1. Now Tom, this
is the first time
Copy !req
2. you'll have been trusted
with such a large consignment
Copy !req
3. of raw sewage.
Copy !req
4. Are you sure you'll
be all right?
Copy !req
5. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
6. Don't be worried
about me at all.
Copy !req
7. Remember, Tom, this is the
button that opens the doors,
Copy !req
8. and this is the button that
makes the sewage shoot out.
Copy !req
9. This one's for the doors and
this one shoves the stuff out,
Copy !req
10. not the other way around.
Copy !req
11. Right you are, yeah.
Copy !req
12. Good luck, son.
Copy !req
13. July the 19th.
Copy !req
14. Why does that strike
me as important?
Copy !req
15. Yes.
Copy !req
16. July 19th, I wouldn't know,
Ted, you big bollocks.
Copy !req
17. I'm sorry?
Copy !req
18. I said, I wouldn't know,
Ted, you big bollocks.
Copy !req
19. Have you been
reading those Roddy
Copy !req
20. Doyle books again, Dougal?
Copy !req
21. I have, yeah, Ted,
you big dog shite.
Copy !req
22. Yes, well, that's
all very well.
Copy !req
23. But you have to remember,
they're just stories.
Copy !req
24. Normal people like us don't
use that type of language.
Copy !req
25. Remember this is the real world.
Copy !req
26. Oh, you're right there, Ted.
Copy !req
27. Anyway, any idea why July the
19th should be so important?
Copy !req
28. Would that be the
day the Ice Age ended?
Copy !req
29. No, Dougal.
Copy !req
30. We can't be that precise
about the Ice Age.
Copy !req
31. I'll look it up in the diary.
Copy !req
32. July 19th— on this day,
Galway liberated from Indians,
Copy !req
33. and Marathon become Snickers.
Copy !req
34. Ah ha, Ted, Ice Age ends.
Copy !req
35. Time for tea, Fathers.
Copy !req
36. Mrs. Doyle, does
anything strike you as
Copy !req
37. important about July the 19th?
Copy !req
38. It doesn't matter
what day it is, Father.
Copy !req
39. There's always time
for a nice cup of tea.
Copy !req
40. I'm sure, didn't
our Lord Himself
Copy !req
41. on the cross pause
for a nice cup of tea
Copy !req
42. before giving himself
up for the world?
Copy !req
43. No, he didn't, Mrs. Doyle.
Copy !req
44. Whatever equivalent they had
for tea in those days, cake,
Copy !req
45. or whatever.
Copy !req
46. And speaking of
cake, I have cake.
Copy !req
47. I'm fine for cake, Mrs. Doyle.
Copy !req
48. Are you sure, father?
Copy !req
49. There's cocaine in it.
Copy !req
50. There's what?
Copy !req
51. Oh, no, not cocaine—
what am I on about?
Copy !req
52. No, I meant— what you
call them, raisins.
Copy !req
53. Right.
Copy !req
54. I won't, thanks.
Copy !req
55. Ah, you will.
Copy !req
56. See, it's only small.
Copy !req
57. It's just a tiny little cake.
Copy !req
58. You won't even feel it going in.
Copy !req
59. You won't even know
you're eating it.
Copy !req
60. No, I will know I'm
eating it, Mrs. Doyle.
Copy !req
61. No, you won't.
You look at the size of it.
Copy !req
62. It's hardly even a cake.
Copy !req
63. It's a micro-cake.
Copy !req
64. Mrs. Doyle, I really
won't have any cake.
Copy !req
65. Ah, come on now.
Copy !req
66. It's got raisins,
cherries, cinnamon—
Copy !req
67. - Cinnamon?
- Oh, yes.
Copy !req
68. Well, actually,
I do love cinnamon.
Copy !req
69. OK, Mrs. Doyle, what the heck?
Copy !req
70. I'll have one.
Copy !req
71. Great!
Copy !req
72. No!
Copy !req
73. No, Father, I'm forcing you.
Copy !req
74. No, no, you're not.
Copy !req
75. Really, I love cinnamon.
Copy !req
76. No, no, you're
just being polite.
Copy !req
77. But if you don't want
any, all you have to do
Copy !req
78. is say no, just that
one little word, no.
Copy !req
79. It's a lovely word our Lord
gave us to use here on Earth
Copy !req
80. when we don't want any cake.
Copy !req
81. Yes, but just this
once, I'd actually
Copy !req
82. love some cake, Mrs. Doyle.
Copy !req
83. Well, you can't have any!
Copy !req
84. I want cake!
Copy !req
85. No, no, I'm just going
out to have these destroyed.
Copy !req
86. I'm sorry about that.
Copy !req
87. Anyway, this day thing
is bothering me now.
Copy !req
88. July 19th— is there something
we always do on July the 19th?
Copy !req
89. Freeze!
Copy !req
90. Is this something
to do with Jack?
Copy !req
91. Maybe.
Oh, God.
Copy !req
92. It's not his bath is it?
Copy !req
93. Oh, no, Ted, no.
Copy !req
94. It couldn't be.
Copy !req
95. No, wait, wait.
Calm down.
Copy !req
96. Wait!
Copy !req
97. He's just had his bath.
Copy !req
98. Remember, just before Christmas.
Copy !req
99. Oh, thank God for that.
Copy !req
100. Oh, God Almighty.
Copy !req
101. Oh.
- You OK?
Copy !req
102. Oh, I think so.
Copy !req
103. So what can it be?
Copy !req
104. Ah ha.
Copy !req
105. Holiday.
Copy !req
106. Come on, Dougal.
Copy !req
107. We'd better get moving.
Copy !req
108. Where are we
going holidays, Ted?
Copy !req
109. God, I don't know.
Copy !req
110. Pearson's?
Copy !req
111. Pearson's?
Copy !req
112. No, Mr. Pearson doesn't
really like people staying
Copy !req
113. with him on their holidays.
Copy !req
114. It's not actually a guest house.
Copy !req
115. Is it not?
Copy !req
116. No, didn't you
remember the big argument
Copy !req
117. we had with him last year when
we tried to stay a second week?
Copy !req
118. Wait.
Copy !req
119. Do you know what we do?
Copy !req
120. Father O'Roarke
has that caravan.
Copy !req
121. And he said we could use
it anytime we wanted.
Copy !req
122. Oh, no, Ted.
Copy !req
123. No, not again— it's
very small, that caravan.
Copy !req
124. No, no, he's got a new one.
Copy !req
125. Apparently, it's twice as big.
Copy !req
126. Let's go.
Copy !req
127. He said it was
the one at the end.
Copy !req
128. There it is, Ted, look!
Copy !req
129. It's huge!
Copy !req
130. Calm down.
Copy !req
131. Will you?
Copy !req
132. We're here, Father.
Copy !req
133. Eggnog.
Copy !req
134. I think it's the best
caravan in the whole world.
Copy !req
135. Dougal, where's the trailer
with all the stuff in it?
Copy !req
136. Next thing you'll be telling me
you didn't lock the front door.
Copy !req
137. Oh, Ted, come on.
Copy !req
138. Great!
Copy !req
139. In a minute,
Father, I promise you.
Copy !req
140. This is great, isn't it, Ted?
Copy !req
141. Telly and all.
Copy !req
142. This is what it's all about.
Copy !req
143. Wait a second.
Copy !req
144. You got to do my back.
Copy !req
145. I'm wrinkling up
like a raisin in there.
Copy !req
146. I'll be back in a sec.
Copy !req
147. Father Ted Crilly.
Copy !req
148. Craggy Island, Rocket
House, Craggy Island.
Copy !req
149. That's C-R-A-G-G-Y Island.
Copy !req
150. Honestly, officer, I
can't apologize enough.
Copy !req
151. God, that was so embarrassing.
Copy !req
152. Ted, if that's not
our one, which one is?
Copy !req
153. So this is great.
Copy !req
154. And you know, it is bigger
than last year's one.
Copy !req
155. What'll we do first, Ted?
Copy !req
156. Well, we'll take
it easy for a while.
Copy !req
157. I think we should,
you know, just get
Copy !req
158. settled into the old caravan.
Copy !req
159. Right, that's enough of that.
Copy !req
160. Where will we go?
Copy !req
161. Oh, here is a booklet, Ted.
Copy !req
162. Places of interest—
Copy !req
163. St. Kevin's dump, sounds good.
Copy !req
164. The magic road, oh.
Copy !req
165. Ooh.
Copy !req
166. Two places of interest.
Copy !req
167. What's the magic road, Ted?
Copy !req
168. It's one of those
bizarre natural wonders
Copy !req
169. where everything's gone haywire
and nothing works the way
Copy !req
170. it's supposed to.
Copy !req
171. It's a bit like you,
Dougal, except it's a road.
Copy !req
172. I still don't understand.
Copy !req
173. It's a kind of a mad road?
Copy !req
174. Yes, it's what's called
a strange phenomenon.
Copy !req
175. If you stopped a car on it
and took off the handbrake,
Copy !req
176. it would roll uphill, and
water would flow up it.
Copy !req
177. That's nearly as
mad as that thing
Copy !req
178. you told me about the
loaves and the fishes.
Copy !req
179. No, Dougal, that's not mad.
Copy !req
180. That's when our Lord got
just one or two bits of food,
Copy !req
181. and turned it into a
whole pile of food,
Copy !req
182. and everyone had it for dinner.
Copy !req
183. God, he was
fantastic, wasn't he?
Copy !req
184. He's brilliant.
Copy !req
185. Father Jack, do you
have any preferences?
Copy !req
186. Holiday!
Copy !req
187. Yes, we're on holiday.
Copy !req
188. Would you like to go anywhere?
Copy !req
189. What?
Copy !req
190. Would you like
to go somewhere?
Copy !req
191. Who are you?
Copy !req
192. I was just asking.
Copy !req
193. Would you like to go
somewhere now that we're here?
Copy !req
194. Would you like to go
for a lovely walk?
Copy !req
195. I like cake.
Copy !req
196. Yes.
Copy !req
197. I think I'll just stop
talking to Father Jack now.
Copy !req
198. Where am I?
Copy !req
199. What's that thing there?
Copy !req
200. Are those my feet?
Copy !req
201. God, let's just
get him to sleep,
Copy !req
202. and we'll head off ourselves.
Copy !req
203. OK, Father, into your box.
Copy !req
204. Arse!
Copy !req
205. Girls!
Copy !req
206. Eh—
Copy !req
207. OK, boss, let's go
look for the Magic Road.
Copy !req
208. The holiday starts here, Dougal.
Copy !req
209. Come on.
Copy !req
210. Let's play Scrabble.
Copy !req
211. Did you bring the
Travel Scrabble, Dougal?
Copy !req
212. I brought the normal Scrabble
and the Travel Scrabble, Ted.
Copy !req
213. The Travel Scrabble for
when we were traveling,
Copy !req
214. and the normal Scrabble
for when we arrived.
Copy !req
215. Good man.
Copy !req
216. Oh, no, wait a minute.
Copy !req
217. Now that I think of it, I
didn't bring either of them.
Copy !req
218. Right.
Copy !req
219. God, I'm an awful idiot.
Copy !req
220. So what'll we do for
the next two weeks.
Copy !req
221. Well, we'll put on the kettle.
Copy !req
222. Yeah, go on.
Copy !req
223. Must be one of the ones
that clicks off automatically.
Copy !req
224. Yes.
Copy !req
225. Bit of steam there, huh?
Copy !req
226. Incidentally, did you
bring any teabags?
Copy !req
227. No.
Copy !req
228. Right.
Copy !req
229. Kettle's boiling there, Ted.
Copy !req
230. Yeah.
Copy !req
231. Will I put more water
in and turn it on again?
Copy !req
232. No, I liked it
best the first time.
Copy !req
233. Maybe we could turn it on
without putting any water
Copy !req
234. in at all, see what happens.
Copy !req
235. I don't think you should do
that, as it would just blow up,
Copy !req
236. and you'd be picking lumps
of metal out of your face
Copy !req
237. for the next year and a half.
Copy !req
238. You'd get big red blotches
and puffy fish lips
Copy !req
239. bigger than the
rest of your face.
Copy !req
240. Like Father Bigly.
Copy !req
241. Exactly like Father Bigly.
Copy !req
242. Maybe that's what
happened to him.
Copy !req
243. 96, 97, 98, 99, 100.
Copy !req
244. Coming, ready or not.
Copy !req
245. Found you.
Copy !req
246. Aww!
Copy !req
247. Your go.
Copy !req
248. One, two, three,
four, five, six.
Copy !req
249. OK, one last time,
these are small.
Copy !req
250. But the ones out
there are far away—
Copy !req
251. small, far away.
Copy !req
252. Ah, forget it!
Copy !req
253. Ted, you know
the way your eyes
Copy !req
254. sometimes play tricks on you?
Copy !req
255. I know, Father Larry Duff.
Copy !req
256. Ah, Larry.
Copy !req
257. He sometimes comes around
this area when he gets a break.
Copy !req
258. He's tremendous fun.
Copy !req
259. I'll give him a call
on his mobile phone.
Copy !req
260. I got him one for Christmas.
Copy !req
261. He's always complaining
that nobody rings him on it.
Copy !req
262. Da da
da da da da da.
Copy !req
263. Da da da da da—
Copy !req
264. Ah!
Copy !req
265. Must have it switched off.
Copy !req
266. Why is it called
St. Kevin's Stump?
Copy !req
267. Doesn't say.
Copy !req
268. So is this what all
holidays are like, Ted?
Copy !req
269. Actually, yeah.
Copy !req
270. Anyway, we'd better
get back to Jack.
Copy !req
271. Ah, he's fine.
Copy !req
272. He said he'd stay
put by the cliffs.
Copy !req
273. Wait!
Copy !req
274. Wait!
Copy !req
275. Wait!
Copy !req
276. Wait!
Copy !req
277. Can we go over to
the rock and back, Ted?
Copy !req
278. Well.
Copy !req
279. Come on, Ted.
Copy !req
280. We're on holidays.
Copy !req
281. Live a little.
Copy !req
282. All right.
Copy !req
283. But we'd better get
back to Jack soon.
Copy !req
284. Drink!
Copy !req
285. Drink!
Copy !req
286. Ah!
Copy !req
287. Well, here we are.
Copy !req
288. Hm.
Copy !req
289. Will we go over to
that fence now, Ted?
Copy !req
290. No, we might just blow off the
excitement if we did that now.
Copy !req
291. We should save
something for next week.
Copy !req
292. Father Ted Crilly, Craggy
Island Rocket House, C-R—
Copy !req
293. I guess you know how all that.
Copy !req
294. Listen, you know
the whole business
Copy !req
295. of reporting missing persons?
Copy !req
296. I've heard of it, yes?
Copy !req
297. Well, does it cost any money
to report a missing person?
Copy !req
298. No.
Copy !req
299. Tell you what.
Copy !req
300. We seem to have lost one of
our party, Father Jack Hackett.
Copy !req
301. God, how would
you describe him?
Copy !req
302. Mid-fifties to mid-eighties.
Copy !req
303. Tremendous amount of vegetables,
often, for some reason.
Copy !req
304. Angry man, very angry man.
Copy !req
305. Hates children, likes the
odd drink, and if you find him,
Copy !req
306. don't come up on
him from behind.
Copy !req
307. He won't like that at all.
Copy !req
308. And one thing, do you carry
those electric stunner gadgets?
Copy !req
309. No, why?
Copy !req
310. No reason.
Copy !req
311. All right.
Copy !req
312. Anything else I can do
for you while I'm here?
Copy !req
313. Want to confess to any
unsolved murders or anything?
Copy !req
314. Ha ha, no, we're fine for
the old unsolved murders.
Copy !req
315. God, some holiday this
is turning out to be.
Copy !req
316. Come on.
Copy !req
317. At least now Jack's
on, there will
Copy !req
318. be more room in the caravan.
Copy !req
319. Ebony and ivory live
Copy !req
320. together in perfect
harmony, side
Copy !req
321. by side on my piano keyboard.
Copy !req
322. Oh, lord, why can't we?
Copy !req
323. Ted!
Copy !req
324. Hello, Noel.
Copy !req
325. What in goodness name
are you doing here?
Copy !req
326. Well, actually,
this is our caravan.
Copy !req
327. Father O'Roarke said
we could use it.
Copy !req
328. Yes, so I see.
Copy !req
329. I think he must
say it to everyone.
Copy !req
330. Hey, you lads.
Copy !req
331. Room for two more in the
St. Luke's youth group?
Copy !req
332. - Uh.
- More is best!
Copy !req
333. Sit down there.
Copy !req
334. And we'll have a
bit of an old song.
Copy !req
335. What can we sing?
Copy !req
336. Will you sing one, Ted?
Copy !req
337. No, I won't sing.
Copy !req
338. You will.
Copy !req
339. You have a lovely voice,
very like Celine Dion.
Copy !req
340. Well, you'll dance then.
Come on, Tony.
Copy !req
341. Set down the old
"Riverdance" album.
Copy !req
342. Actually, you know,
I'm quite tired.
Copy !req
343. What?
Copy !req
344. Maybe you're right, actually.
Copy !req
345. We're all a bit exhausted
from the old singing.
Copy !req
346. Some of us overdid it down
the old local last night.
Copy !req
347. Gerry Fields knows who
I'm talking about, huh?
Copy !req
348. What, eh?
Copy !req
349. Yeah.
Copy !req
350. Oh, you know, we've
arrived back at what,
Copy !req
351. must have been half 10.
Copy !req
352. Some of us crawled in.
Copy !req
353. Jeanine Reilly knows what I'm
talking about there, don't you?
Copy !req
354. Don't you?
Copy !req
355. Yeah.
Copy !req
356. And she wasn't the
only one, Tony Lynch.
Copy !req
357. Tony Lynch, he knows.
Copy !req
358. Ha ha.
Copy !req
359. Look at him there all
sweetness and light.
Copy !req
360. But he wasn't like that
last night when he crawled
Copy !req
361. into bed at 10 past the eleven.
Copy !req
362. Oh!
Copy !req
363. I've been old for long.
Copy !req
364. You're a fine young fella.
Copy !req
365. What age would you say I am?
Copy !req
366. Go on, guess.
What age would you say?
Copy !req
367. Don't you tell him.
Hee hee, he knows.
Copy !req
368. Look at him, there.
Copy !req
369. I can tell.
Copy !req
370. Go on, guess, what
would you say?
Copy !req
371. 40.
Copy !req
372. Ted!
Copy !req
373. Haven't see you in ages.
Copy !req
374. How are you?
Copy !req
375. I saw the
whole of the moon!
Copy !req
376. Come on, Tony!
Copy !req
377. Sing out!
Copy !req
378. —at your heels!
Copy !req
379. You reached for the starts
and you know how it is feels.
Copy !req
380. Too high, a ha ha!
Copy !req
381. Too far!
Copy !req
382. Too soon!
Copy !req
383. You saw the whole of the moon.
Copy !req
384. Whoo!
Copy !req
385. Dirty old town.
Copy !req
386. Dirty old town.
Copy !req
387. Oh, God, Ted, they
have me worn out.
Copy !req
388. They're a mad crowd.
Copy !req
389. What time is it?
Copy !req
390. Half 10?
Copy !req
391. We should all go to bed.
Copy !req
392. Where's Tony Lynch off to?
Copy !req
393. Probably to get some heroin.
Copy !req
394. No, I'm just going
to the toilet, Father.
Copy !req
395. Ooh, nice.
Copy !req
396. Anyone else need
to go, Ted, Dougal?
Copy !req
397. Are you OK?
Copy !req
398. We're grand, thanks, Noel.
Copy !req
399. Are you sure now, Ted?
Copy !req
400. You don't need a little tinkle?
Copy !req
401. I'm fine, thanks.
Copy !req
402. I'll go again.
Copy !req
403. The worst thing
would be to keep it in,
Copy !req
404. because your bladder
could go mental.
Copy !req
405. Yes.
Copy !req
406. A friend of mine,
Father Sweeney,
Copy !req
407. he had a very small bladder.
Copy !req
408. About the size of a
Terry's chocolate orange.
Copy !req
409. No!
Copy !req
410. Really!
Copy !req
411. I'm fine, OK?
Copy !req
412. I'm fine.
Copy !req
413. You're like a bunch of camels.
Copy !req
414. Anyway, we'll get the
sleeping bags out.
Copy !req
415. Will it not be a
bit cramped, Noel?
Copy !req
416. Not at all, the
more the merrier.
Copy !req
417. St. Collins had a great old
football team in the mid-'50s.
Copy !req
418. Do you remember, Ted, they
won the Father Fitzgibbon cup?
Copy !req
419. Father Fitzgibbon, thing about
him was he looked like a cup.
Copy !req
420. Great big ears, like handles.
Copy !req
421. Do you remember him, Ted?
Copy !req
422. Ted?
Copy !req
423. Ted, are you asleep?
Do you remember him?
Copy !req
424. Yes!
Copy !req
425. I remember him, Noel.
Copy !req
426. Who's a bit of a
moaning Michael tonight?
Copy !req
427. God almighty, it's nearly
six o'clock in the morning.
Copy !req
428. I think what we
should all do now
Copy !req
429. is tell a few ghost stories?
Copy !req
430. Ted?
Copy !req
431. Yes?
Copy !req
432. I'm going mad.
Copy !req
433. Yes, let's get out of here.
Copy !req
434. Let's go home.
Copy !req
435. Ooh.
Copy !req
436. Who's that now?
Copy !req
437. Is that Jerry Fields
heading out for the disco?
Copy !req
438. It's only us, Noel.
Copy !req
439. We're just heading out
for some fresh air.
Copy !req
440. Don't forget to
bring us back some.
Copy !req
441. Right, so.
Copy !req
442. You fucking idiot.
Copy !req
443. Father Jack?
Copy !req
444. Chances are, he's gone
back to Craggy Island.
Copy !req
445. He has an amazing
homing instinct.
Copy !req
446. I wouldn't be surprised if we
opened the front door to find
Copy !req
447. him there with a big
smile on his face
Copy !req
448. and his arms outstretched
to welcome us back.
Copy !req
449. What?
Copy !req
450. Well, maybe not the
smile on his face,
Copy !req
451. or the outstretched arms,
or the welcome back.
Copy !req
452. But he's probably there.
Copy !req
453. Oh, God, Dougal.
Here's the man.
Copy !req
454. Quick, I don't
want him to see us.
Copy !req
455. Jerry!
Copy !req
456. Jerry!
Copy !req
457. Jerry!
Copy !req
458. Open!
Copy !req
459. Please open.
Copy !req
460. You're all right there, Ted.
Copy !req
461. He's a fair bit away yet.
Copy !req
462. It might be worth speeding
up there a bit, Ted.
Copy !req
463. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
464. Bloody perverts!
Copy !req
465. So Ted, he's
probably very cold now
Copy !req
466. that his towel has blown away.
Copy !req
467. Maybe we should let him off.
Copy !req
468. I've been thinking
about that for ages.
Copy !req
469. Just I'm sure he's going
to start giving out to us.
Copy !req
470. We could pretend
we didn't see him.
Copy !req
471. I don't think he'd believe us.
Copy !req
472. Oh, we better
let him off, Ted.
Copy !req
473. Oh, all right.
Copy !req
474. I suppose so.
Copy !req
475. Oh!
Copy !req
476. Get out of the car!
Copy !req
477. Hello, again.
Copy !req
478. Get out of the car!
Copy !req
479. Right.
Copy !req
480. I think he's calming down a bit.
Copy !req
481. Uh, no.
Copy !req
482. No!
Copy !req
483. Ah!
Copy !req
484. No, come on.
Copy !req
485. There's no need for
that type of nonsense.
Copy !req
486. He's puncturing
the tires, Ted.
Copy !req
487. I can tell you're impressing
nobody with that type of thing.
Copy !req
488. Oh, Ted.
Copy !req
489. I'm so tired.
Copy !req
490. Maybe we should go back.
Copy !req
491. No, no, no, no, no, no,
I'm not going anywhere
Copy !req
492. near Noel Furlong again.
Copy !req
493. God knows what they're
getting up to by now.
Copy !req
494. Hurry, Ted.
Copy !req
495. There's a big truck.
Copy !req
496. They can give us a lift!
Copy !req
497. Oh, thank God!
Copy !req
498. Hello, fellows.
Copy !req
499. Oh, thank God, Tom.
Copy !req
500. We need a lift.
Copy !req
501. Fair enough, fellows.
Us Hold on there.
Copy !req
502. I'll open the door.
Copy !req
503. Sorry about that, fellows.
Copy !req
504. Father!
Copy !req
505. You're awake!
Copy !req
506. Elizabeth!
Copy !req
507. Oh, God, it took us
ages to pull you on board.
Copy !req
508. Will you have
something to drink?
Copy !req
509. 97, 98, 99, 100.
Copy !req
510. Come on, now, ready or not.
Copy !req