1. Notify his survivors.
Copy !req
2. Mail call!
Copy !req
3. Amy, here's your
designer lingerie catalog.
Copy !req
4. Fry, Sadie's Bra Parade.
Copy !req
5. And, Leela, Bulk Underpants Outlet.
Copy !req
6. You buy one pound of underwear
Copy !req
7. and you're on their list forever.
Copy !req
8. And for Bender, uh-oh,
a black-bordered envelope.
Copy !req
9. Oh, no. Someone you know must've died.
Copy !req
10. I hope it was one of my enemies.
Copy !req
11. Those guys suck.
Copy !req
12. Oh, no! My Uncle Vladimir.
Copy !req
13. Oh, I'm sorry, Bender.
Copy !req
14. When's the funeral?
Copy !req
15. Tomorrow, at the family castle.
Copy !req
16. Followed by the reading of his will.
Copy !req
17. Well, I'm rich.
Copy !req
18. Goodbye, losers, whom I've always hated.
Copy !req
19. Come on. It'll be fun.
Copy !req
20. Uh, pardon me, my good simpleton.
Copy !req
21. Could you take us to yon castle?
Copy !req
22. - Castle?
Copy !req
23. Some say unholy things happen up there.
Copy !req
24. For example, all of us say that.
Copy !req
25. Pfft! Superstitious robot mumbo jumbo.
Copy !req
26. Mumbo, perhaps. Jumbo, perhaps not.
Copy !req
27. With all your modern science
Copy !req
28. are you any closer to understanding
Copy !req
29. the mystery of how a robot walks or talks?
Copy !req
30. Yes, you idiot.
Copy !req
31. The circuit diagram is
Copy !req
32. right here on the inside
of your case.
Copy !req
33. I choose to believe
what I was programmed to believe.
Copy !req
34. I will go this far and no further.
Copy !req
35. And so we commend
Vladimir's remains to the earth.
Copy !req
36. Filings to filings, rust to rust.
Copy !req
37. To my loyal butler "you there,"
for his decades of service,
Copy !req
38. I leave a pittance
Copy !req
39. to be paid in 20 equal installments
Copy !req
40. of 1/20th of a pittance each.
Copy !req
41. To my lazy, spoiled son Tandy,
Copy !req
42. who never learned the value of a dollar,
Copy !req
43. I leave my entire $10 million fortune.
Copy !req
44. Is that a lot?
Copy !req
45. And to my loving nephew Bender,
Copy !req
46. assuming he's not responsible
for my death,
Copy !req
47. I leave my castle.
Copy !req
48. Yes! Let's stay there tonight.
Copy !req
49. On condition that he spend
one night within its walls.
Copy !req
50. Oh, man, there's always a catch!
Copy !req
51. I get a good vibe from this place.
Copy !req
52. Nice, long, dinner table.
Copy !req
53. Quiet, well-behaved spiders.
Copy !req
54. Graveyard adjacent.
Copy !req
55. Yep, it's going to be...
Copy !req
56. What is it?
Copy !req
57. That painting. The eyes are watching me.
Copy !req
58. Hmm.
Copy !req
59. It has motor eye sensors
attached to motion detectors.
Copy !req
60. So does my butt,
Copy !req
61. but I don't frame it
and put it on the wall.
Copy !req
62. Although...
Copy !req
63. What's that?
Copy !req
64. I don't know, but it's infectious.
Copy !req
65. No doubt about it, this place is haunted.
Copy !req
66. Don't be silly, mon.
Copy !req
67. The last ghost died over 200 years ago.
Copy !req
68. The last human ghost, but robot ghosts...
Copy !req
69. What does it mean?
Copy !req
70. It's just gibberish.
Copy !req
71. Uncle Vladimir!
Copy !req
72. Come, Bender.
Copy !req
73. You'll like being dead.
Copy !req
74. That's what they said about being alive.
Copy !req
75. - Join us.
- Join us.
Copy !req
76. Join us, Bender.
Copy !req
77. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
78. Just as I suspected.
Copy !req
79. These robots were buried
in improperly shielded coffins.
Copy !req
80. Their programming leaked
into the castle's wiring
Copy !req
81. through this old abandoned modem
Copy !req
82. allowing them to project
themselves as holograms.
Copy !req
83. Of course! It was so obvious.
Copy !req
84. Yes, that sequence of words
I said made perfect sense.
Copy !req
85. We really should tell Bender
there's nothing to be afraid of.
Copy !req
86. Huh?
Copy !req
87. No!
Copy !req
88. Honk! Honk!
Copy !req
89. - Bender, wake up.
Copy !req
90. He's okay.
Quick, does anyone have any liquor?
Copy !req
91. Bender, what happened?
Copy !req
92. Somebody tried to run me over.
Copy !req
93. And not with a normal hover car.
Copy !req
94. It crept along the ground
on round rubber feet.
Copy !req
95. Like a wolf.
Copy !req
96. Poor Bender, you're seeing things.
Copy !req
97. You're drinking too much, or too little.
Copy !req
98. I forget how it works with you.
Copy !req
99. Anyway, you haven't drunk
exactly the right amount.
Copy !req
100. Maybe he has.
Copy !req
101. - Look at these tracks.
Copy !req
102. I think Bender may be telling the truth.
Copy !req
103. Bender, you look awful.
Copy !req
104. I prescribe makeup.
Copy !req
105. Here. It just so happens
I have my Mary Kay sample case.
Copy !req
106. I just need sleep.
Copy !req
107. I had nightmares all night
about cars running people over.
Copy !req
108. Many people dream of a fresh new look.
Copy !req
109. And Mary Kay can make
those dreams come true.
Copy !req
110. Look at this!
They found those same rubbery tracks
Copy !req
111. right here in New New York.
Copy !req
112. There was a hit-and-run
by the robot porno theater.
Copy !req
113. Robot porno theater?
Copy !req
114. I was in that general area last night.
Copy !req
115. Whoever ran me down out on the moors
Copy !req
116. must've followed me back here.
Copy !req
117. Bender, mon,
no one's trying to run you over.
Copy !req
118. Stop being a big hallucinating baby.
Copy !req
119. Yeah? Well, could a big
hallucinating baby do this?
Copy !req
120. I'm scared.
Copy !req
121. I don't know which I like more,
smashing cars or smashing faces.
Copy !req
122. Well, lucky you don't
got to decide tonight.
Copy !req
123. Now, come on, we got church tomorrow.
Copy !req
124. Did you hear something?
Copy !req
125. Nah, it was probably
just a golden marmoset.
Copy !req
126. That don't sound like
no golden marmoset I ever heard.
Copy !req
127. - Phew!
- Made it.
Copy !req
128. So, anyway,
what are you wearing tomorrow?
Copy !req
129. Honk! Honk, honk!
Copy !req
130. What the...
Copy !req
131. Transmission fluid?
Copy !req
132. Where have I been?
Copy !req
133. What happened?
Copy !req
134. - Gets out of here, youse lousy bum.
Copy !req
135. Please, I'm scared.
Copy !req
136. We're all scared.
It's the human condition.
Copy !req
137. Why do you thinks I put
on this tough-guy façade?
Copy !req
138. Now, beat it!
Copy !req
139. I passed out around midnight,
Copy !req
140. which is much earlier than usual.
Copy !req
141. And when I woke up,
I found these in my chest cabinet.
Copy !req
142. Oh, relax, buddy.
Copy !req
143. You were probably just shooting
some big, fuzzy craps.
Copy !req
144. No! I think I may have hurt someone.
Copy !req
145. Oh, Lord, I'm on the verge
of a nervous meltdown.
Copy !req
146. Geez, Bender, you're scaring me.
You're going wacko.
Copy !req
147. You're right. I need professional help.
Copy !req
148. And damn the expense.
Copy !req
149. Damn the expense!
Copy !req
150. My friend, you have nothing to worry about
Copy !req
151. except a nightmarish life
of unremitting horror.
Copy !req
152. - Phew!
- For, you see, you are a were-car.
Copy !req
153. - A were-car?
Copy !req
154. The car that ran you down on the moors
was also a were-car.
Copy !req
155. It beamed the virus to you
through its demonic headlights.
Copy !req
156. That's crazy.
Copy !req
157. Yes. So crazy that it must be true.
Copy !req
158. Each midnight,
when your clock resets to zero,
Copy !req
159. your hardware reconfigures into
a murderous four-wheeled car.
Copy !req
160. I can't keep running people over.
Copy !req
161. I'm not famous enough to get away with it.
Copy !req
162. Can't you help me?
Copy !req
163. Yes, but you must be willing
to pay a terrible price.
Copy !req
164. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
165. Follow me.
Copy !req
166. According to this ancient "read me" file,
Copy !req
167. your only hope is
to destroy the original were-car.
Copy !req
168. - I'm with you.
- In its death throes,
Copy !req
169. the dread car will beam out
the virus's uninstall program.
Copy !req
170. Thus, ridding you of the curse.
Copy !req
171. And, otherwise, I can never die?
Copy !req
172. Who said that? Sure you can die.
You want to die?
Copy !req
173. No! I want to live.
Copy !req
174. There's still too many things I don't own.
Copy !req
175. Then live on, forever cursed.
Copy !req
176. Each night, your attacks
will become more gruesome.
Copy !req
177. Until one dark night,
Copy !req
178. you are doomed to kill
your dearest friend.
Copy !req
179. I wouldn't want to be me right now.
Copy !req
180. Now, go! Go!
Copy !req
181. Uh, could one of you just...
Copy !req
182. Forget it. I'll just sleep here.
Copy !req
183. There! No rampaging for you tonight.
Copy !req
184. Wouldn't it make more sense to weld
everyone except me to the wall?
Copy !req
185. Just relax, Bender.
Copy !req
186. Tomorrow, we'll pry you down,
have a nice breakfast
Copy !req
187. and then go hunt down and slaughter
that ancient evil.
Copy !req
188. It will be a rich, full day.
Copy !req
189. Well, good night.
Copy !req
190. I'm going to go make my dinners
for the next month and freeze them.
Copy !req
191. Honk! Honk!
Copy !req
192. Honk! Honk!
Copy !req
193. Honk! Honk!
Copy !req
194. Bender, no!
Copy !req
195. Fry, stay back!
Copy !req
196. You jerk!
Copy !req
197. I thought I was your best friend.
Copy !req
198. What kind of two-timing
kill mobile are you?
Copy !req
199. Huh?
Copy !req
200. I can't believe this.
Copy !req
201. Bender's supposed to murder
his closest friend,
Copy !req
202. which I thought was me,
but he went straight for you.
Copy !req
203. He didn't even try
to second-degree murder me.
Copy !req
204. Could you give me some help?
Copy !req
205. I think Bender crushed my foot.
Copy !req
206. Stop rubbing it in.
Copy !req
207. Oh, God. Fry, I'm so glad to see you.
Copy !req
208. I didn't hurt you, did I?
Copy !req
209. Not physically.
Copy !req
210. But why don't you ask
your new best friend, Leela?
Copy !req
211. I tried to run you over?
Copy !req
212. It was very sweet of you, Bender.
Copy !req
213. Fry, it doesn't mean anything.
Copy !req
214. I have love enough for two.
Copy !req
215. Words, nothing but sweet, sweet words
Copy !req
216. that turn into bitter,
orange wax in my ears.
Copy !req
217. Enough with the feelings, you two.
Copy !req
218. If we're going to cure Bender,
we've got to go back to the castle
Copy !req
219. and hunt down the original were-car.
Copy !req
220. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
221. - Cursed, got it.
Copy !req
222. The tracks lead here.
Copy !req
223. Thanks, eagle eye.
Copy !req
224. Now it's daylight,
so he should be in robot form.
Copy !req
225. But be careful.
Copy !req
226. Many robots are stupid and violent.
Copy !req
227. I wish I was stupid and violent.
Copy !req
228. Then we'd see what's what.
Copy !req
229. I'd pound him till I...
Copy !req
230. Get ye to your houses,
ye ignorant villagers.
Copy !req
231. Hey!
Copy !req
232. We are not ignorant villagers.
Copy !req
233. We're sophisticated New New Yorkers.
Copy !req
234. Whup his butt!
Copy !req
235. Stop! What are ye doing?
Copy !req
236. We're whaling on the original were-car.
Copy !req
237. Which is you, you jerk.
Copy !req
238. Ye think me be he?
Copy !req
239. Sì!
Copy !req
240. Nee. I mean, no.
Copy !req
241. I was given the curse many a year ago
Copy !req
242. while on a bird-watching trip
to the Arctic.
Copy !req
243. I was attacked
by a vicious motorized sled.
Copy !req
244. The natives called it
the Abominable Snowmobile.
Copy !req
245. Yes, it's true.
Copy !req
246. I ran over that bird-watching jerk,
and a hundred others.
Copy !req
247. Even my best friend
from aromatherapy school.
Copy !req
248. I once had a best friend
who liked to smell things with me.
Copy !req
249. Alas, I'm afraid I'm not
the original were-car.
Copy !req
250. I received the curse
Copy !req
251. while taking a learning annex class
from a famous robot actor.
Copy !req
252. You know him as
Copy !req
253. Calculon!
Copy !req
254. Oh, fate most cruel!
Copy !req
255. Would that my boundless acting skills
might avail me a sword
Copy !req
256. with which to slay this wretched curse.
Copy !req
257. Let's kick him some more!
Copy !req
258. No, wait, let me explain.
Copy !req
259. It all began one fateful night
a thousand years ago.
Copy !req
260. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're 1,000 years old?
Copy !req
261. Your bio says you're 27.
Copy !req
262. Lies! I change my identity
and upgrade my appearance
Copy !req
263. every few decades to avoid suspicion.
Copy !req
264. I was all of history's
great acting robots.
Copy !req
265. Acting Unit 0.8, Thespomat,
David Duchovny.
Copy !req
266. Look, are you
the original were-car or not?
Copy !req
267. No, but you are nearing
the end of your search.
Copy !req
268. For, you see, I was attacked
by the original were-car.
Copy !req
269. Give us a name, Macbutt!
Copy !req
270. The year was 2019.
Copy !req
271. And I was just a lowly robot arm
Copy !req
272. working in an automotive research lab.
Copy !req
273. I was working on Project Satan,
Copy !req
274. a savage, intelligent military vehicle
Copy !req
275. built from the most evil parts
of the most evil carsin all the world.
Copy !req
276. The steering wheel
from Hitler's staff car.
Copy !req
277. The left turn signal
from Charles Manson's VW.
Copy !req
278. The windshield wipers
Copy !req
279. from that car that played Knight Rider.
Copy !req
280. Knight Rider wasn't evil.
Copy !req
281. His windshield wipers were.
Copy !req
282. It didn't come up much
in the show, though. Anyway...
Copy !req
283. Only after bringing Project Satan to life
Copy !req
284. did they discover
they had made a horrible mistake.
Copy !req
285. For, you see, it was pure evil.
Copy !req
286. Honk! Honk!
Copy !req
287. So what happened to Project Satan?
Copy !req
288. It's either in Paris, or more likely,
Copy !req
289. still in the abandoned automotive lab.
Copy !req
290. You guys distract the were-car
Copy !req
291. and I'll kill it
by plugging its exhaust pipe
Copy !req
292. with this silver potato.
Copy !req
293. Psst! There it is.
Copy !req
294. It looks so unhappy.
Copy !req
295. Excuse me, are you Project Satan?
Copy !req
296. Don't be afraid.
Copy !req
297. We know what you are.
Copy !req
298. You do?
Copy !req
299. Would you like us to
put you out of your misery?
Copy !req
300. Misery, what misery?
Copy !req
301. I love killing people.
Copy !req
302. Squishing them till their organs
squirt out like chunky mustard.
Copy !req
303. Look, everyone loves killing people.
Copy !req
304. But I don't want to hurt my friends.
Copy !req
305. Oh, no! It's midnight!
Copy !req
306. Hey, this is starting to feel pretty good.
Copy !req
307. Fry, distract him!
Copy !req
308. Hey, Project Satan, over here!
Copy !req
309. I'm a blind pedestrian! 20 points!
Copy !req
310. Oh, no!
Copy !req
311. There's no exhaust pipe.
Copy !req
312. That's right, thanks to
Ed Begley, Jr.'s electric motor.
Copy !req
313. The most evil propulsion system
ever conceived!
Copy !req
314. Take whichever one you want.
Copy !req
315. Oh, boy, I feel like
a car in a candy store.
Copy !req
316. Yes! He chose me.
Copy !req
317. He's trying to kill me.
Copy !req
318. Leela, I'm so happy.
Copy !req
319. Oh, Thanks, Bender.
Copy !req
320. Hey, too tight, too tight!
Copy !req
321. Ooh! Ow!
Copy !req
322. - Whoa!
Copy !req
323. No! No! No!
Copy !req
324. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
325. Bender, you're cured!
Copy !req
326. But what happened to Fry?
Copy !req
327. I must have killed him.
Copy !req
328. He was my best friend, and I killed him.
Copy !req
329. Oh, I never felt so empty inside.
Copy !req
330. Bender, I'm alive!
Copy !req
331. You didn't hurt me at all.
Copy !req
332. But I know you wanted to,
and that's what matters.
Copy !req
333. Here's to you.
Copy !req
334. Hey, that's my last beer, you bastard!
Copy !req
335. I'll kill you!
Copy !req
336. I'll kill you, too, buddy.
Copy !req
337. I'll kill you, too.
Copy !req
338. Hey!
Copy !req