1. Hey!
Copy !req
2. Fry, mon, if you're going
to be living in the office,
Copy !req
3. you could at least
be on time for work.
Copy !req
4. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
5. I was up really late
poking through people's desks.
Copy !req
6. All right, people,
Copy !req
7. I will now outline
today's 12-point agenda.
Copy !req
8. We'll begin with point one...
Copy !req
9. Concerning our pest problem.
Copy !req
10. Somebody's
been leaving food around
Copy !req
11. and it's attracting owls.
Copy !req
12. And I, for one, am getting tired
of cleaning those owl traps.
Copy !req
13. Now...
Copy !req
14. As this shocking graph indicates,
Copy !req
15. our water consumption
has tripled in the last month.
Copy !req
16. Now, I notice
Fry has been here for a month
Copy !req
17. so I'm appointing him
head of a committee
Copy !req
18. to find
who's responsible.
Copy !req
19. Fry?
Copy !req
20. Am I cracking up
Copy !req
21. or is Fry's living here
Copy !req
22. starting to get in the way of bus...
Copy !req
23. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
24. You're getting
a huge dose of radiation.
Copy !req
25. And great lift.
Copy !req
26. Do you know how long it's going to take me
Copy !req
27. to recalibrate these engines?
Copy !req
28. Hey, when you look this good,
Copy !req
29. you don't have to know anything.
Copy !req
30. Professor, we need
to talk to you about Fry.
Copy !req
31. That's right!
We want some money!
Copy !req
32. Wait, what's this about Fry?
Copy !req
33. He's a nice guy
Copy !req
34. but we think it's about time
he got his own place.
Copy !req
35. Oh, fuff.
Copy !req
36. He's not causing any trouble.
Copy !req
37. Now, if you don't mind,
I'm rather busy.
Copy !req
38. I seem to have mislaid
my alien mummy.
Copy !req
39. This sarcophagus
should contain the remains
Copy !req
40. of Emperor Nimbala, who ruled
Copy !req
41. Zuben Five
over 29 million years ago.
Copy !req
42. Hey, professor.
Copy !req
43. Mmm. Great jerky.
Copy !req
44. Mmm.
Copy !req
45. My God, this is an outrage.
Copy !req
46. I was going to eat that mummy.
Copy !req
47. Fry has got to go.
Copy !req
48. Bachelor chow, now with flavor.
Copy !req
49. And bigfoot is down!
Copy !req
50. Sheesh. 40,000 channels
Copy !req
51. and only 150 of them
have anything good on.
Copy !req
52. All My Circuits
is brought to you by...
Copy !req
53. Robo Fresh.
Copy !req
54. Designed by a robot for a robot.
Copy !req
55. I've been processing this
for some time, Monique,
Copy !req
56. and, well... Will you marry me?
Copy !req
57. Oh, Calculon!
Copy !req
58. It fits!
Copy !req
59. Then you must know that I'm—
Copy !req
60. Metric? I've always known.
Copy !req
61. But for you, my darling,
I'm willing to convert.
Copy !req
62. Hmm, must be a friend of theirs.
Copy !req
63. Fry, we've got to discuss
your living arrangements.
Copy !req
64. We've all talked it over, and—
Copy !req
65. Hey, All My Circuits.
Copy !req
66. Move over.
Copy !req
67. Ah!
Copy !req
68. Fry, sometimes in close quarters
Copy !req
69. people do inconsiderate things
without realizing it.
Copy !req
70. I know, but I forgive you.
Copy !req
71. No, Fry, by "close quarters"
Copy !req
72. I mean this office.
Copy !req
73. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
74. - And by "people," I mean you.
- Right.
Copy !req
75. And by "inconsiderate,"
I mean...
Copy !req
76. Leela,
we're trying to watch TV.
Copy !req
77. Yeah. Would you kindly
shut your noise hole?
Copy !req
78. So who's
that weird-looking guy?
Copy !req
79. That's a human.
Copy !req
80. - What's he do?
- Usual human stuff.
Copy !req
81. He laughs, he learns,
he loves.
Copy !req
82. Boring.
Copy !req
83. Calculon?
I thought you were in a coma.
Copy !req
84. That's what I wanted you to think
Copy !req
85. with your soft, human brain.
Copy !req
86. Hey, uh, why
is the TV getting smaller?
Copy !req
87. We'll bill you for the couch.
Copy !req
88. Cheer up, meat bag.
Copy !req
89. You barely touched your amoeba.
Copy !req
90. It looked good,
but I just don't feel like eating.
Copy !req
91. - You want it?
- Nah, I'm trying to watch my input.
Copy !req
92. I need plenty of wholesome,
nutritious alcohol.
Copy !req
93. The chemical energy
keeps my fuel cells charged.
Copy !req
94. What are the cigars for?
Copy !req
95. They make me look cool.
Copy !req
96. Oh, I can't believe
they threw me out like that.
Copy !req
97. I must have been
really acting like a jerk.
Copy !req
98. Yeah, but everybody's a jerk.
You, me, this jerk.
Copy !req
99. That's my philosophy.
Copy !req
100. So, where are you going to stay?
Copy !req
101. I don't know.
Copy !req
102. Do refrigerators still
come in cardboard boxes?
Copy !req
103. Yeah, but the rents are outrageous.
Copy !req
104. Why don't you
just come move in with me?
Copy !req
105. Really? That would be great!
Copy !req
106. You sure I won't be imposing?
Copy !req
107. Nah. I've always wanted a pet.
Copy !req
108. Here we are, your new home.
Copy !req
109. Cool. You know,
I've never even seen
Copy !req
110. a robot's apartment before.
Copy !req
111. Come on in. I'll give you the tour.
Copy !req
112. Let's see, where to start.
Copy !req
113. Okay.
This is the TV area.
Copy !req
114. That over there is the breakfast nook.
Copy !req
115. And over here is where you'll be living,
Copy !req
116. which is great, 'cause till now
it's just been wasted space.
Copy !req
117. It's kind of cramped in here.
Copy !req
118. I don't even have room
to hang my clothes.
Copy !req
119. Look, pal, you've only got
one set of clothes
Copy !req
120. and you're not taking them off
while I'm here.
Copy !req
121. Well, I'm bushed.
Good night.
Copy !req
122. Wait. Bender? Bender?
Copy !req
123. Kill all humans. Kill all humans.
Copy !req
124. Must kill all...
Copy !req
125. Bender, wake up!
Copy !req
126. I was having
the most wonderful dream.
Copy !req
127. I think you were in it.
Copy !req
128. Uh... Uh, listen, Bender, uh...
Copy !req
129. Where's your bathroom?
Copy !req
130. - Bath what?
- Bathroom.
Copy !req
131. - What room?
- Bathroom.
Copy !req
132. What, what?
Copy !req
133. Ah, never mind.
Copy !req
134. Mmm...
Copy !req
135. Hey, sexy mama...
Copy !req
136. Want to kill all humans?
Copy !req
137. We sure are cheerful
this morning.
Copy !req
138. Yeah, this past week with Fry's
been a blast.
Copy !req
139. You know, beneath his warm,
sunny exterior
Copy !req
140. beats the cold, mechanical heart
of a robot.
Copy !req
141. What happened to you?
Copy !req
142. Oh, it's Bender's apartment.
Copy !req
143. He put in carpeting yesterday
and now my head hits the ceiling.
Copy !req
144. Hey, do you realize you're
standing at a weird angle?
Copy !req
145. Now you're okay.
Copy !req
146. Look at yourself, you're a wreck.
Copy !req
147. You've got to find a new place to live.
Copy !req
148. Is that an invitation?
Copy !req
149. Love your optimism, Fry.
Copy !req
150. But seriously, you've got to
tell Bender you're moving out.
Copy !req
151. Yeah, but he might get kind of upset.
Copy !req
152. I don't think I can do that to him.
Copy !req
153. Hey, there's my little space heater.
Copy !req
154. Well, I'm moving out.
Copy !req
155. What?
Copy !req
156. I'm sorry, Bender,
Copy !req
157. but there's just not enough room.
Copy !req
158. Not enough room?
Copy !req
159. My place is two cubic meters
Copy !req
160. and we only take up 1.5 cubic meters.
Copy !req
161. We've got room for a whole
'nother two-thirds of a person.
Copy !req
162. What if I just help the two of you
find a bigger apartment?
Copy !req
163. I don't know.
Copy !req
164. I've got a lot of great memories
in my old place.
Copy !req
165. And now they're gone.
Copy !req
166. Sure, it ain't one of them
la-de-da above-ground places
Copy !req
167. but if you like dank...
Forget about it.
Copy !req
168. At least it's got a great view.
Copy !req
169. - Aah!
- What the...?
Copy !req
170. 'Scuse me. I got to go
change a lightbulb.
Copy !req
171. Wow. Now, this
is fantastic.
Copy !req
172. Hmm, I'm not sure
we want to pay
Copy !req
173. for a dimension we're
not going to use.
Copy !req
174. Aah! Ooh! Ee!
Ooh! Oh! Aah! Ee!
Copy !req
175. Ooh! Aah! Ee! Aah!
Ooh! Ee! Ooh! Ee! Aah!
Copy !req
176. Ooh! Ee! Ooh!
Copy !req
177. Well, I give up.
What's the catch?
Copy !req
178. Oh, no catch.
Copy !req
179. Although we are
technically in New Jersey.
Copy !req
180. Not one place even remotely livable.
Copy !req
181. Oh, how awful.
Copy !req
182. Did he at least die painlessly?
Copy !req
183. To shreds, you say.
Copy !req
184. Well, how is his wife holding up?
Copy !req
185. To shreds, you say.
Copy !req
186. Very well, then.
Copy !req
187. Sad, sad,
terrible, gruesome news
Copy !req
188. about my colleague, Dr. Mobutu.
Copy !req
189. Was his apartment rent controlled?
Copy !req
190. Wow. This is beautiful.
Copy !req
191. What's with all the crap?
Copy !req
192. It's not crap.
Copy !req
193. Dr. Mobutu collected this crap
Copy !req
194. while he was exploring
the whatchacallit... Universe.
Copy !req
195. Well, this place has everything except
the only thing I care about... a TV.
Copy !req
196. It's got a TV, you young
whatchacallit... Idiot.
Copy !req
197. Ooh.
Copy !req
198. Whoa, slow down.
Copy !req
199. This place just
doesn't feel like home.
Copy !req
200. It just isn't... Cozy.
Copy !req
201. Ah...
Copy !req
202. I can barely move.
Copy !req
203. It's perfect!
Copy !req
204. Man, it's a total sty.
Copy !req
205. For the first time in 1,000 years
Copy !req
206. I feel like I'm home.
Copy !req
207. Yeah, it's going
to be fun on a bun.
Copy !req
208. You know, Fry,
of all the friends I've had,
Copy !req
209. you're the first.
Copy !req
210. Hey, mon.
Copy !req
211. Happy housewarming, Fry.
Copy !req
212. It's a miniature fruit salad tree.
Copy !req
213. Ooh.
Copy !req
214. Wah!
Copy !req
215. - Hey, Amy.
- Hey.
Copy !req
216. This is for you, Fry—
Copy !req
217. Zevulon the great.
Copy !req
218. He's teriyaki-style.
Copy !req
219. Wow. Heavy-drinking crowd.
Copy !req
220. I'd better go out for more beer.
Copy !req
221. Hang on. All My Circuits
is about to start.
Copy !req
222. I know, but I need alcohol
to power up my batteries.
Copy !req
223. If Calculon's wedding
doesn't go just right
Copy !req
224. I'll be emotionally
and electrically drained.
Copy !req
225. Hey...
Copy !req
226. These are mighty tasty.
Copy !req
227. Thank you.
I made them myself.
Copy !req
228. Shh. The wedding's about to start.
Copy !req
229. If anyone here objects to this union,
Copy !req
230. let them speak now
or forever hold their...
Copy !req
231. Is he objecting or backing up?
Copy !req
232. Looks like both.
Copy !req
233. I'm afraid
my half-brother is correct.
Copy !req
234. You see,
I have a terrible secret
Copy !req
235. and that secret is...
Copy !req
236. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
237. Oh, fix it.
Copy !req
238. Hey, what happened to the TV?
Copy !req
239. It just went out.
Copy !req
240. This is an outrage.
I'm going to go yell at the manager.
Copy !req
241. All right!
Copy !req
242. Come back, Bender!
It's working!
Copy !req
243. To reiterate,
my terrible secret is...
Copy !req
244. It's out again.
Copy !req
245. What? That's the last straw.
Copy !req
246. It's back on!
Copy !req
247. Pardon me.
Copy !req
248. I don't mean to pry into
what you're doing in here
Copy !req
249. with the crab and the one-eyed
lady and the Chinese girl,
Copy !req
250. but everyone on this floor
is having trouble with their TV reception.
Copy !req
251. Yeah, and you better
get rid of whatever's causing it
Copy !req
252. or we're out of this dump.
Copy !req
253. Relax, sonny.
Copy !req
254. This cajigger'll find
the source of the interference.
Copy !req
255. We want our TV back.
Copy !req
256. There's your problem.
Copy !req
257. Oh, my God.
Bender, it's your thingy.
Copy !req
258. You people are nuts.
Copy !req
259. My antenna never
interfered with my old TV.
Copy !req
260. You had cable.
This is satellite.
Copy !req
261. Obviously, your thoughts
Copy !req
262. are being transmitted
on the same frequency.
Copy !req
263. They're on my cell phone, too.
Copy !req
264. Madame, I believe you're mistaken.
Copy !req
265. Wow, that lady's got a huge ass.
Copy !req
266. Those could be anyone's
thoughts, fat-ass.
Copy !req
267. The robot has to go.
Copy !req
268. Yeah!
Copy !req
269. Well, you heard the mob.
Copy !req
270. Fine. Come on, Fry.
Copy !req
271. Let's move to that apartment
Copy !req
272. that smelled like a sewer.
Copy !req
273. You liked that one, right?
Copy !req
274. Oh, it's tempting, but, well...
Copy !req
275. I am already kind
of settled in here.
Copy !req
276. Or we could live underground
with the mutants.
Copy !req
277. A little fire'll show them who's boss.
Copy !req
278. Uh... Listen, is there maybe
some way we could do this
Copy !req
279. with you going and me not going?
Copy !req
280. I don't understand.
Copy !req
281. Well, you were going to
live in the closet anyway.
Copy !req
282. Won't you be just as happy
back in your old place?
Copy !req
283. But... Then
we wouldn't be roommates.
Copy !req
284. I'll come visit sometime,
and you can visit me here.
Copy !req
285. No, he can't.
Copy !req
286. Anyway, I'm sure
it'll work out.
Copy !req
287. This way we'll both be happy.
Copy !req
288. Happy. Yeah, that's Bender.
Copy !req
289. Always happy.
Copy !req
290. Hey, the TV's back on!
Copy !req
291. We are gathered to mourn
Copy !req
292. the death of Calculon,
Copy !req
293. industrialist, private eye, friend.
Copy !req
294. Mind if I give the eulogy?
Copy !req
295. Calculon! You're alive!
Copy !req
296. Yay! Calculon's back!
Copy !req
297. Right. So long.
Copy !req
298. Good-bye.
Copy !req
299. Do you think Calculon's evil twin
will ever walk again?
Copy !req
300. I don't know, Amy.
I just don't know.
Copy !req
301. - Wah!
- Hey, thanks for coming.
Copy !req
302. Fry, you're Bender's best friend.
Copy !req
303. How could you let that mob
kick him out?
Copy !req
304. Aw, come on.
Bender loves mobs.
Copy !req
305. Only when he's in them,
and you know it.
Copy !req
306. You really hurt his feelings.
Copy !req
307. Don't girl me with that girl stuff.
Copy !req
308. Bender and me are guys.
Copy !req
309. Guys don't have feelings.
Copy !req
310. Bender's not a guy, he's a robot.
Copy !req
311. Same thing.
Copy !req
312. It's so big and empty.
Copy !req
313. My roommate's gone,
and all he left behind was
Copy !req
314. an eyelash
and three skin flakes.
Copy !req
315. Aw... What's the point?
Copy !req
316. Bender?
Copy !req
317. My God, you're a mess.
Copy !req
318. leave me alone.
Copy !req
319. Look at that five o'clock rust.
Copy !req
320. You've been up all night
not drinking, haven't you?
Copy !req
321. Hey... What I don't do
is none of your business.
Copy !req
322. Please, Bender,
have some malt liquor,
Copy !req
323. if not for yourself, then
for the people who love you.
Copy !req
324. I hate the people who love me,
and they hate me.
Copy !req
325. Oh, now, look.
Copy !req
326. It's obvious you miss being Fry's roommate
Copy !req
327. but there's got to be a better way
to deal with this.
Copy !req
328. Like how,
having my antenna removed?
Copy !req
329. Well... If that would work.
Copy !req
330. Are you crazy? That's little Bender
you're talking about.
Copy !req
331. I can't cut it off.
Copy !req
332. You're not a robot or a man,
so you wouldn't understand.
Copy !req
333. I got to get out of here.
Copy !req
334. Wait.
Copy !req
335. I want you to look me in the eye
Copy !req
336. and promise you won't
get behind the wheel
Copy !req
337. without some kind of alcoholic
beverage in your hand.
Copy !req
338. I promise nothing!
Copy !req
339. I don't even want to...
Copy !req
340. Why is...
Copy !req
341. What up?
Copy !req
342. I can't just stand by and be silent
about Bender anymore.
Copy !req
343. Silent? You've been meddling
for two solid weeks.
Copy !req
344. Well, I can't just do that anymore.
Copy !req
345. Your best friend is out there somewhere
Copy !req
346. destroying himself.
Copy !req
347. Really?
Copy !req
348. I didn't think he'd miss
this apartment that much.
Copy !req
349. He doesn't care
about the apartment.
Copy !req
350. He cares about you, and
you turned your back on him.
Copy !req
351. Oh, man, I had no idea.
Copy !req
352. If only I knew where he was,
I'd go talk to him.
Copy !req
353. Oh, stupid TV.
Copy !req
354. Bender.
You're blind stinking sober.
Copy !req
355. That's right. I'm sober and crazy
Copy !req
356. and I don't know what I might do.
Copy !req
357. - Don't do it.
- I don't know what it is yet.
Copy !req
358. Oh, yeah, now I remember.
Copy !req
359. I thought I could live alone,
but I can't
Copy !req
360. so I'm going to do what it takes
to be your roommate again.
Copy !req
361. Bender, stop.
Copy !req
362. Cutting Leela's head off
won't solve anything.
Copy !req
363. No, I'm going to chop off my antenna.
Copy !req
364. Hey... Yeah, that sounds good.
Copy !req
365. Can I give you a hand?
Copy !req
366. Fry, don't help him
mutilate himself.
Copy !req
367. But it's a useless antenna.
Copy !req
368. It's not like he's
a ham radio or something.
Copy !req
369. I'm going to do it!
Copy !req
370. I'm really going to do it!
Copy !req
371. Don't try and stop me!
Copy !req
372. Here goes!
Copy !req
373. Ohh...
Copy !req
374. Hey, it worked.
Copy !req
375. The static's gone.
Copy !req
376. I hate that this came
between us, Calculon.
Copy !req
377. Me, too.
Copy !req
378. I'm filled with a large number of
powerful emotions.
Copy !req
379. You're my best friend.
Copy !req
380. I'm sorry
I treated you so badly.
Copy !req
381. Apology accepted.
Copy !req
382. After all, you're only human.
Copy !req
383. You guys could learn a
lesson from those two.
Copy !req
384. She's right.
Copy !req
385. You're my best friend, Fry.
Copy !req
386. I'm sorry
I treated you so badly.
Copy !req
387. Apology accepted.
Copy !req
388. After all,
you're only human.
Copy !req
389. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
390. You did it all backwards.
Copy !req
391. Fry's the one who should be...
Copy !req
392. Oh, never mind.
Copy !req
393. Oh...
Copy !req
394. - What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
395. I guess I'm just going to have to get
used to being half a robot.
Copy !req
396. Aw, this isn't right.
Copy !req
397. Listen, Bender, if
we found your antenna,
Copy !req
398. could they still reattach it?
Copy !req
399. Maybe, if we get it on ice
right away.
Copy !req
400. Bingo.
Copy !req
401. Hmm. You call
that an antenna?
Copy !req
402. This time you'll have
all the human comforts.
Copy !req
403. We'll get a couple of toilets,
Copy !req
404. some food cookers,
maybe a puppy...
Copy !req
405. It's good to be home.
Copy !req
406. It sure is.
Copy !req
407. By the way,
I saved your stuff.
Copy !req
408. So that's where
those skin flakes went.
Copy !req
409. Hmm. You think this fruit tree's
Copy !req
410. going to get enough light?
Copy !req
411. There's a window in the closet.
Copy !req
412. Whoa.
Copy !req
413. This is huge.
Copy !req
414. Bender, why don't
I just live in here?
Copy !req
415. In a closet?
Copy !req
416. Oh, humans.
Copy !req