1. This sucks.
Copy !req
2. This is why we need
to make a statement.
Copy !req
3. You know?
Copy !req
4. I don't think that—
Copy !req
5. What? You afraid we'll
end up in detention?
Copy !req
6. Well, yeah, that's—
that's what teachers do.
Copy !req
7. They're not going to send
all of us to detention.
Copy !req
8. Mr. Henderson is totally lame,
and this is our best chance
Copy !req
9. to inform him
of that fact.
Copy !req
10. You don't
think he's lame?
Copy !req
11. Well...
Copy !req
12. Yeah, but—
- Then what's the problem?
Copy !req
13. Okay.
Copy !req
14. The Camden Hills local jazz ensemble.
Copy !req
15. I can't believe
she fell for that.
Copy !req
16. Loser.
Copy !req
17. Why—why'd you do that?
Copy !req
18. I—I don't feel so g—
Copy !req
19. So good.
Copy !req
20. 16-year-old female
Copy !req
21. gets pranked, also
gets visual hallucinations
Copy !req
22. and vomiting.
Copy !req
23. Turns out
to be a failing liver.
Copy !req
24. Why have Foreman's breasts
suddenly started to droop?
Copy !req
25. Large breasts
are a classic symptom
Copy !req
26. of you letting Foreman
Copy !req
27. take vacation days so he
can finish his F.D.A. reports
Copy !req
28. before
the end of the year.
Copy !req
29. When are
you taking vacation?
Copy !req
30. Hepatic and neurological
Copy !req
31. so I understand
Foreman's absence.
Copy !req
32. Your presence,
not so much.
Copy !req
33. I'm bringing in a case.
Copy !req
34. You may have noticed
me doing that before.
Copy !req
35. I've noticed you
a lot recently.
Copy !req
36. It's almost as if
Copy !req
37. you have a sexual interest
in someone here—
Copy !req
38. Like, say... Taub.
Copy !req
39. Well, Taub might
think I like him
Copy !req
40. if I stayed,
Copy !req
41. which is why
I'm gonna do this.
Copy !req
42. Somehow I don't think
Copy !req
43. that was really about me.
Copy !req
44. Uh, Wilson's Disease.
Copy !req
45. Ceruloplasmin's normal.
Copy !req
46. You've got
a Christmas present.
Copy !req
47. "Greg—made me think of you."
Copy !req
48. That's funny.
Copy !req
49. Usually explodes
after I do that.
Copy !req
50. Alcohol abuse?
- She's 16.
Copy !req
51. The kind of boozing that
destroys your liver that early,
Copy !req
52. parents or teachers
would notice.
Copy !req
53. Wow, Manual of
the Operations of Surgery
Copy !req
54. by Joseph Bell.
Copy !req
55. You're throwing that away?
Copy !req
56. Twice.
Copy !req
57. Someone's screwing with me.
- Forget it.
Copy !req
58. Yeah, gifting
antique medical texts.
Copy !req
59. Oldest gag in the book.
Copy !req
60. Handwriting's kinda girly.
You got an admirer, House?
Copy !req
61. I said forget the book!
Copy !req
62. Why'd they pick on her?
Copy !req
63. She's an overachiever.
High grades. She volunteers.
Copy !req
64. She's a big target.
I'm assuming literally.
Copy !req
65. Depending on where
this school falls
Copy !req
66. on the Heathers scale.
Copy !req
67. Do you think the kids
slipped her something?
Copy !req
68. Their teachers
grilled them.
Copy !req
69. When do teachers ever know
how to motivate their students?
Copy !req
70. What did you do to Natalie?
Copy !req
71. It's all my fault.
Copy !req
72. I didn't stop her
from being a total pig.
Copy !req
73. What are you—
Copy !req
74. your friend's liver
is failing.
Copy !req
75. We're doing what we can,
Copy !req
76. but she still might
need a transplant.
Copy !req
77. She could die unless you
tell us what you gave her.
Copy !req
78. Just tell him.
- Shut up.
Copy !req
79. We gave her some 'shrooms.
Copy !req
80. We took some ourselves,
we just—
Copy !req
81. Wanted to make her
loosen up a little.
Copy !req
82. How thoughtful of you.
You got any left?
Copy !req
83. They're in Simon's locker.
Copy !req
84. This was your idea?
Copy !req
85. No way.
I didn't give her anything.
Copy !req
86. Right, you
just knew about it
Copy !req
87. And let them do it.
poisonous mushrooms
Copy !req
88. And hallucinogenic ones
are different.
Copy !req
89. Not if they
don't dry correctly.
Copy !req
90. Get back to school.
Copy !req
91. You better hope
we got to her in time.
Copy !req
92. What?
Copy !req
93. Am I going
to get in trouble?
Copy !req
94. Should we apologize
or something?
Copy !req
95. Yes, you should.
Copy !req
96. Natalie's
on the third floor.
Copy !req
97. Who's down there?
Copy !req
98. Where's the woman
I spoke to last week?
Copy !req
99. The trial patient, um,
with the advanced symptoms.
Copy !req
100. She dropped out.
Copy !req
101. Is she okay?
Copy !req
102. Not health-related.
Copy !req
103. She just wants
to drop out.
Copy !req
104. Why?
- She didn't say.
Copy !req
105. And I only break
into the houses
Copy !req
106. of very special patients
to understand them better.
Copy !req
107. I do good today, boss?
Copy !req
108. No rigidity,
no cog wheeling.
Copy !req
109. So, absolutely
I'd call that good.
Copy !req
110. Great. Thanks.
Copy !req
111. Your clipboard.
Copy !req
112. Keep it.
Copy !req
113. This place actually smells of evil.
Copy !req
114. Where do you work, again?
Copy !req
115. Why would House
throw out
Copy !req
116. a book worth
hundreds of dollars?
Copy !req
117. To make you
ask that question.
Copy !req
118. Can you really put a price tag
on screwing with people?
Copy !req
119. Can you get us into
Natalie Soellner's locker
Copy !req
120. While we're here?
Copy !req
121. House always
has an agenda.
Copy !req
122. Just screwing
with us isn't—
Copy !req
123. Yeah, he'd never do that.
Copy !req
124. Oh, wait—
he already did last year.
Copy !req
125. Remember the Secret Santa gift
he got himself?
Copy !req
126. He was making us fight
Copy !req
127. over who could get him
the best present.
Copy !req
128. This time he's
just making us wonder.
Copy !req
129. No animosity,
no ugly competition.
Copy !req
130. I think it's
a real present.
Copy !req
131. If it's real, then House
really was freaked.
Copy !req
132. And if it affects him,
Copy !req
133. eventually
it'll affect us.
Copy !req
134. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
135. Maybe it wasn't those kids
who poisoned Natalie.
Copy !req
136. Maybe it was
Natalie herself.
Copy !req
137. I didn't try to kill myself.
Copy !req
138. Then why'd you have
all those painkillers?
Copy !req
139. In case
I get a headache.
Copy !req
140. Well, maybe you
took a few too many.
Copy !req
141. Do you have any kids?
Copy !req
142. No.
Copy !req
143. But high school
Copy !req
144. wasn't all that different
when I was your age.
Copy !req
145. Teenagers can be
Copy !req
146. incredibly mean.
Copy !req
147. I know what you're
going through.
Copy !req
148. I bet you were cool.
Copy !req
149. You're pretty.
Copy !req
150. You're pretty, too.
Copy !req
151. I'm fat.
Copy !req
152. I'm a loser.
Copy !req
153. They all hate me.
Copy !req
154. You know what
they did last year?
Copy !req
155. They took these photos of me
for the yearbook...
Copy !req
156. but it wasn't.
Copy !req
157. It was for this website.
Copy !req
158. Making fun of me...
Copy !req
159. calling me a pig.
Copy !req
160. Forget about them.
Copy !req
161. Let's just
make you better.
Copy !req
162. What's the point?
Copy !req
163. Acetylcysteine
could save her liver.
Copy !req
164. But we have to act fast.
Copy !req
165. If there's any chance that
she took all those pills—
Copy !req
166. There's no chance.
Copy !req
167. Okay.
Copy !req
168. She was the happiest,
sweetest little girl and—
Copy !req
169. and a year ago
she hits puberty,
Copy !req
170. and it's like this
secretive little stranger
Copy !req
171. moved into her room.
Copy !req
172. I try to talk to her about
what she's going through.
Copy !req
173. Give her the treatment.
Copy !req
174. You can't really think
that she tried—
Copy !req
175. I don't know
what to think.
Copy !req
176. If it's a subpoena,
Copy !req
177. he's gotten that
kind of present before.
Copy !req
178. It was a book.
That narrows it down.
Copy !req
179. Just look for someone
Copy !req
180. who knows how to read
or has been to a bookstore.
Copy !req
181. Most bookstores don't carry
Joseph Bell on surgery.
Copy !req
182. Did it have a note?
Copy !req
183. "Greg—made me
think of you."
Copy !req
184. Green wrapping paper?
Copy !req
185. How did you know that?
Copy !req
186. What is it?
Copy !req
187. It's nothing.
Copy !req
188. Yes—when something's
Copy !req
189. the natural response
is to guess
Copy !req
190. the color of the paper
it's wrapped in
Copy !req
191. and then descend
into stunned silence?
Copy !req
192. Irene Adler.
Copy !req
193. Christmas, 2001.
Copy !req
194. Sarcoid symptoms,
Copy !req
195. But she didn't respond
to methotrexate.
Copy !req
196. I've never seen him
so obsessed.
Copy !req
197. He saved her with a last
minute Wegener's diagnosis,
Copy !req
198. but the hours he put in—
Copy !req
199. I thought
it would kill him.
Copy !req
200. And then...
Copy !req
201. well, he fell for her.
Copy !req
202. But it was too soon
after Stacy and—
Copy !req
203. It sounds silly,
Copy !req
204. but Irene was
the one who got away.
Copy !req
205. Really?
Copy !req
206. No, you idiots.
Copy !req
207. House is just
screwing with you.
Copy !req
208. You think
there's some woman
Copy !req
209. with a mysterious green
wrapping paper trademark?
Copy !req
210. Then how did you guess—
Copy !req
211. I could be wrong.
Copy !req
212. It's possible
a secret admirer gave House
Copy !req
213. the same book
I gave him last Christmas.
Copy !req
214. And the same paper
I wrapped it in
Copy !req
215. and the note I wrote.
Copy !req
216. We gotta go.
Copy !req
217. Heartbeat?
Copy !req
218. 150.
B.P. 180 over 110.
Copy !req
219. Crackling 3/4
of the way up.
Copy !req
220. Guess this means she didn't
try to kill herself.
Copy !req
221. Well, scratch
the hallucinations.
Copy !req
222. That's from the mushrooms.
Copy !req
223. Leaves liver failure
and now pulmonary edema.
Copy !req
224. And you—
Copy !req
225. Standing there,
Copy !req
226. Yes, I was going
to stalk you at home,
Copy !req
227. but it was a busy week
and your office is closer.
Copy !req
228. Thirteen and Foreman
were busy drug trialing
Copy !req
229. and we needed an answer
on the overdose,
Copy !req
230. so we called her in.
Copy !req
231. She's just updating us.
- Convenient.
Copy !req
232. Update's done.
Copy !req
233. This is a good
experience for me,
Copy !req
234. as my parents
never got divorced.
Copy !req
235. Theories?
- Glue sniffing.
Copy !req
236. Effects on the lungs
would have been immediate.
Copy !req
237. House, we all know
what's going on here.
Copy !req
238. Cuddy gave you
that present.
Copy !req
239. No.
Copy !req
240. No fever, no polys
in the sputum.
Copy !req
241. I think—
Copy !req
242. I think she loves you.
Copy !req
243. I told you to lay off the present.
Copy !req
244. And the L.S.D.
Copy !req
245. We got distracted
by the painkillers.
Copy !req
246. Toxins are still
the most likely—
Copy !req
247. Just tell her
how you feel.
Copy !req
248. If you won't,
then I will.
Copy !req
249. I'll walk
right down there.
Copy !req
250. Damn it.
Copy !req
251. Love like this
needs to fly free.
Copy !req
252. You talked to Wilson.
Copy !req
253. He has very girly
handwriting, by the way.
Copy !req
254. I knew I should have
just wrapped a new present.
Copy !req
255. You said the patient
volunteered. Where?
Copy !req
256. Uh, Pleasant Valley.
Copy !req
257. Soup kitchen in Trenton.
Copy !req
258. Thirteen and Kutner,
search the home and the school.
Copy !req
259. Taub...
Copy !req
260. You take
the anal swabbing
Copy !req
261. of the fragrant and
contagious homeless man.
Copy !req
262. Why don't you hang out
in the video store
Copy !req
263. and tell everyone
Kevin Spacey's keyser soze?
Copy !req
264. And by the way,
Copy !req
265. that ending really
made no sense at all.
Copy !req
266. You had my present
for a year
Copy !req
267. and didn't even
open it?
Copy !req
268. I had no way of knowing
Copy !req
269. there was an expensive
book inside.
Copy !req
270. Completely
meaningless prank,
Copy !req
271. even for you.
Copy !req
272. Stealing your ice cream
Copy !req
273. is a completely
Copy !req
274. albeit delicious,
Copy !req
275. Observing
my team's reactions
Copy !req
276. to unexplained
Copy !req
277. could have been
pretty useful.
Copy !req
278. Of all the ways
to mess with people,
Copy !req
279. why give yourself
an imaginary present?
Copy !req
280. Have you checked
the prices
Copy !req
281. for fireman strippers
Copy !req
282. Yes.
Copy !req
283. The holidays—
Copy !req
284. they're hard for you.
I get it.
Copy !req
285. You see the people
around you
Copy !req
286. giving and receiving gifts,
Copy !req
287. having sustained,
meaningful relationships,
Copy !req
288. and since you can't,
Copy !req
289. something deep
in your subconscious
Copy !req
290. makes you create
the appearance of a gift.
Copy !req
291. Sad.
Copy !req
292. You really passed
your psych rotation?
Copy !req
293. It's too bad you can't
just be nice to people.
Copy !req
294. You could get
a real present that way.
Copy !req
295. If I wanted gifts,
Copy !req
296. I would just look deep
into my patients' eyes
Copy !req
297. and act like you.
Copy !req
298. "Oh, I'm so sorry
you're dying,
Copy !req
299. "Mrs. Moron.
Copy !req
300. "Of course
I'll sleep with you.
Copy !req
301. What I lack in skill
I can make up for in—"
Copy !req
302. You'd just wind up
insulting her,
Copy !req
303. perhaps calling her
Mrs. Moron.
Copy !req
304. Right, 'cause
I'm physically incapable
Copy !req
305. of being polite.
Copy !req
306. Being kind in a sustained,
meaningful way?
Copy !req
307. No.
Copy !req
308. Oh, I get it.
Copy !req
309. You're trying to get me
to prove you wrong,
Copy !req
310. then I'm gonna be
nice to all my patients
Copy !req
311. all through
the holiday season,
Copy !req
312. and then Mr. Potter won't
steal Tiny Tim's porridge.
Copy !req
313. I'm totally on it.
Copy !req
314. Yeah, that actually
is what I'm trying to do.
Copy !req
315. And the pathetic part is,
Copy !req
316. it's not gonna work.
Copy !req
317. You're right.
Copy !req
318. I gotta stop
being such a jerk.
Copy !req
319. Oops.
Copy !req
320. Just kind of
undercut myself, there.
Copy !req
321. Across the country.
Be paying attention.
Copy !req
322. Well, people should pay attention
Copy !req
323. because they could
expect up to 23...
Copy !req
324. Janice?
Copy !req
325. I'm Remy.
Copy !req
326. I'm—
yeah, I remember you.
Copy !req
327. I heard you
left the trial.
Copy !req
328. Yeah.
Copy !req
329. If there's some way
I could help—
Copy !req
330. Um, it—
Copy !req
331. it was that doctor.
Copy !req
332. He—the one that
was runnin' the tests.
Copy !req
333. Dr. Foreman.
Copy !req
334. Yeah.
Copy !req
335. He's a great neurologist.
He's a great guy.
Copy !req
336. You—you like him?
Copy !req
337. Why don't you?
Copy !req
338. I told him
Copy !req
339. that those injections
were making me sick
Copy !req
340. in my stomach,
Copy !req
341. and he just
gave me antacid.
Copy !req
342. We were warned that
nausea's a side effect,
Copy !req
343. and giving you antacids
is all he really could do.
Copy !req
344. No, he told me,
Copy !req
345. "get over it."
Copy !req
346. With or without
the use of drugs,
Copy !req
347. I don't have a long time.
Copy !req
348. I'm not gonna spend it
bein' his guinea pig.
Copy !req
349. House.
Copy !req
350. It's tuberculosis.
Copy !req
351. You got that
from an anal swab?
Copy !req
352. Man, you're good.
Copy !req
353. There was
a more subtle clue.
Copy !req
354. Homeless guy,
Copy !req
355. uncontrollably
hacking up blood.
Copy !req
356. Cough's lasted two months,
he was cachectic.
Copy !req
357. Unless you can
tie him to the patient—
Copy !req
358. Yes, again, if only
there was some subtle clue,
Copy !req
359. like the fact that he
was standing next to her
Copy !req
360. in the soup line
for a week.
Copy !req
361. I hate spunk.
Copy !req
362. T.B. can cause
liver failure,
Copy !req
363. lung symptoms—
Copy !req
364. Start her on
the standard regimen.
Copy !req
365. Uh—you don't have
clinic duty today.
Copy !req
366. Who says it's a duty?
Copy !req
367. Hi. I'm Greg.
Copy !req
368. Hi, I'm Whitney.
Copy !req
369. Hi, Whitney.
How can I help you?
Copy !req
370. I have a—
Copy !req
371. a terrible headache.
Copy !req
372. Oh, sorry
to hear that.
Copy !req
373. I'll get you fixed up.
Copy !req
374. Is there anything else
you need?
Copy !req
375. Bottle of water?
Copy !req
376. Coffee?
Mint tea?
Copy !req
377. No, but that's so nice.
Copy !req
378. Usually the clinic doctors
are kind of rushed.
Copy !req
379. If you can't be nice,
Copy !req
380. why be a doctor?
Copy !req
381. So where do you
feel the pain?
Copy !req
382. In the back
of my head here.
Copy !req
383. Uh-huh.
That's beccaria's sign.
Copy !req
384. That'll be gone by
your third trimester.
Copy !req
385. Oh, I'm not in school.
Copy !req
386. Neither is your fetus.
Copy !req
387. Oh, God.
Copy !req
388. You didn't know
you were pregnant?
Copy !req
389. How do—you know that
just from the headache?
Copy !req
390. How do I know?
Copy !req
391. I missed my period,
Copy !req
392. I got fat,
threw up,
Copy !req
393. oh, no, wait—
that's how you know.
Copy !req
394. What?
Copy !req
395. I know because
of the tight shirt
Copy !req
396. stretched over
the swollen boobs,
Copy !req
397. the salt craving you've
imported into the clinic,
Copy !req
398. the motion sickness patch
that doesn't do anything
Copy !req
399. for the kind of sickness
that you feel in the morning.
Copy !req
400. Yeah, I'm a virgin.
Copy !req
401. So is my fiancé.
Copy !req
402. I believe him.
Copy !req
403. Aren't there other ways
I could get pregnant,
Copy !req
404. like... sitting
on a toilet seat?
Copy !req
405. Absolutely—there
would need to be a guy
Copy !req
406. sitting between
you and the toilet seat,
Copy !req
407. but yes, absolutely.
Copy !req
408. I was doing so well.
Copy !req
409. Natalie?
Copy !req
410. Oh, God. Natalie.
Copy !req
411. She's having a seizure.
Put her on her side.
Copy !req
412. Nurse!
- Is this from the T.B.?
Copy !req
413. Not with
the supple neck.
Copy !req
414. I don't know
what this is.
Copy !req
415. Four milligrams
Copy !req
416. Liver, lungs, and now brain...
Copy !req
417. which has mysteriously
Copy !req
418. Speaking of mysteriously
Copy !req
419. Her A.L.T.
is 20 times normal.
Copy !req
420. Transaminases
and P.T.'s way up.
Copy !req
421. She's gonna lose
her liver.
Copy !req
422. We gotta get her
on the transplant list.
Copy !req
423. You keep showing up.
Copy !req
424. You also keep leaving.
Copy !req
425. It's possible that you
have the hots for me,
Copy !req
426. but really,
really hate this kid.
Copy !req
427. It's also
remotely possible
Copy !req
428. that I have that reversed.
Copy !req
429. She's a nice kid.
I wanna make sure she's okay.
Copy !req
430. Hepatic fibrosis?
Copy !req
431. Normal complement level,
normal-sized liver.
Copy !req
432. She remind you of...
Copy !req
433. You?
Copy !req
434. Nah, you weren't a loser
in high school.
Copy !req
435. You had every Tom,
Dick, and Hershel
Copy !req
436. wet-dreaming about you.
Copy !req
437. But she could
be making you
Copy !req
438. think of another helpless,
chubby little girl
Copy !req
439. you recently met.
Copy !req
440. You are not
really making this
Copy !req
441. about the baby
I tried to adopt.
Copy !req
442. It's been a few weeks.
Copy !req
443. Just enough time
Copy !req
444. to get over hurt feelings.
Copy !req
445. Natalie's 16.
Copy !req
446. I think you're confusing
being maternal
Copy !req
447. with being human.
Copy !req
448. If we hadn't
ruled out the mushrooms—
Copy !req
449. Maybe we shouldn't have.
Copy !req
450. Forget toxic—
Copy !req
451. think allergic.
Copy !req
452. Severe mold allergy
Copy !req
453. could cause,
uh, liver failure,
Copy !req
454. respiratory arrest,
and encephalopathy.
Copy !req
455. She ate the 'shrooms
days ago.
Copy !req
456. There's no way
she'd still be sick.
Copy !req
457. Unless it also gave her
a fungal infection.
Copy !req
458. Give her a prick test in antifungals.
Copy !req
459. Hey.
Copy !req
460. Thank you
for the gift.
Copy !req
461. I really appreciate it.
Copy !req
462. I spoke to Janice.
Copy !req
463. She okay?
Copy !req
464. Yeah.
Copy !req
465. Her nausea—
Copy !req
466. she said you
told her to, like,
Copy !req
467. get over it?
Copy !req
468. And?
Copy !req
469. Nausea isn't something
Copy !req
470. you can overcome
with sheer willpower.
Copy !req
471. Which is why I didn't
prescribe willpower.
Copy !req
472. I prescribed antacids.
Copy !req
473. If she
can't handle that,
Copy !req
474. she'd have to leave
the trial anyway.
Copy !req
475. Just call her,
say you're sorry.
Copy !req
476. She'll come back.
Copy !req
477. No.
Copy !req
478. God, you're acting
like House now.
Copy !req
479. No, I'm not acting
like House,
Copy !req
480. Which is exactly why
I don't need to apologize.
Copy !req
481. I'm not being cruel.
I'm not being manipulative.
Copy !req
482. You said
the same thing to me
Copy !req
483. when I told you
I was having a hard time.
Copy !req
484. And it worked.
Copy !req
485. She's a 40-year-old woman
who's falling apart
Copy !req
486. physically
and emotionally.
Copy !req
487. She's dying.
Copy !req
488. Look, I know seeing
Copy !req
489. the ghost of your
Christmas future is tough.
Copy !req
490. But the only way
I can help her
Copy !req
491. is to make sure
she follows her regimen,
Copy !req
492. not by becoming
her life coach.
Copy !req
493. You're not acting
like House.
Copy !req
494. You are like him.
Copy !req
495. Dr. House?
Copy !req
496. This is my fiancé Geoff.
Copy !req
497. She says you told her
you can get pregnant
Copy !req
498. from sitting
on a toilet seat.
Copy !req
499. I said those words,
Copy !req
500. but with a particular
Copy !req
501. I knew it was untrue.
Copy !req
502. Well, is there
any other way?
Copy !req
503. Isn't it possible?
Copy !req
504. There was
a reported case
Copy !req
505. of a civil war soldier
Copy !req
506. who was shot
in the testicles,
Copy !req
507. and the musket ball
carried the non-musket ball
Copy !req
508. into the uterus
Copy !req
509. of a woman working
in a neighboring field.
Copy !req
510. Nine months later,
a miracle child was born.
Copy !req
511. Also, maybe she
cheated on you.
Copy !req
512. We made a promise.
Copy !req
513. We d—we do
other stuff in bed.
Copy !req
514. Couldn't
some of his sperm
Copy !req
515. have made it
up there somehow?
Copy !req
516. More likely,
it came from the guy
Copy !req
517. whose penis
made it up there somehow.
Copy !req
518. But...
Copy !req
519. sure, anything's possible.
Copy !req
520. I want a paternity test.
Copy !req
521. Tell him that amnios
Copy !req
522. are dangerous this early on
in the pregnancy.
Copy !req
523. Are they?
- Well, who cares?
Copy !req
524. He doesn't know.
Copy !req
525. Well, we'll—we'll
do the paternity test.
Copy !req
526. No reaction.
- That's bad?
Copy !req
527. If you had
a mold allergy,
Copy !req
528. it would explain
your symptoms.
Copy !req
529. We'll find out what's wrong,
don't worry.
Copy !req
530. And, uh,
I know some things
Copy !req
531. are hard to talk about
with your parents around,
Copy !req
532. but kids
can be really mean.
Copy !req
533. There are people
you can talk to—
Copy !req
534. programs—
Copy !req
535. I'll—I'll be okay.
Copy !req
536. You're in good spirits.
Copy !req
537. You feeling better?
Copy !req
538. No.
Copy !req
539. I was just
doing my homework.
Copy !req
540. I'm such a dork,
I guess that cheers me up.
Copy !req
541. Parents brought it?
Copy !req
542. No, Simon did.
Copy !req
543. The jocky kid
in your class?
Copy !req
544. Yeah. He just left.
Copy !req
545. Security.
Copy !req
546. I was just bringing her
her homework.
Copy !req
547. You helped bully
this little girl
Copy !req
548. and completely refuse
to accept responsibility.
Copy !req
549. No way you came here
out of compassion.
Copy !req
550. That only leaves guilt.
What'd you do to her?
Copy !req
551. Nothing.
- Stop lying.
Copy !req
552. Or I'll take the drugs
I found in your locker
Copy !req
553. down to the cops,
you slimy little jerk.
Copy !req
554. This kid didn't do
anything to you.
Copy !req
555. This isn't about me.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it.
Copy !req
556. You were bullied yourself
when you were in school.
Copy !req
557. Take it easy.
Copy !req
558. I wasn't bullied.
Copy !req
559. Right—
the Indian foster kid
Copy !req
560. whose parents were shot
in front of him.
Copy !req
561. You were clearly
Homecoming King.
Copy !req
562. Let's try this again.
Just tell me—
Copy !req
563. Honestly,
you don't understand.
Copy !req
564. We used to be friends.
Copy !req
565. And I'd be friends
with her now
Copy !req
566. if, you know, people
wouldn't make fun of me.
Copy !req
567. There's nothing you could
tell us that'll help?
Copy !req
568. Did she mention
she used to drink a lot?
Copy !req
569. No.
Copy !req
570. How do you know that?
Copy !req
571. Look, don't tell anyone,
all right?
Copy !req
572. I had my brother's I.D.
and I kind of supplied people.
Copy !req
573. I used to get her
Copy !req
574. a few bottles of vodka
each week.
Copy !req
575. Why'd you stop?
Copy !req
576. She got her own I.D.
Copy !req
577. Said it was cheaper
buying it herself.
Copy !req
578. You can go.
Copy !req
579. I think we got
our diagnosis.
Copy !req
580. Our little girl's
a drunk.
Copy !req
581. I don't drink.
Copy !req
582. I did back then, but—
Copy !req
583. you could die.
Copy !req
584. We can't get you
on the transplant list
Copy !req
585. until we know why
your liver is failing.
Copy !req
586. Alcohol abuse
would explain that.
Copy !req
587. The seizures could be
from withdrawal.
Copy !req
588. I haven't drunk
in six months.
Copy !req
589. I didn't even drink
that much back then.
Copy !req
590. A couple
of vodka bottles a week?
Copy !req
591. I didn't open
half of them.
Copy !req
592. I just bought them
Copy !req
593. you know, 'cause Simon
was selling them.
Copy !req
594. We used to be friends.
Copy !req
595. And that's, like,
the only way
Copy !req
596. I could get him
to even talk to me.
Copy !req
597. Then why did you
stop buying from him?
Copy !req
598. He said
you got your own I.D.
Copy !req
599. I don't know.
Copy !req
600. See, that's
not a good answer.
Copy !req
601. Remember when you asked me
if I had any kids?
Copy !req
602. I don't.
Copy !req
603. I don't know, maybe it
has nothing to do with it,
Copy !req
604. but I was good at school,
Copy !req
605. good at work,
lousy at life.
Copy !req
606. I screwed up every
relationship I ever had.
Copy !req
607. And I thought,
"why would I
Copy !req
608. want to bring a child
into this?"
Copy !req
609. But then I got older.
Copy !req
610. And...
Copy !req
611. How you feel now
will pass.
Copy !req
612. Don't let it screw up
your whole life.
Copy !req
613. It's already screwed up.
Copy !req
614. My asthma.
Copy !req
615. They said they'd fix it,
Copy !req
616. but it didn't make
any difference at all.
Copy !req
617. Well, sometimes
doctors make mistakes...
Copy !req
618. Anna,
and then you have to try
Copy !req
619. twice as hard to fix them.
Copy !req
620. Are you using your inhaler?
- All the time.
Copy !req
621. Go through one a week.
Copy !req
622. You sure
you're using it right?
Copy !req
623. Do I look like an idiot?
Copy !req
624. No.
Copy !req
625. Why don't you show me
how your inhaler works?
Copy !req
626. Jerk.
Copy !req
627. Uh, what was
that all about?
Copy !req
628. Jamaican chicken recipes.
Copy !req
629. The parents said
no to the benzos,
Copy !req
630. but I still think Natalie's
not being honest with me.
Copy !req
631. So she's willing to die
to cover up some boozing.
Copy !req
632. She's very depressed.
Copy !req
633. She feels
like she deserves
Copy !req
634. what the other kids
are dishing out on her.
Copy !req
635. I think she
either wants to die
Copy !req
636. or she wants the attention
that dying gives her.
Copy !req
637. I have no idea
why you care so much.
Copy !req
638. Tell Kutner
to start her on benzos.
Copy !req
639. House, the parents just—
- Uh-uh.
Copy !req
640. Not the alcoholism.
Copy !req
641. Seizures.
Totally different.
Copy !req
642. Don't need
their approval for that.
Copy !req
643. You sure
you want to know?
Copy !req
644. If it makes it
any easier,
Copy !req
645. I'm gonna
tell you anyway.
Copy !req
646. We want to know.
Copy !req
647. What does it say?
Copy !req
648. Don't leave.
Copy !req
649. You go home last night?
Copy !req
650. I meant to.
Copy !req
651. Started
reading this file,
Copy !req
652. just couldn't
put it down.
Copy !req
653. Let me ask you—
Copy !req
654. That patient
that dropped out,
Copy !req
655. the one I told you about—
Copy !req
656. Yeah.
Copy !req
657. You think I
should pursue it more?
Copy !req
658. No, patients drop out.
Copy !req
659. That's why we
start with hundreds.
Copy !req
660. Well, I just thought if
there's an easy way to make
Copy !req
661. the people who drop off
come back, then why not—
Copy !req
662. They're not people.
Copy !req
663. Really?
Copy !req
664. I thought
the zombie trials
Copy !req
665. were all completed
during phase two.
Copy !req
666. You can't see
the patients as people.
Copy !req
667. You can't even
see them as patients.
Copy !req
668. They're numbers.
Copy !req
669. Look...
Copy !req
670. a friend of mine
has this disease.
Copy !req
671. I don't wanna know.
Copy !req
672. There's a reason
this is double-blind—
Copy !req
673. Any personal stake
we have skews the studies.
Copy !req
674. Science is not about
human relationships.
Copy !req
675. It's about results.
Copy !req
676. Now, you know that.
You work for House.
Copy !req
677. Why do you think I
brought you on as my partner?
Copy !req
678. Dr. Taub!
Copy !req
679. She was talking to me
and then she just passed out.
Copy !req
680. Her heart's slowing down.
Can you fix it?
Copy !req
681. Can you fix it?
- I'm trying.
Copy !req
682. Pushing one amp atropine.
Copy !req
683. We've been waiting here for six hours.
Copy !req
684. Am I the father or not?
Copy !req
685. No.
Copy !req
686. But...
Copy !req
687. She also didn't
cheat on you.
Copy !req
688. Normally,
Copy !req
689. sperm meets egg,
D.N.A. meets D.N.A.,
Copy !req
690. goes back to her place,
cells divide,
Copy !req
691. nine months later,
joy is bundled.
Copy !req
692. That's normally.
Copy !req
693. Abnormally,
Copy !req
694. An egg could have
Copy !req
695. two naturally occurring
gene mutations
Copy !req
696. that don't naturally
occur together.
Copy !req
697. A spontaneous calcium spike
Copy !req
698. could prep the egg
for fertilization
Copy !req
699. without sperm,
Copy !req
700. and a division mistake
could let the egg split up
Copy !req
701. without ever needing
male D.N.A. at all.
Copy !req
702. Parthenogenesis.
Copy !req
703. A baby without a daddy.
Copy !req
704. In humans, it's only
ever been theorized,
Copy !req
705. but it was never proved.
Copy !req
706. Until now.
Copy !req
707. Mommy.
Copy !req
708. Baby.
Copy !req
709. Your daughter has
only maternal D.N.A.
Copy !req
710. I personally
checked this five times.
Copy !req
711. In seven months,
you will have...
Copy !req
712. a virgin birth.
Copy !req
713. Merry Christmas.
Copy !req
714. Gotta tell you about
this clinic patient.
Copy !req
715. Natalie's liver is
continuing to fail.
Copy !req
716. And now bradycardia.
Copy !req
717. Atropine isn't keeping
the heart rate up.
Copy !req
718. We're gonna have to
put her on a pacemaker.
Copy !req
719. Alcohol withdrawal
Copy !req
720. would cause her heart
to race, not crawl.
Copy !req
721. There's nothing structurally
wrong with her heart.
Copy !req
722. E.K.G., echo, electrolyte
panel are all normal.
Copy !req
723. Multiple
endocrine syndrome?
Copy !req
724. Free T-4's normal.
Hypothalamic brain tumor?
Copy !req
725. Didn't come up
on the C.T. scan.
Copy !req
726. It's hitting
all her organs.
Copy !req
727. Could be the blood.
What's her alk phos?
Copy !req
728. 300.
Copy !req
729. It can't be leukemia.
Copy !req
730. High alk phos could
also be from liver failure.
Copy !req
731. She's a teenager—
means bone growth
Copy !req
732. and destruction
could throw it off.
Copy !req
733. Maybe, but it's higher
than you'd expect.
Copy !req
734. Start her on chemo.
Copy !req
735. We'll do a bone marrow
biopsy to confirm.
Copy !req
736. Why are you ordering
tests instead of treatment?
Copy !req
737. Her heart and liver
are about to give up.
Copy !req
738. Do whatever you need to.
Copy !req
739. Why are you
so attached to this girl?
Copy !req
740. It's your call.
Copy !req
741. He doesn't want us
to treat her.
Copy !req
742. If it's leukemia,
Copy !req
743. even if we kill
every cancer cell,
Copy !req
744. her heart and liver
are too far gone.
Copy !req
745. A double transplant—
Copy !req
746. With brain involvement?
Copy !req
747. The committee
won't even open the file.
Copy !req
748. There's no reason
to put a dying girl
Copy !req
749. through
a painful treatment
Copy !req
750. if it can't save her.
Copy !req
751. He's being kind.
Copy !req
752. I'll arrange a biopsy.
Copy !req
753. Mrs. Burke?
Copy !req
754. We are conducting
another trial
Copy !req
755. in tandem with yours.
Copy !req
756. Same drug, lower dose.
Copy !req
757. The nausea will be less.
Copy !req
758. I did some checking.
Copy !req
759. I can switch you.
Copy !req
760. Here's the forms
if you want back in.
Copy !req
761. What if we're wrong?
Copy !req
762. Maybe we shouldn't
have overlooked autoimmunes.
Copy !req
763. High sed rate—
Copy !req
764. We went over this.
Copy !req
765. Normal complement level.
Copy !req
766. So it isn't
hepatic fibrosis.
Copy !req
767. Could still be
Copy !req
768. Microangiopathic
Copy !req
769. With high-dose steroids,
Copy !req
770. we might be
able to reverse—
Copy !req
771. You run a hospital
Copy !req
772. That treats thousands
of patients every day.
Copy !req
773. Some of them die.
Copy !req
774. Every day.
Copy !req
775. If you're gonna
get this worked up
Copy !req
776. over every one of them—
Copy !req
777. Yes!
Copy !req
778. B.R.B.
Copy !req
779. What is it?
Copy !req
780. Thank you from a patient.
Copy !req
781. For you?
Copy !req
782. I saved her marriage
Copy !req
783. by showing
that her pregnancy
Copy !req
784. was the result
of parthenogenesis.
Copy !req
785. Human parthenogenesis?
Copy !req
786. You proved—
- Yep.
Copy !req
787. It's unbelievable.
Copy !req
788. But I personally
checked it five times.
Copy !req
789. How did you
check it five times?
Copy !req
790. The cycler's broken,
Copy !req
791. you would have
had to send it out.
Copy !req
792. It would have taken—
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
793. That does sound impossible,
Copy !req
794. now that I think of it.
Copy !req
795. I guess
the better explanation
Copy !req
796. is that the paternity test
showed she cheated
Copy !req
797. so I faked the whole
parthenogenesis thingy.
Copy !req
798. What?
Copy !req
799. Why?
Copy !req
800. I win.
Copy !req
801. You faked
a scientific miracle
Copy !req
802. just to win
a bet with Wilson?
Copy !req
803. Mmm, more an argument.
Copy !req
804. I realize it
would have been simpler
Copy !req
805. to just fake
the paternity test,
Copy !req
806. but hey—Christmas
spirit and all that.
Copy !req
807. I think you're confusing
nice and evil again.
Copy !req
808. Letting a woman
deceive her husband
Copy !req
809. by inventing a virgin birth
just so you can—
Copy !req
810. And it obviously
would have been more fitting
Copy !req
811. if the baby had
been born on Christmas,
Copy !req
812. not just invented then.
Copy !req
813. It's not leukemia.
Copy !req
814. Seizures,
liver failure—
Copy !req
815. It's eclampsia.
Copy !req
816. This means we don't
have one dead patient.
Copy !req
817. We have two.
Copy !req
818. Um...
Copy !req
819. You have a disease
called eclampsia.
Copy !req
820. It causes liver failure,
pulmonary edema,
Copy !req
821. and seizures.
Copy !req
822. It's also associated
with cardiomyopathy.
Copy !req
823. That's a pregnancy disease.
Copy !req
824. You tested her
when she came in.
Copy !req
825. Uh, you can get eclampsia
Copy !req
826. up to a month
after giving birth.
Copy !req
827. That's ridiculous.
Copy !req
828. How could she hide a pregnancy?
- Loose clothes.
Copy !req
829. She's heavy
to begin with.
Copy !req
830. It was probably premature.
Copy !req
831. If it was
three weeks ago,
Copy !req
832. They could have missed it
on a physical exam.
Copy !req
833. The baby's why
Copy !req
834. you quit drinking,
isn't it?
Copy !req
835. Why you asked me
if I had kids.
Copy !req
836. Why you feel guilty.
Copy !req
837. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
838. Oh—
who did this to you?
Copy !req
839. Simon.
Copy !req
840. It wasn't bad.
Copy !req
841. We were like boyfriend/
girlfriend for a while,
Copy !req
842. We just
didn't tell anyone.
Copy !req
843. He doesn't
even know about—
Copy !req
844. What happened
to the baby?
Copy !req
845. I was gonna give it away.
Copy !req
846. If they found out
at school—
Copy !req
847. I was at
the soup kitchen
Copy !req
848. And she started coming.
Copy !req
849. There was this empty house
down the street,
Copy !req
850. But then
she wasn't breathing.
Copy !req
851. I tried so hard,
but I couldn't do anything.
Copy !req
852. I'm... so sorry.
Copy !req
853. If I had her
in a hospital,
Copy !req
854. maybe she'd be alive.
Copy !req
855. Can you cure this?
Copy !req
856. The damage to the heart
and liver are permanent.
Copy !req
857. I'm gonna die?
Copy !req
858. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
859. I didn't even bury her.
Copy !req
860. I just
put my coat over her.
Copy !req
861. Get out of my house.
Copy !req
862. I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
863. I don't care
who you are.
Copy !req
864. Did you, uh...
Copy !req
865. Find the body
of a baby?
Copy !req
866. I said get out.
Copy !req
867. Michael?
Copy !req
868. Who are you?
Copy !req
869. That's not your baby.
Copy !req
870. You're tiny.
Copy !req
871. There's no way you gave
birth three weeks ago.
Copy !req
872. She's my sister's.
Copy !req
873. That baby is sick.
Copy !req
874. She needs clean water.
Copy !req
875. She needs real heat.
Copy !req
876. She was probably born
Copy !req
877. with a partially blocked
airway and—
Copy !req
878. might even have brain damage.
Copy !req
879. You can't take care of her
in a place like this.
Copy !req
880. Shut up.
Copy !req
881. I took care of her—
Copy !req
882. I know.
Copy !req
883. You found her.
Copy !req
884. You saved her life.
Copy !req
885. Now you have
to let her go.
Copy !req
886. Who is that?
Copy !req
887. It's your daughter.
Copy !req
888. She was alive.
Copy !req
889. People found her
and took care of her.
Copy !req
890. She's beautiful.
Copy !req
891. Kutner.
Copy !req
892. No transplant?
Copy !req
893. We appealed.
Too sick.
Copy !req
894. How much time
does she have left?
Copy !req
895. A couple of days
at most.
Copy !req
896. What about the baby?
Copy !req
897. Seems healthy,
Copy !req
898. But it's
too early to tell.
Copy !req
899. She's in the hospital
for observation
Copy !req
900. For a few days,
but after that—
Copy !req
901. Best case, winds up
with her teenage father
Copy !req
902. who just got voted
Copy !req
903. captain of the varsity
bullying team.
Copy !req
904. He's just a kid.
Copy !req
905. You all right?
Copy !req
906. I gotta go.
Copy !req
907. Jonathan.
Copy !req
908. Yeah?
Copy !req
909. It—it's, uh...
Copy !req
910. It's Lawrence Kutner.
Copy !req
911. Wh-why are you here?
Copy !req
912. I wanted to apologize.
Copy !req
913. For all of
the horrible stuff
Copy !req
914. I did to you
in high school.
Copy !req
915. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
916. What's gonna happen to her?
Copy !req
917. I spoke to both sets
of grandparents.
Copy !req
918. It's too painful.
Copy !req
919. They're putting her
up for adoption.
Copy !req
920. What are you gonna do?
Copy !req
921. I already spoke
to a lawyer.
Copy !req
922. I become a foster parent
Copy !req
923. and then I adopt.
Copy !req
924. Merry Christmas,
Copy !req
925. Hey.
Copy !req
926. Hey.
Copy !req
927. Where is everybody?
Copy !req
928. Down at the party.
Copy !req
929. I heard Janice is back
on the trial.
Copy !req
930. My Christmas gift
to you.
Copy !req
931. I was wrong.
Copy !req
932. You're not House.
Copy !req
933. Yeah, well, that's
my Christmas gift to myself.
Copy !req
934. We should
go to the party.
Copy !req
935. We should.
Copy !req