1. - Peter, you're not even dressed.
- For what?
Copy !req
2. Chris's class is performing
a rock and roll choir.
Copy !req
3. They've been practicing
for months.
Copy !req
4. "For months," or "four months"?
Copy !req
5. For months. Three months.
Copy !req
6. Not long enough. Pass.
Copy !req
7. I just wish we were doing songs
Copy !req
8. that weren't so hard
to sing as a group.
Copy !req
9. - How was it?
- Terrible.
Copy !req
10. We now return
to a 1980s movie
Copy !req
11. you remember fondly,
Copy !req
12. but now feels
excruciatingly slow.
Copy !req
13. All right, Stripes.
Copy !req
14. Ah, this was hilarious.
Copy !req
15. All right,
Bill Murray's driving a cab.
Copy !req
16. - Still driving a cab.
Copy !req
17. Shot of the town.
Copy !req
18. Going over a bridge.
Copy !req
19. Traffic's neither
heavy nor light.
Copy !req
20. Get in the Army!
Copy !req
21. I hope you don't plan
on just lying on the couch
Copy !req
22. and watching TV all weekend.
Copy !req
23. That's exactly
what I plan to do.
Copy !req
24. It's a free premium channel
preview weekend.
Copy !req
25. Even Cinemax.
Copy !req
26. One of the shows is actually
two boobs fighting.
Copy !req
27. Sadly, there's still
no penetration.
Copy !req
28. Well, just expect me to do
Copy !req
29. a lot of sour-faced,
arms-folded head shaking.
Copy !req
30. Well, in return,
Copy !req
31. you'll get a lot of
beaten-down husband eye-rolls.
Copy !req
32. One of the neighbors
called about
Copy !req
33. a passive-aggressive
domestic dispute.
Copy !req
34. Ooh, is that Stripes?
Copy !req
35. Eh, he's not in the Army yet.
Copy !req
36. Peter, this is ridiculous.
Copy !req
37. You've been lying here
all weekend.
Copy !req
38. I'm not bringing you
any more food.
Copy !req
39. I don't need you to.
I got a thousand dollar credit
Copy !req
40. from Uber Eats 'cause
that driver pinched my bottom.
Copy !req
41. Okay, well if you don't get up,
I won't have sex with you.
Copy !req
42. And that will be
different how...?
Copy !req
43. And I'm still married
to you because...?
Copy !req
44. Guys, second time this week.
Copy !req
45. Peter, you got to come outside.
Copy !req
46. We found a used condom
on the sidewalk.
Copy !req
47. That's a bigger deal
than regular garbage.
Copy !req
48. Ribbed.
A woman was pleased with it.
Copy !req
49. You got to see this, Peter.
Copy !req
50. A used condom.
Copy !req
51. Just right out here.
Copy !req
52. And there's panties nearby.
Copy !req
53. Joe, you're a cop.
Copy !req
54. What do you think happened here?
Copy !req
55. I'll tell you what happened.
Copy !req
56. Somebody did it.
Copy !req
57. Yeah!
Copy !req
58. Peter, come out here
and high five us
Copy !req
59. over the sex someone else had.
Copy !req
60. Someone had sex?
Copy !req
61. I got to touch another guy's
hand to celebrate.
Copy !req
62. Oh, now he gets to the Army.
Copy !req
63. Hmm. I've seen this before.
Copy !req
64. It's from Ethan Allen,
if I'm not mistaken.
Copy !req
65. - Am I gonna be okay?
- You'll be fine.
Copy !req
66. Here's a video
to help you understand.
Copy !req
67. Hi, I'm Oliver Platt, and I'm
currently fused to this chair.
Copy !req
68. But how does it happen?
Copy !req
69. When a fat guy's sweaty skin
Copy !req
70. presses against couch fabric
Copy !req
71. for an extended period of time,
Copy !req
72. the fabric fibers
fuse together with the skin.
Copy !req
73. The longer you stay sedentary,
the stronger the bond.
Copy !req
74. My advice: relax.
Copy !req
75. It's not the end of the world.
Copy !req
76. Being fused to furniture
hasn't stopped me
Copy !req
77. from being an adult
with a child's name.
Copy !req
78. And having thicker hair
than a werewolf.
Copy !req
79. The procedure is called
"Rip You Off Real Fast."
Copy !req
80. Very painful. Ready?
Copy !req
81. Actually, I've decided
to keep the couch on me.
Copy !req
82. Really? Are you sure?
Copy !req
83. Oh, yeah. This is nothing.
Copy !req
84. I've been in uncomfortable
situations before.
Copy !req
85. Like, whenever
I meet famous people.
Copy !req
86. Hey, what's up? I'm Snoop Dogg,
know what I'm saying?
Copy !req
87. I do.
Copy !req
88. But you don't, Peter,
you don't.
Copy !req
89. How is it? Is-a good?
Copy !req
90. Eh, it's a little tight.
Copy !req
91. A little tight in-a the couch?
Copy !req
92. Yeah, it's a little tight
in the couch.
Copy !req
93. Hey, what's it like
going through life
Copy !req
94. holding needles in your lips?
Copy !req
95. Is-a not easy.
Copy !req
96. Some-a time-a the needle,
they poke-a my lip,
Copy !req
97. and I say-a, "Mamma mia!"
Copy !req
98. Well, you still got
James Brolin coming in here,
Copy !req
99. autographing your photos.
Copy !req
100. That's kind of cool.
Copy !req
101. You want to know
something, a-Peter?
Copy !req
102. He no come in here.
Copy !req
103. I take-a the photo
from the dry cleaner's.
Copy !req
104. Mamma mia, what a day.
Copy !req
105. And now to say good night
Copy !req
106. to all-a my celebrity pictures
on-a the wall.
Copy !req
107. Buona notte,
Christopher Plummer.
Copy !req
108. Sleep-a with the angels,
Sherman-a Hemsley.
Copy !req
109. See you when-a the sun shine,
Ken Ober.
Copy !req
110. And now, to say good night
to my favorite-a celebrity,
Copy !req
111. James-a Brol— mamma mia!
Copy !req
112. Who steal-a my James Brolin?
Copy !req
113. I take-a that photo
from the bakery.
Copy !req
114. Pasta fazool,
what a good day in-a the bakery.
Copy !req
115. You take-a good care
of the place
Copy !req
116. while I'm-a gone,
William-a Katt.
Copy !req
117. That goes a-double for you,
James-a Brol— mamma mia!
Copy !req
118. Uh, hey, Mom?
Copy !req
119. Was I always able to see the
living room from the kitchen?
Copy !req
120. I've had enough of this.
Copy !req
121. That stupid couch
is messing up our house.
Copy !req
122. If Peter won't let
Dr. Hartman remove it,
Copy !req
123. we're doing it ourselves.
Copy !req
124. I put an Ambien in his beer,
so he's out cold.
Copy !req
125. I saw you put Ambien
in your beer, too.
Copy !req
126. Every adult has
to take Ambien every night
Copy !req
127. to even have a prayer at sleep.
Copy !req
128. All right, kids,
we're gonna use these scissors
Copy !req
129. to separate your father
from the couch.
Copy !req
130. I can't tell skin from couch.
Copy !req
131. Well, err on the skin side.
Copy !req
132. I love this couch.
Copy !req
133. It's from Ethan Allen, you know.
Copy !req
134. Wha...?
Copy !req
135. W-What-what's going on?
Copy !req
136. Peter, enough is enough,
that couch is coming off.
Copy !req
137. We're sick of your shenanigans.
Copy !req
138. How dare you?
Copy !req
139. I work my ass off to bring home
the bacon for this family,
Copy !req
140. and all you can say is,
"We don't want bacon,
Copy !req
141. we want actual money!"
Copy !req
142. Well, I don't have money,
I spent it all on bacon!
Copy !req
143. Peter, put yourself
in our shoes.
Copy !req
144. I can't. My feet swelled up
too much from all the bacon.
Copy !req
145. Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to sleep
Copy !req
146. on the couch on the couch.
Copy !req
147. Chris, give me a hand with this.
Copy !req
148. All right, you ready?
Copy !req
149. All right, one, two, three.
Copy !req
150. - Okay, uh, easy, easy, easy...
- Uh... uh...
Copy !req
151. - Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.
- Okay, all right.
Copy !req
152. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop,
stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
Copy !req
153. - Stop, stop.
- What? What?
Copy !req
154. - No, no, no, no, no. Twist it.
- What? I am.
Copy !req
155. Just look down, all right?
Just-just look at me,
Copy !req
156. look what I'm doing. All right,
see the way I'm twisting it?
Copy !req
157. - Okay, ju— No, no, no, no, no.
- Okay. Wait— what?
Copy !req
158. You know what? All right, just—
hang— just put-put it down.
Copy !req
159. - Put it down. Just drop it,
drop it.
- All right. All right.
Copy !req
160. All right, let's... Let's just
hang on and figure this out.
Copy !req
161. All-all right, okay.
Copy !req
162. All right. Okay. I-I got it.
I know what we're gonna...
Copy !req
163. Okay, okay. All right, y-you—
we— here's what we're gonna do,
Copy !req
164. We're gonna take
the cushions off,
Copy !req
165. unscrew the legs,
take the mattress out,
Copy !req
166. and this whole thing's
gonna be a lot simpler.
Copy !req
167. It's easier
than we're making it.
Copy !req
168. - This isn't working.
Copy !req
169. You know what?
Just give me a push.
Copy !req
170. I have some bad news.
Copy !req
171. Ethan survived,
but Allen didn't make it.
Copy !req
172. - What about Peter?
- Oh, him.
Copy !req
173. He's in what we call a comma.
Copy !req
174. Now, where's his chart?
Copy !req
175. Ah, here it is.
"Griffin coma Peter."
Copy !req
176. Will he ever recover?
Copy !req
177. How long is he gonna
be like this?
Copy !req
178. Please tell me
he's gonna be okay...
Copy !req
179. Oh, God.
Copy !req
180. God?
Copy !req
181. Yes.
Copy !req
182. And no Trump questions.
Copy !req
183. Okay.
Copy !req
184. I have nothing else to ask you.
Copy !req
185. I can't believe I'm stuck
in an elevator with God.
Copy !req
186. Although, I guess you are
everywhere, and in all places.
Copy !req
187. No, you're thinking
of Kevin Hart.
Copy !req
188. Ha! I know, right?
Copy !req
189. I-In every movie.
Copy !req
190. Him and The Rock.
Copy !req
191. Oh, I love The Rock.
Copy !req
192. No, no, no,
I love The Rock, too.
Copy !req
193. He's just-he's just in
a lot of stuff.
Copy !req
194. You know, his real name
is Dwayne Johnson.
Copy !req
195. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
196. We have Us Weekly on Earth, too.
Copy !req
197. Wait, why are you here?
Copy !req
198. Shouldn't you be up in heaven?
Copy !req
199. There was an issue.
Copy !req
200. Uh, a-a few angels came forward.
Copy !req
201. I don't remember things
exactly as they do,
Copy !req
202. but I respect their experience.
Copy !req
203. How did I get here?
Copy !req
204. Well, you had a couch
attached to your back,
Copy !req
205. and you fell down the stairs
and hit your head pretty hard.
Copy !req
206. Am I in a Leftovers?
Copy !req
207. Is this a Leftovers?
Copy !req
208. I don't know what that is.
Copy !req
209. It was an HBO show starring
a bottle of hair dye.
Copy !req
210. Man, this thing is really stuck.
Copy !req
211. Hey, can you use
your God powers to get us out?
Copy !req
212. No, they don't really work
in elevators.
Copy !req
213. Kind of like a cell phone.
Copy !req
214. I don't have a signal.
Copy !req
215. I have a cell phone.
Copy !req
216. It's silver.
Copy !req
217. That's rad, Peter.
Copy !req
218. I always dreamed of being stuck
in an elevator with Tom Brady.
Copy !req
219. That makes two of us.
Copy !req
220. Can I ask you
my Tom Brady questions?
Copy !req
221. I wouldn't deign
to speak for Tom Brady.
Copy !req
222. Understood, understood.
Copy !req
223. - Hey, do atheists go to hell?
- No.
Copy !req
224. How about people who say
they are not religious,
Copy !req
225. but they are spiritual?
Copy !req
226. Straight to hell,
to the boiler room of hell.
Copy !req
227. All the way down.
Copy !req
228. Sometimes, I pull them out
Copy !req
229. just so they think everything
is gonna be okay,
Copy !req
230. but then,
I put them right back in.
Copy !req
231. Good, good.
Copy !req
232. That makes me happy.
Copy !req
233. Um, God, here's something
you might be able to tell me.
Copy !req
234. Will Taylor Swift and Katy Perry
Copy !req
235. ever reconcile
their differences?
Copy !req
236. What are you looking for?
Copy !req
237. Oh, I'm sorry,
I'm looking for the gay guy
Copy !req
238. who can answer that one.
Copy !req
239. Some people say we're just
a computer simulation
Copy !req
240. run by a higher species.
Copy !req
241. - Is that true?
- It is.
Copy !req
242. My guy sucks.
Copy !req
243. Want to trade guys
for a little while?
Copy !req
244. Oh, never mind.
Copy !req
245. I'll stick with this pile
of crap I already have.
Copy !req
246. All right, can you name every
SNL actor alphabetically?
Copy !req
247. - Alphabetically by last name?
- Yes.
Copy !req
248. - And no featured players?
- Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
249. Fred Armisen, Dan Aykroyd,
Morwenna Banks, Vanessa Bayer...
Copy !req
250. Jon Lovitz, Norm Macdonald,
Gail Matthius—
Copy !req
251. Gail Matthius, good pull.
Copy !req
252. Michael McKean,
Mark McKinney...
Copy !req
253. Nancy Walls, Kristen Wiig,
and Sasheer Zamata.
Copy !req
254. Wow. Now do Kids in the Hall.
Copy !req
255. That was five guys, Peter.
Copy !req
256. - Name 'em.
- I can't.
Copy !req
257. Does reincarnation exist?
Copy !req
258. It does.
Copy !req
259. As past human lives
or as animals?
Copy !req
260. - Both.
- Who have I been?
Copy !req
261. - You were Henry the Eighth.
- Wow!
Copy !req
262. Let me finish. You were Henry,
the eighth guy to have sex
Copy !req
263. with Rock Hudson
at one of his pool parties.
Copy !req
264. Aww.
Copy !req
265. How many more shows is
John Stamos gonna get?
Copy !req
266. - Zero.
- Good. That's— That's good.
Copy !req
267. Are you real?
Copy !req
268. Do you think I'm real,
Copy !req
269. I like to believe there's
something bigger than me
Copy !req
270. out there keeping a watch out.
Copy !req
271. Different people think
different things.
Copy !req
272. I'm kind of like a nanny cam.
Copy !req
273. The idea that
I may exist is enough
Copy !req
274. for some people
to behave better.
Copy !req
275. When I used to ask my mom
what God was, she would say,
Copy !req
276. "God is love."
I always liked that.
Copy !req
277. That's nice, Peter.
Copy !req
278. God and love are
very similar concepts.
Copy !req
279. - They come from the same place.
- Tatooine?
Copy !req
280. Ha! I always forget
you're such a Star Wars guy.
Copy !req
281. Man, when are they gonna fix
this elevator?
Copy !req
282. It's not broken. I just haven't
decided where it's going yet.
Copy !req
283. What's a "mezzanine"?
Copy !req
284. - It's like a loge.
- What's a "loge"?
Copy !req
285. Oh, hey, what's with
all the questions?
Copy !req
286. Yeah, you don't know either.
Copy !req
287. W-Wait, hold on.
Copy !req
288. - Am I— Am I dead?
- Yes.
Copy !req
289. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
290. Since you're now a ghost,
would you like to do pottery
Copy !req
291. while straddling
present-day Demi Moore?
Copy !req
292. - Pass.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
293. Not getting a lot of takers
for that one.
Copy !req
294. I feel like
the bones in her back
Copy !req
295. would hurt my tummy.
Copy !req
296. Am I— Am I really dead?
Copy !req
297. Well, if you weren't dead,
Copy !req
298. would you feel nothing
when I do this?
Copy !req
299. Ah! Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
300. Oh, you know what?
That's right, it takes a day.
Copy !req
301. M-My bad. Sorry.
Copy !req
302. Tomorrow I do that,
you feel nothing.
Copy !req
303. But trust me, you're dead.
Copy !req
304. But I can't be.
Hold on, give me a sec.
Copy !req
305. I can't be dead.
I have a family who needs me.
Copy !req
306. Actually, Peter,
from what I've seen,
Copy !req
307. I think your family would be
better off without you.
Copy !req
308. What? What do you mean?
Copy !req
309. Well, you're an
inattentive husband
Copy !req
310. and a terrible parent.
Copy !req
311. Oh, says Father of the Year.
Copy !req
312. Oh, please. He played that
for all it was worth.
Copy !req
313. "Why has thou forsaken me?"
Copy !req
314. You know what?
I did him a favor.
Copy !req
315. Okay, well, th-there's a lot
to unpack there.
Copy !req
316. But come on, God, you gotta
give me another chance.
Copy !req
317. I'll show you how good a husband
and father I can be.
Copy !req
318. Are you asking for
a second chance?
Copy !req
319. I-I guess so.
Copy !req
320. Huh. No one's ever done that.
Copy !req
321. You know what? You're on.
Copy !req
322. I'll give you one day
to prove to me
Copy !req
323. that your family is better off
with you alive.
Copy !req
324. I'll return you to your life
before you were in a coma.
Copy !req
325. Thanks, God! I know I can do it.
Copy !req
326. I've faced bigger challenges.
Copy !req
327. Like when I recorded that
Russian language album.
Copy !req
328. Okay, kids. I know how you
always wanted kittens,
Copy !req
329. so guess what I brought home?
Copy !req
330. This very pregnant,
Copy !req
331. distended-nipples street cat.
Copy !req
332. Peter, you can't bring home
a feral cat.
Copy !req
333. She doesn't want to be
around people right now.
Copy !req
334. She needs a quiet space
to have her kittens.
Copy !req
335. Yeah, so everyone
gather 'round close.
Copy !req
336. Her name is Sophie,
and she's fully dilated.
Copy !req
337. - Chris!
Copy !req
338. She doesn't like that, but
I understand the instinct.
Copy !req
339. Now, we all need to do our part
to help with the birth.
Copy !req
340. - Meg, boil some water.
Copy !req
341. Brian, get some clean rags.
Copy !req
342. Chris, blankets.
Copy !req
343. - Stewie, Band-Aids for me.
Copy !req
344. Isn't it nice that we're
spending this time together
Copy !req
345. as a family?
Copy !req
346. Let's go spend it in the ER.
Copy !req
347. Well, look at us.
Out for a fun family dinner.
Copy !req
348. If anyone's watching, they'd
say, "Look at that family.
Copy !req
349. Look how happy they are."
Copy !req
350. Well, the kids do love
Copy !req
351. Yeah, getting to design
any burger you want?
Copy !req
352. Your only limit is
your imagination.
Copy !req
353. What kind you make there
for yourself, Chris?
Copy !req
354. - Plain.
- Plain?
Copy !req
355. What do you mean "plain"?
Copy !req
356. It's a plain burger.
That's how I like them.
Copy !req
357. That's not a burger,
that's just a meat sandwich.
Copy !req
358. At least Meg went wild
and got a beige burger.
Copy !req
359. No, I got chicken.
Copy !req
360. What? Here?
This is Fuddruckers.
Copy !req
361. What— what part of Fuddruckers
don't you understand?
Copy !req
362. All of it.
Copy !req
363. All right,
let's start this again.
Copy !req
364. You're all gonna get up,
Copy !req
365. go back up to that
toppings bar, and go nuts.
Copy !req
366. But it tastes good like this.
Copy !req
367. It's not supposed to taste good.
It's supposed to look crazy.
Copy !req
368. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
369. I'm cutting it.
It's easier to eat.
Copy !req
370. It's not supposed to be
easy to eat.
Copy !req
371. Half of it is supposed
to fall onto your plate
Copy !req
372. when you squeeze it, and the
rest goes onto your shirt.
Copy !req
373. How's everything going
over here?
Copy !req
374. Terrible! Go away!
Copy !req
375. See, look, now I have to be
even more ridiculous
Copy !req
376. to make up for what you guys
aren't doing.
Copy !req
377. Silverware? Put them on.
Salt shaker? Whatever.
Copy !req
378. Ice from soda,
get on that burger.
Copy !req
379. Peter, people are staring.
Copy !req
380. Yeah, they're saying,
"Look at the creative guy.
Copy !req
381. "Look at King Fuddrucker
over there.
Copy !req
382. "Usually you put a burger
on a tray.
Copy !req
383. This guy's putting a tray
on a burger!"
Copy !req
384. Are you through, Peter?
Copy !req
385. Not yet, I'm not.
Give me the car keys.
Copy !req
386. - Peter...
- Give me... the car keys.
Copy !req
387. That's Fuddruckers.
Copy !req
388. Peter, you've opened the trunk.
Copy !req
389. People are pulling things
out of our car.
Copy !req
390. Good. That's also Fuddruckers—
get used to it.
Copy !req
391. And prepare to fish my teeth
out of my stool.
Copy !req
392. - Peter, enough.
- You guys clearly don't get it.
Copy !req
393. I'm sure when you explain
what we're supposed to get,
Copy !req
394. we'll get it.
Copy !req
395. Those poor kids.
Those poor babies.
Copy !req
396. Hey, Chris,
what do you got there?
Copy !req
397. A plain burger.
Copy !req
398. Looks good.
Copy !req
399. You can do this, Peter.
Copy !req
400. You love your family.
Copy !req
401. You can do this, Peter,
you love your family.
Copy !req
402. You can do this, Peter.
You love your family.
Copy !req
403. Dad, can you crack your window
a little bit?
Copy !req
404. I hate you all so much!
Copy !req
405. - Uh-oh.
Copy !req
406. Ah!
Copy !req
407. Did you guys see that?
Copy !req
408. The bunny rabbit family
you just ran over?
Copy !req
409. Yeah. We all saw that, Peter.
Copy !req
410. Come on, kids.
Let's go inside.
Copy !req
411. Before you go,
there's something I want to say.
Copy !req
412. If anything were to happen
to me, Lois,
Copy !req
413. I'll miss you more than life...
Copy !req
414. the cereal, but not the board
game, which I quite enjoy.
Copy !req
415. - Okay.
- And Meg,
Copy !req
416. I'm sorry I'll never
get a chance
Copy !req
417. to walk you down the aisle...
at Costco,
Copy !req
418. to furnish your sad,
single-lady apartment.
Copy !req
419. - Thanks, Dad.
- And Stewie,
Copy !req
420. it kills me that I'll never see
you become a man— loving twink.
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421. Is anyone gonna stop him?
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422. And, Chris, whenever you're
feeling defeated,
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423. I want you to remember to always
reach for the Stars—
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424. sky and Hutch DVD that fell
behind the entertainment center.
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425. Sorry, you were the last one.
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426. - What about me?
- You're a dog.
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427. Peter, what's going on?
Why are you saying these things?
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428. Sorry. W-Why don't you guys
go inside?
Copy !req
429. I'm gonna stay out here and
listen to Nina Blackwood
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430. slowly die of throat cancer
on the radio.
Copy !req
431. Our next
artist first climbed the charts
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432. with "Dancing With Myself."
Copy !req
433. Of course,
that artist is Billy Idol.
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434. - I'm supposed to get her
a week from Thursday,
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435. but I may be moving that up.
Copy !req
436. I suppose you know why
I'm here.
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437. Yeah. I guess so.
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438. It's weird.
For the first seven days,
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439. all I did was create things,
but since then,
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440. it's just killing,
killing, killing.
Copy !req
441. Well, go ahead and do it.
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442. My family would be better off
without me.
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443. I'm a terrible husband
and a terrible father.
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444. I should never have
questioned you.
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445. You were right about everything.
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446. Say that again.
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447. You were right about everything.
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448. That's all I needed to hear.
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449. That's what religion is.
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450. It's not about being good
or bad.
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451. It's just blind subservience
to an imaginary being.
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452. So, I'm not gonna die?
Copy !req
453. Nope, not for another
four years.
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454. Thank you, God!
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455. Bless you, my child...
pornography fan.
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456. You did it to me.
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457. - Can I use that one on my son?
- Sure.
Copy !req
458. Hey, Chris, you like
pictures of naked children
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459. because you're gross and weird.
Copy !req
460. Ah, he screwed it up.
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461. And I'm sorry about Fuddruckers.
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462. It won't happen again.
Copy !req
463. Because nothing means more to me
than my family.
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464. Oh, Peter. That's wonderful.
What helped you come around?
Copy !req
465. Well, Lois, let's just say
the big man upstairs
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466. put in a hard day's work today.
Copy !req
467. Well, looks like quitting time.
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468. Good night, Kirk Cameron.
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469. See you tomorrow, Gene Rayburn.
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470. See you when the sun rises,
James Bro— Mamma mia!
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