1. Please! Please don't!
Come on, I got a family!
Copy !req
2. Now, that's just
a staging kill,
Copy !req
3. but if volcano sacrifices
is your thing,
Copy !req
4. this is the lair for you.
Copy !req
5. - I'll take it!
- Great!
Copy !req
6. - I'll draw up the papers—
- Aah... You know,
on the other hand,
Copy !req
7. is the giant skull a bit
too flashy for my brand?
Copy !req
8. Can we see some other options?
Copy !req
9. You'll love this one.
A short getaway from
all the major banks.
Copy !req
10. Sounds like a dream.
Where is it?
Copy !req
11. You're standing on it.
Copy !req
12. An intricate system of tunnels
carved by The Mole.
Copy !req
13. I mean, hey, I love it,
but am I really going
for a "mole lady" vibe?
Copy !req
14. Ah, okay. Next!
Copy !req
15. The last tenant,
Mr. Freeze, did a number
on the place,
Copy !req
16. but the castle is perfect
for entertaining.
Copy !req
17. Hmm, not sure my nips
Copy !req
18. and her buds can handle
this cold.
Copy !req
19. You've seen six lairs.
Copy !req
20. Okay, thank you.
Copy !req
21. Let's just discuss this
out of the cold.
Copy !req
22. A super villain's lair
is a reflection of who
they really are.
Copy !req
23. So, who is Harley Quinn?
Copy !req
24. That's a hard question to ans—
Copy !req
25. Harls, you got us uniforms!
Copy !req
26. Ooh, Suicide Squad!
Is that our name?
Copy !req
27. Ugh, it's a group that keeps
trying to get me to join.
Copy !req
28. I don't want to run lines
with you.
Copy !req
29. Good!
Because I despise that phrase.
Copy !req
30. People run marathons,
not lines.
Copy !req
31. Actors exchange true—
Copy !req
32. Look what Harley got us.
Copy !req
33. Ivy, you're evicted!
You and the circus act here
Copy !req
34. need to move out
faster than sauerkraut
through my lower intestine.
Copy !req
35. Yes, Sy!
We're leaving in a minute.
Copy !req
36. Good. I'm showing
the place to—
Copy !req
37. That just cost you
your security deposit!
Copy !req
38. You know what,
why don't I come back
another time?
Copy !req
39. No, sorry, sorry,
don't go. Don't go.
Copy !req
40. Look,
it's just Joker made
the big decisions.
Copy !req
41. Okay. How about we ask you
Copy !req
42. some questions
and maybe that'll help?
Copy !req
43. Worth a shot. Why did you
first become a villain?
Copy !req
44. Well, you know, it's because—
Copy !req
45. There you go.
You know this answer.
Copy !req
46. - Uh, well...
- You know this.
Copy !req
47. I guess...
Copy !req
48. - I don't know.
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
49. What villain do you
most admire?
Copy !req
50. I don't know!
- Harley!
Copy !req
51. - Chocolate or vanilla!
- I don't know!
Copy !req
52. Harley! I can't help you,
until you tell me
Copy !req
53. who you are!
Copy !req
54. - I don't know! I don't know!
I don't know!
Copy !req
55. Oh, shit. Harley?
Copy !req
56. - Honey, can you hear me?
Copy !req
57. "Dry clean only."
Fuck this.
Copy !req
58. Okay, who broke Harley?
Copy !req
59. Harley, are you in there?
Copy !req
60. Dude?
Copy !req
61. Unmouth her, fiend!
Copy !req
62. I was just trying
to give her CPR.
Copy !req
63. Harley, snap out of it!
Come on!
Copy !req
64. Ah! No response
to physical stimuli.
Copy !req
65. It's probably
a level-four brain freeze.
Copy !req
66. Psycho, can you fix her?
Like, go in her brain
Copy !req
67. and do the fucking thing.
Copy !req
68. That sounds like something
a doctor could do.
Copy !req
69. But not someone
you just referred to
as "Psycho."
Copy !req
70. Ugh, fine, Dr. Psycho!
Copy !req
71. Yes!
Copy !req
72. Can you fix her?
Copy !req
73. Can I fix her?
Of course I can fix her!
Copy !req
74. I'm just gonna slip
inside her brain,
Copy !req
75. do my thing, wham-bam,
thank you, ma'am—
Copy !req
76. and I'm done
in-a two minutes.
Copy !req
77. Oh, fucking gross! You think
I'm gonna let you creep around
Copy !req
78. Harley's head without us,
you perv?
Copy !req
79. - Yes! Perv!
- You're the perv!
Copy !req
80. But, as a professional,
I will tell you to prepare
Copy !req
81. because this is serious,
meticulous, neuron processing
Copy !req
82. we're about to undertake.
Copy !req
83. Now, everyone hold hands
Copy !req
84. and squeeze
your butt cheeks together.
Copy !req
85. Ahh!
Copy !req
86. - Whoa! Everyone okay?
Copy !req
87. - Where's Psycho?
Copy !req
88. Dr. Psycho!
Copy !req
89. What an ugly baby
I have birthed.
Copy !req
90. Does he taste like fudge?
In my dreams,
he does.
Copy !req
91. Huh,
Harley's brain is much cleaner
Copy !req
92. and less Harley-ish
than I would have imagined.
Copy !req
93. I know! I know. Because this
is her Museum of Memories.
Copy !req
94. Oh! Look.
Copy !req
95. You came home late again, Nick,
Copy !req
96. smelling like alcohol
and whore.
Copy !req
97. She's just
a friend from work.
Copy !req
98. Stop breathing down
my neck, Sharon.
Copy !req
99. Can't breathe down
what's not there,
Copy !req
100. you cocksucker!
Copy !req
101. Mamma mia!
Copy !req
102. It's pretty good scene work
for a six-year-old.
Copy !req
103. I am honored to be
the valedictorian,
Copy !req
104. and I just want to thank
absolutely no one.
Copy !req
105. - Fuck all of ya!
Copy !req
106. Fuck the principal.
Fuck the shop teacher
Copy !req
107. that looks at my ass
every time I walk out of class.
Copy !req
108. Yeah, I see you.
Copy !req
109. - Have a great fucking summer!
Copy !req
110. I basically gave the same
speech at my sister's wedding.
Copy !req
111. - Ah! Harley!
- Oh, hey, guys.
Copy !req
112. Wait. How can Harley be in here
Copy !req
113. if we're in Harley,
and if Harley is—
Copy !req
114. Yeah, I wouldn't think too hard
about bringing logic
for the next 20 minutes.
Copy !req
115. We're just here to give you
a hard reboot.
Copy !req
116. Ooh. Ow!
- Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, listen up.
Copy !req
117. While I find the switch,
you follow hooker rules.
Copy !req
118. - No kissing on the mouth?
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
119. Stripper rules.
Copy !req
120. Look but don't touch.
Copy !req
121. The brain will protect itself
if it feels threatened.
Copy !req
122. Hey, Ive, I think there's
something really
screwed up about me.
Copy !req
123. I want to say this in just
the most loving way,
Copy !req
124. but, there's no way that this
is just occurring to you now?
Copy !req
125. No, I mean, screwed up on top
of the regular screwed up.
Copy !req
126. I mean, why can't
I make a decision?
Copy !req
127. Well, we're in
your mind right now,
Copy !req
128. so the answer has
to be here somewhere.
Copy !req
129. Oh, I remember this!
Copy !req
130. Okay, it's when that bleached
asshole pushed me
Copy !req
131. and bleached mine.
Look! Look!
Copy !req
132. Hey, it glitched and skipped
over Joker pushing me.
Copy !req
133. Wha— It did it again.
Did you see that?
Copy !req
134. Whoa, that's weird.
Copy !req
135. It's like a piece
of your memory is missing.
Copy !req
136. Ive, this is my origin story.
It says so right here.
Copy !req
137. Look, your origin story's how
you become who you are.
Copy !req
138. If it's screwed up,
no surprise I am.
Copy !req
139. Ugh, let me see this.
Copy !req
140. Reboot time.
Copy !req
141. Um, I, uh, I wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
142. I wouldn't— Oh!
Copy !req
143. No one listens to me!
Copy !req
144. Who touched something?
Who did it?
Copy !req
145. Was I not clear about
the stripper rule?
Copy !req
146. I was just trying
to touch myself!
Copy !req
147. That is a stripper rule.
Copy !req
148. You triggered
a brain lockdown.
Copy !req
149. We need to get out
of here before—
Copy !req
150. Ah! Before that happens.
Now we're trapped.
Copy !req
151. [Sy] Now, this apartment's
a beaut.
Copy !req
152. It's got a lot of light.
Perfect place for a fami—
Copy !req
153. Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
154. All right, the place isn't
ready. You'll come back
tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Copy !req
155. Why aren't you moving?
Tomorrow, get out. Get out!
Copy !req
156. - You forgot the baby!
Copy !req
157. All right, let's see now.
Copy !req
158. - Let's see. Why do they print
the numbers so small?
Copy !req
159. Black Mamba, this is Gerbil,
it happened again.
Copy !req
160. No, no, no, no. The fuck?
Are we trapped in here?
Copy !req
161. You need to tell me right now
if we're trapped in here!
Copy !req
162. 'Cause I'm gonna freak
the fuck out!
Copy !req
163. What's gonna happen
to my plants, man?
Copy !req
164. Girl, we need
to get you friends.
Copy !req
165. "Oh, we wanna come with you.
Copy !req
166. We're afraid you're gonna
mind molest her!"
Copy !req
167. Now who's
the mind molesters? You!
Copy !req
168. - You are the mind molesters!
Copy !req
169. Ooh, are you lost, little girl?
Copy !req
170. No need for tears, munchkin.
Copy !req
171. I'll help you find your way.
Copy !req
172. Ow! Oh! Oh! Get off me!
Oh, stop!
Copy !req
173. This little child
is killing me!
Copy !req
174. Why did that sweet little you
attack me?
Copy !req
175. Oh, yeah, I wasn't sweet at
that age. Or any age, really,
Copy !req
176. but I was a total shit
back then.
Copy !req
177. Which is why the brain sent it.
Copy !req
178. It thinks we're intruders.
Copy !req
179. And yes, if we die
in Harley's mind,
Copy !req
180. - we die in real life!
Copy !req
181. Ooh, Nightmare
on Elm Street rules.
Copy !req
182. Do you have any insights
on what we should do here?
Copy !req
183. - Run!
Yeah, that's what
I was gonna say.
Copy !req
184. Harleys, this is Harley, stop!
Copy !req
185. God, I hate brain physics.
Copy !req
186. Hey, quit it and I'll tell you
where Mom hides the makeup.
Copy !req
187. Damn it.
I was sure that was gonna work.
Copy !req
188. Come on. Stop fucking around
and follow me.
Copy !req
189. We got an elevator.
Copy !req
190. You know, in a way,
it's almost, like,
comforting to know
Copy !req
191. that you've always been
this fucked up.
Copy !req
192. Yeah, isn't it? You know,
I'm starting to realize
why my mother recycled
Copy !req
193. so many wine bottles back then.
Copy !req
194. Fun as this has been,
let's get the fuck out
of here, all right?
Copy !req
195. There should be
an emergency exit
Copy !req
196. to the real world
in Harley's subconscious
Copy !req
197. which I think is this button
Copy !req
198. right here.
Copy !req
199. Okay, your stupid fin hit
the wrong button, dummy.
Copy !req
200. Do not
fin shame me.
Copy !req
201. He must have hit the button
to the optic nerve.
Copy !req
202. Ooh, looking through
the eyes of another.
Copy !req
203. Now it appears
we're playing by
Copy !req
204. Being John Malcovich rules.
Copy !req
205. Another suicide cult.
Copy !req
206. If word gets out,
I'll never be able to rent
this fakakta apartment.
Copy !req
207. So let's make sure it doesn't.
Copy !req
208. Where's the bleach
and the bone saw?
Copy !req
209. No, no time for that.
Copy !req
210. And I'm not paying
to re-carpet this place.
Copy !req
211. - So we call our explosives guy.
- He exploded.
Copy !req
212. Well, I guess eventually,
the worms will get us all.
Copy !req
213. - [Sy] Oy.
- Jesus.
Copy !req
214. Why not burn down the place
and take the insurance?
Copy !req
215. A little Jewish lightning
never hurt anyone.
Copy !req
216. A fire! Brilliant!
Copy !req
217. We'll burn the bodies
in this old furnace I own!
Copy !req
218. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
219. There's the Sy who armed
Bin Laden in the '80s.
Copy !req
220. - Let's do this.
Copy !req
221. Close slutty Casper's eyes,
will ya?
Copy !req
222. Feels like she's watching me.
Copy !req
223. Sure thing, baby.
Copy !req
224. I can't believe Sy used
to be like a spy.
Copy !req
225. - He's so—
- Gross.
Copy !req
226. - You're looking for gross.
Yeah, that's it.
Copy !req
227. What's "Jewish Lightning"?
Copy !req
228. Perhaps Black Lightning's
Israeli cousin.
Copy !req
229. Excuse me! But am I
the only one who heard
Copy !req
230. that they're gonna burn
our fucking bodies?
Copy !req
231. So, stop yapping
and do something!
Copy !req
232. - Harley,
Copy !req
233. welcome to your subconscious.
Copy !req
234. - Step right.
- Guess your Wi-Fi password.
Copy !req
235. - Wack-an-insecurity.
- Try your hand at a game.
Copy !req
236. Take your chance.
Step right up.
Copy !req
237. Ugh, are you shitting me?
Copy !req
238. So I'm gonna go out on a limb
Copy !req
239. and say you're not
over your ex-boyfriend.
Copy !req
240. I mean,
are you sure that this glitch
Copy !req
241. is just
in your origin story?
Copy !req
242. Yes, you,
young lady,
Copy !req
243. the one with
the smeared lipstick
Copy !req
244. who is still clearly
obsessed with me.
Copy !req
245. Try your luck
at a game of skill?
Copy !req
246. Win Daddy's Love!
Copy !req
247. Yeah, don't bother
with that one.
Copy !req
248. Oh, I know it's rigged.
Copy !req
249. Come on! Everybody, spread out
Copy !req
250. and just look for
the emergency exit, all right?
Copy !req
251. Come on!
Copy !req
252. We are trapped!
What I wouldn't give
Copy !req
253. for a deus ex machina
right now!
Copy !req
254. Follow me. I know the way.
Copy !req
255. Sorry, you didn't get
that machina you were
talking about.
Copy !req
256. But at least,
that guy showed up
Copy !req
257. out of nowhere to save us
for no reason.
Copy !req
258. Hey, hey, this is it!
Thank you for helping us...
Copy !req
259. whoever the fuck you are.
Copy !req
260. Oh, my God! It's 11-year old
Frankie Muniz!
Copy !req
261. - Hi, Harley.
Copy !req
262. He knows my name.
I could die!
Copy !req
263. Yeah, this isn't creepy.
Copy !req
264. No, it's not like that at all.
Copy !req
265. Yeah, you know, I had
a major crush on him
when I was a kid.
Copy !req
266. Well, I guess that's different.
Copy !req
267. Yeah, you know, I was planning
to kidnap him, marry him.
Copy !req
268. Then once we hit puberty,
I was gonna tell him that I was
taking birth control, but then,
Copy !req
269. like, not take it,
Copy !req
270. - and I get pregnant
with his kid!
- Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
271. - And back to creepy.
- Yeah, I know what's
going on here.
Copy !req
272. He was Harley's truest love.
Copy !req
273. So, some small,
sane part of her brain sent
Copy !req
274. her a vision of him to help us.
Copy !req
275. That's right.
Good luck, Harley.
Copy !req
276. BTW, all those
times you stared at
Copy !req
277. my poster in your bedroom,
I was staring back.
Copy !req
278. - I knew it!
- Take care.
Copy !req
279. Let's go.
Copy !req
280. There's two geriatrics trying
to burn our bodies
Copy !req
281. before NCIS comes on.
Copy !req
282. [Sy] You know,
I forgot how much fun
Copy !req
283. moving and then
destroying dead bodies is.
Copy !req
284. Nothing gets the heart racing
Copy !req
285. like one that's stopped
Copy !req
286. Ah, Golda.
Copy !req
287. Do you ever regret not having
spy kids together?
Copy !req
288. Nah. I have normal kids
and normal grandkids.
Copy !req
289. - I lead a normal life now, Sy.
Copy !req
290. Ah, well, what if it's
not too late?
Copy !req
291. Eh? I still have
my license to kill.
Copy !req
292. That's your AARP card.
Copy !req
293. Oh! Yeah, well, the kill thing
is in here somewhere.
Copy !req
294. I may be old, Golda,
Copy !req
295. but there's nothing
I can't handle.
Copy !req
296. Well, the neighborhood kids
Copy !req
297. don't call me Old Scary
Machine Man for nothing.
Copy !req
298. Now, there's a monster for you.
Copy !req
299. Come on, get that piece
of rust working.
Copy !req
300. Booyah!
Copy !req
301. Up! Up! And—
Copy !req
302. - Hey, I'm out of diesel.
Copy !req
303. Come on, come on.
Copy !req
304. They're probably heating up
the furnace right now.
Copy !req
305. - Is that—
- Repressed Memory Island? Yeah.
Copy !req
306. That's where you keep all
your screwed-up memories.
Copy !req
307. Trust me, you do not want
to go anywhere near it.
Copy !req
308. Ive, remember the glitch
in my origins story?
Copy !req
309. Oh, so you think it's like
Copy !req
310. a repressed memory
or something?
Copy !req
311. Right. And it's on that island.
Copy !req
312. Oh, then we gotta go.
Copy !req
313. And what did I just say
about going to that island?
Copy !req
314. We are all going
to be burned to death
Copy !req
315. if we don't leave
your mind right now!
Copy !req
316. Okay, fine. Then you go.
I'm not leaving.
Copy !req
317. In the real world
I'm still catatonic,
Copy !req
318. drooling all over myself.
Copy !req
319. Okay, she made her choice.
Let's go.
Copy !req
320. - I'm going with Harley.
- Of course you are.
Copy !req
321. She's your only friend.
Copy !req
322. That's true.
But that's by design,
Copy !req
323. because she's the only
human being I think
is worth a shit.
Copy !req
324. Hey, Clayface,
how many acting jobs
Copy !req
325. did you get
before Harley gave you one?
Copy !req
326. Well, I filled in for the dog
Copy !req
327. that played Air Bud,
when he was run over
Copy !req
328. by me the second
to the last day of shooting.
Copy !req
329. - You know what? I'm in.
- And, Psycho,
Copy !req
330. who took you in
when literally,
Copy !req
331. the worst people
on the planet turned you away?
Copy !req
332. Fine! I'm in.
Copy !req
333. - And, King Shark, let's all
remember the time—
- I'm in!
Copy !req
334. Oh, thank God,
'cause I had nothing.
Copy !req
335. All right, Doctor,
help your patient.
Copy !req
336. All right, all right,
all right, I got a plan.
Copy !req
337. We'll have fun!
Hey, come play with us.
Copy !req
338. We'll have fun.
Copy !req
339. Come play with us.
Copy !req
340. If I go down, I'm taking
all you little shits with me!
Copy !req
341. Whoa!
Copy !req
342. That was not the plan!
Copy !req
343. We got
your back, Harls.
Copy !req
344. Oh, you guys.
Copy !req
345. We might be fucked.
Copy !req
346. You guys totally should
have left.
Copy !req
347. Harley Quinn,
Copy !req
348. it has been the utmost pleasure
to serve in your company.
Copy !req
349. Clayface, no!
Copy !req
350. I love you, Frankie.
Copy !req
351. Give me babies!
Copy !req
352. Well, hello, it is I,
Frankie Muniz!
Copy !req
353. I love you, Frankie.
Copy !req
354. Ah, screw this.
Copy !req
355. Now, how the hell are we gonna
get to that island?
Copy !req
356. I cannot believe this.
I mean, it is just the most
unlikely set of circumstances
Copy !req
357. that would put me
about 70% shark, in a situation
Copy !req
358. that pretty much demands
a mostly shark man.
Copy !req
359. Oh, we made it!
Copy !req
360. Is it me, or is it getting
kind of warm around here?
Copy !req
361. Sy, the fire's good and hot.
Copy !req
362. Then what are we waiting for!
Let's get to cremating!
Copy !req
363. Cremate!
Copy !req
364. Why does it look like Arkham?
Copy !req
365. Because your sick brain
is trying to lock up memories
Copy !req
366. so vile that you repress them,
so do not look—
Copy !req
367. Okay, why do I even try?
Copy !req
368. When's Daddy done
with his business meeting?
Copy !req
369. That's enough.
Copy !req
370. "If you violate
the restraining order again,
Copy !req
371. Mr. Muniz will
take legal action."
Copy !req
372. Muah! See ya soon, Frankie.
Copy !req
373. So that's why I went to juvie.
Copy !req
374. Here we are, puddin'.
Dive in as Harleen Quinzel,
Copy !req
375. and rise as Harley Quinn!
Copy !req
376. My beautiful creation.
Copy !req
377. Okay, look, here it comes.
Here's when that piece of shit
Copy !req
378. pushes me in he acid.
Copy !req
379. If you love me,
then jump!
Copy !req
380. And you'll be mine forever.
Copy !req
381. A dream come true, puddin'.
Copy !req
382. Wait! No!
Copy !req
383. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Are you okay?
Copy !req
384. This whole time
I thought he pushed me.
Copy !req
385. That it wasn't my choice.
Copy !req
386. But it... it was.
Copy !req
387. Whoa, so you told yourself
it was out of your control?
Copy !req
388. Yeah, because it was easier
Copy !req
389. to blame him than accept
the truth.
Copy !req
390. And the truth being,
what, exactly?
Copy !req
391. That it was always my choice.
Copy !req
392. That I was in control
all along.
Copy !req
393. And I still am.
Copy !req
394. If you love me, then jump.
Copy !req
395. And you'll be mine forever.
Copy !req
396. - Hard pass.
- Wha— what?
Copy !req
397. I said no, idiot.
Copy !req
398. But you have to jump,
you can't change this.
Copy !req
399. I mean, it's already happened.
It's your origin story!
Copy !req
400. Wrong.
It's not my origin story.
Copy !req
401. My real origin story
didn't happen here.
Copy !req
402. It happened in your lair.
Copy !req
403. Uh, I wasn't
wearing this costume.
Copy !req
404. And believe me,
Copy !req
405. I wasn't saying
you were a dream come true.
Copy !req
406. I was saying,
"Go fuck yourself!"
Copy !req
407. Harley, stop this nonsense. I—
Copy !req
408. I know you think
you created me, but no one did!
Copy !req
409. My fucked-up parents
didn't make me the way I am.
Copy !req
410. Neither did Jessica Sarner
Copy !req
411. when she fucking lied
to the whole camp
Copy !req
412. and said I lost my virginity
to a horse!
Copy !req
413. - A horse!
Copy !req
414. Or, those cops
who questioned me for hours
Copy !req
415. - about what happened
to Jessica Sarner.
Copy !req
416. And you sure as hell
Copy !req
417. didn't fucking
create me, puddin'.
Copy !req
418. Yeah? Well, I named you.
Copy !req
419. You got Harley Quinn
out of Harleen Quinzel?
Copy !req
420. Nice work, genius!
Copy !req
421. You didn't make me, Joker.
I made myself.
Copy !req
422. But you can't change
your memories!
Copy !req
423. This isn't
Eternal Sunshine rules.
Copy !req
424. - My mind. My rules.
Copy !req
425. Sanity restored.
Copy !req
426. Kinda. Thanks, gang.
I owe you everything.
Copy !req
427. Has anyone seen Clayface?
Copy !req
428. No! Because her little
psycho shits killed him!
Copy !req
429. Did not!
Copy !req
430. Apologies for the disguise.
Copy !req
431. I had to "go native" to thwart
Harley's younger demons.
Copy !req
432. Oh, we're just glad
you're alive.
Copy !req
433. Thank you, frie—
Oh, I'm getting hard!
Copy !req
434. - Please!
Copy !req
435. My phallus is not erect.
It's my leg.
Copy !req
436. Oh, no, he's in the furnace!
Copy !req
437. Aah! Come on! Come on!
To the exit, now!
Copy !req
438. And a one and a two—
Copy !req
439. They're still alive.
Damn it, Sy.
Copy !req
440. This is Peru all over again.
I'm outta here.
Copy !req
441. What do you mean, "Outta here"?
Where're ya going?
Where're ya going?
Copy !req
442. - I'm done with this shit.
- [Sy] Don't be done.
Copy !req
443. We're in the middle of a thing.
Copy !req
444. - No, I'm at the end.
- You were always a quitter!
Copy !req
445. Oh, and you tried to kill us.
Copy !req
446. Nonsense! What are you—
What are you doing?
Copy !req
447. You looked cold.
Copy !req
448. So I did what any
good citizen would do.
Copy !req
449. I brought you to a dead mall
Copy !req
450. and heated you up in
an abandoned pizza oven.
Copy !req
451. You're welcome.
We're done here.
Copy !req
452. This is it. Guys, we found it.
Copy !req
453. What? Like hepatitis?
Copy !req
454. No, our new lair.
Copy !req
455. Look, it doesn't matter
what it is.
Copy !req
456. 'Cause the lair doesn't
define us.
Copy !req
457. We define the lair.
Copy !req
458. Uh-huh. Can we define
a different one?
This one's gross.
Copy !req
459. No, this one's free.
Copy !req
460. The hell it is.
Copy !req
461. This premium
shopping destination
Copy !req
462. runs 100 grand a month.
Copy !req
463. I'm offering a dollar.
And I won't kill you right now
Copy !req
464. for trying to burn us alive.
Copy !req
465. Deal. On one condition.
Copy !req
466. You let me come along
on some of your heists.
Copy !req
467. Lugging around your dead husks
made me feel alive again.
Copy !req
468. I want back
in the game, baby!
Copy !req
469. Well, you did manage to carry
Copy !req
470. six bodies to a pizza oven.
I mean, that's not nothing.
Copy !req
471. - Deal.
- Hey!
Copy !req
472. - Oh!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't worry.
It happens all the time.
Copy !req
473. [Sy] Anyone have
a Philips head?
Copy !req