1. Hey, waldo.
I'm still waiting
Copy !req
2. For that
mighty weenie
Copy !req
3. And an order
of ribs.
Copy !req
4. Coming up, boss.
Copy !req
5. A dog and a hog.
Copy !req
6. What do you think
of this skirt?
Copy !req
7. It's fine. Why?
Copy !req
8. Steve says
it's too short.
Copy !req
9. Ooh, girl!
Copy !req
10. Hot.
Copy !req
11. It's perfect.
It's perfect.
Copy !req
12. Hey, buster.
Copy !req
13. Keep flirtin',
and you'll
be hurtin'.
Copy !req
14. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
15. What?
Copy !req
16. What!
Copy !req
17. I told you that skirt
was too short.
Copy !req
18. Oh, laura, my pet.
Copy !req
19. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
20. Oh, i'm so
very sorry.
Copy !req
21. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
22. I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
23. Oh, i'm so sorry.
Copy !req
24. Look at my outfit.
Copy !req
25. It's ruined.
Copy !req
26. I know.
Copy !req
27. Did i mention
i'm sorry?
Copy !req
28. If i didn't,
Copy !req
29. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
30. Stop it!
Copy !req
31. Steve,
Copy !req
32. Whatever made you think
Copy !req
33. You could carry
a tray of milkshakes
10 whole feet?
Copy !req
34. I guess i was having
delusions of adequacy.
Copy !req
35. Steve,
Copy !req
36. You are the clumsiest
person in the world.
Copy !req
37. Have you ever
gone a single day
in your entire life
Copy !req
38. Without destroying
Copy !req
39. Hmm.
Copy !req
40. Does in the womb count?
Copy !req
41. And clumsiness
is only part
of the problem.
Copy !req
42. You're also annoying
and socially inept.
Copy !req
43. Gee, you're just
quite the cheerleader,
aren't you?
Copy !req
44. Help me out here,
Copy !req
45. Why are you
the way you are?
Copy !req
46. Well, for the same reason
you're gorgeous
Copy !req
47. And eddie is loaded
with muscles—
Copy !req
48. Beadlike strands
of recombinant dna
called genes,
Copy !req
49. Arranged along
the 23 pairs
of human chromosomes.
Copy !req
50. Right.
Copy !req
51. But... What happened
to yours?
Copy !req
52. Well...
Copy !req
53. It might have
something to do
Copy !req
54. With the fact
that the day before
i was conceived,
Copy !req
55. A road flare went off
in my father's pocket.
Copy !req
56. Steve,
Copy !req
57. Is there anything
you can do
to change yourself?
Copy !req
58. Well, why?
Copy !req
59. I like myself.
Copy !req
60. I'm comfortable
with me.
Copy !req
61. Well, that makes
one of us.
Copy !req
62. I'm not comfortable
with you.
Copy !req
63. I've got
three flavors
of milkshake
Copy !req
64. Dripping
down my leg.
Copy !req
65. Steve,
it would be nice
Copy !req
66. If you tried
to change.
Copy !req
67. And it would be
even nicer
Copy !req
68. If you did it soon.
Copy !req
69. But...
Copy !req
70. Hi, honey.
Copy !req
71. Hey.
Copy !req
72. Is that today's mail?
Copy !req
73. Yep.
Copy !req
74. Anything for me?
Copy !req
75. Just bills.
Copy !req
76. I'm glad to hear
the bills make you happy.
Copy !req
77. Why?
Copy !req
78. Because i'm going
shopping at the mall.
Copy !req
79. By the time i'm done,
Copy !req
80. You'll be thrilled.
Copy !req
81. Good one, harriette.
Copy !req
82. Hey, you want
some company?
Copy !req
83. You're volunteering
to go shopping with me?
Copy !req
84. Sure.
Copy !req
85. And i'll even
treat you to lunch.
Copy !req
86. Okay, that's it.
Copy !req
87. What have you done
with my husband?
Copy !req
88. It's me, your
little binky-poo.
Copy !req
89. Why is my little binky-poo
in such a good mood?
Copy !req
90. Because it's been
one whole week
Copy !req
91. Since i've seen
steve urkel.
Copy !req
92. For seven
whole days,
Copy !req
93. I haven't heard,
"did i do that?"
Copy !req
94. It's—
Copy !req
95. Oh, look,
i'm being audited.
Copy !req
96. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
97. Hi.
Copy !req
98. Can eddie and i
have a party
saturday night?
Copy !req
99. Sure, if it's just
the two of you.
Copy !req
100. You and eddie
can go ahead and
have your party.
Copy !req
101. Excuse me?
Copy !req
102. Yeah.
Copy !req
103. Go ahead
and party down.
Copy !req
104. Okay, who are you,
Copy !req
105. And what have you done
with my daddy?
Copy !req
106. It's me.
Copy !req
107. I'm just footloose
and urkel-free.
Copy !req
108. Come on, harriette,
Copy !req
109. Let's get you
some extra money
so you—
Copy !req
110. Hi, big guy.
Copy !req
111. Oh, god, no.
No, no, no!
Copy !req
112. I'll go get
the bankbook.
Copy !req
113. Forget the bankbook.
Copy !req
114. Spend, spend, spend,
spend, spend.
Copy !req
115. That's all we do
around here.
Copy !req
116. And, laura,
Copy !req
117. There'll be
strict rules
for your party.
Copy !req
118. Come on, sunshine.
Let's go.
Copy !req
119. Good lord.
Copy !req
120. Malls.
Copy !req
121. Parking hell.
Copy !req
122. Baby strollers.
Copy !req
123. Feet hurting.
Copy !req
124. Life stinks!
Copy !req
125. Who put the starch
in his tutu?
Copy !req
126. What do you want,
Copy !req
127. Well, i wouldn't
thumb my nose
Copy !req
128. At the nobel prize,
monkey doodle.
Copy !req
129. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
130. And don't ever call me
monkey doodle.
Copy !req
131. Laura,
Copy !req
132. I locked myself
into my basement
Copy !req
133. And embarked
on a series
of experiments
Copy !req
134. That will revolutionize
the science of genetics.
Copy !req
135. Really?
Copy !req
136. Yeah. Thank goodness
it was only a week.
Copy !req
137. I had to go to
the bathroom real bad.
Copy !req
138. Steve, what is
that stuff?
Copy !req
139. This chemical compound
will make me...
Copy !req
140. Cool.
Copy !req
141. You go on
and drink that,
Copy !req
142. Then i'll show you
my toothpaste
Copy !req
143. That turns me into
janet jackson.
Copy !req
144. Mock if you must,
my little minx.
Copy !req
145. I found my cool gene.
Copy !req
146. It was a little
hard to find.
Copy !req
147. It was behind my genes
for hammertoes
and nasal drip.
Copy !req
148. But still,
Copy !req
149. I found it.
Copy !req
150. So i took
my cool gene
Copy !req
151. And i doubled it.
Copy !req
152. And i doubled it again
Copy !req
153. And again,
Copy !req
154. Until i had 100 trillion
cool genes.
Copy !req
155. Yaa-ha ha ha!
Copy !req
156. Steve, you're scaring me.
Copy !req
157. Sorry.
Copy !req
158. Laura, this elixir
will improve
my coordination,
Copy !req
159. My posture,
my vocal intonation,
Copy !req
160. And i might
even sprout
a chest hair or two.
Copy !req
161. First, you better
sprout a chest.
Copy !req
162. Steve, is that stuff safe?
Copy !req
163. Who knows?
Copy !req
164. Steve...
Copy !req
165. Tired of
steve urkel,
were you?
Copy !req
166. Wanted
someone better,
did you?
Copy !req
167. Someone... Cool?
Copy !req
168. Well, through
the teeth,
over the gums,
Copy !req
169. Look out,
here it comes.
Copy !req
170. Steve, stop!
Copy !req
171. Ooh...
Copy !req
172. Cool genes
taste like
Copy !req
173. Ahh.
Copy !req
174. You okay?
Copy !req
175. Steve!
Copy !req
176. Steve?
Copy !req
177. Steve?
Copy !req
178. Steve who?
Copy !req
179. Steve urkel.
Copy !req
180. You.
Copy !req
181. No, no,
no, no, no.
Copy !req
182. There is
no steve here.
Copy !req
183. I'm stefan,
sweet thing.
Copy !req
184. Stefan urquelle.
Copy !req
185. Where is he?
Copy !req
186. I don't see him.
Copy !req
187. Where is
stefan urquelle?
Copy !req
188. Relax, k.C.
He isn't
here yet.
Copy !req
189. How's my hair?
Copy !req
190. It's fine.
Copy !req
191. Fine? It's just fine?
Copy !req
192. For stefan it's
got to be perfect.
Copy !req
193. Do you believe this?
Copy !req
194. Just a few days ago,
the world's coolest guy
Copy !req
195. Was the world's
biggest nerd.
Copy !req
196. See, eddie.
There's still
hope for you.
Copy !req
197. Move out
of my way!
Copy !req
198. Aw.
Copy !req
199. I told you
i should've worn
the other tie.
Copy !req
200. Food!
Copy !req
201. Do you believe
those appetites?
Copy !req
202. We'll be lucky
Copy !req
203. If they
don't eat
the furniture.
Copy !req
204. If stefan doesn't
show up soon,
Copy !req
205. I'll explode!
Copy !req
206. I'll just explode!
Copy !req
207. That girls braids
are too tight.
Copy !req
208. Please, party on.
Party on.
Copy !req
209. It's you!
Copy !req
210. It's really you!
Copy !req
211. Peace, baby.
Copy !req
212. Aah!
Copy !req
213. Wake up, sweet thing.
Copy !req
214. Okay.
Copy !req
215. Aah!
Copy !req
216. Oh, shoot.
Copy !req
217. We have some serious honeys
in here.
Copy !req
218. Oh, this party
is the bomb.
Copy !req
219. Ohh!
Copy !req
220. Mm mm mm mm mmm!
Copy !req
221. Baby, you are worth
another trip.
Copy !req
222. Stefan, stop.
You're embarrassing me.
Copy !req
223. Say my name again.
Copy !req
224. Stefan?
Copy !req
225. There's nothing sweeter
than the sound of my name
Copy !req
226. Upon your lips.
Copy !req
227. Hey, yo, stefan.
Copy !req
228. Yo, eduardo, my man!
Copy !req
229. Oh, i'm sorry.
I don't know
that handshake.
Copy !req
230. How could you?
I just made it up.
Copy !req
231. Harriette, that hair.
Copy !req
232. That dress.
Copy !req
233. If carl knew
what i was thinking,
Copy !req
234. He'd arrest me.
Copy !req
235. B.G.
Copy !req
236. B.G.?
Copy !req
237. Well, big guy, of course.
Copy !req
238. Hey, are you losing weight?
Copy !req
239. Ha, a little.
Copy !req
240. Turn sideways.
Copy !req
241. Oh-oh. Where'd you go?
Copy !req
242. Steve...
Copy !req
243. Stefan.
Copy !req
244. Right.
Copy !req
245. Are your parents happy
with the new you?
Copy !req
246. Oh, they love
the new me.
Copy !req
247. In fact, they finally
introduced me
to my grandparents.
Copy !req
248. Stefan.
Copy !req
249. Would you like
to dance?
Copy !req
250. Oh, of course.
Copy !req
251. But later.
Copy !req
252. I'd like the first dance
to be with my lady love.
Copy !req
253. Hi, honey.
Copy !req
254. Hi, sweetheart.
Copy !req
255. What's the matter?
Copy !req
256. Joey gonzalez got shot
Copy !req
257. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
258. Is he okay?
Copy !req
259. Yeah. We think
he's going to make it.
Copy !req
260. What happened?
Copy !req
261. Routine traffic stop.
Copy !req
262. Joey asked the driver
for his license
and registration,
Copy !req
263. And the guy just shot him.
Copy !req
264. Unbelievable!
Copy !req
265. Yep. Joey was lucky.
Copy !req
266. The doctor said if it had
been an inch to the left,
Copy !req
267. Joey would've been dead.
Copy !req
268. Are you going
to be alright?
Copy !req
269. I guess.
Copy !req
270. Come on, sweetheart,
tell me the truth.
Copy !req
271. Do i look better
at 131 pounds or 132?
Copy !req
272. Stefan, i told you
at dinner.
Copy !req
273. I prefer 132.
Copy !req
274. Really? 'cause i feel
so bulky.
Copy !req
275. What's wrong?
Copy !req
276. A policeman
was wounded tonight.
Copy !req
277. He's a friend
of your father's.
Copy !req
278. Oh, daddy,
i'm sorry.
Copy !req
279. Would you like to go
to the hospital?
Copy !req
280. Yeah, i would.
Copy !req
281. Some of the guys
will be there.
Copy !req
282. Ma, call me if there's
anything i can do.
Copy !req
283. Alright, sweetie.
Copy !req
284. Well, the storm clouds
are gone.
Copy !req
285. Care to cuddle up
with a little ray
of sunshine?
Copy !req
286. Don't you care at all
Copy !req
287. About what happened
to my dad's friend?
Copy !req
288. Don't you have any feelings?
Copy !req
289. Well, of course i do.
Copy !req
290. But when i find myself
Copy !req
291. Burdened by the troubles
of the world,
Copy !req
292. I try to cheer myself up
Copy !req
293. By thinking about all
the wonderful clothes
i own.
Copy !req
294. Stefan, we have to talk.
Copy !req
295. Oh?
Copy !req
296. I never thought
i'd say this
in a million years,
Copy !req
297. But...
Copy !req
298. But what?
Copy !req
299. I miss steve urkel.
Copy !req
300. Why?
Copy !req
301. Because he had feelings.
Copy !req
302. He cared about people.
Copy !req
303. Face it, stefan,
numero uno on your list
Copy !req
304. Is you.
Copy !req
305. Can you blame me?
Copy !req
306. Yes!
Copy !req
307. Look at me.
Copy !req
308. I'm incredible.
Copy !req
309. Good-looking, charming...
Copy !req
310. Suave and cool.
Copy !req
311. That's it.
Copy !req
312. I want steve back.
Copy !req
313. Steve was an annoying,
clumsy nerd.
Copy !req
314. A man would have
to be crazy
to go back to that.
Copy !req
315. Oh.
Copy !req
316. Or in love.
Copy !req
317. What do you mean?
Copy !req
318. This is the antidote
to the "cool" elixir.
Copy !req
319. I call it
the elixir fixer.
Copy !req
320. Will that make
you steve again?
Copy !req
321. Or the village idiot.
Copy !req
322. It's never been tested.
Copy !req
323. Wait. Don't do it
if it's dangerous.
Copy !req
324. Laura, i've been
stefan urquelle
for a week.
Copy !req
325. And i've got
all the things
i've always wanted—
Copy !req
326. Friends, fame,
and popularity.
Copy !req
327. But if i don't have you,
Copy !req
328. I have nothing.
Copy !req
329. Enchante.
Got any cheese?
Copy !req
330. Table for two.
Copy !req
331. Did i do that?
Copy !req
332. Yo, sweet thing.
Copy !req
333. Whoa, mama!
Copy !req
334. Are you okay?
Copy !req
335. No sweat, my pet.
Copy !req
336. Oh, i'm fine.
Heh heh heh.
Copy !req
337. I never thought
i'd be so glad to hear
such an annoying sound.
Copy !req
338. That's not very nice.
Copy !req
339. But i forgive you.
Copy !req