1. It seems today that all you see
is violence in movies and sex on TV
Copy !req
2. But where are those
good old-fashioned values
Copy !req
3. On which we used to rely?
Copy !req
4. Lucky there's a family guy
Copy !req
5. Lucky there's a man who
positively can do
Copy !req
6. All the things that make us
Copy !req
7. Laugh and cry!
Copy !req
8. He's a family guy!
Copy !req
9. Now, remember, Peter,
don't touch this money
Copy !req
10. until you get to
the grocery store.
Copy !req
11. Then buy one can of beans
and come straight home.
Copy !req
12. Do you understand?
Copy !req
13. Lois, I'm a guy
you can trust with a task.
Copy !req
14. I'm the one who almost conquered
the Dragon's Lair.
Copy !req
15. Dragon's Lair!
Copy !req
16. Peter, where have you been?
Copy !req
17. You left for the market
six hours ago.
Copy !req
18. Did you get the beans?
Copy !req
19. Lois, I got something better.
Copy !req
20. You know how you always wanted
a real diamond engagement ring?
Copy !req
21. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
22. That's right.
I bought a horse!
Copy !req
23. You bought a horse?
Copy !req
24. Why the hell did...
Copy !req
25. I didn't even give you
that much money!
Copy !req
26. That's what I thought, Lois!
Copy !req
27. Sold! To the gentleman
from Quahog, Rhode Island.
Copy !req
28. Congratulations, sir.
Copy !req
29. What brings you
down here to Louisville?
Copy !req
30. I don't know!
Copy !req
31. Peter, there's something
off about that horse.
Copy !req
32. You have an eye for animals, Lois.
Copy !req
33. This horse is brain-damaged.
Copy !req
34. That's why
I got it so cheap.
Copy !req
35. Peter, I don't think
it's wise to have
Copy !req
36. a brain-damaged horse
as a house pet.
Copy !req
37. Shut up!
Copy !req
38. You don't know nothing.
Copy !req
39. 'Bout anything.
Copy !req
40. Whatever, Peter.
Copy !req
41. Fine. Keep the horse.
Copy !req
42. Good. This family works
much better when we're unified.
Copy !req
43. You'll see, this horse will be
a fine addition to our family.
Copy !req
44. You know what? I don't want him
to feel self-conscious.
Copy !req
45. - Everybody, pee.
- Peter, we're...
Copy !req
46. Everybody, pee now.
Copy !req
47. We're an unusual family.
Copy !req
48. Peter, the horse is here.
Copy !req
49. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
50. It's so creepy the way
it just stares like that.
Copy !req
51. Why doesn't it do something?
Copy !req
52. Ew! Ew! Ew!
Copy !req
53. Ah, ah! What is it?
Copy !req
54. Brian, is Paul Sorvino
standing behind me?
Copy !req
55. Hey, you want
a sugar cube, horsey?
Copy !req
56. Oh, oh, God, Brian, don't!
Copy !req
57. Ew. Ew. Ew...
Copy !req
58. Mmm.
Copy !req
59. What made you
come around, Lois?
Copy !req
60. I love you so much.
Copy !req
61. I love you so much, Lois.
Copy !req
62. Mmm, I love you, too, Peter.
Copy !req
63. Peter, take Maple Drive.
Copy !req
64. Otherwise, we won't
make the movie on time.
Copy !req
65. All right. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
66. What is it?
Copy !req
67. Uh, the horse is
right behind the car.
Copy !req
68. Peter, that thing
is just creepy.
Copy !req
69. Hey!
Copy !req
70. Scat! Scat!
Copy !req
71. Go on, you!
Copy !req
72. We're go...
We're going to see a movie!
Copy !req
73. All right, I'm gonna
try something else.
Copy !req
74. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
75. Oh, that's got all
my stink of the day in it.
Copy !req
76. That's nasty.
Copy !req
77. Peter, why are there
Copy !req
78. so many bottles of milk
in the refrigerator?
Copy !req
79. Oh, thanks for reminding me.
Copy !req
80. Everyone, some of the milk
in the fridge
Copy !req
81. is not milk.
It's horse sperm.
Copy !req
82. I'm a horse breeder now.
Copy !req
83. Peter, no one's gonna want
to breed with that horse.
Copy !req
84. After tomorrow,
they will.
Copy !req
85. I'm gonna enter him in the Quahog Derby,
and he's gonna win.
Copy !req
86. I just know it.
Copy !req
87. I got a sixth sense
about these things.
Copy !req
88. Remember when I predicted
the ending to Wild Hogs?
Copy !req
89. This movie's gonna suck.
Copy !req
90. Hey, there, little fella.
Copy !req
91. I'm 48.
Copy !req
92. This whole place is
a giant mind.
Copy !req
93. Boy, I never been
in the owner's box.
Copy !req
94. We are gonna get a great view
of the track from up here.
Copy !req
95. This is gonna be
a great race.
Copy !req
96. What are you doing?
Copy !req
97. Get down there!
Where's your midget?
Copy !req
98. Sorry, boss, had to pee.
Copy !req
99. Come on, you.
Copy !req
100. Guess he's got
a small bladder.
Copy !req
101. Little tiny guy,
got to go all the time.
Copy !req
102. Even though he's got to race,
he couldn't hold it.
Copy !req
103. Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
104. And they're off!
Copy !req
105. Go, horsey, go!
Copy !req
106. God, it even runs like
it's messed up in the head.
Copy !req
107. Is there a reason
all the horses
Copy !req
108. are named after
canceled FOX shows?
Copy !req
109. Kitchen Confidential is in the lead,
Copy !req
110. followed by The Wedding Bells,
followed by Happy Hour,
Copy !req
111. followed by The War at Home,
followed by Drive,
Copy !req
112. followed by The Winner,
followed by Life on a Stick,
Copy !req
113. followed by The Loop,
followed by Head Cases,
Copy !req
114. followed by Standoff,
followed by Vanished,
Copy !req
115. followed by Free Ride,
followed by Method and Red,
Copy !req
116. followed by Tru Calling,
followed by Quintuplets,
Copy !req
117. followed by Stacked,
followed by Justice,
Copy !req
118. followed by North Shore,
followed by Back to You.
Copy !req
119. And bringing up the rear
but somehow still in the race
Copy !req
120. is 'Til Death!
Copy !req
121. You named your horse
'Til Death?
Copy !req
122. You know why?
Copy !req
123. 'Cause I'm gonna
take this horse
Copy !req
124. and shove it down
America's throat.
Copy !req
125. What's this? It looks like 'Til Death
Copy !req
126. has taken a right turn
and is heading into the stands!
Copy !req
127. Dear God, I could describe
the horror I am witnessing,
Copy !req
128. but it is so unfathomably
ugly and heartrending
Copy !req
129. that I cannot
bring myself to do so,
Copy !req
130. although I do possess the
necessary descriptive powers.
Copy !req
131. Oh, well, at least
the horse ran past
Copy !req
132. the class of visiting
deaf second-graders.
Copy !req
133. - Oh, no, dear God!
Copy !req
134. - He's going back!
Copy !req
135. Oh, I know you can't hear
any screams, but I assure you,
Copy !req
136. they are signing frantically,
just as fast as
Copy !req
137. their little fingers can shape
the complicated phonemes
Copy !req
138. necessary to convey
dread and terror.
Copy !req
139. Wait a sec. Hold the phone.
Copy !req
140. He's going back
towards the track!
Copy !req
141. Fellas, this race
ain't over yet!
Copy !req
142. My baby's dead!
Copy !req
143. It's over.
Copy !req
144. $100,000 worth of damage.
Copy !req
145. All thanks to that
stupid horse of yours.
Copy !req
146. Look, can we not talk
about the horse, please?
Copy !req
147. It's gone.
Copy !req
148. It suffered a fatal heart attack
from the excitement,
Copy !req
149. and I disposed of it properly.
Copy !req
150. Oh, boy, I miss the old days
when it was just
Copy !req
151. a flaming bag of poop
and a hurtful note.
Copy !req
152. I have no idea how the hell
we're gonna pay for this, Peter.
Copy !req
153. Well, I'll just have to get
a second job or something.
Copy !req
154. Hand me the Classifieds.
Copy !req
155. Hey, Lois, look at this.
Copy !req
156. "Subject wanted for medical..."
Copy !req
157. What's that?
Copy !req
158. "Experiments."
Copy !req
159. Ex-paragus.
Copy !req
160. Experiments.
Copy !req
161. Ex-per-iments.
Copy !req
162. Right!
Copy !req
163. And it says they'll pay handsomely.
Copy !req
164. This is perfect.
Copy !req
165. Now I won't have to take
that job as Matt Damon's neck.
Copy !req
166. Hey, Matt.
Copy !req
167. Matt.
Copy !req
168. Hey, is this another one
of those movies
Copy !req
169. where you're an educated
Boston street tough?
Copy !req
170. I don't have to take
that crap from you, neck.
Copy !req
171. Oh, you have to, my friend.
Copy !req
172. I'm your neck.
Copy !req
173. What are you gonna do, choke me?
You'll die.
Copy !req
174. You'll die if you do that.
Copy !req
175. Can somebody from wardrobe
get me a scarf?
Copy !req
176. Oh, I'm still gonna...
I'll just talk louder.
Copy !req
177. Ben Affleck married
Jennifer Garner,
Copy !req
178. but you married
a bartender with a kid.
Copy !req
179. These are facts.
Copy !req
180. So, what do I got to do, Doc?
Copy !req
181. You don't have to do anything,
Mr. Griffin.
Copy !req
182. We're isolating and studying the effects
Copy !req
183. of various types of genes.
Copy !req
184. We're just going to
give you a series
Copy !req
185. of experimental injections
and record the results.
Copy !req
186. What's this one?
Copy !req
187. We call this
the squirrel gene.
Copy !req
188. Its effects will become
apparent shortly.
Copy !req
189. Okay, what's next?
Copy !req
190. This is the
Seth Rogen gene.
Copy !req
191. It will give you the
appearance of being funny
Copy !req
192. even though you haven't
actually done anything funny.
Copy !req
193. Hey, Doc, are we gonna be much longer?
Copy !req
194. I got to get some beers
with the fellas
Copy !req
195. before I go out on this date.
Copy !req
196. How charming and chubby.
Copy !req
197. I'm rooting for you.
Copy !req
198. All right, Mr. Griffin, at this time,
we're going to inject you
Copy !req
199. with what we believe
we've isolated as the gay gene.
Copy !req
200. I don't understand.
Copy !req
201. Well, if we're correct,
we will have successfully proven
Copy !req
202. that homosexuality is genetic
Copy !req
203. and not a matter of choice or environment.
Copy !req
204. Are you crazy?
Copy !req
205. I don't want to take
a chance on being gay.
Copy !req
206. We'll give you $125.
Copy !req
207. All right, I'll do it.
Copy !req
208. Boy, you're more persuasive
than James Bond.
Copy !req
209. Now, time for some
unfinished business.
Copy !req
210. - No, James.
- Yes.
Copy !req
211. No, James.
Copy !req
212. Yes. You are going
to have sex with me.
Copy !req
213. No, James, I don't want to!
Copy !req
214. Yes, you do.
Copy !req
215. No, I don't.
Copy !req
216. Yes, you do.
Copy !req
217. No, I don't!
Copy !req
218. Yes, you do!
Copy !req
219. Okay, yes.
Copy !req
220. See that?
Copy !req
221. Fifty nos and a yes means yes.
Copy !req
222. Hi.
Copy !req
223. So how'd the medical
experiments go?
Copy !req
224. So good, Lois.
Copy !req
225. So good.
Copy !req
226. I'm gonna squeeze right in here,
if my thighs will let me!
Copy !req
227. Peter, what exactly
did they inject you with?
Copy !req
228. Oh, all sorts of things.
Copy !req
229. Hepatitis vaccine,
a couple of steroids,
Copy !req
230. the gay gene, calcium,
a vitamin B extract...
Copy !req
231. What did you just say?
Copy !req
232. The gay gene.
Copy !req
233. I assume that's
the one you meant,
Copy !req
234. even though it wasn't literally
the last thing I said
Copy !req
235. when you said,
"What did you just say?"
Copy !req
236. It's just that clearly
it was the most unusual.
Copy !req
237. Yes, that's the one I meant.
Copy !req
238. Peter, are you... gay?
Copy !req
239. Guilty!
Copy !req
240. Did anybody see that absolutely
fabulous piece on Fiji
Copy !req
241. in yesterday's travel section?
Copy !req
242. Oh.
Copy !req
243. I wish I was Beyoncé.
Copy !req
244. Peter, I think maybe
you should go back
Copy !req
245. and have that doctor
undo whatever he did.
Copy !req
246. - Oh, my muffins are ready!
Copy !req
247. You made muffins?
Copy !req
248. Well, it wasn't the muffin fairy.
Copy !req
249. Or was it?
Copy !req
250. - Go ahead. Try it.
- Peter...
Copy !req
251. Try it.
Copy !req
252. Dad, I think Mom's right.
Copy !req
253. Maybe you should go back
to that doctor.
Copy !req
254. Well, now, wait a minute, Meg.
Copy !req
255. Let's not be too hasty.
Copy !req
256. These are delicious!
Copy !req
257. I know what you mean.
Copy !req
258. What?
Copy !req
259. I said homosexuality
is wrong.
Copy !req
260. Are you... Are you
being serious right now?
Copy !req
261. Just keep it in the bedroom, you know?
Copy !req
262. I mean, I'm not all
in your face with my heterosexuality.
Copy !req
263. Uh... No, you are not.
Copy !req
264. Darn it!
Copy !req
265. Knock, knock.
What's the problem, champ?
Copy !req
266. Why is math so hard?
Copy !req
267. Well, you know,
it doesn't have to be.
Copy !req
268. One trick I used to use
Copy !req
269. is turning things
into a word problem.
Copy !req
270. For example,
if there are three glory holes
Copy !req
271. in the bathroom at the club,
Copy !req
272. and 28 guys at the circuit party,
Copy !req
273. how many rotations
of guys will it take
Copy !req
274. before everybody's had a turn?
Copy !req
275. I don't know.
Copy !req
276. Nine, with a remainder of Brent.
Copy !req
277. Oh!
Copy !req
278. 'Cause Brent can't fit
in the glory hole
Copy !req
279. And that's why we all like Brent
Copy !req
280. We now return to
That Black Guy Must Be Doing Well
Copy !req
281. Because Everything
He Owns Is White.
Copy !req
282. Hey. How you doing?
Copy !req
283. Wow. He must be doing well.
Copy !req
284. Well, here's the new nightie
you picked out for me.
Copy !req
285. What do you think?
Copy !req
286. I think I'm jealous of
Miss Eats-Anything-She-Wants-
Copy !req
287. And-Still-Fits-Into-a-Size-4.
Copy !req
288. Ooh, I could scratch your eyes out.
Copy !req
289. Oh. You know, Peter,
with all the shopping
Copy !req
290. and cooking and decorating,
I have to say,
Copy !req
291. I'm really liking
the new you an awful lot.
Copy !req
292. An awful lot.
Copy !req
293. Heh.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
294. I'm fooling around.
Copy !req
295. Come on, sweetie.
Let's have some fun.
Copy !req
296. Lois, I'm gay.
Copy !req
297. You're... Wait a minute.
Copy !req
298. You mean we can't have sex?
Copy !req
299. Uh, no!
Copy !req
300. Peter, we're married!
Copy !req
301. Tony Randall was married, Lois.
Copy !req
302. Rock Hudson was married.
Copy !req
303. Ronald Reagan was married.
Copy !req
304. Mr. President,
did you reach a missile pact?
Copy !req
305. Well, you could say that.
Copy !req
306. There was a missile.
Copy !req
307. And something definitely got "pact."
Copy !req
308. Just tell me, Doctor.
Copy !req
309. Is there anything you can do
to remove this gene?
Copy !req
310. Well, Mrs. Griffin, it doesn't really
work that way.
Copy !req
311. We just have to wait for
the effects to wear off.
Copy !req
312. Well, how long will that take?
Copy !req
313. A week? A month? A year?
525,600 minutes?
Copy !req
314. Oh! Rent! Rent! Rent!
Copy !req
315. For all we know,
he could be this way
Copy !req
316. for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
317. I don't see what the big deal is.
Copy !req
318. I like myself this way.
Copy !req
319. It's a very big deal!
Copy !req
320. You'll be treated differently,
Copy !req
321. just like my Uncle Ray
with the really high-up anus.
Copy !req
322. I'll be out in a minute!
Copy !req
323. So Dad's going to be gay forever?
Copy !req
324. Possibly, Meg.
Copy !req
325. So we're all just going
to have to get used to this
Copy !req
326. and learn to accept
your father for who he is now.
Copy !req
327. Oh, great plan, Lois.
Copy !req
328. Hey, here's a nutty idea.
Copy !req
329. Ever read the Bible?
Copy !req
330. Leviticus 18:22.
Copy !req
331. Stewie, you're judgmentally
quoting Bible verses,
Copy !req
332. and you don't even
know how to read.
Copy !req
333. Welcome to America, Brian.
Copy !req
334. Hi, everybody.
Copy !req
335. This is Scott.
Copy !req
336. Oh. Who's Scott?
Copy !req
337. My soul mate, Lois.
Copy !req
338. I'm here, I'm queer,
but don't get used to it
Copy !req
339. 'cause I'm leaving you.
Copy !req
340. - What?
- I'm sorry, Lois.
Copy !req
341. I can't deny who I am
any longer.
Copy !req
342. I am Peter Griffin, homosexual,
Copy !req
343. and that's how I'm going
to live my life.
Copy !req
344. Chris, you're the man
of the house now.
Copy !req
345. Take the lessons
I've taught you,
Copy !req
346. and be the best leader
of this household you can.
Copy !req
347. I will, Dad!
Copy !req
348. Oh, God! I miss Peter so much.
Copy !req
349. Gay or not,
I just wish he was still here.
Copy !req
350. I miss Dad, too, Mom,
but we'll manage somehow.
Copy !req
351. We're still a family, right?
Copy !req
352. Yeah. I mean, we're tighter
than an Asian family.
Copy !req
353. You doctor yet?
Copy !req
354. No, Dad. I'm 12.
Copy !req
355. Talk to me
when you doctor!
Copy !req
356. I am so gay for you, Scott.
Copy !req
357. I'm so gay for you, Peter.
Copy !req
358. Penis for your thoughts.
Copy !req
359. I just... You complete me.
You know that?
Copy !req
360. You just make me want
to be a gayer man.
Copy !req
361. Oh, come here.
Copy !req
362. And you don't miss
your wife at all?
Copy !req
363. Well, sure I do,
Copy !req
364. but this is a whole new chapter
in my life, Scott,
Copy !req
365. and that chapter
is all about you.
Copy !req
366. Oh, Peter, let's snuggle
on the couch and watch Lifetime.
Copy !req
367. We now return to
Meredith Baxter in Raped by a Clown.
Copy !req
368. It was awful.
Copy !req
369. He made me do things.
Awful things.
Copy !req
370. What kinds of things?
Copy !req
371. I don't even want
to talk about it.
Copy !req
372. So, you sure you don't need
any house repairs, Mrs. Griffin?
Copy !req
373. No, thanks, Rick.
Copy !req
374. Ever since Peter left,
Copy !req
375. our house hasn't
been getting destroyed
Copy !req
376. by shenanigans
on a weekly basis.
Copy !req
377. God! I feel so bad for Lois.
Copy !req
378. She really misses Peter.
Copy !req
379. I just wish there was
something we could do.
Copy !req
380. Well, there is, Brian.
I looked into it.
Copy !req
381. - Straight Camp.
- Straight Camp?
Copy !req
382. Yeah. It's where gays go
to get cured.
Copy !req
383. This is dated last year.
Copy !req
384. Oh, yeah. I just... I... I...
I just had it lying around.
Copy !req
385. I don't know.
Copy !req
386. It goes against everything
I believe in,
Copy !req
387. but, at this point,
I'm willing to try anything.
Copy !req
388. Oh, for the love of penis!
Copy !req
389. What the... Where am I?
Copy !req
390. This is Straight Camp, Peter.
Copy !req
391. I'm sorry,
but I'm doing this for Lois.
Copy !req
392. By the time you get out of here,
Copy !req
393. you're going to be back
to your old self again.
Copy !req
394. Welcome to Straight Camp, everyone.
Copy !req
395. You're all here
because you've made a choice
Copy !req
396. to renounce your evil,
sinful ways,
Copy !req
397. and redeem yourselves
in the eyes
Copy !req
398. of your Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ,
Copy !req
399. who hates many people,
but none more than homosexuals.
Copy !req
400. And, through our carefully
structured program,
Copy !req
401. you will succeed.
Copy !req
402. All right, men,
this is Harry the Homosexual.
Copy !req
403. Say hi to everyone, Harry.
Copy !req
404. Hi, fellas. I sure
do love being gay!
Copy !req
405. Harry's choice
of lifestyle is wrong,
Copy !req
406. so we're going
to beat him up for it.
Copy !req
407. Now, take these baseball bats
and get to it.
Copy !req
408. All right. Good so far.
Copy !req
409. No, no, no!
Don't use the bats like that!
Copy !req
410. No, no! Don't use them
like that either!
Copy !req
411. All right, look.
Copy !req
412. Just put them down
and use your fists.
Copy !req
413. No, no, no! Not like that!
Copy !req
414. All right, this next exercise
Copy !req
415. will train you to talk
like a straight man.
Copy !req
416. Peter, we'll start with you.
Copy !req
417. Repeat every word I say
exactly as I say it.
Copy !req
418. "Tonight, me and my friends
Paulie and Mattie
Copy !req
419. "are going out to drink
a ton of beers."
Copy !req
420. "Tonight, my friends
and I are going out,
Copy !req
421. "but we're not drinking because
those are empty calories."
Copy !req
422. "Then we'll play
full contact football
Copy !req
423. "in the park with
no pads or helmets."
Copy !req
424. "Then we're gathering at Alan
and Omar's for Bad Movie Night."
Copy !req
425. "Then it's straight
to the bars
Copy !req
426. "to find loose women
to have sex with."
Copy !req
427. "Then it's straight to the gym
for three hours of crunches,
Copy !req
428. "and extended eye contact
with strangers."
Copy !req
429. - Peter!
- Oh, don't give me that look, Tony.
Copy !req
430. That's exactly what you said.
Copy !req
431. I said it right back to you.
Copy !req
432. Excuse me. I'm sorry
to bother you people,
Copy !req
433. but I didn't know
where else to go.
Copy !req
434. I haven't seen Peter
in two days,
Copy !req
435. and I just thought
he might be here.
Copy !req
436. What?
Oh, my God! Peter's missing?
Copy !req
437. Hang on.
Hang on. Hang on.
Copy !req
438. Before anyone gets too worked up,
I know where Peter is.
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439. - Where?
- I put him in a Straight Camp.
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440. - You what?
- Oh! You bastard!
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441. Brian, why...
Why did you do that?
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442. Well, it's just that
you seem so unhappy,
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443. and I just wanted to help you
get your husband back.
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444. Who knows? By now,
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445. Peter could be completely
heterosexual again.
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446. Throw out your hands
Stick out your tush
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447. Hands on your hips
Give 'em a push
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448. You'll be surprised
you'redoing The French Mistake
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449. Stop!
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450. Lois! What are
you doing here?
Copy !req
451. I'm here to get you out
of this place, Peter.
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452. I'm taking you back to Scott.
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453. Really? You're not still
upset about my leaving?
Copy !req
454. Peter, there's nothing I'd want
more than to have you back,
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455. but your place is in Scott now.
Copy !req
456. I mean, a person's sexual identity
is no more a choice
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457. than the color of his skin.
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458. This is who you are.
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459. I can't change you.
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460. And it would be wrong
for me to try.
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461. Oh, Lois, you've made me happier
than a pig among guinea pigs.
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462. All right,
I think we're all in agreement.
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463. I'm in charge here.
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464. Hi, Peter!
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465. Hi, Scott!
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466. Guess what?
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467. I have a welcome-home
surprise for you.
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468. Dish, dish, dish!
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469. Remember how you told me
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470. your ultimate fantasy
was to have an 11-way?
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471. Oh, my God! Yes, I do.
And you so did not even.
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472. Oh, but I did.
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473. Yoo-hoo! Guys!
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474. Oh! Here are my notes
about the gay gene.
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475. Huh. It wears off after
two-and-a-half weeks.
Copy !req
476. Oh, great! Now I can't find
Mrs. Griffin's number!
Copy !req
477. Okay, everybody ready?
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478. Oh, God!
I feel like a kid in a candy store
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479. who's having sex
with a bunch of gay guys.
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480. Ooh! Ooh!
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481. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
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482. Wait a minute.
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483. What's going on here?
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484. Holy crap!
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485. These are mine!
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486. So we're just, like, never going to talk
about this again?
Copy !req
487. That's right, sweetie.
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488. Well, I'm just happy
to have your father home again.
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489. Yeah. And thank God
everything's back to normal.
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490. Take back your horse!
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