copy !req
261. When your life sucks
from the beginning,
Copy !req
262. there's nowhere
to go but up.
Copy !req
263. Thorax is clear.
Copy !req
264. No tumors in the lungs.
Copy !req
265. The only betrayal comes from
father of the year in there.
Copy !req
266. He has a wife, a kid—
Copy !req
267. People who count on him
to have a pulse.
Copy !req
268. Okay.
Copy !req
269. Switching to high-res cuts
of the abdomen.
Copy !req
270. My parents
live very happily in Queens.
Copy !req
271. They never attempted,
thought about,
Copy !req
272. or attempted to think
about committ—
Copy !req
273. What?
Copy !req
274. There,
Copy !req
275. along his diaphragm.
Copy !req
276. That's not cancer.
Copy !req
277. No hurry.
Copy !req
278. I already bathed once
this week.
Copy !req
279. I wouldn't want
to look elitist.
Copy !req
280. Can't do anything
till I write up an estimate.
Copy !req
281. Fine.
Pad it all you want.
Copy !req
282. Here's a check
for the deductible.
Copy !req
283. Don't touch the piano
and lock up when you leave.
Copy !req
284. Sorry, deductible
doesn't apply here.
Copy !req
285. I'm no architect,
Copy !req
286. but I'm pretty sure the master
bedroom is part of the home,
Copy !req
287. which means
the home warranty—
Copy !req
288. doesn't cover negligence.
Copy !req
289. This pipe
Copy !req
290. goes through the ceiling,
Copy !req
291. over that wall,
and into your shower.
Copy !req
292. It didn't burst.
It was pulled apart.
Copy !req
293. Yeah, 'cause I'm clearly a guy
who likes to knock out
Copy !req
294. a few naked pull-ups
before I greet the day.
Copy !req
295. You hang laundry
in there?
Copy !req
296. I'm about to hang
a plumber in there.
Copy !req
297. Look, there's no rust.
Copy !req
298. There's no corrosion.
Copy !req
299. I don't know
how it happened,
Copy !req
300. But I know what happened,
and it's not covered.
Copy !req
301. So...
Copy !req
302. Whenever you're ready
to spend the $2,200,
Copy !req
303. Give somebody else a call.
Copy !req
304. I promise,
I'm only holding your hand
Copy !req
305. to check for choreiform movement.
Copy !req
306. I'm getting absolutely
no intimacy from it.
Copy !req
307. I told you, it has nothing to do with you.
- I know.
Copy !req
308. That's the problem.
Copy !req
309. There's 80 reasons
we shouldn't date,
Copy !req
310. but you can't shut
everyone out.
Copy !req
311. You're gonna need
help, support.
Copy !req
312. Look at our patient.
Copy !req
313. 32 years old, not dead yet,
Copy !req
314. and already he's traumatized his wife, his son—
- And I'll bet
Copy !req
315. they're cherishing every
traumatic minute he has left,
Copy !req
316. wouldn't trade him for
the healthiest guy in the world.
Copy !req
317. True.
Copy !req
318. And they're stuck suffering
with him, hating every day.
Copy !req
319. Only their pain
Copy !req
320. has no prospect of relief.
Copy !req
321. This a bad time?
Copy !req
322. No.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
323. No trace of cancer
in the patient.
Copy !req
324. But we did find edema
in his intestines,
Copy !req
325. air in the intestinal
blood vessels,
Copy !req
326. and House
won't answer his phone.
Copy !req
327. His intestine
must be damaged.
Copy !req
328. The air's leaking
into his body.
Copy !req
329. If there's a blockage
Copy !req
330. in the superior
mesenteric artery,
Copy !req
331. it could be choking off
blood flow to his intestine.
Copy !req
332. Blockages all over his body
would explain his pain,
Copy !req
333. why the cramps
come and go.
Copy !req
334. Do an angioplasty
on the superior mesenteric
Copy !req
335. and find
the other blockages
Copy !req
336. before he has
another cardiac arrest.
Copy !req
337. I'll help.
Copy !req
338. Good thing we don't have
a suicidal patient
Copy !req
339. with a horrific,
undiagnosed pain disorder.
Copy !req
340. We did till we diagnosed it.
Copy !req
341. We found intestinal edema
Copy !req
342. and air in the blood vessels.
Copy !req
343. Pain was vascular.
Copy !req
344. If it was vascular,
we would've seen uneven pulses.
Copy !req
345. His blood pressure
was uneven.
Copy !req
346. Thirteen and Kutner
are doing an angio.
Copy !req
347. He had hemorrhages
in his fingers.
Copy !req
348. There's air in the intestine.
Copy !req
349. It has to have come
from somewhere.
Copy !req
350. Yes...
Copy !req
351. It does.
Copy !req
352. After we thread the catheter
Copy !req
353. through his groin
and into position,
Copy !req
354. the blood will start
flowing freely again.
Copy !req
355. Will that take away the pain?
Copy !req
356. It will be completely ineffective,
Copy !req
357. and the pain will completely go away.
Copy !req
358. Cancel the angio.
Copy !req
359. He has air in his blood vessels.
Copy !req
360. If we don't open the artery
to his intestines—
Copy !req
361. Where can air come from?
Copy !req
362. Hmm.
Copy !req
363. Air can either come
from a breach in the lumen
Copy !req
364. in the small intestine,
Copy !req
365. or in rare instances,
Copy !req
366. air can come from the air.
Copy !req
367. Teeth marks.
Copy !req
368. I'm guessing from when he blew
into his I.V. tube.
Copy !req
369. Air bubble caused the P.E.
Copy !req
370. and cardiac arrest.
Copy !req
371. You tried to finish the job
that you started
Copy !req
372. at home.
Copy !req
373. Jeff...
Copy !req
374. Why?
Copy !req
375. You said that you never—
- I lied.
Copy !req
376. I want to die.
Copy !req
377. Please just let me die.
Copy !req
378. No.
Copy !req
379. He's in a hyperbaric chamber.
Copy !req
380. A dose of high pressure
Copy !req
381. ought to chase the air
out of his blood.
Copy !req
382. Is anyone keeping
an eye on him,
Copy !req
383. was specifically created
Copy !req
384. for suicidal patients.
Copy !req
385. I realize how you
might've thought the name
Copy !req
386. was just a coincidence.
Copy !req
387. Are there any visuals
in this room
Copy !req
388. that are key to us learning
our lesson?
Copy !req
389. 'Cause the telephone—
Copy !req
390. I'm inconveniencing you
Copy !req
391. because you
inconvenienced me.
Copy !req
392. When was the last time
you showered?
Copy !req
393. Scent of a man...
Copy !req
394. I realize you
haven't experienced it sober.
Copy !req
395. If anyone
should be able to handle
Copy !req
396. a depressed
pain patient...
Copy !req
397. He insisted he was no longer—
Apparently he lied.
Copy !req
398. Didn't think
I'd have to remind you
Copy !req
399. of that
remote possibility.
Copy !req
400. I have a D.Y.F.S. inspection
in less than 24 hours,
Copy !req
401. so if you can't control—
non-motor seizures.
Copy !req
402. Sorry, I was thinking
about the patient.
Copy !req
403. What were you saying?
Copy !req
404. Uh...
Copy !req
405. Go on.
- The pain started
Copy !req
406. in his abdomen
near his intestine.
Copy !req
407. The first symptom
has got to be key.
Copy !req
408. He's had
multiple EEGs,
Copy !req
409. all of them cleaner
and squeakier
Copy !req
410. than Cuddy's
rubber nipples.
Copy !req
411. What about
a glycogen storage disease
Copy !req
412. like McArdle's?
Copy !req
413. It explains
the pain.
Copy !req
414. Plus,
there's plenty
Copy !req
415. of muscle cells
in the wall of the intestine.
Copy !req
416. Fourteen is right.
Copy !req
417. Go run
an ischemic forearm test.
Copy !req
418. Take the garbage out
on your way out.
Copy !req
419. If you want a man
to take your crap,
Copy !req
420. you have to marry him
Copy !req
421. Or employ him.
Copy !req
422. Good girl.
Copy !req
423. I don't think I'm ready to run
a decathlon yet.
Copy !req
424. Ah, if we can get
you managing
Copy !req
425. your life a bit better,
that'll be plenty.
Copy !req
426. Dr. Hadley,
whenever you're ready.
Copy !req
427. Janice.
Copy !req
428. You look better.
Copy !req
429. Yeah, they said
my basal ganglian volume
Copy !req
430. has improved.
Copy !req
431. All I know is
for the first time in two years,
Copy !req
432. I can drink a cup of water
without spilling it
Copy !req
433. all over myself.
Copy !req
434. Thank you for getting me
back in the study.
Copy !req
435. I haven't even seen you
in weeks.
Copy !req
436. I didn't even know
our appointments
Copy !req
437. were back-to-back
Copy !req
438. Well, they weren't.
Mine got switched this morning.
Copy !req
439. We're gonna take
your blood repeatedly.
Copy !req
440. If the increased strain
makes your arm hurt more,
Copy !req
441. you have
a muscle abnormality.
Copy !req
442. If you're right
Copy !req
443. about
this McArdle's Disease,
Copy !req
444. can you take away
the pain?
Copy !req
445. With gene-replacement therapy,
with lifestyle changes,
Copy !req
446. we can reduce it.
Copy !req
447. Keep squeezing
the ball.
Copy !req
448. How long
does he have to—
Copy !req
449. Maybe you and Zach
should get something to eat.
Copy !req
450. Honey, don't worry about us.
- I'm not.
Copy !req
451. Please get
out of here.
Copy !req
452. These tests
are all I can handle.
Copy !req
453. They're trying to help you.
- They can't.
Copy !req
454. Then how about helping them,
you know, by not being—
Copy !req
455. An ass?
Copy !req
456. You have no idea
what I'm going through.
Copy !req
457. I know it's better than
what you tried to go through.
Copy !req
458. Sure, no baggage
at all.
Copy !req
459. Where's the pain worst right now?
- Left arm.
Copy !req
460. Does it hurt more?
- Couldn't.
Copy !req
461. And lactate level is steady.
Copy !req
462. It's not any kind
of glycogen.
Copy !req
463. Aah!
Copy !req
464. Oh, God!
Pain jumped to my leg!
Copy !req
465. That's never
happened before
Copy !req
466. chest, your abdomen—
you feel anything there?
Copy !req
467. No!
My leg!
Copy !req
468. It feels like
it's being sawed off.
Copy !req
469. Nice.
- What?
Copy !req
470. Switching Janice's
appointment time
Copy !req
471. so I could see
the skies brighten
Copy !req
472. like a Lifetime TV movie.
- I don't know what you're—
Copy !req
473. sticking your most improved
study participant in my face.
Copy !req
474. Is that your way
of getting into my pants?
Copy !req
475. I don't make
the schedule,
Copy !req
476. and if I did, I wouldn't use it
as a social lubricant.
Copy !req
477. And this is the first I've heard
of Janice improving at all.
Copy !req
478. So, hey,
thanks for the good news.
Copy !req
479. Pain started
in his abdomen.
Copy !req
480. Now it's hopped from
his left thumb to his left leg,
Copy !req
481. skipping
the trunk entirely.
Copy !req
482. I need the name
of a good lawyer.
Copy !req
483. We're getting sued?
- Probably.
Copy !req
484. That's Cuddy's problem.
Copy !req
485. Hopping pain,
means it's something
Copy !req
486. in his brain,
not his body.
Copy !req
487. Except the pain's
in two places
Copy !req
488. that connect to two
separate regions of the brain,
Copy !req
489. which means
you're not using yours.
Copy !req
490. Come on, you're from one
of the 12 tribes.
Copy !req
491. You know must know a ton
of shysters.
Copy !req
492. What type of lawyer
do you need?
Copy !req
493. I'll bring it up
Copy !req
494. at the next world domination
subcommittee meeting.
Copy !req
495. Didn't say
I needed a lawyer.
Copy !req
496. I said I needed
the name of a lawyer.
Copy !req
497. Pain hopped to another limb
on the same side.
Copy !req
498. It's got to be central—
- Could still be peripheral.
Copy !req
499. If multiple areas
Copy !req
500. of disc disease—
Copy !req
501. were consistent
with a completely spotless MRI.
Copy !req
502. Who represented
the hospital
Copy !req
503. when you set
that patient on fire?
Copy !req
504. Chris Carrick.
Copy !req
505. Chris? That doesn't sound
like a very good lawyer.
Copy !req
506. If we can't even resolve
body versus brain,
Copy !req
507. we're never gonna diagnose
the guy.
Copy !req
508. What was the name of the firm?
- Caddell and Carrick.
Copy !req
509. It's not like
we can chop off his head
Copy !req
510. to see
if the pain goes away.
Copy !req
511. Why not?
Copy !req
512. Need to cut off
a guy's head.
Copy !req
513. Got to figure out
Copy !req
514. his pain's coming
from his brain or his body.
Copy !req
515. A stiff shot of lidocaine
below the brain stem
Copy !req
516. should numb him all the way
down to his tippy toes.
Copy !req
517. And hearing me say "no" over
the phone wasn't good enough?
Copy !req
518. I'm inconveniencing you
because you inconvenienced me.
Copy !req
519. You know
that foster-care official
Copy !req
520. is coming in the morning.
Copy !req
521. If they weren't,
there'd be no inconvenience.
Copy !req
522. Do not try and force me
to choose between my child—
Copy !req
523. I'm forcing you
to do your job!
Copy !req
524. If you can't also—
Copy !req
525. Fine, you want to separate a
patient's central nervous system
Copy !req
526. from the rest
of his body.
Copy !req
527. If the pain stays,
it's in his brain.
Copy !req
528. If it vanishes—
Copy !req
529. And what about options three,
four, and five?
Copy !req
530. His respiratory system freezes,
or he dies of infection,
Copy !req
531. or he leaks CNS fluid
Copy !req
532. like a fire hydrant, which would
make him wish he were dead?
Copy !req
533. You need to scratch option five.
He's already there.
Copy !req
534. You preach objectivity,
Copy !req
535. but as soon as a patient
comes in in pain,
Copy !req
536. all you want to do
is look under the hood.
Copy !req
537. You don't care
Copy !req
538. if there's
a one-in-three chance
Copy !req
539. you'll kill him.
Copy !req
540. If I don't diagnose him,
Copy !req
541. there's a one-in-one chance
he'll kill himself.
Copy !req
542. I got to go.
Copy !req
543. Do whatever it is
you think is right.
Copy !req
544. Tammy, you said
you were gonna be a little late.
Copy !req
545. D.Y.F.S. is gonna be here
in an hour,
Copy !req
546. and this place is a disaster.
Copy !req
547. Never mind.
Copy !req
548. This should numb everything
from your shoulders down.
Copy !req
549. Any pain that's peripheral
should be gone.
Copy !req
550. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
551. Just stretching my leg.
Copy !req
552. Carry on.
Copy !req
553. Bad pain day today?
Copy !req
554. About to get better.
Copy !req
555. Don't worry.
He's making yours a double.
Copy !req
556. I remember when the drugs
still made things tolerable.
Copy !req
557. I still thought
I had good days left.
Copy !req
558. Turns out you have to live
to find out.
Copy !req
559. You don't have
a family, do you?
Copy !req
560. Left them all
back on Krypton.
Copy !req
561. You're alone.
Copy !req
562. That's why
you can handle your pain.
Copy !req
563. No need to put up
a front,
Copy !req
564. to be what anyone else
wants you to be.
Copy !req
565. You're having
Copy !req
566. more bad days lately,
aren't you?
Copy !req
567. Yes.
Copy !req
568. Take a look
at your future.
Copy !req
569. Let's hope
the drugs work this time.
Copy !req
570. Ugh.
Copy !req
571. I really wasn't expecting you
Copy !req
572. till later.
Copy !req
573. Had a cancellation, so I thought
I'd knock you off the docket.
Copy !req
574. Well, I'm sorry this place
is such a mess.
Copy !req
575. It's been a bit
of a difficult work week.
Copy !req
576. Any guns in the house?
Copy !req
577. Uh, no.
Copy !req
578. Pets?
Copy !req
579. Besides the ants?
Copy !req
580. No.
Copy !req
581. Nice bag.
Copy !req
582. Pricey way
to ditch the diapers.
Copy !req
583. That's not what I usually—
Copy !req
584. Um, I sort of panicked.
Copy !req
585. Mr. Carlton, if you'd just give
me a minute to explain.
Copy !req
586. Everything looks fine.
- Really?
Copy !req
587. Dr. Cuddy, you've got
sufficient income,
Copy !req
588. a high degree of personal
and professional stability,
Copy !req
589. and you care enough
to be embarrassed
Copy !req
590. by what a mess this place is.
Copy !req
591. Believe me, that puts you
head and shoulders
Copy !req
592. above most
of the foster moms
Copy !req
593. I visit.
Copy !req
594. See you next year,
Copy !req
595. if you haven't adopted her
by then.
Copy !req
596. My legs...
Copy !req
597. They're different.
Copy !req
598. Better.
- No pain at all?
Copy !req
599. No, but less.
Four out of ten, maybe five.
Copy !req
600. Can't be.
Copy !req
601. If whatever is causing the pain
is in your brain,
Copy !req
602. it's still a ten.
Copy !req
603. Periphery is zero.
Copy !req
604. It is.
Copy !req
605. Some of the pain
is gone,
Copy !req
606. but not all of it.
Copy !req
607. What does this mean?
Copy !req
608. Maybe Taub was right.
Copy !req
609. It's psychosomatic
after all.
Copy !req
610. Which one of you
is House?
Copy !req
611. The big black guy.
Copy !req
612. Chris Carrick.
Copy !req
613. Next time you use my name
in a threatening e-mail,
Copy !req
614. it won't be just a bill.
Copy !req
615. It'll be a lawsuit.
Copy !req
616. Can you blame me?
Copy !req
617. The last time that happened,
the guy shot me.
Copy !req
618. What if the spinal block
Copy !req
619. triggered some sort
of placebo effect?
Copy !req
620. Guy's taken the finest opiates
Blue Cross can buy.
Copy !req
621. How come they didn't trigger
a placebo effect?
Copy !req
622. What happened?
Copy !req
623. He just started screaming,
do something!
Copy !req
624. Please, God, do not let it be
what his father has.
Copy !req
625. I think he's faking.
Copy !req
626. How dare you?
What makes you think—
Copy !req
627. House, the kid's
in excruciating—
Copy !req
628. Where is he going?
Copy !req
629. Where is it?
Copy !req
630. Where's what?
Copy !req
631. His idiot son
distracted the orderlies
Copy !req
632. so that daddy death wish here
could down a bottle
Copy !req
633. of isopropyl.
Copy !req
634. Get him on dialysis,
Copy !req
635. or in half an hour,
he'll be a corpse.
Copy !req
636. You're hurting me.
Copy !req
637. Remember the feeling.
Copy !req
638. Maybe next time
you want to help pops,
Copy !req
639. you'll do
a better acting job.
Copy !req
640. You can't help him.
Copy !req
641. Zach, why did you do this?
Copy !req
642. Because he's not
dad anymore.
Copy !req
643. He just wants it
to be over with.
Copy !req
644. Please.
Copy !req
645. Please, just—
just let him die.
Copy !req
646. Fabry disease might be able
to cause central
Copy !req
647. and peripheral pain.
Copy !req
648. No angiokeratomata.
Copy !req
649. Lightning pain
from syphilis.
Copy !req
650. All the syph tests
were negative.
Copy !req
651. Why aren't you guys
still talking?
Copy !req
652. Because we ran out
of ideas.
Copy !req
653. Nothing explains this.
Copy !req
654. Something has to.
Copy !req
655. Unless...
Copy !req
656. Nothing does.
Copy !req
657. So now you think—
Copy !req
658. Mine's a more interesting
version of nothing.
Copy !req
659. It used to be something.
Copy !req
660. We can't find anything
Copy !req
661. because whatever injury
caused the original pain
Copy !req
662. healed a long time ago.
Copy !req
663. The only thing left is the drugs.
Copy !req
664. Opioid induced pain.
Copy !req
665. Pain and the drugs
that treat pain
Copy !req
666. work by changing
brain chemistry,
Copy !req
667. sometimes to the point
where pain receptors
Copy !req
668. read painkillers as killer pain.
Copy !req
669. Take him off the drugs.
Copy !req
670. We can't cure him,
so we're gonna torture him?
Copy !req
671. Torture is the cure.
Copy !req
672. Eventually his body
will recalibrate itself.
Copy !req
673. Assuming you're right.
- Yes.
Copy !req
674. I find it confusing
to assume otherwise.
Copy !req
675. How would you like
to stop taking vicodin?
Copy !req
676. Good thing
I'm not the patient.
Copy !req
677. It's open.
Copy !req
678. Thank you.
Copy !req
679. Is it too big?
She'll grow into it.
Copy !req
680. You can put it there.
Copy !req
681. I take it the home inspection
was pushed back.
Copy !req
682. I passed.
Copy !req
683. You do realize
that's a good thing?
Copy !req
684. This place
was a disaster.
Copy !req
685. I had to stash a dirty diaper
in my briefcase.
Copy !req
686. So you buy
another briefcase.
Copy !req
687. I let House
supervise himself.
Copy !req
688. That's like handing
a 12-year-old
Copy !req
689. the keys to the liquor cabinet
and the car.
Copy !req
690. You passed the inspection.
The patient lived.
Copy !req
691. The car is still
in the driveway.
Copy !req
692. And the next time
my Nanny gets sick
Copy !req
693. when House wants to saw
someone in half?
Copy !req
694. Did I mention you passed
the inspection?
Copy !req
695. I passed by their meager standard.
Copy !req
696. I failed by mine.
Copy !req
697. Why do women always do that?
Copy !req
698. Fail?
Copy !req
699. Create ridiculous standards
that no human could meet,
Copy !req
700. with your careers,
with your kids.
Copy !req
701. You got to be more
like us men.
Copy !req
702. Be lazy?
Blame others?
Copy !req
703. Get help!
Copy !req
704. Most men
in your position
Copy !req
705. have a deputy
and two assistants at work,
Copy !req
706. and a wife
and two nannies at home.
Copy !req
707. You're not superwoman.
Copy !req
708. Don't be a martyr.
Copy !req
709. We'll be injecting you
with naloxone,
Copy !req
710. which will knock
the opioids
Copy !req
711. out of your
pain receptors.
Copy !req
712. If we're right, your system will
recalibrate within a few hours,
Copy !req
713. and most of the pain
will be gone.
Copy !req
714. Hours?
I need those drugs.
Copy !req
715. Not if they're causing
your pain.
Copy !req
716. Then knock me out,
sedate me while you—
Copy !req
717. That'll take drugs too.
Copy !req
718. We need to clear everything
out of your system.
Copy !req
719. Please,
I'll try anything else.
Copy !req
720. That's what
we're trying to stop.
Copy !req
721. So it's not your parents.
Copy !req
722. Then it's your wife, someone you were close—
- A colleague.
Copy !req
723. We were residents together.
Copy !req
724. I should've done more
to stop it.
Copy !req
725. He had the mother
of all God complexes.
Copy !req
726. So busy treating
everyone's problems,
Copy !req
727. he was blind to his own.
Copy !req
728. Helped himself
to a vial of insulin.
Copy !req
729. It's a miracle he survived.
Copy !req
730. His friends and family
almost didn't.
Copy !req
731. He was a selfish ass.
Copy !req
732. It'll be over soon.
Copy !req
733. This is lunacy.
Copy !req
734. You're torturing this guy
on a hunch.
Copy !req
735. It's the only hunch
we've got.
Copy !req
736. If I really wanted
to torture him,
Copy !req
737. I'd manipulate
a clinical trial
Copy !req
738. in the hopes
that he'd sleep with you.
Copy !req
739. Are you suggesting
I got Thirteen in that trial
Copy !req
740. because of some personal—
Copy !req
741. I think you got her in
Copy !req
742. because of your usual
Messiah complex.
Copy !req
743. I think you messed
with the appointment schedule
Copy !req
744. because of your
Copy !req
745. "I like to have sex"
Copy !req
746. I checked the logs.
Copy !req
747. You moved your most promising
patient right before her.
Copy !req
748. False hope being
quite the aphrodisiac.
Copy !req
749. How's it false if the trials
are showing results?
Copy !req
750. Well, if it were
that promising,
Copy !req
751. but, hey...
Copy !req
752. hope springs eternal.
Copy !req
753. This was
a cooking accident?
Copy !req
754. First time
making cherries jubilee.
Copy !req
755. Awfully big fire.
Copy !req
756. If you ask me,
Copy !req
757. some of the portions
in that recipe were off.
Copy !req
758. Sure hope
it happens to be covered
Copy !req
759. under, say,
Copy !req
760. section three, subsection 2.2,
paragraph one,
Copy !req
761. accidental fire damage,
Copy !req
762. in which case
you'd have to replace
Copy !req
763. the entire waterline
to fix the sagging pipe.
Copy !req
764. I guess so.
Copy !req
765. Hate to have
Copy !req
766. your next-door neighbors end up
with no hot water.
Copy !req
767. Lucky the fire
escaped your pipes entirely.
Copy !req
768. It's not working.
Copy !req
769. I know.
Copy !req
770. I started him
back on the pain meds...
Copy !req
771. Which means you can leave.
Copy !req
772. My son was right.
Copy !req
773. I tried for so long
to protect him from...
Copy !req
774. But I'm the one
who's been selfish.
Copy !req
775. This is no way
for him to live.
Copy !req
776. Until we get an answer,
it's the only way.
Copy !req
777. There is no answer.
Copy !req
778. There's always an answer.
- Then what is it?
Copy !req
779. He's been here
four days.
Copy !req
780. Three suicide attempts.
Copy !req
781. You don't have an answer.
Copy !req
782. When I saw you...
Copy !req
783. When I saw the cane,
Copy !req
784. I thought, "thank God.
The doctor will understand."
Copy !req
785. Because I sure as hell don't.
Copy !req
786. My husband thinks it's over.
Copy !req
787. So look me in the eye,
Copy !req
788. tell me you'd want to live
like that.
Copy !req
789. Then stabilize him.
Copy !req
790. Get him in decent enough shape
for the drive home.
Copy !req
791. So he can finally...
Copy !req
792. Okay.
Copy !req
793. There's got to be
something we can do.
Copy !req
794. We can't just let
the patient leave.
Copy !req
795. We didn't. House did.
Copy !req
796. Because he realized
there's nothing he could do.
Copy !req
797. There's always something
we can do,
Copy !req
798. something else we can try.
Copy !req
799. You're insane.
You know that, right?
Copy !req
800. Because I have principles?
Copy !req
801. Because you paid more to bribe me
Copy !req
802. to lie on your claim
Copy !req
803. than the entire cost
of the repair.
Copy !req
804. I don't care if I pay,
Copy !req
805. as long as the people
who pocketed my premiums
Copy !req
806. for the last nine years
also pay.
Copy !req
807. I didn't break the pipe.
Copy !req
808. Whatever.
Copy !req
809. If you want to stick it
to the man, that's fine by me.
Copy !req
810. You happy?
Copy !req
811. Nope, but I'm right.
Copy !req
812. Lock up on your way out.
Copy !req
813. And don't touch the piano.
Copy !req
814. Testicles.
Copy !req
815. What do they make you think of?
Copy !req
816. STDs,
Copy !req
817. Testosterone issues,
Copy !req
818. that summer
on Fire Island.
Copy !req
819. Oh, so close.
Copy !req
820. The correct answer is epilepsy.
Copy !req
821. Epilepsy doesn't cause chronic pain.
Copy !req
822. It does if it spreads to
the sensory region of the brain,
Copy !req
823. then rewires
the pain neurons.
Copy !req
824. Would've shown up on an EEG.
Copy !req
825. Not if the seizures are in
a place you can't see on an EEG,
Copy !req
826. A place too deep in the brain,
Copy !req
827. Like the area that controls
the muscles supporting the...
Copy !req
828. testicles.
Copy !req
829. Feels like you got kicked
in the nads,
Copy !req
830. doesn't it?
Copy !req
831. The abdominal pain,
Copy !req
832. how it all started.
Copy !req
833. It wasn't the stomach.
It was lower, right?
Copy !req
834. It's everywhere.
Copy !req
835. But when it first started.
Copy !req
836. It started in the stomach—cramps.
Copy !req
837. Like bad gas,
Copy !req
838. or a permeating pain...
Copy !req
839. like your kidneys are being
pulled out through your scrotum.
Copy !req
840. Why?
Copy !req
841. Because epilepsy is treatable.
Copy !req
842. Looks like we shot the guys
with the torches.
Copy !req
843. Yeah.
Copy !req
844. Pays to hang around.
Copy !req
845. That selfish ass
with the God complex
Copy !req
846. who almost made the stupidest
decision of his life—
Copy !req
847. Wasn't your colleague,
was it?
Copy !req
848. It was you.
Copy !req
849. No.
Copy !req
850. See you tomorrow.
Copy !req
851. You're here early.
Copy !req
852. I'm feeling better.
Copy !req
853. What's wrong?
- I.V.'s leaking a little.
Copy !req
854. It's no big deal.
I'll be right back.
Copy !req
855. Foreman.
Copy !req
856. You busy tonight?
Copy !req
857. No.
Copy !req
858. Rita, the spike
on Dr. Hadley's I.V. bag
Copy !req
859. wasn't pushed in all the way.
Copy !req
860. I don't want any dosing errors.
Copy !req
861. Sorry.
Copy !req
862. It won't happen again.
Copy !req
863. It stinks, doesn't it?
Copy !req
864. What?
- The medication.
Copy !req
865. When we switch out the bags,
you can smell it.
Copy !req
866. It's disgusting.
Copy !req
867. I didn't smell anything.
Copy !req
868. Oh, she must be
on the placebo, then.
Copy !req
869. You offered to do House's budget
Copy !req
870. Because you wanted him
to owe you,
Copy !req
871. Wanted him to take
that case.
Copy !req
872. Why?
- I thought it would help House—
Copy !req
873. seeing someone
worse off than him,
Copy !req
874. possibly curing a guy who has
even less to look forward to.
Copy !req
875. Can I ask you something?
Copy !req
876. How would you like my job?
Copy !req