1. - Previously on Hannibal...
- You know and I know it's
Copy !req
2. the best way to bait him.
- So I really bad-mouth
Copy !req
3. the Red Dragon in Tattle Crime.
- It'd feel like a trap to me.
Copy !req
4. - I have blasphemed against the.
There is much for you to dread.
Copy !req
5. - You orchestrated his end,
Copy !req
6. - I am the Dragon.
Copy !req
7. Get up.
Copy !req
8. Stand by the bed.
Copy !req
9. Do you know where
you are in the room?
Copy !req
10. And you know where
you are in the house?
Copy !req
11. Then you know
Copy !req
12. where the front door is,
don't you?
Copy !req
13. Reba,
Copy !req
14. feel on my chest.
Copy !req
15. Bring your hands
up slowly. Don't!
Copy !req
16. do what you're thinking.
Copy !req
17. Just feel on my chest.
Copy !req
18. Just around my throat.
You feel that?
Copy !req
19. It's a key.
Copy !req
20. Take it off over my head.
Copy !req
21. Careful.
Copy !req
22. Now...
Copy !req
23. I'm going to see
if I can trust you.
Copy !req
24. Go to the front door, lock it.
Copy !req
25. Go ahead.
Copy !req
26. I'll wait right here.
Copy !req
27. Don't try to run.
Copy !req
28. I can catch you.
Copy !req
29. - Ah!
Copy !req
30. - Oh, Reba.
Copy !req
31. Now lock the door
Copy !req
32. and put the key around my neck.
Copy !req
33. Hang it around my neck.
Copy !req
34. Now let's make sure
it's locked, shall we?
Copy !req
35. Very good.
Copy !req
36. Now go on back to the bedroom.
Copy !req
37. You know the way.
Copy !req
38. Sit down.
Copy !req
39. And sit still
Copy !req
40. or I can't keep Him off you.
Copy !req
41. - Please try.
Copy !req
42. - Put out your hand.
Copy !req
43. Feel this.
Copy !req
44. Don't grab it, feel it.
Copy !req
45. It's a shotgun.
Copy !req
46. Do you know what it will do?
Copy !req
47. Take your hand down.
Copy !req
48. I wish I could have trusted you.
Copy !req
49. I wanted to trust you.
Copy !req
50. You felt so good.
Copy !req
51. - So did you, D.
Copy !req
52. I love it.
Copy !req
53. Please don't hurt me now.
Copy !req
54. - It's all over for me.
Copy !req
55. I can't give you to Him.
Copy !req
56. You know what He will do.
Copy !req
57. - No... no, no, no, no...
Copy !req
58. - He will bite you.
Copy !req
59. Better you go with me.
Copy !req
60. - No, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
61. Oh God, no...
Copy !req
62. - Oh, Reba...
Copy !req
63. I can't stand to watch you burn.
Copy !req
64. - No!
Copy !req
65. He shot himself in the face.
Copy !req
66. I put my hand in it.
Copy !req
67. He set fire to the house.
Copy !req
68. He shot himself.
Copy !req
69. I put my hand in it.
Copy !req
70. He was on the...
Copy !req
71. the floor...
Copy !req
72. - I won't put you
through this again,
Copy !req
73. but...
Copy !req
74. I'd like to come back by.
Copy !req
75. Just to say hi and see
how you're doing.
Copy !req
76. - How could you help it?
Copy !req
77. A charmer like me.
Copy !req
78. - In the end,
he couldn't kill you
Copy !req
79. and he couldn't watch you die.
Copy !req
80. The people who study this kind
of thing say that he was trying
Copy !req
81. to stop because you helped him.
Copy !req
82. Probably saved some lives.
Copy !req
83. - I drew a freak.
Copy !req
84. - You didn't draw a freak.
Copy !req
85. You drew a man
Copy !req
86. with a freak on his back.
Copy !req
87. There is nothing wrong with you.
Copy !req
88. - I know there's nothing
wrong with me.
Copy !req
89. In making friends,
I try to be wary of people
Copy !req
90. who foster dependency
Copy !req
91. and feed on it.
Copy !req
92. I've been with a few.
Copy !req
93. The blind attract them.
Copy !req
94. - Not just the blind.
Copy !req
95. Ding-dong, the Dragon's dead.
Copy !req
96. - Are congratulations in order?
Copy !req
97. - I didn't kill him.
Copy !req
98. Suicide.
Copy !req
99. - Then he wasn't as strong
as the Dragon after all.
Copy !req
100. - He was trying to stop.
Copy !req
101. - I was rooting for you, Will.
Copy !req
102. It's a shame.
Copy !req
103. You came all this way
Copy !req
104. and you didn't get
to kill anybody.
Copy !req
105. Only consolation
is Dr. Chilton.
Copy !req
106. Congratulations for
the job you did on him.
Copy !req
107. I admired it enormously.
Copy !req
108. What a cunning boy you are.
Copy !req
109. - Are you accusing me
of something?
Copy !req
110. - Does the enemy inside you
Copy !req
111. agree with the accusation?
Copy !req
112. Even a little bit?
Copy !req
113. - I came back
to stop the Dragon.
Copy !req
114. He's stopped.
Copy !req
115. - Your family
was on his itinerary.
Copy !req
116. Safe now.
Copy !req
117. You can go home again.
If there's any point.
Copy !req
118. Is there any point?
Copy !req
119. - I like my life there.
Copy !req
120. - It won't be the same.
Copy !req
121. You'll see it's not the same.
Copy !req
122. The unspoken knowledge
will live with you,
Copy !req
123. like unwanted company
in the house.
Copy !req
124. - Molly and I want it
to be the same.
Copy !req
125. - When life becomes
maddeningly polite...
Copy !req
126. think about me.
Copy !req
127. Think about me, Will,
Copy !req
128. don't worry about me.
Copy !req
129. - You turned yourself in
Copy !req
130. so I would always know
where you were.
Copy !req
131. You'd only do that
Copy !req
132. if I rejected you.
Copy !req
133. Goodbye.
Copy !req
134. - Will...
Copy !req
135. Was it good to see me?
Copy !req
136. - Good?
Copy !req
137. No.
Copy !req
138. - Do you think you can sit up?
Copy !req
139. Try to sit up.
Copy !req
140. - You didn't break my back.
Copy !req
141. - Your face
Copy !req
142. is closed to me.
Copy !req
143. - If I can see you...
Copy !req
144. you can see me.
Copy !req
145. - You think you understand,
don't you?
Copy !req
146. - "I understand
Copy !req
147. "that blood and breath...
Copy !req
148. "... are only elements
undergoing change
Copy !req
149. to fuel your Radiance."
Copy !req
150. Hannibal said those words.
Copy !req
151. To me.
Copy !req
152. - I wanted to share with Lecter,
Copy !req
153. and Lecter betrayed me.
Copy !req
154. - He betrayed me, too.
Copy !req
155. - I would like to share.
Copy !req
156. - You shared
Copy !req
157. with Reba.
Copy !req
158. - I shared with Reba
Copy !req
159. a little,
Copy !req
160. in a way that she could survive.
Copy !req
161. - But you didn't change her.
Copy !req
162. - I chose not to change her.
Copy !req
163. I'm stronger
than the Dragon now.
Copy !req
164. - Hannibal Lecter
Copy !req
165. is who you need to change.
Copy !req
166. - I want to meet Lecter.
Copy !req
167. How would I manage that?
Copy !req
168. - The only teeth we found in the
skull were Grandma's dentures.
Copy !req
169. - And the upper part was made oe
instead of acrylic like they us.
Copy !req
170. No one's made vulcanite
plates in fifty years.
Copy !req
171. - Dolarhyde had
a new acrylic set
Copy !req
172. just like it made to fit him.
Chinese manufacturer.
Copy !req
173. The new pair we found
on the body.
Copy !req
174. Grandma's old yucky pair
we found in his mouth.
Copy !req
175. - Well, not his mouth, per se.
We think it's a guy
Copy !req
176. named Arnold Lang—
he's missing.
Copy !req
177. Worked at a service station
near Dolarhyde.
Copy !req
178. Found his car,
but it had been wiped clean.
Copy !req
179. - So Dolarhyde snuffs out Lang,
Copy !req
180. takes the dead body back to then
does this whole thing with the,
Copy !req
181. song and dance, "Will I shoot
you? Won't I shoot you?
Copy !req
182. I don't know." - "I can't standu
burn. Boo hoo!" And then blows
Copy !req
183. Lang's head away
with a twelve-gauge.
Copy !req
184. - So the routine of hanging thes
neck was to be sure she felt th.
Copy !req
185. So she could tell us
Copy !req
186. she certainly felt a body.
Copy !req
187. - The Great Red Dragon lives.
Copy !req
188. The obvious thing
is to get him to come to us.
Copy !req
189. Bait him with something
Copy !req
190. he wants more than me.
Copy !req
191. - He'd have to be an idiot
to go for it.
Copy !req
192. - I know. Want to hear what
the best bait would be?
Copy !req
193. - I'm not sure I want to.
Copy !req
194. - Hannibal would
be the best bait.
Copy !req
195. - Why in God's name
Copy !req
196. would anyone want to meet
Hannibal Lecter?
Copy !req
197. - To kill him, Jack.
Copy !req
198. The Dragon could
absorb him that way,
Copy !req
199. engulf him, become
more than he is.
Copy !req
200. - You sound pretty sure.
Copy !req
201. - I'm not sure.
Copy !req
202. Who's sure?
Copy !req
203. I'm not even sure Hannibal
would draw the Dragon.
Copy !req
204. I just say that
it's our best shot.
Copy !req
205. - Set him up how?
Copy !req
206. - We take Hannibal
into federal custody.
Copy !req
207. We fake an escape.
Copy !req
208. - We assign a moment
to decision.
Copy !req
209. What you propose
Copy !req
210. is so thoughtless...
Copy !req
211. I find it difficult to imagine
Copy !req
212. that moment exists.
- Decisions
Copy !req
213. are made of kneaded feelings.
Copy !req
214. They're more often
a lump than a sum.
Copy !req
215. - However you think
Copy !req
216. you're going to manipulate
Copy !req
217. this situation
to your advantage,
Copy !req
218. think again.
- There is no advantage.
Copy !req
219. It's all degrees
of disadvantage.
Copy !req
220. - "Who holds the Devil,
Copy !req
221. "let him hold him well.
Copy !req
222. "He will hardly
Copy !req
223. be caught a second time."
Copy !req
224. I don't intend Hannibal
Copy !req
225. to be caught a second time.
Copy !req
226. - Can't live with him.
Copy !req
227. Can't live without him.
Copy !req
228. Is that what this is?
Copy !req
229. - I guess
Copy !req
230. this is
Copy !req
231. my Becoming.
Copy !req
232. - What you are "becoming"
Copy !req
233. is pathological.
Copy !req
234. - Extreme acts of cruelty
Copy !req
235. require a high degree
of empathy.
Copy !req
236. - You've just found religion.
Copy !req
237. Nothing more dangerous
than that.
Copy !req
238. - I'd pack my bags
if I were you, Bedelia.
Copy !req
239. Meat's back on the menu.
Copy !req
240. - You righteous, reckless,
Copy !req
241. twitchy little man.
Copy !req
242. He might as well cut
all of our throats
Copy !req
243. and be done with it.
Copy !req
244. - Ready or not.
Copy !req
245. Here he comes.
Copy !req
246. - Dr. Bloom.
Copy !req
247. You finally broke down
and came to visit.
Copy !req
248. Your face
Copy !req
249. did not change at all
Copy !req
250. when you first looked at me.
Copy !req
251. Shock, in seeing me,
Copy !req
252. is usually delayed.
Copy !req
253. - I wanted to see you,
Copy !req
254. I wanted to remind myself
Copy !req
255. what Hannibal is capable of.
Copy !req
256. - What Hannibal is capable of.
Copy !req
257. What Will Graham is capable of.
Copy !req
258. What you
Copy !req
259. are capable of.
Copy !req
260. You
Copy !req
261. were the roper.
Copy !req
262. Too bad there
was not enough rope
Copy !req
263. for you to hang yourself with.
Copy !req
264. Just enough
Copy !req
265. to hang me.
Copy !req
266. Who does Will Graham
Copy !req
267. have you roping now?
Copy !req
268. - Hannibal.
Copy !req
269. - Tethers, if I had them,
Copy !req
270. I would burn the man alive.
Copy !req
271. Though,
Copy !req
272. maybe I would rather
Copy !req
273. have his skin.
Copy !req
274. I've been getting grafts.
Copy !req
275. How I would love to count
Copy !req
276. Hannibal among my donors.
Copy !req
277. - You were never comfortable
Copy !req
278. in your own skin, Frederick.
Copy !req
279. You wouldn't be comfortable
in Hannibal's.
Copy !req
280. - Are you?
Copy !req
281. - There's a deal for you,
Copy !req
282. Or there could be.
Copy !req
283. - A deal? With whom?
Copy !req
284. - The FBI.
Copy !req
285. - Jack couldn't ask me himself?
Copy !req
286. - Jack doesn't know you
as well as I do.
Copy !req
287. He thought if he asked you for
help, you would just torment hi.
Copy !req
288. - Quite right, too.
Copy !req
289. How wise of Jack.
Copy !req
290. - The Red Dragon faked
his death.
Copy !req
291. - Good for him.
Copy !req
292. - Jack wants to fake
your escape.
Copy !req
293. I release you
into police custody.
Copy !req
294. And Jack uses you as bait.
Copy !req
295. - Was it Will's idea?
Copy !req
296. - Yes.
Copy !req
297. - Yes. That worked out so well
for Frederick Chilton.
Copy !req
298. Do please tell Frederick,
Copy !req
299. if you see him,
I wish a speedy convalescence
Copy !req
300. and hope he won't be very ugly.
Copy !req
301. - I've been on the phone for hon
your behalf, and this is what y-
Copy !req
302. - Any rational society
would either kill me
Copy !req
303. or give me my books.
Copy !req
304. - If you cooperate in the
capture of Francis Dolarhyde,
Copy !req
305. you get your books,
Copy !req
306. your drawings. Your toilet.
Copy !req
307. All privileges
will be restored.
Copy !req
308. - You trust Will
with my well-being?
Copy !req
309. - As much as I trust you
with his.
Copy !req
310. - You trust me with yours?
Copy !req
311. You intend to release me
into police custody.
Copy !req
312. Police are not
as wise as you are.
Copy !req
313. I might escape in earnest
Copy !req
314. and come to kill you.
Copy !req
315. - First chance you get,
I assume.
Copy !req
316. - You died in my kitchen, Alana,
Copy !req
317. when you chose to be brave.
Copy !req
318. Every moment since is borrowed.
Copy !req
319. Your wife...
Copy !req
320. your child...
Copy !req
321. they belong to me.
Copy !req
322. We made a bargain
for Will's life,
Copy !req
323. and then I spun you gold.
Copy !req
324. - Hannibal has tentatively
Copy !req
325. agreed to the deal, as proposed.
Copy !req
326. - What will it take
to make him less tentative?
Copy !req
327. - He wants Will to ask him.
Copy !req
328. And he wants you
to say "please."
Copy !req
329. - I'll say "pretty please."
Copy !req
330. - Well, people
are going to stampede
Copy !req
331. if they think
that Lecter is out.
Copy !req
332. - Let them stampede.
Copy !req
333. Authenticity.
Copy !req
334. And let them believe
Copy !req
335. I helped Hannibal escape.
Copy !req
336. - Authenticity?
Copy !req
337. - Someone has to be close.
Copy !req
338. When the Dragon comes.
Copy !req
339. - And then?
Copy !req
340. - We kill Dolarhyde.
Copy !req
341. And then
Copy !req
342. we kill Hannibal.
Copy !req
343. - To the Devil his due.
Copy !req
344. - I thought you said
your good-byes.
Copy !req
345. - We've one last good-bye
between us.
Copy !req
346. - You didn't just say good-bye,
though, did you?
Copy !req
347. That little extra bit
at the end.
Copy !req
348. What was that you said?
Copy !req
349. - You'd never have turned yoursf
in unless I rejected you.
Copy !req
350. - Yes. That extra bit.
Copy !req
351. I believe that's what
they call a "mic drop."
Copy !req
352. You dropped the mic, Will,
but here you are
Copy !req
353. having to come back
and pick it up again.
Copy !req
354. - I knew you would keep running
Copy !req
355. if I kept chasing you.
Copy !req
356. I knew you wanted me to know
exactly where I could find you
Copy !req
357. when I needed to.
Copy !req
358. - And you did.
Copy !req
359. - I need you, Hannibal.
Copy !req
360. - Ding-dong.
Copy !req
361. The Dragon's not dead.
Copy !req
362. - He told you he wanted to meet.
Maybe that was a serious invita.
Copy !req
363. After the big escape,
Copy !req
364. you send a message to the Dragon
in the personal ads,
Copy !req
365. ask him for a rendezvous.
- He won't go near a mail drop.
Copy !req
366. - He might be curious enough tok
at one, see if you sold him.
Copy !req
367. We chose a drop
Copy !req
368. that can be watched only
from a few places
Copy !req
369. from a long way off,
Copy !req
370. and we'll stake out
the observation points.
Copy !req
371. - It sounds weak to you,
even as you say it.
Copy !req
372. - Secret Service has a setup
they've never used.
Copy !req
373. They'll let us have it.
Copy !req
374. You're our best shot, Hannibal.
Copy !req
375. Please.
Copy !req
376. - He's not going
to kill us here.
Copy !req
377. What he wants to do requires
something a little more private.
Copy !req
378. - What are you doing?
Copy !req
379. - You know, Will,
you worry too much.
Copy !req
380. You'd be much more comfortable
Copy !req
381. if you relaxed with yourself.
Copy !req
382. Going my way?
Copy !req
383. The bluff is eroding.
Copy !req
384. There was more land
when I was here with Abigail.
Copy !req
385. More land still when
I was here with Miriam Lass.
Copy !req
386. - Now you're here with me.
Copy !req
387. - And the bluff
is still eroding.
Copy !req
388. You and I are suspended
over the roiling Atlantic.
Copy !req
389. Soon all of this
will be lost to the sea.
Copy !req
390. You're playing games with
yourself in the dark of the moo.
Copy !req
391. Wasn't surprising that I heard
Copy !req
392. from the Great Red Dragon.
Copy !req
393. Was it surprising
when you heard from him?
Copy !req
394. - Yes and no.
Copy !req
395. - Do you intend
to watch him kill me?
Copy !req
396. - I intend to watch him
change you.
Copy !req
397. - My compassion for you
Copy !req
398. is inconvenient, Will.
Copy !req
399. - If you're partial
to beef products,
Copy !req
400. it is inconvenient to be
compassionate toward a cow.
Copy !req
401. - Save yourself, kill them all?
Copy !req
402. - I don't know
if I can save myself.
Copy !req
403. Maybe that's just fine.
Copy !req
404. - "No greater love hath man
than to lay down his life
Copy !req
405. for a friend."
Copy !req
406. - He's watching us now.
- I know.
Copy !req
407. - Don't run. I'll catch you.
Copy !req
408. - Hello, Francis.
Copy !req
409. - Hello, Dr. Lecter.
Copy !req
410. - I'm so happy you chose life,
Copy !req
411. Suicide is the enemy.
Copy !req
412. You were seized
by a fantasy world
Copy !req
413. with the brilliance and
Copy !req
414. freshness and immediacy
of childhood.
Copy !req
415. It took you a step beyond alone.
Copy !req
416. - I'm going to film your death,
Copy !req
417. Dr. Lecter,
Copy !req
418. as dying,
Copy !req
419. you meld with the strength
of the Dragon.
Copy !req
420. - It's a glorious and rather
discomforting idea.
Copy !req
421. - Watching the film
Copy !req
422. will be wonderful,
Copy !req
423. but not as wonderful
as the act itself.
Copy !req
424. - It really does look black
in the moonlight.
Copy !req
425. - See.
Copy !req
426. This is all I ever wanted
for you, Will.
Copy !req
427. For both of us.
Copy !req
428. - It's beautiful.
Copy !req
429. Closed Captioning by SETTE inc.
Copy !req