1. I got to say,
some days I wish
Copy !req
2. I didn't have
a sister.
Copy !req
3. Oh...
Copy !req
4. What?
Copy !req
5. Oh, I thought
you asked me
Copy !req
6. what was going on
with my sister.
Copy !req
7. I did not.
Copy !req
8. Hey, look.
Tom Tucker.
Copy !req
9. Good evening,
I'm Tom Tucker.
Copy !req
10. Coming up, tonight's
second story.
Copy !req
11. But first, Quahog
says good-bye
Copy !req
12. to an old friend.
Copy !req
13. That's right, Tom.
Medieval Castle,
Copy !req
14. which has been a staple of
family entertainment and dining,
Copy !req
15. is closing its doors.
Copy !req
16. The restaurant has gone
into foreclosure,
Copy !req
17. and will be up
for auction tomorrow.
Copy !req
18. Yes, hard to believe a place
where you eat with your hands
Copy !req
19. next to piles
of horse dung
Copy !req
20. while untrained
theater students fight
Copy !req
21. with real swords could be
drowning in lawsuits.
Copy !req
22. Medieval Castle?
I love that place.
Copy !req
23. My sister almost got
a job there once.
Copy !req
24. Guys, we should go to that
auction tomorrow and buy it.
Copy !req
25. I mean, can you imagine
if we had our own
Copy !req
26. medieval castle?
Copy !req
27. I bet it'd be
even more fun
Copy !req
28. than when I went
to White Castle.
Copy !req
29. Huh. Name's a little deceiving.
Copy !req
30. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
31. Oh, it's my back.
It's killing me.
Copy !req
32. Yeah, I'm not falling for
that hot-oil massage bit again.
Copy !req
33. No, this time
it's not a bit.
Copy !req
34. I'm really hurt.
Copy !req
35. I must have jacked it up
playing sports
Copy !req
36. and not trying to dance
like Beyoncé.
Copy !req
37. Wow. If you're
in that much pain,
Copy !req
38. I better tell Lois.
Copy !req
39. Please don't.
Copy !req
40. Then she'll drive me
to the doctor,
Copy !req
41. and I hate being
in the car with her.
Copy !req
42. Okay, I guess
that's not my part.
Copy !req
43. There it is, guys.
Aw, this is gonna be awesome!
Copy !req
44. We just got to win
this auction,
Copy !req
45. and then we'll have
our own castle.
Copy !req
46. Oh, yeah?
Over my dead tooth!
Copy !req
47. Good afternoon, and welcome
to today's auction.
Copy !req
48. I'm Al Harrington,
of Al Harrington's
Copy !req
49. Wacky Waving Inflatable
Copy !req
50. Tubeman Warehouse and Emporium.
Copy !req
51. Due to the presence
of black mold,
Copy !req
52. discarded half-eaten
turkey legs,
Copy !req
53. and an undulating rat king
that no one dares approach,
Copy !req
54. I have been advised
to move these proceedings along
Copy !req
55. as quickly as possible.
Copy !req
56. Do I hear an opening bid?
Copy !req
57. Do I hear an opening bid
for this majestic
Copy !req
58. fiberglass castle facade,
Copy !req
59. masking what was once
a Midas Muffler shop?
Copy !req
60. Two bits.
Copy !req
61. Two bits.
That's 25 cents in the Old West.
Copy !req
62. We have 25 cents.
Do I hear higher than 25 cents?
Copy !req
63. This paper bag, which could be
full of money or my socks.
Copy !req
64. You take the chance.
Copy !req
65. We have an intriguing
mystery bag.
Copy !req
66. Do I hear more
than the mystery bag?
Copy !req
67. Two bits and a cardboard box,
Copy !req
68. which may or may not contain
a mystery bag.
Copy !req
69. Already the most
challenging auction
Copy !req
70. I have ever been a part of.
Copy !req
71. Do I hear a higher bid
Copy !req
72. from that James Bond villain
over there?
Copy !req
73. 50 kroner.
Copy !req
74. Which, converted
to American currency,
Copy !req
75. is $7.40.
Copy !req
76. Do I hear a much higher bid,
followed by shocked murmuring?
Copy !req
77. $10,000!
Copy !req
78. I'm shocked.
That's shocking.
We're all shocked.
Copy !req
79. We can't afford that.
Copy !req
80. Peter, do something.
I can't.
Copy !req
81. There's only $9,000
in the mystery bag.
Copy !req
82. Due to my 12:00 noon
court appointment
Copy !req
83. as part of a crippling
child-custody battle
Copy !req
84. with my horrific ex-wife,
Copy !req
85. I am saying going once,
going twice,
Copy !req
86. and awarding this condemned
building to you...!
Copy !req
87. Damn, it, we lost!
Copy !req
88. I guess the castle was
a crazy idea anyway.
Copy !req
89. I should probably
just invest this money
Copy !req
90. in a 401-Gay.
Copy !req
91. And how long before
I can take this out?
Copy !req
92. Man, those losers don't
deserve that castle.
Copy !req
93. I would call my
sister about this
Copy !req
94. if she were able
to answer the phone.
Copy !req
95. Poor thing.
Copy !req
96. Poor, poor thing.
Copy !req
97. Well, you know,
in castle times,
Copy !req
98. if you wanted something,
you just took it.
Copy !req
99. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
100. I'm saying the four of us
should storm that castle
Copy !req
101. and take it for ourselves.
Copy !req
102. Should we do it
with careful planning,
Copy !req
103. or have another couple beers
and then just go for it?
Copy !req
104. Well, let's make
that decision
Copy !req
105. after another
couple beers.
Copy !req
106. I checked with my mom,
and she said
Copy !req
107. it was cool with her if
we wanted to sleep here tonight.
Copy !req
108. I'm pretty sure I can.
Count me in.
Copy !req
109. I'm gonna have to
go home and get my pillow.
Copy !req
110. Yes, you heard me right,
cancel my insurance.
Copy !req
111. I've been in this location
for 40 years,
Copy !req
112. and never once have
I broken a lamp.
Copy !req
113. Good day, sir.
Copy !req
114. God, I hope
he's got insurance.
Copy !req
115. Of course he's got
Copy !req
116. He's been at this location
for 40 years.
Copy !req
117. Yes, you heard me right.
Copy !req
118. Cancel my husband's
life insurance.
Copy !req
119. He's been in perfect health
for 40 years.
Copy !req
120. We're selling the lamp store
and going to travel.
Copy !req
121. We need this after losing
both our children.
Copy !req
122. Good day, sir.
Copy !req
123. All right, plan "B."
Copy !req
124. We'll shoot flaming arrows,
like in Robin Hood.
Copy !req
125. So should I be aiming
for an open window,
Copy !req
126. or just arcing it
over the wall?
Copy !req
127. I don't know, I've never
seen the movie,
Copy !req
128. just the Bryan Adams video.
Copy !req
129. Oh, such a good song.
Copy !req
130. Archers...
Copy !req
131. Yeah?
Copy !req
132. Oh, yeah, he's that guy, too.
Copy !req
133. Prepare to fire.
Copy !req
134. I wonder what they're
gonna put here.
Copy !req
135. Trader Joe's?
Copy !req
136. Oh, I would love a Trader Joe's!
Copy !req
137. Sorry to keep you,
I was reading this
Copy !req
138. Highlights magazine
in the waiting room.
Copy !req
139. Do you see any differences
between these two pictures?
Copy !req
140. Oh, the pie has
a wedge removed.
Copy !req
141. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
142. Dr. Hartman, were you
able to tell anything
Copy !req
143. from Stewie's X rays?
Copy !req
144. Oh, yeah. Little guy's
got scoliosis.
Copy !req
145. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
146. Oh, no, am I gonna be
a big-shoe, small-shoe guy?
Copy !req
147. But don't worry,
he'll be fine.
Copy !req
148. He just needs to wear
this brace for a while
Copy !req
149. to correct it.
Oh, dear.
Copy !req
150. Now, does he have any
school pictures coming up?
Copy !req
151. Yeah, he actually does.
Copy !req
152. Well, then, this will not be
Copy !req
153. a "refrigerator door" year.
Copy !req
154. All right, this says
if we don't get arrested
Copy !req
155. for the next six months,
Copy !req
156. the arson and mayhem
charges will be dropped.
Copy !req
157. Hey, sorry again,
you guys.
Copy !req
158. Ah, no harm done.
Copy !req
159. Yeah, no hard feelings,
Copy !req
160. I've already
forgotten about it.
Copy !req
161. I'm too busy thinking
about my hot date tonight.
Copy !req
162. Yeah, right.
"Hot date."
Copy !req
163. With your left hand
or your right hand?
Copy !req
164. Actually, I use both and do,
like, an Indian burn.
Copy !req
165. But that's not
what this is.
Copy !req
166. Tonight I'm getting lucky.
Copy !req
167. Hi, are you Mort?
Copy !req
168. Why, yes, I am.
Copy !req
169. What the hell was that?
Mort's getting laid?
Copy !req
170. Yeah, thanks to Tinder,
he's had a different girl
Copy !req
171. every night this week.
Copy !req
172. What's "Tinder"?
Copy !req
173. It's an app
for your phone
Copy !req
174. where two strangers
can hook up
Copy !req
175. for a dirty liaison.
Copy !req
176. What, like hookers?
Copy !req
177. Just two horny people
with phones.
Copy !req
178. Wait, I don't get it.
Copy !req
179. So you hit 'em
on the head with your phone
Copy !req
180. and knock 'em out?
Copy !req
181. No, you just swipe
someone's picture,
Copy !req
182. they come over,
and you plow 'em.
Copy !req
183. Wow!
I gotta try this.
Copy !req
184. I mean, easy sex
on the Internet?
Copy !req
185. Did you know
about this, Scott Baio?
Copy !req
186. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
187. And you, Scott Caan?
Copy !req
188. Did you also know about
easy sex on the Internet?
Copy !req
189. And how about you, douche bag
music producer Scott Storch?
Copy !req
190. Quagmire, all the Scotts
know about it.
Copy !req
191. Okay, let's get me
set up on this Tinder thing.
Copy !req
192. I can't wait
to start getting laid
Copy !req
193. at the push of a button.
Copy !req
194. Well, first you got to
set up your profile.
Copy !req
195. Oh, yeah, I've been
working on that.
Copy !req
196. I wrote several
long paragraphs
Copy !req
197. describing my interests,
some pet peeves,
Copy !req
198. choice of wine, a couple
of inspirational quotes,
Copy !req
199. things I've learned
from my cats...
Copy !req
200. No, no, no, no.
None of that.
Copy !req
201. You want a naked
bathroom selfie
Copy !req
202. covering your stuff with
a fistful of $100 bills.
Copy !req
203. That shows you like sex,
and you got mon-ay!
Copy !req
204. Well, that seems
a bit crude.
Copy !req
205. Oh, she's cute.
Copy !req
206. And wearing
a yin-yang necklace.
Copy !req
207. That's interesting.
I wonder what beach that is.
Copy !req
208. No, no, no.
Give me that.
Copy !req
209. Here, you see this?
You see what I'm doing?
Copy !req
210. Not even looking.
I'm swiping "yes."
Copy !req
211. Yes, yes, yes.
Casting a wide net.
Copy !req
212. Heh, look at this.
Copy !req
213. You already got a hit.
And she sent a message.
Copy !req
214. She did? What am I
looking at here?
Copy !req
215. It's mostly small,
colorful pictures.
Copy !req
216. Those are emojis.
Read 'em.
Copy !req
217. Okay, it says "Hey,"
and then a kissy face,
Copy !req
218. and then, like,
a saucy, smirking face,
Copy !req
219. three balloons,
and a locomotive.
Copy !req
220. What the hell is all this?
Copy !req
221. Maybe she likes you.
Send something back.
Copy !req
222. Okay. "Dearest Theresa,
I hope this finds you well.
Copy !req
223. I so appreciated
your last communication..."
Copy !req
224. No, stop, stop!
God, stop, stop.
Copy !req
225. Just send her an eggplant
and the erupting volcano.
Copy !req
226. All right, take a gander.
Copy !req
227. Gawk at the Elephant Man.
Let's get it all out.
Copy !req
228. There's our brave guy.
Copy !req
229. And just for being
such a trooper,
Copy !req
230. I thought maybe
you could be
Copy !req
231. the first in line
for snack today.
Copy !req
232. Really?
On pretzel day?
Copy !req
233. And after that,
you can hold the bunny!
Copy !req
234. Yeah, I'll pass on that.
Copy !req
235. But the pretzel thing sounds
up my alley.
Copy !req
236. Now, if I could
just find someone
Copy !req
237. to wear this hero hat.
Copy !req
238. I think
I found him.
Copy !req
239. Well, I say, that was
a pleasant surprise.
Copy !req
240. You know, like when
a woman in a Porsche Cayenne
Copy !req
241. isn't a complete bitch.
Copy !req
242. Huh. Well, I did
not expect that.
Copy !req
243. I wasn't telling you to go,
Copy !req
244. I was trying to smell
my own fart.
Copy !req
245. Hi, are you Courtney,
from Tinder?
Copy !req
246. You must be Glenn.
I got you these.
Copy !req
247. A lovely bouquet
for a lovely...
Copy !req
248. Yeah, take off your pants
and sit on the coffee table.
Copy !req
249. Okay.
Copy !req
250. That was great.
Copy !req
251. And we can still
make our reservation.
Copy !req
252. What? Why?
Copy !req
253. We already had sex.
Copy !req
254. So I don't have to make
small-talk with you
Copy !req
255. or spend any money?
Of course not.
Copy !req
256. Here, wipe yourself off
with this West Elm catalog.
Copy !req
257. My God, this app is amazing!
Copy !req
258. Thank you, cell phone Jesus.
Copy !req
259. Huh?
Copy !req
260. Oh, yeah, fine.
Copy !req
261. So, how's it going
with the back brace?
Copy !req
262. Are people giving
you a hard time?
Copy !req
263. Quite the contrary, Brian.
Copy !req
264. Apparently,
people love the wretched.
Copy !req
265. Thanks to this thing,
I was offered seats
Copy !req
266. directly behind
home plate at Fenway.
Copy !req
267. I passed.
Copy !req
268. Wow, that patient next door
Copy !req
269. is fat.
Copy !req
270. I can hear you.
Copy !req
271. Uh, that wasn't me,
that was Mrs. Griffin.
Copy !req
272. So, I've got
Stewie's results here.
Copy !req
273. Um, it appears
the back brace
Copy !req
274. has corrected
the spine very nicely.
Copy !req
275. That's wonderful.
Copy !req
276. Stewie doesn't have
to wear the brace anymore.
Copy !req
277. What? No! I can't
give this thing up.
Copy !req
278. Wait, what do you mean?
Copy !req
279. You want to keep
wearing the brace?
Copy !req
280. Of course I do.
Copy !req
281. It's the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
Copy !req
282. When I wear this brace,
Copy !req
283. I get pampered like
the queen of England.
Copy !req
284. So, I have the most money
in the world, right?
Copy !req
285. Yes, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
286. Great. Can you make sure my hair
Copy !req
287. looks like anyone
in a nursing home?
Copy !req
288. All right, hitting the links.
Copy !req
289. Joe, golf shorts may not be
the right look for you.
Copy !req
290. It's gonna be a nice day.
Copy !req
291. Not for us, if you wear those.
Copy !req
292. Well, that seems
a little hurtful.
Copy !req
293. Hey, where's Quagmire?
Our tee time's in 20 minutes.
Copy !req
294. I don't know.
Copy !req
295. I haven't seen much of him
since he discovered Tinder.
Copy !req
296. Tinder?
Copy !req
297. Quagmire, come on.
It's time for golf.
Copy !req
298. I swipe "no" on golf.
Copy !req
299. Smells kind of gamey in here.
Copy !req
300. Swipe "yes" on Betsy.
Swipe "yes" on Jennifer.
Copy !req
301. Swipe "yes" on Andrea. Swipe
"yes" on all the lady faces.
Copy !req
302. Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe,
swipe, swipe, swipe.
Copy !req
303. Let's, uh, let's get a little
light in here, huh, buddy?
Copy !req
304. The yellow face!
Copy !req
305. It burns my Tinder!
Copy !req
306. Oh, my God, he's lost it.
Copy !req
307. That app's turned Quagmire
into some kind of sex ghoul.
Copy !req
308. The way he's crouching,
there's a teste peeking out.
Copy !req
309. Hey, listen, Quagmire,
Copy !req
310. you're our friend,
all right?
Copy !req
311. We hate to see you like this.
Copy !req
312. I don't have any friends,
Copy !req
313. only sex people
from the phone.
Copy !req
314. You got to stop this.
Copy !req
315. It looks like you haven't
left this room in weeks.
Copy !req
316. No need to leave.
They all come here.
Copy !req
317. Sometimes they bring
burgers and cheese.
Copy !req
318. Hey, come on, Quagmire,
let's go for a walk, huh?
Copy !req
319. Get some fresh air...
oh, for God's sake.
Copy !req
320. You're gonna have a baby
in your butt, man.
Copy !req
321. Can't leave.
Copy !req
322. "Heather within five
miles" is coming.
Copy !req
323. Are you
"Glenn within five miles"?
Copy !req
324. I can take my glass eye out
Copy !req
325. if you want to try
something different.
Copy !req
326. I got a good feeling about her.
Maybe she's the one.
Copy !req
327. Let's do it in the garage.
Copy !req
328. It's kind of cold, but we can
do sweaters on, pants off.
Copy !req
329. Look, he left his phone.
Copy !req
330. I'm just gonna nudge
it with my knee
Copy !req
331. into this empty pizza box...
and it's stuck to my knee.
Copy !req
332. Let's, uh, let's just go.
Copy !req
333. All right, we got to just
throw that phone away
Copy !req
334. and end this
once and for all.
Copy !req
335. Yeah, no kidding.
Quagmire's in bad shape.
Copy !req
336. He looks worse than I did
after that day at the beach.
Copy !req
337. I spanked somebody else's kid.
Copy !req
338. Sorry I was late.
Copy !req
339. You're still wearing
that back brace?
Copy !req
340. That can't be good for you.
Copy !req
341. Dr. Hartman said you were
done with that thing.
Copy !req
342. I'm not gonna listen
to that bozo.
Copy !req
343. Of course
I'm still wearing it.
Copy !req
344. Watch me jump this line.
Copy !req
345. Excuse me, I have scoliosis.
Copy !req
346. Excuse me.
Scoliosis, coming through.
Copy !req
347. Hey, pal. Polio.
Copy !req
348. A thousand apologies.
Copy !req
349. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe.
Copy !req
350. Come on, I'm not getting
any matches!
Copy !req
351. All right, Quagmire,
we got to talk.
Copy !req
352. This whole thing's
out of control, Quagmire.
Copy !req
353. You got to get off Tinder.
Copy !req
354. Yeah, there's plenty of nice
women out in the real world
Copy !req
355. to meet the old-fashioned way.
Copy !req
356. And on top of that,
Tinder makes you gross.
Copy !req
357. That's the Tinder.
Copy !req
358. You know, a surprising number
of them live near the airport.
Copy !req
359. You guys can just forget it.
Copy !req
360. I'm not quitting Tinder.
Copy !req
361. Guys, I've been
to the doctor's.
Copy !req
362. I do have a baby
in my butt.
Copy !req
363. Mm, you're still here.
Copy !req
364. Did we...?
Copy !req
365. What the deuce?
Copy !req
366. Brian! Brian!
Copy !req
367. Yes, is it possible
to get Showtime for free
Copy !req
368. for the next, like,
two hours to see if I like it?
Copy !req
369. Brian!
Copy !req
370. What is this?
What's happening to me?
Copy !req
371. Oh, my God, Stewie.
Copy !req
372. It's got to be from wearing
that damn brace all the time.
Copy !req
373. Your neck must have
atrophied so much
Copy !req
374. it can no longer
support your head.
Copy !req
375. You've got to take
me to the hospital.
Copy !req
376. Absolutely.
Copy !req
377. Let me just watch
Jennifer's Body
Copy !req
378. and we'll go right there.
Copy !req
379. Brian, there's no nudity
in that movie.
Copy !req
380. Take me to the hospital!
Copy !req
381. What, so it's rated
"R" for curses?
Copy !req
382. God, this country.
Copy !req
383. Is it, is it noticeable?
Copy !req
384. Oh, nothing that
can't be fixed
Copy !req
385. with a string of chili
pepper Christmas lights.
Copy !req
386. I wore that brace for
the next five years of my life.
Copy !req
387. The kids stopped cheering
the second day.
Copy !req
388. Then it was just, "Get off
the swing, you Christmas turd."
Copy !req
389. I'll have another one, Jerome.
Copy !req
390. You sure you haven't
had too many?
Copy !req
391. Just give me a drink.
Copy !req
392. Sir, is everything
all right?
Copy !req
393. I'm fine. I'm fine, it...
Copy !req
394. oh, h... oh, hey,
uh, you on Tinder?
Copy !req
395. What? That gross
dating thing?
Copy !req
396. No. Look, I'm not
trying to pick you up,
Copy !req
397. it just seemed like you
were upset about something,
Copy !req
398. and I know when I'm upset, it's
nice to let someone else in.
Copy !req
399. Giggity.
Copy !req
400. What did you just say?
Copy !req
401. I-I-I don't know.
Copy !req
402. I think I said,
I said, "Giggity."
Copy !req
403. Okay.
Copy !req
404. Come on, Quagmire,
this is a real girl
Copy !req
405. right in front of you.
Copy !req
406. Just pick her up
and take her home.
Copy !req
407. You don't need your phone.
Copy !req
408. Don't listen to him.
I'm all you need.
Copy !req
409. Are you really gonna listen
to a phone over me?
Copy !req
410. God, I don't know why
I do this anymore.
Copy !req
411. Don't give up,
Miniature Quagmire.
Copy !req
412. This is exactly why you got
Copy !req
413. into the over-the-shoulder
advice business.
Copy !req
414. Ignore him,
Miniature Quagmire.
Copy !req
415. Give up on your attempt
to convince real Quagmire
Copy !req
416. to not use Tinder,
and to instead have sex
Copy !req
417. with this woman who's
right in front of him.
Copy !req
418. Wait, what's going on?
Copy !req
419. I'm just saying,
you used to have skills
Copy !req
420. that no one else had,
that took you years to hone.
Copy !req
421. You were an artist.
Copy !req
422. Ah, damn.
I think I was too wordy.
Copy !req
423. I'm still an artist.
Copy !req
424. What was that?
Copy !req
425. I was just saying,
I am upset about something.
Copy !req
426. I thought you were.
Copy !req
427. Do you want to talk about it?
Copy !req
428. I do.
Copy !req
429. I buried
my twin brother today.
Copy !req
430. We were very close.
Copy !req
431. We used to finish
each other's, um...
Copy !req
432. Sentences?
Copy !req
433. Oh, oh, I just got chills.
Copy !req
434. I'm Sandra.
Copy !req
435. I'm Glenn.
Copy !req
436. You know, I just,
Copy !req
437. I just feel like my penis
shouldn't be alone tonight.
Copy !req
438. All right.
Copy !req
439. Well, looks like
Quagmire's back.
Copy !req
440. Yep, he's scumming it up
in the real world again.
Copy !req
441. And all it took
was for us to hire
Copy !req
442. that $200 dirty prostitute
Copy !req
443. to pretend to be
a nice lady in a bar.
Copy !req
444. I'm just glad she's a prostitute
Copy !req
445. and not that lady murderer
that's been all over the news.
Copy !req
446. Hi, I'm that prostitute you guys
hired to seduce your friend.
Copy !req
447. Oh, boy. Well, deal's off,
he's dead.
Copy !req
448. But perhaps we can make
other arrangements.
Copy !req
449. Hey, do you think
I could try to kick one?
Copy !req
450. No.
You're all-time goalie.
Copy !req