1. In three, two, one...
Copy !req
2. - Son of a—
Copy !req
3. That was so pre-coma me.
Copy !req
4. It's just like
the good old days.
Copy !req
5. My history report,
by Ethelrida Pearl Smutny.
Copy !req
6. Frederick Douglass
once intoned,
Copy !req
7. "I stand before you
as a thief and a robber.
Copy !req
8. "I stole this head,
these limbs,
Copy !req
9. this body from my master,
and I ran off with them."
Copy !req
10. What'd you do this time?
Copy !req
11. I been maligned.
Copy !req
12. My point being,
Copy !req
13. the moment our feet
touched American soil,
Copy !req
14. we were already criminals.
Copy !req
15. Next.
Copy !req
16. But this report
isn't about my history.
Copy !req
17. It's about our history.
Copy !req
18. Hyah! Hyah!
Copy !req
19. Kansas City, Missouri.
Copy !req
20. In the beginning
there were the Hebrews,
Copy !req
21. and they ran the underworld.
Copy !req
22. Then came the Irish.
Copy !req
23. To keep the peace,
the boss of each family
Copy !req
24. gave offer of his youngest son
in trade.
Copy !req
25. Relax, boychick.
Copy !req
26. The thinking was,
Copy !req
27. by raising
your enemy's offspring,
Copy !req
28. an understanding
could be reached.
Copy !req
29. - There.
- And peace maintained.
Copy !req
30. - Put some hair on your bollocks.
Copy !req
31. See, the problem wasn't
that I was disreputable.
Copy !req
32. What'd you do this time?
Copy !req
33. Punched Dolores Disfarmer
with my eye,
Copy !req
34. of course.
Copy !req
35. I was, in fact, a student
of exceptional virtue
Copy !req
36. and high achievement.
Copy !req
37. The problem was
Copy !req
38. the only thing worse
than a disreputable Negro
Copy !req
39. was an upstanding one.
Copy !req
40. I got it.
Copy !req
41. And so I endured
the slings and arrows
Copy !req
42. of small-minded folk who,
in their narrow thoughts,
Copy !req
43. imagined they could
teach me a lesson.
Copy !req
44. - Hey!
Copy !req
45. Oh, my God! Oh!
Copy !req
46. Well done, boyo.
Copy !req
47. Bring the lad.
Copy !req
48. And now... my son.
Copy !req
49. Are you familiar
with the legend of Goldilocks?
Copy !req
50. Someone...
Copy !req
51. has been sittin' in your chair.
Copy !req
52. And someone has been eatin'
from your bowl.
Copy !req
53. And someone has been sleepin'
in your bed.
Copy !req
54. It's time...
Copy !req
55. for bears
Copy !req
56. to be bears.
Copy !req
57. Yeah.
Copy !req
58. Chew him up.
Copy !req
59. Logic dictates
that in every fight,
Copy !req
60. there is a winner and a loser.
Copy !req
61. But this is a history report.
Copy !req
62. And what does history tell us?
Copy !req
63. Peace don't last for long.
Copy !req
64. The Italians came next.
Copy !req
65. That's how it worked.
Copy !req
66. Whoever was last off the boat,
Copy !req
67. finding the doors
of honest capital closed,
Copy !req
68. rolled up their sleeves
and got to work,
Copy !req
69. getting rich
the old-fashioned way.
Copy !req
70. Webster's defines
"assimilation" as...
Copy !req
71. "the process of becoming
similar to something."
Copy !req
72. You can check it if you want,
Copy !req
73. but it's factual.
Copy !req
74. But imbibing these words,
dear reader,
Copy !req
75. we are forced to ask,
Copy !req
76. similar to what?
Copy !req
77. Have a seat, Ethelrida.
Copy !req
78. If America is a nation
of immigrants,
Copy !req
79. then how does one
become American?
Copy !req
80. I take your meaning
and applaud your intent,
Copy !req
81. but if it's all the same,
Copy !req
82. I believe I'm gonna
go ahead and stand.
Copy !req
83. - And, you know, he lied so much,
Copy !req
84. they called
the son of a bitch "Two Face."
Copy !req
85. But you can't be too careful.
Copy !req
86. So, after I shot him between
the eyes I rolled him over
Copy !req
87. and shot him on the other side,
just to be certain.
Copy !req
88. - Let it never be said...
Copy !req
89. It's the double cross.
Copy !req
90. Let me in,
I got to talk to my dad.
Copy !req
91. You pig fuckers.
Copy !req
92. You sons of whores.
Copy !req
93. I'll murder the lot of you!
Copy !req
94. A curse on you...
Copy !req
95. Winston Churchill said,
Copy !req
96. "History is written
by the victors."
Copy !req
97. That's a fancy word for winne.
Copy !req
98. My folks have a system.
Copy !req
99. Dad does the white funerals.
Copy !req
100. Condolences.
Copy !req
101. Condolences.
Copy !req
102. Mom ministrates to the colore.
Copy !req
103. What's this?
Copy !req
104. It's the Urbanski to-do,
Copy !req
105. Should I go around back?
Copy !req
106. Dad?
Copy !req
107. Uh, no, no. Just...
Copy !req
108. It's winding down,
go on through to the kitchen.
Copy !req
109. Oh, oh, apologies.
Copy !req
110. - What?
- Oh,
Copy !req
111. I-I... I was
simply excusing myself.
Copy !req
112. I'm not normally
this out of sorts.
Copy !req
113. It's a funeral.
Copy !req
114. People cry at funerals.
Copy !req
115. Ah, amen.
Copy !req
116. Those are wise words
Copy !req
117. for a person of your complexion.
Copy !req
118. But, then I've noticed
your people
Copy !req
119. are often more in touch
with their spiritual
Copy !req
120. and emotional side.
Copy !req
121. My people?
Copy !req
122. The Negro.
Copy !req
123. It's a Baptist fervor, I'd
wager, what causes them to hoot
Copy !req
124. and tumble to the floor,
Copy !req
125. aflush with the Holy Spirit.
Copy !req
126. Miss Mayflower,
I see you've met my daughter,
Copy !req
127. Ethelrida.
Copy !req
128. Your daughter?
Copy !req
129. The one and only.
Copy !req
130. Ethelrida,
this is Miss Mayflower.
Copy !req
131. She's a nurse
at St. Bartholomew.
Copy !req
132. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
133. Huh.
Copy !req
134. Yes, now I see it.
Copy !req
135. This child is certainly
Copy !req
136. the product of miscegenation.
Copy !req
137. Uh, if by that you mean
she's the spitting image
Copy !req
138. of her father, then I take
that as a compliment.
Copy !req
139. Your mother must be
quite dark-skinned.
Copy !req
140. As I've-I've noticed
in my study of the human animal
Copy !req
141. that in the combination
of the races,
Copy !req
142. it is de rigueur for the more
extreme coloration to prevail.
Copy !req
143. I'm going to the kitchen.
Copy !req
144. It was very nice to meet you.
Copy !req
145. Lovely.
Copy !req
146. Well, I best be going.
Copy !req
147. Here's the thing
about America:
Copy !req
148. the minute you relax
and fatten up...
Copy !req
149. somebody hungrier's
gonna come along,
Copy !req
150. looking for a piece
of your pie.
Copy !req
151. You come alone?
Copy !req
152. Nah.
Copy !req
153. Relax.
Copy !req
154. I just thought, being men,
Copy !req
155. we should do this like men.
Copy !req
156. Well, all right, then.
Copy !req
157. Yeah, all right.
Copy !req
158. You sure about this?
Copy !req
159. You're the one
who said war was killing us.
Copy !req
160. But you remember
what happened to the Irish?
Copy !req
161. We had this back-and-forth
Copy !req
162. They got the upper hand now,
Copy !req
163. but not for long.
Copy !req
164. So we play along or keep
cutting each other's throats.
Copy !req
165. He's your boy.
Copy !req
166. There's got to be
something less we can risk.
Copy !req
167. Keep your head down.
Copy !req
168. If there's trouble,
Copy !req
169. swing for the balls,
Copy !req
170. then the eyes.
Copy !req
171. No!
Copy !req
172. No. No!
Copy !req
173. Learn everything.
Copy !req
174. Sleep with one eye open.
Copy !req
175. Be as Daniel in the lion's den.
Copy !req
176. I don't want to go.
Copy !req
177. Come on, kid.
Copy !req
178. Hey.
You want my advice?
Copy !req
179. Be who you need to be,
Copy !req
180. don't forget who you are.
Copy !req
181. This is
Zirominu Guglielmo Fadda,
Copy !req
182. youngest son of Don Fadda.
Copy !req
183. Protect his life as your own.
Copy !req
184. Where you from—
Copy !req
185. Dublin, Italy?
Copy !req
186. And here's what
you need to know
Copy !req
187. about the people in that room.
Copy !req
188. None of them were white.
Copy !req
189. They were dagos,
Negroes, micks,
Copy !req
190. all fighting for the right
to have been created equal.
Copy !req
191. But equal to what?
Copy !req
192. And who gets to decide?
Copy !req
193. And that leads me to this
conclusory idea, dear reader,
Copy !req
194. which is that history
is made up of the actions
Copy !req
195. of individuals.
Copy !req
196. And yet, none of us can know
at the time we act
Copy !req
197. that we are making history.
Copy !req
198. Mama?
Copy !req
199. Go to your room.
Copy !req
200. - But I...
- I said go to your room.
Copy !req
201. He behaving?
Copy !req
202. Boys are boys.
Copy !req
203. But he clean his plate.
He says "sir."
Copy !req
204. We should talk
about the stockyards.
Copy !req
205. A done deal is done.
Copy !req
206. What could we say?
Copy !req
207. Well, we could talk
about how most of the labor
Copy !req
208. on the east side is colored now
Copy !req
209. and how that should
make it ours.
Copy !req
210. I own black clothes.
Copy !req
211. You saying those are yours, too?
Copy !req
212. So I give him a little uppercut,
keep him on his feet.
Copy !req
213. - So, right after...
Copy !req
214. Which one of you is Samuel?
Copy !req
215. Lemuel.
Copy !req
216. - What?
- My name is Lemuel.
Copy !req
217. It's in the Bible.
Copy !req
218. The Jew part
or the Catholic part?
Copy !req
219. Boy, you need
to get up out of here.
Copy !req
220. We're trying to have
a civilized conversation.
Copy !req
221. Do you know who I am?
Copy !req
222. Do you?
Copy !req
223. What?
Copy !req
224. You say "what" a lot.
Copy !req
225. What?
Copy !req
226. I think he's confused.
Copy !req
227. Boss.
Copy !req
228. It's a playground.
Copy !req
229. Come on.
Copy !req
230. Like I was saying...
Copy !req
231. Had to hit him
with a couple uppercuts.
Copy !req
232. Want to keep him on his feet.
Copy !req
233. His mama needs
Copy !req
234. to see him.
Copy !req
235. Hmm.
Copy !req
236. We can arrange something
for the weekend.
Copy !req
237. Just the women.
Copy !req
238. You're acting
like I work for you.
Copy !req
239. We got an alliance.
Copy !req
240. And I know you think
Copy !req
241. part of being an American
is standing on my neck.
Copy !req
242. But I see the window signs.
Copy !req
243. "No coloreds, no Italians."
Copy !req
244. So we're both in the gutter
together, like it or not.
Copy !req
245. Now, I'm gonna
Copy !req
246. keep growing my business...
Copy !req
247. and making sure
my people are safe.
Copy !req
248. You want to start
murdering children?
Copy !req
249. Last I checked,
you had more than me.
Copy !req
250. Calm down.
There's no anger here.
Copy !req
251. Just business.
Copy !req
252. Ah.
Copy !req
253. See you in the Bible.
Copy !req
254. That don't even make sense.
Copy !req
255. Take the kid.
I got a meeting.
Copy !req
256. We should move on them already.
Copy !req
257. They don't respect you,
they don't respect the family.
Copy !req
258. You think they don't talk
Copy !req
259. about us like this
in Mission Hills?
Copy !req
260. In Leawood? Hmm?
Copy !req
261. "Dago,"wop."
Copy !req
262. We're the goddamn Roman Empire.
Copy !req
263. They were born in huts.
Copy !req
264. Josto.
Copy !req
265. All I'm saying is who knows
Copy !req
266. what they're doing
to my brother.
Copy !req
267. Three years you had me
with the Irish.
Copy !req
268. Tre ann...
Copy !req
269. If I say it is so, it is so.
Copy !req
270. Hey!
Copy !req
271. Tell him about Gaetano.
Copy !req
272. Tell me what?
Copy !req
273. Your brother's coming over.
Copy !req
274. He wants to see your ma.
Copy !req
275. When?
Copy !req
276. Uh...
Copy !req
277. Next week.
Copy !req
278. Visitina?
Copy !req
279. Yeah.
Copy !req
280. Bang!
Copy !req
281. Bang!
Copy !req
282. Put your hands up!
Put your hands up!
Copy !req
283. So you were just gonna sneak him
in so he could, uh, what,
Copy !req
284. measure the drapes?
Copy !req
285. - This is my town.
Copy !req
286. He's not even American.
Copy !req
287. - Come on, already!
Copy !req
288. I'm the boss.
This is my world. My crew.
Copy !req
289. Yeah.
Copy !req
290. Bang! Bang!
Copy !req
291. Bang, bang.
Copy !req
292. - Papa. I didn't,
I didn't mean...
- You...
Copy !req
293. Bang!
Copy !req
294. - Pop.
Copy !req
295. Pop, what's the matter?
Copy !req
296. Pop. Hey.
Copy !req
297. - Pop. Pop.
Copy !req
298. - What? Pop. Hey, Pop.
Copy !req
299. - Boss?
- Pop.
Copy !req
300. - Pop. Papa.
- Hey, what happened?
Copy !req
301. - Boss! Boss.
- Pop. Pop!
Copy !req
302. - Pop! Pop.
- Boss. What happened, boss?
Copy !req
303. - Christ.
Copy !req
304. - Gross.
Copy !req
305. - Oh... Oh, Pop.
Copy !req
306. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
307. - Oh!
Copy !req
308. - Pop!
Copy !req
309. Che cazzo?
Go! Go,
Copy !req
310. - go, go, go, go!
- No! Get your ass moving, hurry!
Copy !req
311. Oh!
Copy !req
312. Stay with them.
Copy !req
313. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
314. Faster, Antonio, faster!
Copy !req
315. Step on it, Antoon!
Copy !req
316. Hey.
That's the wrong door!
Copy !req
317. Come on, boss.
Copy !req
318. Keep that pressure on his neck.
Copy !req
319. - All right.
- Guys, what hap...
w-what happened?
Copy !req
320. Doctor! Doctor! Doctor.
Copy !req
321. - We need a doctor.
- Sir, there is a line.
Copy !req
322. - He's cut. Call a doctor.
- You need to check in properly.
Copy !req
323. Get the fucking doctor.
Copy !req
324. Sir, there is no need
for that tone.
Copy !req
325. Darling, you best find a doctor
Copy !req
326. or this man's gonna die
right here in your lobby.
Copy !req
327. And then you'll have us
to deal with.
Copy !req
328. Stay calm, Papa.
Copy !req
329. Gentlemen,
we don't want any trouble.
Copy !req
330. I'm the hospital administrator,
Dr. Harvard.
Copy !req
331. Are you kidding? Is he kidding?
Can I get a fucking doctor?
Copy !req
332. - Is that a gunshot?
Absolutely not.
Copy !req
333. My friend, we are
both professional.
Copy !req
334. So, what's it gonna take?
Copy !req
335. Gentlemen, this is
a private hospital.
Copy !req
336. We serve only a certain class
of people.
Copy !req
337. A certain class of people?
Copy !req
338. Respectable. American.
Copy !req
339. Now, St. Bartholomew
is a few miles away.
Copy !req
340. That's the public hospital,
Copy !req
341. for your kind of people.
Copy !req
342. I recommend
you take your business there.
Copy !req
343. Hurt this guy.
Copy !req
344. - No. Wait!
- Now hold on.
Copy !req
345. You should know
we've called the police,
Copy !req
346. and they're on their way.
Copy !req
347. I propose you go
to St. Bartholomew's.
Copy !req
348. Immediately.
Copy !req
349. Get him in the car.
Copy !req
350. Keep the pressure on.
Copy !req
351. - Come on, Paolo.
- Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
352. Let's go.
Copy !req
353. You and me are gonna
dance again later. Hmm?
Copy !req
354. Let's go!
Copy !req
355. - Go!
- Go, Antonio.
Copy !req
356. - Antonio, go, go!
Copy !req
357. - Go!
- Go!
Copy !req
358. You boys find the place okay?
Copy !req
359. The third-largest bank
in the state.
Copy !req
360. Found it fine.
Copy !req
361. Well, any friend of the
Alderman's a friend of mine.
Copy !req
362. He tells me
you're a banker yourself.
Copy !req
363. In your community.
Copy !req
364. Well, we give personal
and small business loans.
Copy !req
365. This is my associate,
Doctor Senator.
Copy !req
366. - You're a doctor?
No, sir.
Copy !req
367. Name is Doctor.
Uh, Doctor Senator.
Copy !req
368. It was my mother's idea.
Copy !req
369. - And what was her name?
- Ma'am.
Copy !req
370. Her name was Ma'am?
Doc here runs
Copy !req
371. operations for the entire
Midwest region.
Copy !req
372. - He has a PhD in economics.
Copy !req
373. Howard University.
Copy !req
374. That's the Negro school.
Copy !req
375. Can we cut to the chase?
Copy !req
376. Can I call you Wink?
Copy !req
377. We're here
'cause I have an idea.
Copy !req
378. - An idea.
- I'm something of a futurist,
Copy !req
379. which means I don't just see
how to make money today,
Copy !req
380. I have a premonition
about the wealth of tomorrow.
Copy !req
381. At our bank,
we extend a lot of credit.
Copy !req
382. But unlike
this fine establishment,
Copy !req
383. we don't always ask
for commensurate collateral.
Copy !req
384. And what I've learned
is that every average joe
Copy !req
385. wants one thing,
Copy !req
386. and that's to seem rich.
Copy !req
387. Not to be rich.
Copy !req
388. To look rich.
It's about face.
Copy !req
389. Picture it's Saturday night,
Copy !req
390. and you're going out
with your best girl.
Copy !req
391. You promised her lobster,
but there's a problem.
Copy !req
392. You've only got two dollars
to your name.
Copy !req
393. But you're not afraid,
'cause you've got this.
Copy !req
394. Is that...?
Copy !req
395. What is that?
Copy !req
396. I call it a credit card.
Copy !req
397. Accepted at stores
and fine dining establishments
Copy !req
398. around the country.
Copy !req
399. Can't pay for the meal today?
Copy !req
400. Put it on credit,
pay for it tomorrow.
Copy !req
401. Plus interest.
That's the key.
Copy !req
402. We've already got about
a hundred businesses signed up
Copy !req
403. in the colored community
around the state.
Copy !req
404. It's heavy.
Copy !req
405. That's just a prototype.
Copy !req
406. The real card
could be manufactured
Copy !req
407. - from a lighter material.
- For instance,
Copy !req
408. there's are a lot
of exciting things happening
Copy !req
409. these days in plastics.
Copy !req
410. And you're saying
the bank, uh...
Copy !req
411. What are you saying?
Copy !req
412. What you hold in your hand
right now is something I call
Copy !req
413. a financial instrument.
Copy !req
414. It is a product your bank
will offer to customers.
Copy !req
415. Uh, just think of it as
Copy !req
416. an open line of credit
paid back weekly.
Copy !req
417. Or monthly.
Copy !req
418. I don't understand.
Copy !req
419. If you got your own bank,
Copy !req
420. what do you need us for?
Copy !req
421. Simple. I've already
got a customer base.
Copy !req
422. What I need help with
is convincing white businesses
Copy !req
423. to take the card
as a means of payment
Copy !req
424. so we can expand
into your community
Copy !req
425. and then go national.
Copy !req
426. I was thinking a partnership,
Copy !req
427. 60-40.
Copy !req
428. No.
Copy !req
429. No?
Copy !req
430. I'm offering you
a million-dollar idea.
Copy !req
431. - A billion-dollar idea.
Copy !req
432. I'll give you this, you boys
Copy !req
433. have got a hell of an
Copy !req
434. But the people
I see day in, day out—
Copy !req
435. hardworking people, family men—
Copy !req
436. well, they're just not gonna
spend money they don't have.
Copy !req
437. - Mr. Winckle...
- And charging 'em
Copy !req
438. high rates of interest,
preying on 'em
Copy !req
439. when times get tough, well,
Copy !req
440. that's just not what banking's
all about.
Copy !req
441. But thanks for thinking
of us here
Copy !req
442. at Winckle Savings and Loan,
voted number one
Copy !req
443. in customer services for the
larger Kansas City metro area
Copy !req
444. three years running.
Copy !req
445. You fellas have yourselves
Copy !req
446. a crackerjack day.
Copy !req
447. How'd it go?
Copy !req
448. A fucking dream come true.
Copy !req
449. DR.
We got the pellet out, but
Copy !req
450. he's lost a lot of blood.
Copy !req
451. I want a real doctor.
Copy !req
452. I assure you, I'm as real
a doctor as you can get.
Copy !req
453. Is he gonna die?
Copy !req
454. I'd like to keep him here
a few days.
Copy !req
455. Uh, as I said,
he's lost a lot of blood.
Copy !req
456. What matters is he rests.
Copy !req
457. I want two guys
on watch all night.
Copy !req
458. I'll take care of it myself.
Copy !req
459. Send everyone else home.
Copy !req
460. And what about your mama?
Copy !req
461. Tell Maxia. She'll talk to Ma
and the others.
Copy !req
462. They can come in the morning,
if he makes it.
Copy !req
463. Oh, excuse me,
Copy !req
464. - young fella,
chuck wagon coming through.
- Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
465. Oh, God, no need for sorry.
Copy !req
466. What with you worrying
and grieving.
Copy !req
467. Hey.
Copy !req
468. You got any bennies?
Copy !req
469. Zoomers?
A little chicken powder?
Copy !req
470. You know,
something to pick me up.
Copy !req
471. I've had a world-class day.
Copy !req
472. Well, sir, those...
Copy !req
473. those types of narcotics—
Copy !req
474. when prescribed
as a medical remedy,
Copy !req
475. say, as a mood elevator or to
strengthen the concentration—
Copy !req
476. can be quite effective,
but ingesting them
Copy !req
477. without the written prescription
Copy !req
478. of a certified physician—
Copy !req
479. that's not something
I can help you with.
Copy !req
480. Psst.
Copy !req
481. What if I share?
Copy !req
482. - Holy Christmas.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
483. When using illicit substances,
Copy !req
484. it's very important to avoid
obvious physical tells:
Copy !req
485. redness of the eyes,
inflamed epidermal tissue,
Copy !req
486. say around the proboscis.
Copy !req
487. - You got a funny way of talking.
- Yep.
Copy !req
488. I'm from Minnesota,
land of 10,000 lakes.
Copy !req
489. No, I mean...
you use big words.
Copy !req
490. Well, I've found in my 36 years
on God's green Earth
Copy !req
491. that it's absolutely critical
Copy !req
492. to be precise
in your use of language
Copy !req
493. so as to avoid
instances of misreckoning.
Copy !req
494. Well...
Copy !req
495. I should return
to my ministrations.
Copy !req
496. - You have a Bunsen burner?
- Huh? No.
Copy !req
497. Oh, no.
Copy !req
498. There was no bang
when they shot him.
Copy !req
499. Hmm?
Copy !req
500. - My father.
- Mm.
Copy !req
501. Who shot him?
Copy !req
502. I don't know.
Children, I think.
Copy !req
503. That's not what matters.
Copy !req
504. Mm, tell me what matters.
Copy !req
505. Hmm?
Copy !req
506. He's in a lot of pain.
Copy !req
507. And I don't like
to see him like that.
Copy !req
508. Will you take care of him?
Copy !req
509. I shall attend to him faithfully
until the Lord arrives.
Copy !req
510. Aces.
Copy !req
511. Bang.
Copy !req
512. I was about to ring
the bell again.
Copy !req
513. Sorry.
Copy !req
514. Miss French started us
on reverse fractions.
Copy !req
515. Come, Lord Jesus,
Copy !req
516. be our guest, and let Thy gifts
to us be blessed.
Copy !req
517. Amen.
Copy !req
518. - Amen.
- Amen.
Copy !req
519. You know, Zebron says
we might be getting
Copy !req
520. the American Pathology
Conference right here
Copy !req
521. in Kansas City next year.
Copy !req
522. Maybe they want me
to present my paper
Copy !req
523. on how to simulate
a lifelike glimmer
Copy !req
524. - in the human eye.
- It's happening.
Copy !req
525. Who were those men earlier?
Copy !req
526. The which?
Copy !req
527. After the funeral.
Copy !req
528. You sent me to my room.
Copy !req
529. Sorry about the exchange
Copy !req
530. with Nurse Mayflower before.
Copy !req
531. She's... you know,
a bit of an eccentric.
Copy !req
532. Progressive in her way,
I suppose.
Copy !req
533. By all measure, a fine woman.
Copy !req
534. Works at St. Bartholomew's.
Copy !req
535. Hmm.
You mentioned.
Copy !req
536. Ma, who were those men?
Copy !req
537. Well, Ethelrida,
not all things in this house
Copy !req
538. is for your understanding.
Copy !req
539. Your father and I
do deserve some privacy.
Copy !req
540. Dad?
Copy !req
541. I'm not a kid,
Copy !req
542. - you know.
- Well, dear, technically...
Copy !req
543. I know there's something afoot.
Copy !req
544. I hear the whispers
late at night.
Copy !req
545. I'm a part of this family,
you know.
Copy !req
546. Girl, you best sit down
Copy !req
547. and finish your meal.
Copy !req
548. I know I didn't raise a child
who would throw such histrionics
Copy !req
549. at my dinner table,
under my roof.
Copy !req
550. What your mother's
trying to say...
Copy !req
551. Don't "what your mother's
trying to say" her.
Copy !req
552. She hears me.
Copy !req
553. And if she don't,
Copy !req
554. she damn well hears my tone.
Copy !req
555. Sit down.
Copy !req
556. That's better.
Copy !req
557. Believe me, if there's something
Copy !req
558. your father and I
want you to know,
Copy !req
559. you're gonna know it.
Copy !req
560. Now, pass the peas.
Copy !req
561. - I'll get Lemuel
to bring you out a plate.
Copy !req
562. - Hey.
Copy !req
563. All right.
Copy !req
564. Give your daddy some room, now.
Copy !req
565. He's had a tough day.
Copy !req
566. Hmm. How you know
what kind of day I had?
Copy !req
567. 'Cause you got a face
and I've been looking at it
Copy !req
568. - every day for 26 years.
- Oh.
Copy !req
569. Boy, get a plate together
and bring it out to Opal.
Copy !req
570. Now.
Copy !req
571. Hey, Mama.
Copy !req
572. Lemuel says you saw Satchel.
Copy !req
573. Yeah.
Copy !req
574. Skinny.
Copy !req
575. I don't want to hear that.
Copy !req
576. And I don't want to say it.
Copy !req
577. But this ain't no fairy tale.
Copy !req
578. How's he doing?
Copy !req
579. He ate a loaf of bread
for lunch.
Copy !req
580. I called him Satchel twice.
Copy !req
581. We'll get him back.
Copy !req
582. When?
Copy !req
583. As soon as I see their throats.
Copy !req
584. - Who made dinner?
Copy !req
585. - Did you help your mommy?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
586. - You better help your mommy.
Copy !req
587. And if youmade it,
Copy !req
588. - I can't wait to get dinner.
Copy !req
589. Okay, my lovely,
no need to fret.
Copy !req
590. Mama's here.
Copy !req
591. Does it hurt, my lovely?
Copy !req
592. This earthly realm.
Copy !req
593. Dumini.
Copy !req
594. Get... the doctor.
Copy !req
595. - You speak Italiano?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
596. Y español.
Copy !req
597. Und deutsch.
Enough to becalm my wards
Copy !req
598. and settle my patients.
Copy !req
599. I'm a people person,
don'tcha know.
Copy !req
600. Now, rest up, old-timer,
Copy !req
601. for your Lord won't want you
if you're ornery.
Copy !req
602. My... son.
Copy !req
603. Such a sweet boy.
Copy !req
604. And he's concerned for you.
Copy !req
605. He sees the pain you're in,
the tribulations you've endured.
Copy !req
606. But don't worry,
it won't be much longer now.
Copy !req
607. Hey! Stop that!
Copy !req
608. - It won't be much longer.
Copy !req
609. Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
610. Dumini.
Copy !req
611. It won't be much longer now.
Copy !req
612. Ooh.
Copy !req
613. I know.
Copy !req
614. Yeah.
Copy !req
615. Yeah, I told ya, I...
Copy !req
616. Hon?
Copy !req
617. Is that you?
Copy !req
618. Geez, it's freezing out here.
Copy !req
619. Why don't you come inside?
Copy !req
620. What's gonna happen to me, Dad?
Copy !req
621. In the world.
Copy !req
622. Oh, hon.
Copy !req
623. It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
624. There's a place for all of us
on this earth.
Copy !req
625. We just...
Copy !req
626. we just have to find it.
Copy !req
627. Why don't you come on in?
Copy !req
628. Who were those guys?
Copy !req
629. In the kitchen.
Copy !req
630. We're just having
some money trouble right now,
Copy !req
631. your mom and me.
Copy !req
632. Not a lot.
Copy !req
633. Please don't tell her I said.
Copy !req
634. She's a very proud woman,
you know.
Copy !req
635. Are we gonna lose the house?
Copy !req
636. No. No, nothing like that.
Copy !req
637. Just a bad city inspection,
some renovations to do,
Copy !req
638. but we-we got it covered.
Copy !req
639. Want me to read to you,
help you fall back asleep?
Copy !req
640. Dad, I'm 16.
Copy !req
641. Doesn't mean you don't
need a bedtime story
Copy !req
642. from time to time.
Copy !req
643. What do you say?
Copy !req
644. Wizard of Oz?
Copy !req
645. All right.
Come on.
Copy !req
646. Now I get it.
Copy !req
647. In America,
you've got to earn respect.
Copy !req
648. I'm the boss.
This is my town.
Copy !req
649. They're going to war
with us.
Copy !req
650. We'll kill 'em all.
Copy !req
651. There's a big fish
out there.
Copy !req
652. - Boom.
- We're the future.
Copy !req
653. They're the past.
Copy !req
654. They just don't know it yet.
Copy !req
655. Fargo. All new,
Sundays at 10:00 on FX.
Copy !req
656. Next day FX on Hulu.
Copy !req