1. Hi there. It's me, Peter.
Copy !req
2. You know, when it comes
to making dreams come alive,
Copy !req
3. there used to be nothing
like the movies.
Copy !req
4. So we thought it would
be fun to ask
Copy !req
5. a few visionary Hollywood
directors to create his...
Copy !req
6. let's be honest, his...
Copy !req
7. own unique version of
the same Family Guy story:
Copy !req
8. "Peter Gets Fired."
Copy !req
9. Of the countless
directors we contacted,
Copy !req
10. three did not
say no immediately,
Copy !req
11. and I got a weird message
from Paul Verhoeven
Copy !req
12. that I could not understand.
Copy !req
13. Ah, Pieoter,
habinsky Vermhoeven.
Copy !req
14. Kibbensme comfurdle. Stupf.
Copy !req
15. I've listened to that
over a hundred times now.
Copy !req
16. I-I got nothin'.
Copy !req
17. Anyway,
here's our first director,
Copy !req
18. Quentin Tarantino.
Copy !req
19. - What's in your lunch?
- Pizza.
Copy !req
20. From home or from a place?
Copy !req
21. A place.
Copy !req
22. Griffin, you're
three hours late.
Copy !req
23. Stop trying to be a clock,
you ain't got the face for it.
Copy !req
24. I've had enough
of your nonsense.
Copy !req
25. Here's Christoph Waltz
to fire you in a weird accent.
Copy !req
26. Yer fi-YERD!
Copy !req
27. It's a cliché.
Copy !req
28. You think you can fire me?
Copy !req
29. I'm taking this keg as payback.
Copy !req
30. Cinema is an event.
Copy !req
31. - Where's my family?
- Dead. All of them.
Copy !req
32. Oh, my God, where am I?
Copy !req
33. - What happened?
- Ugh! Coma breath.
Copy !req
34. Coma?
How long was I out?
Copy !req
35. - What year is this?
- It's whatever year
Copy !req
36. Quentin Tarantino used
to watch television.
Copy !req
37. Well, can I go home?
Copy !req
38. Well, you're not
really ready,
Copy !req
39. but if it's for revenge,
Copy !req
40. you can stab me
with this scalpel
Copy !req
41. - and then run out.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
42. Oh, that was
unnecessary but cool.
Copy !req
43. So awesome!
Copy !req
44. Ah, so close.
Copy !req
45. No, this is better.
Copy !req
46. Somebody order
a wet-haired black guy
Copy !req
47. to help with your revenge
and sometimes
Copy !req
48. speak louder than necessary?
Copy !req
49. Angela?
Copy !req
50. We got business.
Copy !req
51. Sorry, that's my car alarm.
Cleveland, turn that off!
Copy !req
52. I'm pressing the button.
Copy !req
53. Y-You got to put the keys
in the ignition.
Copy !req
54. I've been doing that, but...
Copy !req
55. Oh, there we go.
Copy !req
56. Tricia Takanawa 88s!
Copy !req
57. Peter, I'm standing here
because I am
Copy !req
58. the only Asian recurring
character on the series.
Copy !req
59. Peter, you can tell
I'm different
Copy !req
60. because my weapon
is different.
Copy !req
61. Oh, well, then, maybe
I won't be able
Copy !req
62. to chop your head off.
Copy !req
63. Oh, yep.
Copy !req
64. Opera music makes
violence classy.
Copy !req
65. Of course.
Copy !req
66. That!
Copy !req
67. Welcome back
to our special episode,
Copy !req
68. featuring
famous directors' versions
Copy !req
69. of the same Family Guy story,
"Peter Gets Fired."
Copy !req
70. I'm still here
in front of the Hollywood Sign,
Copy !req
71. but I've asked the cameraman
to adjust the shot
Copy !req
72. so that you can only see "wood."
Copy !req
73. I thought
that would be hilarious.
Copy !req
74. You know why?
'Cause of boners.
Copy !req
75. Anyway, our next director
is Wes Anderson,
Copy !req
76. a guy who makes you feel
like you ate a pot brownie
Copy !req
77. and woke up in a greeting card.
Copy !req
78. Mmm.
Copy !req
79. Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum.
Copy !req
80. On a March day, with
a temperature of 64 degrees,
Copy !req
81. my father lost his position
Copy !req
82. with the Pawtucket Brothers
Brewery Company,
Copy !req
83. near our village
in central Quahogia.
Copy !req
84. Needless to say, it would
change our lives forever.
Copy !req
85. What does it say?
I can't read spaghetti.
Copy !req
86. You're relieved
of your position.
Copy !req
87. I see.
And what's to happen to my play?
Copy !req
88. The opening is only days away.
Copy !req
89. The play's off.
Copy !req
90. With no discernible reaction,
Copy !req
91. my father made his way home to
deliver the news to my mother.
Copy !req
92. Let me tell you about my house.
Copy !req
93. We lived
in a New England cottage
Copy !req
94. that was inside
a vintage Army tent,
Copy !req
95. that was inside
a decommissioned submarine,
Copy !req
96. that was all inside
an old airplane hangar.
Copy !req
97. I've lost my position
Copy !req
98. with the Pawtucket Brothers
Brewery Company.
Copy !req
99. And the play is off.
Copy !req
100. We have to inform the children.
Copy !req
101. My brother Chris
had spent his life
Copy !req
102. conjoining his twin loves,
Copy !req
103. medicine and escape artistry.
Copy !req
104. Eureka.
Copy !req
105. A possible cure.
Copy !req
106. Do you want to do
a Spider-Man kiss?
Copy !req
107. Our dog Brian had been
making a name for himself
Copy !req
108. on the pickleball court.
Copy !req
109. And that's match
for Gene Porterfield.
Copy !req
110. Are those marking sole shoes?
Copy !req
111. I'd like to officially file
a grievance.
Copy !req
112. Brian had quietly become
the most successful
Copy !req
113. grievance filer
in league history.
Copy !req
114. I'll be there right away.
Copy !req
115. The exterior of our
house is a lighthouse now.
Copy !req
116. Inside's the same.
Copy !req
117. Okay, back to the story.
Copy !req
118. I've summoned you all
and arranged you
Copy !req
119. in a perfectly symmetrical form
in front of me
Copy !req
120. to tell you some important news.
Copy !req
121. I've been relieved
of my position at the brewery.
Copy !req
122. What of the play?
Copy !req
123. The play is postponed,
Copy !req
124. No, Mr. Griffin.
Copy !req
125. You need to do this play.
Copy !req
126. We'll help you.
Copy !req
127. But I've lost access
to the brewery.
Copy !req
128. That's where the whole piece
is set.
Copy !req
129. Maybe it doesn't have to be.
Copy !req
130. But that's where
the free tape and paper is.
Copy !req
131. I'll buy you new tape and paper.
Copy !req
132. The play is back on.
Copy !req
133. On an overcast
Thursday afternoon,
Copy !req
134. my father presented his play,
Copy !req
135. one of the most compelling
stories of the 1980s,
Copy !req
136. Max Dugan Returns.
Copy !req
137. Max, you've returned!
Copy !req
138. I have.
Copy !req
139. This took a lot of work.
Copy !req
140. My father passed away
in the spring of his 43rd year,
Copy !req
141. and was put to rest
in the family graveyard.
Copy !req
142. He died chasing a Pokémon
across a busy street.
Copy !req
143. Hey there. It's me again.
Copy !req
144. Wouldn't it be great
if Wes Anderson's movies
Copy !req
145. were actually that short?
Copy !req
146. Anyway, the Hollywood Sign
is more historic than you think.
Copy !req
147. On this very spot, 52 years ago,
Copy !req
148. a piece of beef jerky
was planted in the ground
Copy !req
149. and watered with Red Bull.
Copy !req
150. A speedboat erupted
from the soil,
Copy !req
151. and in that speedboat...
was Michael Bay.
Copy !req
152. This already doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
153. You're fired, Griffin,
Copy !req
154. for destroying
company property.
Copy !req
155. Tell it to my tongue.
Copy !req
156. Mr. President,
we have a situation.
Copy !req
157. The Decepticons plan to destroy
the Seven Wonders of the World,
Copy !req
158. starting with the Hagia Sophia.
Copy !req
159. The what? Is that even
one of the Seven Wonders?
Copy !req
160. The Decepticons
have only one weakness.
Copy !req
161. They're allergic to beer.
Copy !req
162. I don't like the taste
either so much.
Copy !req
163. That chest plate is
where they're most vulnerable.
Copy !req
164. If we could find someone
strong enough to throw a keg
Copy !req
165. with enough force,
we might have a shot.
Copy !req
166. The only problem is,
there's not a man alive
Copy !req
167. who can throw a keg
with that kind of force.
Copy !req
168. There may be one.
Copy !req
169. I wonder who it is.
Copy !req
170. Our top story: stopping
the Decepticons with beer?
Copy !req
171. According to our sources,
Copy !req
172. the search is underway
for a man strong enough
Copy !req
173. to throw a keg
with enough force
Copy !req
174. to save
the Seven Wonders of the World.
Copy !req
175. What took you so long?
Copy !req
176. There was a train and
I like to count the cars.
Copy !req
177. It was a big one.
Copy !req
178. Me, too. That is fun.
Copy !req
179. But you're wasting
your time coming here.
Copy !req
180. I don't throw kegs anymore.
Copy !req
181. Who's this?
Copy !req
182. What are you wearing?
That's my funeral shirt.
Copy !req
183. Look, Peter, I didn't want
to ask you to do this
Copy !req
184. because of that maverick
but awesome thing you did
Copy !req
185. in the battle war of the past.
Copy !req
186. Is this the stuff you didn't
want me to ask you about?
Copy !req
187. I told you not to
ask me about that.
Copy !req
188. He went rogue
and saved everyone's lives,
Copy !req
189. but he didn't do it
by the book.
Copy !req
190. Is that why he can't
get an erection?
Copy !req
191. Everyone stop talking about me!
Copy !req
192. Listen,
it's not me that's asking,
Copy !req
193. it's America.
Copy !req
194. Tell America my answer is "no."
Copy !req
195. Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to go change my mind
Copy !req
196. in the shower.
Copy !req
197. Hold on!
Copy !req
198. Damn it, I'm in.
Copy !req
199. But I do things my way,
and I pick my crew.
Copy !req
200. Deal. Now let me sit sideways
on your motorcycle
Copy !req
201. like a Vietnamese woman,
and let's get out of here.
Copy !req
202. Still trying to put the world
back together, I see.
Copy !req
203. Hello, Peter.
Copy !req
204. We're not
joining your team.
Copy !req
205. I'm putting
together a team.
Copy !req
206. - We're in.
- Good.
Copy !req
207. Let's shake hands
like tough guys.
Copy !req
208. Some of your sweat
went in my mouth.
Copy !req
209. Oh, hello, Peter.
Copy !req
210. I was just out back
working in the garden.
Copy !req
211. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
212. Trying to grow some balls?
Copy !req
213. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
214. Play nice, boys.
Copy !req
215. Love the cookie-cutter house
you and Poindexter got here.
Copy !req
216. Never pegged you
for a burbs dweller.
Copy !req
217. Peter, you used to live here.
Copy !req
218. That was a long time ago.
Copy !req
219. It was two months ago.
Copy !req
220. Two months is a long time
Copy !req
221. when you don't sleep
and only eat ground beef.
Copy !req
222. Did you tell Chris
about my mission?
Copy !req
223. I thought you should.
Copy !req
224. This is my favorite
Copy !req
225. out of all the Seven
Wonders of the World.
Copy !req
226. The Hagia Sophia.
Copy !req
227. It's like God made
a basilica for himself.
Copy !req
228. Dad, nothing bad
will ever happen
Copy !req
229. to the Hagia Sophia, right?
Copy !req
230. Not on my watch.
Copy !req
231. The Decepticons' second target
Copy !req
232. has been announced.
Copy !req
233. It's Machu Picchu.
Copy !req
234. City in the clouds.
Copy !req
235. Inca Empire.
Copy !req
236. When did our kids get so
obsessed with the Seven Wonders?
Copy !req
237. They learned it from you.
Copy !req
238. Got to go, babe.
Copy !req
239. Pete.
Copy !req
240. Save that basilica.
Copy !req
241. According to the calculations
on my Microsoft Surface,
Copy !req
242. they have advanced
cloaking technology.
Copy !req
243. The Microsoft Surface
confirms it.
Copy !req
244. Microsoft Surface.
Copy !req
245. My Samsung Gear S2 watch
says the same thing.
Copy !req
246. We came from outer space
to step on church stuff.
Copy !req
247. That does it.
Copy !req
248. Let's have a fight with so many
quick shots and close-ups,
Copy !req
249. you can't tell what's going on.
Copy !req
250. Peter, don't.
Copy !req
251. It's suicide.
Copy !req
252. Take care of my kids' bikes.
Copy !req
253. They're expensive.
Copy !req
254. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
255. I can't believe
Peter's gone.
Copy !req
256. I never got to repeat to him
the line he said to me
Copy !req
257. earlier in the film
that has taken on new meaning
Copy !req
258. in the context
of all that has happened.
Copy !req
259. Today is the day we honor
the late Peter Griffin,
Copy !req
260. the hero who saved the
Seven Wonders of the World.
Copy !req
261. Who's that
ugly son of a bitch?
Copy !req
262. Peter, you're alive.
Copy !req
263. But-but how?
Copy !req
264. You were blown
into a million pieces.
Copy !req
265. Luckily, I know a couple
of pretty good welders.
Copy !req
266. Wait, they-they
welded you back together?
Copy !req
267. A-And they knew you were
alive the whole time?
Copy !req
268. You want to ask questions or you
want to do it in a cemetery?
Copy !req
269. Is... is everything all right?
Copy !req
270. Yeah, no,
I-I think I'm just tired
Copy !req
271. from all the flying
back and forth.
Copy !req
272. Maybe we just talk here
for a little bit,
Copy !req
273. and then you can tell everyone
that I functioned as I should.
Copy !req
274. Yeah, uh, okay.
Copy !req
275. So, which director thing
was your favorite?
Copy !req
276. Mine was this one.
Copy !req
277. Oh, honestly, I-I didn't
care for the episode.
Copy !req