1. Well, should we say
prayers first?
Copy !req
2. Can you imagine?
Copy !req
3. What a bunch of losers.
Copy !req
4. Oh, sometimes I like
the kind of trash we are.
Copy !req
5. So, how'd everyone sleep?
Copy !req
6. - Fine.
- Good.
Copy !req
7. Not good.
I heard Meg having a one-some.
Copy !req
8. Oh, I had the most random dream.
Copy !req
9. Peter, you were there.
Copy !req
10. - Uh-huh.
- We were at home.
Copy !req
11. Except in my dream—
Copy !req
12. Oh, Brian, wait,
you got to hear this.
Copy !req
13. Our house looked like
Grandma's house,
Copy !req
14. and for some reason,
I was in my underwear,
Copy !req
15. shaking a big bag of kibble.
Copy !req
16. Meg, you spilled Doritos
on the carpet,
Copy !req
17. and I was trying
to vacuum them up,
Copy !req
18. but the vacuum had hair
all over it for some reason.
Copy !req
19. Imagine that.
Copy !req
20. And, Chris,
you were wearing a tie
Copy !req
21. 'cause you had an interview
at the brewery,
Copy !req
22. if you can believe it.
Copy !req
23. Well, that is one crazy dream.
Copy !req
24. That's not even the crazy part.
Copy !req
25. Brian, I asked you
to drive him,
Copy !req
26. but you kept saying
your car was in Nevada.
Copy !req
27. Wow, that is nuts.
Copy !req
28. Stewie!
Copy !req
29. Ah, screw it.
Copy !req
30. - Whew.
- Oh, thank God.
Copy !req
31. This is still better.
Copy !req
32. S-S-Still better.
Copy !req
33. S-Still so much better.
Copy !req
34. And, Peter, you wanted
to go swimming in our pool,
Copy !req
35. - which of course we don't have.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
36. You had this ridiculously
giant towel.
Copy !req
37. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
38. Oh, and get this:
it had Nemo on it.
Copy !req
39. Oh, boy, that-that is,
that is some dream.
Copy !req
40. And he was wearing
giant sunglasses.
Copy !req
41. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
42. Poor bastard's stuck
hearing a wife dream.
Copy !req
43. Yeah, I kept telling you
to pick it up, pick it up,
Copy !req
44. but there was cotton
in my mouth.
Copy !req
45. Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
46. My uncle died this way.
Copy !req
47. Oh, and we had cats
for some reason.
Copy !req
48. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
49. Uhp, I backed up all the way
into the show before us.
Copy !req
50. Wife talking about her dream.
Copy !req
51. Homer, you've got company.
Copy !req
52. Why are there
two sets of prices?
Copy !req
53. One's the Emmy-winner discount.
Copy !req
54. Ah.
Copy !req
55. Black coffee and toast, please.
Copy !req
56. Oh, so wonderful to see you all.
Copy !req
57. The kids are getting so big.
Copy !req
58. Especially Chris.
Copy !req
59. Is he diabetic?
Copy !req
60. We don't see doctors,
but we're pretty sure.
Copy !req
61. May I take your order?
Copy !req
62. Crayons and a silly map, please.
Copy !req
63. Excellent choice.
Copy !req
64. We interrupt this program
Copy !req
65. for a Channel Five
special report.
Copy !req
66. Good evening, Quahog.
Copy !req
67. The Exxon Pewterschmidt
has crashed
Copy !req
68. and released
millions of gallons of oil
Copy !req
69. into the Gulf of Mexico,
contaminating marine life
Copy !req
70. and causing irreparable damage
to the ecosystem.
Copy !req
71. Two anonymous whistleblowers
blame negligence.
Copy !req
72. They cut corners left and right.
This was inevitable.
Copy !req
73. What happened to
the oil-covered little crab?
Copy !req
74. He, uh, he-he had to leave.
Copy !req
75. - Did you eat the little crab?
- They cut a lot of corners!
Copy !req
76. Oh, my God, those poor fish.
Copy !req
77. They're in water.
Copy !req
78. If they can't get clean in
water, where can they get clean?
Copy !req
79. This is serious, Daddy.
Copy !req
80. Sweetie, if it was so serious,
Copy !req
81. we'd flip to me in a boardroom
with a crisis team.
Copy !req
82. Ah, I didn't grab my drink.
Copy !req
83. Mr. Pewterschmidt,
it's imperative
Copy !req
84. we do immediate damage control,
or your stock will plummet.
Copy !req
85. See what I'm doing here?
Copy !req
86. The "throw the money at it"
Copy !req
87. Pay someone to do
something worse
Copy !req
88. so everyone forgets my thing.
Copy !req
89. Cue the video.
Copy !req
90. Hi. I'm Joseph Hazelwood,
Copy !req
91. former captain
of the Exxon Valdez
Copy !req
92. and 1987 Anchorage Ballroom
Dance Champion.
Copy !req
93. That gets a little overshadowed,
Copy !req
94. but it doesn't diminish
the accomplishment.
Copy !req
95. Anyway, as someone
who single-handedly spilled
Copy !req
96. 11 million gallons of oil
into the Prince William Sound,
Copy !req
97. I know a thing or two
about evading responsibility.
Copy !req
98. Just find a scapegoat
to blame it on.
Copy !req
99. The number two man
in the company
Copy !req
100. or a relative.
Copy !req
101. Perhaps a son-in-law.
Copy !req
102. A simpleton to blame things on.
Copy !req
103. Ow!
Copy !req
104. Ah!
Copy !req
105. There's some kind of
force field.
Copy !req
106. Ah! Ah!
Copy !req
107. Daddy, you are not
blaming this on Peter.
Copy !req
108. Some other options
are a donation
Copy !req
109. and a photo op at an orphanage.
Copy !req
110. Or building
a Holocaust memorial.
Copy !req
111. Ugh, haven't those Nazis
been praised enough?
Copy !req
112. Hello, hello.
Copy !req
113. Welcome to Our Lady
of the Immaculate Anus.
Copy !req
114. I think that word is "Agnes."
Copy !req
115. Oh, no.
Copy !req
116. That's the only reason
I volunteered here.
Copy !req
117. I need a photo with an orphan.
Are you in charge?
Copy !req
118. Oh, no, I just volunteers
on weekends.
Copy !req
119. I love kids,
and I'm an expert at going,
Copy !req
120. "Tsk, tsk, tsk."
Copy !req
121. Uh, that one looks
the least filthy.
Copy !req
122. Okay, let's get a picture
so I can get out of here.
Copy !req
123. I bet you're only here
'cause you did something bad
Copy !req
124. and think a photo with an orphan
will fix it.
Copy !req
125. Well, duh.
Copy !req
126. Then if you want a photo,
you have to buy me candy.
Copy !req
127. I'm not buying you candy.
Go to hell.
Copy !req
128. There's plenty
of other CEOs who will.
Copy !req
129. And Andrew Cuomo.
Copy !req
130. Who wants to see
my nipple rings?
Copy !req
131. Now bring that face over here
for an unwanted smooch.
Copy !req
132. Okay, fine. We'll go across
the street to Rexall's
Copy !req
133. and get some menthol jellies.
Copy !req
134. You like menthol jellies?
Copy !req
135. Oh, what am I saying?
Every kid loves menthol jellies.
Copy !req
136. What's going on?
Do you have Parkinson's?
Copy !req
137. No, I'm skipping.
Copy !req
138. Skipping? Never heard of it.
Copy !req
139. Hey, how many of these orphans
are really just
Copy !req
140. adult little people
hiding from the law?
Copy !req
141. Just the ones in large bonnets
smoking cigars.
Copy !req
142. My people groped Judy Garland
something awful.
Copy !req
143. Look it up.
Copy !req
144. Kind of a dick move
to open a candy store
Copy !req
145. across the street
from an orphanage.
Copy !req
146. Sorry, we have to hold
an adult's hand
Copy !req
147. when we cross the street.
Copy !req
148. No, it's fine.
Copy !req
149. I just can't remember
the last time
Copy !req
150. someone held my hand.
Copy !req
151. It's kind of nice.
Copy !req
152. So, what happened
to your parents?
Copy !req
153. They left me on
the orphanage steps as a baby.
Copy !req
154. That should be funny to me,
but for some reason, it's not.
Copy !req
155. Well, thank you for the candy.
Copy !req
156. I actually enjoyed it.
Copy !req
157. You're good company.
Copy !req
158. You know,
this is a crazy thought,
Copy !req
159. but you're crammed
in this filthy place
Copy !req
160. while I've got a gigantic house.
Copy !req
161. - Why don't you come live
with me?
- Really?
Copy !req
162. Yeah. I could buy you.
Copy !req
163. - You mean adopt?
- Oh, whatever they call it.
Copy !req
164. It'll be nice
to have you around.
Copy !req
165. Why, we'll make a better team
than the Brooks Brothers.
Copy !req
166. Hey, I can make boxy suits.
Copy !req
167. And I only know lacrosse guys.
Copy !req
168. Brooks Brothers:
Copy !req
169. look sharp at
your sexual assault trial.
Copy !req
170. What do you say?
Want to come live with us?
Copy !req
171. Well, I've never had
a parent to tell me
Copy !req
172. not to go home with strangers,
so sure.
Copy !req
173. Great, why don't you go wait
in the car.
Copy !req
174. I'm just gonna get a receipt
in case we get home
Copy !req
175. and you have a clubfoot
or something.
Copy !req
176. - I don't.
- Uh, yeah,
Copy !req
177. I'll-I'll probably
just grab the receipt.
Copy !req
178. For our top story tonight,
we go to the statehouse
Copy !req
179. with Uncomfortable
Audio Delay Gina.
Copy !req
180. Gina?
Copy !req
181. - We seem to be having a prob...
- That's right, Tom.
Copy !req
182. I just found out
my father adopted a little girl.
Copy !req
183. - Carter?
- Yeah, if he wanted
a little girl,
Copy !req
184. we could've just
given him Stewie.
Copy !req
185. Whoa! And good morning
to you, too, Pop.
Copy !req
186. I just don't get it.
Copy !req
187. I mean, Daddy's never taken
an interest in kids.
Copy !req
188. Can anyone say "tax deduction"?
Copy !req
189. Yeah, you proud of that?
Copy !req
190. You proud of your comment,
Copy !req
191. Taking aim at hypocrisy?
Copy !req
192. Exposing the underbelly
of human nature?
Copy !req
193. - Uhp, I said "belly."
- Belly?
Copy !req
194. Ugh, fine.
Copy !req
195. There we go, kick the leg.
Copy !req
196. That's how I know
you're having a good time.
Copy !req
197. I just don't get it.
Copy !req
198. I was raised by our nanny.
Copy !req
199. I mean, Daddy didn't even
learn my name until I was eight.
Copy !req
200. Well, what was it?
Copy !req
201. - Lois.
- Oh.
Copy !req
202. Every birthday, I begged him
to take me to the zoo,
Copy !req
203. and Mother made him take me.
Copy !req
204. But it was the '80s.
Copy !req
205. Daddy was always too busy making
Copy !req
206. giant cell phone deals
on the beach.
Copy !req
207. Not now, Lois.
Copy !req
208. What about the zoo?
Copy !req
209. I'll take you
to the trading floor
Copy !req
210. on Wall Street instead.
Copy !req
211. Now, that's a zoo.
Copy !req
212. Ah, the guy, the guy
on the other end is laughing.
Copy !req
213. We never made it to the zoo.
Copy !req
214. My God, that poor little girl
needs help.
Copy !req
215. Check it out. Brian's got
a belly rub erection.
Copy !req
216. Oh, precious. Precious moments.
Copy !req
217. Welcome, everyone.
Copy !req
218. Oh, Mother,
I came as soon as I heard.
Copy !req
219. Now, where is the little girl?
Is she okay?
Copy !req
220. Oh, she's fine.
Copy !req
221. She and Carter are
painting each other's nails.
Copy !req
222. What? He never did that with me.
Copy !req
223. Your nails are already yellow.
Copy !req
224. Yeah, the toes
are the first to die.
Copy !req
225. Just add some blue;
it'll make it a nice green.
Copy !req
226. We're out of blue.
Copy !req
227. Well, then just slap
some googly eyes on them
Copy !req
228. and we've got
ten little Minions.
Copy !req
229. I like Minions.
Copy !req
230. Not sexually.
Copy !req
231. I realize bringing that up
suggests otherwise.
Copy !req
232. Now you say something.
Copy !req
233. I'm not calling you my aunt,
by the way,
Copy !req
234. so get that out of your head.
Copy !req
235. Well, I'm sure this will all end
Copy !req
236. as soon as Daddy gets
a business call.
Copy !req
237. There's a Mr. Important
on the line.
Copy !req
238. Tell him he'll have to wait.
Copy !req
239. What?
Copy !req
240. Well, Daddy would always
take business calls
Copy !req
241. when I would play with him.
Copy !req
242. It's Mr. Important
from the, uh...
Copy !req
243. "massage place."
Copy !req
244. Oh. Of course I'll take it.
You got to say that part.
Copy !req
245. We now return to Harry Potter
Copy !req
246. and the Phone Call
of Awkwardness.
Copy !req
247. Yeah, Hermione?
Copy !req
248. Hey, it's me, Harry.
Copy !req
249. Um, remember that time I, um...
Copy !req
250. I caught your snitch?
Copy !req
251. Yeah, well, you may want
Copy !req
252. to have your chamber
of secrets checked
Copy !req
253. because, um, it's possible
Copy !req
254. I may have given you Hogwarts.
Copy !req
255. As you know,
I insist my children
Copy !req
256. are always taken care of financially.
Copy !req
257. So, Tatum, I'm giving you
this American Express card.
Copy !req
258. But what about me, Daddy?
Copy !req
259. I-I'm your daughter, too.
Copy !req
260. Don't think for a moment
I forgot about you, Lois.
Copy !req
261. I'm giving you this
Native American Express card.
Copy !req
262. - Why?
- I think you mean "how."
Copy !req
263. That's offensive.
Copy !req
264. I laughed.
Copy !req
265. Care to dance?
Copy !req
266. Sure.
Copy !req
267. Boy, you're a great dancer.
Copy !req
268. Mind if I cut in?
Copy !req
269. Mind if I cut one?
Copy !req
270. Uhp, too late.
Copy !req
271. All right, I got to go take
a not-wetting-the-hair shower.
Copy !req
272. We now return to
House Hunters: Australia.
Copy !req
273. So I carve boomerangs, and
me wife is an 11-inch spider.
Copy !req
274. Our budget is $7 million.
Copy !req
275. We're looking for something
close to the city center
Copy !req
276. but with enough natural light
Copy !req
277. so that we can maintain
our sunburns.
Copy !req
278. And just look at these
spacious walk-in closets.
Copy !req
279. Crikey, I might have to buy
a second shirt.
Copy !req
280. Lois, there you are.
Copy !req
281. Don't you want to hang out
with the family?
Copy !req
282. Oh, I just needed
to get some air.
Copy !req
283. Look, I know your father
Copy !req
284. wasn't there for you growing up,
and it hurt,
Copy !req
285. but you overcame that.
Copy !req
286. You're the glue
that holds this family together.
Copy !req
287. Ah, thanks, Brian.
I guess you're right.
Copy !req
288. Listen up! Everyone in the van!
Copy !req
289. We're taking Tatum to the zoo!
Copy !req
290. The zoo? What-what,
are we returning Chris?
Copy !req
291. Hey, Meg, did you hear
we're going to the zoo?
Copy !req
292. What, are-are we
returning Chris?
Copy !req
293. Hey, Chris,
we're going to the zoo.
Copy !req
294. What, are we returning Chr...
Copy !req
295. Keep my name
out your mouth!
Copy !req
296. Wow, dude, it was a zoo joke.
Copy !req
297. Keep my name
out your mouth!
Copy !req
298. Just a heads-up:
I have an itinerary
Copy !req
299. that we have to stick to
or I'll get really angry.
Copy !req
300. Everyone loves a guy like me.
Copy !req
301. All right, let's go.
Copy !req
302. How is it always 25 degrees
hotter here than anywhere else?
Copy !req
303. Mom, are you okay?
Copy !req
304. Oh, of course I'm okay.
Why wouldn't I be okay?
Copy !req
305. I'm at the zoo!
Copy !req
306. After 30 years of asking Daddy
Copy !req
307. to take me to the zoo,
here I am!
Copy !req
308. What else do you want, honey?
Copy !req
309. My clothes? My car?
You want to screw my husband?
Copy !req
310. I wouldn't.
I hear that husband of hers
Copy !req
311. ain't hitting the mark,
if you catch my drift.
Copy !req
312. Lois, will you take
this little one to the bathroom?
Copy !req
313. Fine.
Copy !req
314. We'll wait here for you
while I read this sign out loud.
Copy !req
315. "No flash photography."
Copy !req
316. Huh, I guess that means
no photos with flashes,
Copy !req
317. if I'm reading this right.
Copy !req
318. Interesting. Is there anyone
who hasn't read this sign?
Copy !req
319. I can summarize it for you.
Copy !req
320. So unfair.
Copy !req
321. Ugh, I look like Ron Weasley.
Copy !req
322. I'm now a real estate broker
in Winnersh.
Copy !req
323. Tatum? Tatum?
Copy !req
324. Could you be quiet?
I'm trying to wipe myself
Copy !req
325. with the thinnest toilet paper
known to humankind.
Copy !req
326. Why does that require silence?
Copy !req
327. Tatum?
Copy !req
328. Oh, hey, Lois. What's wrong?
Copy !req
329. Peter, you got to help me.
I lost Tatum!
Copy !req
330. Uh, we went into the bathroom,
but now she's gone!
Copy !req
331. Well, if this isn't an excuse
to climb a giraffe's neck,
Copy !req
332. I don't know what is.
Copy !req
333. You see her?
Copy !req
334. No, but do you see
those hippos doing it?
Copy !req
335. Giraffe!
Copy !req
336. There you are, Lois.
Copy !req
337. I bought Tatum
this stuffed penguin
Copy !req
338. that didn't require
washing blood and semen off it
Copy !req
339. like the one
you found for Stewie.
Copy !req
340. Wha-wha-whaa?
Copy !req
341. Uh, Daddy,
I-I sort of lost Tatum.
Copy !req
342. - You what?
- I swear it was an accident.
Copy !req
343. Don't worry, Lois.
We'll split up and look for her.
Copy !req
344. On it.
Copy !req
345. Damn it, Chris! Now that's
gonna be in our Fox promo.
Copy !req
346. - Sorry, Dad.
- Sorry, Dad.
Copy !req
347. Tonight on Fox:
Copy !req
348. Chris Griffin meets...
Chris Griffin?
Copy !req
349. Aw, there it goes.
Copy !req
350. Sorry.
Copy !req
351. Hey, you looking for that kid?
Copy !req
352. Grab those keys and come in here
and I'll tell you where she is.
Copy !req
353. Ha. Nice try.
Copy !req
354. I see that other wolf
hiding behind the rock.
Copy !req
355. Come on. Hey, you like scotch?
Copy !req
356. I got a 21-year Macallan
in here. Let's have a drink.
Copy !req
357. How does a wolf get
a 21-year Macallan?
Copy !req
358. It was a gift from a friend.
Copy !req
359. Pretty good friend.
Copy !req
360. - Hey, what do you do?
- I'm a writer.
Copy !req
361. - Wait a minute.
What's your name?
- Brian Griffin.
Copy !req
362. Brian Griffin?
I knew I recognized you.
Copy !req
363. I read your book.
Copy !req
364. You read
Faster Than the Speed of Love?
Copy !req
365. I sure did, and thanks
for saying the title.
Copy !req
366. Well, maybe I will come in
for a Macallan.
Copy !req
367. He didn't read my book.
Copy !req
368. So I said,
"What, are we returning Chris?"
Copy !req
369. Chris is my son.
Copy !req
370. All right,
too smart for the room.
Copy !req
371. What else? What else?
Copy !req
372. Uh, you know,
I hear the elephants
Copy !req
373. are asking for a raise.
Copy !req
374. Yeah, they're tired
of working for peanuts.
Copy !req
375. Why aren't you guys laughing?
Copy !req
376. Our hyena president was shot.
Copy !req
377. I know it's not a big deal
in the human world,
Copy !req
378. but it mattered to us.
Copy !req
379. But please continue.
We want to feel normal.
Copy !req
380. Any sign of Tatum?
Copy !req
381. - No.
- What's going on over there?
Copy !req
382. Oh, my God!
Tatum's in the gorilla pit!
Copy !req
383. Oh, no.
Copy !req
384. Sorry, that was
a bad time to yawn.
Copy !req
385. Good afternoon. I'm Tom Tucker,
Copy !req
386. live on the scene
at Newport Zoo,
Copy !req
387. where a young girl
has fallen into the gorilla pit.
Copy !req
388. The zoo wrangler,
or a man in khaki shorts
Copy !req
389. I can only assume is an expert,
Copy !req
390. is now being lowered into
the pit to rescue the child.
Copy !req
391. And is now being ripped
limb from limb.
Copy !req
392. Uhp, hang on.
Copy !req
393. He appears to be okay
and is now exiting the pit.
Copy !req
394. Nope, correction,
that's just his face.
Copy !req
395. A gorilla has ripped it off
and is wearing it
Copy !req
396. and is now walking
out of the park.
Copy !req
397. Say, could you direct me
to your town's banana district?
Copy !req
398. Somebody, please! Save her!
Copy !req
399. Lois, what the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
400. I have to, Brian.
Copy !req
401. This is all my fault.
Copy !req
402. - Lois!
- Mom!
Copy !req
403. Wow, from this angle,
you can really see Lois's roots.
Copy !req
404. Nice gorillas.
Copy !req
405. I'm a big fan of your glue.
Copy !req
406. They do make good glue.
Copy !req
407. My God, I can't watch.
Copy !req
408. Look, a baby gorilla
who can't stop sneezing.
Copy !req
409. Aw.
Copy !req
410. Peter!
Copy !req
411. Peter, what do I do?
Copy !req
412. Tell them about your dream!
Copy !req
413. What? They can't understand me!
Copy !req
414. Doesn't matter.
It's all tone and body language.
Copy !req
415. Trust me, they'll know
they don't want to be there.
Copy !req
416. Well, uh, it's interesting
you should say that
Copy !req
417. 'cause I did have a particularly
weird dream last night.
Copy !req
418. Tell them
how you were in our house
Copy !req
419. but it was somehow different
than our regular house.
Copy !req
420. Well, we were in our house,
Copy !req
421. except the laundry machine
was in our kitchen,
Copy !req
422. if you can believe it.
Copy !req
423. And it wasn't like
our normal laundry machine.
Copy !req
424. It was more like
our refrigerator.
Copy !req
425. Yeah, run with that.
Copy !req
426. Oh, and Bonnie's brother
was there, too, for some reason,
Copy !req
427. which is totally random
'cause I haven't seen him
Copy !req
428. in, like, oh, my God,
seven years.
Copy !req
429. But, you know, I did see
a Facebook post of him
Copy !req
430. from, like, a month ago,
Copy !req
431. so maybe that had something
to do with it.
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432. Let's just go.
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433. No. I want to hear
how this ends,
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434. then tell her my dream.
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435. Anyway, I was doing the wash,
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436. and smoke was coming out
the machine,
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437. but it was more like a fog
than a smoke.
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438. Lois!
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439. Thanks for saving my life.
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440. Well, it was kind of my fault
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441. you were there
in the first place.
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442. I hope you can forgive me.
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443. I always wanted a big sister.
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444. How dumb do you have to be
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445. to walk into a gorilla pit,
eh, Brian?
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446. Brian?
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447. So, you've all read my book?
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448. They had read my book;
they just didn't like it.
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449. And, Daddy, I'm so sorry
for the way I acted.
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450. I guess I was just jealous
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451. of all the attention
you were giving Tatum
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452. and afraid that she'd taken
my place as your daughter.
Copy !req
453. Lois, the reason I've been
giving Tatum so much attention
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454. is because I know
how badly I screwed up with you.
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455. I was never there, and it's
the biggest regret of my life.
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456. I'd give anything to go back
and have a second chance
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457. to be a better father to you.
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458. Unfortunately,
Tatum's as close as I'll get.
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459. Well, I'm sorry
I became a bit of a monster.
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460. I was just jealous.
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461. Trust me, that was nothing.
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462. When you were born,
Babs was so jealous
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463. of the attention you got,
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464. she used to put your head
in the oven and try to cook you.
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465. - Did I never tell you that?
- What? No.
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466. That's... that's kind of disturbing.
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467. Yeah, well,
that's the Pewterschmidts.
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468. CARTER (to the tune of
The Brady Bunch theme):
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469. Look at this, all of us
eating together as a family.
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470. This is the closeness
we missed with Lois.
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471. What?
Copy !req
472. I said this is the closeness
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473. we missed with Lois!
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474. - Tatum, how's your applesauce?
- What?
Copy !req
475. This isn't working.
You have to leave.
Copy !req
476. - What's happening?
- They can't hear each other.
Copy !req
477. Ha. Big table.
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