1. Get ready
for the ride of your...
Copy !req
2. - ... life.
Copy !req
3. Don't spray that urine
on my son's window!
Copy !req
4. If you want a dollar
for doing nothing,
walk to Canada!
Copy !req
5. Let me see that lipstick.
Copy !req
6. I like your getup.
Copy !req
7. - Thank you.
Copy !req
8. We need a boiler
and some duds for you.
Copy !req
9. And maybe requisition a bottle
Copy !req
10. of certified non-toilet hooch
in reward.
Copy !req
11. Hey. Stay clean, stay free.
Copy !req
12. Unless you broke out
just to go back.
Copy !req
13. Now whiplash those duds.
Copy !req
14. Which of you ladies wants
to go around the world
Copy !req
15. with this big buck, huh?
Copy !req
16. I'll take a ride.
Copy !req
17. What the heck?
Copy !req
18. Happy holiday.
Copy !req
19. D-Dibrell?
Copy !req
20. Get down here.
Copy !req
21. It's your sister, the elder,
Copy !req
22. and she's-she's brought
a friend.
Copy !req
23. Back to bed.
Copy !req
24. What?
Copy !req
25. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
26. Showing up, middle of night.
Copy !req
27. This is a decent house
with decent people.
Copy !req
28. - Yeah. Yeah.
- Would've called, missus,
Copy !req
29. but we found ourselves
without precise coinery.
Copy !req
30. She ain't mad.
Just bossy, like always.
Copy !req
31. I ain't neither.
Copy !req
32. And just what kind of Halloween
costumes you got on?
Copy !req
33. Wasn't released
but this morning.
Copy !req
34. No time to shop proper.
Copy !req
35. But I feel I come across rugged.
Copy !req
36. Hon, let's not keep them
crowded in the doorway.
Copy !req
37. - Come on in. You hungry?
Copy !req
38. - Famished.
Uh, they can't
stay here.
Copy !req
39. You can't stay here.
Copy !req
40. Well, a cup of coffee, at least.
She's your sister.
Copy !req
41. - Come on.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
42. Well, look at you.
Copy !req
43. Little Miss All Grown-up.
Copy !req
44. Come down here
and give your auntie a hug!
Copy !req
45. Ooh!
Copy !req
46. Whoa! No, there...
Copy !req
47. Don't get ideas.
She's a good girl.
Copy !req
48. Oh...
Copy !req
49. Am I the only one
who smells dead people?
Copy !req
50. In the stir,
the eggs is powdered.
Copy !req
51. Eggs arepowdered. Speak proper.
Copy !req
52. Taken her education upon myself.
Copy !req
53. You'd have thunk the white
school they shipped me to
Copy !req
54. from the reservation
would've seen to my English,
Copy !req
55. but they was mostly concerned
with raping the native
Copy !req
56. - out of me.
- Language.
Copy !req
57. Sorry. Did I say that wrong?
Copy !req
58. Looks like you done well
for yourself
Copy !req
59. these years I've been away.
Copy !req
60. - You ain't getting no handout.
- Listen at you,
Copy !req
61. acting like the big sister.
Copy !req
62. Wasn't asking for money.
Copy !req
63. Swanee and me got prospects.
Copy !req
64. What kind of prospects?
Copy !req
65. Bank robbing.
Copy !req
66. Go to your room.
Copy !req
67. Now.
Copy !req
68. Mind your mama.
Copy !req
69. We catch up tomorrow.
Copy !req
70. They didn't let you go
from that prison, did they?
Copy !req
71. You crushed out.
Copy !req
72. We freed ourselves
on our own recognizance.
Copy !req
73. What happened was, we met a moll
Copy !req
74. goes with one of them Cannon
boys, knew I was your sister.
Copy !req
75. She tells me you in the hole
to some big-time leg-breakers,
Copy !req
76. who knows why.
Copy !req
77. So we decided
to come bail you out.
Copy !req
78. Leg-breakers if you're lucky.
Copy !req
79. - Nothing to say?
- Don't need your help.
Copy !req
80. Got everything under control.
Copy !req
81. How much interest he charging?
Copy !req
82. Ten percent the first month,
then it goes up from there.
Copy !req
83. Don't tell her that.
Copy !req
84. I told you.
Didn't I say?
Copy !req
85. Day one,
Copy !req
86. we shouldn't have
taken that loan.
Copy !req
87. That or go under.
Copy !req
88. Then what?
This is our problem...
Copy !req
89. As I said in my letter,
Mrs. Will,
Copy !req
90. a cancer ward will be de rigueur
Copy !req
91. in any modern hospital.
Copy !req
92. They have an entire wing
up at the Mayo Clinic.
Copy !req
93. And I would hazard
that our Missouri elite deserve
Copy !req
94. the same quality care
as the rubes up in Minnesota.
Copy !req
95. Don't you think?
Copy !req
96. Say the number.
Copy !req
97. And unless you object,
Copy !req
98. the plaque will read "The Walter
and Mathilda Will Cancer Ward."
Copy !req
99. Fine. Just promise me, no Jews.
Copy !req
100. No Jews...
Copy !req
101. - Oh!
Copy !req
102. - You get him?
- I-I think so.
Copy !req
103. Think?
What do you mean, "think so"?
Copy !req
104. What's the skinny?
Copy !req
105. You know.
Salad days.
Copy !req
106. I got that formaldehyde
your dad asked for.
Copy !req
107. It's inside.
Copy !req
108. We got a big one today.
Copy !req
109. Italians, with all the wailing
and the rending of clothes.
Copy !req
110. You'd better wait here.
Copy !req
111. They're not too big
on colored folks.
Copy !req
112. No offense.
Copy !req
113. Shouldn't be doing that.
Copy !req
114. Well, now, look at you.
Copy !req
115. Like a lucky penny,
always turning up.
Copy !req
116. A bad penny.
Copy !req
117. Bad pennies turn up.
Copy !req
118. And what do lucky pennies do?
Copy !req
119. Bring good luck.
Copy !req
120. - Well.
Copy !req
121. And she speaks French.
Copy !req
122. Yes, she does.
Copy !req
123. Asshole.
Copy !req
124. Either you got him
or you didn't.
Copy !req
125. I-I think so.
Copy !req
126. - We definitely got a driver.
- What driver? Whose driver?
Copy !req
127. - I know you?
- Mr. Fadda,
Copy !req
128. Oraetta Mayflower
from St. Bartholomew's.
Copy !req
129. Condolences for your loss.
Copy !req
130. - You're the nurse. His nurse.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
131. I was with your father
when he passed.
Copy !req
132. But I want you to know
it was real peaceful.
Copy !req
133. Like a baby going to sleep.
Copy !req
134. That's... Don't do that.
Copy !req
135. Andiamo.
Copy !req
136. - Let's go.
- Andiamo...
Copy !req
137. Thank you.
Copy !req
138. - You're gonna go back.
- Boss.
Copy !req
139. No.
Copy !req
140. This fucking sfigato
doesn't get to breathe air
Copy !req
141. while some people...
Copy !req
142. some people, better people,
are buried in the ground.
Copy !req
143. They ain't buried him yet.
Copy !req
144. Shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
145. What's the matter? They didn't
let you talk on the boat over?
Copy !req
146. You got to bust my balls now?
At Pop's funeral?
Copy !req
147. Boys. Don't fight.
Copy !req
148. Already my heart breaks.
Copy !req
149. Don't worry, Ma,
we're just playing.
Copy !req
150. - Just boys playing.
- And the ring.
Copy !req
151. Your father's ring. Il mignolo.
Copy !req
152. - What about his ring?
- You couldn't wait
Copy !req
153. until he was cold
before you take him apart?
Copy !req
154. - Your own father.
- What are you talking
about, Mama?
Copy !req
155. Nobody took anything.
Copy !req
156. Ah, and the business
was really good.
Copy !req
157. Look.
Copy !req
158. I keep his teeth in my pocket.
Copy !req
159. Look.
Copy !req
160. Look.
Copy !req
161. To remind me...
Copy !req
162. business, family, country.
Copy !req
163. Business, family, country.
Copy !req
164. No.
Copy !req
165. The question is
Copy !req
166. which side are you on now...
Copy !req
167. kid?
Copy !req
168. You take the next one.
Copy !req
169. One little, two little,
three little Indians.
Copy !req
170. Four little, five little,
six little Indians.
Copy !req
171. One little, two little...
Copy !req
172. I know what I saw,
what this is.
Copy !req
173. And that is?
Copy !req
174. Retribution for some
perceived slight.
Copy !req
175. - Against Mrs. Will?
- No.
Copy !req
176. Against me.
Copy !req
177. Enough already!
Copy !req
178. Sir, you should take
a restorative.
Copy !req
179. Something for your nerves.
Copy !req
180. Your blood pressure
is very high.
Copy !req
181. Do you hear that?
I'm hypertensive.
Copy !req
182. If I have a stroke, promise me
you'll charge them with murder.
Copy !req
183. Charge who?
Copy !req
184. The hatchet men.
Copy !req
185. Uh, sir... you're not making
a lot of sense.
Copy !req
186. Y-You said it was a blue Ford.
Copy !req
187. We had, five days ago,
in this hospital,
Copy !req
188. a fracas.
Copy !req
189. An incursion of undesirables.
Copy !req
190. Men of— and I'm no bigot—
Copy !req
191. but Italian origin,
Copy !req
192. - who I turned away.
- Mm.
Copy !req
193. And you think this is related?
Copy !req
194. Son, are you deaf?
Copy !req
195. We're talking
a gunshot wound scenario,
Copy !req
196. combined with a half dozen
swarthy lotharios
Copy !req
197. straight out of central casting,
and me,
Copy !req
198. a law-abiding citizen
of Protestant descent
Copy !req
199. enforcing the rules
of this establishment,
Copy !req
200. maintaining the purity
of our blood supply.
Copy !req
201. Dr. Harvard, I'm gonna put you
with our sketchbook artist.
Copy !req
202. See if you can reconstruct
the visage of some of these—
Copy !req
203. what did you call them—
Copy !req
204. I'm gonna make sure to issue
a full-point bulletin
Copy !req
205. for this blue Ford,
license plates unknown.
Copy !req
206. But...
Copy !req
207. it would help
if you could say for certain
Copy !req
208. that the man you saw
with the gun was the same
Copy !req
209. as the man or men you removed
from the premises
Copy !req
210. a-a few days bygone.
Copy !req
211. I saw...
Copy !req
212. I'll be honest.
Copy !req
213. I only saw the gun.
Copy !req
214. Well, yes, sir,
they can be...
Copy !req
215. arresting.
Copy !req
216. Do you think...
Uh, should I increase security
Copy !req
217. - in case they...
- We'll get back to you.
Copy !req
218. It's... no, no,
Copy !req
219. you don't have to...
Just turn the knob.
Copy !req
220. Is he some kind of retard?
Copy !req
221. Thank you for your cooperation.
Copy !req
222. You'll be hearing
from me shortly.
Copy !req
223. Let's go.
Copy !req
224. Listen to me.
Copy !req
225. I'm not your father,
Copy !req
226. but I'm responsible for you.
Copy !req
227. These people inside,
Copy !req
228. they're your blood.
Copy !req
229. But do they love you?
Copy !req
230. Do they respect you?
Copy !req
231. You know how you know?
Copy !req
232. They get down on your level,
Copy !req
233. they look you in the eye.
Copy !req
234. That's when you know you're not
just along for the ride.
Copy !req
235. Capisce?
Copy !req
236. Capisco.
Copy !req
237. Capisco.
Copy !req
238. He comes in, you cop a squat.
Copy !req
239. Send out my boy first.
Copy !req
240. What's the matter,
you don't trust me?
Copy !req
241. Do you remember me?
Gaetano. Hey.
Copy !req
242. That's close enough.
Copy !req
243. You know who I am?
Copy !req
244. Yeah. You're the guy
that's not coming any closer
Copy !req
245. or I'll pop you one.
Copy !req
246. He says he's gonna
punch you in the face.
Copy !req
247. He really say that?
Copy !req
248. Yeah.
Copy !req
249. Stop! Stop.
Copy !req
250. Gaetano.
Copy !req
251. Are we good?
Copy !req
252. You tell me.
Copy !req
253. Yeah, we're good.
Copy !req
254. Your mama's inside.
Go give her a kiss.
Copy !req
255. Stai bene?
Copy !req
256. I'll give you a minute
with your boy.
Copy !req
257. We should sit sometime,
you and me.
Copy !req
258. Hash out the rumpus.
Things have changed.
Copy !req
259. Nothing's changed.
Copy !req
260. Have a nice visit.
Copy !req
261. Come here.
Copy !req
262. - They feeding you?
- Mostly peanut butter.
Copy !req
263. Where do you sleep?
Copy !req
264. He's got a room
on the third floor with me.
Copy !req
265. You seeing to his education?
Copy !req
266. I'm teaching him
how the world works.
Copy !req
267. And how's that?
Copy !req
268. It's dog eat dog.
Copy !req
269. That's how dogs work.
Men are more complicated.
Copy !req
270. Not in my experience.
Copy !req
271. You like staying here,
Copy !req
272. in the master's house?
Copy !req
273. He make you feel appreciated?
Copy !req
274. We live with the choices
we make.
Copy !req
275. Consequences.
Copy !req
276. Who's the big Italian
just off the boat?
Copy !req
277. It's Josto's brother, Gaetano.
Copy !req
278. Over from the boot.
Copy !req
279. - He staying?
- Not sure yet.
Copy !req
280. You'd tell me if they were
taking my boy
Copy !req
281. out to the woodshed.
Copy !req
282. 'Cause in my book,
they say safe,
Copy !req
283. they mean sound.
Copy !req
284. Nobody interferes with the boy.
Copy !req
285. He's entirely in my keeping.
Copy !req
286. Your mama says
eat your vegetables.
Copy !req
287. We love you
and you're coming home.
Copy !req
288. When?
Copy !req
289. That I don't know.
Copy !req
290. Tell your boss
we need to talk soon.
Copy !req
291. Yeah.
Copy !req
292. I called three more banks
in the area.
Copy !req
293. No one's biting
on the credit card.
Copy !req
294. - You didn't tell 'em the idea?
- No.
Copy !req
295. But I stressed that this was
Copy !req
296. a groundbreaking
financial instrument
Copy !req
297. and they could be the first
on their block.
Copy !req
298. We keep this in the
neighborhood, just for us.
Copy !req
299. How do we know they don't
burn down the neighborhood
Copy !req
300. once we start to pave
the streets with gold?
Copy !req
301. We need their restaurants,
Copy !req
302. their department stores,
their banks.
Copy !req
303. Last I checked, I couldn't even
try on clothes at Gimbels.
Copy !req
304. The brother came in from Italy.
Copy !req
305. Older or younger?
Copy !req
306. Younger.
Copy !req
307. But big.
Copy !req
308. Difference between
a lion in the jungle
Copy !req
309. and a lion in a cage.
Copy !req
310. Tigers live in the jungle.
Lions are on the plains.
Copy !req
311. You're saying there could be
a power struggle?
Copy !req
312. - I...
- We should move now.
Copy !req
313. Expand before they get
their heads on straight.
Copy !req
314. Or it's a trick and they're
trying to make us spread thin.
Copy !req
315. So we test their flanks.
Copy !req
316. Start small,
see what's the response.
Copy !req
317. Me and Donatello
were talking about us
Copy !req
318. taking over the slaughterhouse
before he died.
Copy !req
319. He said yes.
Copy !req
320. He said...
Copy !req
321. Is our position.
Copy !req
322. We asked, he gave permission.
Copy !req
323. Now that's what we're doing.
Copy !req
324. I'll take Opal and his crew.
Copy !req
325. Meanwhile,
you need to ask yourself
Copy !req
326. how far you're willing
to go with this
Copy !req
327. in case it becomes a skirmish
or a battle or a war.
Copy !req
328. We're in a groove.
Copy !req
329. Money's coming in,
business is heating up.
Copy !req
330. Maybe we get rich anyway, hmm?
Copy !req
331. Why stress the system?
Copy !req
332. You know who else
is in a groove?
Copy !req
333. That lion in the cage.
Copy !req
334. He just wears it in the floor,
Copy !req
335. pacing back and forth.
Copy !req
336. Well, you know
who's got no groove?
Copy !req
337. That lion with his head
hanging on the wall.
Copy !req
338. He's just hanging there
with nothing but the smile
Copy !req
339. they forced on his face.
Copy !req
340. My guess is they make a move.
Copy !req
341. Today, tomorrow.
Test us.
Copy !req
342. They are twisted.
Copy !req
343. These spooks.
Copy !req
344. The way they think.
Copy !req
345. Always with their hand out.
Copy !req
346. No.
Copy !req
347. We're not killing anybody.
Copy !req
348. Dad made a deal.
We're gonna respect the deal.
Copy !req
349. That's, um...
Copy !req
350. What do Americans say?
Copy !req
351. Fine.
Copy !req
352. I'm here... few days.
Copy !req
353. Um...
Copy !req
354. if you want to be pussy,
be pussy.
Copy !req
355. Josto.
Copy !req
356. - Sis, we're talking here.
- Your Dessie is here.
Copy !req
357. - In a minute.
- The alderman also.
Copy !req
358. They've come to pay respects.
Copy !req
359. No killing.
Copy !req
360. No.
Copy !req
361. Pussy.
Copy !req
362. Oh, my darling.
Is it awful?
Copy !req
363. - I'm managing.
- Oh.
Copy !req
364. - I have my family.
- Oh.
Copy !req
365. We're your family, too.
Isn't that right, Daddy?
Copy !req
366. - Not married yet.
- Oh, Daddy, don't be awful.
Copy !req
367. Do you need anything.
Are you eating?
Copy !req
368. I'm, uh... what do you...
Copy !req
369. Men. Always acting
so Humphrey Bogart.
Copy !req
370. You go ahead and cry
if you need to.
Copy !req
371. A boy losing his father,
nobody's gonna judge.
Copy !req
372. Sugar plum, give Daddy a minute
with your fiancé.
Copy !req
373. I want to hand him
some words of wisdom.
Copy !req
374. We'll talk later, honey bear.
Copy !req
375. Kiss-kiss, kiss?
Copy !req
376. Am I getting fucked here?
Copy !req
377. Slow your roll.
Copy !req
378. 'Cause the only reason
I'm letting my daughter
Copy !req
379. marry some guinea greaser
Copy !req
380. is that I got ambitions:
political, financial...
Copy !req
381. And here I am,
hopelessly in love.
Copy !req
382. Go fuck a state park.
Copy !req
383. You ain't getting a piece
of the Gillis legacy
Copy !req
384. until I got assurances
you can deliver votes.
Copy !req
385. Mayors don't elect themselves,
and elections aren't free.
Copy !req
386. Dad?
Can I call you Dad?
Copy !req
387. My pop didn't claw his way out
of the plebeian dynasty
Copy !req
388. so that his sons could end up
in middle management.
Copy !req
389. You want to be mayor?
I want my kids to be president.
Copy !req
390. So I'll get you your votes
and your, uh...
Copy !req
391. bustarella.
Copy !req
392. But first I'm gonna slow-pump
some babies into your daughter
Copy !req
393. one at a time
and twice on Sundays.
Copy !req
394. Now get a drink.
Copy !req
395. And try the calzone.
They're a riot.
Copy !req
396. Condolences.
Copy !req
397. I noticed the blue Ford
parked out front.
Copy !req
398. Congratulations.
You got eyes.
Copy !req
399. Witness at the private hospital
saw a blue Ford
Copy !req
400. fleeing from the scene
of the homicide.
Copy !req
401. Blue is a popular color.
Copy !req
402. You're not curious
who got whacked?
Copy !req
403. You see all the black suits
when you walked in?
Copy !req
404. Ladies crying
into their meatballs?
Copy !req
405. And what if I said
I've been tipped
Copy !req
406. to some s-swarthy lotharios
Copy !req
407. that got jacked from
the premises a few days prior?
Copy !req
408. Is he dead?
Copy !req
409. Who?
Copy !req
410. You know who,
you twitchy piece of shit.
Copy !req
411. Is he dead?
Copy !req
412. Boss.
Copy !req
413. Boss, boss, boss, boss.
Copy !req
414. You can't shoot civilians.
Copy !req
415. That fucking guy
put my family on the street
Copy !req
416. like we were shit on his spats.
Copy !req
417. He lost his breathing license.
Copy !req
418. I know... but him you missed.
Copy !req
419. And now I got
a wealthy socialite
Copy !req
420. what eats meals with the mayor
Copy !req
421. sporting a fresh hole
in her head.
Copy !req
422. A... And top brass
measuring my asshole
Copy !req
423. like they're fixing to move in.
Copy !req
424. No, sorry, I-I came in to ask,
Copy !req
425. respectfully...
Copy !req
426. I-I can guide this
a different direction...
Copy !req
427. find a patsy to frame up,
Copy !req
428. but you got to lay off
this Dr. Harvard.
Copy !req
429. What'd you say to me?
Copy !req
430. - We won't touch him.
- Says you.
Copy !req
431. This year we don't touch.
Copy !req
432. Next year.
Copy !req
433. He goes back
to his ordinary life,
Copy !req
434. the fat moglie, his pot roast.
Copy !req
435. Builds his model airplanes.
Copy !req
436. But we don't forget.
We wait.
Copy !req
437. We sharpen our teeth.
Copy !req
438. And one day,
when he can't even remember
Copy !req
439. that old woman's name...
Copy !req
440. well...
Copy !req
441. I won't speculate on coincidence
Copy !req
442. in front of an officer
of the law.
Copy !req
443. But you got assurances
this thing is over.
Copy !req
444. Si?
Copy !req
445. Bang.
Copy !req
446. Hi, hi, hi, Mr. Cosmopolis.
Copy !req
447. Oh...
Copy !req
448. Good morning.
Copy !req
449. It's Nurse Mayflower again.
Copy !req
450. How are we feeling
this fine day?
Copy !req
451. - I...
- Hmm?
Copy !req
452. Oh. Well, a crisp fall Tuesday
is what it is.
Copy !req
453. Gobble, gobble.
Copy !req
454. Almost Thanksgiving.
Copy !req
455. Do Greek people celebrate that?
Turkey Day?
Copy !req
456. Hmm?
Copy !req
457. Oh, you poor soul.
Copy !req
458. You, your body
is just working so hard
Copy !req
459. to pump that blood around.
Copy !req
460. Your old daft heart.
It's not doing its job, is it?
Copy !req
461. - It's a bad heart,
bad, bad, bad.
Copy !req
462. Yeah.
And here the doctors say...
Copy !req
463. there's just not much
they can do.
Copy !req
464. Mean old doctors.
Copy !req
465. But Oraetta's here,
and she can help.
Copy !req
466. You want Oraetta's help, right?
Copy !req
467. - Take the pain away?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
468. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
469. Of course you do.
Copy !req
470. Life's hard enough without
a lamb shank for a heart.
Copy !req
471. Don't you worry.
Copy !req
472. Your angel of mercy has arrived.
Copy !req
473. It's, well...
Copy !req
474. I have to say, Nurse Mayflowe,
Copy !req
475. highly irregular.
Copy !req
476. Highly...
Copy !req
477. not good is, well, what it is.
Copy !req
478. Such a high dosage of...
Copy !req
479. not even the proper medication.
Copy !req
480. Resulting in...
Copy !req
481. certain death, which...
Copy !req
482. We can't have that.
Copy !req
483. Patients come to us for care.
Copy !req
484. Top quality care.
Not to be... mismanaged.
Copy !req
485. Mr. Sneet, believe me,
no one's more embarrassed
Copy !req
486. than little ole me.
Copy !req
487. But at the same time,
have you seen their handwriting?
Copy !req
488. The doctors? Hmm.
Copy !req
489. Like a cave painting
with a stick.
Copy !req
490. - N-N-Not, not that I-I...
- This isn't, I hate to say,
Copy !req
491. the first time
we've had concerns
Copy !req
492. about your care.
Copy !req
493. The level of care.
Copy !req
494. Patients passing untimely
Copy !req
495. or rushed to the ICU
Copy !req
496. without biological provocation.
Copy !req
497. Not to mention the pharmacist
has noticed some discrepancies
Copy !req
498. in medicines requested
and medicines removed
Copy !req
499. over the last few...
Copy !req
500. Requests made by you.
Copy !req
501. In summation,
Copy !req
502. after the latest unpleasantness,
Copy !req
503. I don't see how
we can keep you on staff.
Copy !req
504. I'm saying you're fired.
Copy !req
505. I see how it is.
Copy !req
506. Yes.
So, if you could
Copy !req
507. - clear out your locker...
- A cover-up.
Copy !req
508. Uh...
Copy !req
509. An incompetence of doctors.
Copy !req
510. A few lost souls, and someone's
got to pay the piper,
Copy !req
511. so old Oraetta's made the goat.
Copy !req
512. Well, I am no goat, Mr. Sneet.
Copy !req
513. Oraetta Mayflower,
she is no goat.
Copy !req
514. - Now, Nurse...
- Call the police,
you're so concerned
Copy !req
515. about malfeasance.
Copy !req
516. About medicines removed
without dotted I's.
Copy !req
517. Heck, pick up the phone,
Copy !req
518. tell them to send
the paddy wagon.
Copy !req
519. Take this woman away
in silver bracelets.
Copy !req
520. Or what about
call the news boys?
Copy !req
521. - Now, hold on,
there's no need...
- This is America, sir,
Copy !req
522. last time I checked,
not Soviet Russia,
Copy !req
523. where a man gets rationed
a quarter potato
Copy !req
524. and has no rights under the law.
Copy !req
525. And here's you, sitting
like judge and executioner,
Copy !req
526. tossing old Oraetta
on the bone pile, and for what?
Copy !req
527. The inability
to read the handwriting
Copy !req
528. of what appears to be
an epileptic?
Copy !req
529. Miss Mayflower...
Copy !req
530. Nurse Mayflower...
Copy !req
531. I'd be happy to...
Copy !req
532. How does a month's
severance sound?
Copy !req
533. Three months.
Copy !req
534. I'll...
Copy !req
535. I can offer two, and of course
Copy !req
536. a glowing recommendation
Copy !req
537. - to your next
potential employer.
- In writing.
Copy !req
538. I have to say, Mr. Sneet,
I'm disappointed
Copy !req
539. in this institution.
Copy !req
540. In you.
Copy !req
541. When our days are at an end,
and we stand
Copy !req
542. before the Lord,
he will weigh the color
Copy !req
543. of our immortal souls
and judge us lacking,
Copy !req
544. have we not shown
an unflagging commitment
Copy !req
545. to excellence in his name.
Copy !req
546. And if we have failed
in our devotion to him,
Copy !req
547. then you and I are going
straight to the hot place.
Copy !req
548. And Oraetta Mayflower
Copy !req
549. has no intention
of sweating out eternity
Copy !req
550. at the end
of the devil's pitchfork.
Copy !req
551. Good day, sir.
Copy !req
552. - Who's that?
- Nurse, lives across the street.
Copy !req
553. Bonjour.
Copy !req
554. Get out of sight.
Copy !req
555. It's just amazing.
Copy !req
556. Who would've thought
they're teaching French
Copy !req
557. down at the Negro school.
Copy !req
558. They don't.
I'm learning on my own.
Copy !req
559. Mm, you got pluck.
Copy !req
560. And I know,
Copy !req
561. 'cause everyone always says
I've got it, too.
Copy !req
562. Sagittarius.
Copy !req
563. What's that?
Copy !req
564. Sun sign. Astrology.
Copy !req
565. See, scientifically,
our birthdates correspond
Copy !req
566. with celestial events.
Copy !req
567. Happenstance that shape
our destiny.
Copy !req
568. What's the date of your birth?
Copy !req
569. - December the first.
- Mm.
Copy !req
570. Like I said—
Copy !req
571. Sagittarius.
Copy !req
572. Huh. Yeah.
Copy !req
573. I guess that makes us
sisters of a sort.
Copy !req
574. Well...
I got to get to my chores.
Copy !req
575. Oh. Yeah.
Copy !req
576. I-I was wondering
if you might be looking for
Copy !req
577. some after-school work.
Copy !req
578. A little housecleaning,
Copy !req
579. put 50 cents or a dollar
in your pocket.
Copy !req
580. That's all we are to you—
the help?
Copy !req
581. There are long-playing
records upstairs.
Copy !req
582. French songs, stories.
Copy !req
583. Postcards from gay Paree.
Copy !req
584. You can clean and listen.
Copy !req
585. I decided to make you
one of my special projects.
Copy !req
586. What does that mean?
Copy !req
587. You like pie?
Copy !req
588. Yeah, you do.
Copy !req
589. Everybody likes pie.
Copy !req
590. Stay-stay tuned.
I-I-I will be back.
Copy !req
591. Oh.
Copy !req
592. That's one weird white lady.
Copy !req
593. Sir, I just want you
to know I'm ready.
Copy !req
594. Good.
Copy !req
595. Not just for muscle work.
Copy !req
596. Got math through high school.
Read a lot of history.
Copy !req
597. Strategy is what I'm about.
Copy !req
598. Yeah, well...
Copy !req
599. In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
Copy !req
600. a stately pleasure-dome decree.
Copy !req
601. - Come again?
Copy !req
602. - What's your name?
- Leon.
Copy !req
603. Bittle?
Copy !req
604. - I'm Happy's cousin.
- Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
605. Well, Happy's cousin,
Copy !req
606. we'll see how you, uh,
handle yourself tonight,
Copy !req
607. with the easy stuff.
Copy !req
608. Then we'll talk about strategy.
Copy !req
609. Let's go.
Copy !req
610. What are they?
Copy !req
611. Decorative?
Copy !req
612. Or you just like the smell?
Copy !req
613. It's a warning
to the other rats.
Copy !req
614. Son, I think
you're overestimating
Copy !req
615. the brain power of your foe.
Copy !req
616. We ain't got no money.
Copy !req
617. Well, this ain't no robbery.
Copy !req
618. No, no.
Copy !req
619. No, this—
Copy !req
620. this is what you call
a transition of power.
Copy !req
621. A what?
Copy !req
622. - Oh, God...
- We're taking over.
Copy !req
623. Boy, do you know
whose house this is?
Copy !req
624. Yep.
And you best get going.
Copy !req
625. So, what happens now?
Copy !req
626. Now...
Copy !req
627. we wait.
Copy !req
628. Oh...
Copy !req
629. Oh...
Copy !req
630. You know, my father worked in
a slaughterhouse for 33 years.
Copy !req
631. Yeah.
Copy !req
632. Butchering cows
and pigs, chickens.
Copy !req
633. All day long,
he cut up rib eye
Copy !req
634. and, uh, lamb chops.
Copy !req
635. Ribs.
Copy !req
636. You know what we ate?
Copy !req
637. Pigs' feet.
Copy !req
638. Ham hocks, neck bones.
Copy !req
639. Scraps.
Copy !req
640. What did I tell you?
Copy !req
641. They like to talk.
Copy !req
642. See, in America,
even the food means something.
Copy !req
643. Means whether you're up or down,
in or out.
Copy !req
644. White, colored.
Copy !req
645. This is ours.
Copy !req
646. We haven't met.
Copy !req
647. I'm Doctor Senator.
Copy !req
648. You got to give respect
to get respect.
Copy !req
649. Is that why you Americans
are so soft?
Copy !req
650. All this giving and getting?
Copy !req
651. In the land of taking
and killing, Gaetano is king.
Copy !req
652. Easy.
Copy !req
653. A deal was made.
Copy !req
654. On high.
Copy !req
655. Wednesday, last.
Copy !req
656. Oh.
Copy !req
657. Well, this might be a news flash
Copy !req
658. for his majesty.
Copy !req
659. Hmm.
Copy !req
660. A deal
Copy !req
661. between Fadda the senior
Copy !req
662. and my man, Cannon.
Copy !req
663. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
664. Territory was allotted
Copy !req
665. from your organization
to the Negro syndicate.
Copy !req
666. Given.
Copy !req
667. Well, this is us,
Copy !req
668. come to collect.
Copy !req
669. That sound like mulignan
bullshit to me.
Copy !req
670. Am I talking to you or to him?
Copy !req
671. Easy.
Copy !req
672. If you can't respect that,
Copy !req
673. then we can't respect anything.
Copy !req
674. Very clever.
Copy !req
675. These words you hide behind.
Copy !req
676. How do you think
your words will taste,
Copy !req
677. spit from the mouth of the wolf?
Copy !req
678. Hmm?
Copy !req
679. Muscle and bone.
Copy !req
680. This is the power.
Copy !req
681. Not all your...
Copy !req
682. If this is a misunderstanding,
let us see.
Copy !req
683. You take your men, go home.
Copy !req
684. I'll talk to my brother,
Copy !req
685. feel if this is what you say.
Copy !req
686. And if so...
Copy !req
687. But if no?
Copy !req
688. Happy's cousin!
Copy !req
689. Easy, Happy's cousin.
Copy !req
690. Molto bene.
Copy !req
691. But remember:
Copy !req
692. we'll be back.
Copy !req
693. Because y'all
just got here yesterday.
Copy !req
694. But we're part of this land,
Copy !req
695. like the wind and the dirt.
Copy !req
696. Lord, we know the road is long.
Copy !req
697. We thank you for that road,
Copy !req
698. because the journey
makes us wise.
Copy !req
699. We know the climb is hard.
Copy !req
700. We thank you for that climb,
'cause climbing makes us strong.
Copy !req
701. Amen.
Copy !req
702. You made the land and the sea,
Copy !req
703. and you filled it
with injustice
Copy !req
704. so that we would have
work to do.
Copy !req
705. And we thank you for that wor.
Copy !req
706. You made the meek,
Copy !req
707. so the meek
could inherit the Earth.
Copy !req
708. And you made the mighty so that
we could defend the meek.
Copy !req
709. Let us pray.
Copy !req
710. And we will be mighty for you,
Copy !req
711. O Lord.
Copy !req
712. You've shown us
pain and loss...
Copy !req
713. so that we would know the
joy of victory when it comes.
Copy !req
714. Hear our prayer now, O Lord...
Copy !req
715. so that we might feel
your blessing.
Copy !req
716. And know that we can bear
Copy !req
717. this burden you've given us...
Copy !req
718. because our hearts are pure.
Copy !req
719. - Amen.
Copy !req
720. We're moving.
Copy !req
721. Now I get it.
Copy !req
722. Check!
Copy !req
723. Check!
Copy !req