00:00:32,783 --> 00:00:35,077
So, like, where are your wings?
Copy !req
2. Niffty, I don't have...
Copy !req
3. {n8}Did you ever think maybe
she's sensitive
Copy !req
4. {n8}about her lack
of wings,
Copy !req
5. just like her lack of tits?
Copy !req
6. Yeah. Where are your tits?
Copy !req
7. Any other questions?
Copy !req
8. I got one.
Copy !req
9. {n8}How come every time
Charlie talks to Heaven
Copy !req
10. {n8} we get in
deeper and deeper shit?
Copy !req
11. {n8}It's not her fault.
Copy !req
12. {n8}Angels are just...
Copy !req
13. {n8}- Liars?
- ...difficult
Copy !req
14. {n8}But Charlie's trying her best.
Copy !req
15. Yeah, well, her best
is turning out real well so far.
Copy !req
16. And where is
miss fearless leader anyway?
Copy !req
17. Isn't it about time for
another "doomed-to-fail" plan?
Copy !req
18. She's upstairs.
Copy !req
19. Coming up with
something, I'm sure,
Copy !req
20. in our room.
Copy !req
21. Alone.
Copy !req
22. Hmm.
Copy !req
23. Oh, Charlie,
you look an absolute mess.
Copy !req
24. Ugh, go away, Alastor.
Copy !req
25. Now, now, is that any way to act
after picking a fight with all of Heaven and
Copy !req
26. and dooming
everyone you love?
Copy !req
27. I have enough on my mind
Copy !req
28. without hearing your sadistic
idea of a joke, asshole.
Copy !req
29. Who's joking?
Copy !req
30. Aaagh!
Copy !req
31. You have a captive audience
downstairs waiting to hear
Copy !req
32. what kind of inspiring
performance you have planned next.
Copy !req
33. Ugh, I can't.
Copy !req
34. How can I face them
after failing them all so hard?
Copy !req
35. They came here to be saved and
all I gave them was more pain.
Copy !req
36. I'm just as bad as
the cruelest Overlord in Hell.
Copy !req
37. And maybe worse.
Copy !req
38. At least they don't go
around giving false hope.
Copy !req
39. Well, I never expected to
see such a miserable display
Copy !req
40. of self-loathing from you.
Copy !req
41. Oh, fuck you, Alastor.
Copy !req
42. All you do is stand there,
smiling while you watch us struggle and fail.
Copy !req
43. I don't know how you can enjoy
all this suffering so much.
Copy !req
44. Just because you see a smile,
Copy !req
45. don't think you know
what's going on underneath.
Copy !req
46. A smile is
a valuable tool, my dear.
Copy !req
47. It inspires your friends,
keeps your enemies guessing,
Copy !req
48. and ensures that no matter what
comes your way, you're the one in control.
Copy !req
49. But I'm not.
Copy !req
50. I'm the farthest
thing from in control.
Copy !req
51. The person I trust most
has been lying to me for years.
Copy !req
52. Heaven refuses to listen.
Copy !req
53. Even if they did,
I can't prove the hotel works.
Copy !req
54. Adam has an invincible
exorcist Army pointed right at my doorstep
Copy !req
55. and there's nothing I can do
Copy !req
56. about any of it.
Copy !req
57. I know
something you don't know.
Copy !req
58. Huh?
Copy !req
59. Those big, scary angels are not
quite as indestructible as they seem.
Copy !req
60. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
61. Just that you and
your little band of misfits
Copy !req
62. might stand more of a chance
than you think.
Copy !req
63. How? I'll do anything.
Copy !req
64. Anything?
Copy !req
65. Then... let's make a deal.
Copy !req
66. You...
Copy !req
67. You want my soul?
Copy !req
68. Your soul?
Copy !req
69. Heavens, no.
Copy !req
70. All I need from you
is one itty bitty favor.
Copy !req
71. What's a favor between friends?
Copy !req
72. I won't hurt anyone for you.
Copy !req
73. Who's asking! One favor,
at a time of my choosing,
Copy !req
74. here you harm no one.
Copy !req
75. In return,
I tell you what I know.
Copy !req
76. Do we have a deal?
Copy !req
77. Deal.
Copy !req
78. No. No!
Copy !req
79. Right on cue!
Copy !req
80. What did
you do? Let her go!
Copy !req
81. - Vaggie, Stop!
- What?
Copy !req
82. No, Charlie,
please tell me you didn't...
Copy !req
83. I made a deal with Alastor.
Copy !req
84. Charlie.
Copy !req
85. Oh, calm down.
Copy !req
86. She still owns her soul.
Copy !req
87. He gave me info that can save
the hotel, but we're going to need help.
Copy !req
88. The angels can be defeated,
and Carmilla is the key.
Copy !req
89. What? Carmilla Carmine?
Copy !req
90. She killed an exorcist
in the last extermination.
Copy !req
91. She knows how
they can be harmed.
Copy !req
92. But...
Copy !req
93. I... I didn't even
know that was possible.
Copy !req
94. If you did,
would you have told me?
Copy !req
95. Charlie, I...
Copy !req
96. I need you to go to her,
convince her to teach us.
Copy !req
97. If
she can, we might have a chance.
Copy !req
98. With just the seven of us?
Copy !req
99. No, we're...
Copy !req
100. ugh, we're going to
need numbers too.
Copy !req
101. And I know just who can help.
Copy !req
102. As long as Charlie can be her
normal, charming self.
Copy !req
103. What's that you said
about smiles?
Copy !req
104. Good girl.
Copy !req
105. Charlie,
can we talk about this...
Copy !req
106. We can talk later. Right now,
Copy !req
107. we have a job to do.
Copy !req
108. You with us?
Copy !req
109. Ugh.
Copy !req
110. So, uh,
Alastor and Charlie just left
Copy !req
111. like they were runnin' away
from their responsibilities.
Copy !req
112. Should
we be alarmed?
Copy !req
113. No.
Copy !req
114. We have a plan,
Copy !req
115. but it includes defending
ourselves against the angels.
Copy !req
116. Uh!
Are you fucking high?
Copy !req
117. - They can be killed...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
118. That knife lady,
Camaro Carfight, killed one!
Copy !req
119. Wait.
You knew about this?
Copy !req
120. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
121. I told Boss about it months ago.
Copy !req
122. He what?
Copy !req
123. What? They say
insane shit all the time.
Copy !req
124. How was I supposed to know
this one was true?
Copy !req
125. Bank accounts are a scam created
by the shadow government.
Copy !req
126. See!
Copy !req
127. What's important now is
that we're gonna have a fight on our hands.
Copy !req
128. Look, this hotel's about to become
the most dangerous place in Hell, and we...
Copy !req
129. I... can't
guarantee your safety anymore.
Copy !req
130. I still
believe in Charlie's dream.
Copy !req
131. I know this place can work...
but none of you signed up for this.
Copy !req
132. I'm going to go
learn how we can fight back.
Copy !req
133. But when I come home...
Copy !req
134. Well I'll understand.
if none of you are here.
Copy !req
135. Well, this is awkward.
Copy !req
136. 'Kay!
Copy !req
137. Three years.
Copy !req
138. Three years I've been
sharing my life with her.
Copy !req
139. And I tell her everything.
Copy !req
140. My hopes, my dreams,
my insecurities, my embarrassing habits.
Copy !req
141. What fucking deodorant I like.
Copy !req
142. And she keeps
something like this from me.
Copy !req
143. Why would she lie for so long?
Does she think I wouldn't accept her?
Copy !req
144. What about me, ME, says un
Copy !req
145. misunderstanding?
Copy !req
146. Disunder... Wait, w-where are we?
Copy !req
147. Cannibal Town!
Copy !req
148. There's a friend of mine
I think you should meet.
Copy !req
149. In Cannibal Town? But it's...
Copy !req
150. It's... surprisingly nice here.
Copy !req
151. Isn't it, though?
Copy !req
152. And it's all thanks
to a very special someone.
Copy !req
153. Well, who hasn't
thought about eating their first husband?
Copy !req
154. I certainly would have
if he didn't taste so bad!
Copy !req
155. Haha!
Copy !req
156. I tell you what.
Copy !req
157. You bring old, tall,
dark and armless to me,
Copy !req
158. and I'll straighten them right out,
okay sweetie? Now here's my card and...
Copy !req
159. Oh
my stars. Do my eyes deceive me?
Copy !req
160. Alastor? Alastor!
Copy !req
161. Where have you been?
Copy !req
162. These halls really lost some of
their sparkle without your lively presence and...
Copy !req
163. Oh. Who's this
you brought with you?
Copy !req
164. Come now, Alastor,
She's much too young for you.
Copy !req
165. Oh, I'm just kidding.
Copy !req
166. - I know you're an ace in the hole.
- A what now?
Copy !req
167. But where
are your manners Mister?
Copy !req
168. Introduce us, why don't you?
Copy !req
169. Ah, yes, Charlie. This is Rosie.
Copy !req
170. The most darling, delightful,
and dangerous Overlord
Copy !req
171. this side of the pentagram.
Copy !req
172. Oh, always such a charmer.
Copy !req
173. And, Rosie,
Copy !req
174. It's my pleasure to introduce
you to Princess Charlie Morningstar,
Copy !req
175. daughter of Lucifer
and heir to the throne of Hell.
Copy !req
176. How do you do?
Copy !req
177. Well, well,
isn't this a regal surprise?
Copy !req
178. Come in, come in.
Copy !req
179. Can I offer
you something to eat?
Copy !req
180. I'm sure I have a leg
around here or something.
Copy !req
181. Oh, what am I thinking?
Small thing, like you.
Copy !req
182. You're probably
watching your figure.
Copy !req
183. How about some nice
pinky fingers instead? Oh.
Copy !req
184. Ummmm, no, no. Thank you,
Copy !req
185. Oh, look at you, so polite!
Copy !req
186. Alastor, you could
learn a thing or two.
Copy !req
187. Well, sit down. Sit down.
Copy !req
188. Tell Auntie Rosie
what she can do for you.
Copy !req
189. You know, Alastor,
I got a primo connect on a guy
Copy !req
190. with about eight blocks of
territory and not enough goons to run it.
Copy !req
191. Prime pickings for a deal
to be made, my friend.
Copy !req
192. I appreciate the offer,
but we're here on business of another kind.
Copy !req
193. Well, don't keep me in suspense.
Copy !req
194. I'm a very busy woman.
Copy !req
195. Well, as you know,
Copy !req
196. the extermination
is coming early.
Copy !req
197. It'll be here in a month.
Copy !req
198. And they're coming for
my hotel and my friends first.
Copy !req
199. - and I, I, I, I, I, I...
- We need your help.
Copy !req
200. Well, your cannibals' help
at least, to fend off the attack.
Copy !req
201. Wow! When you ask a favor,
you don't start small, do you, Your Highness?
Copy !req
202. Oh, now, don't fret.
Copy !req
203. I didn't say I wouldn't help,
but I assume there's
Copy !req
204. more to this plan than
a bunch of unarmed cannibals.
Copy !req
205. Oh, your people will be far from
helpless when we're done with them.
Copy !req
206. And by the end,
they will be able to eat
Copy !req
207. their fill!
Copy !req
208. Well,
in that case, sure. Why not?
Copy !req
209. - Really?
- What can I say?
Copy !req
210. I like your moxie, girl.
Copy !req
211. And old Alastor has
never done me wrong before.
Copy !req
212. Oh, thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
213. Carmine!
Copy !req
214. Carmine, we need to speak.
Copy !req
215. I know what you did
on extermination day.
Copy !req
216. We can talk about it inside,
or I can yell about it out here.
Copy !req
217. Fuckin' right you open
that door.
Copy !req
218. Hello?
Copy !req
219. You have 2 minutes
Copy !req
220. to convince me
not to silence you for good.
Copy !req
221. Miss Carmine, I'm here on
appointment from the princess
Copy !req
222. to enlist your aid in the defense
of Hell from the angelic extermination.
Copy !req
223. We know an angel fell at your
hands and we need to know how.
Copy !req
224. - No!
- What do you mean, no?
Copy !req
225. - The princess of Hell...
- Means nothing to me.
Copy !req
226. You have to do better than that.
90 seconds.
Copy !req
227. With your knowledge,
we wouldn't have to helplessly stand by while...
Copy !req
228. Clearly I am
not the helpless one here.
Copy !req
229. 80 seconds.
Copy !req
230. Well, then why?
Copy !req
231. Why wouldn't you use
what you know to fight?
Copy !req
232. To avoid the very problem you and
your little friends are facing right now.
Copy !req
233. I will not invite destruction
into my house, on my people.
Copy !req
234. You think we asked for this?
Copy !req
235. All Charlie has ever done is try to
make things better to help her people who,
Copy !req
236. news flash,
include your people too.
Copy !req
237. And how exactly has that
worked out for her?
Copy !req
238. 45 seconds.
Copy !req
239. We didn't pick the fight,
but it's here now.
Copy !req
240. And they aren't
going to stop with us.
Copy !req
241. You didn't see
the look on their leader's face.
Copy !req
242. With us out of the way,
Copy !req
243. it's only a matter of time
before they come for the rest of you.
Copy !req
244. They won't stop
until all of Hell is wiped out,
Copy !req
245. so you can help us
make a stand here together,
Copy !req
246. or you can stand alone tomorrow.
Copy !req
247. And what do you think
your chances will be then?
Copy !req
248. You're out of time.
Copy !req
249. Angels attack quickly,
viciously, and without mercy.
Copy !req
250. You'll need to defend
better than that.
Copy !req
251. Cannibals and Cannibettes,
Copy !req
252. assemble in the square.
Copy !req
253. Now, darling,
you know I would do anything,
Copy !req
254. anything for my clients,
Copy !req
255. but I can't exactly command
Copy !req
256. all of Cannibal Town to
follow someone else into battle.
Copy !req
257. Now, don't get me wrong,
Copy !req
258. they love carnage and bloodshed,
Copy !req
259. but to get this group into line,
you got to win 'em over.
Copy !req
260. Settle in!
Copy !req
261. Settle in! Important meeting.
Copy !req
262. - But how do I...
- With sparkle! Razzmatazz
Copy !req
263. and that oh
so appealing moxie of yours.
Copy !req
264. Shouldn't be a problem.
Copy !req
265. It's not like you've ever failed
to inspire before.
Copy !req
266. Now, fair warning.
Copy !req
267. This group sticks together.
Copy !req
268. So in order to convince any of
them, you'll need to convince all of them.
Copy !req
269. And there's one in particular...
Copy !req
270. - Uuuugh, Susan.
- Susan,
Copy !req
271. who's a bit of an... uh...
Copy !req
272. - Ornery old bitch?
- That!
Copy !req
273. She's tough, but win
her over and the rest will be easy as pie.
Copy !req
274. - Ready?
- I guess.
Copy !req
275. Everyone we have a very special,
very royal guest this evening!
Copy !req
276. Please put
your bloody hands together for
Copy !req
277. Princess Charlie!
Copy !req
278. Booooo! Bring Rosie back!
Copy !req
279. Susan?
Copy !req
280. Susan.
Copy !req
281. Sorry. Uh, okay,
Copy !req
282. - uh, my name's Charlie, and...
- Booooo!
Copy !req
283. - Well, I run this hotel with my part...
- Get off the stage
Copy !req
284. - you blue blood bitch!
- ...well someone and...
Copy !req
285. - Booo!
- Wait, let me start over.
Copy !req
286. We don't give a shit about some
Copy !req
287. Angels are coming to kill us all
and we need help defending our realm.
Copy !req
288. leave before I eat those big
ass eyes of yours.
Copy !req
289. So... we, uh... we need
your help...
Copy !req
290. Boo! Get off.
Copy !req
291. With your assistance,
we can make a stand for...
Copy !req
292. - Where's the showmanship?
- I... I have a dream...
Copy !req
293. - Where's all the finesse? Fuckin mediocre!
- and I...
Copy !req
294. Fuck You! You old bitch!
Copy !req
295. Okay!
Copy !req
296. we'll be back after
a brief intermission.
Copy !req
297. Fuck!
Copy !req
298. Aaagh!
Copy !req
299. Come on,
what is this?
Copy !req
300. You want me to teach
you how to beat angels?
Copy !req
301. That's what I'm doing.
Copy !req
302. By beating the shit out of me?
I'm not used to fighting with long hair.
Copy !req
303. By showing
you the flaws in your own fighting style.
Copy !req
304. Yours and all your sisters'.
Copy !req
305. Wait...
you know I'm an exorcist?
Copy !req
306. - How?
- You have a giant X over your eye
Copy !req
307. and wield an angelic spear.
Copy !req
308. It's not rocket science.
Copy !req
309. Before you found out about me,
did you know angels could be harmed?
Copy !req
310. No.
Copy !req
311. That shows in how you fight.
Copy !req
312. You leave yourself
open with every swing.
Copy !req
313. You fight like
someone unafraid of harm,
Copy !req
314. and this is what
you'll take advantage of.
Copy !req
315. Angels wield no shields,
little armor and fight with reckless abandon.
Copy !req
316. - Strike them here, here, and here.
- Argh.
Copy !req
317. With what?
Copy !req
318. Some secret weapon of yours?
Copy !req
319. Stupid girl,
are you really so dense
Copy !req
320. you don't realize
you're holding the answer?
Copy !req
321. Angelic weapons?
It's that simple?
Copy !req
322. How has no
one else figured this out?
Copy !req
323. Angelic steel isn't common,
Copy !req
324. and those who have it aren't exactly
rushing off to test it against exorcists.
Copy !req
325. When my daughters and
I were cornered in that last extermination
Copy !req
326. I tried to buy time for
my girls to flee, and well...
Copy !req
327. you don't become an angelic
arms dealer without arming yourself first.
Copy !req
328. ♪ I see you're driven
by your detestation
Copy !req
329. ♪ Your every step is
stoked with animus ♪
Copy !req
330. ♪ You need a different
type of motivation ♪
Copy !req
331. ♪ Or there's no way
that you can handle this ♪
Copy !req
332. ♪ I know you're thirstin' for
vengeance Vaggie ♪
Copy !req
333. ♪ You're out for blood ♪
Copy !req
334. ♪ But you'll only stand a chance
if you're out for love ♪
Copy !req
335. ♪ Out for love ♪
Copy !req
336. ♪ Love ♪
Copy !req
337. ♪ Think of who you care about ♪
Copy !req
338. ♪ Protect them and be out ♪
Copy !req
339. ♪ For love ♪
Copy !req
340. ♪ Love ♪
Copy !req
341. ♪ You're gonna fight
without gloves long as ♪
Copy !req
342. ♪ You're out for love ♪
Copy !req
343. ♪ Fuel yourself
with the fear of losin' ♪
Copy !req
344. ♪ That somebody who's
your reason to live ♪
Copy !req
345. ♪ Harness your heart and you
can't help choosin' ♪
Copy !req
346. ♪ To fight with
all you can give ♪
Copy !req
347. ♪ I know you're thirstin'
for vengeance Vaggie ♪
Copy !req
348. ♪ You're out for blood ♪
Copy !req
349. ♪ But you'll only stand a chance
if you're out for love ♪
Copy !req
350. ♪ Out for love, love ♪
Copy !req
351. ♪ Think of who you care about
protect 'em and be out ♪
Copy !req
352. ♪ For love ♪
Copy !req
353. ♪ Love ♪
Copy !req
354. ♪ You're gonna fight without gloves
and when that push comes to shove yeah ♪
Copy !req
355. ♪ You just might rise above
long as you're ♪
Copy !req
356. ♪ Out for love ♪
Copy !req
357. Well, look at that.
You might just survive this.
Copy !req
358. We're going to
need more weapons.
Copy !req
359. Alright, what has
you so out of sorts, darlin'?
Copy !req
360. You clearly got more on
your mind than angels.
Copy !req
361. What do you do
when someone you love
Copy !req
362. lies to you about who they are?
Copy !req
363. Romance? My specialty.
Copy !req
364. C'mon, dearie, details, details!
Copy !req
365. My girlfriend is an exorcist
angel... and she never told me.
Copy !req
366. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
367. Quite a secret.
Copy !req
368. How does that make you feel?
Copy !req
369. Just... angry...
Copy !req
370. because we share everything!
Copy !req
371. Because she always supported me,
and my ideas,
Copy !req
372. and now I don't know whether
or not that was just more of the lies...
Copy !req
373. Oh, no, that's a horrible
thing to think! Do I think that?
Copy !req
374. Yes!
N... No?
Copy !req
375. Kinda?
Copy !req
376. You said
you love this girl?
Copy !req
377. Yes... Or, well, I...
Copy !req
378. - Yes.
- Aw.
Copy !req
379. Have you ever once doubted
that she loves you in return?
Copy !req
380. Well, then what's the problem?
Copy !req
381. She took part in the very thing
we've been working so hard to end.
Copy !req
382. Well...
Copy !req
383. Isn't that silly hotel
of yours all about redemption?
Copy !req
384. ...Yes?
Copy !req
385. Perhaps this girl was
trying to redeem herself too?
Copy !req
386. She knows better than
anyone that I believe in second chances.
Copy !req
387. Why not tell me?
Copy !req
388. It can be difficult to admit
to things you're not proud of,
Copy !req
389. especially if those things hurt
the ones you love.
Copy !req
390. She fucked up, sure.
Copy !req
391. She's flawed,
Copy !req
392. but hey, who down here isn't?
Copy !req
393. If there's anything
I've learned, it's that words
Copy !req
394. are cheap, but actions,
Copy !req
395. they speak the truth.
Copy !req
396. So, what have her actions said?
Copy !req
397. That she believes in me
and what we're doing.
Copy !req
398. Right now she's off learning how
to protect everything we've worked for...
Copy !req
399. and I can't even
pitch my hotel right.
Copy !req
400. Well, how do
you normally explain your hotel?
Copy !req
401. By singing...
but that never works.
Copy !req
402. It will work here.
Trust me.
Copy !req
403. ♪ Have you ever
wanted something that ♪
Copy !req
404. ♪ Was so clear in your mind
that you could taste it ♪
Copy !req
405. You
mean like human flesh?
Copy !req
406. Eugh, sort of.
Copy !req
407. ♪ It's a feeling like a rumbling
in your gut that you could finally ♪
Copy !req
408. ♪ Be faced with
a billion needy faces ♪
Copy !req
409. ♪ I guess what I mean to say is
for the first time in my life ♪
Copy !req
410. ♪ I might have to be ready
for this ♪
Copy !req
411. ♪ Ready to be the one
who's leading from the front ♪
Copy !req
412. ♪ Gotta come into my own
gotta come into my throne ♪
Copy !req
413. ♪ Gotta take charge
and defend my only home ♪
Copy !req
414. ♪ And although
I kinda feel unsteady ♪
Copy !req
415. ♪ Now I need to
be ready for this ♪
Copy !req
416. ♪ Have you ever felt like you're
willing to die to save the people of your city ♪
Copy !req
417. By die to do
you mean use my teeth to rip flesh apart?
Copy !req
418. That's a start!
Copy !req
419. ♪ Cause right
now we need a leader ♪
Copy !req
420. ♪ And it seems to me that ♪
Copy !req
421. ♪ Destiny has picked me to
be that if you'll permit me ♪
Copy !req
422. ♪ So who's with me? ♪
Copy !req
423. ♪ Wouldn't it be super
to see more of Hell ♪
Copy !req
424. ♪ Join up now
if you like travel ♪
Copy !req
425. ♪ Come on boys
hop in the saddle ♪
Copy !req
426. ♪ Lotta sights to see
en route to my hotel ♪
Copy !req
427. ♪ Not to
mention the camaraderie ♪
Copy !req
428. ♪ Yes siree you'll
form life-changing friendships ♪
Copy !req
429. ♪ With the folks along the way ♪
Copy !req
430. ♪ And feast on
all the angels you can eat ♪
Copy !req
431. ♪ Okay ♪
Copy !req
432. Free food! I'm in!
Copy !req
433. ♪ It's time now to act ♪
Copy !req
434. ♪ They're on the attack ♪
Copy !req
435. ♪ When they move to strike ♪
Copy !req
436. ♪ We will fight biting back ♪
Copy !req
437. ♪ We'll follow
your lead we're eager to feed ♪
Copy !req
438. ♪ We'll sharpen our teeth
for the heavenly feast ♪
Copy !req
439. ♪ From this moment on
you can count on us ♪
Copy !req
440. ♪ To be resolute and ravenous ♪
Copy !req
441. ♪ Our appetites are whet
and we're set to seize the day ♪
Copy !req
442. ♪ So I say oh hey come join
the flesh buffet ♪
Copy !req
443. ♪ Well,
that's a little violent ♪
Copy !req
444. ♪ Can we tone it down ♪
Copy !req
445. ♪ Oh don't be
put off by their snarlin' ♪
Copy !req
446. ♪ That's enthusiasm darlin' ♪
Copy !req
447. ♪ Eh, they just seem
a little murdery right now ♪
Copy !req
448. ♪ Don't worry, honey that's
their thing keep singing ♪
Copy !req
449. ♪ We're super duper grateful ♪
Copy !req
450. ♪ To have you folks aboard ♪
Copy !req
451. ♪ We can't
wait to taste an angel's wings ♪
Copy !req
452. ♪ Oh, lord... ♪
Copy !req
453. ♪ For the first time in my life
maybe I can be ready for this ♪
Copy !req
454. ♪ I can be the marshal
leading the parade ♪
Copy !req
455. ♪ I can come into my own
and I think I've always known ♪
Copy !req
456. ♪ My destiny could
never be postponed ♪
Copy !req
457. ♪ When Adam brings the battle
here I must appear like I'm ready for this ♪
Copy !req
458. ♪ They're dancing along ♪
Copy !req
459. ♪ They're singing her song ♪
Copy !req
460. ♪ Surprised, why, I knew
she could do it all along ♪
Copy !req
461. ♪ She's bound to pass the test ♪
Copy !req
462. ♪ As princess of Hell ♪
Copy !req
463. ♪ Like her daddy
she is madly power-fell ♪
Copy !req
464. ♪ She's filled with potential
that I could guide ♪
Copy !req
465. ♪ I concur ♪
Copy !req
466. ♪ Stick with her ♪
Copy !req
467. ♪ You'll be on
the winning side ♪
Copy !req
468. ♪ For
the first time in our lives ♪
Copy !req
469. ♪ We know
that we ready for this ♪
Copy !req
470. ♪ We'll show heaven
a fight they won't forget ♪
Copy !req
471. ♪ It's time to take a stand ♪
Copy !req
472. - ♪ It's time to lend a hand ♪
- ♪ Huzzah ♪
Copy !req
473. ♪ Against the angels
and their deadly threat ♪
Copy !req
474. {n8}♪ We cannot take it anymore ♪
Copy !req
475. ♪ The time has come to go to war
prepare to fight we're ready ♪
Copy !req
476. ♪ For This ♪
Copy !req
477. ♪ I really
hope that I'm ready for this ♪
Copy !req
478. Looks
like you had a busy day.
Copy !req
479. - You too.
- Charlie, I...
Copy !req
480. Hold that thought.
Copy !req
481. Err.. Ah! I got you a souvenir
from Cannibal Town.
Copy !req
482. Oh, Charlie.
Copy !req
483. The wings are new.
Copy !req
484. They look nice.
Copy !req
485. Come on, let's go home.
Copy !req
486. Come along,
Copy !req
487. let's put some effort
into these fortifications.
Copy !req
488. Yeah, fortify that...
Copy !req
489. Well, look
who decided to show up.
Copy !req
490. We thought we were
fightin' by ourselves.
Copy !req
491. You're... you're still here?
Copy !req
492. What? Do you think
we were a bunch of pusssssies?
Copy !req
493. I just got used to you guys.
Copy !req
494. I ain't finding no
new drinking buddies.
Copy !req
495. I've named all the stains
on the carpet.
Copy !req
496. That one's Fred.
Copy !req
497. Well, looks like
we have a lot of work to do.
Copy !req