1. I hate dark, creepy tunnels.
Copy !req
2. They tend to be filled
with things that are horrible.
Copy !req
3. You'll be thanking me
when we get our Sparrow Scout badges
Copy !req
4. for subterranean urban exploration.
Copy !req
5. That's not a real badge.
Copy !req
6. Not yet, but Raven Leader
will be so impressed with us
Copy !req
7. that she'll have no choice
but to create one.
Copy !req
8. Ooh!
Copy !req
9. We'll be the first Sparrow Scouts
to earn a badge before it's invented.
Copy !req
10. - Frida?
Copy !req
11. Hilda!
Copy !req
12. Flipping head lamp!
Copy !req
13. At least the last thing I ever did
was be right!
Copy !req
14. Oops.
Copy !req
15. - Sorry, Warren.
Copy !req
16. David, your friends are here.
Copy !req
17. First order of business: bug check.
Copy !req
18. Bug check complete.
Now what are we going to do?
Copy !req
19. We could ride bikes.
Copy !req
20. Too boring.
Copy !req
21. Why ride bikes
around the same old streets
Copy !req
22. when there's a great big world out there?
Copy !req
23. There's so much we've never seen,
so much we don't know.
Copy !req
24. There's mystery everywhere you look.
Copy !req
25. Like, who's that girl?
Copy !req
26. And what dastardly scheme
has she been up to?
Copy !req
27. That's just some new girl on our street.
Copy !req
28. Yes, but what's her name?
Copy !req
29. I don't know.
Copy !req
30. Aha! See? She's a mystery.
Copy !req
31. Hilda, when you lived in the wilderness,
Copy !req
32. you knew everyone
because it was just you and your mum.
Copy !req
33. But here in Trolberg,
there's a lot of people we don't know.
Copy !req
34. You just have to get used to it.
Copy !req
35. I'm telling you,
there's something odd about her.
Copy !req
36. She's always alone.
She never talks to anyone.
Copy !req
37. I've never seen her go into a shop.
Copy !req
38. Have you noticed
the more you talk about how odd she is,
Copy !req
39. the more odd you sound?
Copy !req
40. She's just a teenager.
Most teenagers are a bit weird.
Copy !req
41. So? People think elves are weird,
but they're actually quite fun.
Copy !req
42. Well, Alfur's fun.
Copy !req
43. The rest are rather dull and tedious.
Copy !req
44. Come on!
Copy !req
45. Wow, she moves fast
for someone who walks so slow.
Copy !req
46. Gah! How'd she do that?
Copy !req
47. You said yourself, teenagers are weird.
Copy !req
48. This is getting too spooky.
Copy !req
49. Let's just go to the park.
Copy !req
50. You scare awful easy for someone
who's always got a bug on him.
Copy !req
51. Sorry, I'm a bit jumpy.
Copy !req
52. It's probably on account
of having nightmares all week.
Copy !req
53. All week?
What do you think is causing them?
Copy !req
54. Uh, don't take this the wrong way,
but... you, obviously.
Copy !req
55. Me?
Copy !req
56. You're always dragging us
to see something weird
Copy !req
57. or telling us
about some creepy thing you read,
Copy !req
58. like how Trolberg has so many rats.
Copy !req
59. And that they get their tails tangled up
and become the fearsome Rat King.
Copy !req
60. That's why I had a nightmare about rats!
Copy !req
61. I'm sorry, David.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Copy !req
62. Then why did you call it "fearsome"?
Copy !req
63. What's wrong with "fearsome"?
Copy !req
64. Not to worry.
I'll help rid you of your nightmares.
Copy !req
65. Really?
Copy !req
66. - How?
- We're going to find the Rat King!
Copy !req
67. How is this meant to help me?
Copy !req
68. The best way to overcome
your fears is to face them.
Copy !req
69. Like trolls. When you actually meet one,
you realize they're not scary at all.
Copy !req
70. Well, not that scary,
Copy !req
71. except when you're staring
into that giant, drooly troll mouth
Copy !req
72. and consider
they could eat you in one bite.
Copy !req
73. At least I know
what my next nightmare will be about.
Copy !req
74. Once you've seen enough scary things,
you don't get scared anymore.
Copy !req
75. That's one of the perks
of being an adventurer.
Copy !req
76. - Come on.
Copy !req
77. This is just like my nightmare.
Copy !req
78. Less scary in real life, isn't it?
Copy !req
79. - Uh, what's that?
Copy !req
80. Help!
Copy !req
81. - Ah! Ooh.
Copy !req
82. See? There was something
to be frightened about.
Copy !req
83. Yes, but it wasn't rats.
Copy !req
84. So, in a way, we're both right.
Copy !req
85. Ra— Wha...
Copy !req
86. - What is it, David?
- Ra— Ra—
Copy !req
87. Ah, visitors.
Copy !req
88. Have you secrets to trade
with the Rat King?
Copy !req
89. Secrets?
Copy !req
90. We are the keepers of all secrets
rats overhear from humans,
Copy !req
91. and we always wanna hear more.
Copy !req
92. Have you secrets to trade?
Copy !req
93. I suppose the polite thing
would be to tell him a secret.
Copy !req
94. After all, we are guests in his home.
Who's got a good one?
Copy !req
95. Okay, okay, I'll do it.
Copy !req
96. - Uh-huh, uh-huh. Oh!
Copy !req
97. Ooh, yes! Fascinating!
Copy !req
98. We never would have guessed.
Copy !req
99. What a delicious secret!
Copy !req
100. And have we got a good one for you.
Copy !req
101. The one responsible
for your friend's nightmares
Copy !req
102. is the teenage girl.
Copy !req
103. The one walking around the neighborhood?
Copy !req
104. - I knew there was something off about her.
Copy !req
105. Oh, we're so bad!
No pudding for us.
Copy !req
106. He's fun.
Copy !req
107. - Frida, do you read me?
Copy !req
108. - Over.
- I'm in position.
Copy !req
109. But, Hilda, how could this girl
be causing David's nightmares?
Copy !req
110. - Over.
- I don't know.
Copy !req
111. That's why this time,
we cannot lose her. Over.
Copy !req
112. Sorry, Bertrand.
I'm not myself.
Copy !req
113. Frida, something's happening.
Copy !req
114. Do you see anything? Over.
Copy !req
115. She's here.
Copy !req
116. David, get in position. Over.
Copy !req
117. This way!
Copy !req
118. She was just here, I swear.
Copy !req
119. Go, Twig!
Copy !req
120. Target acquired.
Copy !req
121. Way down at the end
of Nutten Avenue, turning left.
Copy !req
122. Also, I just remembered
I'm terrified of heights.
Copy !req
123. Over.
Copy !req
124. Hilda!
Copy !req
125. - Get on!
Copy !req
126. Um, that's all right.
Copy !req
127. Don't worry, I've got a helmet for you.
Copy !req
128. Quickly, we're losing her.
Copy !req
129. Twig's got her scent.
Copy !req
130. She's headed for the Huldrawood.
Copy !req
131. - What?
- Yeah, she can do that.
Copy !req
132. Stay, Twig.
Copy !req
133. Hilda, wait!
Copy !req
134. We're so close.
We can't stop now.
Copy !req
135. No, I mean,
according to the Sparrow Scout manual,
Copy !req
136. you really ought to use a bowline knot.
Copy !req
137. Oh, good thinking!
Copy !req
138. And as David's head fell off his body
and tumbled screaming down the rocks,
Copy !req
139. he realized his head was bouncing
directly into the mouth of another troll!
Copy !req
140. That's too good.
Copy !req
141. Hey, listen here, you.
Copy !req
142. Oh, my.
That was eerie.
Copy !req
143. Yeah.
Copy !req
144. I— I mean, I'm not scared,
but I can see how you'd think that.
Copy !req
145. She told my nightmares to her friends?
Copy !req
146. That's not fair.
Copy !req
147. I deserve a royalty or something.
Don't you think?
Copy !req
148. Definitely.
Copy !req
149. But first, we need to find out
just what's going on.
Copy !req
150. I believe you'll find that book
to be of interest.
Copy !req
151. "Tales of the Marra."
Copy !req
152. "The marra are nightmare spirits
who are said to haunt the Huldrawood."
Copy !req
153. Look, that's them all right.
Copy !req
154. I don't understand.
Copy !req
155. How did the librarian know exactly
what book we needed?
Copy !req
156. That's her job, isn't it?
Copy !req
157. True.
Copy !req
158. It says here that the marra
visit sleeping humans at night
Copy !req
159. and create nightmares out of their fears.
Copy !req
160. So, I'm not just having nightmares.
Copy !req
161. There's also an evil spirit in my room.
Copy !req
162. I think I felt better
before you started helping.
Copy !req
163. Look, David.
Copy !req
164. It says here the marra will pass over you
Copy !req
165. if you strap yourself into bed
with a leather belt.
Copy !req
166. No good.
I am deathly afraid of belts.
Copy !req
167. Luckily, it's never been a problem
Copy !req
168. since I'm very good
at fitting into trousers just right.
Copy !req
169. Belting yourself into bed
is no way to live.
Copy !req
170. I'm going to have to talk with this marra.
Copy !req
171. We're going to settle this
once and for all.
Copy !req
172. Well, Hilda is going home now.
Copy !req
173. I am going to bed early
as soon as Hilda leaves,
Copy !req
174. which she is doing now.
Copy !req
175. Hold on, there.
Copy !req
176. Oh, there's no bug on you.
Copy !req
177. Ha, never mind.
Good for you, son.
Copy !req
178. Phew!
Copy !req
179. Shh!
Copy !req
180. Hilda.
Copy !req
181. You've got a bug on you.
Copy !req
182. I bet you picked it up
from that David kid.
Copy !req
183. You were right,
that bowline knot is fantastic.
Copy !req
184. Thanks. And your story worked.
Copy !req
185. My mother thinks
I'm sleeping over at your house.
Copy !req
186. Good.
Here's the plan.
Copy !req
187. I'll sleep in David's bed
so the marra will think I'm David.
Copy !req
188. You'll hide under David's desk
where the marra won't see you.
Copy !req
189. Just to make sure the marra
doesn't go after you,
Copy !req
190. you'll belt yourself
into the sleeping bag.
Copy !req
191. Now, the marra always enter
through the keyhole,
Copy !req
192. so Alfur will guard it.
Copy !req
193. According to Alfur's records,
Copy !req
194. the marra has no paperwork on file
with the elves,
Copy !req
195. so she won't see him when she comes in.
Copy !req
196. Alfur will wake you up,
even though you can't see him, either.
Copy !req
197. Frida!
Copy !req
198. You'll use the marra's weakness,
the leather belt,
Copy !req
199. to hold her in place
long enough for us to talk.
Copy !req
200. - Dream on.
Copy !req
201. Like I'm gonna let myself get trapped
by some little kid?
Copy !req
202. - Huh?
- Yep!
Copy !req
203. You!
Copy !req
204. You're that crazy girl
who's been chasing me all over town.
Copy !req
205. And you're the one who's been giving
my friend David nightmares.
Copy !req
206. Uh, duh!
Copy !req
207. His nightmares are the best.
Copy !req
208. There's so much to work with.
Copy !req
209. He is scared of everything.
Copy !req
210. That's not funny.
Copy !req
211. Oh, whatever. You like scaring him, too.
Copy !req
212. The Rat King told me David was, like,
Copy !req
213. practically crying
when you went to see him.
Copy !req
214. You know the Rat King?
Copy !req
215. I'm trying to help David
get over his fears,
Copy !req
216. you're just making them worse.
Copy !req
217. So, I want you to leave David alone.
Copy !req
218. Yeah, right.
The girls love his nightmares.
Copy !req
219. I'm not giving that up.
Copy !req
220. Oh, so you pick on David
because it's easy.
Copy !req
221. I bet your friends
are secretly laughing at you
Copy !req
222. for not stepping up your nightmare game.
Copy !req
223. - Excuse me?
- Don't you think they'd be more impressed
Copy !req
224. with a nightmare
from someone harder to scare?
Copy !req
225. Like who? You?
Copy !req
226. Unless you're afraid of a challenge.
Copy !req
227. Ha! Go to sleep, then.
Copy !req
228. You'll see
whose nightmare game is on point.
Copy !req
229. Fine.
Copy !req
230. You can take your best shot...
if you promise to leave David alone.
Copy !req
231. Mm...
Copy !req
232. deal.
Copy !req
233. But if you wake her up before I'm done,
the deal's off.
Copy !req
234. Got it. Heh.
Copy !req
235. - Sleep tight.
- Oh, I will.
Copy !req
236. I'm gonna sleep so tight, you won't
believe how... tight I'm going to s-sleep.
Copy !req
237. - Well?
Copy !req
238. I'm trying.
Copy !req
239. It's not easy falling asleep
on purpose, you know.
Copy !req
240. Is that Hilda snoring?
Copy !req
241. Ugh!
Copy !req
242. Mum, are you up?
Copy !req
243. Hilda, you let the spiders in!
Copy !req
244. It's all right, Mum.
I can use these for my bug collection.
Copy !req
245. Maybe I'll get a Sparrow Scout badge.
Copy !req
246. You're not frightened?
Copy !req
247. Not really.
They're cute in that ugly sort of way.
Copy !req
248. Mmm.
Copy !req
249. You'll make a fine between-meals snack.
Copy !req
250. Forest giants aren't known to eat people.
Copy !req
251. Are you trying new things
because your life's in a rut?
Copy !req
252. Eating people won't fill that void.
Copy !req
253. Whoooaf!
Copy !req
254. - Hey, "whoaf" sounds a bit like "woff."
Copy !req
255. Is that why we call you a "woff"?
I bet it is.
Copy !req
256. What scares you, crazy girl?
Copy !req
257. But you must have a...
Copy !req
258. secret.
Copy !req
259. Hilda! Down here!
Copy !req
260. This way! Hurry!
Copy !req
261. Ooh!
Copy !req
262. We don't ride woffs, we ride bikes.
Copy !req
263. That's right.
The street hasn't got a woff lane, has it?
Copy !req
264. W— Wait!
Copy !req
265. Ah!
Copy !req
266. Hilda, can't you ride a bike?
Copy !req
267. Even I can ride a bike.
Copy !req
268. Ah!
Copy !req
269. It's not my fault!
I'm not from here!
Copy !req
270. No, you're not!
Copy !req
271. Huh, I guess she's not coming.
Copy !req
272. Ah!
Copy !req
273. Help!
Copy !req
274. Help!
Copy !req
275. - Where's Hilda?
Copy !req
276. Don't wake Hilda,
or else David will keep having nightmares.
Copy !req
277. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
278. It's okay, though.
Uh, she's... she's fine.
Copy !req
279. No! Help!
Copy !req
280. Help! Help!
Copy !req
281. I can't make her do this for me.
Copy !req
282. If she can handle them, then so can I.
Copy !req
283. - Hilda! Wake up!
Copy !req
284. Hilda, are you all right?
Copy !req
285. You were crying out in your sleep.
Copy !req
286. An adventurer
never cries out in her sleep.
Copy !req
287. Uh, but what are you doing
in David's bedroom?
Copy !req
288. Mum wants me to stay close to home
for a couple of days.
Copy !req
289. Sorry you had to wake me.
Did you have a nightmare again?
Copy !req
290. Actually, no.
Sweet dreams all night.
Copy !req
291. Literally about sweets.
Copy !req
292. - The marra didn't come back?
Copy !req
293. It's no fun giving nightmares to someone
who's brave enough to ask for them.
Copy !req
294. Wait.
Copy !req
295. How did you know?
Copy !req
296. About my secret?
Copy !req
297. I know the Rat King, remember?
Copy !req
298. We trade each other's secrets on the reg.
Copy !req
299. See you.
Copy !req
300. What secret?
Copy !req
301. Uh, it... it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
302. But it did remind me
that seeing as I don't really know
Copy !req
303. how things work around here,
Copy !req
304. I'm awfully lucky
to have you two as friends.
Copy !req
305. So, from now on, I won't force you to do
anything scary you don't want to.
Copy !req
306. But we do want to.
We like that about you.
Copy !req
307. Really? Y— You, too, David?
Copy !req
308. I suppose I don't mind,
Copy !req
309. as long as I get
to have dreams about sweets.
Copy !req
310. So, got any new adventures planned?
Copy !req
311. Well, if it's not too boring...
Copy !req
312. you want to teach me how to ride a bike?
Copy !req