1. Is Nibbler stoked for the big pet show?
Copy !req
2. He oughta be, with all the strict training
I've been putting him through.
Copy !req
3. Nibbler, roll over and you get a ham.
Copy !req
4. Roll over. Roll over for the ham.
Copy !req
5. You are so adorable.
Copy !req
6. Who wants a ham?
Copy !req
7. Zooka barooka!
Copy !req
8. First prize is $500
and a year's supply of dog food!
Copy !req
9. $500, you say?
Copy !req
10. Dog food, you say?
Copy !req
11. Man, that dog
is gonna be hard to beat.
Copy !req
12. Look at him bring in the sheep.
Copy !req
13. One sheep, two sheep...
Copy !req
14. Three sheep.
Copy !req
15. The dog is good.
Copy !req
16. But our real competition
is the hypno-toad.
Copy !req
17. Your turn, Nibbler, honey.
Copy !req
18. Herd those sheep!
Copy !req
19. Come on, Nibbler!
Copy !req
20. Ma'am, I have a late entry.
Copy !req
21. My hard-shelled whooping terrier,
Mr. Zoidberg.
Copy !req
22. Faster! Faster!
Copy !req
23. - Ow!
- Suck in that gut!
Copy !req
24. You want to be spayed?
Copy !req
25. Ah.
Copy !req
26. Silence, you cur!
Copy !req
27. Puff out that brisket.
Copy !req
28. I should be weeping!
Copy !req
29. I'm not weeping!
Copy !req
30. I love these things.
Copy !req
31. Shake paws, Nibbler.
Copy !req
32. Come on. Shake.
Copy !req
33. He might be a little hungry.
Copy !req
34. Shake, boy!
Copy !req
35. Usually he's had more ham by now. Shake!
Copy !req
36. Third prize,
a party-sized keg of guinea pigs,
Copy !req
37. goes to Dave Spiegel
Copy !req
38. and his owner, Fluffers.
Copy !req
39. Second prize,
Copy !req
40. this lovely afghan made from an Afghan,
Copy !req
41. goes to Bender
Copy !req
42. and his whooping terrier!
Copy !req
43. Second place?
Copy !req
44. That's a fancy word for losing!
Copy !req
45. You didn't stick your landing!
Copy !req
46. Forgive me, my friend.
Copy !req
47. Never!
Copy !req
48. And before we announce the winner,
Copy !req
49. we have a special award
for a first-time contestant.
Copy !req
50. - Miss Leela and her mystery pet, Nibbler.
Copy !req
51. Me?
Copy !req
52. Award? Him?
Copy !req
53. Me? Good?
Copy !req
54. That's just the kind of eloquence
you'd expect from the owner of
Copy !req
55. Dumbest Pet in Show!
Copy !req
56. And the grand-prize winner,
Copy !req
57. the hypno-toad.
Copy !req
58. All glory to the hypno-toad.
Copy !req
59. Maybe they're right.
Copy !req
60. Maybe Nibbler is dumb.
Copy !req
61. Don't listen to them, Leela.
Copy !req
62. People said I was dumb, but I proved them.
Copy !req
63. Good news, everyone!
Copy !req
64. We were supposed to make
a delivery to the planet Tweenis 12,
Copy !req
65. but it's been completely destroyed.
Copy !req
66. Why is that good news?
Copy !req
67. They paid in advance.
Copy !req
68. - Excuse me.
- This is mighty strange.
Copy !req
69. First the civilization
of Space Rome collapsed,
Copy !req
70. then Don Martin III went kerflooey,
Copy !req
71. and now Tweenis 12.
Copy !req
72. Looks like this planet is next in line.
Copy !req
73. That's Earth.
Copy !req
74. The planet we live on?
Copy !req
75. I'd hate to be those guys.
Copy !req
76. What's got into him?
Copy !req
77. He's twitching like Zoidberg
when someone mentions the word "food."
Copy !req
78. What now?
Copy !req
79. No! Nibbler, come back!
Copy !req
80. Too bad Nibbler's not around.
Copy !req
81. I guess I'll have to eat this raw,
dripping ham by myself.
Copy !req
82. - Nibbler?
Copy !req
83. Nibbler, you're scaring me.
Copy !req
84. Nibbler!
Copy !req
85. Am I going crazy?
Copy !req
86. Have my years of wild hedonism
finally caught up with me?
Copy !req
87. Nibbler, help!
Copy !req
88. Don't leave me here!
Copy !req
89. Nibbler, could you scooch
the seat up just a little bit?
Copy !req
90. Leela back yet?
Copy !req
91. Fry, help me!
Copy !req
92. My heart stopped beating!
Copy !req
93. You don't have a heart. You're a robot.
Copy !req
94. Sure. Right.
Copy !req
95. Robot.
Copy !req
96. Oh, Fry, my skin is all dry and clanky!
Copy !req
97. Well, yeah. Robots are made of metal.
Copy !req
98. Am I a robot?
Copy !req
99. Bender, if this is some kind of scam,
I don't get it.
Copy !req
100. You already have my power of attorney.
Copy !req
101. Fry!
Copy !req
102. My skin!
Copy !req
103. Ow! Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
104. I'm a genius.
Copy !req
105. Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
106. Dr. Zoidberg, why is everyone
acting so weird?
Copy !req
107. Zoidbee want balloon.
Copy !req
108. Want balloon now!
Copy !req
109. Zoidbee want go outside!
Copy !req
110. I just let you back in!
Copy !req
111. This is unbelievable.
Copy !req
112. I thought you were a furry little moron,
Copy !req
113. but here you are
flying an adorable spaceship.
Copy !req
114. If only you could talk.
Copy !req
115. Wait! I understood that.
Copy !req
116. You say you're transmitting
your thoughts directly to my brain?
Copy !req
117. You say those awful flying brains
are making everyone on Earth stupid?
Copy !req
118. Oh! Stupider.
Copy !req
119. And you go on to say
Copy !req
120. that we're headed for your home planet,
Copy !req
121. where your race has lived
since the beginning of the universe?
Copy !req
122. So, how did the universe begin?
Copy !req
123. - Then the meaning of existence...
Copy !req
124. So every religion is wrong!
Copy !req
125. You fell.
Copy !req
126. Hi!
Copy !req
127. Today some bad things happened.
Copy !req
128. One bad thing was
Copy !req
129. a train got crashed in New Jersey.
Copy !req
130. Want to see?
Copy !req
131. People won't be late for work, though,
because the governor lady said,
Copy !req
132. "I'm sending in more trains."
Copy !req
133. Morbo can't understand his teleprompter.
Copy !req
134. He forgot how you say that letter
that looks like a man with a hat.
Copy !req
135. It's a "T." It goes "tuh."
Copy !req
136. Hello, little man.
Copy !req
137. I will destroy you!
Copy !req
138. Man, even the news monster
is acting strange.
Copy !req
139. What are we gonna do?
Copy !req
140. Duh. I know!
Copy !req
141. Let's play the lottery!
Copy !req
142. No! Let's buy Internet stock.
Copy !req
143. On margin!
Copy !req
144. Zoidbee wanna buy on margin.
Copy !req
145. Look at me! I'm invisible.
Copy !req
146. Wait a minute.
I know what's going on here.
Copy !req
147. You've all become idiots!
Copy !req
148. Hey, let's all join the Reform Party!
Copy !req
149. - Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
150. Welcome back, Lord Nibbler,
Copy !req
151. Ambassador to Earth,
home world of the pizza bagel.
Copy !req
152. Thank you. I bear many receipts
for reimbursement.
Copy !req
153. The Four welcomes a friendship
to you as well, Leela.
Copy !req
154. We shall manipulate your mind,
Copy !req
155. so we appear to be speaking your language.
Copy !req
156. Do not be afraid, my child.
Copy !req
157. I'm not afraid.
Copy !req
158. Uh, good. Good.
Copy !req
159. So, your real name is Lord Nibbler?
Copy !req
160. That's a coincidence.
Copy !req
161. That name is for your sake.
Copy !req
162. In the time it would take to pronounce
one letter of my true name,
Copy !req
163. a trillion cosmoses
would flare into existence
Copy !req
164. and sink into eternal night.
Copy !req
165. You're all so cute!
Copy !req
166. No, we're not.
Copy !req
167. We Nibblonians are
an ancient and powerful race.
Copy !req
168. Behold.
Copy !req
169. When the universe was forged
in the crucible of the Big Bang,
Copy !req
170. our mighty race was already 17 years old.
Copy !req
171. Aw!
Copy !req
172. For the first
Copy !req
173. millisecond of time, things were okay.
Copy !req
174. But then there arose a terrible enemy,
Copy !req
175. the Brain Spawn.
Copy !req
176. Ever since, we have waged unceasing war
Copy !req
177. - against these dreadful...
Copy !req
178. Lunch is ready.
Copy !req
179. Then let the feast
of a thousand hams begin!
Copy !req
180. So why are these Brain Spawn
attacking Earth, Nibbler?
Copy !req
181. The Brain Spawn hate all consciousness.
Copy !req
182. The thoughts of others screech at them
Copy !req
183. like the forced laughs
of a billion art-house movie patrons.
Copy !req
184. Thus they travel from world to world,
Copy !req
185. making everyone stupid
Copy !req
186. in order to wipe out
all thought in the universe.
Copy !req
187. Wipe out all thought?
Copy !req
188. My God!
Copy !req
189. They're like flying televisions!
Copy !req
190. And even we are powerless to stop them,
Copy !req
191. fearsome though we are.
Copy !req
192. There is but one being
who can resist them.
Copy !req
193. A child of destiny
whose bizarre brain-wave pattern
Copy !req
194. makes him immune
to the Brain Spawn attack.
Copy !req
195. He is the hope of the universe.
Copy !req
196. The fate of your world,
Copy !req
197. perhaps all worlds,
Copy !req
198. rests in his special mind.
Copy !req
199. Now, when you say "special"...
Copy !req
200. Attention, New New Yorkers!
Copy !req
201. Stop acting so stupid!
Copy !req
202. Nibblonian fleet
holding at perimeter of Moron Zone,
Copy !req
203. formerly known as Earth.
Copy !req
204. Why would Fry be immune
to the flying brains?
Copy !req
205. Because he doesn't shower?
Copy !req
206. The Brain Spawn suppress intelligence
by attacking the delta brain wave.
Copy !req
207. Every animal and robot in the universe
generates this wave,
Copy !req
208. as do certain trees.
Copy !req
209. Fry, however, does not.
Copy !req
210. Somehow he has cobbled together
a random assortment of other brain waves
Copy !req
211. into a working mind.
Copy !req
212. Like a prom dress
made from carpet remnants.
Copy !req
213. Yes, like your prom dress.
Copy !req
214. The Brain Spawn are commanded
by a giant, evil brain
Copy !req
215. with a gooey center of pure hate.
Copy !req
216. Only Fry, with his superior
yet inferior mind, can approach it.
Copy !req
217. You must tell him to disable it.
Copy !req
218. We will do the rest.
Copy !req
219. You can count on me.
Copy !req
220. No, we can't.
Copy !req
221. Once on Earth, you will be too stupid
to remember the message.
Copy !req
222. That's why we wrote it down for you.
Copy !req
223. We've also prepared
a bag lunch and some mittens.
Copy !req
224. Time to reeducate you dunce bags.
Copy !req
225. We'll start with U.S. presidents.
Copy !req
226. This was our first president,
George Washington.
Copy !req
227. Let's review. Who was our first president?
Copy !req
228. Um...
Copy !req
229. A pickle jar?
Copy !req
230. Thomas Jefferson?
Copy !req
231. Leela! I've been so worried!
Copy !req
232. Are you a bonehead?
Copy !req
233. I have to tell...
Copy !req
234. Must...
Copy !req
235. Important...
Copy !req
236. Something.
Copy !req
237. Whoa, whoa. Slow down.
You're going a mile a minute.
Copy !req
238. This! You for this.
Copy !req
239. Thanks!
Copy !req
240. No!
Copy !req
241. Ow!
Copy !req
242. Fire hot!
Copy !req
243. The professie will help.
Copy !req
244. Fire indeed hot.
Copy !req
245. Oh. Chester A. Arthur fall down.
Copy !req
246. Brain.
Copy !req
247. Brain make people dumb.
Copy !req
248. No, Leela.
Copy !req
249. Brain make people smart.
Copy !req
250. You go fight biggest brain of all.
Copy !req
251. Even bigger than those?
Copy !req
252. Holy nuts! Where is it?
Copy !req
253. I don't know.
Copy !req
254. Hmm. A giant brain
is basically a giant nerd.
Copy !req
255. And where would a giant nerd be?
Copy !req
256. The library!
Copy !req
257. Pathetic human race.
Copy !req
258. Arranging their knowledge by category
just made it easier to absorb.
Copy !req
259. Dewey, you fool.
Copy !req
260. Your decimal system has played
right into my hands.
Copy !req
261. What do you want?
Copy !req
262. I'm here to kick your ass!
Copy !req
263. Wishful thinking.
Copy !req
264. We have long since evolved
beyond the need for asses.
Copy !req
265. Odd. My stupefaction field is having
no effect on your ability to think.
Copy !req
266. That's right!
Copy !req
267. And I think you'll find
that a little knowledge
Copy !req
268. is a dangerous thing!
Copy !req
269. Okay. Better think of a new plan.
Copy !req
270. Come on, Fry, think.
Copy !req
271. Thinking.
Copy !req
272. Thinking...
Copy !req
273. Stop that!
Copy !req
274. Hey, thinking hurts him.
Copy !req
275. Maybe I can think of a way to use that.
Copy !req
276. Aha! Prepare to be thought at!
Copy !req
277. Leela, give me a topic.
Copy !req
278. Duh!
Copy !req
279. Seriously. I can't think of anything.
Copy !req
280. I gotta find something to make me think.
Copy !req
281. Hardy Boys. Too easy.
Copy !req
282. Nancy Drew. Too hard.
Copy !req
283. Ah! Perfect! Bonfire of the Vanities!
Copy !req
284. No! It's unbearable!
Copy !req
285. The brains are weakening.
Copy !req
286. Nibblonians to Nibble stations.
Copy !req
287. Prepare Cuddle Bug
for deployment in 40 nibblets.
Copy !req
288. Sometimes I fear we are cute.
Copy !req
289. Oh! Niggle-snoosh!
Copy !req
290. - Take that! And that!
Copy !req
291. This sentence I don't understand,
but take this one!
Copy !req
292. You have not won yet.
Copy !req
293. Each book in this room
is a gateway to a mental realm,
Copy !req
294. and I shall take you there
and imprison you forever!
Copy !req
295. Icky!
Copy !req
296. Where are we?
Copy !req
297. A gold doubloon to the man
who first spies the white whale.
Copy !req
298. Big whale over there!
Copy !req
299. Arr! I saw it first.
Copy !req
300. Wait! That no white whale.
Copy !req
301. It gray thinkie whale.
Copy !req
302. Queequeg, let go of me. I have to kill it!
Copy !req
303. Farewell!
Copy !req
304. You will all be trapped
in this dense symbolist tome,
Copy !req
305. forever!
Copy !req
306. Follow him! It's our only way out.
Copy !req
307. Excuse me.
Copy !req
308. Have you seen a giant brain?
Copy !req
309. Yep. I let him help me whitewash
Aunt Polly's fence.
Copy !req
310. Tom Sawyer, you tricked me.
Copy !req
311. This is less fun
than previously indicated.
Copy !req
312. Let this corny slice of Americana
be your tomb for all eternity.
Copy !req
313. - Please, no!
- Come on!
Copy !req
314. Mr. Fry, Mama tells us
you're quite the oddity.
Copy !req
315. A bachelor at your age.
Copy !req
316. You think I'm an oddity?
Wait till you see...
Copy !req
317. Presenting the most eligible landowner
in all Hertfordshire,
Copy !req
318. Mr. Brainley.
Copy !req
319. I'm a gigantic brain.
Copy !req
320. - I say!
- Most ungentleman-like!
Copy !req
321. Mr. Brainley,
what news have you of the London season?
Copy !req
322. - Well...
- Hey, brainy! Think fast!
Copy !req
323. I always think fast.
Copy !req
324. The whale, he be white now!
Copy !req
325. Leela, I've got an idea.
Copy !req
326. Stay here with Queequeg.
Copy !req
327. Is there Mrs. Queequeg?
Copy !req
328. I'm free!
Copy !req
329. All right, brain!
Copy !req
330. Get ready for some electroshock treatment!
Copy !req
331. Fry, don't die!
Copy !req
332. Wake up!
Copy !req
333. - No!
Copy !req
334. "Leela cried for her lost love
as Fry lay dead under the heavy bookcase.
Copy !req
335. "The Big Brain laughed in triumph.
Copy !req
336. "Then, for no reason,
he left Earth forever.
Copy !req
337. "The end." There!
Copy !req
338. Now he's trapped in a book I wrote.
Copy !req
339. A crummy world of plot holes
and spelling errors.
Copy !req
340. The Big Brain am winning again!
Copy !req
341. I am the greetest!
Copy !req
342. Now I am leaving Earth
Copy !req
343. for no raisin!
Copy !req
344. The Big Brain is defeated.
Copy !req
345. Let what must be done be done.
Copy !req
346. Me...
Copy !req
347. Feel...
Copy !req
348. A bit better in cognitive faculties.
Copy !req
349. I did it!
Copy !req
350. And it's all thanks to the books
at my local library.
Copy !req
351. And so life returned to normal,
Copy !req
352. or as normal as it gets
on this primitive dirt ball
Copy !req
353. inhabited by psychotic apes.
Copy !req
354. Thanks to the effect of the brain rays,
Copy !req
355. the people of Earth had no memory
of what had transpired,
Copy !req
356. except Fry.
Copy !req
357. And no one believed him
or cared what he had to say.
Copy !req
358. I, meanwhile, returned to my post,
Copy !req
359. ever vigilant, lest Earth again
come under brain attack.
Copy !req
360. And when that day comes, God help us.
Copy !req
361. God help us all.
Copy !req
362. Time for a diapie change!
Copy !req
363. End transmission.
Copy !req