1. Gotcha!
Copy !req
2. I'm not great at having people
who are actually good to me
in my life.
Copy !req
3. Same. Most people are trash.
Copy !req
4. Wouldn't it be messed up
if I ate you right now?
Copy !req
5. - Ive!
Copy !req
6. Ive, don't leave me.
Copy !req
7. We still got so much
ass-kicking to do.
Copy !req
8. Harley...
Copy !req
9. I can't.
Copy !req
10. Oops!
Copy !req
11. Harley, uh, a few words?
Copy !req
12. Let her grieve.
I've prepared
a little something.
Copy !req
13. - We have gathered today
Copy !req
14. to pay respects
to our beloved friend.
Copy !req
15. Her death was not
an empty sacrifice.
Copy !req
16. And, of my friend,
I will say just this.
Copy !req
17. Of all the souls
I have met
on my journeys,
Copy !req
18. hers was the most...
Copy !req
19. - human.
Copy !req
20. Wow, that, uh...
Wasn't awful.
Copy !req
21. As apropos a speech now
Copy !req
22. as when it was
originally delivered
Copy !req
23. by William Shatner's
Captain James Tiberius Kirk
Copy !req
24. in Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan.
Copy !req
25. Mmm-hmm.
All right.
Copy !req
26. Goodbye, my dear fiancee.
Copy !req
27. Who's gonna water my roots?
Copy !req
28. I don't trust
any of these assholes.
Copy !req
29. You'll be missed.
Copy !req
30. She's a doctor, damn it!
Who chiseled this shit?
Copy !req
31. No, no, no.
Copy !req
32. What're ya...
What are you doin'?
Copy !req
33. He doesn't want you
to follow Ivy to the grave.
Copy !req
34. So that's it? We're just
supposed to sit here
twiddling our thumbs?
Copy !req
35. Well, unless you got
some kind of actual plan,
I say yes.
Copy !req
36. Yes. I got one.
Copy !req
37. Ooh, does it involve
indiscriminate smashing
of other people's property?
Copy !req
38. - No.
- Aw!
Copy !req
39. When no one believed
in me, Ivy did.
Copy !req
40. She always wanted me
to get rid of this asshole,
so that's what I'm gonna do.
Copy !req
41. Still not a plan.
Copy !req
42. I'm workin' on one.
Copy !req
43. Come on, come on.
Copy !req
44. - Jim, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
45. My marriage is totally fine.
Copy !req
46. I mean
the situation on the street.
Copy !req
47. Oh, that's a shit show.
Copy !req
48. Unlike my marriage,
which is rock-solid.
Copy !req
49. - Right.
Copy !req
50. Ugh, what is the point
of having an elevator
if it doesn't work?
Copy !req
51. Quinn, what are you
doing here?
Copy !req
52. I wanna take down Joker.
Copy !req
53. I can't believe
I'm saying this, but...
we need to work together.
Copy !req
54. I work alone.
Copy !req
55. What about me?
Copy !req
56. - Not now, Jim.
Copy !req
57. No one knows Joker
better than you and me.
Copy !req
58. I've got a file
on him. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
59. Look, we put
our heads together,
we can beat him.
Copy !req
60. And then you can
go back to doing
whatever it is you do.
Copy !req
61. I'm not teaming up with you.
You should be locked up
in Arkham.
Copy !req
62. Joker killed Ivy,
took over Gotham,
Copy !req
63. and cut off your bat nuts!
Copy !req
64. - Hmm.
- Help me!
Copy !req
65. You're never gonna
believe this.
Copy !req
66. Found Joker's file,
Copy !req
67. but he replaced it with
one of those greeting cards
that plays music.
Copy !req
68. What a tricky
son of a so-and-so.
Copy !req
69. - If I say yes to this,
Copy !req
70. what do you bring
to the table, Quinn?
Copy !req
71. The thing he wants most.
Copy !req
72. Who is it?
Copy !req
73. I've already donated.
Copy !req
74. Oh, Harley.
Copy !req
75. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Copy !req
76. Well, seein' as
it's your birthday and all,
I got you a gift.
Copy !req
77. Oh, you shouldn't have.
Copy !req
78. I mean, especially after
what I did to Ivy.
Copy !req
79. You must be
very upset with me.
Copy !req
80. Of course I'm referring to
the "murdering her on purpose."
Copy !req
81. Oh, I hate you
more than you'll ever know.
Copy !req
82. But I'm also practical.
Copy !req
83. You won, and I wanna be
on the winnin' side.
Copy !req
84. Oh, Harley,
how positively mature of you.
Copy !req
85. I know, real growth.
Copy !req
86. I thought maybe we could
patch things up
Copy !req
87. over a steamin' cup of...
Copy !req
88. Batman.
Copy !req
89. Oh, Harley, this...
This is amazing.
Copy !req
90. For the man who has everything,
Copy !req
91. you found the one thing
I wanted and didn't have!
Copy !req
92. He's buying it!
Copy !req
93. Just keep your mouth shut.
Copy !req
94. Well, happy birthday to me!
Copy !req
95. Of course,
no birthday's complete
Copy !req
96. without my special
birthday song.
Copy !req
97. What do you say, Harls?
Copy !req
98. For old time's sake?
Copy !req
99. To my puddin'.
Copy !req
100. Would you look at this
dumb-ass son of a bitch.
Copy !req
101. Don't sing!
Copy !req
102. Wait a minute.
That's not Batman!
Copy !req
103. Shit! Shit, shit, shit!
Copy !req
104. God damn it!
Copy !req
105. Keep banging away.
Copy !req
106. You'll never get away
with this.
Copy !req
107. Nighty night, Batman.
Copy !req
108. Grab them!
Copy !req
109. That's right, Harley!
Copy !req
110. Run away!
Copy !req
111. Make it stop!
Copy !req
112. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
113. No, Nurse,
I said to prick his boil!
Copy !req
114. Cuckoo!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Copy !req
115. - Ugh!
Copy !req
116. Take that...
Copy !req
117. - And that.
Copy !req
118. And that.
Copy !req
119. Yawn!
Copy !req
120. Who would've thought
my 25th birthday month
would be so blah.
Copy !req
121. - Maybe I'm having
a quarter-life crisis.
Copy !req
122. What the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
123. Celebrating!
Copy !req
124. Think of all you've
accomplished in 38 years.
Copy !req
125. I'm 25, and you know
how I feel about
champagne corks.
Copy !req
126. That could've hit me
in the eye.
Copy !req
127. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
128. So, what shall we do now, boss?
Copy !req
129. Maybe we build
a giant maze, yeah?
Copy !req
130. Dose the people in it
with fear toxin?
Copy !req
131. You are so
one note, bag head.
Copy !req
132. After Harley and I
got disruptive, you know
how we'd celebrate?
Copy !req
133. Uh, fondue?
Copy !req
134. "Fondue"? No!
Copy !req
135. By getting more disruptive!
Copy !req
136. Like kidnapping Gordon
and eating sushi
Copy !req
137. off his lumpy, naked body.
Copy !req
138. I was picking hair
Copy !req
139. out of my teeth for weeks.
Copy !req
140. And now I'm doing this,
Copy !req
141. which should be tons of fun,
but I'm bored.
Copy !req
142. What is wrong with me?
Copy !req
143. You're a sociopathic
Copy !req
144. It was rhetorical, asshole!
Copy !req
145. And who do you think you are,
a psychiatrist?
Copy !req
146. Let's find out.
Copy !req
147. - What?
- Bloody hell!
Copy !req
148. It's billionaire
playboy Bruce Wayne.
Copy !req
149. No!
Copy !req
150. Are you shitting me!
Copy !req
151. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
152. Don't you think
I would have done that
had I wanted to?
Copy !req
153. Half the fun
of our relationship
was the mystery!
Copy !req
154. Now I know Batman is just
some boring rich asshole
with parental issues.
Copy !req
155. That's really reductive.
Copy !req
156. Thanks for ruining
the funnest thing
I had going.
Copy !req
157. Now I don't even
feel like torturing him.
Copy !req
158. Sorry, I thought
it might be the kind of thing
Harley would do.
Copy !req
159. I don't care about Harley!
Copy !req
160. I'm sorry, look,
I must've misread the situation
Copy !req
161. when you kept saying her name
and reminiscing about
all your memories together.
Copy !req
162. Over and over and over and—
Copy !req
163. Not even that was fun.
Copy !req
164. WayneTech promised
an electric car by this year.
Copy !req
165. I put a deposit down.
Copy !req
166. Where's my goddamn
electric car, Bruce?
Copy !req
167. The guy at the flower shop
said black roses
don't exist in nature,
Copy !req
168. so I had to dye these.
Copy !req
169. Just wanted you to have
a little bit of me
in the ground with ya.
Copy !req
170. Oh, Ive!
I miss you so much!
Copy !req
171. If you can hear me,
just give me a sign.
Copy !req
172. - Harley?
Copy !req
173. Hey there. I was just
taking a little catnap
back here on the ol' rock.
Copy !req
174. Are you living here?
Copy !req
175. I don't know
if I'd call this "living."
Copy !req
176. You're damn right.
I'm an indoor plant.
Copy !req
177. I'm supposed to get
indirect sunlight.
Copy !req
178. I just hate the thought
of leaving Ivy alone.
Copy !req
179. Hey, what...
Why aren't you hiding?
Copy !req
180. Bounty's up to... Oh, man!
That's a lot of zeros.
Copy !req
181. But why does he want
your ass alive?
Copy !req
182. It's obvi. To make her watch
her crew get executed.
Copy !req
183. Wait, what?
Copy !req
184. Yeah. He's gonna execute them
and then after,
he's throwing an '80s party.
Copy !req
185. You don't have to dress up
but it's strongly suggested.
Copy !req
186. God, so many iconic
'80s looks to choose from.
Copy !req
187. I wanna go "Thriller"
Copy !req
188. but I don't wanna be the third
"Thriller" in line for
the potato salad. You feel me?
Copy !req
189. They're doing it
at sundown tonight!
Copy !req
190. Oh. I'm not gonna
let this happen.
Copy !req
191. Uh, how are you gonna stop
Joker by yourself
Copy !req
192. when you couldn't even
do it with Batman?
Copy !req
193. I don't know.
I need a minute to think.
Copy !req
194. - One Mississippi,
two Mississippi...
Copy !req
195. - ... three Mississippi...
- Can you...
Copy !req
196. Can you not be here right now?
Copy !req
197. Like, you want me to
go over by that tree, or...
Copy !req
198. You know, I know I said
I don't live here,
but I sort of do.
Copy !req
199. Just give me a sec
with Ive, okay?
Copy !req
200. Ive, what I'm gonna do
may be a suicide mission.
Copy !req
201. If I don't see you back here,
Copy !req
202. maybe I'll see you
on the flip side.
Copy !req
203. All right,
here goes nothing.
Copy !req
204. Hey!
Copy !req
205. Oh, hey, Harley.
Copy !req
206. I was just...
Finishing Infinite Jest.
Copy !req
207. Are you familiar with it?
Copy !req
208. Spine looks pretty intact.
Copy !req
209. Well, I have
a digital copy, too.
Copy !req
210. Anyway, are you here
for the big execution?
Copy !req
211. There ain't gonna be
an execution.
Copy !req
212. Flyers say there is.
Right before the live
'80s cover band.
Copy !req
213. Their version of
"Sweet Child O' Mine"
Copy !req
214. - It's okay.
- Release my friends.
Copy !req
215. Or what?
I have a whole army
inside this sick-ass tower.
Copy !req
216. What leg do you have
to stand on?
Copy !req
217. It seems like
you really want me alive,
Copy !req
218. so, if you don't
do what I say...
Copy !req
219. I'm gone.
Copy !req
220. Welcome to my penthouse.
Copy !req
221. It's got
all the amenities.
Copy !req
222. Central air, 360-degree views,
Copy !req
223. and a couple of horny tigers.
Copy !req
224. What the hell do you
want from me?
Where's my crew?
Copy !req
225. I want you to put this on.
Copy !req
226. Come on, remember
how much fun you had
in that costume?
Copy !req
227. No.
Copy !req
228. I didn't have fun.
Copy !req
229. You were the one having fun.
Copy !req
230. It wasn't till
I got away from you
Copy !req
231. that I realized
how deeply un- fun
being with you was.
Copy !req
232. So I would rather
blow myself up
and take you with me
Copy !req
233. than go back to being
your sidekick and wearing
that fuckin' costume!
Copy !req
234. Well, you could.
Certainly an option.
Copy !req
235. Only fly in the ointment is
if you blow yourself up,
Copy !req
236. - you'll take your crew
with you.
Copy !req
237. So, how about
you make this easy and put...
Copy !req
238. the outfit...
Copy !req
239. on.
Copy !req
240. Don't do it.
- Do it.
Copy !req
241. So, I put this on,
you let them go?
Copy !req
242. And if you don't...
Copy !req
243. I kill them.
Copy !req
244. Oh, there she is!
Copy !req
245. Harley Quinn original recipe.
Copy !req
246. Why'd you have to go
and mess with a classic?
Copy !req
247. Are you gonna let
my crew go, or what?
Copy !req
248. I'm a man of my word.
Copy !req
249. Buh-bye.
Copy !req
250. She gave her life
so that we may live.
Copy !req
251. Goodbye, Harley.
Copy !req
252. Okay, I'm in the costume.
So what's the plan?
Copy !req
253. Want me to make you
a chocolate cake,
Copy !req
254. - put on Legally Blonde,
call you "puddin'"?
Copy !req
255. Harley, I've got the city
by the balls.
Copy !req
256. The cops are mine.
Batman's tied up and gagged.
Copy !req
257. I have everything
a man could want.
Copy !req
258. But I'm not happy.
Copy !req
259. And do you know why?
Copy !req
260. Because you're a textbook
sociopathic narcissist
Copy !req
261. with a chemical imbalance
in your parasympathetic
nervous system?
Copy !req
262. Hey, that's what Batman said.
Copy !req
263. Hey, Batman,
she said the thing you said.
Copy !req
264. Anyway, no. The reason
I wasn't happy
Copy !req
265. was because
we weren't together.
Copy !req
266. It wasn't until
I got everything...
Copy !req
267. that I realized
it means nothing
Copy !req
268. without you by my side.
Copy !req
269. Really?
Copy !req
270. Harley, you're the missing
piece to my happiness.
Copy !req
271. I knew you'd be back.
Copy !req
272. I guess I could never
stay away from my puddin'.
Copy !req
273. You were always so unoriginal,
stealing my ideas.
Copy !req
274. Fuck you! This is for Ivy.
Copy !req
275. Ha!
Copy !req
276. Did you really think
I was gonna believe
that bullshit
Copy !req
277. about me being
the missing piece?
Copy !req
278. But that was all true!
Copy !req
279. You see, I only have
one weakness. You.
Copy !req
280. And when you're the most
powerful man in the world,
there's no room for weakness.
Copy !req
281. And so, my only option
Copy !req
282. is to...
Get rid of you.
Copy !req
283. Then do it. Kill me!
Copy !req
284. Do you take me
for a basic bitch?
Copy !req
285. If I were I to kill you,
Copy !req
286. you'd live on forever,
an emotional martyr in my soul.
Copy !req
287. So I'm going to erase you
from existence.
Copy !req
288. Pick her up. Follow me.
Copy !req
289. I made the mistake
of creating you,
Copy !req
290. and now I'm going to
undo that mistake.
Copy !req
291. This acid will erase all that
makes you Harley Quinn.
Copy !req
292. You'll be a nobody.
A blank canvas.
Copy !req
293. A stranger on the streets.
Copy !req
294. Normal.
Copy !req
295. Don't do this.
Copy !req
296. If you wanna kill me, kill me,
but don't do this!
Copy !req
297. Should've thought of that
before you made me
fall in love with you.
Copy !req
298. It's time.
But don't worry,
Copy !req
299. you won't remember a thing.
Copy !req
300. Let me jump.
Copy !req
301. Let this last act
of Harley Quinn be my own.
Copy !req
302. You owe me at least that.
Copy !req
303. Sure. Go nuts.
Copy !req
304. Goodbye, Harley Quinn.
Copy !req
305. Wait a minute.
Did anyone hear a splash?
Copy !req
306. I've fallen in acid
enough times to know that
there should be a splash.
Copy !req
307. You're right
about that, puddin'.
Copy !req
308. How did you...
Copy !req
309. Wait. Where are
those vines coming from?
Copy !req
310. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
311. I knew I should've
harpooned you in the head!
Copy !req
312. One in the head,
one in the heart.
Copy !req
313. It's Harpooning 101.
Copy !req
314. - Guess who's next?
Copy !req
315. Harley...
You don't wanna do this.
Copy !req
316. We can rule Gotham together.
Copy !req
317. You're nothing without me!
Copy !req
318. You always tried to make me
think that, but it's not true!
Copy !req
319. I have friends that love
and care about me.
Copy !req
320. I'm moving on with my life
with the people that matter.
Copy !req
321. And that ain't you, puddin'.
Copy !req
322. - Drop him.
- Love to.
Copy !req
323. You don't
want to do this.
Copy !req
324. I've always supported
strong female
Copy !req
325. friendships!
Copy !req
326. Oh, Ive! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
327. It was my tears, wasn't it?
Copy !req
328. My tears of friendship
Copy !req
329. fell on your grave
and brought you back to life!
Copy !req
330. Harls, I love you,
but we don't live
in a Disney movie, okay?
Copy !req
331. It was the renewing power
of nature that brought me back.
Copy !req
332. And, you know,
maybe the tears
helped a little, too.
Copy !req
333. Oh, my God, he saved us.
Copy !req
334. He'll be okay, right?
I mean, he's Batman.
Copy !req
335. Sure.
I mean, you know,
he's got the polymer suit
Copy !req
336. - with the—
Copy !req
337. Oh, shit.
Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
338. So, to summarize, good news,
Joker no longer rules Gotham.
Copy !req
339. Bad news,
thanks to an 8.6 earthquake,
Copy !req
340. there's no longer
a Gotham left to rule.
Copy !req
341. And Batman is missing.
Copy !req
342. More updates as we get them.
Copy !req
343. And I just want
the record to reflect
Copy !req
344. that I always
had faith in you, Harley.
Copy !req
345. Did not doubt it for a moment.
Copy !req
346. I did not feel the same way,
but am so glad I was wrong.
Copy !req
347. Harls, ya did it.
Copy !req
348. Justice League is gone,
Copy !req
349. same with the Legion of Doom,
and the Joker's dead.
Copy !req
350. Gotham is in complete chaos.
Copy !req
351. It's so beautiful.
Copy !req