1. We now return
to Vedder Call Saul.
Copy !req
2. Okay, so tell me
exactly what happened.
Copy !req
3. Were you on drugs?
Copy !req
4. Turn that off.
I'm mad at TV.
Copy !req
5. Peter, what's wrong?
Copy !req
6. Family Guy has been
around since 1999
Copy !req
7. and whenever it's time for the
Emmys, they don't give us one.
Copy !req
8. I'm sick of it!
Copy !req
9. Well, I'm not making another
episode with The Simpsons.
Copy !req
10. What did that get us?
Copy !req
11. I'll tell you
what it got us.
Copy !req
12. More ink
for The Simpsons.
Copy !req
13. Yeah. "Simpsons plays
down to competition."
Copy !req
14. "Simpsons step
into the sewer."
Copy !req
15. "Shame on you, Simpsons."
Copy !req
16. Those lucky bastards.
Copy !req
17. Well, this week, we
do classy comedy.
Copy !req
18. Emmy comedy.
Copy !req
19. I think that's a great idea.
Copy !req
20. It's about time we made
some quality television
Copy !req
21. like Modern Family, Girls
and Transparent.
Copy !req
22. That's the spirit.
Copy !req
23. let's make this our
Emmy-winning episode.
Copy !req
24. So get all your pukes
and farts out now.
Copy !req
25. I mean, I mean, I mean...
Copy !req
26. not funny.
Copy !req
27. Kids, it's me, tu madre,
Lois Griffin.
Copy !req
28. Time for breakfast.
Copy !req
29. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
30. Good morning, Lois,
which is who you are.
Copy !req
31. My wife, Lois.
Hugging my wife.
Copy !req
32. Package
for Peter Griffin.
Copy !req
33. Thank you, unknown
delivery woman.
Copy !req
34. Forget the freaking Emmy.
Copy !req
35. If you touch her ass,
I will...
Copy !req
36. "Amazon."
Copy !req
37. Ay, my Uncle Alejandro
lives in the Amazon.
Copy !req
38. Do you think he has sent us
shoes made from banana leaves?
Copy !req
39. Boy, the, uh,
the ethnic characters
Copy !req
40. on these Emmy-winning shows
Copy !req
41. aren't exactly rocket
scientists, are they?
Copy !req
42. I don't know what you
talkin' about, Liz Lemon.
Copy !req
43. No, this is something
I ordered, for me.
Copy !req
44. I am a woman
and always have been.
Copy !req
45. I've made plans
to undergo surgery
Copy !req
46. so my wang don't get in the way
of the woman what I am.
Copy !req
47. Ay, dios mio.
Copy !req
48. Lois, I'll still be a parent
to our children.
Copy !req
49. But now I'll be
a trans-parent.
Copy !req
50. Get it? Transparent?
Copy !req
51. Clever pun, right?
Copy !req
52. Please, honor me
for my courage.
Copy !req
53. I think gender-reassignment
surgery is very brave
Copy !req
54. and the fat man should win
some kind of award for it.
Copy !req
55. The fat woman.
Copy !req
56. He hasn't
chopped it off yet.
Copy !req
57. That doesn't matter.
Copy !req
58. Peter already
identifies as a woman.
Copy !req
59. And on karaoke night,
I identify as George Michael.
Copy !req
60. That doesn't mean
it's true.
Copy !req
61. Brian's just mad because
he has to be the lady one.
Copy !req
62. Which makes you the one
who's gay in real life.
Copy !req
63. Daddies, I'm standing
here, delivering my line
Copy !req
64. with more emotion and
less of a monotone
Copy !req
65. than the actual Lily
on Modern Family.
Copy !req
66. I'm now confident enough
to share my truth
Copy !req
67. with the rest of my loved ones,
beginning with my son, Chris.
Copy !req
68. Bazinga, Father.
Copy !req
69. Assuming father is still
the appropriate designation.
Copy !req
70. What-what are you doing?
Copy !req
71. Waiting for the
laugh to die down.
Copy !req
72. I'm here
because I've decided
Copy !req
73. to become the woman
I am inside.
Copy !req
74. Can you find it in your heart
to accept me?
Copy !req
75. Oh, Dad, science has
moved so far past
Copy !req
76. binary gender
Copy !req
77. And if being a woman
makes you happy,
Copy !req
78. then in the words of Mr.
Spock, "It's only logical."
Copy !req
79. Wow, I couldn't
follow any of that,
Copy !req
80. but look how smart
your audience is.
Copy !req
81. Ha-ha.
Copy !req
82. Louis C.K.?
Copy !req
83. Is that you?
Copy !req
84. Yup. I'm a big fan
of yours, Peter.
Copy !req
85. Wow, that's great because if
Louis C.K. likes something,
Copy !req
86. everyone has to.
That's right.
Copy !req
87. Well, I'm glad my popularity
has cooled off just enough
Copy !req
88. that you were able
to get me to do this.
Copy !req
89. Bye, Peter.
Copy !req
90. Boy, he's not afraid
to go there, I'm told.
Copy !req
91. Norm!
Copy !req
92. ative gender roles
have been turned upside down.
Copy !req
93. Correct, Quagmire.
Copy !req
94. I'm going in for
gender-reassignment surgery.
Copy !req
95. What the hell, Peter?
Copy !req
96. First my dad and now you?
Copy !req
97. Am-am I... is it...
am I doing this to people?
Copy !req
98. Is it— do you guys feel like
cutting off your penises?
Copy !req
99. No, but I can turn it inside out
like rolling up a dress sock.
Copy !req
100. You guys aren't
supporting my choice?
Copy !req
101. Well, what do you
expect, Peter?
Copy !req
102. I-I mean a sex
change operation?
Copy !req
103. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
104. I'll tell you why
I'm doing all of this.
Copy !req
105. For me.
Copy !req
106. M-E. M-E.
Copy !req
107. I'm doing it for M-E.
Copy !req
108. Ew. I mean, yay!
Copy !req
109. Man or woman,
I'm a big fat joke.
Copy !req
110. No one takes me seriously.
Copy !req
111. I do, Dad.
Copy !req
112. You've inspired me to nakedly
eat this cake in a weird place.
Copy !req
113. Thanks to you,
I now believe in me.
Copy !req
114. Me.
Copy !req
115. M-E.
Copy !req
116. I believe in M-E.
Copy !req
117. Okay, okay, all right.
Copy !req
118. Don't want one that bad.
Copy !req
119. Peter, I'd like
to introduce the surgeon
Copy !req
120. who will perform
your procedure today.
Copy !req
121. Dr. Wang Gon.
Copy !req
122. Wow, I can't believe all you
guys came out to support me.
Copy !req
123. You guys aren't just
the best friends I've ever had.
Copy !req
124. You're also the best comedy.
Copy !req
125. Aw.
Copy !req
126. Great job, everyone.
Copy !req
127. If that don't get us the Emmy,
nothing will.
Copy !req
128. Where do you
think you're going?
Copy !req
129. Doc, I'm not actually going
through with the operation.
Copy !req
130. I'm going home.
Copy !req
131. We're doing this
whether you like it or not.
Copy !req
132. Doc, no. Stop him!
Somebody help!
Copy !req
133. You want the Emmy,
don't you?
Copy !req
134. And that is how
I became your mother.
Copy !req
135. So, the Emmy committee
Copy !req
136. watched our submission
for Best Comedy?
Copy !req
137. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
138. All right, thank you.
Copy !req
139. They hated it so much, they
gave us a negative Emmy.
Copy !req
140. We now owe them an Emmy.
Copy !req
141. The Emmys aren't fair.
Copy !req
142. I mean, shows like Nurse Jackie
are basically dramas,
Copy !req
143. but they get comedy awards
all the time.
Copy !req
144. That's it.
Copy !req
145. We'll sneak
into the drama category.
Copy !req
146. That's how we'll win the Emmy
with dark, confusing plot twists
Copy !req
147. like on Homeland or Mad Men.
Copy !req
148. Ooh, or Breaking Bad.
Copy !req
149. Or Mr. Robot Chicken.
Copy !req
150. No, Chris,
it's Mr. Robot.
Copy !req
151. Chicken.
Mr. Robot.
Copy !req
152. Chicken!
No, no, Chris, you see,
Copy !req
153. Mr. Robot is a critically
acclaimed show.
Copy !req
154. Robot Chicken is something
kids used to watch in 2006.
Copy !req
155. It's basically four
minutes of nonsense
Copy !req
156. on at 1:00 in the morning
breaking up personal injury ads.
Copy !req
157. Chicken.
Copy !req
158. Please, don't.
Copy !req
159. Why... won't...
Copy !req
160. you... die?
Copy !req
161. Shh.
Copy !req
162. Shh, that's right.
Copy !req
163. I'm your dad.
Copy !req
164. Your gentle, suburban dad.
Copy !req
165. Oh, what a twist. Shh.
Copy !req
166. Hey, Dad.
Copy !req
167. Sure must be tough
having a son
Copy !req
168. with goofy noodle
legs like mine.
Copy !req
169. Chris, I love you
Copy !req
170. no matter how useless
you are in a paddleboat.
Copy !req
171. Peter, those crows
keep getting in.
Copy !req
172. This whole house
is falling apart.
Copy !req
173. It's okay, my long-suffering,
quietly dissatisfied wife.
Copy !req
174. We'll get
everything repaired.
Copy !req
175. How? We can't afford it.
Copy !req
176. We have to pay for
Chris's doctor bills
Copy !req
177. and meds for our
daughter in the CIA.
Copy !req
178. Damn, she's good
at her job.
Copy !req
179. How are we ever gonna
pay all these bills
Copy !req
180. that have been perfectly
ripped across the top
Copy !req
181. so the words "past
due" are visible?
Copy !req
182. Oh, I just thank God
Copy !req
183. there's no devastating
turn of events going on
Copy !req
184. that I don't know about.
Copy !req
185. You have cancer.
How long do
I have to live?
Copy !req
186. One week.
Copy !req
187. While I give the rest
of your diagnosis,
Copy !req
188. I'm going to gradually
talk quieter,
Copy !req
189. as if I'm growing distant
Copy !req
190. to show how overwhelmed
you are by this news.
Copy !req
191. Yo, you five-o?
Copy !req
192. No, I'm 87.
Copy !req
193. But how flattering.
Copy !req
194. Now, get me drugs,
scummy drug dealer.
Copy !req
195. You got it,
mayor of our city.
Copy !req
196. Mm. I wonder which of us
is the bigger criminal.
Copy !req
197. Oh, that's easy. You are.
Copy !req
198. Hey, can you teach
me to sell drugs?
Copy !req
199. Hold up. Are you wearing
a The Wire?
Copy !req
200. No. I need money for
sympathetic reasons
Copy !req
201. and I have no other
option than crime.
Copy !req
202. I mean, I could sell stuff
on eBay, but... shipping.
Copy !req
203. Well, I am pulling
a heist at a meth lab.
Copy !req
204. I suppose I could
use the help.
Copy !req
205. Great! You won't
regret this.
Copy !req
206. When it comes to
selling drugs,
Copy !req
207. you and me will
be a better team
Copy !req
208. than the old lady's
eyeballs on Downton Abbey.
Copy !req
209. I'm looking way over
in this direction.
Copy !req
210. And I'm looking
way over here.
Copy !req
211. That way we can see all
the awards flying at us.
Copy !req
212. Here comes one now.
Copy !req
213. Best Cutaway.
Copy !req
214. Remember, kill
anything that moves.
Copy !req
215. Even a kid?
Especially a kid.
Copy !req
216. You got to kill a kid at least
once a season to make people go,
Copy !req
217. "Oh, I can't believe
they killed a kid."
Copy !req
218. Let's go.
Copy !req
219. Wait, we did this already.
Copy !req
220. G-Go back.
Copy !req
221. Or-Or forward?
Copy !req
222. I'm-I'm lost.
Copy !req
223. I'll get help!
Copy !req
224. Brian, call off
this drone strike,
Copy !req
225. Dad needs us.
Copy !req
226. Damn it, Meg, we're about to
take out the head of ISIS!
Copy !req
227. Hoo! Woo-hoo!
Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
228. Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!
Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
229. Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!
Okay, you've made your point.
Copy !req
230. You're lucky you're
so good at your job.
Copy !req
231. Wha...?
Copy !req
232. That was badass how it went
from the guy burning up
Copy !req
233. to the barbecue, right?
Best Director.
Copy !req
234. Hey, Peter, I was thinking
about this Emmy thing.
Copy !req
235. What's the most acclaimed
drama of all time?
Copy !req
236. The Sopranos.
Copy !req
237. And what's the most
memorable moment
Copy !req
238. in the history of that show?
Well, I'd have to say...
Copy !req
239. Nice briefcase
full of cash.
Copy !req
240. Where'd you get the money for
a briefcase like that, Peter?
Copy !req
241. I want in.
Copy !req
242. I need the money to pay off
my mysterious boss, Mr. Robot.
Copy !req
243. Chicken!
Copy !req
244. Chris, get back
in the house!
Copy !req
245. My whole plan,
Copy !req
246. fallin' apart like a...
house of cards.
Copy !req
247. You know, growing up in Gaffney,
Copy !req
248. my daddy always said,
"Turn the other cheek."
Copy !req
249. Kevin Spacey always said,
Copy !req
250. "I was just walkin' my dog
in that park at 3:00 a.m."
Copy !req
251. I don't trust either one of 'em.
Copy !req
252. I suppose it's time
to tell my wife the truth.
Copy !req
253. Like a man.
Copy !req
254. And then,
I sold all the drugs...
Copy !req
255. 'cause the doctor
said I had the cancer...
Copy !req
256. and I killed the guys,
Copy !req
257. and Joe took all
the mon— the money!
Copy !req
258. I see.
Copy !req
259. Are... are you
leavin' me?
Copy !req
260. No, Peter.
Copy !req
261. I'm helping you kill that cop.
Copy !req
262. Because I'm darker than you
and the audience ever thought!
Copy !req
263. What a twist.
Copy !req
264. For five long years,
orange was my new black.
Copy !req
265. Peter, I don't care
if it's drug money.
Copy !req
266. I have grown accustomed
to Hulu Plus.
Copy !req
267. If you think I'm going back
to regular Hulu, you're crazy!
Copy !req
268. We don't even watch
that much Hulu.
Copy !req
269. I still want it
just in case!
Copy !req
270. Now take off all your clothes
so we don't get blood on 'em...
Copy !req
271. when we kill that cop
in the desert.
Copy !req
272. Oh, the beginning
all makes sense now.
Copy !req
273. Why... won't... you... die?
Copy !req
274. Whoa!
Copy !req
275. I did not
see that coming.
Copy !req
276. One more.
Let's watch one more.
Copy !req
277. Well, hold on.
Copy !req
278. Like all
television viewers,
Copy !req
279. our first priority
before deciding
Copy !req
280. to continue
watching a show
Copy !req
281. should be whether or not
it features enough diversity.
Copy !req
282. I felt very
Copy !req
283. Aw, I'm glad, honey.
Copy !req
284. Mmm.
Copy !req
285. Hey, thanks for letting me
come over, you guys.
Copy !req
286. Telegram for
Mr. Griffin.
Copy !req
287. Thank you,
someone's nephew.
Copy !req
288. Would you mind
reading it out loud
Copy !req
289. for maximum
old-timey effect?
Copy !req
290. "To P. Griffin, from the
Emmy Board of Governors.
Copy !req
291. "Dear Mr. Griffin, stop.
Copy !req
292. "We understand you've been
attempting to win an Emmy, stop.
Copy !req
293. Stop, stop."
Is that all?
Copy !req
294. No, there's another
from Fleetwood Mac.
Copy !req
295. "Don't stop, stop.
Copy !req
296. Thinking about
tomorrow, stop."
Copy !req
297. And here's one
from The Supremes.
Copy !req
298. "Stop, stop.
In the name of love, stop."
Copy !req
299. Are you finished?
Copy !req
300. Are you asking me
to stop, stop?
Copy !req
301. Peter, close the door.
Copy !req
302. Well, that's it.
Copy !req
303. We didn't get
Best Drama either.
Copy !req
304. This is hopeless.
Copy !req
305. We've tried everything.
Copy !req
306. No, Lois, we haven't.
Copy !req
307. But that's just what
we're gonna do: everything!
Copy !req
308. We're gonna try for
every single Emmy category.
Copy !req
309. Starting with
Best Stunt Performance.
Copy !req
310. Aah!
Copy !req
311. Peter, I don't think
that's a category.
Copy !req
312. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
313. Best Documentary.
Copy !req
314. Aah!
Copy !req
315. Chris is
playing my dummy nephew.
Copy !req
316. Our family actually lines up
really well for this.
Copy !req
317. Best Competitive
Reality Show!
Copy !req
318. Peter, you're out.
I'm off the show?
Copy !req
319. No, your penis is out.
Copy !req
320. You're in.
I'm in?
Copy !req
321. No, urine is running
down your leg.
Copy !req
322. Outstanding Casting
for a Comedy Series!
Copy !req
323. Okay, so the deal is,
I get girls like you jobs.
Copy !req
324. The jobs pay $1,000
to $5,000 a day.
Copy !req
325. I'm recording
this interview.
Copy !req
326. And then I send the
demo tape to producers,
Copy !req
327. and if they like you,
they're gonna hire you.
Copy !req
328. Have you done anything
like this before?
Copy !req
329. Never. This is my first time.
Copy !req
330. All right, now, a lot of
these scenes are gonna be
Copy !req
331. you interacting
with someone else,
Copy !req
332. so I'll just come around
and read with you.
Copy !req
333. Now, since I'm
holding the camera,
Copy !req
334. I'm gonna need some help
with my belt buckle.
Copy !req
335. And there you have it,
Family Guy reaches a new low
Copy !req
336. as it grovels and begs
for a meaningless award.
Copy !req
337. I would say they've got about as
much chance of winning an Emmy
Copy !req
338. as the Republican Party has
of accomplishing something.
Copy !req
339. Peter, over here.
Copy !req
340. Bill Maher? What are you doing
not smirking outside a church?
Copy !req
341. Uh, yeah, I was
just doing that.
Copy !req
342. Uh, look, Peter,
I'm here for two reasons:
Copy !req
343. first, to find out who that
Asian girl was on the couch,
Copy !req
344. and second, to tell you that
Copy !req
345. Family Guy will never, ever
win an Emmy.
Copy !req
346. Okay, first of all,
that was Asa Akira.
Copy !req
347. I think you knew that.
Copy !req
348. Second, are you sayin'
there's a conspiracy against us?
Copy !req
349. Follow the Emmy.
Copy !req
350. It's back this way.
Copy !req
351. And who was that
Asian girl on the couch?
Copy !req
352. I think you knew
who that was.
Copy !req
353. To convey this moment of shock
Copy !req
354. at the depth
of the conspiracy around me,
Copy !req
355. here's Ryan O'Neal in the movie
Tough Guys Don't Dance.
Copy !req
356. Oh, man.
Copy !req
357. Oh, God. Oh, man.
Copy !req
358. Oh, God.
Copy !req
359. Oh, man.
Copy !req
360. Oh, God. Oh, man.
Copy !req
361. Oh, God. Oh, man. Oh, God!
Copy !req
362. Peter, there you are.
Copy !req
363. I've been calling
you all night.
Copy !req
364. Where the hell
have you been?
Copy !req
365. No time to explain.
Copy !req
366. This Emmy thing goes deep.
Copy !req
367. The same people win year
after year after year.
Copy !req
368. It's like there's
some kind of secret society
Copy !req
369. that takes all the awards and
is keepin' us from getting one.
Copy !req
370. Yeah, I know. They're
all here to see you.
Copy !req
371. Hello, Peter.
Copy !req
372. The Michelin Man?
Copy !req
373. You're part of this?
Copy !req
374. No, I'm two-time
Emmy-winner Alec Baldwin.
Copy !req
375. Peter, stop snooping
around the Emmys.
Copy !req
376. Yeah, butt out.
Copy !req
377. It's none of
your business.
Copy !req
378. Well, why not,
Julie Bowen?
Copy !req
379. Huge fan, by the way.
Just huge.
Copy !req
380. What are you hiding?
Copy !req
381. What's the big, secret reason
Copy !req
382. Family Guy can't win an Emmy?
Copy !req
383. All right, we'll tell you.
Copy !req
384. Your show sucks.
Copy !req
385. Peter, I'm famous
writer Aaron Sorkin.
Copy !req
386. Walk and talk
with me.
Copy !req
387. You wouldn't know
my work because
Copy !req
388. I don't write for
Juggs magazine.
Copy !req
389. Let me explain
"writing" to you.
Copy !req
390. You can't take a scene
from Ferris Bueller,
Copy !req
391. cross out the name "Ferris,"
and replace it with "Peter."
Copy !req
392. And the racial stuff on your
show is just embarrassing.
Copy !req
393. You have people of color
voiced by white actors.
Copy !req
394. No!
Copy !req
395. Hell, I'm
Shonda Rhimes,
Copy !req
396. and I'm being voiced
by a white actor.
Copy !req
397. And worst of all,
Copy !req
398. you take this
big pile of garbage,
Copy !req
399. and you tie it all up by having
everyone sit around saying,
Copy !req
400. "At least everything's
back to normal,"
Copy !req
401. as if something happened.
Copy !req
402. When nothing happened!
Copy !req
403. It was a complete waste
of everyone's time!
Copy !req
404. Well, I'm glad all this
Emmy nonsense is over
Copy !req
405. and things are
back to normal.
Copy !req
406. Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
407. You know, I may not get Emmys,
Copy !req
408. but I do get the best award
of all: my family.
Copy !req
409. And this e-mail
from a young fan.
Copy !req
410. "Dear sir,
your show helped me
Copy !req
411. when I was going
through chemotherapy."
Copy !req
412. Aw.
Copy !req
413. "My favorite episode was when
Homer stays home from church..."
Copy !req
414. Ah, damn it,
he thinks we're The Simpsons.
Copy !req
415. Hey, what do you say,
one last try?
Copy !req
416. Why not?
Copy !req
417. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
418. please enjoy this spectacular,
live-action chicken fight,
Copy !req
419. starring Ty Burrell.
Copy !req
420. Good night!
Copy !req
421. Shh. Shh.
Copy !req
422. I don't have any more
room in my house.
Copy !req