1. Welcome back to
the CIippie Awards,
Copy !req
2. honoring the year's most
accomplished delivery boys.
Copy !req
3. Our next category is
Best Newcomer on a Bicycle.
Copy !req
4. Good Iuck, Dwight.
Copy !req
5. And the nominees are
Johnny Jensen from Rent-A-Cat,
Copy !req
6. Nezzbin Zalgabarg,
Ten-Minute Underwear,
and Dwight Conrad, Speedy Wig.
Copy !req
7. And the CIippie goes to...
Copy !req
8. Little Johnny Jensen!
Copy !req
9. Don't feel bad, son.
Copy !req
10. We couldn't be
more proud of you.
Copy !req
11. Unless, of course,
you had won the award.
Copy !req
12. Man, you're so Iucky
to have your family here.
Copy !req
13. The stupid professor
didn't even show up for me.
Copy !req
14. I'd just like to
thank my awesome parents.
Copy !req
15. We love you, Johnny!
Copy !req
16. Shh!
Copy !req
17. Now, to get all serious.
Copy !req
18. It's time to pay tribute
to the brave delivery boys
Copy !req
19. who gave their lives
this past year in
the line of duty.
Copy !req
20. Gene Tinker, bus.
Copy !req
21. Charles Kiley, train.
Copy !req
22. Mike Pisarik, Iion.
Copy !req
23. They're on
the truck to Heaven now.
Copy !req
24. Up next, the award
for Best Delivery Boy,
Copy !req
25. Newspaper, Phone Book,
or Miscellaneous.
Copy !req
26. Miscellaneous, that's me.
Copy !req
27. The nominees are
Copy !req
28. Gene Tinker, Charles Kiley,
Mike Pisarik, and Philip J.
Copy !req
29. And the CIippie goes to...
Copy !req
30. Philip J. Fry!
Copy !req
31. Sign here.
Copy !req
32. Wow! I'd like to thank the
Academy of Delivery Sciences,
Copy !req
33. my lovely robot, Bender,
Copy !req
34. and most of all,
my dear nephew,
Professor Farnsworth.
Copy !req
35. He always has time for me,
whether it's
sending me on a delivery,
Copy !req
36. or just pulling me aside to
tell me I'm doing a bad job.
Copy !req
37. And why? Because he's family,
and family is always
there for each other.
Copy !req
38. I'm sorry,
but I can't keep reading
this tissue of Iies.
Copy !req
39. The truth is,
Professor Farnsworth
is a cold, heartless jerk!
Copy !req
40. And the fish sticks
were Iimp!
Copy !req
41. Ooh. Hefty.
Copy !req
42. You could really
bash in a skull
with this thing.
Copy !req
43. I know, right?
Copy !req
44. What? Your awards show.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it,
Copy !req
45. but I had a
very good reason.
Copy !req
46. Perhaps you'd
favor us with it?
Copy !req
47. My pleasure.
You see, I came down
Copy !req
48. with a searing case
of "who-gives-a-crap?"
Copy !req
49. I wish I had more
Iiving relatives.
Copy !req
50. What about the
professor's parents?
Copy !req
51. They're still alive?
Copy !req
52. Sure, they exhibit
all the telltale signs.
Copy !req
53. Toenails growing,
hearts pumping fluid,
the whole shmagoigle.
Copy !req
54. So where do
these fossils Iive?
In sedimentary rock?
Copy !req
55. No. According to
his next of kin file,
Copy !req
56. they Iive in
a virtual retirement home
on the Near-Death Star.
Copy !req
57. I've been there.
Let's boldly go
where we've gone before.
Copy !req
58. Halt! Visitors
are forbidden.
Copy !req
59. Oh, really?
Does that rule apply
to CIippie winners?
Copy !req
60. I'm sorry, sir.
Go right in.
Copy !req
61. That's Philip J. Fry!
Copy !req
62. Ned and Velma Farnsworth.
423, Shadybrook Lane.
Let's hover-roll.
Copy !req
63. Fry, you're so confident
and take-charge on this trip.
Copy !req
64. It's kind of a turn-on.
Copy !req
65. Not now, Leela.
I'm trying to
meet old people.
Copy !req
66. My God!
It's full of geezers.
Copy !req
67. Hey, why are they
hooked up like that?
Copy !req
68. Is it some kind
of Craft-matic
adjustable death bed?
Copy !req
69. Don't be ridiculous.
Copy !req
70. Their bodies are
being used to
generate electricity.
Copy !req
71. The idea came from
an old movie
called The Matrix.
Copy !req
72. But wouldn't almost
anything make a better
battery than a human body?
Copy !req
73. Like a potato?
Or a battery?
Copy !req
74. Plus, no matter how much
energy they produced,
Copy !req
75. it would take more energy
than that to keep them alive.
Copy !req
76. I know, I know.
It sounds absurd.
Copy !req
77. In fact, when
The Matrix
first came out,
Copy !req
78. it seemed like
the single crummiest,
Copy !req
79. Iaziest, most awful,
dimwitted idea
Copy !req
80. in the entire
history of science fiction,
but it turned out to be true.
Copy !req
81. Who knew?
Copy !req
82. Good work,
writer of
The Matrix.
Copy !req
83. This is it,
room 1 1 1 9.
Copy !req
84. Aw! It's my relatives.
Copy !req
85. I'm gonna call them
Gram-gram and Shabba-doo.
Copy !req
86. They look just
like you, Fry.
Arms, Iegs, ugly.
Copy !req
87. Too bad we can't
visit them in
their virtual world.
Copy !req
88. We can.
Just moisten your heads
Copy !req
89. and put on these
adapter caps.
Copy !req
90. Hmm, electricity plus
hats with wires on them.
Copy !req
91. Are you sure
this is safe?
Copy !req
92. It's not just safe,
it's 40% safe.
Copy !req
93. Bender is falling!
Copy !req
94. Whoa!
Copy !req
95. Told you it was safe.
Copy !req
96. So this is my relatives'
virtual old-folks home?
Copy !req
97. There's only one word for it.
Terrible. And also horrible.
Copy !req
98. This is their room.
They're gonna be so
excited to meet me.
Copy !req
99. Hi. I'm your
distant relative.
Copy !req
100. Forget it, you flimflammer.
I can smell
a scam a mile away.
Copy !req
101. Reverse mortgages.
Get your reverse
mortgages here.
Copy !req
102. Come in, come in.
Copy !req
103. So you're really
my grandson, huh?
Copy !req
104. Well, it's not
quite that simple.
Copy !req
105. See, I got frozen,
and your son,
Copy !req
106. Professor Farnsworth,
is my great-great-great-
great-great-great . . .
Copy !req
107. Eh?
Copy !req
108. Yep, I'm your
grandson all right.
Copy !req
109. A grandson?
My, you're a big boy.
Copy !req
110. What are you,
a junior in high school?
Copy !req
111. Most recently, yes.
Copy !req
112. Oh, you look so thin.
Copy !req
113. Can I offer you some
virtual ham casserole?
Copy !req
114. Sounds delicious.
Copy !req
115. Mmm.
Copy !req
116. Oh, nobody's eaten my
food like that in ages.
Copy !req
117. I don't cook much
since we moved
out of reality.
Copy !req
118. And that's how
I got this scar
above my eye.
Copy !req
119. And this fork
inside my Iung.
Copy !req
120. That's a doozy.
Hey, look at this.
I can pull my thumb off.
Copy !req
121. Stop, Shabba-doo,
you're freaking me out.
Copy !req
122. Don't let him
get your nose.
Copy !req
123. Oh, Lord.
Copy !req
124. It's so nice to
have more family.
All I had was the Professor,
Copy !req
125. and he's kind of
crotchety and moldy.
Copy !req
126. You should have seen him
when he was Iittle.
Copy !req
127. My golly, he was
crotchety and moldy.
Copy !req
128. We miss him terribly,
but it sure has
Copy !req
129. been nice spending
time with you.
Copy !req
130. It gets Ionely and
depressing around here,
Copy !req
131. with no entertainment
except the
Copy !req
132. rigged Bingo!
Copy !req
133. Prove it, loser!
Copy !req
134. Well, we should get going.
It was great to
meet you, though,
Copy !req
135. and hear about how
bursitis transcends
physical existence.
Copy !req
136. Keep up with
your studies, huh?
Copy !req
137. What? Oh, God,
I'm still here?
Copy !req
138. I'll miss you guys!
Copy !req
139. I don't think
Gram-gram Iikes that place.
And I know Shabba-don't.
Copy !req
140. I sure wish they
could come with us.
Copy !req
141. EIder abuse! EIder abuse!
EIder abuse! EIder abuse!
Copy !req
142. Go it! Fastly!
Copy !req
143. It won't start.
The batteries are dead.
Copy !req
144. Oh, I'm about to lose
history's greatest life
Copy !req
145. all because of some
useless old people.
Copy !req
146. They're not useless.
They can cook ham casserole,
Copy !req
147. and watch TV at
incredible volume,
and they generate electricity.
Copy !req
148. That's it!
Copy !req
149. We can cut them off.
Turn left at Miriam Feinberg.
Copy !req
150. I meant Feingold!
Copy !req
151. It's so nice to meet
the Professor's parents.
Copy !req
152. I'm Dr. Zoidberg.
I'm very important.
Copy !req
153. Hey, Zoidberg, you forgot
to empty this trash can.
Copy !req
154. Don't hit me!
Copy !req
155. I bet the Professor
will be thrilled
to see you again.
Copy !req
156. Oh, Professor.
Some special old people
are here for you.
Copy !req
157. Are they my zombies from
Hammacher Schlemmer?
Copy !req
158. Mama? Daddy?
Copy !req
159. Son!
Hey, kiddo!
Copy !req
160. Leave me alone!
I never want to
see you again!
Copy !req
161. What crawled up
his Geritol?
Copy !req
162. Well, to be honest,
Copy !req
163. a few troubling things
did happen in our past.
Copy !req
164. Lady, all of human history
happened in your past!
Copy !req
165. Ah, let's not let
those dark days
ruin our visit.
Copy !req
166. Philip, what do you
say we go out today
and Iive it up?
Copy !req
167. "Live it up"?
I'll be surprised
if you Iive it out!
Copy !req
168. Whoo!
You're on fire!
Copy !req
169. Whoa! Looks like
you guys had fun.
Copy !req
170. Did we ever!
Gram-gram fell down at the
Copy !req
171. ice cream store and
we got free ice cream!
Copy !req
172. Now let's all go take a nap!
Copy !req
173. Professor, Amy and I
are concerned that . . . Oh!
Copy !req
174. Aw, what's wrong?
Copy !req
175. I just want my
parents to love me.
God, how I hate them!
Copy !req
176. Of course they love you!
Copy !req
177. Not like they love Fry!
They never played
with me like that.
Copy !req
178. They were always
"too tired."
Oh, what awful parents!
Copy !req
179. Come closer.
I'll tell you
the whole story.
Copy !req
180. Tell you what.
Let's get an opaque
bubble Iayer going.
Copy !req
181. Okay, go.
Copy !req
182. It all started
a century and a half ago.
Copy !req
183. I had a perfectly
normal adolescence
in New New York.
Copy !req
184. But my parents were simple
hedge fund managers
Copy !req
185. who couldn't appreciate
my interest in science.
Copy !req
186. Mom, Dad,
look what I made!
Copy !req
187. That's wonderful, dear.
Copy !req
188. Here you go, Squeakers.
Copy !req
189. I was accepted to
MlT at the age of 14,
Copy !req
190. but my parents crushed
my dreams like a
discarded frog head.
Copy !req
191. Honey, I'm afraid
we can't let you go.
Copy !req
192. You're just not
emotionally mature
enough for college yet.
Copy !req
193. "Not mature enough . . ."
Copy !req
194. Worried that city
life was filling my head
Copy !req
195. with an unhealthy
respect for education,
Copy !req
196. my parents moved us
to a peaceful farm.
Copy !req
197. I think that's sweet.
Copy !req
198. Oh, shut up!
Copy !req
199. You're all I have left,
Copy !req
200. Oh, God, I hated that place.
My parents kept
me there for years.
Copy !req
201. So when I finally ran away,
I vowed never to
speak to them again!
Copy !req
202. That's a really
sad and long
story, Professor.
Copy !req
203. But you'll never get
over this unless you
go to your parents now
Copy !req
204. and tell them
honestly how you feel.
Copy !req
205. You're right. I will.
Copy !req
206. Oh, I hate you,
I hate you, I hate you!
Copy !req
207. You ruined my life!
Copy !req
208. That is one crazy,
uncircumcised old man.
Copy !req
209. I almost headed off
the Professor at
the East River,
Copy !req
210. but the wind
caught his skin flaps
Copy !req
211. and sent him parasailing
over the Queensboro Bridge.
Copy !req
212. Why would he go to Queens?
He doesn't need tires.
Copy !req
213. Our old farm was in Queens.
Copy !req
214. He must've gone
back there to defile
it with his nudity!
Copy !req
215. Come on, hurry!
Copy !req
216. Why are you
so eager to find
the Professor, Fry?
Copy !req
217. Aren't you mad at him?
Copy !req
218. Of course I'm mad.
That's been established.
Copy !req
219. I just want to find him
for Gram-gram and
Shabba-doo's sake.
Copy !req
220. Who?
Copy !req
221. Faster, faster!
Okay, stop short!
Copy !req
222. There's the old place.
Copy !req
223. Hasn't changed a bit.
Copy !req
224. Put on your glasses,
Copy !req
225. Ahh!
Copy !req
226. I hear something.
Copy !req
227. It's the Professor.
Copy !req
228. Yes, everyone
look at the freak.
Copy !req
229. His parents
didn't love him,
so they kept him here,
Copy !req
230. 100 miles from
the nearest microscope!
Copy !req
231. Why? Why?
Copy !req
232. He deserves the truth,
Velma. I think he's
old enough to handle it.
Copy !req
233. Cupcake,
we never told you this,
but you had an older brother.
Copy !req
234. In many ways,
he was like you.
Copy !req
235. He Ioved science
and was desperate
to go to college.
Copy !req
236. He even Iooked
a little like you.
Copy !req
237. But the sad fact was . . .
Copy !req
238. Oh, how can I
put this delicately?
Copy !req
239. He was a crazy-ass
nut job!
Copy !req
240. Thank you, Ned.
But so what?
Copy !req
241. He was our
crazy-ass nut job,
and we Ioved him.
Copy !req
242. Every night,
the poor boy
had terrors in his sleep.
Copy !req
243. His pajamas would
be soaked with sweat.
Copy !req
244. Yeah, sweat. Right.
Copy !req
245. We'd stay
at his bedside all night.
Copy !req
246. And whenever
he'd start moaning
and sweating his pants,
Copy !req
247. we'd read to him
from his favorite book.
Copy !req
248. Eighty-one, thallium.
Eighty-two, Iead.
Eighty-three, bismuth.
Copy !req
249. The poor little
psycho never could've
survived on his own.
Copy !req
250. So we kept him on the
farm as long as we could.
Copy !req
251. But one night, he ran away,
Copy !req
252. taking nothing but
the clothes on his back.
Copy !req
253. Whoa!
Copy !req
254. He was admitted
to a prestigious institution.
Copy !req
255. A mental institution!
Copy !req
256. Got himself a full
wackademic scholarship.
And we never saw him again.
Copy !req
257. We couldn't let
you end up like
your older brother.
Copy !req
258. That's why we
kept you on the farm,
Copy !req
259. and helped you get your
online doctorate
in Rodeo Studies.
Copy !req
260. Rodeo Studies?
Copy !req
261. We did it out of
love for you, FIoyd.
Copy !req
262. FIoyd?
Who the hell's FIoyd?
I'm Hubert!
Copy !req
263. You're Hubert?
The older brother?
Copy !req
264. But we thought
you were still
in an institution!
Copy !req
265. Oh, no, no.
I was out within 25 years.
Copy !req
266. It felt like a minute
compared to grad school.
Copy !req
267. Oh, Hubie, we're so
happy to see you again.
Copy !req
268. Wait. Was all that true?
Did you really sit up
with me every night?
Copy !req
269. You bet, sport.
Copy !req
270. That's why we were
always too tired
to play with you.
Copy !req
271. I'm so sorry we
never got the chance.
Copy !req
272. Oh, Mama! Daddy!
Copy !req
273. Ahem!
Copy !req
274. Ah, this may not
be the best time,
but a couple years ago,
Copy !req
275. a homeless rodeo
clown named FIoyd
Copy !req
276. came to the door
claiming he was . . .
Copy !req
277. Bender!
Why do you always have to
be the center of attention?
Copy !req
278. You're sure you
want to go back to
the Near-Death Star?
Copy !req
279. My, yes.
Our muscles are sore,
our bones ache.
Copy !req
280. My damn skin even hurts.
Copy !req
281. It's no dream house,
but we get fed through
Copy !req
282. our spines and
the rent is reasonable.
Copy !req
283. Don't worry.
I'll come back
and visit sometime.
Copy !req
284. How about December,
when they inject
the holidays into our brains?
Copy !req
285. That sounds nice, Gram-gram.
Copy !req
286. Well, son, I guess
this is goodbye again.
Copy !req
287. Not quite yet.
Copy !req
288. I took the Iiberty
of reprogramming
your retirement simulation.
Copy !req
289. Why don't I come
in for a moment
and show you around?
Copy !req
290. Good virtual God!
It's our old farm.
Copy !req
291. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
292. Appearances.
Just a simple
matter of appearances.
Copy !req
293. Speaking of which . . .
Copy !req
294. My boy!
My beautiful boy!
Copy !req
295. One last chance to play,
if you're not too tired.
Copy !req
296. Not too tired to chase you,
you cute Iittle nut job!
Copy !req
297. Come on, Velma.
Copy !req
298. Someone needs tickles!
Copy !req
299. I'm gonna get you!
Here I come!
Copy !req
300. I almost got you!
Come here, you.
Copy !req