1. They got a lotta crap here, huh?
Copy !req
2. No kidding.
Copy !req
3. I think
Copy !req
4. I'm gonna try to sell all my junk.
Copy !req
5. You know, my crap is way
better than this crap.
Copy !req
6. Look at all these books, man.
Copy !req
7. Why do people save their books,
Copy !req
8. Like...read a book twice?
Copy !req
9. They're probably just
bragging to us, you know?
Copy !req
10. They're like, "ooh! Look at
all these books i've read.
Copy !req
11. I'm so clever! I read a
lot of books and stuff!"
Copy !req
12. Oh...check it out, man!
Copy !req
13. They got bongos!
Copy !req
14. Yep.
Copy !req
15. We could play evil ways if we had these.
Copy !req
16. Yeah, actually, that would bring
Copy !req
17. The andopolis drum kit to an even 30 pieces.
Copy !req
18. 31 pieces.
Copy !req
19. All right. I'm gonna buy these, man.
Copy !req
20. This garage sale rules.
Copy !req
21. Hey, man, listen, you gotta be quiet
Copy !req
22. Ff at me.
Copy !req
23. Why?
Copy !req
24. Did he see your report card?
Copy !req
25. Yeah.
Copy !req
26. No, i was playing american band
Copy !req
27. While he was watching 60 minutes.
Copy !req
28. Um...
Copy !req
29. Nick...where are your drums?
Copy !req
30. You had no right to give my drums away!
Copy !req
31. Those drums were making you go deaf.
Copy !req
32. Otherwise, you would
have heard all the times
Copy !req
33. That i tried to tell
you to clean up your act.
Copy !req
34. You know that i've been trying.
Copy !req
35. Fine. With a little more effort,
Copy !req
36. You could end up living in a cardboard box.
Copy !req
37. Those drums were my personal property.
Copy !req
38. Your only personal property is your future.
Copy !req
39. Maybe the drums are my future!
Copy !req
40. Why don't you think about that?
Copy !req
41. End of conversation.
Copy !req
42. You owe me money.
Copy !req
43. Excuse me?
Copy !req
44. Those were my drums,
Copy !req
45. I paid for them, and you sold them,
Copy !req
46. And i want the money.
Copy !req
47. How much did you spend on drums
Copy !req
48. And how much did you spend on drugs?
Copy !req
49. Give me my money!
Copy !req
50. End of conversation.
Copy !req
51. Fine. You know what? i'm outta here,
Copy !req
52. And i hope that you enjoy
your peace and quiet.
Copy !req
53. There's something wrong with these cans!
Copy !req
54. He hates these cans!
Copy !req
55. The jerk is the perfect movie.
Copy !req
56. There isn't one scene in
it that isn't hilarious.
Copy !req
57. Nope. caddyshack'sbetter.
Copy !req
58. Way funnier.
Copy !req
59. Ted knight is the funniest.
Copy !req
60. Ooh, billy, billy, billy.
Copy !req
61. Ooh, billy, billy, billy! Huh?
Copy !req
62. No, no. That movie is so uneven.
Copy !req
63. I mean, yeah, half of it
rules, but half of it sucks.
Copy !req
64. It's just likestripes. You
could not tell me what happened
Copy !req
65. In the second half of the movie.
Copy !req
66. They get reassigned to europe
to work on a top secret mission
Copy !req
67. Concerning the urban assault vehicle.
Copy !req
68. Then the stupid border
guys wouldn't let them in.
Copy !req
69. That's when, um
- um, sam?
Copy !req
70. Can i talk to you for a second?
Copy !req
71. Uh...
Copy !req
72. Yeah.
Copy !req
73. Over here.
Copy !req
74. Oh.
Copy !req
75. Sam, i just broke up with todd.
Copy !req
76. Really?
Copy !req
77. Wow.
Copy !req
78. Um...i'm sorry.
Copy !req
79. Don't be! todd's a jerk.
Copy !req
80. He's only interested in one thing.
Copy !req
81. All these jocks are.
Copy !req
82. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
83. So anyways, i was wondering,
Copy !req
84. Are you gonna be home tonight?
Copy !req
85. Yeah.
Copy !req
86. Good.
Copy !req
87. 'Cause i'm gonna call you.
Copy !req
88. I really need someone to talk to.
Copy !req
89. Ok. Uh...
Copy !req
90. And, you know, any time. Ha ha.
Copy !req
91. My god!
Copy !req
92. It's happening!
Copy !req
93. You guys, where's my chair?
Copy !req
94. Shallots?
Copy !req
95. It's a potato.
Copy !req
96. They're shallots, right?
Copy !req
97. Hey, is anybody using this chair?
Copy !req
98. No.
Copy !req
99. You can have it.
Copy !req
100. Really?
Copy !req
101. That's really nice of you.
Copy !req
102. Grateful dead.
Copy !req
103. Music sucks. chicks are hot!
Copy !req
104. Yeah.
Copy !req
105. Does anybody wanna give me a neck rub?
Copy !req
106. Ha ha! God, nick!
Copy !req
107. I can't believe you spent
the night on daniel's floor!
Copy !req
108. His carpet is, like, infested!
Copy !req
109. Better than sleeping in my maverick.
Copy !req
110. Kinda.
Copy !req
111. You gonna go home tonight?
Copy !req
112. No. Not as long as that fascist is there.
Copy !req
113. Hey, ken, can i stay at
your house tonight, man?
Copy !req
114. No. My dad.
Copy !req
115. He'll have a conniption fit.
Copy !req
116. Thanks a lot, man.
Copy !req
117. You know, he doesn't even
let my grandma stay over.
Copy !req
118. He's got issues.
Copy !req
119. Whatever, man. Thanks.
Copy !req
120. I'd invite you over again,
nick, but you blew it.
Copy !req
121. You gotta remember to flush the toilet!
Copy !req
122. My mom almost had a
heart attack this morning.
Copy !req
123. Oh! nick: he's just joking.
Copy !req
124. I'm not joking!
Copy !req
125. Can you not talk about this now, please?
Copy !req
126. I had to plunge-
Copy !req
127. Can you not talk about this now, please?
Copy !req
128. Definitely, i wanna stay at your place. No.
Copy !req
129. I-you know what? No. no thanks.
Copy !req
130. Hey, lindsay, you think that maybe
Copy !req
131. I could, uh, stay at your place tonight?
Copy !req
132. God, nick, if it were
up to me...sure, but...
Copy !req
133. Come on, my dad? He's
way worse than ken's dad.
Copy !req
134. Yeah. No, don't
- no problem.
Copy !req
135. Nice try, though, nick.
Copy !req
136. Shut up, man.
Copy !req
137. What you should have done is
you should have pretended to cry.
Copy !req
138. You would have been in
if you pretended to cry.
Copy !req
139. Dad, give me one good reason
Copy !req
140. Why there can't be a woman president.
Copy !req
141. It's called 3 irrational days per month.
Copy !req
142. Now, i would have no
issue with the other 27,
Copy !req
143. But...we're talking about
the atomic bomb here!
Copy !req
144. Oh, harold!
Copy !req
145. Dad, that is so stupid!
Copy !req
146. You know, men get periods, too.
Copy !req
147. It has tdo with your body tides.
Copy !req
148. My body does not have a tide.
Copy !req
149. Those religious people have
been bothering me all day.
Copy !req
150. Can't a man finish his supper
Copy !req
151. Without those religious types bothering us?
Copy !req
152. Hey, uh, mr. Weir.
Copy !req
153. Is lindsay home?
Copy !req
154. She's eating dinner.
Copy !req
155. Oh, yeah. i can tell.
Copy !req
156. God, it smells really great in there.
Copy !req
157. Let me guess.
Copy !req
158. Meat?
Copy !req
159. Congratulations.
Copy !req
160. Hey...nick.
Copy !req
161. What are you doing?
Copy !req
162. You know... Just came by to say hey.
Copy !req
163. I-i didn't realize that you guys
were gonna be eating so late.
Copy !req
164. You guys eat late.
Copy !req
165. Oh! Hey, nick.
Copy !req
166. Hey, mrs. Weir. Boy, i was just saying...
Copy !req
167. Your pot roast smells amazing.
Copy !req
168. Well, uh...would you like
to join us for dinner?
Copy !req
169. We've got plenty of food.
Copy !req
170. I mean, sure,
Copy !req
171. If-yeah! that would rock!
Copy !req
172. I haven't eaten dinner yet!
Copy !req
173. Is it ok with you, mr. Weir?
Copy !req
174. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
175. It would...rock.
Copy !req
176. Mrs. Weir: COME ON.
Copy !req
177. Oh, wow. this worked out well.
Copy !req
178. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
179. Mrs. Weir...
Copy !req
180. This pot roast is unbelievable!
Copy !req
181. You're even a better cook than my mom.
Copy !req
182. Oh, i'm sure she does fine.
Copy !req
183. You don't get to be as tall as you are
Copy !req
184. Without somebody doing
something right nutritionally.
Copy !req
185. Hey, uh, so...
Copy !req
186. Mr. Weir...
Copy !req
187. You sell sleeping bags, right?
Copy !req
188. Yeah. Why, you going camping?
Copy !req
189. No.
Copy !req
190. I've just been spending a lot of my time
Copy !req
191. Sleeping on people's floors...
Copy !req
192. Lately, so, you know, i thought
i should probably get a good bag.
Copy !req
193. Why on eth are you
sleeping on people's floors?
Copy !req
194. My dad kicked me out of the house.
Copy !req
195. He didn't kick you out.
Copy !req
196. He sold my drums.
Copy !req
197. That doesn't really seem
like an invitation to stay.
Copy !req
198. Now, wait a minute.
Copy !req
199. He didn't just sell your drums.
Copy !req
200. I mean, the man must have had a reason.
Copy !req
201. Yeah. He had a really stupid reason.
Copy !req
202. He said... that my drums
Copy !req
203. Were interfering with my schoolwork.
Copy !req
204. I think my schoolwork was
interfering with my drums.
Copy !req
205. Terrible.
Copy !req
206. Why don't you spend the night over here?
Copy !req
207. On the couch.
Copy !req
208. What?
Copy !req
209. Really?
Copy !req
210. You mean it?
Copy !req
211. Yeah.
Copy !req
212. Oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
213. My gosh. You guys e the nicest people.
Copy !req
214. Your whole family is... so nice!
Copy !req
215. Thank you so much!
Copy !req
216. Oh! Oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
217. Oh...i
Copy !req
218. T's like you cooked this in heaven...
Copy !req
219. Then brought it back
down here to your table.
Copy !req
220. Oh, stop!
Copy !req
221. Bill, i need to talk to you for a second.
Copy !req
222. It's about yesterday.
Copy !req
223. That wasn't me. That was
neal. He just said it was me.
Copy !req
224. What?
Copy !req
225. Uh-noth-what?
Copy !req
226. Anyway...
Copy !req
227. Sam and i had the greatest
conversation yesterday.
Copy !req
228. It just...lasted for hours!
Copy !req
229. Look, i know i can trust you with this,
Copy !req
230. Because we're lab partners.
Copy !req
231. I like sam.
Copy !req
232. Me, too.
Copy !req
233. No, ilikelike sam.
Copy !req
234. Oh.
Copy !req
235. Oh!
Copy !req
236. I don't know.
Copy !req
237. It's like i never date nice guys.
Copy !req
238. I should try it. I mean,
i think i deserve to.
Copy !req
239. So do you think he likes me?
Copy !req
240. It's hard to tell.
Copy !req
241. Well, do you think you can find out for me?
Copy !req
242. Ok.
Copy !req
243. And tell him to ask me to mona's party.
Copy !req
244. There he is.
Copy !req
245. Thanks.
Copy !req
246. Everyone take their seats.
Copy !req
247. We've got a busy class ahead of us.
Copy !req
248. Bill! Psst! What just happened?
Copy !req
249. Cindy wanted me to find out if you li-
Copy !req
250. Gentlemen, can we save the chitchat
Copy !req
251. For the cafeteria?
Copy !req
252. Today we will be having a pop quiz.
Copy !req
253. Cindy-
Copy !req
254. Gentlemen!
Copy !req
255. Yes...mr. Hal?
Copy !req
256. All right, nick. this is what you gotta do.
Copy !req
257. Get her to stay up watching tv with you,
right, until her parents go to sleep.
Copy !req
258. Then you offer to give a back rub.
Copy !req
259. You do it right... you're in.
Copy !req
260. All right, look. Let's get
this straight, all right?
Copy !req
261. Lindsay and i are just friends, ok?
Copy !req
262. And, anyways, i think it's
really cool of her parents
Copy !req
263. To let me stay at the
house. That's it, all right?
Copy !req
264. Ok, man. Just friends. I didn't realize.
Copy !req
265. I mean, you know, look, i-
Copy !req
266. If she came to me in the
middle of the night...
Copy !req
267. And was, like, you know,
"nick, i love you..."
Copy !req
268. I wouldn't turn her away.
Copy !req
269. Did he try to give you a back rub?
Copy !req
270. No.
Copy !req
271. Well, he will.
Copy !req
272. He if tries to give you
a foot massage...run.
Copy !req
273. Kim, what am i gonna do?
Copy !req
274. It's just too weird having him in my house!
Copy !req
275. You have to kick him out, lindsay!
Copy !req
276. No. I can't do that.
Copy !req
277. Well...
Copy !req
278. Then you're in for a long night.
Copy !req
279. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
280. It's true.
Copy !req
281. If this is some kind of a joke...
Copy !req
282. And you're trying to set me up,
Copy !req
283. I'll stop being your
friend. I'm not kidding.
Copy !req
284. It's true!
Copy !req
285. Sam, you gotta ask her to that party!
Copy !req
286. I don't-i don't even know mona!
Copy !req
287. What's the difference?
it's what cindy wants!
Copy !req
288. I think she wants to be your girlfriend.
Copy !req
289. Oh, man.
Copy !req
Copy !req
291. You wanted this for years!
be a man! Go get her!
Copy !req
292. Yeah, i know, but
- but what?
Copy !req
293. I'm scared!
Copy !req
294. Well, they're not.
Copy !req
295. I can hear what they're saying right now.
Copy !req
296. "Uh, hey, cindy,
Copy !req
297. You want to go with me to mona's party?"
Copy !req
298. "Well, i was kind of hoping
Copy !req
299. "That sam was gonna ask me,
Copy !req
300. "But since he doesn't seem interested,
Copy !req
301. Ok, thor."
Copy !req
302. Ok, ok, shut up.
Copy !req
303. I'm gonna ask her.
Copy !req
304. Hey, cindy? Um...
Copy !req
305. Can i talk to you for a second?
Copy !req
306. Hey, sam.
Copy !req
307. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
308. Hey, i'll see you guys later.
Copy !req
309. Ok, after french class?
Copy !req
310. Yeah. ok.
Copy !req
311. What's up?
Copy !req
312. I was wondering...
Copy !req
313. Do you want to come to mona's party with me?
Copy !req
314. I'd love to.
Copy !req
315. Really?
Copy !req
316. Really.
Copy !req
317. It's happening.
Copy !req
318. They're smiling.
Copy !req
319. Going out withcindy,
Copy !req
320. And stops hanging out with us?
Copy !req
321. He won't.
Copy !req
322. He'll get us in with cindy's friends.
Copy !req
323. Like vicky.
Copy !req
324. Oh, man, i love her.
Copy !req
325. Thought you said they were pod people?
Copy !req
326. A cult, you said.
Copy !req
327. They are.
Copy !req
328. But that's one cult i wouldn't mind joining.
Copy !req
329. Bring on the pods.
Copy !req
330. Uh, well i'll see you there.
Copy !req
331. Ok.
Copy !req
332. It's gonna be a lot of fun.
Copy !req
333. Yeah.
Copy !req
334. Call me?
Copy !req
335. Ok.
Copy !req
336. See ya!
Copy !req
337. It's on.
Copy !req
338. Nick.
Copy !req
339. It's quiet hour.
Copy !req
340. Am i being too loud? i'm sorry.
Copy !req
341. Shouldn't you be doing your homework?
Copy !req
342. Me?
Copy !req
343. Um, yeah,
Copy !req
344. I mean, i was.
Copy !req
345. You were?
Copy !req
346. Then maybe you ought to finish it.
Copy !req
347. You're starting to sound
like my dad, mr. Weir.
Copy !req
348. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
349. Well, then, your dad is a smart man.
Copy !req
350. I'm a drummer, you know,
Copy !req
351. So, i mean, this is my homework.
Copy !req
352. Oh, come on, nick.
Copy !req
353. This isn't homework.
Copy !req
354. This is screwing around.
Copy !req
355. Now, if you're really a drummer,
Copy !req
356. Your homework would be
practicing your drums.
Copy !req
357. Well, i'd like to be practicing my drums,
Copy !req
358. You know? But my dad gave them away.
Copy !req
359. Well, then you go out and you find 2 sticks
Copy !req
360. And you pound on a rock.
Copy !req
361. Wanted to be a drummer
Copy !req
362. Would do if someone took his drums from him.
Copy !req
363. You know, when i was in high school,
Copy !req
364. I was working in a department store,
Copy !req
365. And learning all about retail,
Copy !req
366. And i still got straight as.
Copy !req
367. Now don't tell me you can't find time
Copy !req
368. To do both things.
Copy !req
369. You can't be that easy on yourself, nick.
Copy !req
370. Push yourself.
Copy !req
371. You're a smart kid.
Copy !req
372. That's really, um...
Copy !req
373. That's really cool of you to say, mr. Weir.
Copy !req
374. It's true.
Copy !req
375. Oh.
Copy !req
376. By the way, that drummer
you're listening to?
Copy !req
377. Yeah.
Copy !req
378. He's terrible.
Copy !req
379. That's neil peart.
Copy !req
380. He's the greatest drummer alive.
Copy !req
381. Well, neil peart couldn't drum his way
Copy !req
382. Out of a paper bag.
Copy !req
383. You want to hear drumming?
Copy !req
384. All right. Come on.
Copy !req
385. I'll play you drumming.
Copy !req
386. That guy is amazing.
Copy !req
387. How did you hear about him?
Copy !req
388. Are you kidding? these guys?
Copy !req
389. I grew up with gene krupa and buddy rich.
Copy !req
390. Oh, god.
Copy !req
391. How do they do that?
Copy !req
392. They must hold the sticks like this.
Copy !req
393. I can't do that.
Copy !req
394. I've never been able to do that.
Copy !req
395. You can go faster that way.
Copy !req
396. Oh!
Copy !req
397. God, how do you learn to do that?
Copy !req
398. I don't know.
Copy !req
399. Maybe they took a lesson?
Copy !req
400. Oh, my-that is insane.
Copy !req
401. Nobody can do that.
Copy !req
402. Maybe i should take a lesson, huh?
Copy !req
403. Hey, lindsay, can i ask you something?
Copy !req
404. Hmm?
Copy !req
405. Yeah.
Copy !req
406. Cindy and i are going
to this party together,
Copy !req
407. And i think it's sort of like a date.
Copy !req
408. Really?
Copy !req
409. Yes.
Copy !req
410. She kissed me good-bye today in school,
Copy !req
411. And i didn't know what to do.
Copy !req
412. I just stood there.
Copy !req
413. She kissed you?
Copy !req
414. Yeah.
Copy !req
415. What if she wants
Copy !req
416. To kiss me at the party for real?
Copy !req
417. Yeah?
Copy !req
418. Well, what if i do it wrong?
Copy !req
419. You can't kiss wrong.
Copy !req
420. You'll know what to do
Copy !req
421. When it happens.
Copy !req
422. It's just that...
Copy !req
423. I've never had a girlfriend before.
Copy !req
424. Just be yourself, sam.
Copy !req
425. That's
Copy !req
426. Be a gentleman
Copy !req
427. And don't be weird
Copy !req
428. And don't smother her.
Copy !req
429. Nick was so into me,
Copy !req
430. He made me want to move
to a different country.
Copy !req
431. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
432. I don't think nick's in love with you.
Copy !req
433. I think he's in love with mom and d.
Copy !req
434. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
435. This is the best family, ever.
Copy !req
436. Who is it?
Copy !req
437. Hey, it's Nick.
Copy !req
438. D-D-Don't opi
wanted to sa
Copy !req
439. That youare letting me I think
it's rand your pstay here.
Copy !req
440. Go back to bed.
Copy !req
441. I really appreciate it.
Copy !req
442. You know?
Copy !req
443. I need you to know that.
Copy !req
444. Know.
Copy !req
445. Please just don't OK, good night.
Copy !req
446. Good night.
Copy !req
447. Ng
Copy !req
448. Unh!
Copy !req
449. Oh.
Copy !req
450. Hey.
Copy !req
451. I was, uh, working.
Copy !req
452. Hey, um...
Copy !req
453. Those are, uh, nice pajamas.
Copy !req
454. This is a whole new world.
Copy !req
455. I see double-dating
Copy !req
456. And triple-dating
Copy !req
457. And cheerleaders at your house
Copy !req
458. And me at your house.
Copy !req
459. Congratulations, sam.
Copy !req
460. I heard about your good fortune.
Copy !req
461. Thanks.
Copy !req
462. She's the one that should be thankful.
Copy !req
463. You're a catch.
Copy !req
464. So, can you get bill and i into this party?
Copy !req
465. I don't know. I haven't
really thought about it.
Copy !req
466. Well, think about it.
Copy !req
467. I don't-i don't want to go.
Copy !req
468. Why not?
Copy !req
469. Everyone wantso go to a make-out party.
Copy !req
470. It's a make-out party?
Copy !req
471. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
472. Nobody told me it was a make-out party.
Copy !req
473. Well, you better get ready to make out.
Copy !req
474. Otherwise she's gonna
think you don't like her.
Copy !req
475. You're not gonna french kiss cindy,
Copy !req
476. Are you, sam?
Copy !req
477. French kissingi woul is gross.
Copy !req
478. Dn't french kiss in a million years.
Copy !req
479. And why the hell not?
Copy !req
480. Hello.
Copy !req
481. Germs. Spit. Mucus. old bits of food.
Copy !req
482. That's just to name a couple.
Copy !req
483. There's a lot of things in there.
Copy !req
484. I mean, why do you have
to use your tongue, anyway?
Copy !req
485. Aren't you supposed to kiss with your lips?
Copy !req
486. Because it's not a real kiss
Copy !req
487. Unless you use your tongue.
Copy !req
488. Why?
Copy !req
489. What's the point?
Copy !req
490. I mean, what are you supposed to do?
Copy !req
491. Lick the inside of her mouth?
Copy !req
492. Are
Copy !req
493. You supposed to lick her teeth?
Copy !req
494. Do you make your tongue hard or soft?
Copy !req
495. God, bill. Enough.
Copy !req
496. What? I want to know now,
Copy !req
497. Since everyone seems to think
Copy !req
498. That french kissing is so great.
Copy !req
499. Ok, bill.
Copy !req
500. You put your tongue
Copy !req
501. Against her tongue.
Copy !req
502. What if she puts her tongue
Copy !req
503. Too far into my mouth? Wh-
Copy !req
504. What if i throw up?
Copy !req
505. What if i throw up all over her?
Copy !req
506. What if i throw up in her mouth?
Copy !req
507. Ugh, shut up, bill!
Copy !req
508. That's disgusting!
Copy !req
509. Sorry.
Copy !req
510. Well, i'm just telling you guys
Copy !req
511. I'm not doing it.
Copy !req
512. Well, i am,
Copy !req
513. As soon as possible.
Copy !req
514. What do you say, can we go?
Copy !req
515. Well, if i take you,
Copy !req
516. Then i have to take gordon and harris.
Copy !req
517. Guys, i can't make it.
Copy !req
518. I'm saving my virginity
Copy !req
519. For the future mrs. Crisp.
Copy !req
520. Nah, i have a date with judith.
Copy !req
521. Every night's a make-out party with us.
Copy !req
522. Yes.
Copy !req
523. Whoopie.
Copy !req
524. All these make-out
parties start the same way-
Copy !req
525. Spin the bottle.
Copy !req
526. That's why this bottle is the
key to our make-out future.
Copy !req
527. He spin
Copy !req
528. Will determine whether we have
a good night or a great night.
Copy !req
529. You can't control a bottle, neal.
Copy !req
530. Oh, can't i? just watch.
Copy !req
531. I've been practicing all week.
Copy !req
532. How'd you do that?
Copy !req
533. It's all finger control.
Copy !req
534. All you have to do is train yourself
Copy !req
535. To make the bottle spin 2 revolutions,
Copy !req
536. Then you add or subtract a
small percentage of torque
Copy !req
537. Based on the position of your target.
Copy !req
538. That's amazing!
Copy !req
539. All i can say is... hello, ladies!
Copy !req
540. What?
Copy !req
541. What if...they don't wanna kiss us?
Copy !req
542. That's the genius part
of the game. They have to!
Copy !req
543. I don't know. i just...i just
Copy !req
544. Don't wanna see the expression on their face
Copy !req
545. When they see that the bottle lands on me.
Copy !req
546. Bill, who cares if they look disappointed?
Copy !req
547. All i care about is if they
look disappointed after the kiss.
Copy !req
548. But i know they won't with me,
Copy !req
549. Because i plan on delivering the goods.
Copy !req
550. Do people fren the bottle?
Copy !req
551. Some do.
Copy !req
552. Most don't.
Copy !req
553. I do.
Copy !req
554. I don't feel so good.
Copy !req
555. I t
Copy !req
556. Hink i'm goin' to katmandu
Copy !req
557. That's really, really where i'm goin' to
Copy !req
558. If i ever get outta here
Copy !req
559. That's what i'm gonna do
Copy !req
560. K-k-k-katmandu
Copy !req
561. I think it's really where i'm goin' to
Copy !req
562. If i ever get outta here
Copy !req
563. I'm goin' to katmandu
Copy !req
564. I got no kick against the west coast
Copy !req
565. Warner brothers are such good hosts
Copy !req
566. I raise my whiskey glass
and give 'em a toast
Copy !req
567. I'm sure they know it's true
Copy !req
568. Here we go.
Copy !req
569. Eve
Copy !req
570. Ry time i been there, it's been great
Copy !req
571. But now i'm leavin', and i can't be late
Copy !req
572. And to myself be true
Copy !req
573. Your turtleneck. take offthat's my look.
Copy !req
574. I can't. I'm not wearing
anything underneath.
Copy !req
575. Besides, i happen to
look cool in a turtleneck.
Copy !req
576. So do i! Everyone looks cool in turtlenecks.
Copy !req
577. That's the point! We can't both wear them.
Copy !req
578. We'll look like the smothers brothers.
Copy !req
579. Tsh.
Copy !req
580. I'm not goin' in topless.
Copy !req
581. Fine. i'll take mine off.
Copy !req
582. Nice dickey!
Copy !req
583. Shut up.
Copy !req
584. Guys, guys, ok...
Copy !req
585. Be cool.
Copy !req
586. You be cool.
Copy !req
587. Just-just don't embarrass me, ok?
Copy !req
588. What? Now that you're going out with cindy,
Copy !req
589. You're ashamed of us? don't embarrassme.
Copy !req
590. Fine. Be that way. i don't care.
Copy !req
591. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
592. Hey, sam.
Copy !req
593. You, um... you look really good.
Copy !req
594. So do you, cindy.
Copy !req
595. You look beautiful.
Copy !req
596. Anks, sam. you're sweet.
Copy !req
597. Come on.
Copy !req
598. Are you going in?
Copy !req
599. Don't rush me.
Copy !req
600. Are you ok?
Copy !req
601. You remember that scene at
the beginning ofanimal house
Copy !req
602. Where flounder wants to
get into the fraternity,
Copy !req
603. But they don't think he's cool,
Copy !req
604. So they put him in that room
Copy !req
605. With the blind guy and the indian guy?
Copy !req
606. About to be sent ike we'reinto that room.
Copy !req
607. Blind guys are cool.
Copy !req
608. They have supersonic hearing.
Copy !req
609. You're right.
Copy !req
610. Let's mingle.
Copy !req
611. So, did you kids have a good day today?
Copy !req
612. Uh...
Copy !req
613. I don't know. it was ok.
Copy !req
614. I had, like, the best day, mrs. Weir.
Copy !req
615. I took my first drum lesson ever.
Copy !req
616. Oh, wow.
Copy !req
617. A drum lesson?
Copy !req
618. Yeah.
Copy !req
619. Hey, how'd that go, nick?
Copy !req
620. It went so well, mr. Weir.
Copy !req
621. The drum teacher, terry breeze,
Copy !req
622. He's, like, the coolest guy.
Copy !req
623. He taught me how to hold
the drumsticks jazz style,
Copy !req
624. Like this.
Copy !req
625. Paradiddle, paradiddle, paradiddle.
Copy !req
626. Good.
Copy !req
627. Nick, where did you get money
Copy !req
628. To take drum lessons?
Copy !req
629. Um, your dad.
Copy !req
630. Yeah. Nick'sonna work part-time
as a stock boy at my store
Copy !req
631. To pay for his lessons.
Copy !req
632. Lesson good for you.
Copy !req
633. All right. I'll get the ham, and we'll eat.
Copy !req
634. Let me help you, mrs. Weir,
'cause hams can be heavy.
Copy !req
635. Jeez. Dad, that's really nice of you.
Copy !req
636. What do you mean?
Copy !req
637. I just mean
Copy !req
638. At you're playing records for nick
Copy !req
639. And giving him drum lessons
Copy !req
640. And letting him stay at the house.
Copy !req
641. That's...
Copy !req
642. What's the deal?
Copy !req
643. Well, i'm trying to help the kid out.
Copy !req
644. What, you don't want me to?
Copy !req
645. No, i'm just wondering why,
Copy !req
646. When nick has a problem,
Copy !req
647. You're nice and logical.
Copy !req
648. When i do, you just yell at me.
Copy !req
649. That's because i expect more from you.
Copy !req
650. Nick's father is a hard man.
Copy !req
651. My old man was the same way.
Copy !req
652. Yeah, i know the feeling.
Copy !req
653. Lindsay?
Copy !req
654. Trust me, you don't.
Copy !req
655. Now, anytime you wanna
dance with me to gene krupa,
Copy !req
656. I'll be around.
Copy !req
657. Oh, why does the bottle keep landing on me?
Copy !req
658. Hey, how come the bottle never lands on me?
Copy !req
659. Girl: OK. WHOSE SPIN?
Copy !req
660. That's 3 times.
Copy !req
661. Now it's 7 minutes in heaven.
Copy !req
662. I'll give you 81/2.
Copy !req
663. All right Cindy. Your spin.
Copy !req
664. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
665. Sam, i'm sorry.
Copy !req
666. Yeah, sorry, sam.
Copy !req
667. Come on, cindy.
Copy !req
668. Yes?
Copy !req
669. Hello. i'm nick's father.
Copy !req
670. Oh. Well, i'm harold weir.
Copy !req
671. It's a pleasure meet you, sir.
Copy !req
672. Come on in.
Copy !req
673. Nick, it's time to come home.
Copy !req
674. Ok.
Copy !req
675. Could i talk to you in
the kitchen for a minute?
Copy !req
676. Sure.
Copy !req
677. Look, i appreciate your
letting nick stay here.
Copy !req
678. Oh, it was our pleasure.
Copy !req
679. That's quite a kid you've got there.
Copy !req
680. Yeah.
Copy !req
681. So, uh...
Copy !req
682. You gave his drums away, huh?
Copy !req
683. I guess they may be pretty distracting.
Copy !req
684. You have no idea.
Copy !req
685. Eh, things kids will get into.
Copy !req
686. When i was a kid,
Copy !req
687. I was always bringing dogs home.
Copy !req
688. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
689. Well,
Copy !req
690. Teenagers will try all sorts of things.
Copy !req
691. Sometimes you just gotta let 'em be kids.
Copy !req
692. Harold, how old is your son?
Copy !req
693. 14.
Copy !req
694. You call me when he turns 16.
Copy !req
695. Hello there.
Copy !req
696. Great. 2 more guys.
Copy !req
697. Oh, god.
Copy !req
698. I lay my head on the railroad tracks
Copy !req
699. I'm waitin' for the double "e"...
Copy !req
700. It's kind of on me a little.
Copy !req
701. No, it's not.
Copy !req
702. Poor, poor, pitiful me
Copy !req
703. Oh, of course.
Copy !req
704. Poor, poor, pitiful me
Copy !req
705. Thanks.
Copy !req
706. These young girls won't let me be
Copy !req
707. Lord, have mercy on me
Copy !req
708. Woe is me
Copy !req
709. Whoo!
Copy !req
710. Ok, becky.
Copy !req
711. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
712. Just...quickly. Come on.
Copy !req
713. On the cheek.
Copy !req
714. Oh! God!
Copy !req
715. This is ridiculous.
Copy !req
716. There is obviously something
wrong with that bottle.
Copy !req
717. It keeps landing on you, bill.
Copy !req
718. Switch with her.
Copy !req
719. What ?
Copy !req
720. Ok.
Copy !req
721. Oh, woe is me
Copy !req
722. Ok. I'm spinning again.
Copy !req
723. No!
Copy !req
724. Hey, just kiss him and get it over with.
Copy !req
725. Your turn.
Copy !req
726. She took me back to the hyatt house
Copy !req
727. I don't wanna talk about it
Copy !req
728. Hey!
Copy !req
729. That's 3.
Copy !req
730. Vicki and bill are goin' in
Copy !req
731. For 7 minutes in heaven.
Copy !req
732. Shut up, you guys!
Copy !req
733. Sittin' in a tree
Copy !req
734. Come o
Copy !req
735. N. Let's just get this over with.
Copy !req
736. Huh! Never mind
Copy !req
737. Unbelievle.
Copy !req
738. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
739. Close the door.
Copy !req
740. Poor, poor, pitiful me
Copy !req
741. Well, uh, thanks again.
Copy !req
742. I hope he wasn't too much trouble.
Copy !req
743. Oh, no. He wasn't any trouble at all.
Copy !req
744. I'll be out in the car.
Copy !req
745. Ok.
Copy !req
746. Good night.
Copy !req
747. You guys sure you don't wanna adopt me?
Copy !req
748. You sure you're gonna be ok?
Copy !req
749. Yeah.
Copy !req
750. I mean, he came looking for me, right?
Copy !req
751. Didn't really think that was gonna happen.
Copy !req
752. Hey, stop by any time.
Copy !req
753. I will.
Copy !req
754. I'll see you at school.
Copy !req
755. Yeah. I'll see you at school.
Copy !req
756. Um, you know, i just... thank you so much.
Copy !req
757. Good night.
Copy !req
758. Good night.
Copy !req
759. I'm really glad you could
make it tonight, sam.
Copy !req
760. Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
761. Cindy, do you wanna...
Copy !req
762. Go in one of these rooms
and talk or something?
Copy !req
763. Ok.
Copy !req
764. Don't even think about it, ok?
Copy !req
765. Ls good.
Copy !req
766. Just stay away from me, ok?
Copy !req
767. You're not gonna touch me,
Copy !req
768. And you are defi it?
Copy !req
769. You know-you know what?
Copy !req
770. You're a jerk.
Copy !req
771. I couldn't be less happy you're a jerwas
just tryingto makto be in here with you,
Copy !req
772. So quit acting like i'm
hoping i can kiss you.
Copy !req
773. It's actuawant to do right now.
Copy !req
774. You know what,ok? That wasn't nice of me.
Copy !req
775. 3 minutes and 26
- 26 seconds left...in heaven.
Copy !req
776. Well, here we are.
Copy !req
777. Yeah.
Copy !req
778. Here we are.
Copy !req
779. Well, maybe we should listen to some music.
Copy !req
780. You-uh-
Copy !req
781. Can i ask you a queson?
Copy !req
782. What?
Copy !req
783. Pretty?
Copy !req
784. I don't know.
Copy !req
785. Ke, this isthe only way
Copy !req
786. That i've ever looked.
Copy !req
787. R
Copy !req
788. 'Cause they'reever nice to me.
Copy !req
789. Well...
Copy !req
790. This is not true, bill.
Copy !req
791. Every time i look at you,
Copy !req
792. You look like you're
having a pretty good time.
Copy !req
793. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
794. You're always laughing or something.
Copy !req
795. So what are you laughing about?
Copy !req
796. I watcmovies in my head.
Copy !req
797. Heh heh...
Copy !req
798. Hey, dad.
Copy !req
799. That was really nice what you did for nick.
Copy !req
800. I'm sorry you think i don't
treat you right sometimes.
Copy !req
801. I didn't saythat,dad.
Copy !req
802. I just...
Copy !req
803. Wish you could talk to
me like you talk to nick.
Copy !req
804. You know what the difference is
Copy !req
805. Between you and nick?
Copy !req
806. You're my daughter.
Copy !req
807. And...every second you're out of this house,
Copy !req
808. Every second that i can't see you
Copy !req
809. Or know what you're doing,
Copy !req
810. It's...
Copy !req
811. It's absolute torture for me.
Copy !req
812. Dad, i can't stay inside all the time.
Copy !req
813. I know.
Copy !req
814. Why not?
Copy !req
815. Good night, honey.
Copy !req
816. All right. good night, dad.
Copy !req
817. So all the cans behind steve
martin start springing holes,
Copy !req
818. And steve martin says, "there's
something wrong with these cans."
Copy !req
819. And he sees the guy shooting, and he says,
Copy !req
820. "That guy hates these cans."
Copy !req
821. It's really funny.
Copy !req
822. There's...
Copy !req
823. Somethin' you should know, babe
Copy !req
824. The hell.
Copy !req
825. I've en you smilin'... what? What?
Copy !req
826. Don't ever
Copy !req
827. I'v when you run
Copy !req
828. I've made my mind up that it's meant to be
Copy !req
829. Someday, lady, you'll accompany me
Copy !req
830. Out where the rivers meet the soundin' sea
Copy !req
831. You're high abovee now, you're wild and free
Copy !req
832. Ah, but someday, lady, you'll accompany me
Copy !req
833. Someday, lady, you'll accompany me
Copy !req
834. Yeah
Copy !req
835. Um...cindy, can i kiss you?
Copy !req
836. Of course.
Copy !req
837. Some people say that love's a losin' game
Copy !req
838. You start with fire, but you lose the flame
Copy !req
839. The ashes smolder, but the warm's soon gone
Copy !req
840. You end up cold and lonely...
Copy !req
841. Oh! hold on one second.
Copy !req
842. I'll take my chances, babe
Copy !req
843. I'll risk it all
Copy !req
844. I'll win your love
Copy !req
845. Ll de my mind up...
Copy !req
846. Bill, your 7 minutes were up 5 minutes ago.
Copy !req
847. Vicki, your nightmare's over.
Copy !req
848. Someday, lady, you'll accompany me
Copy !req
849. Bill. God, this really sucks.
Copy !req
850. Bill. Bill.
Copy !req
851. Hello, bill.
Copy !req