1. Previously on Future Man...
Copy !req
2. That's not a lot
of Cameronium.
Copy !req
3. - What the fuck is Cameronium?
- It's the fuel
Copy !req
4. the TTD runs off of.
Copy !req
5. - Biotics are immune to poison.
- So we flush 'em out.
Copy !req
6. If I can get the recipe
for the Kronish balls,
Copy !req
7. do you think that we can
make a poison version
Copy !req
8. - and then just swap it in?
- You have speed, skills,
Copy !req
9. but more than that,
Copy !req
10. it's like you have
something to say.
Copy !req
11. - I've always been a soldier.
- Life made you a soldier.
Copy !req
12. You were born to be a chef.
Copy !req
13. If something is
important to Joshie,
Copy !req
14. it's important to me,
he is family.
Copy !req
15. "Jeri Elizabeth Lange.
Copy !req
16. Medical conditions: none."
Copy !req
17. Couple seconds after
eating a sewer mushroom,
Copy !req
18. you puke, shit yourself,
Copy !req
19. and pass out with no
memory of what happened.
Copy !req
20. She's going to detonate!
Copy !req
21. I really thought
she liked me.
Copy !req
22. How long until her head blows?
Copy !req
23. 28 minutes.
Copy !req
24. Hold on to your
dicks back there!
Copy !req
25. We are two minutes
from base, repeat,
Copy !req
26. two minutes from base.
Copy !req
27. - Fuck yeah!
- Oh, this is just like
Copy !req
28. our escape from the
slave mines of Ganderloo.
Copy !req
29. Minus all the hollandaise.
Copy !req
30. Check that; garlic aioli.
Copy !req
31. Why are you guys
having so much fun?
Copy !req
32. That was insane.
Copy !req
33. There was so much
puke and poo and—
Copy !req
34. Buck up, soldier.
Copy !req
35. We got three Bio slags
Copy !req
36. and an Aztec to interrogate.
Copy !req
37. This is a rush job,
Gamma Protocol.
Copy !req
38. Oh, you better
believe it's Gamma.
Copy !req
39. Her little head's
going to blow in...
Copy !req
40. 26 minutes.
Copy !req
41. 26 minutes?
Copy !req
42. That was not the plan.
Copy !req
43. Well, this is
basically the plan
Copy !req
44. with a little urgency thrown in.
Copy !req
45. Guys, are we even
100 percent sure
Copy !req
46. - she's a Biotic?
- Fuck you, Resistance scum!
Copy !req
47. Jesus!
Copy !req
48. Easy, macho man.
Copy !req
49. She's my...
Copy !req
50. - ... co-worker.
- Not anymore.
Copy !req
51. We need to find out
where RoboSnatch
Copy !req
52. is keeping her time machine,
Copy !req
53. and getting it out of her
is not going to be pretty.
Copy !req
54. I got so many
torture devices
Copy !req
55. set up in the sewer.
Copy !req
56. There is literally no scenario
Copy !req
57. which I can't torture for.
Copy !req
58. I really prepped the
fuck out of this one.
Copy !req
59. Although Cunto there,
she's going to need
Copy !req
60. to be alert in order
for this to work.
Copy !req
61. Waking her up's going
to be part of the fun!
Copy !req
62. Okay, come on.
Copy !req
63. Easy, easy, easy.
Copy !req
64. Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
65. You kids home already?
Copy !req
66. - The shoe, the shoe!
- I want to hear
Copy !req
67. all about your night.
Copy !req
68. You brought a friend too?
Copy !req
69. Uh, yeah, it's just
a co-worker who had
Copy !req
70. a little too much
to drink tonight, so.
Copy !req
71. Hey, nobody ever died from
having a good time, right?
Copy !req
72. Uh, people die all
the time from that,
Copy !req
73. but that's fine.
Copy !req
74. Well, would you look at that?
Copy !req
75. One taste of your balls
and they give you a job
Copy !req
76. and the company car.
Copy !req
77. You're going to be running
that place in a week.
Copy !req
78. Come on in.
Copy !req
79. Okay.
Copy !req
80. All right, guys, my dad's
cool and everything,
Copy !req
81. but if he sees us taking
an unconscious woman
Copy !req
82. into a subterranean
torture chamber,
Copy !req
83. he will call the cops.
Copy !req
84. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
85. Cupcake, look who I got.
Copy !req
86. What a nice surprise!
Copy !req
87. And who's this lovely—
Copy !req
88. passed out, is she passed out?
Copy !req
89. Yeah, she's a friend,
Jeri, from work.
Copy !req
90. Not the Jeri from work
Copy !req
91. - who you used to—
- No, oh no, not that.
Copy !req
92. So we're going to go
ahead and take her on up—
Copy !req
93. Wait, wait, wait,
Copy !req
94. - Don't have time for that!
- Uh, Corey and Tiger,
Copy !req
95. this is Josh's Uncle Barry.
Copy !req
96. - There he is.
- Here I am.
Copy !req
97. And this is my
dear friend Wanda,
Copy !req
98. who we invited to meet Barry.
Copy !req
99. Oh, this is the famous
Corey Wolf Hart in the flesh.
Copy !req
100. These are our neighbors,
Melinda and Julius Seneca.
Copy !req
101. - Hi.
- Hey, how are you?
Copy !req
102. - How you doing, boss?
- Good, great.
Copy !req
103. - Nice baby.
- Oh, thank you!
Copy !req
104. Thank you, this is Wallace.
Copy !req
105. Look at those legs.
Copy !req
106. Lot of meat on those haunches.
Copy !req
107. You ever eat those?
Copy !req
108. Okay.
Copy !req
109. Let's get her
out this window
Copy !req
110. down to the sewer.
Copy !req
111. Wait, what?
Copy !req
112. No, no, we don't
have time for that.
Copy !req
113. What do we have,
like, 20 minutes?
Copy !req
114. More like 24 minutes.
Copy !req
115. Right.
Copy !req
116. New plan: torture her here.
Copy !req
117. Oh, what a waste!
Copy !req
118. I had electric
current, scalpels,
Copy !req
119. - this awesome scorpion I found.
- Hey.
Copy !req
120. Torture comes from here.
Copy !req
121. If she knows
she's going to die,
Copy !req
122. maybe pain isn't the way to go.
Copy !req
123. - Pain is always the way to go.
- Yeah, on someone
Copy !req
124. who wants to live.
Copy !req
125. I'm just saying, maybe we
should try talking to her.
Copy !req
126. Plus, we got a house
full of people,
Copy !req
127. I don't know how you're
going to muffle her screams.
Copy !req
128. Well, yeah.
Copy !req
129. When fingernails
start to come off,
Copy !req
130. I don't know how
you keep that quiet.
Copy !req
131. Joshie?
Copy !req
132. - Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
133. I just want to see her.
Copy !req
134. I don't even have
to talk to her.
Copy !req
135. You brought the Jeri home!
Copy !req
136. You've been talking
about her for years!
Copy !req
137. Mom! Okay,
just now now, please.
Copy !req
138. I'm so glad that your social
life is expanding, honey.
Copy !req
139. I know.
Copy !req
140. She's very pretty, Josh.
Copy !req
141. I know.
Copy !req
142. Can you... just please...
Copy !req
143. Oh.
Copy !req
144. - Come on.
- Okay.
Copy !req
145. I'll be back!
Copy !req
146. Guys!
Copy !req
147. Okay, listen.
Copy !req
148. My parents are not going
to leave us alone tonight.
Copy !req
149. Ooh, is that sencha?
Copy !req
150. Okay, yeah, we need
personnel downstairs.
Copy !req
151. Cockblocking.
Copy !req
152. Oh, that's like nowhere
near remotely correct.
Copy !req
153. Hm. Got to do this nice thing,
Wolf, you're useless.
Copy !req
154. I want you to go downstairs,
Copy !req
155. I want you to post
up at this feast
Copy !req
156. honoring the Santa Claus, okay?
Copy !req
157. Run a civilian blockade.
Copy !req
158. Social duty?
Copy !req
159. What am I, Butterfly now?
Copy !req
160. Hey.
Copy !req
161. Butterfly could talk
to anyone about anything.
Copy !req
162. Lit up the goddamned
world with that smile.
Copy !req
163. Fine, fine, I'll do it,
I'll join the party
Copy !req
164. with the drinking
and the merrymaking,
Copy !req
165. and I'll pretend to have fun.
Copy !req
166. But I'm not happy about it!
Copy !req
167. Hey, Wolf.
Copy !req
168. Time.
Copy !req
169. Gamma Protocol, 21 minutes.
Copy !req
170. Lamar, set timer
for 21 minutes.
Copy !req
171. Done—stay cool, man.
Copy !req
172. Okay.
Copy !req
173. So—so what's the plan?
Copy !req
174. I mean, I'm no expert,
Copy !req
175. but I watched Badger
interrogate a million times.
Copy !req
176. God dammit, he could
get under people's skin.
Copy !req
177. Just relentless.
Copy !req
178. How did he die?
Copy !req
179. AIDS.
Copy !req
180. Follow my lead.
Copy !req
181. So it turns out the testing
tells you so much more
Copy !req
182. - than just DNA.
- Mm-hm, that's right.
Copy !req
183. You have to do it.
Copy !req
184. The kits we brought you
take, like, five minutes.
Copy !req
185. It's like, spit in a bottle,
Copy !req
186. mail it away, and boom.
Copy !req
187. Bob's your uncle.
Copy !req
188. You find out Bob's your uncle.
Copy !req
189. - Humor.
- We have an Uncle Bob.
Copy !req
190. He's, uh... he's sick.
Copy !req
191. Corey, would you like some port?
Copy !req
192. It's terminal.
Copy !req
193. Looks like blood.
Copy !req
194. Ah.
Copy !req
195. Tastes like honey.
Copy !req
196. I like bourbon.
Copy !req
197. - We know, Barry.
- We know.
Copy !req
198. Cor!
Copy !req
199. Could use you here for a sec.
Copy !req
200. Uh...
Copy !req
201. Boy howdy.
Copy !req
202. You guys suck at interrogating.
Copy !req
203. Tell us where your
TTD is, bitchface.
Copy !req
204. - No.
- Is it in one of your
Copy !req
205. habitation units?
Copy !req
206. You mean, one of our apartments
Copy !req
207. where we live
like normal people
Copy !req
208. and not sewer-dwelling animals?
Copy !req
209. Hey!
Copy !req
210. I'll do the insulting here.
Copy !req
211. Well, you suck at that too.
Copy !req
212. Would you stop doing that?
Copy !req
213. Really distracting!
Copy !req
214. Got a lot of valuables in
here I'm trying to protect.
Copy !req
215. Well, you're going to
need a lot more sheets.
Copy !req
216. She's right.
Copy !req
217. My head is going to explode.
Copy !req
218. And then a kill team
is going to descend
Copy !req
219. upon this house and take
you out once and for all.
Copy !req
220. Well, I've got 68
deactivated brain bombs
Copy !req
221. and a gobulator
that say otherwise.
Copy !req
222. And that's just my
travel-size gobulator.
Copy !req
223. Sooner or later, everyone's
luck runs out, Tiger.
Copy !req
224. It sure did in the tunnel.
Copy !req
225. Your team put their
lives in your hands.
Copy !req
226. What was it, 43 of them?
Copy !req
227. Hey!
Copy !req
228. Come on, we said no rough stuff.
Copy !req
229. It's all she knows,
she's a savage.
Copy !req
230. I don't know how she recruited
someone as decent as you,
Copy !req
231. but it's all a lie.
Copy !req
232. You're the lie,
you're a fucking Biotic.
Copy !req
233. There are no Biotics.
Copy !req
234. That's just a stupid name
her fanatic overlords
Copy !req
235. came up with to make us
seem like the bad guys.
Copy !req
236. You are the bad guys!
Copy !req
237. You gassed my fucking cave.
Copy !req
238. The Resistance is a
terrorist organization
Copy !req
239. that uses any means
necessary to kill us.
Copy !req
240. - They're fucking ISIS.
- Okay.
Copy !req
241. - That's bullshit.
- Is it?
Copy !req
242. - I blew the popovers.
- Cat fucker!
Copy !req
243. - You can't serve those, man.
- I know.
Copy !req
244. Got cocky, didn't
watch time and temp.
Copy !req
245. Rookie mistake.
Copy !req
246. You brought shame to
the Futterman kitchen.
Copy !req
247. Can you help me?
Copy !req
248. I can,
Copy !req
249. and I will, friend.
Copy !req
250. You're a lifesaver, pal.
Copy !req
251. What do you really
know about Tiger?
Copy !req
252. About the so-called Resistance?
Copy !req
253. The game had a very
detailed back story.
Copy !req
254. Yeah, story.
Copy !req
255. Now let me lay
some truth on you.
Copy !req
256. I was born and raised
in Montclair, New Jersey.
Copy !req
257. Oh, here we go.
Copy !req
258. My parents are kind
of lax Christians,
Copy !req
259. my brother is an
out and proud gay man
Copy !req
260. and professional robosurfer.
Copy !req
261. It's a thing, it's cool.
Copy !req
262. There's no crime!
Copy !req
263. Pollution and population
are under control.
Copy !req
264. Humanity has been perfected.
Copy !req
265. I mean, I'm like a four.
Copy !req
266. It's utopia, save
for these nut jobs
Copy !req
267. trying to tear it all down.
Copy !req
268. Utopia, really?
Copy !req
269. Forcing humanity to get a cure?
Copy !req
270. Shoving needles up our butts?
Copy !req
271. Arm!
Copy !req
272. The shot just—the
shot goes in your arm.
Copy !req
273. Turning people into monsters?
Copy !req
274. Hunting down and killing
Copy !req
275. anyone who doesn't comply?
Copy !req
276. We only started
hunting you down
Copy !req
277. after you started
blowing up our hospitals.
Copy !req
278. - Hospitals?
- She means supercure
Copy !req
279. injection sites.
Copy !req
280. No, I mean hospitals.
Copy !req
281. Doctors, patients,
Copy !req
282. people get their tonsils out.
Copy !req
283. Look at me.
Copy !req
284. Do I look like a monster?
Copy !req
285. I—I don't know,
Copy !req
286. I'm getting very
confused right now.
Copy !req
287. Don't listen to her, okay?
Copy !req
288. She is programmed to deceive.
Copy !req
289. She'll say anything.
Copy !req
290. We don't have time
for this bullshit.
Copy !req
291. Hey, it's not her fault.
Copy !req
292. She's been brainwashed
her whole life.
Copy !req
293. I mean, the gaps
in their knowledge
Copy !req
294. - is pretty astonishing.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
295. It's 'cause they
live in sewers
Copy !req
296. and they call books burnbricks.
Copy !req
297. Can't you see she's
pulling a Badger?
Copy !req
298. Turning tables,
creating doubt,
Copy !req
299. being very annoying?
Copy !req
300. Classic Badger.
Copy !req
301. An hour ago,
he wasn't saying
Copy !req
302. very nice things about you.
Copy !req
303. "She's used me.
Copy !req
304. She's endangered my life.
Copy !req
305. I don't even think
she likes me.
Copy !req
306. With any luck,
she'll be gone soon,
Copy !req
307. like, really far away forever."
Copy !req
308. Really?
Copy !req
309. Yeah, we have perfect memories.
Copy !req
310. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
311. You guys don't even
know each other.
Copy !req
312. Is that what he told you?
Copy !req
313. I mean, I really
don't know you.
Copy !req
314. Really?
Copy !req
315. Like, when we kissed?
Copy !req
316. Didn't it feel like
we knew each other
Copy !req
317. just a little bit?
Copy !req
318. In all fairness,
I didn't know
Copy !req
319. she was a Biotic
when I was kissing her.
Copy !req
320. Uh...
Copy !req
321. you rat-hole-to-rat-holed her?
Copy !req
322. She showed interest in me!
Copy !req
323. Okay, well, I'm gonna puke.
Copy !req
324. I'm done doing
this the nice way.
Copy !req
325. You're getting a
scorpion up your snatch.
Copy !req
326. Isn't there, like,
a middle step there?
Copy !req
327. No. Scorp in the snatch.
Copy !req
328. Lingonberry croque-en-bouche.
Copy !req
329. Brown butter and
lemon sucre en poudre.
Copy !req
330. - Wow!
- Taught him everything he knows.
Copy !req
331. - Yeah?
- Oh, gosh!
Copy !req
332. You come sit by me.
Copy !req
333. Gosh, that's pretty.
Copy !req
334. How about some more port?
Copy !req
335. Sure, sure.
Copy !req
336. Unless you have meth.
Copy !req
337. That stuff is incredible.
Copy !req
338. He's a pistol, this one.
Copy !req
339. You're just kind of
perfect, aren't you?
Copy !req
340. I have diabetes,
so I can't eat sugar.
Copy !req
341. Doesn't make any sense.
Copy !req
342. I know, it's a lot to process.
Copy !req
343. I really thought
that you liked me.
Copy !req
344. Oh... that?
Copy !req
345. Sorry.
Copy !req
346. So none of it was real?
Copy !req
347. Josh, I was sent
from the future
Copy !req
348. to protect the man who
saves humanity from itself.
Copy !req
349. - I'm a soldier.
- Okay, but when we kissed,
Copy !req
350. like, you didn't feel anything?
Copy !req
351. Um, I was trying to figure out
Copy !req
352. if an attack was imminent.
Copy !req
353. What, so your eyes
were open and shit?
Copy !req
354. Yeah, my eyes were
fucking open, Josh.
Copy !req
355. Oh my God.
Copy !req
356. In case you haven't noticed,
Copy !req
357. there is something much
bigger going on here.
Copy !req
358. I know, I just—
Copy !req
359. I really liked you,
Copy !req
360. and I thought that
you liked me too.
Copy !req
361. You're a good man,
you have a good heart,
Copy !req
362. I don't blame you
for being taken in.
Copy !req
363. The good news is, you
can still play a role
Copy !req
364. in saving the world.
Copy !req
365. What about the file room?
Copy !req
366. I mean, we were
really vibing there.
Copy !req
367. Josh, I need you to focus.
Copy !req
368. I'm going to be dead soon.
Copy !req
369. You need to get Tiger
and Wolf outside alone.
Copy !req
370. Everyone under this
roof is in danger.
Copy !req
371. Why would you winky-face
my Instagram post
Copy !req
372. if you didn't even like me?
Copy !req
373. Seriously, are we still on this?
Copy !req
374. I'm going to the bathroom now.
Copy !req
375. So what did the chimp do...
Copy !req
376. Excuse me.
Copy !req
377. Wow, that's sad.
Copy !req
378. It sounds like
a sad ending, man.
Copy !req
379. Where do you think
you're going, Sparky?
Copy !req
380. Ooh, not on the
rat hole—uh, mouth.
Copy !req
381. Okay, wow, bold.
Copy !req
382. Well, it's your
lucky night, mister,
Copy !req
383. because you're hot
and I am newly divorced.
Copy !req
384. Should have been me.
Copy !req
385. It should have been me!
Copy !req
386. I got a nice
surprise for you, Jeri.
Copy !req
387. I got a real nice surprise.
Copy !req
388. You know who that is?
Copy !req
389. It's Elias Kronish.
Copy !req
390. And if you don't start
giving me answers,
Copy !req
391. he's about to go kablooey.
Copy !req
392. - Tiger!
- You're bluffing.
Copy !req
393. Your TTD is broken.
Copy !req
394. Why else would you be
asking so many questions
Copy !req
395. about ours?
Copy !req
396. Maybe.
Copy !req
397. Maybe not.
Copy !req
398. But when I fuck
your entire future
Copy !req
399. just straight up the ass,
Copy !req
400. you'll be really
proud you held out.
Copy !req
401. I—I don't like
where this is going.
Copy !req
402. You're telling me
Copy !req
403. you used your TTD to
jump back to the '40s,
Copy !req
404. kidnap Kornish as a baby,
Copy !req
405. then came back here
to prove it to me?
Copy !req
406. - That's crazy.
- Is it?
Copy !req
407. What do you know
about time travel?
Copy !req
408. Multiverses,
alternate realities?
Copy !req
409. Time loops?
Copy !req
410. Uh, everything?
Copy !req
411. That's, like, the
first knowledge pill
Copy !req
412. they put into our womb fluid.
Copy !req
413. Well then... pod scum,
Copy !req
414. you know that all this
time travel bullshit
Copy !req
415. makes no fucking sense.
Copy !req
416. There's no logic to it.
Copy !req
417. So it is entirely possible
Copy !req
418. that that's Elias Kronish,
Copy !req
419. and you know what will happen
Copy !req
420. when I pull the trigger.
Copy !req
421. I wouldn't put it past
you to kill a baby.
Copy !req
422. Tiger, you're freaking me out!
Copy !req
423. You should be freaked out.
Copy !req
424. She doesn't care about babies.
Copy !req
425. She doesn't have
a family of her own.
Copy !req
426. She's not connected
to anyone or anything.
Copy !req
427. Give me the
whereabouts of your TTD,
Copy !req
428. or Baby Kronish here is
going to get an echoblast
Copy !req
429. to his soft, little baby head.
Copy !req
430. We're not going
to be stranded here.
Copy !req
431. No!
Copy !req
432. Wait, stop, stop, stop,
Copy !req
433. it's not even Elias Kronish!
Copy !req
434. It's the neighbors'
baby, Baby Wallace!
Copy !req
435. He's innocent, he's innocent!
Copy !req
436. Well, looks like
everyone's having fun
Copy !req
437. but old Uncle Barry.
Copy !req
438. You guys ever had one
of these blowjob things?
Copy !req
439. So.
Copy !req
440. What did I miss?
Copy !req
441. Oh, I was just
telling everyone
Copy !req
442. what you did to my
penis in the bathroom.
Copy !req
443. Oh.
Copy !req
444. You're going to want
to wash those hand towels.
Copy !req
445. You—you took it too far, Tiger.
Copy !req
446. Oh, I'm just getting started.
Copy !req
447. What you did in there
was risky and insane.
Copy !req
448. What did you think,
I was actually going
Copy !req
449. to kill that thing?
Copy !req
450. Yeah, definitely.
Copy !req
451. - Maybe.
- I had to explain to you
Copy !req
452. what a baby is four days ago.
Copy !req
453. Okay, clearly
you don't understand
Copy !req
454. the fragility of this thing
Copy !req
455. or how much he means
to his parents.
Copy !req
456. That used to be my room.
Copy !req
457. Nothing like that ever
happened when I lived there.
Copy !req
458. Can you—can you please
just take him downstairs,
Copy !req
459. and him?
Copy !req
460. Let me have a go at Jeri.
Copy !req
461. You're no match for her.
Copy !req
462. And you are?
Copy !req
463. Tiger.
Copy !req
464. We've got six minutes.
Copy !req
465. Okay, just give me four.
Copy !req
466. I can do this, trust me.
Copy !req
467. - Fine.
- Okay.
Copy !req
468. There we go.
Copy !req
469. - Be careful.
- I know, I get it.
Copy !req
470. - Let him have a go at Jeri.
- Barry...
Copy !req
471. I know, right?
Copy !req
472. They were going to shoot
your baby in a sheet fort,
Copy !req
473. and there's a broad out there
Copy !req
474. with a shoe sticking
out of her neck.
Copy !req
475. New low, Barry,
you are cut off.
Copy !req
476. Okay.
Copy !req
477. - You'll see.
- Tiger,
Copy !req
478. I was just telling everybody
Copy !req
479. about what an unusual
upbringing you had.
Copy !req
480. I never heard
of a war leader.
Copy !req
481. No, he meant nothing to me.
Copy !req
482. Well, we just did
these DNA tests
Copy !req
483. and discovered family members
Copy !req
484. we didn't even know we had.
Copy !req
485. And I was thinking,
Copy !req
486. what if you have family members
Copy !req
487. that you didn't know you had?
Copy !req
488. Doubt it. They're all dead,
everybody'd dead.
Copy !req
489. No—no, the ones you
know about are dead,
Copy !req
490. but what about the ones
you don't know about?
Copy !req
491. They could be alive!
Copy !req
492. No, it's better to assume
that they're dead too.
Copy !req
493. Holidays are tough.
Copy !req
494. Tiger, there must be
someone out there for you.
Copy !req
495. I discovered a whole
branch to my family tree
Copy !req
496. going back hundreds of years.
Copy !req
497. Wait, hundreds of years?
Copy !req
498. - Yeah.
- You—you found
Copy !req
499. lost family members with
this tracking system?
Copy !req
500. Oh yeah.
Copy !req
501. Might not want
to go too far back.
Copy !req
502. Nah, you'll be all right.
Copy !req
503. It's over, Josh.
Copy !req
504. I'm sorry I lied to you,
Copy !req
505. but the world can still
know how good and kind—
Copy !req
506. Joshie, is everything
okay in there?
Copy !req
507. Jesus fucking Christ, Mom,
I'm going to kill you!
Copy !req
508. You—you have got to give
me some space, please, okay?
Copy !req
509. - I'm not a baby.
- Well, I know.
Copy !req
510. And I don't need your checkups
Copy !req
511. and I don't need your sweets.
Copy !req
512. Well, it's just
that you've been up here
Copy !req
513. the whole time.
Copy !req
514. I've been up here for 18 minutes
Copy !req
515. and 30 seconds, tops.
Copy !req
516. Well, but everybody
else is downstairs.
Copy !req
517. I don't care what
everyone else is doing!
Copy !req
518. Okay, this is my life.
Copy !req
519. Just, please, leave
me the fuck alone.
Copy !req
520. Okay.
Copy !req
521. Oh my God.
Copy !req
522. You should take it easy on her.
Copy !req
523. Give me a break, Jeri, okay?
Copy !req
524. I'm not supposed
to tell you this,
Copy !req
525. but this isn't going
to be your life forever.
Copy !req
526. You know my future?
Copy !req
527. Of course I know your future!
Copy !req
528. At least, what it
was supposed to be.
Copy !req
529. Let me guess, you
have detailed files.
Copy !req
530. You were going to move
out of this house,
Copy !req
531. get a better job,
Copy !req
532. - meet a girl.
- That seems pretty general.
Copy !req
533. Her name is Lena.
Copy !req
534. She's two years
older than you
Copy !req
535. and sweet and shy
but slyly funny.
Copy !req
536. She's a graphic designer
Copy !req
537. and she drives
a vintage Volvo.
Copy !req
538. That's too specific.
Copy !req
539. Look, it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
540. I'm rewriting my future as I go.
Copy !req
541. And it's changing you.
Copy !req
542. They are changing you.
Copy !req
543. Did you talk to you mother
like that a week ago?
Copy !req
544. Is that who you're becoming?
Copy !req
545. Josh, control isn't always
about influencing events.
Copy !req
546. Control is sometimes
about yielding to what is.
Copy !req
547. Look, you can still
walk away from this.
Copy !req
548. I just jumped right
in with two feet.
Copy !req
549. Just felt so good to be
a part of something.
Copy !req
550. You still can be.
Copy !req
551. All right.
Copy !req
552. Tell me what
you want me to do.
Copy !req
553. I want out.
Copy !req
554. You're doing the right thing.
Copy !req
555. Then why do I feel so shitty?
Copy !req
556. Being a hero doesn't
always feel heroic?
Copy !req
557. Sounds like the
tagline to my life.
Copy !req
558. "Meet Josh Futterman.
Copy !req
559. He doesn't get the girl,
Copy !req
560. he betrays his friends.
Copy !req
561. Sometimes, it take
a loser to win."
Copy !req
562. If it's any consolation,
Copy !req
563. I couldn't give Tiger
what she wanted anyway.
Copy !req
564. We don't even have
time machines.
Copy !req
565. What do you mean?
Copy !req
566. How do you get here, then?
Copy !req
567. We jump in.
Copy !req
568. It's a one-way ticket.
Copy !req
569. I mean, do you have
any idea how risky it is
Copy !req
570. to bring future
tech into the past?
Copy !req
571. Yeah, Time Travel 101.
Copy !req
572. So you mean, without
any more Cameronium,
Copy !req
573. they're stuck here
no matter what.
Copy !req
574. Considering Cameronium's
not even a thing
Copy !req
575. for another six years, yeah.
Copy !req
576. What happens in six years?
Copy !req
577. James Cameron?
Copy !req
578. Like, the director
James Cameron?
Copy !req
579. Sir James Cameron,
father of modern science.
Copy !req
580. Shut up!
Copy !req
581. Cameronium is named
after James Cameron?
Copy !req
582. Mm-hm.
Copy !req
583. Why, because he has,
like, a hard-on
Copy !req
584. for cool underwater shit?
Copy !req
585. In 2023, James Cameron
pilots his submersible,
Copy !req
586. the Deepsea Challenge
Extreme XG Ultra,
Copy !req
587. to the deepest
part of the ocean.
Copy !req
588. He pulls a variety of samples,
Copy !req
589. including a
phosphorescent microorganism
Copy !req
590. he thinks looks cool.
Copy !req
591. It sits in his
home lab for 10 years
Copy !req
592. before anyone figures out
what it is
Copy !req
593. and what it can do.
Copy !req
594. Of course, Cameronium.
Copy !req
595. So I grabbed Eagle and I said,
Copy !req
596. "You're going
through that acid fire
Copy !req
597. and retrieving
the Yusopov amulet
Copy !req
598. or none of us are going to
make it back to Storm Base 9
Copy !req
599. before the Jizzadrean
Kill Squad."
Copy !req
600. Wait, what's the Jizzadrean
Kill Squad again?
Copy !req
601. The JKS?
Copy !req
602. Elite tactical unit.
Copy !req
603. Genetic enhancement,
degraded empathy.
Copy !req
604. More machine than human, really.
Copy !req
605. They will cut your nuts
clean off with a...
Copy !req
606. Uncle Barry?
Copy !req
607. You little shit, stop it!
Copy !req
608. It was you.
Copy !req
609. And you.
Copy !req
610. And Josh was there too!
Copy !req
611. Yeah!
Copy !req
612. This is the Futterman house!
Copy !req
613. We'll take care of ourselves,
Copy !req
614. oh, we'll protect ourselves.
Copy !req
615. Oh geez.
Copy !req
616. You.
Copy !req
617. You broke into my house
Copy !req
618. and you terrorized me
Copy !req
619. when I was a little boy.
Copy !req
620. We've been over this.
Copy !req
621. Those were Latino
hoodlums and a small boy!
Copy !req
622. No...
Copy !req
623. - ... it was them.
- Barry, for the love of Pete,
Copy !req
624. these people had
nothing to do with that.
Copy !req
625. Think about what you're saying!
Copy !req
626. No!
Copy !req
627. You're going to pay
attention to me.
Copy !req
628. Why don't you get your
stupid head out of
Copy !req
629. this time-traveling
guy's butthole?
Copy !req
630. Barry, Corey is a friend.
Copy !req
631. Oh.
Copy !req
632. Is he the friend kid
brother you never had?
Copy !req
633. Well, I'm right here.
Copy !req
634. I'm your friend brother too,
Copy !req
635. but you don't treat me
like a friend brother.
Copy !req
636. You treat me like
friend garbage.
Copy !req
637. Barry, that is not true!
Copy !req
638. Oh, sad to sorry to say.
Copy !req
639. This ends in a shootout, right?
Copy !req
640. Blood feud.
Copy !req
641. - I was good at it.
- Yeah, I don't know.
Copy !req
642. You said that
Wanda would like me.
Copy !req
643. I said she might
like you, might.
Copy !req
644. You said she's
eager to meet people.
Copy !req
645. Not that eager.
Copy !req
646. - I have a gun.
- Oh God.
Copy !req
647. I got my eye on you two.
Copy !req
648. Don't point that gun at them.
Copy !req
649. You're not mad at them.
Copy !req
650. You're mad at me.
Copy !req
651. I'm pretty sure
I'm mad at them.
Copy !req
652. I haven't been
a very good brother.
Copy !req
653. You used to lock
me in my room
Copy !req
654. and then tell me
the house was on fire.
Copy !req
655. I can disarm this man
with haste and brutality,
Copy !req
656. - just say the word.
- No, no.
Copy !req
657. They need to work this out.
Copy !req
658. That's not how you treat family.
Copy !req
659. Family's somebody
to look out for,
Copy !req
660. especially when someone's
having a hard time.
Copy !req
661. It has not been easy.
Copy !req
662. I should probably not drink.
Copy !req
663. We're going to get you help
Copy !req
664. because we love you.
Copy !req
665. How about you and I
go back to the bathroom
Copy !req
666. and take this
rat hole for a spin?
Copy !req
667. I will do anything you say.
Copy !req
668. Mm-hm.
Copy !req
669. So you've been stranded here
waiting for shit to go down
Copy !req
670. for three years?
Copy !req
671. Stuck being Stu's assistant?
Copy !req
672. Yeah, pretty crazy, huh?
Copy !req
673. The things you do
for the cause.
Copy !req
674. What, like
pretending to like me?
Copy !req
675. You know what?
Copy !req
676. That part actually
wasn't that hard.
Copy !req
677. Well...
Copy !req
678. I mean, every guy I've
ever been attracted to
Copy !req
679. has been genetically perfect.
Copy !req
680. Hyperintelligent, like,
basically flawless.
Copy !req
681. And then I met you.
Copy !req
682. Okay.
Copy !req
683. No, no—and I liked it.
Copy !req
684. You're just so different.
Copy !req
685. You're so flawed
Copy !req
686. but funny, and...
Copy !req
687. genuine.
Copy !req
688. I had my butterflies
in my stomach
Copy !req
689. before I kissed you.
Copy !req
690. I thought those had been
engineered out of me!
Copy !req
691. And I did it
because I wanted to,
Copy !req
692. not because I had to.
Copy !req
693. I knew it.
Copy !req
694. I knew that you liked me.
Copy !req
695. Yeah.
Copy !req
696. I probably should have
copped to that earlier,
Copy !req
697. but I don't know, my
training and everything?
Copy !req
698. Oh no.
Copy !req
699. No, no, no.
Copy !req
700. I'm glad you didn't.
Copy !req
701. Because to be honest,
Copy !req
702. it allowed me to play the
sad-sack wounded little bird
Copy !req
703. who you'd tell everything to.
Copy !req
704. You were so caught up
in my feelings, Jer,
Copy !req
705. you kind of let your guard down.
Copy !req
706. You see, we do have a TTD.
Copy !req
707. And we're not out of Cameronium.
Copy !req
708. And you just told me
how, when, and where
Copy !req
709. to get more.
Copy !req
710. Oh fuck.
Copy !req
711. As fucked up as those
people are out there,
Copy !req
712. they never lied to me
about who they are.
Copy !req
713. And your whole pod person
Copy !req
714. perfect society
population control thing?
Copy !req
715. Well, that shit is just scary.
Copy !req
716. I'm fighting for their
future, not yours.
Copy !req
717. So why don't you
contemplate that
Copy !req
718. in the next 30 sec—
Copy !req
719. All right, we're
almost out of time.
Copy !req
720. We're gonna need, we need...
Copy !req
721. Oh, look at that.
Copy !req
722. You get everything we needed?
Copy !req
723. Yeah.
Copy !req
724. I got it, everything.
Copy !req
725. Good.
Copy !req
726. Well, looks like
she won't be playing
Copy !req
727. any more head games with us.
Copy !req
728. Too soon.
Copy !req
729. This is Lamar Price saying
Copy !req
730. your time is up,
Josh Futterman.
Copy !req
731. The fuck, Tiger.
Copy !req
732. She exploded early.
Copy !req
733. Yeah, it's Gamma Protocol.
Copy !req
734. It's always like
give or take a minute.
Copy !req
735. Tiger, Josh!
Copy !req
736. We're going to take
a picture down here.
Copy !req
737. Bring Jeri if she's
feeling up to it.
Copy !req
738. Be right there!
Copy !req
739. I know how to get
more Cameronium.
Copy !req
740. But we've got to get
out of here fast.
Copy !req
741. Just... just give me a minute.
Copy !req
742. Yeah.
Copy !req
743. And you should probably...
Copy !req
744. you know.
Copy !req
745. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req