1. I thought I'd seen it all.
Copy !req
2. But that's the thing
about Quahog.
Copy !req
3. You never know what's hiding
under the hard shell of a clam.
Copy !req
4. The Great Depression
hit the town hard.
Copy !req
5. FDR announced we had nothing
to fear but fear itself.
Copy !req
6. The only thing we have to fear
Copy !req
7. is fear itself.
Copy !req
8. And, also, bees.
Copy !req
9. Or when a man has a beard
and then shaves it.
Copy !req
10. 'Cause I don't
recognize him immediately.
Copy !req
11. If I watched him shave it,
it would be different.
Copy !req
12. If I saw the process.
Copy !req
13. And there's this guy Hitler we
should probably keep an eye on.
Copy !req
14. But mostly bees.
Copy !req
15. It was also the height
of Prohibition.
Copy !req
16. Water or seltzer, anyone?
Copy !req
17. Which of course meant
drinking was very cool,
Copy !req
18. and everyone did it
all the time.
Copy !req
19. And of course, there was racism.
Copy !req
20. A lot of it. It was horrible.
Copy !req
21. Except for the laundromat,
which served everyone.
Copy !req
22. Thanks for doing
my undergarments.
Copy !req
23. They were really nice.
Copy !req
24. So, who am I?
Copy !req
25. The name's Mac. Mac Bookpro.
Copy !req
26. And I'm a private dick.
Copy !req
27. A very private dick.
Copy !req
28. And don't listen.
Copy !req
29. My office was in
the Cocaine-Cola building.
Copy !req
30. All the businessmen there
had ideas for other businesses.
Copy !req
31. Well, Mac,
what did you find out?
Copy !req
32. Now hold on, it's 8:00 a. m.
and we're two men in a room.
Copy !req
33. Let me fix you a drink.
Copy !req
34. So, I tailed your wife.
Copy !req
35. Sorry, pal,
she's having an affair.
Copy !req
36. Ah, too bad.
Copy !req
37. I guess she's the maple,
but I'm the sap.
Copy !req
38. There you go.
You're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
39. But it's 8:00 a. m., and you're
a man about to get in a car.
Copy !req
40. Let me fix you another drink.
Copy !req
41. Thanks, Mac. I owe you one.
Copy !req
42. Mr. Bookpro?
Copy !req
43. Yes, Ms. Patbottom?
Copy !req
44. Oh, Mr. Bookpro.
Copy !req
45. My secretary, Fanny Patbottom.
Copy !req
46. She's my gal Thursday.
Copy !req
47. She has choir practice Fridays.
Copy !req
48. She's, uh, not available
to me then.
Copy !req
49. Now, a couple of items
of business.
Copy !req
50. First, we're going
to have to postpone
Copy !req
51. today's tangling
of the Venetian blinds.
Copy !req
52. I think we're gonna have
to start sending the schedule
Copy !req
53. the night before.
Copy !req
54. Also, there's a woman
here to see you.
Copy !req
55. May I come in, Mr. Bookpro?
Copy !req
56. I'll never forget the day
she walked through my door.
Copy !req
57. Ah, damn it. And this was
the smallest brim they had.
Copy !req
58. The name's Hedy.
Hedy Toothgraze.
Copy !req
59. She was the type of girl
who really left a mark on you.
Copy !req
60. Please, have a seat.
Copy !req
61. Do you mind if I don't smoke?
Copy !req
62. I'm afraid I do.
Copy !req
63. Totally understand.
Copy !req
64. So, we're two people in a room
at 8:04 a. m.
Copy !req
65. Let me fix you a drink.
Copy !req
66. So, Mr. Bookpro, I'm here
because my daughter is missing.
Copy !req
67. She's a nun.
Copy !req
68. Frankly, we weren't that close.
Copy !req
69. I gave her to the Church after
my husband died in the war.
Copy !req
70. So, will you take the case?
Copy !req
71. I wasn't sure I could trust her,
but I needed the dough.
Copy !req
72. My rent was two bucks a month
Copy !req
73. and I still owed
50 cents on my car.
Copy !req
74. Since the missing gal was a nun,
Copy !req
75. I decided to start
at the Church.
Copy !req
76. Greetings, my son.
Copy !req
77. Cardinal St. Louis,
likely bad guy.
Copy !req
78. Mac Bookpro.
Copy !req
79. Sorry to bother you
about a case, Padre.
Copy !req
80. Do you want to talk here,
Copy !req
81. or should I come
inside your rectory?
Copy !req
82. Okay, Groucho, calm down.
Copy !req
83. I'm here looking for a nun.
Recognize her?
Copy !req
84. Of course, that's Sister Megan.
Copy !req
85. She runs the church orphanage.
Copy !req
86. And how about this photo?
Copy !req
87. I don't know.
Copy !req
88. Any dunking photo
where you don't see the ground
Copy !req
89. - is very suspicious.
- I see.
Copy !req
90. So, when was the last time
you saw the sister?
Copy !req
91. In the church garden,
wearing giant nun boots
Copy !req
92. and trying to step on squirrels.
Copy !req
93. Yeah, that checks out.
Copy !req
94. If you think of anything,
here's my card.
Copy !req
95. "To my beloved niece."
Copy !req
96. Aw, and he wrote his own note
Copy !req
97. instead of just signing
his name.
Copy !req
98. I like that guy now. He cares.
Copy !req
99. Hey, Mac.
Copy !req
100. Well, if it isn't my old pal
Red Wiener?
Copy !req
101. Red was the best
newspaper guy out there.
Copy !req
102. Except when the newspaper
was rolled up,
Copy !req
103. then he was kind of scared.
Copy !req
104. So, what's got you sniffing
around here today, Fido?
Copy !req
105. Same as you, pal. Sister Megan.
Copy !req
106. I heard you talking
to the cardinal.
Copy !req
107. Well,
she called me a few days ago
Copy !req
108. and said she had a big story.
Copy !req
109. We were supposed to meet
at a speakeasy,
Copy !req
110. but she disappeared
before we could get together.
Copy !req
111. A nun at a speakeasy?
That doesn't figure.
Copy !req
112. - Maybe we should check it out.
- You got it.
Copy !req
113. Say, can we go to the next scene
with one of those
Copy !req
114. cinematic sideways wipes
they used to do in the '30s?
Copy !req
115. I don't know, I did
a sideways wipe this morning.
Copy !req
116. I don't recommend it.
Copy !req
117. Not a good way to make friends
on the trolley.
Copy !req
118. What's the word?
Copy !req
119. - Bird.
- Bird is the word.
Copy !req
120. Welcome to The Sunken Clam.
Copy !req
121. What can I get you fellas?
Copy !req
122. Two this-period fashioneds,
Copy !req
123. We're looking for a girl
who was supposed to show here.
Copy !req
124. You ever seen her?
Copy !req
125. Hmm. Doesn't ring a bell.
Copy !req
126. Well, no one has any idea
what happened to her.
Copy !req
127. Not even her boss, the cardinal.
Copy !req
128. The cardinal? Let me tell you,
that priest is a shady cat.
Copy !req
129. I heard that when the state
voted on Prohibition,
Copy !req
130. he rigged the vote
to get alcohol banned.
Copy !req
131. I tell you, something's
going on at that church,
Copy !req
132. and I'm not gonna rest
until I get to the bottom of it.
Copy !req
133. Yeah, I'm with you, pal.
Copy !req
134. Two more Black girls
recently went missing.
Copy !req
135. Maybe you can
look into that, too?
Copy !req
136. - Oh, boy, you know,
I am just so busy...
- Yeah, I am absolutely swamped.
Copy !req
137. - ... with this
Sister Megan thing.
- Just buried in paperwork.
Copy !req
138. With the case heating up,
Copy !req
139. I decided to visit my friend
down at the station.
Copy !req
140. I hadn't been back since
they kicked me off the force.
Copy !req
141. For years they'd been letting
horses poop on the street.
Copy !req
142. But I do it one time
and I'm out.
Copy !req
143. But I still had
one friend there.
Copy !req
144. My old buddy Ace.
Copy !req
145. Ace Hardware.
Copy !req
146. So, Mac, what brings you here?
Copy !req
147. - Looking for a girl.
- A girl, huh?
Copy !req
148. Yeah. You know, a skirt,
a bird, a twist, a roundheel.
Copy !req
149. I spent most of my time at
the library looking up synonyms.
Copy !req
150. She's a nun. Sister Megan.
Copy !req
151. I think the cardinal
had something to do
Copy !req
152. - with her disappearance.
- Oh, the cardinal?
Copy !req
153. I'd be careful if I were you.
Copy !req
154. He's a heavy hitter
in this town.
Copy !req
155. A big cheese, a head honcho,
a real butter and egg man.
Copy !req
156. I also spent most of my time
at the library
Copy !req
157. looking up synonyms.
Copy !req
158. If I were you,
I'd wheel away from this one.
Copy !req
159. Wheel far, far away.
Copy !req
160. The cops and the cardinal
were both dead ends.
Copy !req
161. I was starting to wonder
whether the sister
Copy !req
162. was even missing.
Copy !req
163. And then, a couple of friends
pulled up.
Copy !req
164. They cornered me
in Kirstie Alley,
Copy !req
165. the widest alley in Quahog.
Copy !req
166. Hey, Mac.
Fancy meeting you here.
Copy !req
167. Well, if it isn't Bogey
and Bacaw.
Copy !req
168. Oof.
Copy !req
169. I hear you've been
snooping around
Copy !req
170. the disappearance of a nun.
Copy !req
171. Well, I didn't mean to ruffle
anyone's feathers.
Copy !req
172. Oof again.
Copy !req
173. You used to be smarter
than this, Mac.
Copy !req
174. Before you got kicked off
the force,
Copy !req
175. you knew how to play ball.
Copy !req
176. But now, here we are.
Copy !req
177. Luckily, they let me
go with a warning.
Copy !req
178. My shadow wasn't so lucky.
Copy !req
179. My cop friend told me
to stay away from the case,
Copy !req
180. and I was starting
to think he was right.
Copy !req
181. But then I got the call
I'd been dreading.
Copy !req
182. - Hello?
Copy !req
183. American Dad's been picked up
for three more seasons?
Copy !req
184. God, when do I get a weekend?
Copy !req
185. Then I got another call.
Copy !req
186. They found Sister Megan.
Copy !req
187. Well, one thing's for sure.
Copy !req
188. We've got a killer shark
on our hands.
Copy !req
189. Close the beaches.
Copy !req
190. I can't believe
my daughter's dead.
Copy !req
191. Doctor, are there any leads
from the body?
Copy !req
192. Anything that can tell us
who did this?
Copy !req
193. Well, not yet, but I've sent
some DNA samples to the lab.
Copy !req
194. - When will we get the results?
- About 65 years.
Copy !req
195. - Nuts.
- I did find one thing, though.
Copy !req
196. There was a roll of camera film
hidden in her waistband.
Copy !req
197. Thanks, Doc. Maybe it's a clue.
Copy !req
198. No problem, Mac.
But there is one more thing.
Copy !req
199. Uh...
Copy !req
200. Uhp. Nope, no. I lost it.
Copy !req
201. Oh, dear. What am I gonna do?
Copy !req
202. My daughter's dead,
and I'm single.
Copy !req
203. Who wants a woman
without a child?
Copy !req
204. I think you got that backwards.
Copy !req
205. Listen, it's been
a long couple of days.
Copy !req
206. What do you say
I take you out tonight?
Copy !req
207. We'll go to the Supper Club.
Copy !req
208. Mr. Bookpro, what kind
of a private dick are you?
Copy !req
209. The kind that was a public one
Copy !req
210. until he got arrested
in the park.
Copy !req
211. Say, I noticed you've
only had three Scotches
Copy !req
212. and five cigarettes.
Copy !req
213. - Something wrong?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
214. I still can't believe you drove
us here in a fudge Packard.
Copy !req
215. Stop calling it that.
It's just a dark brown car.
Copy !req
216. So, you got a light?
Copy !req
217. I got a lot of lights,
but nowhere to plug them in.
Copy !req
218. Maybe I could help with that.
Copy !req
219. You help me?
I'm gonna bust out crying.
Copy !req
220. Hope you got a hanky.
Copy !req
221. I'll bring the hanky,
you bring the panky.
Copy !req
222. You're awfully quick
with the wit, Mr. Bookpro.
Copy !req
223. - I hear you're quick
with the feet.
- You could say that.
Copy !req
224. I was the lead dancer
in The Nutcracker.
Copy !req
225. Huh. Must be a ballet
about my ex-wife.
Copy !req
226. Divorce was new,
and I was the first guy
Copy !req
227. to make that joke.
Copy !req
228. Good morning, Mr. Bookpro.
Copy !req
229. So, I'm turning 21 tomorrow,
and my parents are throwing me
Copy !req
230. a Miserable Spinster party.
Copy !req
231. - Care to attend?
- No, thanks, Ms. Patbottom.
Copy !req
232. Me and my vaudeville group
have a show,
Copy !req
233. but if you maybe
want to stop by...
Copy !req
234. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
235. Say "cream cheese."
Copy !req
236. We hadn't realized
that just "cheese" would work.
Copy !req
237. Hey, Mac, I developed that film
you found on the girl.
Copy !req
238. What? It's the cardinal
with mobsters.
Copy !req
239. How do you know
they're mobsters?
Copy !req
240. What other Italians
can afford Italian suits?
Copy !req
241. I wonder why a cardinal
would meet with the mob.
Copy !req
242. Well, maybe they were
in cahoots,
Copy !req
243. Sister Megan discovered it,
Copy !req
244. and that's why the cardinal
had her killed?
Copy !req
245. Good thinking, Ms. Patbottom.
Let me give you a raise.
Copy !req
246. Oh, Mr. Bookpro,
I don't know what to say.
Copy !req
247. Hey, Mac, there's a couple
more photos.
Copy !req
248. Including the cardinal
with some broad.
Copy !req
249. What the rumpus? That's Hedy.
Copy !req
250. I wonder what her connection
is to the cardinal?
Copy !req
251. Why don't you just call and ask?
Copy !req
252. No way. We just went out,
Copy !req
253. which means I got to wait
three days, at least.
Copy !req
254. The cardinal was definitely up
to something fishy,
Copy !req
255. and I needed to find out what.
Copy !req
256. Luckily, I knew
just the guy to see.
Copy !req
257. Not so fast, Carol.
Copy !req
258. Carol is a very acceptable
man's name for this time period.
Copy !req
259. That's a very defensive response
for something I didn't bring up.
Copy !req
260. Everyone knows
you're dumb muscle for the mob.
Copy !req
261. Tell me what you know
about the cardinal.
Copy !req
262. Sorry, pal. I ain't talking.
Copy !req
263. I'll give you a peacoat
to wear at the docks.
Copy !req
264. - Collar up?
- It's a peacoat, isn't it?
Copy !req
265. Will the buttons have anchors?
Copy !req
266. You want anchor buttons,
start spilling.
Copy !req
267. What's the connection between
the mob and the cardinal?
Copy !req
268. The mob works with the cardinal
Copy !req
269. 'cause he's the biggest
bootlegger in town.
Copy !req
270. He sneaks in booze from Italy
aboard Church ships.
Copy !req
271. And because the contents
are supposed to be religious,
Copy !req
272. no one checks.
Copy !req
273. What? But the cardinal's
against alcohol.
Copy !req
274. He even rigged the vote
to get it banned.
Copy !req
275. Wake up. He didn't rig the vote
because he's against drinking.
Copy !req
276. He did it so he could have
the market all to himself.
Copy !req
277. It was a ruse, a sham,
a snow job.
Copy !req
278. Pure hokum all the way.
Copy !req
279. Nothing but pork pie.
Copy !req
280. I also spent most of my time
looking up synonyms.
Copy !req
281. I'd have to figure out
Hedy's involvement later.
Copy !req
282. But first, it was time to pay
another visit to the cardinal.
Copy !req
283. Hello, Padre.
Copy !req
284. Funny I'd find you here
in the church bathroom.
Copy !req
285. This is the confessional.
Copy !req
286. Well, then, I have
something to confess.
Copy !req
287. Ugh, mother of mercy.
Copy !req
288. How much mutton do you eat?
Copy !req
289. Hey, you're supposed
to be forgiving.
Copy !req
290. This is a safe space.
Copy !req
291. And anyway, Father,
you're the one
Copy !req
292. who's gonna do
the confessing today.
Copy !req
293. For the murder of Sister Megan.
Copy !req
294. - Oof.
- The truth hurts,
Copy !req
295. doesn't it, Cardinal?
Copy !req
296. What the rumpus?
Copy !req
297. - Freeze.
- Ace, thank God.
Copy !req
298. Somebody just stabbed
the cardinal
Copy !req
299. and ran out the back door.
Copy !req
300. And they stole all
the cardinal's Andes candies
Copy !req
301. and put them in my pocket.
Copy !req
302. Nice try, Mac.
Copy !req
303. We got an anonymous tip
Copy !req
304. that a heavyset man entered
the church with a knife.
Copy !req
305. And funny thing, we got
that tip right after getting
Copy !req
306. the ballistics report
on Sister Megan's murder.
Copy !req
307. She was killed with your gun.
Copy !req
308. What? You don't think...
Copy !req
309. Sorry. I have
to take you downtown.
Copy !req
310. Dinner and a show?
Copy !req
311. No, Mac. Cuff him.
Copy !req
312. Come on, Ace. You can't
send me to the hoosegow,
Copy !req
313. the big house,
the graybar saloon, the stir.
Copy !req
314. And take his thesaurus.
Copy !req
315. What? I need that.
It's important.
Copy !req
316. Just, you know, very, very,
very, very important.
Copy !req
317. Hey, Mac, you made bail.
Copy !req
318. Really? Who in this town
has three dollars?
Copy !req
319. Listen here, Mac.
I know you were framed.
Copy !req
320. And I want you to figure out
who did it
Copy !req
321. so I can write the story.
Copy !req
322. Yeah, it'll be front-page news.
Copy !req
323. Well, not-not front-page.
Copy !req
324. A giant gorilla in Manhattan
just escaped its restraints
Copy !req
325. - and kidnapped a lady.
- Oh, my stars.
Copy !req
326. But either way,
you'll get your story.
Copy !req
327. I've got a pretty good idea
who set me up.
Copy !req
328. Taxi.
Copy !req
329. Where to?
Copy !req
330. His whole face had been
blown off in the war.
Copy !req
331. Probably left it somewhere
in the French countryside.
Copy !req
332. Hey, guys?
Copy !req
333. Did you go home?
Copy !req
334. Did we win, at least?
Copy !req
335. Going somewhere, angel?
Copy !req
336. Mac? Wh— I-I thought
you were in jail.
Copy !req
337. - Yeah, for the murder
you committed.
Copy !req
338. Admit it,
you never had a daughter.
Copy !req
339. You were bootlegging
with the cardinal.
Copy !req
340. You killed the woman
who found you out
Copy !req
341. and then you killed the cardinal
Copy !req
342. so you could have
all the dough to yourself.
Copy !req
343. And you decided
to frame me for it
Copy !req
344. while also making me
feel very bad
Copy !req
345. about my erectile dysfunction.
Copy !req
346. Well, you did call yourself
"The Big Mac."
Copy !req
347. But look, I didn't kill anyone.
Copy !req
348. Everything I told you
was on the level.
Copy !req
349. Sister Megan is my daughter,
and I hired you
Copy !req
350. because someone slipped
your card under my door.
Copy !req
351. Well, princess,
if you're so innocent,
Copy !req
352. why you skipping town?
Copy !req
353. Because after everything
that happened,
Copy !req
354. I'm scared for my life.
Copy !req
355. And I wanted to go
somewhere safe,
Copy !req
356. like 1930s Poland or Belgium.
Copy !req
357. Or the Sudetenland.
Copy !req
358. You really think you can
pull the wool over my eyes, huh?
Copy !req
359. Then explain this.
Copy !req
360. It's about the pointlessness
of individual lives
Copy !req
361. within the relentless
march of time.
Copy !req
362. Oh. And now, explain this.
Copy !req
363. A photo of you
and your business partner,
Copy !req
364. the cardinal.
Copy !req
365. He's not my business partner.
Copy !req
366. The father is my father.
Copy !req
367. What?
Copy !req
368. I'm sorry I never told you.
Copy !req
369. We had to keep it a secret
due to his position.
Copy !req
370. But that's why when I needed
to give up my own child,
Copy !req
371. I gave her to the Church.
Copy !req
372. Save it for the cops, doll.
Copy !req
373. You can't ballet-dance
your way out of this one.
Copy !req
374. Wait, you had Charleston Chews?
Copy !req
375. When we hung out, you said
you had, like, no snacks.
Copy !req
376. Huh. I guess this is the sister
with her orphans.
Copy !req
377. What the rumpus?
Copy !req
378. Why does this one orphan
have a football-shaped head?
Copy !req
379. Well, well, Detective.
Copy !req
380. I guess you made my party
after all.
Copy !req
381. Ms. Patbottom?
Copy !req
382. My name's not Patbottom.
Copy !req
383. It's Marion Lynn Flowers.
Copy !req
384. Which is a very typical man's
name for this time period.
Copy !req
385. Like Carol.
Copy !req
386. You see, Detective,
I'm not the man, or woman,
Copy !req
387. you think I am.
Copy !req
388. My parents were very poor.
Copy !req
389. I was born in a halfway house.
Copy !req
390. My room was
on the unfinished side.
Copy !req
391. Ultimately, I wound up
in the church orphanage.
Copy !req
392. The nuns were quite cruel,
especially Sister Megan.
Copy !req
393. One morning, I was hungry,
so I asked for more.
Copy !req
394. More?
Copy !req
395. It was, like, a huge deal.
Copy !req
396. And the cardinal turned
a blind eye to my mistreatment.
Copy !req
397. All he cared about was
his bootlegging operation.
Copy !req
398. So, I called
that canine journalist
Copy !req
399. pretending to be Sister Megan,
then I killed her
Copy !req
400. with Mac's gun.
Copy !req
401. I slipped Mac's card
under Hedy's door
Copy !req
402. and I planted a roll
of film on the sister
Copy !req
403. to lead Mac not only
to the cardinal
Copy !req
404. but also to his new lover.
Copy !req
405. Fine, you didn't like
Sister Megan and the cardinal.
Copy !req
406. Why me, though? Why do
all that stuff just to frame me?
Copy !req
407. Because, Detective, your sin
was the greatest of all.
Copy !req
408. The only way I could stomach...
Copy !req
409. - Do it with pictures.
- Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
410. The only way I could
stomach life in the orphanage
Copy !req
411. a dream of being a dancer.
Copy !req
412. For years I trained,
and one day,
Copy !req
413. I finally got my big audition
at the Quahog Ballet.
Copy !req
414. I was the best dancer in town,
and I knew it.
Copy !req
415. But then, tragedy struck.
Copy !req
416. I slipped and fell,
Copy !req
417. because someone
had pooped in the street.
Copy !req
418. What the literal deuce?
Copy !req
419. I'd broken my leg.
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420. After all that training, I would
never be in The Nutcracker.
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421. And I got the part.
Copy !req
422. Yes, the part meant for me.
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423. Everything went according
to plan except for one detail.
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424. I only came here to kill her.
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425. How did you know she'd be here?
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426. Funny thing about that.
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427. I got a friend at the harbor
who owed me one.
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428. - Thanks, pal.
- Anytime, Mac.
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429. Oh, Mac, you saved us.
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430. Yeah. Your daughter
is still dead,
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431. but you get to continue
to outlive her,
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432. which is every mom's dream.
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433. Oh, just shut up and kiss me.
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434. You got it, sweetheart.
Copy !req
435. Mmm.
Copy !req
436. It was the start
of a beautiful romance.
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437. Soon, we'd be engaged,
and we invited all our friends
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438. to the wedding in Hawaii.
Copy !req
439. "Please join Mac and Hedy in
Hawaii on December 7th, 1941,
Copy !req
440. "a date that will
live in intimacy.
Copy !req
441. And on Friday,
please join us for..."
Copy !req
442. It's a whole weekend?
Copy !req
443. Sorry for not
believing you, Mac.
Copy !req
444. But thanks to you, the real
murderer is behind bars.
Copy !req
445. And the Greater Boston area
has seen its last bad priest.
Copy !req
446. So, what's gonna happen
to Marion?
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447. Well, he's a lunatic murderer
who cross-dresses in the '30s.
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448. My guess is he can
look forward to a life
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449. of loony bin craft projects
and staring out at the sea.
Copy !req
450. You think that place
can hold me?
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451. You're dead, copper.
You're all dead.
Copy !req
452. But all that's after
the castration
Copy !req
453. and full frontal lobotomy.
Copy !req
454. Wait, what?
Copy !req
455. One week later,
they took his balls and brains.
Copy !req
456. I'm Mac Bookpro, and I can
skip a rock six times.
Copy !req
457. That wasn't a good rock.
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