1. Previously on Heroes.
Copy !req
2. I have no idea how you're pulling
this off, but I swear to God,
Copy !req
3. I'm not gonna stop until I
figure it out, you understand me?
Copy !req
4. I'm just trying
to figure out
Copy !req
5. how to take care
of our family.
Copy !req
6. I don't have a job, Jan.
Copy !req
7. They're gonna pay for
what they did to me,
Copy !req
8. what they did to us.
Copy !req
9. There is no putting this
whole thing behind you.
Copy !req
10. We've got to find out what
they did and make them fix it.
Copy !req
11. You wanted to know why I was
invisible all these years?
Copy !req
12. It was because of them.
Copy !req
13. And you've brought the
bastards right to my door.
Copy !req
14. Tell me, Claire,
can you keep a secret?
Copy !req
15. I think I know how
I survived that fire.
Copy !req
16. Please say something.
Copy !req
17. Some family.
That's how I survived it.
Copy !req
18. Your mother
has a subdural hemorrhage.
Copy !req
19. It's like a bruise
on her brain,
Copy !req
20. specifically the area
that controls memory.
Copy !req
21. You erased her mind.
Copy !req
22. Claire, that's ridiculous.
Copy !req
23. You tried to erase mine.
Copy !req
24. What you know
is dangerous.
Copy !req
25. Why did you do this to Mom?
Copy !req
26. I only wanted to
protect my family.
Copy !req
27. I think we've had
enough of that.
Copy !req
28. No. Don't. Don't!
Copy !req
29. I'm not gonna
nuke the dog.
Copy !req
30. I wouldn't hurt
Copy !req
31. Mr. Muggles, would I?
Copy !req
32. You know what? If you want to hurt
this guy, that'd be the way to do it.
Copy !req
33. There are more pictures of dogs
around here than there are of his kids.
Copy !req
34. You don't really think
that he's stupid
Copy !req
35. and/or sloppy enough to leave
incriminating evidence around the house?
Copy !req
36. I mean, he did just get
raided by the FBI.
Copy !req
37. We couldn't get a warrant
for the house,
Copy !req
38. so in the off chance that he is a little
sloppy or stupid, I'm gonna poke around.
Copy !req
39. So now we're jacking
his computer?
Copy !req
40. You want to sit around all day
and download files? I don't.
Copy !req
41. If we don't find
anything on his PC,
Copy !req
42. there is somewhere else
we can look.
Copy !req
43. Inside his head!
Copy !req
44. I plan on that. We're gonna bag this
smug son of a bitch and his paper factory.
Copy !req
45. Let's see how he likes it.
Copy !req
46. Maybe we can
bag him here.
Copy !req
47. Oh, God, he's with his family.
Copy !req
48. Family is
a pretty good motivator.
Copy !req
49. No, no, I am not
taking any hostages.
Copy !req
50. We bag him
at the paper factory.
Copy !req
51. Wait. No, no, that was Plan
A. Plan B is much better.
Copy !req
52. There is no Plan B.
We leave now.
Copy !req
53. How many times are you gonna let
this guy slip through your fingers?
Copy !req
54. Lyle, help your mother.
Copy !req
55. Claire, talk to me.
Copy !req
56. What's the point?
Copy !req
57. Am I even going to
remember this conversation?
Copy !req
58. Would you keep
your voice down?
Copy !req
59. Lyle! Take your mother, get
out of the house, right now!
Copy !req
60. I'm sure you have
a lot of questions.
Copy !req
61. We all do.
Copy !req
62. Honey, what's happening?
Copy !req
63. Yeah, Dad,
what's happening?
Copy !req
64. Stay calm.
Copy !req
65. Yeah.
Copy !req
66. Yeah, let's just, everyone,
stay calm.
Copy !req
67. Okay? Everyone stays calm,
nobody's gonna get hurt.
Copy !req
68. This is Officer Parkman
of the LAPD.
Copy !req
69. Formerly of the LAPD,
thanks to you.
Copy !req
70. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
71. You come into my house
with guns?
Copy !req
72. Not guns, gun.
Copy !req
73. I don't need a gun,
do I, Mr. Bennet?
Copy !req
74. Not after
what you did to me.
Copy !req
75. I don't know you.
Copy !req
76. You insist on Iying,
you're gonna upset me.
Copy !req
77. You know what happens
when I get upset.
Copy !req
78. I get very bright
and very hot.
Copy !req
79. Well, no, Ted is gonna do
us all a favor. Right, Ted?
Copy !req
80. And he's not gonna get upset,
but you've got to help.
Copy !req
81. I'm not who you think I am.
I'm just a paper salesman.
Copy !req
82. No.
Copy !req
83. No.
Copy !req
84. You're not.
Copy !req
85. So, tell me, how do
you feel about paper?
Copy !req
86. Wildly enthusiastic.
Copy !req
87. Good,
Copy !req
88. because as far as friends and
family are concerned, it's your life.
Copy !req
89. Congratulations, you are the new
regional manager for Primatech Paper.
Copy !req
90. Nice cover.
Copy !req
91. Sorry to make a liar out of you, but
it's part and parcel of what we do.
Copy !req
92. Nobody outside
the organization knows.
Copy !req
93. Well, they can't know.
Copy !req
94. People are fragile,
like teacups.
Copy !req
95. All around them,
the world is changing,
Copy !req
96. and they simply don't
want to deal with it.
Copy !req
97. They don't want to know what's
happening to us as a species.
Copy !req
98. And they certainly don't want to know
the measures we take to keep them safe.
Copy !req
99. Now, you'll be asked to do things that
fall in the morally gray territory.
Copy !req
100. Things that most
would find cruel,
Copy !req
101. but men like you and I
know to be necessary.
Copy !req
102. I'm comfortable
with morally gray.
Copy !req
103. Good.
Copy !req
104. You will have a partner,
one of them.
Copy !req
105. That's how we do it here,
keeps us all honest.
Copy !req
106. Great,
when do I meet him?
Copy !req
107. He's already here.
Copy !req
108. Is this a test?
Copy !req
109. Oh, shoot!
Copy !req
110. How did you...
Copy !req
111. How is that...
Copy !req
112. It's a brave
new world, friend.
Copy !req
113. Go ahead,
tell them what you do.
Copy !req
114. What goes on at that paper
factory of yours, Mr. Bennet?
Copy !req
115. He abducts people.
Copy !req
116. He drugs us.
Copy !req
117. He injects us with
I don't know what.
Copy !req
118. I lost my job.
Copy !req
119. And I am trying
not to lose my wife.
Copy !req
120. But you don't care
about that, do you?
Copy !req
121. You don't care about
what you did to me.
Copy !req
122. All you care about is that we
think that nothing happened.
Copy !req
123. Makes us forget.
Copy !req
124. How can he
make you forget?
Copy !req
125. The Haitian.
Copy !req
126. That's right, the Haitian.
Copy !req
127. She knows?
Copy !req
128. This is your fault.
Copy !req
129. She knows this is his fault.
Copy !req
130. He's got them all fooled,
except for her.
Copy !req
131. Just when you thought plausible
deniability was gonna save your ass.
Copy !req
132. The Haitian.
He made my mother forget.
Copy !req
133. The Haitian. He made her mother
forget, and her brother, but not...
Copy !req
134. Why didn't he
make you forget?
Copy !req
135. What is he
talking about, Claire?
Copy !req
136. I don't know anything.
Copy !req
137. You want to put
a stop to all this?
Copy !req
138. All you need to do
to keep your family safe,
Copy !req
139. to keep us all safe,
is just tell the truth!
Copy !req
140. I am telling the truth.
Copy !req
141. No, this is the truth.
Copy !req
142. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
143. This is what you did to me.
Copy !req
144. Settle down, Ted.
Copy !req
145. We just want to
be normal again.
Copy !req
146. He's not a paper salesman.
Copy !req
147. Guess she's not
Daddy's little girl anymore.
Copy !req
148. What are they doing?
Copy !req
149. Claire!
Copy !req
150. He's getting inside
your daughter's head.
Copy !req
151. I can run. Get some help.
They can't hurt me.
Copy !req
152. I know you're thinking
about being a hero. Don't.
Copy !req
153. Don't. This guy is serious
and he's really dangerous,
Copy !req
154. and I need your help to make
sure that nobody gets hurt.
Copy !req
155. You can read my mind?
Copy !req
156. Yeah, that's something
your dad did to me.
Copy !req
157. It didn't just happen?
Copy !req
158. I wouldn't be here right now
if it just happened.
Copy !req
159. Has my dad done this
to other people?
Copy !req
160. Yeah, as far as I can tell.
It's different with everyone.
Copy !req
161. I've seen
some weird things.
Copy !req
162. I'm sure you have, too, like
that stuff at your school.
Copy !req
163. Peter Petrelli.
Copy !req
164. Peter Petrelli?
Copy !req
165. He can do what I can do.
What do you know about him?
Copy !req
166. He can do what I can do.
Copy !req
167. He's different.
Copy !req
168. Like you.
Copy !req
169. "Save the cheerleader. "
Copy !req
170. I read his mind.
He read mine.
Copy !req
171. He told me to protect you
Copy !req
172. from someone who was
killing people like me.
Copy !req
173. Are you different, Claire?
Copy !req
174. Your blood was all over
that crime scene.
Copy !req
175. You didn't have
a scratch on you.
Copy !req
176. Why didn't you have
a scratch on you?
Copy !req
177. I can heal.
Copy !req
178. Did my dad make me this way?
Copy !req
179. What are they gonna do
with the baby?
Copy !req
180. I don't know.
Copy !req
181. I wonder if they knew
about little orphan Annie
Copy !req
182. before they sent us over there
to bag a bloody fire starter.
Copy !req
183. Nah.
Copy !req
184. They would have told us.
Copy !req
185. Claude,
Copy !req
186. a word, please.
Copy !req
187. Hiro.
Copy !req
188. Did you make me this way?
Copy !req
189. Is that why you adopted me?
Am I some sort of experiment?
Copy !req
190. Don't talk to your
father like that.
Copy !req
191. He's not my father.
Copy !req
192. They have nothing
to do with this.
Copy !req
193. He's the one who
got them involved.
Copy !req
194. No, we did,
you and me.
Copy !req
195. When we didn't leave this
house when they came home.
Copy !req
196. Look, no one's been hurt yet.
What's he gonna do? Go to the police?
Copy !req
197. We can get out of here,
right now.
Copy !req
198. We didn't get what we came
for. We came for a cure.
Copy !req
199. And what if
there isn't one?
Copy !req
200. I'll kill us all.
Copy !req
201. Just get inside his head
and get some answers,
Copy !req
202. or we're all gonna have
a really bad day.
Copy !req
203. That son of a bitch
is thinking in Japanese.
Copy !req
204. Why are you thinking
in Japanese, huh?
Copy !req
205. We want answers.
Who are you?
Copy !req
206. And what did you do to us?
Copy !req
207. In the den,
the safe in the bookcase.
Copy !req
208. Ted, there's a safe
in the bookcase.
Copy !req
209. No!
Copy !req
210. Oh!
Copy !req
211. Stop it. Stop it!
Copy !req
212. Enough! We're done.
Copy !req
213. We are not done!
Copy !req
214. I'm calling your bluff.
Copy !req
215. Mom?
Copy !req
216. Ted, Ted! Put the gun down.
That's not gonna help anybody.
Copy !req
217. Well, he killed my wife.
Only fair I kill his.
Copy !req
218. And with his
own gun, too.
Copy !req
219. Kind of poetic,
don't you think?
Copy !req
220. Tell him what
he wants to know!
Copy !req
221. Come on! He's willing
to kill us all.
Copy !req
222. Leave her alone.
She didn't do anything.
Copy !req
223. Claire, sit down.
Copy !req
224. Shoot me, if you're
gonna shoot someone.
Copy !req
225. No!
Copy !req
226. Parkman, you have to
trust me. Shoot Claire.
Copy !req
227. I'm telling you,
someone's gonna die.
Copy !req
228. I'm sorry, Mrs. Bennet.
Copy !req
229. Shoot Claire now.
She can heal.
Copy !req
230. Shoot me!
Copy !req
231. You brought this
on yourself.
Copy !req
232. No!
Copy !req
233. No, no, no, Claire.
Copy !req
234. What did you do?
Copy !req
235. No, no, no, Claire.
Copy !req
236. What did you do?
Copy !req
237. What did you do that for?
Copy !req
238. Get his trust.
Copy !req
239. Now he knows
how far we'll go.
Copy !req
240. Right hook.
Right hook coming.
Copy !req
241. Bastard!
You killed my little girl!
Copy !req
242. You, you did!
Copy !req
243. No!
Copy !req
244. Tell me it's not true.
Copy !req
245. Tell me...
Copy !req
246. Don't leave her here!
Copy !req
247. Move Claire's body
before she heals.
Copy !req
248. They don't need
to see here like this.
Copy !req
249. We've got to move the body.
Copy !req
250. I had no idea it was
going to go this far.
Copy !req
251. Believe me, he was
going to kill your wife.
Copy !req
252. I actually heard him pull
the trigger in his mind.
Copy !req
253. Thank you
for shooting first.
Copy !req
254. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
255. Where's Mom and Lyle?
Copy !req
256. Are they safe?
Copy !req
257. Wait, you made her
Copy !req
258. I didn't make anyone. You don't
have all your facts straight,
Copy !req
259. and I don't appreciate
your confusing my daughter.
Copy !req
260. The facts are you work at some freak
factory where you ruin people's lives.
Copy !req
261. You've been misled, Claire. I
will explain everything later,
Copy !req
262. but right now, you have to do
exactly what I tell you to do.
Copy !req
263. I'm going to the police.
Copy !req
264. No, no, wait, wait.
Copy !req
265. Do not make
the same mistake I did.
Copy !req
266. Don't put your family at risk.
Copy !req
267. Parkman?
Copy !req
268. Yeah, coming!
Copy !req
269. The people I work for
don't know about you.
Copy !req
270. If they did, you wouldn't
be here right now.
Copy !req
271. They would have
taken you months ago,
Copy !req
272. and we never would
have seen you again.
Copy !req
273. You say you want
a normal life,
Copy !req
274. that's what I've
been fighting for.
Copy !req
275. He's telling the truth.
Copy !req
276. Hate me all you want,
but right now,
Copy !req
277. this has to be contained, which
means you have to stay put.
Copy !req
278. What?
You want me to play dead?
Copy !req
279. I'm sorry,
I'm not Mr. Muggles.
Copy !req
280. That man downstairs can
generate a chain reaction,
Copy !req
281. which would be like dropping
a nuclear bomb on this house.
Copy !req
282. And he'll do it, too.
Come on, we got to go now.
Copy !req
283. Right. Just do what I say,
so nobody gets hurt. And you.
Copy !req
284. Yeah?
Copy !req
285. Do what I think.
Copy !req
286. Hey! Hey, enough!
Copy !req
287. God!
Copy !req
288. No! Enough! We already
got their attention.
Copy !req
289. We're not gonna
find anything here.
Copy !req
290. What we want is at
the paper factory.
Copy !req
291. Really?
Copy !req
292. He tell you that,
or think it?
Copy !req
293. They've got records of the
abductions, what they've done.
Copy !req
294. In exchange for his family's
safety, he'll get them for us.
Copy !req
295. I don't want
anybody else to die
Copy !req
296. because of what
I've done to you.
Copy !req
297. Why do all words coming out
of your mouth sound like lies?
Copy !req
298. He's not Iying.
Copy !req
299. We'll have proof.
Copy !req
300. No surprises at the factory?
Copy !req
301. Just the truth.
Copy !req
302. I'll stay with the family.
You go.
Copy !req
303. No.
Copy !req
304. I'll stay with the family.
Copy !req
305. I can do more damage here.
Copy !req
306. Whatever you say.
You're in control.
Copy !req
307. Sandra...
Copy !req
308. I'm gonna get us
out of this.
Copy !req
309. All right, it's 7:00 a. m.
If you're not back in an hour,
Copy !req
310. look for the mushroom cloud.
Copy !req
311. I think my wife
suspects something.
Copy !req
312. She went through my bag. She
found a gun and a sedation kit.
Copy !req
313. That's a particular kind of stupid
on your part, letting her find them.
Copy !req
314. I know. The baby's been keeping
me up for days. It was sloppy.
Copy !req
315. I think Sandra thinks I'm
some sort of a serial killer.
Copy !req
316. She's better off thinking you're a
serial killer than knowing the truth.
Copy !req
317. I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
318. That a new sensation
for you, Bennet?
Copy !req
319. Is my wife in danger?
Copy !req
320. If I said yes, what
would be your next move?
Copy !req
321. Would you pack up Sandra and
little Claire and make a run for it?
Copy !req
322. Or would you turn her over?
Copy !req
323. I'd do what I've always
done, what I'm told.
Copy !req
324. But you didn't answer the
question. Is she in danger?
Copy !req
325. Relax. Nothing's gonna
happen to your wife,
Copy !req
326. because she's not gonna
remember finding anything.
Copy !req
327. There's a boy
we discovered in Haiti.
Copy !req
328. He can make her forget?
Copy !req
329. He's really something.
He's mute.
Copy !req
330. When we asked him to describe his
ability, he drew a picture of himself
Copy !req
331. pulling memories like little
grub worms out of someone's head.
Copy !req
332. I wanted to put it on
the front of my fridge.
Copy !req
333. When he's done, make sure you
thank him for saving Sandra's life.
Copy !req
334. She's upstairs.
Copy !req
335. We don't have time for this.
Copy !req
336. In about 38 minutes,
Ted's going nuclear
Copy !req
337. unless we bring him back
some hard evidence.
Copy !req
338. The only thing we're bringing
Ted is a tranquilizer.
Copy !req
339. He deserves to
know the truth.
Copy !req
340. He doesn't want the truth.
He wants his wife back.
Copy !req
341. Short of that,
he wants revenge
Copy !req
342. of the good old-fashioned
biblical variety.
Copy !req
343. No, actually,
he doesn't...
Copy !req
344. You said yourself, he'd already
pulled the trigger in his mind.
Copy !req
345. Okay, so that's it for him.
What about me?
Copy !req
346. Huh? Are you gonna send me
back to LA with my wife and baby
Copy !req
347. and no idea that
this ever happened
Copy !req
348. so you can pretend to
have a happy family again?
Copy !req
349. I'm not sending you
Copy !req
350. You're the only one
I can trust.
Copy !req
351. Look, here's the deal.
Copy !req
352. I'll be honest with you.
You be honest with me.
Copy !req
353. You just try Iying to me.
Copy !req
354. I just signaled the Haitian.
Copy !req
355. You said no one
would know we're here.
Copy !req
356. Until I needed them to.
Copy !req
357. Guess who found out
where I live.
Copy !req
358. What do you think
we should do with him?
Copy !req
359. But first I have
another "guess who".
Copy !req
360. Guess who found out
you can talk?
Copy !req
361. Who have you been talking to?
Copy !req
362. Who else knows about Claire?
Copy !req
363. Just her and I,
but that will change.
Copy !req
364. She wasn't supposed to
remember any of this.
Copy !req
365. I gave you
specific instructions.
Copy !req
366. I answer to someone whose
instructions supersede yours.
Copy !req
367. In this company?
Copy !req
368. In your daughter's life.
Copy !req
369. What's the mission?
Copy !req
370. Looking into
a security breach.
Copy !req
371. That's all I know.
That's all they told me.
Copy !req
372. That's all they
told you to tell me,
Copy !req
373. but what you know
is considerably more.
Copy !req
374. You're not as good a liar
as you think.
Copy !req
375. You're the security breach.
Copy !req
376. Is that what they're
calling me behind my back?
Copy !req
377. I was hoping for something a bit
more subtle, or a pun at least.
Copy !req
378. You Americans are
usually good for a pun.
Copy !req
379. Is it true? Are you hiding one of them?
Copy !req
380. By "them"
you mean people like me?
Copy !req
381. Is that who you're
accusing me of hiding?
Copy !req
382. Well, the short answer's yes,
isn't it?
Copy !req
383. You compromised
what we're doing.
Copy !req
384. Sorry. I mean, I know we're
serving the greater good,
Copy !req
385. but the vivisection started
to keep me up at night.
Copy !req
386. Seeing as you're raising
one of us as your own,
Copy !req
387. I was hoping for
a bit more sympathy.
Copy !req
388. Claire's not one of you.
Copy !req
389. Not yet,
but one day, maybe.
Copy !req
390. And don't tell me
you haven't thought about it.
Copy !req
391. If she is, then they'll
take her, and it's done.
Copy !req
392. Oh, just like that?
Copy !req
393. Father of the year,
you are.
Copy !req
394. I know who I work for.
Copy !req
395. So do I.
Copy !req
396. I was in your office
when they told you to kill me.
Copy !req
397. Then why'd you get in the car?
Copy !req
398. Evidently I think you're
a better man than they do.
Copy !req
399. Get out.
Copy !req
400. It's not the first time
you've been told to kill a man,
Copy !req
401. but is it the first time you've
been told to kill a friend?
Copy !req
402. Tell me who it is, and we
can forget about the rest.
Copy !req
403. You're just gonna do it?
Copy !req
404. You're just gonna
off me like nothing?
Copy !req
405. It's not nothing!
Copy !req
406. We find these people, that's
what we do, and you buried one.
Copy !req
407. You acted against
the interest of the company.
Copy !req
408. Have you ever stopped to think
what those interests are?
Copy !req
409. Who is it?
Copy !req
410. And what if it was Claire?
Copy !req
411. That's why you're
so distant from her.
Copy !req
412. You know you're
gonna turn her in.
Copy !req
413. You're preparing for it.
Copy !req
414. You used to believe in
what we do.
Copy !req
415. I used to believe
in the tooth fairy.
Copy !req
416. We made a promise,
both of us.
Copy !req
417. I will not hunt
my own people.
Copy !req
418. This isn't who you are.
You have a choice...
Copy !req
419. Why couldn't you just...
Copy !req
420. She's my daughter.
Copy !req
421. You can't be trusted to put her
safety before company interests.
Copy !req
422. I've been hiding her
for months.
Copy !req
423. That's the sort of thing that will
get you killed, by someone like you,
Copy !req
424. but it hasn't made
your daughter any safer.
Copy !req
425. We're running out of time, and we're
not exactly dealing with a patient man.
Copy !req
426. All right, look, it's in Claire's
best interest that we contain this
Copy !req
427. and we keep her
off the radar.
Copy !req
428. She could run. She's
safer in plain sight.
Copy !req
429. Not at the moment.
Copy !req
430. No one is going to be safe
unless you give Ted what he wants.
Copy !req
431. Claire. God.
Copy !req
432. Thank you. Thank you, God.
Copy !req
433. I prayed so hard.
Copy !req
434. Thank you.
Thank you, God.
Copy !req
435. For you, I prayed so hard,
and you came back.
Copy !req
436. You're an angel. You must
be here. Where did you go?
Copy !req
437. Go, hurry. Run.
Copy !req
438. Get out of here!
Copy !req
439. Lyle, go to the back!
Copy !req
440. Run! Mom!
Copy !req
441. Claire!
Copy !req
442. No!
Copy !req
443. Lyle, get out of here.
Copy !req
444. Mom!
Copy !req
445. Go! Claire.
Copy !req
446. Go, Mom!
Copy !req
447. Mom!
Copy !req
448. Claire!
Copy !req
449. You should have run.
Copy !req
450. I could never leave you,
Copy !req
451. not after I
just got you back.
Copy !req
452. I always thought
you were a miracle.
Copy !req
453. Didn't know
how much of one till now.
Copy !req
454. I'm not a miracle, Mom.
Copy !req
455. You were dead.
Copy !req
456. Anytime someone rises from the
dead, I'd say that's a miracle.
Copy !req
457. I don't know what I am.
Copy !req
458. I don't know if God made me
this way, or someone else.
Copy !req
459. God didn't
make us this way.
Copy !req
460. God makes us all
the way we are.
Copy !req
461. "I walked through fire and didn't get
burned," you were trying to tell me.
Copy !req
462. I was trying not to tell you.
Copy !req
463. All this forgetting,
why I was in the hospital,
Copy !req
464. you think your
father did that to me?
Copy !req
465. I know he did.
Copy !req
466. He said he was
trying to protect us.
Copy !req
467. He's your father.
Copy !req
468. He is coming back
to get us out of this.
Copy !req
469. He's lied to you
your entire marriage.
Copy !req
470. What makes you so sure
he'd keep his word now?
Copy !req
471. Faith.
Copy !req
472. What I've seen.
What I've witnessed.
Copy !req
473. I can't pretend it's the
same world it was yesterday.
Copy !req
474. God gave you
a second chance.
Copy !req
475. Find it in your heart
to give your father one.
Copy !req
476. I'm curious about something.
Copy !req
477. Did Parkman know when he shot
you that you wouldn't die?
Copy !req
478. Did your dad tell him that?
Copy !req
479. I don't know.
Copy !req
480. That explains why they were so
chummy when they came down the stairs.
Copy !req
481. What do you suppose
they're up to?
Copy !req
482. Guess I'll just
ask them myself.
Copy !req
483. Am I still in control,
Mr. Bennet?
Copy !req
484. You're still in control, Ted.
Copy !req
485. No tricks, just what
you asked for, the truth.
Copy !req
486. We have what we want, Ted.
We have the proof.
Copy !req
487. Then why the theatrics with
shooting the girl who can't die?
Copy !req
488. It's better than
shooting one that can.
Copy !req
489. We didn't come here
to hurt anyone.
Copy !req
490. If the people who I work for find
out that I've shown this to you,
Copy !req
491. they will kill me.
Copy !req
492. Since I'm
risking my own life,
Copy !req
493. I would rather not
risk my family's.
Copy !req
494. Do you want revenge,
or do you want the truth?
Copy !req
495. You can't have both.
Copy !req
496. I want the truth.
Copy !req
497. Then let them go.
Copy !req
498. Get them out of here.
Copy !req
499. What is he doing here?
Copy !req
500. Just making sure
my family is safe, that's all.
Copy !req
501. Go. Go. Go.
Come on. Come on. Go.
Copy !req
502. No, you stay.
They can go.
Copy !req
503. Dad.
Copy !req
504. Get out. Go!
Copy !req
505. Come on, Claire.
Let's go.
Copy !req
506. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
507. Lyle!
Copy !req
508. Mom! I called the police.
Copy !req
509. We didn't make you this way. We took
you three months ago to identify you.
Copy !req
510. At the time you were giving
off low levels of radiation.
Copy !req
511. You were harmless.
Copy !req
512. And you did
nothing to stop it.
Copy !req
513. There's no cure.
Copy !req
514. We can't change
the way you are.
Copy !req
515. The only choice
is to kill you.
Copy !req
516. I wish you had.
Copy !req
517. It was my call.
Copy !req
518. You had a life. Who was
I to take it from you?
Copy !req
519. Because you let me go,
my wife is dead.
Copy !req
520. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
521. So am I.
Copy !req
522. No! Don't!
You'll set him off!
Copy !req
523. You gotta stop it!
Copy !req
524. Make it stop!
Copy !req
525. I can't!
Copy !req
526. We've got to
get out of here!
Copy !req
527. No!
Copy !req
528. Dad.
Copy !req
529. Claire!
Copy !req
530. Where's my dad?
Copy !req
531. He's...
Copy !req
532. Claire, don't!
Copy !req
533. Dad!
Copy !req
534. Get out!
Copy !req
535. Not without you!
Copy !req
536. Tranquilizer.
Copy !req
537. Stay down!
Copy !req
538. I can't get close enough.
Copy !req
539. Give it to me!
Copy !req
540. I'll be okay!
Copy !req
541. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
542. Get him out of here.
Go! Go!
Copy !req
543. Fine.
Go! Go!
Copy !req
544. Claire!
Copy !req
545. It's a good thing
you called me when you did.
Copy !req
546. This sort of thing
isn't taken lightly.
Copy !req
547. You know well and good what
the policy is on hiding them.
Copy !req
548. I'm well aware.
Copy !req
549. It's a shame that I have
to kill another partner,
Copy !req
550. especially one
so useful to the cause.
Copy !req
551. Has he been located?
Copy !req
552. The Haitian? Nah.
Copy !req
553. He must have figured
you'd turn him in.
Copy !req
554. How long was he
hiding Claire?
Copy !req
555. In plain sight, too,
you must feel like a fool.
Copy !req
556. I take it
it's been months.
Copy !req
557. She trusted him
over her own father.
Copy !req
558. Surrogate father.
Copy !req
559. Now that we have him,
we'll keep Sprague sedated.
Copy !req
560. Find out what
gives him his spark.
Copy !req
561. And then?
Copy !req
562. What do you think?
Copy !req
563. He was very helpful.
Copy !req
564. Imagine working with someone
like Parkman by your side,
Copy !req
565. knowing what everyone
around you is thinking.
Copy !req
566. Could prove
quite resourceful.
Copy !req
567. Certainly keep
everybody honest.
Copy !req
568. She one of them?
Copy !req
569. Very promising.
Copy !req
570. She's gonna help us clean up
the mess you made.
Copy !req
571. We done here?
Copy !req
572. Just one more thing.
Copy !req
573. When should we be
expecting Claire?
Copy !req
574. I'll bring her in now.
Copy !req
575. Where am I going?
Copy !req
576. I don't know.
Copy !req
577. Will I see you again?
Copy !req
578. Mom? Lyle?
Copy !req
579. I don't know.
Copy !req
580. I wanted to protect you.
Copy !req
581. You're my dad.
Copy !req
582. I tried to be
the best dad I could.
Copy !req
583. I know.
Copy !req
584. Let's see?
Copy !req
585. Those are grandpa glasses.
Copy !req
586. Ouch. Ouch.
Copy !req
587. Even though I am the same age my
father was when he needed glasses.
Copy !req
588. All right, how about these?
Copy !req
589. What?
Copy !req
590. Grandma glasses.
Copy !req
591. Am I gonna
need glasses, too?
Copy !req
592. I don't know.
Copy !req
593. Well, if you needed them,
and Grandpa needed them,
Copy !req
594. won't I need them?
Copy !req
595. Your mother and I were wondering when
we were going to have this conversation.
Copy !req
596. What's wrong?
Copy !req
597. No, no, nothing's wrong.
Copy !req
598. Tell me.
Copy !req
599. I'm not your
biological father.
Copy !req
600. You're adopted.
Copy !req
601. Then who are
my real parents?
Copy !req
602. We're your real parents. We don't
know who your biological family is,
Copy !req
603. but we're
your real family.
Copy !req
604. How can you be my real
family if I'm adopted?
Copy !req
605. Well, what makes us real
isn't where you come from,
Copy !req
606. it's how much we love you.
Copy !req
607. And we love you very much.
Copy !req
608. I love you very much.
Copy !req
609. You didn't grow
inside your mother,
Copy !req
610. you grew inside our hearts.
Copy !req
611. Claire.
Copy !req
612. Talk to me.
Copy !req
613. Try these on.
Copy !req
614. How do I look?
Copy !req
615. Like my dad.
Copy !req
616. This is goodbye.
Copy !req
617. You don't have to do this.
Copy !req
618. There's got to be
another way.
Copy !req
619. This is the best way.
Copy !req
620. There can't be any doubt
cast on your father.
Copy !req
621. Right here.
Copy !req
622. Two inches higher,
and I'm dead.
Copy !req
623. Claire, turn around.
Cover your ears.
Copy !req
624. Dad?
Copy !req
625. God.
Copy !req
626. Go deep.
Copy !req
627. Take anything that would
lead them to her.
Copy !req
628. I love you, Dad.
Copy !req
629. I love you, Claire-Bear.
Copy !req