1. Okay? He's outside doing
something awful with Frank.
Copy !req
2. Bruce sees 10 steps ahead
of everything he does.
Copy !req
3. Whatever he's doing,
he knows it'll be safe.
Copy !req
4. You know how depressed Selina
breaking it off has made him.
Copy !req
5. Oh, please.
He broke up with her.
Copy !req
6. Jesus! He's never gonna
say that he loves you, dude.
Copy !req
7. I'm slightly worried that
Copy !req
8. my extremely
realistic portrayal
Copy !req
9. of his murdered father
Copy !req
10. may have played
a small part in this.
Copy !req
11. Oh, wow. Is your next role
Sherlock Fucking Holmes?
Copy !req
12. Look, he's been
down in the dumps,
Copy !req
13. but Bruce would
never do anything
Copy !req
14. to put others in danger.
Copy !req
15. Well... I can't
believe I'm about to say this.
Copy !req
16. I'd love for you all to meet...
Copy !req
17. my parents.
Copy !req
18. I see how this looks.
Copy !req
19. But it's just temporary.
Copy !req
20. A few more experiments
and I'm positive
Copy !req
21. I'll turn my zombie parents
Copy !req
22. back into my beloved,
very much alive parents.
Copy !req
23. Oh, I've got to get
him on the pod.
Copy !req
24. Let's get you down to the lab
Copy !req
25. to see if we can extract
that plant growth hormone
Copy !req
26. so you don't become another one
of Alfred's topiaries.
Copy !req
27. - You did this.
- Bullshit.
Copy !req
28. Frank was only
supposed to resurrect
Copy !req
29. dead plants, not humans.
Copy !req
30. Billionaire bitch boy
obviously altered Frank
Copy !req
31. to bring back his dead parents
Copy !req
32. instead of just, you know,
dealing with his emotions.
Copy !req
33. Whoa! And I thought
I was the psychiatrist
in this relationship.
Copy !req
34. If you untie us,
I won't kill Bruce
Copy !req
35. in front of his dead parents
for what he did. Deal?
Copy !req
36. What she meant is we need
to figure out how far reaching
Copy !req
37. what Bruce did goes.
Copy !req
38. Free us so we can
figure out how to stop it.
Copy !req
39. We're not letting you go.
We can deal with it ourselves.
Copy !req
40. Oh, nards!
Copy !req
41. Ah, my wrists can breathe.
Copy !req
42. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
43. I know it's hard to hear,
but I think Bruce messed up.
Copy !req
44. No, that, that can't be.
Copy !req
45. There's a freaking
zombie horde outside.
Copy !req
46. Well, how many are there?
Copy !req
47. Hmm. I'd say
five, 10, maybe 20
football fields' worth.
Copy !req
48. Oh, my God. Frank is out there.
Copy !req
49. Hey, man. Dude to dude,
Copy !req
50. I'm not in this crew.
They basically tricked me.
Copy !req
51. So leave me out
of whatever justice
Copy !req
52. you're bringing them.
All right?
Copy !req
53. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
54. They turned Frank
into a zombie.
Copy !req
55. No. No, I was just pretending
to be one to get here safe.
Copy !req
56. - Never seen
a fucking zombie movie?
Copy !req
57. Yeah, she's still
making her way through
Copy !req
58. the fourth season
of that pottery competition.
Copy !req
59. - You like it too.
- Yeah. Okay. True.
Copy !req
60. We might want to do something
about Frank's friends here.
Copy !req
61. Frank, what happened?
Copy !req
62. That walking definition
of white privilege
Copy !req
63. planted me directly
into the root system
Copy !req
64. surrounding this house.
Copy !req
65. Roots reach out like sperms.
Copy !req
66. My shit went everywhere
Copy !req
67. bringing back all kinds
of dead assholes.
Copy !req
68. Well, how can we stop them?
Copy !req
69. All I know is stay
the fuck away
from their puke.
Copy !req
70. Oh, shit. Okay,
hypothetically speaking,
Copy !req
71. if, say, a friend happened
Copy !req
72. to come in contact
with said vomit,
Copy !req
73. what side effects
are we looking at here?
Copy !req
74. Psycho, are you
trying to tell us
Copy !req
75. that someone vomited on you?
Copy !req
76. What? No.
Copy !req
77. Like I said, hypothetical
about a... Oh, fuck!
Copy !req
78. Oh, bit on the nose,
even for me.
Copy !req
79. Okay. I might have gotten
a little vomit on...
Copy !req
80. Fuck me in the
nasal urethra!
Copy !req
81. Okay. We gotta figure out
how to reverse this
Copy !req
82. before people
we actually care about
Copy !req
83. are turned into that.
Copy !req
84. So this is where
I do my actual job.
Copy !req
85. I'm basically
the last line of defense
Copy !req
86. Gotham has against total chaos.
Copy !req
87. I got my own spotlight.
Copy !req
88. I mean, whatever.
Copy !req
89. Mother, Father,
this is your grandson.
Copy !req
90. Damian, say hello to your soon
to be completely alive
Copy !req
91. grandmama and grandpapa.
Copy !req
92. Teens, right?
Copy !req
93. Oh, right.
You died when I was eight.
Copy !req
94. Well, they're a handful.
Copy !req
95. Uh, do I want to know
what's going on down there?
Copy !req
96. Nope? Okay, great.
Copy !req
97. That's great.
Copy !req
98. The zombies are
headed for Gotham Central Park.
Copy !req
99. Jazzapajizza!
Copy !req
100. What? Jazz Fest got canceled
three years ago,
Copy !req
101. so they rebranded it
to a three day event.
Copy !req
102. And you know what? I love jazz.
Copy !req
103. Okay? Get over it.
Copy !req
104. Wait, Frank.
Copy !req
105. Are you saying that
every dead person in Gotham
Copy !req
106. may have been
brought back to life?
Copy !req
107. - It's possible.
- Ah-ha!
Copy !req
108. Well, if you'll excuse me,
I have some errands to run.
Copy !req
109. I mean, it's clear the zombies
share DNA with the plants,
Copy !req
110. so there's reason to believe
Copy !req
111. that they're connected
to the green.
Copy !req
112. Maybe if I just go in there,
Copy !req
113. I can find a way
to control them.
Copy !req
114. No. No, no way.
Copy !req
115. The last time you went there,
you almost died.
Copy !req
116. What other choice do we have?
Copy !req
117. I hate saying this,
but the Bludhaven
boner's right.
Copy !req
118. Plus, I know what
to expect now.
Copy !req
119. I've got this, peanut.
Copy !req
120. Who knew confidence
was my kink?
Copy !req
121. Okay, while I'm in there,
you and the bat freaks
try to stall them off.
Copy !req
122. And you're delegating.
Oh. I'm gonna need
to change my shorts.
Copy !req
123. Oh. God, I love you.
Copy !req
124. I know. Now, go!
Copy !req
125. All right. Which way
to the Batcave?
Copy !req
126. What? What's this
Batcave you speak of?
Copy !req
127. Yeah, it sounds, um, scary.
Copy !req
128. Not someplace I'd like to go.
Copy !req
129. Guys, I know Bruce is Batman.
Copy !req
130. Bruce Vilanch is Batman?
Copy !req
131. Oh. Wow.
Jokes and crime fighting.
Copy !req
132. What a guy!
Copy !req
133. Oh. For fuck's sake.
I was just in his head.
Copy !req
134. He literally told me.
Copy !req
135. So you can either
keep this shit up
Copy !req
136. or we can go and save Gotham.
Copy !req
137. Fine, this way.
Copy !req
138. Remember, Harley,
you're in the Batwing,
Copy !req
139. which means
you're representing—
Copy !req
140. This is awesome.
Copy !req
141. Now let's go stop
these undead dickheads.
Copy !req
142. We got this, Ive.
Copy !req
143. All right. You got this.
Copy !req
144. You know, I'm psyched
for Jazzapajizza too.
Copy !req
145. If these zombies
Copy !req
146. stop me from seeing
a jazz legend
Copy !req
147. go off on his flugelhorn,
I'll lose my shit.
Copy !req
148. You better hurry
your ass up, Ivy.
Copy !req
149. Whoo!
Copy !req
150. Pamela, wait.
Copy !req
151. Alec, I'm kind of
in the middle of something.
Copy !req
152. So if you need to talk,
maybe Nora is available.
Copy !req
153. I'm here for you.
Copy !req
154. You know what?
I appreciate the support
on that. Thank you.
Copy !req
155. I can feel
your conflict inside.
Copy !req
156. I'm sorry. What are
you talking about?
Copy !req
157. The conflict of who
the real you is.
Good versus evil.
Copy !req
158. Which are you?
Copy !req
159. The green can give you
immense power.
Copy !req
160. Power that would make it
easy for you to help
Copy !req
161. or hurt this world,
Copy !req
162. to complete any plan
you can imagine.
Copy !req
163. I implore you
to use it for good.
Copy !req
164. Even a plan that was ruined
by a selfish billionaire?
Copy !req
165. Um, yeah.
Copy !req
166. Oh, boy,
I biffed that speech.
Copy !req
167. I think now would be
a great time to figure
your shit out.
Copy !req
168. We are seeing that
flugelhorn phenom!
Copy !req
169. Okay. That's not
that many zombies.
Copy !req
170. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
171. Hey, Harley, wait a second.
Copy !req
172. Are you in the Batwing?
Copy !req
173. Yeah. Long story.
Copy !req
174. Are you in the middle of some
ceremonial crap or something?
Copy !req
175. Yeah. Long story. What's up?
Copy !req
176. Gotham's swarming with zombies.
Copy !req
177. Ivy's in Wayne Manor,
stuck in the green,
Copy !req
178. I need you
to make sure she's okay.
Copy !req
179. Oh, you can count on me.
Copy !req
180. All right, let's see
what this bad boy can do.
Copy !req
181. Hey, where the hell
are the missiles
Copy !req
182. or machine guns on this?
Copy !req
183. - There are none.
- And why is that?
Copy !req
184. We decided, as a family,
we don't believe in killing.
Copy !req
185. What, anyone?
Copy !req
186. What if it's Gwyneth Paltrow
and she's, like, eating a baby?
Copy !req
187. You know, or like
a massive asshole.
Copy !req
188. Not even massive... butt holes.
Copy !req
189. Saying butt hole's
so much worse.
Copy !req
190. It paints a gross picture.
Copy !req
191. Whoa! Ivy, you dramatic
Copy !req
192. What the hell
happened in there?
Copy !req
193. I found this energy,
this power and I entered it.
Copy !req
194. I became a part of it
and it became a part of me,
Copy !req
195. and it felt amazing,
Copy !req
196. like getting a massage
on mushrooms,
Copy !req
197. and also I realized I can
pull off a kitten heel.
Copy !req
198. Okay. Okay, but what's
with all the zombies?
Copy !req
199. I can control them.
Copy !req
200. Make them do Beyonce's
sick dance from homecoming.
Copy !req
201. I want to see these fools
pantomime all the horns.
Copy !req
202. I think that's maybe
like too much to ask.
Copy !req
203. But how about this?
Copy !req
204. God damn, you need to get out.
Copy !req
205. All right. Let's stop the rest.
Copy !req
206. No. This is still my plan.
Copy !req
207. It's not exactly
how I saw it going,
Copy !req
208. but they're out creating
Eden with their vomit.
Copy !req
209. I can remake the city
exactly as I envisioned it.
Copy !req
210. That's not what
you told Harley.
Copy !req
211. Maybe check with her first.
Copy !req
212. Oh, she's gonna understand.
She wants this as much as I do.
Copy !req
213. Now, let's go
Copy !req
214. - terraform this motherfucker.
Copy !req
215. No. Stop it, zombies.
Stop tickling.
Copy !req
216. Get away from me!
Oh, that was too much.
Copy !req
217. Ivy? Ivy!
Copy !req
218. I told you guys
to wait downstairs.
Copy !req
219. I'm just grabbing a snack.
Copy !req
220. What are you doing in my house?
Copy !req
221. Wait, watch out.
Copy !req
222. There are two zombies
right behind you.
Copy !req
223. Those are my parents.
Copy !req
224. Well, they're zombies,
but they won't be much longer.
Copy !req
225. I know how this looks,
but I'm not crazy.
Copy !req
226. I just want to bring
my zombie parents back to life.
Copy !req
227. And what are you
doing in my house?
Copy !req
228. I was in here to help.
Copy !req
229. Do you know
what's going on out there?
Copy !req
230. - Jazzapajizza.
- Zombie apocalypse.
Copy !req
231. Wait. There are more undead
than just my parents?
Copy !req
232. Oh, yeah.
Look, I'm not judging.
Copy !req
233. We all handle
grief differently.
Copy !req
234. I mean, I've been off
this whole year
Copy !req
235. since my dad died,
and we weren't even that close.
Copy !req
236. I can't concentrate.
Copy !req
237. I've barely been journaling
Copy !req
238. and I killed another one
of my brothers.
Copy !req
239. Anyway, look, it takes time
to process these things.
Copy !req
240. Although, didn't your parents
die like a while ago?
Copy !req
241. Is 30 years a while?
Copy !req
242. Okay. Now I am judging.
Copy !req
243. It feels like you should be
much further along than this.
Copy !req
244. I mean, you're
obsessed about the past
Copy !req
245. and missing out on the present
Copy !req
246. and also starting
a zombie apocalypse.
Copy !req
247. Is it that bad?
Copy !req
248. Oh, my God,
it's the end of the world.
Copy !req
249. Gotham's falling.
We're all gonna die.
Copy !req
250. Give me your pen.
I wanna slit my throat.
Copy !req
251. - What have I done?
Copy !req
252. I think your dad
just ate your cat.
Copy !req
253. And that cat looked expensive.
Copy !req
254. Hey,
look at me out here
Copy !req
255. with you two
just saving the world
like a big old nerd.
Copy !req
256. As soon as Ivy has
control of those zombies
Copy !req
257. we'll have Gotham
cleaner than ever. Whoo!
Copy !req
258. So how many of these
do we need?
Copy !req
259. All of them.
Copy !req
260. What the hell?
Copy !req
261. Harley, what's going on?
Copy !req
262. It's like they found a purpose.
Copy !req
263. They're
destroying everything.
Copy !req
264. Wait, not everything.
Copy !req
265. Mama Macaroni's?
Copy !req
266. Ivy?
Copy !req
267. Thank you.
Copy !req
268. How are we doing tonight?
Copy !req
269. All right. Yeah. All right.
Copy !req
270. Our next act was
booked last year.
Copy !req
271. But then some crazy clown
went a bit extreme
Copy !req
272. and got Jazzapajizza cancelled.
Copy !req
273. My bad.
Copy !req
274. Anyway, it's my pleasure
to introduce Joey Q and
Centri-Flugel Force.
Copy !req
275. Jeez, that's tortured.
Copy !req
276. Musicians can get
folks to scream in a way
Copy !req
277. I always tried to achieve
but I never could.
Copy !req
278. Hey, nobody touches Joey Q
and the Centri-Flugel Force.
Copy !req
279. Zombies and plants,
ghouls and greens,
Copy !req
280. it is my pleasure
to introduce to you
Copy !req
281. the Vine Vixen,
the Lady of Leaves,
your one and only queen,
Copy !req
282. Dr. Pamela Ivy.
Copy !req
283. Hello, Gotham.
Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
284. Yes.
Looking sexy tonight.
Copy !req
285. Look, for too long,
humans have killed us
for their convenience.
Copy !req
286. Cutting us down
to build their homes
Copy !req
287. or so they can feed
their unhealthy lust for meat
Copy !req
288. or taking a passing interest
in greening up their homes,
Copy !req
289. only to lose that interest,
letting us die
Copy !req
290. unloved in a corner.
Copy !req
291. They spit on us and piss on us.
Copy !req
292. It's time for us to spit back.
Copy !req
293. For today,
we announce to the world
Copy !req
294. that Gotham City
is going green.
Copy !req
295. Get somewhere
safe, Bats.
Copy !req
296. Oh. What the hell
are you doing, Ive?
Copy !req
297. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
298. It's Ivy.
Copy !req
299. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
300. - We have to take her out.
- By any means necessary.
Copy !req
301. What happened
to no killing things?
Copy !req
302. Sometimes we're forced
to make exceptions.
Copy !req
303. All right,
let's do this.
Copy !req
304. Wait, wait.
Please, just let me
talk to Ivy.
Copy !req
305. Harley, I know you love her,
but I think we're past talking.
Copy !req
306. She will listen to me.
Copy !req
307. I know it.
Please give me 10 minutes
Copy !req
308. and this will
all be figured out.
Copy !req
309. Fine, but hurry the hell up.
Copy !req
310. - Hey, hey, she's good.
She's with me.
Copy !req
311. Holy shit, Ive,
you look hot as hell!
Copy !req
312. And I was so wrong
about the kitten heel.
Copy !req
313. Right? I know.
I was like, "What?"
Copy !req
314. It took me by surprise, too.
Copy !req
315. So, um, how you doing?
Copy !req
316. Honestly. Amazing.
Copy !req
317. I just have never
felt better about myself
Copy !req
318. than I do right now.
I mean, Harley, we're doing it.
Copy !req
319. Uh-huh.
And what exactly is "it"?
Copy !req
320. Our plan.
Copy !req
321. Look. We're turning
Gotham into Eden.
Copy !req
322. Mmm.
I don't know if this was,
Copy !req
323. like, totally what
the plan was.
Copy !req
324. No, I mean, it's not exactly
what we talked about.
Copy !req
325. Bruce fucked that up.
Copy !req
326. But then I realized
I can salvage it,
Copy !req
327. call an audible
and still basically
Copy !req
328. get the end result
that we wanted.
Copy !req
329. Look, the old me
would have given up,
Copy !req
330. but, Harls, you, you helped me
awaken the real me.
Copy !req
331. I mean, don't you see?
Copy !req
332. You, no matter what,
believed in me
Copy !req
333. and finally showed me
how to believe in myself.
Copy !req
334. You are the best thing
that has ever happened
to me on every level.
Copy !req
335. I love you so much.
Copy !req
336. And after this,
everything will be perfect.
Copy !req
337. Ivy, I'm...
Copy !req
338. I am so happy
you found that confidence
Copy !req
339. I always knew was inside of you
Copy !req
340. and it makes me
happier than anything.
Copy !req
341. But this, this is wrong.
Copy !req
342. It is not what we talked about.
Copy !req
343. Wait, what? What do you mean?
Copy !req
344. Like, this is Eden.
This is our plan.
Copy !req
345. - Our dream.
- Innocent people are dying.
Copy !req
346. That was not part of the plan.
Copy !req
347. Well, Harley, plans change.
Copy !req
348. You know, like,
that's what I'm doing.
Copy !req
349. This is what I want.
Copy !req
350. I'm sorry that
you can't get on board,
Copy !req
351. but I'm following through.
Copy !req
352. Something I always thought
that you wanted me to do.
Copy !req
353. Dear God! Why?
Copy !req
354. I thought I was over this.
Copy !req
355. Calm down.
Copy !req
356. Call Cherise.
Copy !req
357. She said to do this
for any therapy emergency.
Copy !req
358. Cherise, I know you said
not to approach you
outside of sessions.
Copy !req
359. But I am having
a therapy emergency.
Copy !req
360. Ivy, I love you
and this might be your Eden,
Copy !req
361. but it's not mine.
Copy !req
362. Harley, you sacrificed
yourself for me?
Copy !req
363. I can finally forgive you
and move on.
Copy !req
364. Forget the stupid pasta maker.
Copy !req
365. - Harley!
Copy !req
366. It's just Selina
breaking it off
Copy !req
367. and that movie about my dad.
Copy !req
368. I'm usually so good
at pushing my emotions down,
Copy !req
369. but this left me with
an excruciating emptiness.
Copy !req
370. Oh. It sounds like
a tough couple of weeks.
Copy !req
371. Sure has been.
Copy !req
372. I just missed my parents
so much and thought
bringing them back
Copy !req
373. would give me
the closure I needed.
Copy !req
374. I didn't think it would lead
to a zombie apocalypse.
Copy !req
375. It's an honest mistake.
Copy !req
376. But as much
as I wish it wasn't true,
Copy !req
377. my parents are dead.
Copy !req
378. I can't change that.
Copy !req
379. But I can fix this.
Copy !req
380. Wait. You don't have to.
Copy !req
381. No, I do.
Copy !req
382. I brought all this
upon the city.
Copy !req
383. It's my cross to bear.
Copy !req
384. Ironic, isn't it?
Copy !req
385. I spent the last 30 years
Copy !req
386. mourning the loss
of my parents,
Copy !req
387. and I'll spend the next 30
Copy !req
388. grieving their second death
at my hands.
Copy !req
389. Are you sure?
Because I'll do it for you.
Copy !req
390. Seriously?
Copy !req
391. You know,
I'd really appreciate that.
Copy !req
392. Uh, you're going
to want to look away
and cover your ears.
Copy !req
393. Harley, why did you do this?
Copy !req
394. I can't, I can't change
you back without...
Copy !req
395. Without undoing everything.
Copy !req
396. Oh. Thank God I was...
Copy !req
397. I was hoping that
was how it worked,
Copy !req
398. but I didn't know exactly what
the plant magic rules were.
Copy !req
399. - Harley!
Copy !req
400. Shit.
Copy !req
401. Are you okay?
Copy !req
402. Good.
Copy !req
403. Fuck!
Copy !req